
The truth about dreadlocks


All my zdarova! Good day, dear friends!

Today I will sign you the most popular streamer on Dota 2 at the moment, the person (or turtle?) who is the champion TI7 Liquid.Kuroky first mentioned in his post-match interview - Dreda. Everyone has heard of this man, but today you will also read about him.

I try to be as objective as possible (in my own subjective opinion), and therefore I will consider each of your comments about the movement to a perfectly subjective review, and about which next streamer you should roll out a blog. Also, the deviation of a blank line on the site does not always work, so sometimes the text will be slightly glued.

Andrew Dread Golubev is an almost semi-professional player. Dota 2, the winner of the “Beard of the Year” award named after Gabe Newell, as well as one of the first streamers in the CIS and, most importantly, a cheerful, sociable guy.

Average number of viewers: 17 200+

Stream Evaluation Dread: 7/10

1. Attitude to the audience

Andrei has a peculiar attitude to the audience. He admitted that he did not understand why he was being watched, and repeatedly expressed his gratitude to each person who supported him. But at the same time, the streamer periodically stops streaming for quite long periods of time without notifying its fans about the reason or the date of the next stream, which cannot be called a plus in its relation to the audience.

Also, often when he responds to an audience, this is a negative review. Streamer is outraged by the specificity of the chat of the twitch, and this is noticeable, despite the fact that Dred is always extremely cautious in his expressions and never expresses his dislike directly, preferring to use irony or sarcasm.

Nevertheless, he never misses a donation because of the criticism that is in them, and even in direct accusations and insults in almost all cases he answers without anger.

+ The advantages of sabs are relatively significant, since:

    1) On the channel is almost eternal submod
    2) Periodically streamer reads chat
    3) For the subwoofer there is a remote perspective to get on the stream or become a moderator for good activity, and with due effort
    4) In the Sabbat you can often communicate with media personalities such as players. VP or other tape drives
    5) 23 unique smiles (7 of which are almost never used)

+ water games are on Youtube, very conveniently segmented by games
+ Stream pre-announced in the group DreadzTV at VCas well as in Twitter Andrew
+ there is no aggressive advertising

- No webcam
- Relatively strict rules
- The viewers have absolutely no influence on the choice of the game.

According to these criteria, it can be determined that the attitude towards the viewers of Andryusha is not the best.

Average chat DreadzTV every 7.5 minutes is united in a friendly laugh. Although this figure is not the highest, but such moments are really very funny, and it is fun.

Since this figure is extremely dependent on the company Dreda on the stream, it is quite unstable. In any case, the average is not too high.

3. The frequency and duration of the streams.

This item is one of the weakest points of the tape drive. The frequency of broadcasts is not governed by any rules or schedules, Andrew strimit when he wants to be able and can never guarantee the date of the next hemming. There have been cases when he said that there should be a broadcast on a certain day, but in fact it was not. Also, there are cases when Dred just disappeared for a month and a half without warning, which also does not add points to him.

If we take the statistics of the frequency of the streams for a long time, it turns out that it streams every fourth day. But more specifically, these are rather small marathons of 2-3 days with intervals of several days / weeks.

However, each stream is quite long, and is pre-announced in the official community. DreadzTV at VC. The average duration of the stream is 8.5 hours, during which Andrei manages to eat four plates of dumplings with soy sauce and play about 10 games in DotA. Such efficiency is impressive, so in pros you can write:

+ Long streams
+ Regularity relatively stable

- Long rest periods

Despite the fact that in many ways Andrey's stream is similar to other broadcasts of a similar subject matter, the uniqueness is still present, and is due to it:

Dread does not have the habit of distorting words in a specific way for a long time, making them a kind of "language" of the channel. Here, rather, there is a temporary fascination with this or that style of conversation. This style is clearly manifested on the stream, as the rest of the streamer’s company also adheres to it, which gives a funny effect. Time goes on, and the rofly changes, but the jokes about "The player, even if he is not a player, remains a player", "Leo", "On trust, brother", "Invoker Bryumaster * heroname * Andrei", "Giracle" and " Fat ruins "many people remember even now, and they will remember more than one year.

The manner of speech of the streamer can be characterized by sarcasm, irony and thin / thick hints of certain things, as well as a high degree of sincerity and honesty, which also affects the atmosphere of the channel. It is simply impossible to describe this item more precisely, but it is not necessary to assess the uniqueness of this.

2) Attitudes towards other players and acquaintances who are present at the broadcast

Perhaps Andrew can be called one of the most non-toxic streamers in the CIS, and possibly in the world. He almost never allows himself to reckless statements, and, even if he experiences negative emotions, in most cases he suppresses them. At the same time, he is quite a social person, knows how to use his friends ***** and reacts adequately to their jokes. This is one of the key qualities of Dreda, which he clearly stands out from the crowd.

3) Atmosphere on the channel

For the most part, there is a party-content on the broadcast, which is based on mutual jokes, add-ons and discussion of certain things. And it is worth noting that all those who are present on the stream of Dreda are relatively adult people with a fulfilled character, having their own principles and outlooks on life. Conversations of such a company are quite interesting to a wide range of viewers, and, even if the streamer can sometimes not show a high level of play, the atmosphere is almost always spiritual and inherent.

Sum up pros:

+ own style of speech
+ characteristic attitude to friends, acquaintances on the stream, encountered difficulties and life in general
+ unique atmosphere of soulfulness on the channel
+ adequate perception of criticism, appropriate self-irony

- non-unique game style
- channel design is quite standard

5. A variety of content

As Dred began to stream from playing Dot, he continues to play it to this day, occasionally getting carried away PUBG H1Z1. This is precisely its main content. However, the streamer periodically tries itself in other games, and this brings the necessary level of diversity to the broadcast.

In different years on the stream you could see such games as Warcraft 3, The Witcher 3, PUBG, Exanima, Arma 3, Garry's Mod, Ruth 'The Forest, Crossout, Battlefield 1, CS: GO, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, The Dying Light, Dark Souls 3, Lineage 2, Quake Champions, Rocket League, Blackwake, They Are Billions, HeartStone, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege, and also from time to time test new, just released toys.

The degree of rollplay or character wagering is very weak, which does not add diversity to the dreadlocks, while maintaining the channel's overall atmosphere, which does not depend on the choice of the game.

On the broadcast you can never see a streamer watching a video from Youtube. But not so long ago, Andrew ran a few IRL streams, and the audience really enjoyed it. And yet, it is hard to believe in the development of this direction.

The phrase "Fat ruin", which was used on almost every stream of Andryusha, has been known for a long time. She was quite truthful, as he began to stream precisely as a showman, and not a skill zadrot.

Since then, the streamer has lost weight, got a beard and the composition of the party KBU, Konfa Without Ue *** in (this was the name of the conference in the discord, where there were all those who attended the Dread stream, and later a team that everyone who followed the pre-doms media scene probably knew) changed almost completely. Streamer finally stopped playing in professional teams and focused on analytics and its activities on Twitch. And yet, from time to time he shows a very high-quality game, despite which sometimes it is hard to believe that Andrei is really playing. Sometimes, however, he "throws in the unfixable," but at least it is fun to watch.

In some games, the streamer really plays well, as in Dota 2, Heroes 3 and many custom cards Warcraft 3, but mostly, especially in new toys for themselves, Dred's skill is far from perfect. He cares little for him, Andrei is the person who plays pleasure, and the result in games is secondary for him.

7. Openness to the audience

This item is not the most powerful place of Andrew. Despite the fact that he agreed to stream his own wedding (!), Which is not what everyone will do, Dread is cool about the idea of ​​complete openness for fans. He rarely shares his principled views on life, his true attitude to many things, as well as the details of his personal life. And if the latter is quite natural for most people, then its closeness in relation to its principles strongly upsets the fans.

Also worth noting is the dislike of streamers for various types of autograph sessions, public events with a large number of people who want to get in touch with them somehow, cameras, and gatherings of fans. Undoubtedly, he has his own reasons for that, but for the audience it is not very important. They (we) see the facts: over the past three years, Dred attended a minimum of public events, where you can chat with your fans, and did not give a single interview, not counting the release WS Livethat it is difficult to call an interview in the classic sense of the word.

For some time, there was a project of one of Andryusha’s friends - Dread'sshowwhere the idea was that people should come to him in the studio in one way or another connected with eSports, while Andrei himself was taking the lead role and asking them various questions. It was an undoubted step towards greater openness for the fans, but the idea did not last long, bent after 4 releases. The presenter did not react very well to the camera, was somewhat nervous and felt uncomfortable, which was clearly noticeable.

In 2017, streamer appeared Instagrambut there is very little content in it, therefore it cannot be called a decisive factor. WITH Twitter The situation is similar, with the only difference being that it appeared much earlier. In the microblog Dreda you can see only announcements of streams and rare thoughts. Still, it's better than nothing, right?

+ Availability filled Instagram
+ Availability Twitter
+ Participation in analytics major tournaments Dota 2 and the content created in these tournaments, which allows us to get to know Andrey better as a person.
+ When meeting in real life in most cases, does not refuse to shake hands or take a photo together

- Avoids to openly talk about their life principles
- Includes a lot of things in the concept of "personal life", and avoids talking about it
- Avoids questions about money and earnings
- Prefers not to discuss their attitude to certain individuals
- Minimizes your fan contacts.

Humorous, sincere, ironic, sarcastic.

1. Dreadlocks often affect the specifics Twitch- chat He is absolutely negative about the calculation of his income from the streams, and he reacts quite sharply to the advice from the chat. This does not really affect the quality of the content, but still there is a certain influence, and it is worth noting.

When you hear what kind of anger slips in the voice of the usually good-natured Andrew at the mention of advisers from the chat, the hand stretches to put the goose into the chat in order to provoke the streamer even more.

2. As a person, Andrew is quite conservative. And on the broadcast, this is manifested quite strongly - he is very cautious about any innovations in his stream, avoids trying things he has never done before, and this affects the development of the channel. Thus, the background screen, which is shown by streamers while they choose a game, communicate with the audience or read donations, Dred had the same dark gray screen with fuzzy images of Magnus and Lone Druid, for more than four years since the creation of the account on service Twitch, and changed just a few months ago.

Changing the subscriber icon with an increase in subscription time was also added relatively recently, as well as new smiles for slots that were available in the spring of 2017.

From these facts it can be concluded that this approach is a weakness for Andrei, as a streamer.

Apart from the fact that, from time to time, Andrei chose a bold character, where it is possible to poroflit, there is no special preference in this regard for the streamer.

In all games, his approach remains the same - the game is for receiving pleasure from the game, he adheres to this direction and does not leave it. No matter how many viewers would like Dredd to go through The Witcher 3, but if he said that the game is a template, and he is not very interested in that, it means that we have nothing to hope for.

In general, Andrei almost always tries to show good statistics in all games, at least at first. But this is not always possible (Kappa), so sometimes it may seem that he specifically ruins. In most cases, this is still not entirely true, but, as they say, anything can happen. If some other streamers have a statdroder's reputation, which often chooses the latter between a victory and personal good statistics, then the situation in Dread is exactly the opposite. He just pays less attention to the article, for which he is sometimes called “fat louskill”, although he hasn't been fatty for a long time, in fact.

It is impossible to warn about them ...

To find out all these things, we, in the company of a brave girl, Kati, went to the popular Tula salon Tardis like. In Tardis like - because the whole of Tula, the region, and even someone far away goes to the masters here for dreadlocks and pigtails. Mecca of Tula dreadmills! As for Kati, she was going to embody her dream:

And today, a friend from Estonia writes to me: “Dreads are going to be purely aesthetically, ideologically, or for some other reason?”. And I throw off her old message :-)) The husband is sitting at home today with the children, his mother-in-law will help him. She knows that “Katya went to the hairdresser’s” to do her own hair. Husband says: "Just do not warn her, we laugh in the evening!"

“You cannot“ warn ”about dreadlocks,” laughs Lena Nikora, director of the Tardis like salon and chief master of dreadlocks. “Even if a loved one is aware of what dreadlocks are, he is still unlikely to imagine how dreadlocks can fit in with your daily routine.” Surprised - it says little!

Lena will “weave” our Katya. Katya wants dreadlocks long, in the color of her hair. By the way, a few days ago Katya had already come here: discuss the color, the length of future dreads, the scale of the work.

The legend of algae

By the time, as Lena explained, it would take from three to five hours. Well, check! On the clock 12:50 - the process went.

By the way, since the weaving of dreadlocks is a long process, it is possible to work quietly right behind the laptop right in time. If you work broke - watch movies.

Cook hair in a pan!

Remember that dreadlocks are prepared in advance, before the procedure? So: they are preparing in the literal sense: they need to be cooked. In the pan!

It takes about three minutes to create one dredyne, if it is dispersed well, it takes about three months: weave, twist, boil. On the long - about six minutes. A good quality dredina is dense inside, as if squeezed it seems to spring off.

By the way, hot steam is a double-edged sword. If you go to the bath or sauna with dreadlocks on your head, after twisting your “mane” in a pigtail or two, then a surprise will be revealed: we unwind the pigtail or two, and ...

Oh, gods, cats! Dreadlocks became wavy, even some curves ...

And if natural?

Much more effort, time, money costs requires the weaving of natural dreadlocks - from the hair, that is, real, human. They play longer, harder to fix, and then more and more painful to shoot.

But the fact that weave them longer - definitely. One girl natural dreadlocks, I wove 40 hours - for three days. Naturally, with breaks to sleep. Dreadlocks were 80 pieces, very long, the girl's hair was very thick. It turned out beautifully, the client was satisfied.

To wash or not to wash?

Stumbling block: can you or can not wash my hair if it has dreadlocks?

It is important to wash the shampoo with water very carefully, because it can remain in the mount at the base, and when it dries, it becomes sticky. And hold on: fluff, dust, midges, pieces of Christmas tree needles - in general, everything is shallow, - it sticks to it. Honestly, such sticky mats are not very pleasant to unravel.

If you are accustomed to washing your hair in a “once shampoo, once a balm” scheme, then with dreadlocks, wash it twice with shampoo. And without balsam! If you wash the standard, “twice a shampoo, once a balm,” now the scheme is “three times a shampoo.” Because with dreadlocks, the skin will be slightly more difficult to wash than the hair, and lather immediately and well will not work.

By the way, the usual mask balms will no longer be needed:

Some are faster, others are slower

The time is 14:00. So we’ve been here a little over two hours.

The ideal term for wearing dreadlocks is 2-2.5 months. Three months is the very edge. Then you need to bind or shoot.

Why does the skin hurt? Because inside the weave itself, some hair grows faster, others more slowly. As a result, after a couple of months, dreadlocks hang on those hairs that grow slower. This, of course, discomfort.

How dreadlocks Tardis like subdued Tula

After that, she went to study braiding. I learned that there are dreadlocks - I went to unlearn the weaving of dreadlocks. And it started. She studied weaving in Moscow, then again in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg, then again in Moscow ... Just a lot of different types of fastening, weaving dreadlocks - each master does it in his own way. Whoever I studied, I still can’t completely repeat their technique. There is no such thing in dreadlocks as with staining, for example: once I learned, copied - and that’s all. With dreadlocks, copying will not work: you have a different form of hand, another comb. It will still be somehow in its own way. Therefore, the more weaving options I know, the more I can do myself.

And the hair does not come out?

On the wall near the workplace of Lena hang whole tails of multi-colored dreadlocks and funny braids.

They get clogged in the bathtub, they periodically take out from there such a ... hair monster and are surprised: "Oh my God, how much does it take me!". And when we weave braids or dreadlocks on the weave - and the minimum time they are socks is 2 months, that is, 60 days, and a day a hundred hairs fall off at a normal rate - then during the procedure all these “very many” loose hair are erased at once . The client sees this and sits in horror: "Half a head is lost at once!" The brain does not always turn on, that “so much was lost” not in one, but in sixty days. And that all this should have fallen.

Grow to the “lion's mane”

15:55. Lena left the last two dredyns left.

And for 2 weeks they turned into a city ... poor. Well, not really, of course. But began to split. First, two centimeters, then four, then eight ...

And to the dreadlocks "grow" psychologically. After all, no matter how thick the natural hairstyle is, the volume with woven elements is much larger than with its hair. A person gets used to this luxurious “lion's mane”, and when it unravels and returns to its natural hair - especially if they were not thick at first, and it is also superimposed that “now there is so much hair gone”, it can feel almost bald. Although in reality this is not the case. Well, here we are finished.

On the clock 16:03 - that is, the whole process took a little more than four hours. And look! Katya looks like a queen conqueror of everything in the world. With such a red-headed shock you can safely go and chop nu-metal!
- I am happy as a Christmas tree! - Katya looks in the mirror, trying on wooden and metal beads to the dreadlocks. - Can there be such a comparison?
- Of course, there is so much room for jewelry! - Lena is also pleased with the result and invites Katya to take the final photo on the street.

Well, how does it feel?

- I asked Kate a week after she had “released”. Although everything was so clear from the eloquent photos in Katin's instagram.

And yet the Internet in a partisan way is silent on the topic “why it’s impossible to scratch dreadlocks.” That's true, why? To avoid irritation? Well, you can train gently. Everything that Google gives out on this request is impossible and that's it. And I love specifics. It feels like it’s clear that if you scratch it actively, then you’ll just have a mess on your head, dreadlocks will come out.

And, by the way, dreadlocks should be combed, so as not to be confused. It is clear that the comb here is not a friend - not the thickness. You can comb dreadlocks with hands with fingers spread like a comb!

Do you know that…

  • Most often, girls of 20-30 years old come to Tula salon Tardis like for dreadlocks. Only every third client is a male.
  • In Tula, short dreadlocks are much more popular than long ones.
  • If you have never worn dreadlocks and long hair, and plan to braid dreadlocks, start with short ones. Otherwise, there will be difficulties: where to put all this huge mass, which hangs all the way to the priests?
  • With dreadlocks, you can easily sleep without a pillow.
  • Synthetic dreadlocks are afraid of hot curling! A piece of dredina, which touched the curling iron, turns into plastic. Or falls nafig.
  • With dreadlocks you can swim. The main thing is not to swim in stagnant water with such a good river flavor: dreadlocks absorb odors. Having dried out after the river, they will begin to smell awesome.
  • Synthetic dreadlocks do not burn: even if you jump over a fire, they will not flare up like natural hair.
  • Dreadlocks perfectly keep the scent of perfume, even after washing. But for some reason the smell of cigarettes is absorbed less actively.
  • Dreadlocks come from wool - any that is suitable for dry and wet felting. From combed sheep, for example. If desired, even wool combed out from a pet can be used for felting dreadlocks.

Text photo: Julia Amelina

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"data-xtip-pos =" right-top "data-xtip-offset =" 0.0 "class =" cmm__regalia cmm__regalia - comments cmm__regalia - rc100 xtip ">3

I did not know that you can weave in 7cm, maybe it would have been predetermined in the old days)))

Threat I wonder what to do with straight hair that grow over time? dumped?

"data-xtip-pos =" right-top "data-xtip-offset =" 0.0 "class =" cmm__regalia cmm__regalia - comments cmm__regalia - rc100 xtip ">3

Artem, We are glad that you liked the article!

And we will also be happy if you come to us to stumble: D

"data-xtip-pos =" right-top "data-xtip-offset =" 0.0 "class =" cmm__regalia cmm__regalia - comments cmm__regalia - rc1000 xtip ">2

Artem, and listen, you go, you can definitely try!

"data-xtip-pos =" right-top "data-xtip-offset =" 0.0 "class =" cmm__regalia cmm__regalia - comments cmm__regalia - rc100 xtip ">2

Julia, ahahhahaa))) not, well, when I had more hair, then it would be possible)))) I was even ideologically ready))) Rastafaray and everything)))

"data-xtip-pos =" right-top "data-xtip-offset =" 0.0 "class =" cmm__regalia cmm__regalia - comments cmm__regalia - rc100 xtip ">2

"data-xtip-pos =" right-top "data-xtip-offset =" 0.0 "class =" cmm__regalia cmm__regalia - comments cmm__regalia - rc1000 xtip ">2

But a beautiful dream is never too late to realize!

Artem, the cost is different, depending on the type and length of dreadlocks))

"data-xtip-pos =" right-top "data-xtip-offset =" 0.0 "class =" cmm__regalia cmm__regalia - comments cmm__regalia - rc100 xtip ">1

"data-xtip-pos =" right-top "data-xtip-offset =" 0.0 "class =" cmm__regalia cmm__regalia - comments cmm__regalia - rc1000 xtip ">1

"data-xtip-pos =" right-top "data-xtip-offset =" 0.0 "class =" cmm__regalia cmm__regalia - comments cmm__regalia - rc1000 xtip ">


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