Dandruff treatment

Top dandruff shampoos ranking - what you need to know, so as not to lose your choice


The causes of this problem lie in the wrong diet, constant stress, errors in hygiene, diseases of internal organs. To understand what a shampoo for dandruff and itching for men and women is the best, our rating will help.

How to choose a company

To answer this question, you must first determine the factor that contributed to the occurrence of the disease, your hair type, and then, on the basis of this and the allocated budget, make a choice in favor of a manufacturer. Products differ in price, control methods, natural ingredients, volume of packaging. Some products can be found only in specialized pharmacies, while others are available to a wide range of customers. There is a general list of well-known brands that have proven themselves to be reliable, effective and good consumer reviews. About them further and will be discussed.

Features dandruff shampoos for women

The nature of the appearance of "white bloom" on the hair of the fair sex has its own characteristics. The problem manifests itself during changes in hormonal levels, in the period of childbirth, lactation, menstrual cycles. Also, sources can be excessive enthusiasm for chemical perm, frequent staining, the use of varnishes, gels, pleyk, hot hair dryers and other aggressive methods of styling curls. Depending on the work of the sebaceous glands, the exfoliation of particles on the scalp can be dry or oily. Knowing the type of disease, you can pick up the appropriate product - medical or cosmetic. The latter is more suitable as a preventive method and can be used for a long time.

Selection rules

A good remedy meets the following criteria:

  • fits exactly the state of your hair - it is important that in the future not to aggravate the problem,
  • contains natural ingredients and a vitamin complex for general strengthening,
  • has positive reviews from other consumers on specialized Internet sites,
  • recommended by experts (it is better to consult with your doctor),
  • harmless (without obvious contraindications). Sometimes it may be categorically not suitable for nursing mothers, allergies, and people with chronic diseases.

Optimal composition

Before purchasing it is important to familiarize yourself with the components that are the basis of the healing fluid for recovery. Well, if there are present:

  • exfoliating ingredients - sulfur incorporation, selenium disulfide,
  • natural essential oils with antibacterial effect,
  • natural extracts from herbs.

Top best dandruff hair treatment shampoos

This line of drugs specifically designed to combat diseases of the scalp. First of all, their action is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also at effectively combating the cause of their appearance. Medicines eliminate peeling, remove irritation, relieve dermatitis, seborrhea, as well as depriving and developed forms of psoriasis. They contain powerful antifungal chemical compounds that are not intended for everyday use. Usually during therapy they are used in certain courses.

1 - Vichy Dercos

The unique formula works to restore the protective properties of the skin, bringing them to the desired balance. The tool is one of the best anti-dandruff shampoos, included in most popular ratings. Its action is aimed at combating fungal formations that cause white plaque on the hair. The product line is represented by several options for different types of curls. Their composition includes micro and macronutrient nutrients, vitamins and substances necessary for the structural strengthening of the follicles.

2 - Algopix

It has a powerful antimycotic and antifungal effects. The drug, the main component of which is salicylic acid and tar, is able to effectively resist secondary recurrence. He has established himself as a multidirectional agent for complex therapy and confidently occupies a leading position in the top 10 best dandruff hair shampoos.

Subtleties of choice

To achieve the best result in the fight against dandruff, you must first find out its origin. If we are talking about dryness of the scalp, the solution will be a moisturizing shampoo, in the case of a fungal infection - you need a drug. But there are several win-win options that have a beneficial effect and relieve itching.

  1. Facilities on the basis of tar perfectly moisturize and heals the skin. Choosing anti-dandruff shampoo with birch, juniper or pine tar, you can significantly improve your condition in several applications.
  2. Deep cleansing - such tools help to remove the layer of flakes and dry the skin with high fat content, usually salicylic acid is a part of such shampoos.
  3. An indispensable tool in the fight against dandruff is zincHaving it in composition, shampoo cleans and normalizes the sebaceous glands.
  4. For fungal infections, you should pay attention to medicinal dandruff shampoos sold in pharmacies, they contain clotrimazole and antifungal components complexstruggling with the main cause of the disease.
  5. If it is not about fungi, then gender sign. For example, for women, the use of styling products and frequent use of a hair dryer becomes a common cause of dandruff, but for stronger sex hormones can be the cause of trouble, therefore the best dandruff shampoo for men has hormonal regulators.

And now we will consider popular and effective offers from the cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies.

They are composed of medicinal components, aimed not only at achieving a cosmetic effect, but also at providing a beneficial effect on the scalp, solving the problem in its broadest sense.

This budget shampoo cope with the problem better than any sensational means.

And it has an integrated approach: relieves inflammation, itching, gently exfoliates and moisturizes the skin in order to avoid peeling in the future.

You can choose 2 options at once: “Tar”, which perfectly copes with seborrhea and symptoms of psoriasis, and also “Sebopyrox” for dandruff for all types of hair. An excellent tool that has proven its effectiveness has an extremely affordable price of about 150 rubles.

  • effectively cleans,
  • quickly reduces the number of visible scales,
  • does not require the use of additional funds.

Prices for Twins Tac Shampoo 911-Sebopyrox:

2. Librederm Zinc

This dandruff shampoo known pharmaceutical brand today gained particular popularity.

It's all about its composition: zinc as the main active ingredient copes with dandruff, cleansing the skin and hair.

Vitamin complex also helps to fight the loss and moisturize dry, flaky skin. The average price of the drug is 530 rubles.

  • suitable for sensitive and allergic scalp,
  • visible result appears after the first use
  • large volume
  • has a pleasant smell and texture.

Prices for Librederm Zinc:

This tool is included in the rating due to a whole range of components that allow to solve a maximum of problems with the scalp.

Removing surface contaminants, soft foam penetrates the skin and has a bactericidal and antifungal effect, thus relieving itching and inflammation.

Tea tree oil perfectly refreshes and heals the affected areas. For a bottle of 150 milliliters will have to pay about 150 rubles.

  • cleans well
  • it foams well and has a pleasant smell
  • does not irritate and does not cause allergies.

Prices for Biocon shampoo:

4. Hairvital

Another remedy based on the regulatory effects of zinc.

Moreover, this active ingredient has the highest percentage in a creamy substance - 48%.

Many buyers came across products of this Italian brand and were convinced of the effectiveness of the products, as well as the absolute absence of parabens, silicones and synthetic fragrances. The acquisition cost is 310 rubles.

  • dense well cleansing foam
  • effectively removes scales,
  • can be used for preventive purposes.

  • the result is not too fast.

Hairvital prices:

This is a fairly good shampoo, thanks to which many generations have got rid of dandruff, because this drug has been on the market for several decades.

He perfectly copes with fungal infections, dermatitis and herpes.

It has a complex effect on the skin, heals it and normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. You can buy the product in bottles of 100 ml at a price of 125 rubles.

  • copes effectively with fungi and bacteria
  • cleans well
  • does not cause reactions.

Prices for Sebozol:

1. Greenpharma Pharma Sylic Pharmacilic

Leader rating Mass market won the hearts of organic food lovers.

Essential oils aimed at antiseptic and regulatory effects, as well as a little salicylic acid for better cleansing.

Spicy natural aroma and lack of dyes will appeal to people with sensitive skin and smell. It is excellent as a prophylactic agent, and also effective in the acute phase. The cost of a 500 ml bottle is a little over 200 rubles.

  • natural ingredients
  • no dyes, silicone and parabens,
  • large volume
  • effectively exfoliates and copes with the problem.

  • in the fight against long-term seborrhea is ineffective.

Prices for Greenpharma Pharma Sylic Pharmacilic:

2. Loreal Professionnel Instant Clear Pure

The representative of the professional line of the famous French brand. Gives a quick effect, in addition, the tool has a relatively low price, which makes it even more attractive to the buyer. For a quarter liter will have to pay about 600 rubles.

  • quick cosmetic effect
  • pleasant texture and aroma,
  • reinforcement and lamination effect.

  • addictive, and the effect disappears.

Prices for Loreal Professionnel Instant Clear Pure:

3. Matrix Biolage Scalpsync

The tool is suitable for washing different types of hair, copes with cleansing from external contaminants. The withdrawal effect is achieved through a professional duet of zinc and mint extract, which, in addition to the benefits, bring pleasure during use.

The itch is removed, and there is a sensation of a cool and cleanliness.

For such a pleasure will have to pay about 700 rubles.

  • pleasant sensations during application,
  • quick cosmetic effect
  • normalizes the sebaceous glands.

  • the effect disappears with time.

Matrix Biolage Scalpsync prices:

4. Ducray Squanorm

Means for a whole range of cosmetic imperfections. This small 200 ml vial can not only eliminate dandruff, but also get rid of greasiness, deep clean and moisturize the scalp.

In this case, the manufacturer guarantees the care of dyed hair and the preservation of pigment.

Literally a miracle cure will cost an average of 740 rubles.

  • quickly relieves itching
  • does not dry the skin, perfectly cares,
  • gives a quick visible effect.

Prices for Ducray Squanorm:

5. R.T.H. WOMEN Anti-Dandruff Care

Suitable for both prophylactic and targeted use. Perfectly copes with peeling and superficial clarification of skin.

It has an antiseptic effect, has a beneficial effect directly on the structure of the hair.

When the desired effect is achieved, it can be periodically used once a month for prophylactic purposes. The cost of a volume bubble is about 250 rubles.

  • hair becomes healthy
  • visible scales become much smaller
  • the itch is quickly removed.

Prices R.T.H. WOMEN Anti-Dandruff Treatment:

6. Loreal Professionnel Homme Cool Clear

Another representative of the professional line from Loreal. Like most of the presented products, this shampoo contains zinc and tea tree oil, they perform a regulatory function, while helping to achieve a visible cosmetic effect.

Effectively cleans, while allowing active ingredients to penetrate as deeply as possible and have a beneficial effect from the inside.

A bottle of 250 ml can cost from 700 to 1300 rubles.

  • quickly has a visible effect
  • regulates the sebaceous glands,
  • allows you to solve the problem of dandruff.

Prices for Loreal Professionnel Homme Cool Clear:


It is not so easy to choose the best shampoo that will quickly relieve dandruff and at the same time will have not only a cosmetic, but also a healing effect. Of course, it is better to consult with the trichologist and find out the cause of the problem. If there are no clear appointments, we suggest once again to look into the rating from Mark.guru portal and make your choice.

Types of dandruff shampoos

The modern market of cosmetic and pharmacy products offers a huge selection of therapeutic dandruff shampoos. Based on the active ingredient cleansing agents are divided into the following types:

  1. antifungal (with ketoconazole, clotrimazole, climbazole, ciclopirox, selenium sulfide). Active ingredients kill or neutralize the fungus, which in most cases is the root cause of irritation and dandruff.
  2. Antibacterial (with zinc pyrithione, with sulfur in the composition).
  3. Vegetable (with tar and other medicinal plants in the composition).
  4. Cosmetic (bulk) anti-dandruff products. This shampoo main brands. However, most tools work on symptoms, reducing the fat content of the scalp, that is, normalize the sebaceous glands. But when you stop using the problems come back.

What should be considered when choosing a good product?

In order to choose an effective anti-seboric product for washing hair, it is necessary to establish the reason for its appearance. The causes of this unpleasant disease can be many:

    fungus is the most common cause of dandruff. The mushroom also multiplies with hormonal imbalance, improper diet, stress, chronic fatigue, lack of vitamins and microelements, various diseases of internal organs, excessive sweating and incorrectly chosen hair care.

Bad habits can also cause fungus to multiply. Imbalance in the sebaceous glands or seborrhea. Dandruff resulting from increased sebum secretion is oily and dry.

The type of hair and the nature of dandruff affect the choice of shampoo: for treatment of oily dandruff are suitable products with sulfur, dry dandruff needs shampoo with climbazole and zinc pyrithione.

In addition to the main active ingredients, antiseborrheic shampoos usually contain the following components:

  1. salicylic acid, which has a peeling and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Tea tree oil acts on the fungus, fungus, viruses and bacteria.
  3. Glycerin softens the skin and helps eliminate flaking.
  4. Ichthyol is an anti-inflammatory agent, has a local anesthetic, antiseptic effect. Helps reduce itching, soothes the scalp.
  5. Olamin has powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
  6. Restorative ingredients: vitamins, herbal extracts, oils.

Many of the shampoos present many of the listed ingredients, which greatly increases their effectiveness.

Shampoos from representatives of the mass market

If the problem of dandruff is not acute, and you are looking for a tool rather for preventive purposes and daily hair care, then you can stop at the mass brands of shampoos. The most common products are:

  • Head & Shoulders. The most popular product, mainly due to advertising. The active ingredient is zinc pyrithione. The composition contains about 20-30 items, among which only 3-5 have a natural origin.
  • CLEAR Vira ABE. The series for men contains two active substances - zinc pyrithione and climbazole, and for women only zinc pyrithione. Among the disadvantages of shampoo note the chemical composition.
  • Instant Clear by L’Oreal Professionnel suitable for non-running cases of seborrhea, effective for restoring the balance of the scalp.
  • Nivea for men. Ordinary shampoo containing klimbazol and olamine.
  • Yves Rocher. Anti-Pelliculaire dandruff shampoo with salicylic acid, olamine and glycerin.

The best remedies for women

To eliminate the cause of dandruff and forget about this disease forever, you should use the pharmacy:

  1. shampoo nizoral. The active substance - ketoconazole, treats dandruff caused by a fungus. The most famous tool in the Russian-speaking market. According to the reviews effectively, however, may worsen the overall condition of the hair.
  2. Sulsena. Effective remedy with selenium disulfide.
  3. Vichy Dercos. Available for oily and dry or normal hair. The active ingredients are salicylic acid and selenium disulfide.
  4. Dermazole plus. Indian remedy, the pharmacological properties of which are due to its constituent ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione.
  5. Sebosol Ketoconazole shampoo fights dandruff, relieves irritation of the scalp.
  6. Ketoconazole - antifungal agent with the same active ingredient.
  7. Seborin. Product cosmetic brand Schwarzkopf. Thanks to climbazole and salicylic acid, the shampoo performs its main function. The composition of the tool allows you to use it without fear of harm to hair.

How to apply?

To achieve the best effect in the treatment of dandruff, you can use full-fledged complexes of means, that is, add a balm, peeling or cream to the cleansing agent. Virtually every manufacturer offers a whole series of products to combat a particular problem.

Healing women's shampoos should be used in the period of seborrhea exacerbation. As the symptoms diminish, reduce the use of therapeutic drugs and gradually move to everyday care products.

In case of relapse, shampoos can be used again. In addition, with repeated use of the tool, the result may not be as effective as the first time. In this case, it is necessary to find another tool with the same composition.

Each of the pharmacy tools attached detailed instructions for use. Do not ignore it, be sure to read before use.

Do not forget that, like any disease, dandruff should be treated comprehensively. Together with the use of local means, follow the rules of proper nutrition: include healthy foods in the diet, limit the consumption of fried foods and sugar.

Also a significant advantage will be the use of 1.5-2 liters of water every day, because water normalizes metabolism, which, in turn, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Watch a video on this topic:

If you approach the issue of dandruff treatment consistently and systematically, the result will not be long in coming, and soon you will enjoy clean and beautiful hair.


Watch the video: 20 Shampoos in India Ranked from Worst to Best (June 2024).