Tools and facilities

How to wind the hair on the curler: the types of files, how to curl


One of the oldest proven and convenient ways to make curls or curls out of straight hair, as well as add volume - styling hair with curlers. This is a very fast and resistant opportunity to create a feminine image.

The most important thing is to adapt to the curlers and learn how to use them so that you get the hairstyle you need. In the modern world there is a huge variety of curlers - from plastic to electric curlers.

When choosing hair curlers, pay attention to their size and consider the quality and length of hair, the type of face. Pick those that suit your hairstyle and needs.

For hair styling on hair curlers of medium length and short, use hair curlers of small and medium diameter. For long hair - large.

Features of laying on plastic curlers with clips

Classic styling - perm on plastic curlers. They are easy to use and harmless to hair. Just apply some styling products on clean damp hair and wrap them on plastic curlers with a clip, dividing the hair into strands. To avoid the formation of broken strands, try to carefully put on the clips.

Plastic curlers are suitable for both cold and hot curling. The disadvantage of plastic curlers is a long time of wearing them and not always the expected result (creases from clamps).

Strand begin to wind from the very tips, try to twist smoothly and without kinking. It will relieve from the ends sticking out in different directions. Twist with tension, perpendicular to the growth of hair, trying to keep the strand from getting out of the curlers. Leave to dry completely.

Rubber hair curlers

At home, it is not very easy to use rubber curlers. They are slightly flattened and have a non-perfectly round shape, with a fixing cap, which leads to a change in the shape of the curl and complicates the technology of hair styling with this type of curlers. This requires experience, skill and special skills. If the services of a professional hairdresser are not available, choose another type of hair curlers.

There are also rubber curlers round shape. Having learned the technology of hair styling on such curlers, you can create curls of any shape. But on their own it is very difficult to style thick and long hair with the help of rubber curlers.

Rubber curlers, were popular before, when there was still nothing to choose from. Usually they need to pass more than one hour, so the best option is to wind them up for the night, that's just not comfortable to sleep in them.

Styling on curlers boomerangs

For any length and type of hair styling is applied on foam curlers "boomerangs". They are very comfortable, safe (do not spoil the structure of the hair) and easy to use. It is enough to bend and fix them, by twisting. They are soft, so you can sleep in them. To obtain smooth and beautiful curls also need skill in their application. The boomerang curlers are made of compacted foam rubber, inside of which there is a flexible wire rod. They come in all different diameters.

Twirl curlers boomerangs should be on almost dry hair (moisture can spoil the material from which the curlers are made), starting from the very tips. Wrap the hair around the middle of the curler several times, until a flagellum is formed. Fix, bending the ends of the sticks up and to the middle. Fixed curlers can be twisted in different directions, without fear that the curls will get the wrong shape or deform during sleep.

Choosing hair curlers consider hair length. For long and thick hair, get long hair curlers boomerangs.

Hair styling on curlers boomerangs

Rules laying on heated hair rollers

For thick and difficult to style hair suitable hot styling using heated hair rollers. They are made of plastic and come in all different sizes, inside them there is wax or other heat-absorbing materials. Heated hair rollers used in the 19th century. Then special wax pigs heated in hot water were wound on the hair.

Heated hair rollers are heated in boiling water (5-10 minutes) or a special stand and quickly wound them on dry or slightly damp hair. For long-term styling curlers should be kept until completely cool on the hair. Scrub only after 20-30 minutes after removing the curlers. Using heated hair curlers allows you to save time. This styling is suitable for both long and short hair.

Hair styling

The use of electric rollers has even more negative impact on hair and scalp condition than thermal rollers (they cause brittleness and cross-section at the tips, damage the hair structure). Their convenience is only in the fact that they do not need saucepans for boiling, you just need to plug the cord into the outlet. They appeared since the invention of electricity.

Just like all types of curlers, electric curlers come in different diameters. It should be noted that the size of the desired curl is on average equal to half the diameter of the curler. Electric hair curlers are made of aluminum, ceramics, ceramics with velor, as well as with teflon coating. The most favorable are ceramics, velor and Teflon. Pay attention to electric rollers with a velvety coating. When laying such curlers curls will be distributed naturally and evenly. For long-term styling, use electric hair rollers with a wax core.

Fast styling on velcro curlers

For the most varied hair styling use velcro curlers. With their help, curl the ends of the hair, make a complete styling, they are suitable for both long and short hair. Velcro curlers are hard, sticky cylinders.

Strands of hair are wound for several hours with velcro. They eliminate the problem of wrinkles on the curls, which leave fasteners for other types of curlers. The most important disadvantage of sticky-curlers is that when removing hair, they sometimes stick to them, tearing, becoming split and brittle.

Fast laying on the Velcro curlers do the following. On slightly dried clean hair wind hair curlers. The thickness of the strands should be equal to the thickness of the curlers. Can be fastened with a clip. Hair dryer every strand (for 30-40 minutes). After that, leave for 15-20 minutes. Carefully remove the curlers. Give the desired shape comb with rare teeth, fix with varnish.

Spray dry hair. Comb your hair before styling, then it will be very difficult to do.

Hair styling technology using curlers

There is a basic technology of hair styling on curlers.

  • Spin curlers on clean hair. To add volume at the hair roots, use styling on large curlers of the same size. It is necessary to twist the strands horizontally, lifting them up from the forehead.
  • Simple curlers spin on wet hair. This will allow the hairstyle to hold on for a long time and make the curls elastic.
  • Attach the clips tightly to the walls of the cylinders, so that they do not fall off.
  • For thick hair, use more curlers. Separate hair with small hairbrush into thin strands. Be sure to use styling spray.
Technology styling hair curlers

  • Try not to dry a strand twisted on curlers with a hot dryer. Along with a negative impact, this can spoil the styling effect.
  • Do not apply a large number of gels and foams before using the curler. For styling on curlers short hair, use the amount of foam equal to a walnut. For styling with hair curlers medium length - the amount of funds the size of a chicken egg. And for long curls - the size of a small orange.


Environmentally friendly material does not harm the strands. When using such products, the hair should be clean and dry. Wet hair will give moisture to the wood, and the process will be delayed. Also easily wooden devices absorb fat from the head, so quickly get dirty. It is almost impossible to clean them. It is better to replace them with new ones in 5–7 procedures.

To curls lasted longer, they should first apply a mousse or foam. Having dried your hair dryer, in half an hour you can admire beautiful curls. Usually wooden bobbins are made (straight or spiral), so the curls are fine, similar to the African hairstyle.


Apply to wet hair. The mesh structure helps the strands to dry faster. Such devices are durable and durable. The size of the wavy curls depends on the diameter of the curlers: the more, the larger.

Blow-dry curls on metal products is not recommended. When heated, they contribute to brittle hair. Therefore, it is better to wait until the hair dries naturally in a couple of hours.

Attention! Frequent use of metal curlers provokes a cross section of the tips. Contacting with metal strands electrify.


Lightweight and comfortable devices are hygienic: they can be washed regularly. Although usually this is not required, because plastic products do not absorb fat, do not accumulate dust. They do not damage the structure of the hair shaft, do not electrify curls.

To secure the device, you need to use rubber bands, sticks or clips. The first option is less preferable, since creases may form on curls.

Styling with plastic curlers takes several hours, especially if the hair is thick and long. Willing hairstyle depends on whether you use a hair dryer (15–20 minutes) or dry your head without it (1–2 hours). Also, the final result is affected by the styling product, which gives elasticity to curls and prolongs their beauty. Depending on the diameter of the devices curls may be more or less large.

Curling hair with rubber curlers has its own characteristics. Because of the peculiar shape of the products, the curls come out slightly flattened. By choosing the appropriate size, you can get curls of different sizes.

Foam rubber

Soft, so often used at night, without disturbing the rest. However, with the wrong technology of winding this plus transforms into a minus: curls come out angular, the tips stick out ugly.

To fix the fixtures, it is necessary to bend the foam curlers at the desired angle. This results in another drawback: with frequent use of the product quickly break.

Boomerangs look like rubber or foam sticks of bright colors. Do not need additional clamps, so they are often used at night. Fasten as well as foam rubber. Suitable for hair of any length, except very short. The longer the strand, the longer the boomerangs should be.

Council If you leave curls made with foam or boomerang overnight, remember 2 rules. The strand should wind more tightly. The ends must be fastened more securely than in other cases.

Applied by professionals in beauty salons. They give the opportunity to wind the hair of medium length and even square. Curls are fixed with special chopsticks, so you can not sleep with a curled head. It is better to dry your hair with a hair dryer or let it dry naturally for a couple of hours during the day. What are the velvet curlers and who are suitable, read on our website.

Heated hair rollers are of two types:

  • those that go down in hot water,
  • electric, which are often separated into a separate group.

Such products give a good effect on short strands and hair of medium length. Curl with their help, long curls are not recommended. In this case, the heat obtained is not always enough to make beautiful curls.

Having a certain skill, you can wind the strands with the help of thermal rollers very quickly, in 15–20 minutes. Due to this advantage, some women curl their hair in the morning, immediately before work or a responsible event. But you can not abuse such products.

Frequent contact with hot fixtures is not the best way to affect the state of hair, especially if the hair is brittle, thin, damaged. Another drawback - curls do not last long.

On hair curlers wind dry hair, so this method is one of the fastest for curling.

Velcro ("hedgehogs")

They give an opportunity to get additional volume or just beautiful waves. Easy to attach without retainers due to the outer surface. Suitable for all hair types. The exception is very thick hair, damaged or long strands. In the latter case, the use of "hedgehogs" will require the use of additional fasteners. Velcro hold on the head for 2-3 hours.


There are fabric, foam rubber, rubber, silicone. They look like bundles up to 20 centimeters in length and 2 to 5 centimeters in diameter. At home, paper files can be made by twisting small paper ribbons into a roll. Using them, to give the hair extra volume will not work. But the tips will be twisted perfectly. More ways to wind your hair without curlers and curling, you will find on our website.

Spiral curlers, including bobbins

They give an opportunity to acquire small curls as if after a perm. But difficult to use, their use requires outside help. Made of wood, plastic. There is also a soft spiral products with special covers and crochet, with which curls are formed. Such a set is called "magic curlers."

Attention! Long hair is desirable to wind for at least 8 hours, optimally - for the whole night. For this purpose it is worth picking up soft curlers without rigid fixings (foam, velvet, boomerangs, papilotki).


This method is suitable for women who want to make their hair more voluminous and luxuriant. Suitable for hair of any length. For technology horizontal curling take solid products: plastic, thermo.


  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  2. Gently remove excess moisture with a towel.
  3. If necessary, apply a styling agent.
  4. Carefully comb your hair.
  5. Divide them into 3 parts: one - on the crown, 2 - in the area of ​​the temples.
  6. Start the process of winding with the parietal zone. Select a thin strand over your forehead. Its width should be comparable to the width of the curlers.
  7. Lift the strand up. The correct position is perpendicular to the temechku.
  8. Comb the selected hair, and then put their tips on the curlers.
  9. Squeeze the strand, twist in the direction from the forehead to the top of the head, slightly pulling to the face.
  10. Make sure that the future curl was curled down to the roots. Then the traces of the clamp (if any) will not be noticeable.
  11. Screw the middle part of the parietal zone, from the forehead through the crown to the occiput. It should make a kind of path of curlers, parallel to each other. Separate the strands are not thick.
  12. In the same way wind the hair from the temporal areas.
  13. When everything is ready, put a mesh or capron cap on your head. Dry your hair with a hair dryer.
  14. Wait for the curls to cool after the hot air.
  15. After that, unwind the curls starting from the back of the head, gradually moving upwards.
  16. Comb them from tip to root.

Council It is better if the curled curls dry up in a natural way. It is believed that because of the hair dryer hair does not last long, curls quickly dissolve.


The technology is optimal for creating descending, flowing down from the top down curls, but not to give the volume of hair. In this way, you can curl with the help of bobbins or any other curlers that form a beautiful curl, including soft curls. The vertical method is suitable for hair of any length not shorter than 12 centimeters.


  1. Wash, lightly blot hair. If necessary, apply a styling agent.
  2. At the crown, collect the curls in the tail.
  3. Separate with a horizontal parting a wide strand at the very bottom, at the nape.
  4. Divide it into several thin ones, making vertical partings.
  5. Wind the hair in any direction. At the same time keep the curlers vertically.
  6. Having finished the first horizontal row, proceed to the following: once again separate the wide strand, then make some narrow ones from it, wind it up. And so on until the head is completely curled.
  7. Putting on the mesh, dry the curls with a hairdryer.
  8. Wait until they cool down.
  9. Remove the curler starting from the bottom.
  10. Carefully separate the curls with your fingers or a comb with rare teeth.
  11. If necessary, spray the hair with lacquer.

Hair foam - the most suitable tool for curling. It does not glue curls, does not weigh them down and makes them elastic.


This method is a kind of vertical technology. For it are used exclusively spiral-shaped curlers: hard or soft, as well as papilotki.

Council If necessary, you can use a styling tool that will extend the "life" of curls.


  1. Divide the pre-washed wet hair into 4 parts: in the region of the crown, temples, neck.
  2. From each of them in turn, select the thin strands and wind. Start from the occipital region.
  3. Move from the roots to the tips.
  4. When winding the whole head, dry it with a hair dryer or leave to dry naturally.

Guided by hints and thematic videos, making your own curls with curlers is not that difficult. Skill and skill will come with experience. It is easiest to curl hair at home of medium length and short. For long ones, outside help is usually required, since installation and then unwinding take a lot of time.

It is not recommended to do the curling on the bobbins, hard spiral curlers at home.This process is long and difficult. Without professional knowledge and skills or participation of an assistant, he may not be able to do it. But other types of curlers give space for creating a variety of curls for all occasions.

You do not know what to choose biowave, carving or chemistry? The following articles may be helpful to you:

Useful videos

How to wind your hair with curlers.

How to wind the hair on papilotki.

We select curlers depending on the length of the curls

Each hair length requires the use of its size perm devices, since such strands have different weight and length. The strand must be fully wound on the device for creating curls, otherwise it will be difficult to attach, and after removing the curlers, it does not want to fit, and will stick to the side. Therefore, wondering which hair curlers are better for short hair, proceed from their length - try to wrap the strand around the device. The curl must make at least one and a half turns around the thickness of the device in order to be securely fixed.

Hair curlers of various sizes are used for medium and long hair. Sometimes it is even appropriate to combine the use of curlers with different thickness. For girls with luxurious long hair, it is recommended to use larger devices for winding the upper strands, and smaller ones for the lower ones. So you lift the upper part of the hairstyle, and the falling strands will twist into attractive elastic curls.

Curler Type Overview

Hair curling devices have undergone significant changes since their inception. Now the most used are the following types:

  • made of metal. Most suitable for maintaining hairstyles after perm. Contribute to the electrification of the hair and the appearance of split ends. When using a hair dryer, these devices are heated, damaging the strands,
  • plastic. Belong to the sparing types of devices for waving,
  • rubber and foam curlers. They have various sizes, keep their curl shape well,
  • boomerangs. Easy to use. Used with any length of hair. Are fixed on the hair by bending the fixture itself.
  • Velcro. Do not have any accessories for fixing on the hair. Laying short hair on curlers - velcro is simple, does not harm. When used on long hair there is a tangle of strands, there are difficulties with the removal and subsequent combing. Therefore, for long hair their use is not advisable,
  • bobbins. Traditionally used in chemical perm. With the usual curl create small dense curls,
  • spirals. Invented to create elastic vertical curls. Easy to use.
  • thermo and electric rollers. Used to quickly create curls under thermal effects on the hair. Before applying them, it is recommended to apply a special agent on the hair that protects the strands from damage due to temperature.

Each type of curler has its own method of fixation. Do not have additional fasteners velcro and boomerangs. Fastening with the help of an elastic band can cause additional curvature of the curl, which is undesirable. The most preferred method is the fixation of the strands with a pin, special clips, and skewers.

The technique of curling rubber curlers for short hair: how to properly curl the curls

The technique of curling on rubber curlers is no different from the usual. Rubber curlers of different diameters should be used in the following order:

  • hair preparation consists in their moisturizing. If the scalp has just been washed, but it is worth waiting a bit until excessive moisture is gone. If in the process of winding hair dry more than it is required, they must be moistened. The easiest way to do this is with a spray bottle filled with water,
  • one strand is separated from the total volume, the width of which should not be larger than the size of the curlers. The thinner the strand, the better the result will be,
  • the strand is twisted into a bundle that wraps around the curlers,
  • when reaching the hair roots, the strand is fixed with the help of an elastic band on the device,
  • as soon as the hair is dry, the curlers are removed in the reverse order.

Tip: Before the hair is completely dry, the hair curlers should not be removed - the curls will immediately lose their desired shape. To improve the result, it is recommended to use a special mousse for curling.

Hooked spiral curl with Dewal beauty: how to use it

Since the rubber curlers have a small diameter, with their use it turns out the curl, which is characteristic of small curls. If it is necessary to give the hair not only waviness, but also to form flowing waves, then it is recommended to use spirals. At the same time curlers - spirals and rubber curlers can be used simultaneously - on different parts of the head of hair.

Spirals are suitable for styling short hair.

Spirals have a clearly defined direction of laying strands. Therefore, the technique of waving is different only in the process of winding on the device. As soon as the strand is wound on a spiral, it is fixed with the help of either a latch located on the curler or a special elastic band. The winding comes from the roots of the hair, and the coil is in the downward position of the narrowed end. The result of the use of the spiral will be a hairstyle with characteristic flowing curls.

From what type of hairstyle you choose, depends on the type of curlers necessary to use when creating it. The skill of curling on the curler is acquired quickly, and the result will be a gorgeous hairstyle without visiting the salon.

How to wind hair on curlers (with video and photo)

Before curling hair on curlers, decide what technology you will use (horizontal, vertical or spiral).

Now look at the hair curler photo on the curler, read the video and description of each technology, and choose the most suitable for your hair.

General rules for curling hair on curlers

1. Hair should be slightly wet. In this case, the strands will be elastic, beautiful and neat. Hairstyle of them will keep a long form. Dry hair wound on curlers, difficult to curl, curls quickly disintegrate, strands turn ugly and naughty. At the same time, hair should not be too wet. Firstly, it is harmful to the hair. Secondly, wet hair dries longer, which means that the styling time increases. If you overdo hair curlers, strands will be harder to put in your hair.

2. Hair curled on curlers can not be dried with a hairdryer. Of course, the hair dryer can significantly reduce the time of installation. However, artificially accelerated drying is reflected in the most negative way both on the condition of the hair and on the hairstyle. Hot air dries hair, making it thin and brittle. Under the pressure of the air jet hairs begin to puff up, curls fluff, hairstyle turns untidy. Because of the drying of hair dryer curls hold poorly, quickly lose their shape and disintegrate.

3. Of all the styling tools for laying on curlers better use foam. Due to its light texture, it allows you to make the hair volume, and curls elastic. In addition, the foam does not glue the hair, does not make them heavier and does not form an adhesive film on the hairs.

Based on the general rules of hair curling on hair curlers, be guided by the following dosage norms for foam: for short hair you need a foam ball the size of a walnut, for medium hair take a foam ball the size of a chicken egg, for long hair you will need a foam ball the size of a tennis ball.

4. In order to create a voluminous hairstyle, slightly curl the hair on the back of the head before twirling on the curlers.

5. Long hair twisted on curlers can be not combed, but divided into strands and sprayed with varnish with light movements. In this case, the styling will look especially impressive.

6. When putting your hair on curlers, you need to take into account a complex of factors: hair quality (thickness, softness, thickness), hair length, face type, haircut shape, hairstyle designation.

7. The width of the base of the strand should be equal to the length of the curlers.

8. The thickness of the base of the strand should not exceed the diameter of the curlers.

9. The hair strand should be pulled at a right angle (90 °) to the surface of the head.

10. The tension of the strands should be strong and uniform.

11. The longer your hair, the thinner the strand should be.

How to keep curlers when curling hair (with photo)

There are two ways to hold curlers while curling.

1. Place the index fingers of both hands on top of the strand, and your thumbs below. Hold and spin the strand. This method is used when curling hair parietal, upper temporal and upper occipital zones.

2. Place your thumbs on top of the strand, and your index fingers on the bottom. Hold and spin the strand. This method is used for curling the hair of the middle occipital, inferior occipital and inferior temporal zones.

How to Curl Hair Curlers

Below are photos of hair styling on curlers and a description of the sequence of curling:

1. Before putting the hair on the curlers, moisten the hair and apply a styling agent on it.

2. Separate the strand, take it in your left hand, and curlers - in your right. Put a strand on the body of the curler.

3. Hold the end of the strand with your index and thumb.

4. Make the first turn of the curler by selecting a certain tension force. With the force of tension with which you make the first turn, you will need to further wrap all the strands and all the other strands.

5. Continue winding the strand with the sliding movements of the thumb and forefinger of both hands. So curl the strand from the ends to the bottom. The curlers must touch the head.

6. Secure the curler with a suitable fixture.

Methods how to twist hair on curlers

There are two main methods of how to twist hair on curlers: horizontal and vertical. They differ in the placement of hair curlers.

The horizontal method allows you to raise the hair roots, make a lush, voluminous styling.

The strand is pulled at a right angle to the surface of the head in the opposite direction of hair growth. Such a perm is possible on the hair of any length. Strands are formed from rectangular stripes.

The vertical method is used for curling hair from 12 to 15 cm in length. This method does not lift the hair at the roots, but allows you to create descending curls.

Ways to wind (curl) hair curlers

Ways of hair curling on hair curlers differ in the placement of hair curlers and the direction of hair curling.

Facial: Curling is done on curlers of the same or successively changing diameter. Hair curls into resistant soft waves.

Raised: Perm is done in different directions by alternating hair curlers of different diameters. Hair curls in large resistant waves.

Counter: hair curls in different directions. This method is suitable for long hair that needs to be curled into resistant waves and curls.

"Christmas Tree": when curling alternate counter and opposite directions. This method is also used on long hair.

Chess: hair curlers are staggered. It is used for uniform curling cascading haircuts.

Radial: hair curlers are placed at the same distance from the center of the future hairstyle.

To effectively wash off the water-insoluble wax from the hair, first apply the shampoo to dry hair, and then rinse with hot water.

The reasons for poor-quality styling with curlers

When styling hair with electric tongs, you can not do without a comb with a “tail”. With its help it is convenient to separate the strands for winding. Crocodiles will also be needed to secure the separated strand.

The main reasons for poor-quality styling using hair curlers are as follows: breaking curler technology on hair curlers, dirty hair, lack or excess styling products, hair root or ends creases, weak hair curling relative to the head surface, lack of drying or overdrying hair, removing hair curlers insufficiently cooled hair, poor styling fixation.


Watch the video: Real PERM PROCESSING; step-by-step (June 2024).