
How to dye hair with henna


There is a way to change the shade of the hair, without harming it, it is henna hair coloring, which will help not only to change outwardly, but also to improve the hair structure.

As they say, if a woman changes her hair, her life will change soon. To make the changes pleasant, you should use one of the most effective, but at the same time benign ways to change hairstyle - henna. Recipes for its use - a lot. You can become the owner of golden curls, and luxurious blue-black strands. To do this, add henna with the appropriate ingredients.

Before you start coloring, you should remember that after henna you will not be able to use ordinary purchased paints - they simply will not work, because henna, coloring the strands, as if envelops them with a protective film that does not allow the pigments of paints to penetrate inside the hair. Unforeseen manifestations are also possible - for example, fantastic (or cosmic!) Shades - blue, green. This must be remembered and be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to quickly repaint!

What is needed to brew the mixture for henna hair dye?

In order for the result to be worthy, you need to take care in advance that all the necessary supplies are at hand. Henna should be fresh. This can be determined by its color: ideal - powder saturated green color. But the brown color - a sign that henna is not too fresh. It will take this:

  • towel and pottery, which is not a pity (most likely, they will be irretrievably stained),
  • gloves (rubber or cellophane),
  • spoon,
  • fat face cream
  • essential oils (optional but extremely desirable): eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, tea tree, lavender,
  • shampoo,
  • a cap of rubber (you can replace it with cling film).

Directly for brewing need hot water, but not boiling water. The optimum temperature is 90-95 degrees Celsius. Instead of water, you can take lemon juice - this will improve the result of dyeing and make the color more saturated (practice shows that it is liquids containing acid that more fully release the coloring pigment).

How to calculate the right amount of henna?

It depends on the length and thickness of the hair. For short and not too thick hair enough 50 grams of powder. For long hair (below the shoulder blades) you will need about 300 grams of henna.

How to make henna?

The powder should be placed in a prepared clean and dry container, pour liquid (water or lemon juice) and mix thoroughly with a spoon until the mass becomes homogeneous. The right consistency - like sour cream. In order to make the paint more uniform, it is necessary to add the essential oils mentioned above, which, moreover, will allow the pigment to penetrate deep into the hair. Next, the mixture should stand in a warm place (from 30 minutes to 3 hours, if it is brewed on lemon juice, you can leave the mass for the night, and just before the coloring to put in 1 minute in the microwave).

How to dye hair with henna?

The prepared mixture should be applied to slightly damp clean hair, starting from the back of the head. IMPORTANT! Before dyeing, do not use balms and hair masks!

Gloves should be worn on your hands, and you should grease your face, ears and neck with a thick cream so that they do not stain. When the hair is completely covered with a mixture, you should wear a cap or wrap food wrap: heat is the key to effective dyeing.

It is necessary to keep the mixture on the hair, depending on the source color and shade that you want to get:

  • 15-20 minutes - for owners of light hair who want to become fiery-red beauties,
  • 40-50 minutes - for girls whose hair color is from medium blonde to chestnut,
  • 1.5 - 2 hours - for those whose original color is black.

It is necessary to rinse henna with running water without shampoo, but it is better to leave gloves on your hands so that your palms do not turn brown.

Information about which additives will help you get the right shade - then.

Henna dyeing technology

So, for staining with this tool you need to prepare the composition of a thick consistency, so that it does not spread. If your haircut is short, one sachet of paint will suffice. When dyeing hair up to the shoulders, you will need 2 or 3 bags. They should be poured into an enameled container and pour water with a temperature of 80-90 degrees. If we consider that henna dries a little, then it is desirable to add a teaspoon of olive oil or grape seed oil to the prepared composition. It will additionally moisturize and soften your hair. Adding oil is especially effective when you dye your hair for a long time (3 hours to get a copper shade on chestnut strands).

In order not to get dirty, dyeing should be done with gloves, protect clothing with a dark towel or a special plastic wrap.

Apply the prepared composition to clean hair in this order: first on the top of the head and the back of the head, then on the sides, then on the front. Separate the strands into partings and evenly distribute the coloring composition on them, starting from the roots.

In the future, it will be enough just to tint the roots, if there is no need to deepen the color. Usually henna keeps on the hair long enough, much longer than ammonia and other types of finished store paints.

After treating all the hair, cover them with a packet and warm them with a towel. Immediately wash away the paint overhangs on the skin, because then it will be more difficult to do. The henna dyeing time depends on what color you want to get and what is the native color of the hair. If it is light, then to give it a light golden hue, only 10 minutes will be enough for the effect of the paint. The darker the native hair color, the longer it will be necessary to keep the paint. So, if you want to get a deep copper shade and if there is gray hair, the exposure time should be at least 3 hours. Some brunettes put henna on the night and wash it off in the morning. The result of this staining will be a rich copper shade.

How to wash henna from hair

To do this, rinse the strands for a long time until the henna is completely washed out. This should be done with warm, not hot water. Keep in mind that no shampoo is required because you should wash them before applying the dye to your hair. If the paint is removed very badly, then apply a balsam-rinse, massage a little and wash it off again. After that, let the hair dry naturally.

Is henna good for hair

Henna is a natural, healthy and affordable hair mask. The effect of staining with this natural remedy is the healing of the strands, imparting them density, pomp. After applying it, the hair stays better and shines. Henna strengthens hair, reduces hair loss, eliminates dandruff.

Very rarely staining with henna causes allergies. But ammonia paints are able to produce a burning and irritating effect on the skin.

Sometimes women compare henna staining with the effect of lamination. After all, after it increases the amount of hair, there is a beautiful shine.

Hair after henna

This natural dye gives a woman the opportunity to experiment with color. Depending on the desired shade, you can purchase light golden curls and dark brown. In this case, the final shade will depend on the structure of the hair.

Important caution! If you do not want to get a bright red color of the hair, then apply this tool to blond hair carefully, because then it will be difficult to wash off the paint. Henna is one of the most resistant natural dyes. And this is its advantage.

The excellent effect of henna staining is the compaction of hair scales, the improvement of the scalp. Qualitative Iranian henna will not be washed out with strands earlier than after 2 months. And it will not be a complete washout, but only a clarification, loss of color saturation. This, too, must be taken into account for women who love frequent changes in the color of their hair.

The benefits of henna staining

The biggest advantage of using henna for dyeing hair is an absolutely natural dye, which not only does not harm the health of the strands, but in many cases helps to solve the problems of their fragility, excessive dryness or oilyness and others. In addition, henna:

  • beneficial effect on hair follicles, which accelerates the growth of curls,
  • eliminates dandruff, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence,
  • restores hair after an aggressive chemical wave, even if it is severely damaged,
  • makes the curls shiny, strong and “obedient”, which simplifies their styling,
  • provides a red tint - it looks so natural that no one, even the most expensive and well-known chemical paint, will achieve this effect.

Henna - it is dried and fermented by a specific method leaves of a lawson plant. Therefore, this paint can also have some therapeutic effect, for example, to relieve parasites (lice), accelerate the healing process for some diseases of the scalp.

The paint does not contain ammonia, so it is non-toxic and does not cause allergies (exceptions are found, but extremely rare). Henna can be used even during pregnancy, when breastfeeding and all diseases of internal organs and systems.

Disadvantages of the procedure

First of all, henna is practically not washed out from the hair, so it will not be possible to quickly change the image. This is due to the fact that the paint penetrates under the scales of each hair, and from above it is “sealed” with the thinnest film. There are several homemade masks that will help speed up the process of getting rid of the failed color, but still it will take some time.

SecondlyIt is well known to doctors that natural dye dries curls strongly. If a woman too often uses henna, regularly tints the roots and tips of the hair, then the result will be not only damage to their appearance, but also fragility, fluffiness and thinning.

ThirdlyIf painting with chemicals is quick and easy (30-40 minutes is enough to get the result), then the henna dyeing procedure will be more time consuming and laborious. To do this, you need to allocate an hour and a half of free time and get ready for what will be dirty, but henna does not wash, does not wash off and does not wash off.

What is useful?

Native American women have tried coloring with henna and basma. These girls gave impetus to the fact that now there are different shades for painting.

In the photo on the box when buying paint, you can see what kind of result awaits you. But what good qualities does henna have?

  1. Under its action, the curls begin to grow actively.
  2. The composition of henna includes many nutritional components that can reduce the amount of dandruff. They also help to heal the scalp from psoriasis and in severe cases, even from parasites.
  3. Henna is used as a remedy that restores curls after dyeing, if they have been burned. But it is recommended to apply henna at least 14 days.

How often can you do

Many believe that if the composition of henna is natural, then it can be painted as often as you like. But trichologists warn that if the dye in question is used too often, it accumulates in the hair structure. This leads to gluing scales, weighting strands, their dullness and dryness.

The optimal use of henna for dyeing is once every 2 months, but you can adjust the color of the roots with any frequency. Natural dye is highly resistant, so in two months the shade of hair will not become dull and faded.

Positive and negative sides of coloring

  1. Due to plant origin, henna is not capable of harm.
  2. The price in stores is quite low. At home painting will be even cheaper.
  3. It is not necessary to have special skills in henna painting.
  4. Henna gives a beautiful rich tone.
  5. Curls get a healthy look.

Even in the photo you can see that the curls have a beautiful bright tint after dyeing with henna and basma.

Negative coloring points:

  1. The components penetrate the hair so deeply that subsequent coloring with coloring matter can lead to uneven staining.
  2. The powder is washed off with water very hard. You need to put a lot of effort to wash it. Sometimes it happens that strands stain unevenly due to difficulty in flushing.
  3. Gray hair and discolored stains very strongly.
  4. Before painting at home you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.
  5. The color in which the hair is painted is extremely difficult to guess. It is necessary to mix the components correctly, to sustain the hair only needs a certain amount of time. Overexposure threatens the fact that the hair will be painted in a hot green color.
  6. If you dye your hair often, it can dry out.

Preparation and methodology

Before dyeing your hair, you need to wash it with shampoo and dry it a little by toweling it through - this will be the preparatory stage. And then you need to strictly adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Lubricate the skin on the hair edge with any fat cream, you can use medical petroleum jelly. This will prevent staining in a bright red color of the skin, especially since getting rid of stains will be too problematic.
  2. Dilute the paint in a ceramic or glass dish. To do this, in the dry raw materials you just need to add hot water (not cool boiling water!) And mix thoroughly. Henna is sold in bags of 25 g, this amount is enough to work with hair of medium length and thickness (approximately shoulder length). How much water to add is chosen empirically, the result should be a creamy mass without lumps.
  3. Split the hair into a parting, apply paint to the roots with a brush or foam sponge. Be sure to wear plastic gloves to prevent staining of the skin on your hands.
  4. After processing all the roots, distribute the paint over the entire length of the hair, carefully “beat” it with your hands and lay it up. All these manipulations should be done as quickly as possible so that the henna does not cool. It is in the hot / warm condition that it will qualitatively stain each strand.
  5. Wrap your head with plastic and a towel. The exposure time depends on what hair color is in the original version: if it is dark, it will take 2 hours to achieve the result, but light-brown hair will turn red after 20 minutes. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to control the process, periodically checking the status of the order.
  6. After holding the desired time, the paint is washed off with ordinary warm water without shampoo and balm. To obtain shine and improve combing of the curls, it is advisable to rinse them with water and vinegar or lemon juice.

How to achieve different shades

To achieve the desired shade, you just need to dilute the henna with Basma. This component helps to get the desired hair color. In its pure form, henna gives a red tint to the hair. If you dilute basma henna in proportions of 1 to 1, you get a standard brown shade, like a brown-haired woman. If 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma are mixed, then the color will be light blond. The composition, which will include 1 part henna and 2 parts basma, will give a rich chocolate hue. When stained with basma in its pure form, you will get a hair with a slightly greenish tint. All possible options for painting can be viewed online in the photo.

But you need to know that not only the composition of the components affects the final result. If the curls are too thin, then the color will be bright.Also important is how the color was before painting. If your hair was originally very light, then after dyeing with henna you get a red color. If dark dye only henna, then the curls will have a slightly reddish tint. Of course, most often henna is diluted with basma to color. But you can use a number of other components.

How to paint at home

Henna is interesting because it dyes light brown, gray and dark hair in different shades. In order for the results of the procedure to please you, you need to know some features of its implementation at home.

Look at the video on how to dye hair with henna:

How to get a golden color

To get a golden hair color, you can use the following methods:

  1. Chamomile tea is added to henna. Infusion is able to moisturize the hair and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Mix turmeric and saffron in equal proportions. Further, this mixture is mixed with henna, also in equal quantities. Saffron and turmeric are good antioxidants and antiseptics. Hair due to these substances strengthened.
  3. The saturation of the golden color increases with increasing acidity. Therefore, the composition can add kefir or sour cream. As a result, you will be satisfied with the beautiful shine coming from the hair. In the photo in beauty salons you can see approximate results.

Dark hair

If the hair is dark, henna dyeing will give it a beautiful and noble copper or reddish tint. The problem may appear quite unexpectedly - a natural dye gives a little redness to the hair. If this moment does not confuse, then you can safely carry out the procedure, but if such an effect It is worth connecting henna to one of the following components:

  • Basma - in proportion with henna 1: 3 respectively,
  • strong coffee from roasted beans,
  • decoction of chamomile flowers concentrated: 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials per 100 ml of water, boil in a water bath for at least 5 minutes,
  • lemon juice is added to the ready-made, but excessively thick paint, in small quantities - 1 tablespoon is enough for a portion of 25 g of powder.

If you need to dye dark hair in a deep copper color, you will need to prepare a composition of 100 g of henna and hot water (immediately dilute the powder to a mushy state) with the addition of 2 tablespoons of warm honey and 1 teaspoon of ground cloves. But to withstand the dye on the hair should be at least 3 hours.

Blonde hair

In this case, you need to be very careful! Often, blond hair under the influence of henna becomes so red that it is associated with the effect of "tear out the eyes." It will be appropriate to use those additives in the process of preparing the coloring composition, which will help to darken, make the color not so bright:

  • Saffron - 1 teaspoon of vegetable raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and strain,
  • turmeric - added to dry henna in a ratio of 1: 4, respectively,
  • decoction of rhubarb - you need to chop the stems and leaves of the plant and cook them for half an hour, you need a glass of a plant and 3 cups of water.

So that the blond hair is not red, after the procedure, it is necessary to add cinnamon powder to the coloring agent - about 1 teaspoon per 100 g of henna powder. Then everything is prepared according to the standard algorithm.

In order not to be mistaken in the choice of a particular composition, it is worth checking everyone on a small strand of hair that will not be too noticeable in the hairstyle.

White hair

It must be remembered that if gray hair is present on the head in large quantities (more than 40% of the total), then henna staining is highly undesirable. The fact is that the result may not just not like it, but be catastrophic - red-red strands, colored unevenly and creating a sloppy look. But if gray hair just started to appear, it is worth trying this composition:

  • henna - 1 part,
  • Basma - 1 part,
  • natural coffee - if necessary, so that the result is a thick gruel.

Apply the composition according to the classical algorithm, withstand at least 3 hours, it is better to leave the coloring matter for 4 - 5 hours, because gray hair requires a longer exposure. For curls of this color, this is a real “salvation”, since they will not only acquire a beautiful color, but also become shiny, silky and slightly more voluminous.

Dry hair

Staining such curls even with natural products can lead to a deterioration of their condition. Therefore it is worth adhering to the following recommendations of experts:

  • Henna should be diluted not with water, but with milk. It must be hot, and the pasty mass must be infused for 20 minutes, for this the dish is covered with a lid and wrapped to cool.
  • Duration of dye on dry hair should not exceed 30 minutes. Otherwise, right after the procedure, split ends will appear, and already dyed hair will be too fluffed and hard.
  • It is possible to add chicken egg yolk or kefir with a high percentage of fat content to the already prepared composition, but lemon juice, cinnamon and cloves are banned - they will dry the curls even more. A good addition will be decoction of chamomile flowers or saffron, but you can not use a decoction of stems and rhubarb leaves to achieve the desired color.

After washing off the paint from dry hair, be sure to use the usual balm, which immediately softens them.

Important nuances in henna hair coloring

To make the procedure easy and give the desired results, you need to take into account following points:

  • If you add a few drops of any essential oil to the ready mix, it will be easy to apply to your hair,
  • after dyeing it is impossible to wash the hair for the first 2 - 3 days - this time is enough for the pigment to penetrate deep into the structure of each hair,
  • if necessary, tint the hair roots it should be done carefully and not affect the other strands, as the additional application of the mixture will make them much darker,
  • if you need to get a true red color, then no vegetable or food additives to henna are needed, this rule "works" only on light brown hair.

At observance of all recommendations, henna staining brings only positive emotions. But what to do if, after washing off the composition, it is clear that the result is not what it should have been? Yes, it is extremely difficult to wash off natural paints, but it is possible to slightly speed up the process of leaching of foreign pigment. To do this, you should do these masks:

  • Olive oil is applied to the entire surface of the head and strands, wrapped in polyethylene and a towel, everything remains for 4 to 8 hours,
  • each strand and scalp is thoroughly wiped with medical alcohol (if the hair is excessively dry, the alcohol is diluted with water in the same proportions), then any vegetable oil is immediately applied to the hair, wrapped up and left for 30-50 minutes,
  • non-sour, greasy sour cream lubricates all the hair and scalp, creates a greenhouse of cellophane and towels on the head, and everything is washed off only after 60 minutes.

Such masks will need to be done daily for 3 - 5 days. Complete washing out of the pigment is unlikely to be achieved, but to make the color more correct is real.

Henna is a natural dye that will become not only a substance to change the image, but also help restore and improve the health of hair. It is extremely rare to see negative results when dyeing with this agent, for example, the hair may simply “not perceive” the foreign pigment. But if you strictly adhere to the algorithm procedure, then the trouble will not happen, and the hair will be shiny, with a beautiful shade.

Benefits of henna and basma

Basma and henna consist only of natural ingredients, henna is made from a lawsonum plant, and Basma is made from indigo. They do not spoil the hair, but improve their condition. Women who use such dyes, reduce dandruff and oily hair, and curls are not so polluted quickly. Hair loss becomes noticeably smaller, the volume of hair increases. With coloring, curls get natural vitamins, so they become more silky and strong.

Of course, there are a lot of benefits from them, but they also have a number of negative consequences:

  • hair will be more dry and brittle,
  • henna quickly fades
  • when painting on gray hair, the color of gray hairs will be lighter than the rest,
  • after painting, other dyes do not take, have to wait for rinsing.

Despite some shortcomings, henna and basma are a wonderful product, the harm from paints with chemical dyes is several times greater. But you need to handle such paints very carefully, for a start it is important to study all the features of coloring and to choose the right proportions.

Paints can be mixed or applied in turn. The result will not differ, hairdressers and stylists still advise applying dyes alternately. How the curls are colored depends on the original color and structure of the hair.

Important! On dry and brittle paint falls well on the fat - worse.

Paint preparation

Achieving the desired result depends on the correct ratio of paint. Basma is forbidden to use in its pure form, otherwise the hair will turn green. It contains indigo blue pigments, but in combination with henna, the hair takes on the color from reddish to black.

You need to know the required amount of paint to calculate the desired ratio. For hair long to the neck, it will take about 100 g, with a length shorter - about 50 g. Locks to the shoulders require 150 g for uniform dyeing, for longer ones - up to 500 g.

To obtain the desired color is better to use the following proportions:

  1. To get a light red color from a blond, mix henna and basma in proportions of 2 to 1.
  2. From light-brown hair red hair will be obtained by mixing 1.5: 1.
  3. Mixing dyes in equal proportions, you can get shades of brown.
  4. To make black hair color and not get red or green, you need to mix 1 part henna and 2 parts basma.

The darker the resulting shade should be, the more Basmy should be added, the lighter the henna should be.

Instructions for breeding paint

After accurately selected proportions and the amount of paint, it should be properly diluted. The right amount of paint to mix with warm water until thick porridge. It should not be too liquid and spread on the curls.

So that the hair is not too dry after the procedure, you can add kefir to henna, you can dilute the mixture for oily hair with a 3% solution of acetic or citric acid. Perhaps diluted with red wine that will add reddish hues. For chocolate overflow, you can dilute the mixture with natural coffee.

For reference! Basma can only be diluted with water. If to dilute paint hot, color will turn out more saturated. Henna can not be heated.

Proper hair coloring

Mixture for dyeing should be at room temperature. It is better to dye your hair with gloves, it is difficult to remove natural dyes. You can also apply fat cream or oil on your face, and if you get paint on your face, you can easily remove it.

Wash and dry the hair before applying the paint. Depending on the method depends on the instructions for dyeing hair with henna and basma at home.


A mixture of henna and basma in correctly formulated proportions is applied to the strands, starting from the back of the head, where the paint should last longer. It is necessary to paint the curls consistently, rising from the back of the head all the way to the forehead. Start to dye your hair from the roots to the ends. It is advisable to comb each strand before applying the paint.

Painting separately

First henna is applied, the principle of application has no nuances. Depending on the desired result, the paint is kept for a certain amount of time, after which it is washed off. It is better to wait, when the hair will not be too wet, and after already to start Basma.

Tip! You should not wash your hair in the next couple of days after dyeing, the paint needs to be fixed.

How much paint to keep?

Of course, this depends on the desired color intensity and hair type.

  1. For black - about 1.5 hours, if gray hairs are colored - at least 2 hours.
  2. It takes about 40 minutes to get a chestnut color.
  3. Auburn color from light curls can be obtained in 1 hour, from dark - 2 hours.
  4. A bright reddish tint will appear after 30 minutes.

If staining with basma and henna at home is carried out not for a cardinal change of image, but to give the hair a new light shade, 20 minutes are sufficient.

Coloring gray hair

Painting gray hair with such natural dyes is a great option, because the hair will be more alive, will not fall out, which can happen with chemical dyes. Gray hair is rather dry and brittle, but it is difficult to paint over it, therefore it is better to keep the mixture for half an hour longer than in other cases.

Coloring the split method will be more efficient. If gray hair is not on the whole head, painting should start with gray curls. The mixture can be taken warmer than room temperature, so the intensity of the color will increase.

Color correction

What to do if you do not like the resulting color? For a start, you can slightly reduce its saturation. To do this, apply vegetable (preferably olive) oil, slightly warmed up in a water bath, and hold on the hair for about 30 minutes. When flushing away a small amount of paint will leave, but this procedure should not be repeated twice, the hair will only get fatter.

Natural paints do not recommend washing with soap or shampoo, as they wash out faster, so you can try to wash each strand thoroughly with soap or shampoo.

Another method - wash with vinegar. 3% acetic acid will help to lighten the color, you need to wash your head with it, you can add it to the water and wash her hair after using the shampoo. This method can be used several times, but you should be careful and do not harm the scalp.

With proper staining, observing all precautions, do not have to correct the color.

How to get chocolate color

Such a beautiful shade is obtained by mixing henna with ground cinnamon, coffee or walnut shells. There are several ways to dilute coffee henna.

  1. 1 tablespoon of henna should be diluted with 2 tablespoons of ground coffee. The entire mixture is filled with hot water.
  2. Often use strong coffee. Prepare it as follows: 100 ml of boiling water take 1 tbsp. l coffee. In this infusion add 1 packet of paint. Both the first and second methods are considered effective.

If you want to make a mixture of nutshells, then you need to crush the shells. Now you need to take 2 tbsp. l shell and pour 1 glass of water. Mixture put on the stove and bring to a boil. After that, the mixture is removed from the plate and allowed to infuse for 40 minutes. Henna bred these infusion of nutshell. As a result, after painting you get chocolate hair color.

How to paint at home

Now practically in one salon or in a hairdressing salon you will not meet the service of dyeing hair with henna or basma. If you are the owner of a long curl, it is better to ask someone to help in the process of painting. To get the color, as in the photo, you need to adhere to the recommendations.

  1. If the hair length is less than 10 cm, then you need to take 100 grams.
  2. To paint the curls to the collar zone, you need to take 0, 2 kg.
  3. For hair on the shoulders will need 300 grams.
  4. For longer hair, you need to take more than 500 grams.

How to carry out the process of painting in pure form or henna with Basma can be found on the Internet using the example of illustrative photos. You can also find step by step instructions with photos.

  1. First prepare the paint. Henna is poured with water, constantly stirred. The result should be a kashepodobnaya mass.The mixture should be covered with a lid, leave to infuse for 40 minutes.
  2. If you have a dry hair type, you can add cream or olive oil to the mixture.
  3. The mixture is applied to the hair on each strand separately. It is recommended to first divide the hair into 4 parts, and then each part into strands.
  4. Put on the head. Massaged and combed.
  5. A cap is put on the head, left on the hair for at least 30 minutes. The maximum amount of hair exposure is 2 hours.
  6. After that, just wash off with water, no need to use shampoo.

Do not use the mixture for painting using henna more often 1 time per month. Frequent use will result in dry and brittle hair. If, however, there is a need for painting, then it is best to use special moisturizing masks.

If, as a result of painting, the color that you expected is not the same, you can wash it off with vegetable oil. Oil should be applied to the curls for 15 minutes, then wash it off with soap. Thoroughly washed hair.

  • Tried all means, but nothing works?
  • Fragile and brittle hair does not add confidence.
  • Yes, these loss, dryness and lack of vitamins.
  • And most importantly - if you leave everything as it is, you will soon have to buy a wig.

But an effective remedy for recovery does exist. Follow the link and find out how Dasha Gubanova cares for hair!

Benefits of henna hair coloring

Among the advantages of hair dye with henna are:

cooling effect. The use of henna will make you feel cool, because its use in the summer is especially useful. It has antimicrobial properties,
Henna fights dandruff. This is an excellent remedy for itching and irritation. Helps to boost hair growth, gives hair health and strength,
henna removes gray hair. Systematic use will help to completely paint over gray hair. It helps to slow down the aging of the curls.

Henna has many useful features:

green chlorophylls tone up curls,
hennotanic acid fights germs and fungi on the scalp. Hair becomes softer, stronger, more magnificent, dandruff goes away,
the resins regenerate the curls without making them heavier. After using henna, the hair is restored, but remains light,
tannin fights loss, strengthening roots
polysaccharides are natural conditioners. It moisturizes the skin, fights brittleness and dryness of curls,
acids reduce fat, normalize the function of the glands,
pectins give extra volume
essential oils have a positive effect on the skin and curls, strengthening them.

Principle of henna

The main principle of action of henna on the hair is that the plant contains Lawnone tannin molecules. They are not visible because they are masked by chlorophyll. When kneading leaves and mixing them with acidified water, the molecules go outside, because the cell walls of cellulose disappear. The dyes pass from the mixture, destroying the epidermis, into the hair shafts, they are connected to keratin.

If this is too complicated an explanation, then this process is also described as follows: if a wet tea bag is left on a white fabric, the tannin will turn into fibers. So stains remain. And the longer the tea lies on the fabric, the darker the color of the stain.

Therefore, before the henna painting procedure, it is necessary to dilute with citrus juice and let it stand overnight. During this period, the pigments are completely exempt.

Henna is a plant substance that positively affects the health of the hair in general, as well as their appearance.

The final color depends on the shade of the hair, because the dye molecules are mixed with keratin. Therefore, each curl is different in color, and all people will have different shades.

The use of henna gives the curls radiance, smoothness, regenerates them after chemical dyes. But before applying henna should try on one of the strands.

Henna preparation

To prepare henna for painting, it is necessary to mix the powder with slightly acidified water for several reasons. Cellulose is dissolved in paint to release the pigment. The hydrogen in the coloring particles must be preserved until keratin and henna are bound. This will give the opportunity to make the shade dark and keep it. If hydrogen does not have time to attach to the dye particles, the color is bright orange and rapidly fade.

It is enough to mix paint and lemon juice. If the skin reacts to lemon irritation, then choose the juice of other citrus fruits. Vinegar and wine are also suitable, but leave an unpleasant smell. Fits another tea with lemon.

Remember the rules for mixing henna. This will help avoid unpleasant situations and unwanted hair color.

Do not add yogurt, because its protein prevents the release of pigment and "eats" paint. Do not advise to mix henna with coffee. It changes color, and curls will get an unpleasant smell. If you mix henna and coffee, you get a deeper chestnut hue. Add 2 tbsp to the composition. olive oil to restore depleted curls. Clove powder enhances color, but can cause skin irritation. Never use boiling water to dilute henna. It gives a copper-orange hue to the curls.

Divorced henna is required to cover the film and let stand overnight. During this period, the dye will be released, and it will be ready for manipulation. To speed up the process, place the dishes in heat (35 degrees). Then the paint will be prepared in 2 hours.

So, how much henna is required for coloring:

if the curls are short, then 100 grams is enough,
for hair that reaches the shoulders, it takes 2 times more - 200 g,
if the curls just below the shoulders - 300 g,
For curls to the waist, you need half a kilo of henna.

One spoon contains 7 g of henna. And in half a glass - 50 grams.

Important Tips

There are some important henna tips:

it is a permanent paint. It is not removed from the hair,
hair slowly darkens. If you came out too saturated, do not worry. It will take a couple of days, and it will become darker,
with each procedure, a greater amount of coloring matter is absorbed into the hair. If the curls have a little darkened, repeat the procedure,
if you like a shade, do not need it to darken, then paint only the roots,
henna is allowed to dye hair after ordinary dyes. Before this, make a check on the inconspicuous area of ​​hair,
In addition, it is important to check henna for an allergic reaction.

Henna application rules

So, consider the rules of applying henna on the hair:

Henna is used on clean curls to achieve the best result.

It does not play a role, they are dry or wet. But it is better to make manipulations on wet curls, so the paint is more absorbed. Do not forget about testing.

Apply a cream along the hairline and ears. This will help avoid staining of the skin.
Divide the hair into pieces of 3 cm. This approach helps to better cover the curls, without skipping.
Use gloves to protect hands.
Apply henna along the entire length of the curl.

Take a little strand each time. Manipulations continue until all curls are covered evenly. If paint remains, it needs to be distributed. After application, there is a light weight.

Leave the henna to act.

For a light shade it takes 40 minutes under a towel and 60 minutes without it. Dark hair will need at least 50 minutes with a towel and 80 without it.

Rinse curls with warm water.

It takes a long time to flush the henna. Divide the curls into strands and rinse them one by one.

Then use the usual shampoo.

Henna root dyeing

To produce staining with henna roots, there are 2 ways. The first is as follows:

paint needs to be applied to the roots with a special tool,
making movements to the right ear, you want to separate the curls 1-2 cm,
when you reach the ear, all the hair needs to be shifted to the other side and start from the center of the head, moving to the left,
after coloring the front end, go to the back of the head. You will need 2 mirrors. One behind, and the second ahead. Apply the same way: divide the curls by 2 cm,
after the end of the manipulations, cover the hair with a film and a towel.

For the second method, you will need to purchase a hair dye bottle or a pastry bag. These devices help to simplify the process of coloring and make it more accurate.

How to wash off henna

On the bags write a warning that henna can not be washed off. And on the hair that was painted by her, you can not apply chemical dyes. Therefore, it is believed that henna is an overly durable paint that cannot be removed. But is it? How to wash the henna yourself?

To do this, invented a variety of ways. The most effective result is achieved within 14 days after dyeing, but older paints are also washed off. One of the methods is as follows: hair is smeared with 70% alcohol and left for 5 minutes. Now you need to prepare a mask of vegetable oil or special, which is used to remove the paint. Apply in length and cover with a towel. The higher the oil temperature, the better the result will be. Leave the mask for 120 minutes. If heated with a hairdryer, the gap is reduced to half an hour. Now wash it off. Oil perfectly remove the paint.

To eliminate henna from the hair there are several ways. But experts say that the most effective - with the use of oils.

Another way is a kefir based mask. 200 grams mixed with 40 grams of yeast. Apply to hair and let it work. This method removes about 20% henna. But the hair is required to wash with soap. And the manipulations are repeated daily during the week.

Another option is to pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar into the basin with water, dip the hair for 10 minutes, then rinse and smear it with balsam. Bright red color will be replaced by copper.

There is a way to remove henna with the addition of basma. It is brewed, mixed with olive oil. In the heated form, the mixture is rubbed and left for half an hour. To achieve the result, repeat a couple of times. Another option with Basma: brew and smear dried curls for 20 minutes. Will help restore the natural shade.

A lemon mask is prepared as follows: juice and finely chopped lemon are applied for 3 hours on curls. Repeat three times a week. The effect is achieved after 7 treatments. Coffee also changes hair color: mix 4 spoons with 2 tablespoons of henna and paint the curls again.

Sour cream with sour cream for half an hour, warm the hair. This will visibly lighten the curls.

If you believe the reviews, the most effective results are achieved through the use of heated oils. The result depends on the structure of the hair. And if these funds do not help, then you can change the red color by painting with basma.

Express henna dyeing method

For the express method of dyeing with henna, 50 g for short hair and 200 g for long will be required:

henna is diluted with heated water to achieve a creamy consistency (about 1 tablespoon per 1 tablespoon of water). Place to remove lumps. Then cool. In the composition drip a little concentrated oil. So the shade will be richer, and the paint will more evenly fall on the hair,
cover the clothes, apply hair cream to the ears and on the ears,
henna dyed washed hair. The process begins at the head. After that, the curls need to comb comb, massage for a uniform distribution,
hair covered with a film and fix it. Henna is stronger in warmth, because the top is to wind the towel.

The average interval for staining reaches 1-1.5 hours. If you need to strengthen the curls, rather than changing the shade, then hold henna for 10 minutes. After a period of time, the hair is thoroughly rinsed with warm water until it becomes transparent. If the gray strands get a pale or yellowish color, repeat the procedure.

Questions and answers

Consider popular questions and answers about henna:

Can I use other colors after henna painting?

The answer is yes. You can apply staining after pure natural henna. But there is a moment that is important to know: ordinary dyes behave somewhat differently compared to the use on unpainted hair.

The use of conventional paint will not violate the structure of your hair, but will give unexpected results, usually, the color turns out to be darker than expected. Chemical paint is washed out faster than usual, because Henna gives hair smoothness and reduces their porosity. Because of this, the paint is not able to absorb well.

Often, after henna, you can achieve a darker color by applying unnatural inks. For a better assimilation, lighten the curls, and then paint. But hair bleaching will be difficult, because henna prevents the absorption of paint.

Remember! If henna was used with Basma, then the use of conventional paint will give the hair shades of green.

Can I restore my color after henna?

No, henna is almost impossible to wash off. To return its shade, the hair will have to lighten.

How to store henna

It is important to know how to properly store henna in order to preserve its properties. The powder is kept in places without moisture in a sealed package. Henna is able to maintain properties for a couple of years, and sometimes longer, if you freeze it in a tightly closed container. It is still kept cold or cool in the dark. Henna can be stored at a temperature of +21 degrees, but not more than 1 year.

With proper storage, henna can save properties for several years. The option to freeze the finished mixture will help speed up the next coloring.

The mixture is stored in the freezer for half a year. Before sending to the camera it is important that the henna releases the dye. Such a remedy will have a stronger effect. It is allowed to defrost, then freeze again a couple of times without losing strength.

Freezing keeps the dye, but use it warm, because the shelf life is reduced. Try to keep the composition out of the freezer for the shortest amount of time.

Acid additives (lemon juice or fruit) prolong the life of the substance, because they help to preserve the paint with frequent defrosting.


Watch the video: Henna Hair for Beginners The Healthy, Natural way to Dye Hair at Home! (June 2024).