Dandruff treatment

Sores on the head and in the hair: causes and treatment


The wounds and sores on the head, hidden under the hair, at first do not cause any particular anxiety in a person. It’s not always possible to consider them without help, and what you don’t see is not very disturbing. From an aesthetic point of view, too, as a rule, there are no problems. Serious painful sensations too.

With this approach, the person begins to sound the alarm when the situation "goes out of control" - the affected area itches a lot, the affected area increases. It is clear that time is lost and to restore health has to spend much more effort than would be required in the early stages of the disease.

What are they coming from?

Examination of a doctor in such situations is necessary first of all in order to make an accurate diagnosis and begin a competent treatment. Surprisingly, but a fact: in 85 percent of cases of the appearance of sores and wounds on the head, diseases of any patient's internal organs, such as the stomach or intestines, are to blame.

Without special knowledge to identify such a relationship is not possible. And it can also be a disruption in the immune system, an allergic reaction or the consequences of a strong emotional shock.

The spectrum of skin problems is also very wide:

  • chronic diseases (psoriasis, eczema),
  • infection (for their activation is quite a tiny wound on the head),
  • viral diseases,
  • fungal (depriving different types),
  • violation of the sebaceous glands (seborrhea).

Consider these and other problems in more detail. The culprit of many ills is often parasitic mite. He lays eggs in the hair or keratinous area of ​​the scalp. A few days after that, the person is already beginning to experience an unpleasant itch that is getting worse and worse. The scabs are formed, which one wants to remove, but this only aggravates the problem, because the infection is spreading more and more through the skin due to such inept actions.

Interestingly, the parasites can not exist without a human body, they die quickly. Knowing about these features, experts prescribe effective treatment, which quickly brings good results. But self-treatment, as a rule, leads a person to a dead end.

Seborrheic dermatitis it is unpleasant not only by itching, but also by external manifestations - dandruff, which even the most fashionable expensive means cannot cope with. Experts say that the occurrence of seborrhea is not directly related to hygiene, which means that the matter is not at all in the quality of the shampoo, but in the specific disease that requires a medical rather than a decorative approach.

Even more serious disease - psoriasis. Despite the abundance of advertisements that supposedly guarantee one hundred percent success, there are no universal drugs that can save humanity from this trouble. Among physicians, this thesis is popular: the one who finds a cure for psoriasis will be awarded the Nobel Prize.

Convex plaques characteristic of this disease appear not only on the head, but also on different parts of the body. The disease often has a seasonal nature and a different flow pattern - severe and light. The patient is literally debilitating severe itching. Combing sore spots, a person can injure the skin until blood appears.

Eczema refers to chronic diseases. Its signs are red spots, dandruff, itching. If you do not promptly take the necessary measures, it can spread not only in the scalp, but also on the face.

Deprive flat red diagnosed by the presence on the head of characteristic cones of red and violet color.Most often, the disease overtakes older people, and if treatment is not taken seriously, it leaves a reminder in the form of scars. In addition, the disease provokes hair loss.

Deprive Shingles in its external signs it slightly resembles chickenpox, therefore it is capable of confusing inexperienced diagnostician. Blisters gradually dry up, forming an itchy crust on the scalp.

Ringworm especially dangerous with its contagion. Sores usually have a large area of ​​spread. The disease is accompanied by hair loss.

A disease called "Eosinophilic folliculitis" manifests itself in the form of ulcers - first it is pimples, and then red inflamed spots, moreover, with suppuration. Then scabs are formed. Patients suffer from itching very much, constantly combing sore spots and thereby increasing the area of ​​spread of the disease.

The cause of small wounds and scabs on the head can be lice. They suck the blood of a person, which is parasitic, while causing constant unpleasant itching. Experts consider this problem one of the most easily removable and blame it for poor hair and scalp care.

By the way, with regard to care, even the most careful person can get big problems on his head (literally and figuratively), if he acquires, for example, a shampoo containing substances that cause him allergy. This also applies to masks, balms, hair dye.

How and what to treat?

Dermatologists and trichologists are engaged in the treatment of diseases that cause the appearance of various sores and wounds on the head. In addition to visual inspection and various tests, tests are also used to check the response of the body but possible allergens.

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Recipes homemade masks against black dots and acne you can find on the link.


Drug treatment, as a rule, consists of medications fortifying and antifungal, as well as various means of "focal" effects. It can be:

In difficult cases, antibiotics are used, their use usually lasts from two weeks to one and a half months. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to prescribe medications that restore the intestinal microflora, removing various toxins from the patient’s body. If the culprit troubles allergies, the doctor prescribes antihistamines.

And since the problems of the scalp are often associated with the general weakened state of the body, the doctor recommends to his patients various vitamins, bioactive supplements, and preparations containing the necessary set of trace elements.

Here are a few medicines that directly affect the scalp (the doctor should make appointments):

  • esdepalletrin (treats scabs, eliminates itching, is effective in combating household mites),
  • Valkinson's ointment (itch and scabs conquer, but toxic, and therefore cannot be used to treat children),
  • Crotamiton (the drug is released in the form of an emulsion or gel, it is very effective, but is contraindicated in children and pregnant women),
  • spregal (eliminates irritation, safe for children).

Folk remedies

Various sores have long and effectively treated with the help of folk remedies, using a rich arsenal of medicinal plants. One of the "leaders" in this case is the celandine. Its fresh juice is quite aggressive, can cause skin burns, so traditional medicine recommends using celandine in the form of decoction or diluted with water (in a 1: 1 ratio) juice. Sore treated with celandine, and after half an hour - sea buckthorn oil (you can replace it with calendula oil).

Here are some more options for using herbal raw materials for scalp treatment:

  • lubrication sores "puree" of wild strawberries,
  • gadgets from decoction dandelion,
  • lotions from aloe juice,
  • hair rinse, prepared from yarn's stand.

There are also quite unexpected means, nevertheless that have passed the test of time. For example, a mixture made up of equal amounts of tomato juice (cooked personally) and vegetable oil.

This tool is applied to problem areas of the skin three times a day. And you can treat the scabs using bread kvass. It should be slightly warmed and moisten with kvass areas of the skin that need treatment.

Another option: to prepare a similarity of lard cream with the addition of crushed sulfur and a small amount of salt. The course of this type of folk treatment is carried out for five days, the healing mixture is applied to the skin three times a day.

These funds, unfortunately, are powerless against such serious diseases as psoriasis, various types of lichen, eczema.

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Can I use celandine to get rid of acne on the face? Read this article.

Acne on the head: causes

As with the problem of acne on the pope and indeed in any part of your body, we first need to identify the exact reasons why acne appeared on the head. This, at least, will half ease the difficult task of treating them.

So, acne on the head under the hair can "please" by its presence, if:

  1. You do not eat as you should. Improper diet - the root cause of many problems, including inflammatory processes, resulting in the formation of acne on the head.
  2. You are using the wrong shampoo. If you choose an inappropriate shampoo or conditioner, any other hair care cosmetics, there is a good chance that acne in the hair on your head will later become your unexpected companions.
  3. You have recently experienced a strong nervous breakdown, stress. It is often said that all the illnesses in our body begin “due to nerves,” and with absolute certainty you will not argue that there is no point in this judgment. If you often worry too much, this can be a source of acne problems.
  4. Have you had a hormonal failure or failure of the menstrual cycle. If you have acne on your head, it may be prompted by the fact that you have started your period before the usual or were several days late. So do not rush to panic and assume the worst.
  5. You wear hats made of synthetic material. These hats usually cause excessive sweating, and sweat mixed with excess sebum causes inflammation, allergies, an itchy rash, and acne on the head.

Infectious diseases

Such diseases of the scalp most often occur due to insufficient hygiene of the skin in a given area or are transmitted from an infected person.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store mulsan.ru.If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • Pediculosis - damage to human skin by lice parasites. As a rule, pediculosis develops on the scalp and can cause persistent itchy skin.

The doctor can easily diagnose the disease and recommends the necessary treatment that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Folliculitis - Infectious lesion of the middle and deep sections of the hair follicle, leading to its purulent inflammation. Folliculitis can have a bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic etiology. It is manifested by the appearance in the places of hair growth of single or multiple pustules, in the center of which the hair passes. Opened pustules form ulcers, their healing with a deep lesion of the hair follicle is accompanied by scarring. The treatment is carried out by antiseptics, local and systemic use of antibiotics, antimycotics, acyclovir, antiviral drugs.

Furunculosis- acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding connective tissue, caused by bacteria (golden staphylococci). The appearance of boils is possible almost anywhere on human skin. Boils occur when bacteria invade the hair follicle. The skin tissue swells up and a red, pus-filled, painful swelling appears. Until the boil is opened and emptied, it will hurt, and it will be unpleasant to touch it. Furunculosis, as a rule, has the character of a chronic disease, which is characterized by constant relapses. Treatment of furunculosis depends on the stage of inflammation, the number of boils and their location, it can be both local and systemic (read more in the department - Furunculosis). Impetigo - skin disease caused by bacteria (staphylococci or streptococci). Most often begins with the penetration of bacteria that are present on the skin in normal conditions, in a small cut or scratch. Oozing blisters or yellowish wounds appear, covered with a crust and most often located between the upper lip and nose. Blisters mainly occur after a cold. Wounds can occur in any part of the body.

More often this disease affects children. In most cases, impetigo is treated with local or oral antibiotics, antiseptics.

Fungal diseases

These diseases of the scalp are quite common and are quite common. The microorganisms that cause these diseases can be divided into four types:

  1. Surface trichophoria. The scalp flakes and reddens, hair begins to break in various places. In those places where hair fell out, a dark color dot appears. The disease is transmitted by infected people. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the nature and course of the disease.
  2. Microsporia- This contagious disease is transmitted by infected pets. At first, the scalp becomes red and covered with small bubbles, and then two clear foci of infection appear, the hair of these places is brittle and easily pulled out. External antifungal drugs, combination drugs containing hormones, as well as systemic antifungal therapy can be used for treatment.
  3. Favus- a fungus of the scalp in a chronic form. Practically everyone who constantly wears a dense headdress or a wig is subject to it. The hair starts to fall out as a result, and the skin turns bright yellow.

Autoimmune diseases

Psoriasis - chronic recurrent disease, which is characterized by a rash consisting of papules, covered with loose, easily removable silvery scales. The disease proceeds, as a rule, cyclically, then silencing, then heating up again.Since it is a chronic disease, it cannot be completely cured, but the patient’s condition can be greatly alleviated by reducing the clinical manifestations. To do this, there are various ointments, creams, shampoos and even soap. Local drugs are used (glucocorticosteroid drugs, drugs that include vitamin D, tar, zinc) and systemic treatment drugs (corticosteroids, cytostatics, immunomodulators, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Procedures can also be carried out - ultraviolet treatment and various other physiotherapeutic procedures. Scleroderma - progressive systemic disease, which is based on inflammatory damage to the small vessels of the whole body, with subsequent fibro-sclerotic changes in the skin, musculoskeletal system and internal organs. Initially, the skin becomes edematous, but quickly begins to thicken and gradually becomes more dense. The skin is tense, it cannot be gathered into folds and separated from the underlying tissues.

May cause baldness, if located on the hair of the head. This disease needs a long-term complex treatment under the supervision of a specialist doctor, is assigned individually, depending on the form and course of the disease, the nature and extent of the lesions. Constant medical observation and regular examinations are also necessary for early detection of signs of disease progression and possible correction of therapy.

  • lupus erythematosus - chronic autoimmune inflammatory skin disease, which is manifested by sharply outlined rounded pink or pale red spots, the surface of which is thickened, flaky, and further heals with a scar without prior ulceration. Most often it affects the skin of the face, less often - the auricles and the scalp, which leads to permanent hair loss. The causes of this disease is still unclear. As a result of some failures in the immune system, it begins to perceive the body’s own cells as foreign and seeks to destroy them. For this purpose, special antibodies are produced, the activity of which leads to severe pathologies of the internal organs. Immediate comprehensive treatment is required under the supervision of experienced medical specialists.

Other diseases of the scalp (diseases of the hair)

  • Hair ingrowth - a disease in which the hair (usually in places subjected to depilation or permanent friction) does not come out with its free ends, and, curving, enters back into the skin or grows parallel to its surface under the stratum corneum. often intolerable, sore. Sometimes small pustules and papules form. The lesions in this disease most often seize the beard and neck, most often develop in men - with an improper shave of the beard, the hair begins to grow. Laser hair removal and photo epilation exclude the appearance of ingrown hair.
  • Hypertrichosis (or hairiness) -excessive hair growth, unusual for this area of ​​skin, not corresponding to gender and age. May be general and limited, innate and acquired. Hypertrichosis is observed in both sexes in different age categories. Diagnosis of hypertrichosis involves a comprehensive dermatological and hormonal examination of the patient. Treatment depends on the etiology of hypertrichosis.
  • Hirsutism - excessive male hair growth in women, which is manifested by the appearance of a mustache and beard, excessive hair growth on the body and limbs, mainly due to an increase in the concentration of androgens (male hormones) in the blood.

All the listed diseases are only a part of the numerous list of diseases of the hair and scalp, only a specialist (dermatologist) after a visual examination and on the basis of appropriate tests can make the correct diagnosis. Independently establish the diagnosis, and even more so independently carry out the treatment of the scalp is not recommended, as this may not only help but aggravate the situation, as well as distort the clinic of the disease, and thus make it difficult for the doctor to diagnose and assign the necessary treatment.

Acne on the head under the hair: treatment methods

You yourself are well aware that self-treatment is never the best solution. The most sensible thing is to ask questions to a specialist who will help you understand what the problem is and how to solve it.

Usually, if you are worried about acne on the head, dermatologists advise you to use an antibacterial ointment, which is neatly applied to acne-affected areas of the head. So, like ointment, salicylic or camphor alcohol can be used: a small amount of it is applied with a cotton swab directly on the acne on the head. It is important to guess with the right amount of remedy that you use, so as not to burn the skin, which will lead to another unwanted problem - burns. With fine acne, tar soap is good: try some time to wash your hair with it, it will quickly dry pimples, which you will soon forget.. In very rare cases, when nothing at all helps, you may be prescribed a course of antibiotics that will cure acne on the head for sure.

If for some reason known to you, you do not have such an opportunity, or simply do not want to see a doctor, then folk remedies will come to your aid.

  1. The most widespread is apple cider vinegar. Take it in the amount of 100 grams and mix with exactly the same amount of water, and then rinse your hair and rinse well with warm water.
  2. Also useful will be as a "rinse" decoctions of medicinal herbs - celandine, yarrow, calendula, nettle. They are pre-infused, and then they can already be rinsed with hair, gently rubbing it into the scalp with massaging movements.
  3. If you drop a few drops of tea tree oil, which can be obtained at any pharmacy, in your shampoo or hair mask, this will also help get rid of your “headache”.
  4. Try honey cinnamon mask. Mix 2 tsp. cinnamon with a few tablespoons of honey and gently apply the resulting mass to the scalp for 20 minutes. Do not be lazy to take such a mask twice a week, and acne on your head will leave you!

If you have purulent acne on the head or ordinary small pimples under the hair, do not despair. This article will become your instruction how to deal with such an unpleasant problem and come out a winner in this fight!

Yellow crusts on the baby's head. What is it and what to do with it

Many babies have yellow crusts on their heads. They are also sometimes called seborrheic crusts or “lullaby”. They can appear both at an early age and in older children - two or three years. There is a lot of information on the Internet, and often it is quite contradictory. Let's try to sort out the reasons for the appearance of yellow crusts and establish methods of dealing with them.

If your baby has yellow crusts, carefully examine the baby.

If the crusts occupy a small parietal region of the baby’s head, it’s not so bad.

In this case, the crusts can be:

  • residual grease.
  • the result of increased secretion of the sweat glands of the baby.
  • the result of improper bathing, for example, too frequent shampooing.

If you also noticed crusts on the edges, this is already a bad signal. Crusts can be a sign atopic dermatitis or diathesis. If there are red inflammations on the face, which then become covered with a yellow crust, this is almost certainly diathesis. Therefore, be sure to show the crumbs to the dermatologist!

The cause of atopic dermatitis and diathesis is almost always an allergy - food (for food), dust, animals, etc. The main thing - to establish the cause of allergies.
If the child is breastfed, the mother should better follow the diet of a nursing woman and refuse any allergenic foods. Perhaps some time will have to "sit" on one buckwheat.
If the child is already eating other foods - look at his diet and, if you don’t know exactly what product caused the allergy, go to non-allergenic foods. After the manifestations of allergy, carefully introduce new products, so as not to miss the allergen.

Tips for getting rid of crusts

On the face of the crust do not need to touch at all - they will dry out and disappear. Just follow the recommendations of the doctor to care for them.

  • On the head of the crust can be combed. 20-30 minutes before bathing, lubricate with sterile sunflower oil. You can also use a special oil against crusts. I used Russian firm BabyBorn oil (I don’t remember which one). Many moms use baby cream for this purpose - the main thing is that they contain oils.
  • Put a hat on. You can additionally, for better soaking crusts, wrap the crown of polyethylene.
  • Then, before bathing or on time, brush the child’s head in different directions with a special baby brush with soft bristles. If a child has a lot of hair, then a baby comb.
  • Kolupat and otkovyrivat crust can not be! Brush no more than a couple of times! Peel should not blush! Consider that the child’s skin is tender, it is very easy to injure and carry infection! Therefore, if the number of crusts is small, many experienced mothers prefer not to comb them at all.
  • Try to evaluate objectively - how warmly you dress your baby. The best way to do this is to touch the crown and feet. They should be dry and warm, but not hot. If the feet are wet - the child is sweating, he is hot. Older children can touch the back and neck: if they are cold or wet, the child is hot.
  • Correctly introduce new products into the diet of the child.
  • The first lure begins with a teaspoon, gradually increasing the portion. As the child matures, you can introduce new products more boldly. But never give new products more than once a week! And watch carefully if there is an allergic reaction.

    • Properly bathe the baby. There is no point in washing babies with soap or shampoos - they can dry out the skin very quickly, which, in turn, will lead to new irritations. Therefore, if you want to use shampoo - then use it no more than once a week.
    • Do not be afraid to seek help and advice from doctors - a pediatrician and a dermatologist. Unlike online counselors, they can examine your child and accurately diagnose.

    How to treat dandruff and headaches

    The composition of shampoos against dandruff includes special detergents, the action of which is aimed at eliminating dead skin parts, as well as additives that slow down the formation of new dandruff. Most often there are no perfumes in their composition, which ensures maximum softness and safety. Currently, there are a large number of various dandruff shampoos, the composition of which is different. The presence of selenium, zinc pyrithione, clotrimazole, ketoconazole in the composition of dusulfate helps reduce the number of microbes. Some of them are created according to the type of hair (oily, dry) and the type of dandruff. Ichthyol and tar normalize the process of cellular renewal, tar shampoos are also recommended for patients with oily hair.Zinc pyrithione helps in the treatment of dandruff in patients with normal and dry hair.

    Popular shampoos:

    • Sulsena - eliminates the cause of discomfort, can be used as a prophylactic agent,
    • Nizoral - anti-fungal shampoo, effectively eliminates itching, is used for seborrhea, dandruff, herpes,
    • Sebozol - based on ketoconazole, effectively destroys the fungus.


    • esdepalletrin - quickly relieves itching and dandruff, an excellent tool for dealing with ticks that die after the first use,
    • Valkinson's ointment - quickly helps with itching, rashes and redness, even eliminates dandruff, because of the high toxicity is contraindicated in children,
    • Crotamiton is produced in the form of a cream and an emulsion, applied after a shower to cleansed skin, is contraindicated in children during pregnancy and lactation, Spregal is produced in the form of a spray, eliminates dandruff of the sore.

    If the reason lies in unbalanced nutrition, dietary adjustments should be made. The menu includes fruits, vegetables, and multivitamin complexes can also be used.

    The problem can also be caused by dysfunctions of the digestive system; a special diet is prescribed for its elimination.

    Video: Acne treatment on the face

    Headaches - causes, symptoms, prevention.

    A sore can be called any violation that occurred on the scalp. Therefore, the diagnosis of a doctor will make your life much easier, because it is easier to deal with what you know, what is called.

    Possible causes of headaches can be:

    - fungal lesions (red, pink, ringworm) -

    Video: How to cure a dog with folk remedies

    - psoriasis (a non-infectious disease) -

    - louses (bite sites itch and can comb, causing wounds) -

    - boils (penetration of bacteria in the hair follicle or fat gland).

    More often under the sores means just deprive, because they cause the most severe defeat.

    Any of the violations manifested a violation of the integrity of the skin, discoloration of the affected areas. When depriving along with the skin affects the hair - they break off close to the surface, which will help to distinguish this damage from others.

    Preventing the appearance of sores is the same for different reasons for their appearance - it is a strong immunity. Although specific immunity is not produced against fungi, general measures that strengthen it sufficiently can protect against the development of infection.

    Video: Feedback from Primaflora. Head itch

    Sores on the head treatment of folk remedies.

    Unconventional medicine offers to treat sores on the head with plants that have common antimicrobial properties - oak bark, sage, chamomile, celandine, string, calendula. On the basis of these herbs invented the following means.

    1. Healing ointment.Sores on the head can be lubricated with this ointment - pour fresh or dry warmed pork fat (1: 2), cool the mixture. Or make applications from the infusion of Hypericum.

    2. Celandine Fresh juice of celandine in undiluted form can cause burns, so it is better to use a decoction of celandine or dilute the juice in half with water. Sore smear celandine, and after half an hour - calendula oil or sea buckthorn.

    Video: treatment and rapid healing of wounds

    Hair on the sores and slightly along their periphery should be cut off so that the infection is not transmitted, and the treatment is more effective.

    Each time after washing the head, use a decoction of a medicinal plant (string, lovage, nettle, burdock, chamomile, willow bark, clover) instead of conditioner to improve the condition of the hair and prevent scalp diseases.

    She found for herself the secret of treating the head and sharing it with you a video:

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    Attention, only TODAY!

    The appearance of the first sores on the head does not cause any particular anxiety.But when the entire scalp is sore, then you should think about the reasons that are different and require an individual approach to solving the problem.

    Causes of headaches in the hair

    The main factors for the onset of such symptoms are associated with skin diseases:

    • Seborrheic dermatitis. Unpleasant disease is characterized by itching and dandruff and is not associated with detergents, and the fault is internal organ diseases.
    • Psoriasis. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease. Doctors joke: "whoever finds a cure for psoriasis, he will receive the Nobel Prize," but hydrogen peroxide in psoriasis will help ease the condition.
    • Eczema with red spots and itching.
    • For flat and red lichen typical bumps of red.
    • Shingles resembles chickenpox with itchy watery blisters.
    • Ringworm is a very dangerous disease threatens hair loss.
    • Banal lice cause itching.
    • Allergic reaction to hair coloring.

    Weeping sores

    If the rash on the scalp is constantly oozing and can not heal, use a few other recipes of traditional medicine. How to treat moist sores on the head:

    • Grind the St. John's Wort and fill with pork fat. To smear the sores several times a day.
    • 50 g of fresh leaves of the mother and stepmother are ground in a meat grinder and a small amount of milk is added. Mixture insist 2 hours, and then treated wounds.
    • Shlfeya leaves 3 tbsp. Pour 0.5 liters of hot water to a boil and add 1 tbsp. l honey Then wetted with a cotton swab and applied to sore spots. Duration of procedures is 20 minutes.
    • 40 g of oak bark pour a glass of hot water and leave for 12 hours. Then add 1 tbsp. honey and broth grease the affected places.

    A good remedy in alternative medicine is tea tree oil. Effectively disinfects and helps tea tree oil against fungus, it also helps to cure sores on the scalp. Its wood can be purchased at the pharmacy and added to detergents. Rinse decoction of chamomile, brew 1 tbsp. liter of hot water. Apply natural honey to the skin and make light massage movements. This is to get rid of peeling and itching. Doctors recommend using salicylic and zinc ointment.

    Effects of hair coloring

    Very often, after dyeing hair appear sores. Factors may be an allergic reaction, the paint over-dried the epidermis, dandruff and sores.

    For therapy, you can use folk remedies masks and decoctions of medicinal herbs. In the pharmacy, you can find anti-inflammatory peach oil or jojoba and burdock, and treat the epidermis of the head.

    How to treat sores on the head after staining:

    • Stir 2 egg yolks and rub into the roots, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse the head and hair.
    • Add 2 aspirin pills to the cleanser. Keep your hair clean for 20 minutes while washing hair.
    • Puree fresh apples will help get rid of dandruff. Grate a fresh apple on a grater and rub gruel into the skin, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.
    • 1 tbsp. l Cognac, butter and cocoa powder are mixed, put a mask for 15 minutes. This procedure eliminates itching and flaking.
    • 5 ml of garlic mixed with vegetable oil 10 ml. Apply to affected areas and wrap with cellophane. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. Then wash the hair with a cleanser with a balm.
    • Grind 250 g of dandelion root and place in a jar. Pour 0.5 vodka, let it brew for 7 days. Then moisten a clean cloth and apply to the head for 10 minutes. Procedures to do before the disappearance of the sores.

    If you diagnose lichen, it can not be cured by some folk remedies. Many sores on the head in the hair have internal causes. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and pass tests. It is impossible to treat the disease without knowing the cause.

    There are many diseases associated with skin and hair problems. “Sores” on the head are not just an aesthetic nuisance.

    In most cases, they talk about serious problems in the body. In the absence of proper treatment, the case is not limited to the usual itching. On the scalp there is a rash, dandruff, drying crusts, the process can result in hair loss.

    Causes of Scalp Diseases

    Skin diseases, like most others, occur when immunity is weakened. If the body is weakened, it loses its ability to resist infections and parasites.

    The presence of constant nerve loads, stress, lack of sleep - this is also the cause of poor immunity.

    Immune protection weakens with unbalanced nutrition. The occurrence of dandruff, for example, can be triggered not only by fungal microorganisms, but also by the usual shortage of essential trace elements.

    One of the reasons why there are sores on the head is a violation of metabolism. Poor sebaceous glands stimulate the development of dermatitis. Diseases of the internal organs and hormonal disruptions often lead to the appearance of cystic formations.

    The appearance of painful foci on the head in the hair is caused by the development of oncology, infection with ringworm, intake of inappropriate medicine for the patient, and allergies.

    It is necessary to carefully follow all sanitary and hygienic rules: keep your hair clean, use only an individual comb, use proven cosmetic and hygiene products. Although compliance with the rules of hygiene does not give an absolute guarantee of protection against diseases of the scalp. Lice can settle in completely clean hair.

    Wounds on the head, in addition to injuries, can appear when they are injected into a weakened organism, infections that are viral, bacterial, and fungal in nature. With a decrease in immunity, the body itself can not cope with ailments. Over time, moist areas of skin irritation become wounds, sometimes even purulent. The infection spreads when combing problem areas and in the absence of disinfection.

    The cause of the disease of the hairline, the occurrence of pimples on the head, can be trivial mechanical damage to the skin, the use of hairpins and other accessories that provoke the appearance of wounds on the head.

    Heredity, allergic reactions, and unfavorable ecology complicate the treatment.

    Household mites

    A very common reason that the scalp is itchy and flaky is household mites. Scabs and dandruff are the first signs of the activity of these parasites.

    Their appearance is a signal of violation of hygiene rules. Often found on the head of a child who has been in contact with other patients, or in adults who have visited a bathhouse or train, where sanitary standards have not been complied with. Small bruises arise from the bites of lice, itchy head.

    Derive parasites quite easily. For this there are many effective medicines and folk methods.

    The reason is a microscopic mite settled in the upper layers of the skin. With reduced immunity or due to skin wounds, the tick rushes into the deeper layers of the dermis, causing the patient to develop acne, ulcers, redness on the face and in the hairy part of the head. He is worried about severe itching. The help of not only a dermatologist, but also a dermatocosmetologist will be required.

    Sores on the scalp are caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, malnutrition, deficiency of certain vitamins. Pathology may be associated with diseases of the nervous system or infection with HIV.

    There are inflammations, crusts and peeling in the hair and on the face. In some cases, seborrheic dermatitis develops.

    It is characterized by the appearance of itching and dandruff. And this is not necessarily related to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.Even the best and most expensive shampoo will not help if the sebaceous glands are disturbed and the immune system is weakened.

    Dermatitis contact

    It can be caused by an allergic reaction to various objects or organisms with which a person has been in contact. The place of contact turns red, there is a feeling of itching and burning, which does not pass by itself.

    The doctor must find out the nature of such a reaction and prescribe an antiallergic drug.

    May be light and heavy form. When light head itches, small bulging plaques appear on the skin, which you can get rid of with a special shampoo.

    In severe form, when there is an increase in regional lymph nodes, you will need the help of a doctor.

    Eczema seborrheic

    Why it arises is still a mystery to scientists. The patient under the hair first appears red spots, after a while they begin to itch and peel off. If the disease cannot be defeated at the initial stage using a special shampoo, then very soon its symptoms will appear on the face and on the whole body.

    Deprive Shingles

    If watery blisters and reddish spots appear on the head, this may be a sign of the penetration of the herpes virus into the body, similar to the chickenpox virus. Shingles are characterized by painful symptoms: itching, headaches, as a result of which even facial nerve paralysis is possible. Seeing a doctor is necessary.


    Also called dermatophytosis. The disease is caused by a fungus. Over time, pockets of flaking on the head become inflamed and become wounds. In their place are formed scars. The disease is very contagious, it is mainly young people who suffer from it. It is also unpleasant because the hair in problem areas can be lost forever.


    There are two forms. When the surface rash appears, the skin flakes off, the hair easily breaks and falls out. In their place are dark dots. In the second case, you can also lose hair, but at the place of their loss will be reddish-brown bumps.

    Favus (scab)

    Skin lesions of a fungal nature lead to itching and burning. Yellowish crusts appear in this area with an unpleasant odor. They may bleed. Hair becomes brittle, lose shine. Sometimes it takes several months to cure a patient.

    Itching, redness and rash, all the negative phenomena presented in the photo - this is only the visible part of the trouble. Scabs and falling scales may lead to the development of such serious consequences as:

    • microbial eczema,
    • protein in urine,
    • even cancer problems with the skin.

    If the sores on the head do not disappear for a long time, and the advertised shampoos, oils and vitamins do little to help, you should consult a doctor. Tests will be assigned that will determine the nature of the ailment: whether it is an infection, a hormonal failure, or an attack of a weakened organism by a fungus.

    Recommendations on how to treat dandruff and sores on the head, depend on the results of tests and analyzes. In the mildest cases, patients receive advice from the attending physician on the use of ointments, gels, serums, which have a tonic or antifungal effect. In more severe cases, local treatment of lesions where sores appear is not enough. Then apply:

    • antibiotics
    • drugs that positively affect the intestinal microflora, removing toxins from the intestine,
    • antihistamines - for allergies.

    Most of the outdoor products that are used when the head itches, contain coal tar, zinc, birch tar. In modern clinics, along with the use of shampoos and ointments containing salicylic acid or natural oils, try to apply complex treatment.

    Patients who have undergone subcutaneous injection or laser treatment procedures speak positively of these methods.Substances that kill the infection, are injected under the skin, wounds on the head with a laser are well disinfected. Complex therapy, including massage and the effect of the steam capsule, act quite effectively and quickly.

    Folk methods

    Tested by time and effectiveness are not inferior to the means invented in our time. Of course, they should not be used in neglected cases.

    Traditional medicine knows how to get rid of scabs or dandruff. To do this, use tomato juice, mix it with vegetable oil in equal shares. Warm composition wipe the affected areas. It is also recommended ointment based on lard, with the addition of salt and sulfur. Even in folk practice is widely used favorite drink of all - bread kvass. It is useful not only when ingested, but helps to heal from crusts on the surface of the skin.

    Separately, as an additional method of treatment, I would like to note the “Healthy” cream-wax. It gives a really fantastic effect and removes the problem very quickly. Its detailed description is on

    In combination with medical treatment, the use of decoctions of Hypericum, oak and chamomile will be a good help. Collections from celandine, succession and calendula will greatly facilitate the patient's condition. A tar soap will be useful not only during the course of treatment, but also in the future, for the prevention of relapse. Herbal conditioners will not only help sore hair, but will preserve the beauty of healthy.

    It is better to discuss all the causes and treatment of the disease with your doctor in order not to damage your skin. Regular scratching can lead to sad consequences. The question of what happened to the skin and how to treat it should always be asked to a specialist.

    Your head is itchy, and your hair is covered with dandruff, like snow? These inconveniences can warn of significant health problems and the development of complex diseases. You can not hesitate, immediately proceed to the inspection, or better yet go to a specialist. How to recognize the sores on the head in the hair in the early stages, the possible causes and treatment, consider next.

    Causes of

    Violations in the work of human organs are not only accompanied by pain and discomfort, but are also reflected externally. The skin of the face and head, hair sensitively react to unpleasant changes and can predict serious diseases.

    In the early stages, sores on the scalp are difficult to determine, many do not attach any importance to this. A small rash, a slight compaction or redness eventually turns into more complex forms, as a result, the head is itchy, and dandruff is haunted.

    In cases where there is no corresponding reaction, blood begins to be released with further suppuration of the wound, hair falls out.

    Attention! It is forbidden to scratch the sores on the head, you run the risk of infection and only complicate further treatment.

    Only a specialist can determine the disease and the cause of its appearance on the scalp after a detailed examination. By making an accurate diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Self-medication does not guarantee a successful outcome, and in some cases is fraught with complications of the disease.

    Malfunctions of the body, chronic diseases of internal organs are the main cause of skin problems. Why else sores appear on the head:

    • transmitted from a sick person through a comb, clothes, a touch,
    • are activated when weakened immunity
    • after frequent stresses, experiences and overwork of the body,
    • as a result of an allergy to a drug, product, shampoo,
    • with insufficient, low-quality care of the scalp,
    • due to lack of vitamins, microelements in the body,
    • transmitted by heredity.

    Features of skin diseases

    Impaired work of the sebaceous glands, excessive dryness of the skin leads to its enhanced peeling. When combing the epidermis flakes are separated, they can be white or yellowish.It looks like dandruff.

    To notice the appearance of dandruff on the head can be a visual inspection. In addition, the disease is accompanied by itching, the head begins to itch.

    The main causes of dandruff are malfunctions of the sebaceous glands, infection with a fungus from a sick person. The illness can also appear on the background of nervous disorders, constant stress.

    Normal comb to get rid of the disease does not work, you need targeted treatment. Trichologists recommend special shampoos, medications, prescribe a strict diet.

    The appearance of dry redness on the scalp, which over time "grow together" in large areas, the so-called psoriatic plaques, talks about the development of psoriasis (scaly depriving). The disease begins with a mild form. If you do not start treatment in time, the risk of complications and transition to the chronic form is high, the affected skin becomes much larger. How does psoriasis look you can see in the photo.

    The causes of psoriasis are not precisely defined. For the treatment of the initial stage of the disease, an ointment (salicylic or zinc ointment) is used; for more complex cases, corticosteroids are prescribed.

    Important! Slow down with the treatment of psoriasis is impossible, the disease progresses very quickly and may affect the work of the internal organs.

    The disease of the scalp is caused by the activity of Demodex subcutaneous mite. The parasite can not manifest itself for a long time, but weakening of the immune system contributes to the development of the disease.

    Acne, acne, purulent rashes and local skin redness that itches unbearably are the main signs of infection. Additional symptoms of the disease are the tuberosity of the integument, head soreness and the appearance of a greasy shine on the hair.

    For treatment using drugs containing metronidazole. Completely get rid of the pathogen does not work, but you can stop its activity.

    Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea) is caused by increased activity of Malassezia mushrooms (Malasseziya). They contribute to the accelerated cell division of the surface layer of the skin. Patients with seborrhea note abundant dandruff on the back of the head, in the area of ​​the bangs, the head itches and quickly grows fat. In more complex forms of the disease, patients begin to go bald.

    There are many reasons for the development of the scalp disease:

    • genetic predisposition
    • poor, poor nutrition,
    • disease of the gastrointestinal tract,
    • reduced immunity
    • nervousness and frequent stress.

    For the treatment of disease using special shampoos with the addition of salicylic acid, zinc, and coal tar. An equally important step in eliminating skin problems is the settlement of metabolic processes through a strict diet.

    Allergic dermatitis

    The name of the disease itself speaks about the reason for its development - is allergic to the drug, product, hair dye, or cosmetic used. Symptoms of sores appear immediately or some time after contact with the allergen: edema, redness, papules, turning into ulcers and weeping sores appear.

    Attention! To eliminate the problem, it is enough not to contact with the allergen, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, ointments with corticosteroids.

    The causative agent of the disease is head louse, which can move freely. The cause of lice can be regular stress, lack of personal hygiene and sanitation, as well as contact with a carrier of infection. Frequent patients are children who attend kindergarten or school.

    Symptoms of the sore:

    • ulcerative foci accompanied by itching
    • irritability of the patient,
    • maybe a little sickness.

    For the treatment of pediculosis using special ointments, shampoos. For the prevention, prevention of recurrence of the disease in the future it is recommended to avoid potentially dangerous individuals, use a personal comb, monitor hygiene and sanitation.2 days after recovery, change the bedding, do a general cleaning, treat with steam the places where the lice could be removed.

    Scabs on the scalp are contagious diseases, contact with the patient is dangerous for a healthy person. The causative agent of the disease is itch itch. In 12 hours, fertilized parasite females can lay out up to 4 eggs, in 2 weeks new individuals will appear from them. Saliva of a scabies mite destroys keratin and facilitates the process of skin lesion, forming “intradermal scabies” for laying the parasite eggs. Linger with the treatment of the disease is not worth it.

    Scabs on the head, in addition to the unpleasant itching in the evening and night hours, are accompanied by various rashes. The resulting papules may simply rise on the scalp or contain a liquid component. It is forbidden to comb their sores, so as not to infect the infection and not to provoke suppuration.

    The cause of the disease remains contact with a sick person or animal, possibly infection through household objects, personal belongings of the patient.

    If scabs appear on the head, immediately contact a specialist. During treatment, it is first and foremost important to get rid of the cause of the illness, not to contact the patient. Then prescribed acaricidal preparations for external use.


    Very contagious. Transmitted from animal to human. Rash in the form of bubbles gradually expands in size. Hair dries up, starts to break.


    There are two forms. When the surface rash appears, the skin flakes off, the hair easily breaks and falls out. In their place are dark dots. In the second case, you can also lose hair, but at the place of their loss will be reddish-brown bumps.

    Favus (scab)

    Skin lesions of a fungal nature lead to itching and burning. Yellowish crusts appear in this area with an unpleasant odor. They may bleed. Hair becomes brittle, lose shine. Sometimes it takes several months to cure a patient.

    Itching, redness and rash, all the negative phenomena presented in the photo - this is only the visible part of the trouble. Scabs and falling scales may lead to the development of such serious consequences as:

    • microbial eczema,
    • protein in urine,
    • even cancer problems with the skin.

    If the sores on the head do not disappear for a long time, and the advertised shampoos, oils and vitamins do little to help, you should consult a doctor. Tests will be assigned that will determine the nature of the ailment: whether it is an infection, a hormonal failure, or an attack of a weakened organism by a fungus.

    Recommendations on how to treat dandruff and sores on the head, depend on the results of tests and analyzes. In the mildest cases, patients receive advice from the attending physician on the use of ointments, gels, serums, which have a tonic or antifungal effect. In more severe cases, local treatment of lesions where sores appear is not enough. Then apply:

    • antibiotics
    • drugs that positively affect the intestinal microflora, removing toxins from the intestine,
    • antihistamines - for allergies.

    Most of the outdoor products that are used when the head itches, contain coal tar, zinc, birch tar. In modern clinics, along with the use of shampoos and ointments containing salicylic acid or natural oils, try to apply complex treatment.

    Patients who have undergone subcutaneous injection or laser treatment procedures speak positively of these methods. Substances that kill the infection, are injected under the skin, wounds on the head with a laser are well disinfected. Complex therapy, including massage and the effect of the steam capsule, act quite effectively and quickly.

    Folk methods

    Tested by time and effectiveness are not inferior to the means invented in our time. Of course, they should not be used in neglected cases.

    Traditional medicine knows how to get rid of scabs or dandruff. To do this, use tomato juice, mix it with vegetable oil in equal shares. Warm composition wipe the affected areas. It is also recommended ointment based on lard, with the addition of salt and sulfur. Even in folk practice is widely used favorite drink of all - bread kvass. It is useful not only when ingested, but helps to heal from crusts on the surface of the skin.

    Separately, as an additional method of treatment, I would like to note the “Healthy” cream-wax. It gives a really fantastic effect and removes the problem very quickly. Its detailed description is on

    In combination with medical treatment, the use of decoctions of Hypericum, oak and chamomile will be a good help. Collections from celandine, succession and calendula will greatly facilitate the patient's condition. A tar soap will be useful not only during the course of treatment, but also in the future, for the prevention of relapse. Herbal conditioners will not only help sore hair, but will preserve the beauty of healthy.

    It is better to discuss all the causes and treatment of the disease with your doctor in order not to damage your skin. Regular scratching can lead to sad consequences. The question of what happened to the skin and how to treat it should always be asked to a specialist.

    Your head is itchy, and your hair is covered with dandruff, like snow? These inconveniences can warn of significant health problems and the development of complex diseases. You can not hesitate, immediately proceed to the inspection, or better yet go to a specialist. How to recognize the sores on the head in the hair in the early stages, the possible causes and treatment, consider next.

    Causes of

    Violations in the work of human organs are not only accompanied by pain and discomfort, but are also reflected externally. The skin of the face and head, hair sensitively react to unpleasant changes and can predict serious diseases.

    In the early stages, sores on the scalp are difficult to determine, many do not attach any importance to this. A small rash, a slight compaction or redness eventually turns into more complex forms, as a result, the head is itchy, and dandruff is haunted.

    In cases where there is no corresponding reaction, blood begins to be released with further suppuration of the wound, hair falls out.

    Attention! It is forbidden to scratch the sores on the head, you run the risk of infection and only complicate further treatment.

    Only a specialist can determine the disease and the cause of its appearance on the scalp after a detailed examination. By making an accurate diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Self-medication does not guarantee a successful outcome, and in some cases is fraught with complications of the disease.

    Malfunctions of the body, chronic diseases of internal organs are the main cause of skin problems. Why else sores appear on the head:

    • transmitted from a sick person through a comb, clothes, a touch,
    • are activated when weakened immunity
    • after frequent stresses, experiences and overwork of the body,
    • as a result of an allergy to a drug, product, shampoo,
    • with insufficient, low-quality care of the scalp,
    • due to lack of vitamins, microelements in the body,
    • transmitted by heredity.

    Features of skin diseases

    Impaired work of the sebaceous glands, excessive dryness of the skin leads to its enhanced peeling. When combing the epidermis flakes are separated, they can be white or yellowish. It looks like dandruff.

    To notice the appearance of dandruff on the head can be a visual inspection. In addition, the disease is accompanied by itching, the head begins to itch.

    The main causes of dandruff are malfunctions of the sebaceous glands, infection with a fungus from a sick person. The illness can also appear on the background of nervous disorders, constant stress.

    Normal comb to get rid of the disease does not work, you need targeted treatment. Trichologists recommend special shampoos, medications, prescribe a strict diet.

    The appearance of dry redness on the scalp, which over time "grow together" in large areas, the so-called psoriatic plaques, talks about the development of psoriasis (scaly depriving). The disease begins with a mild form. If you do not start treatment in time, the risk of complications and transition to the chronic form is high, the affected skin becomes much larger. How does psoriasis look you can see in the photo.

    The causes of psoriasis are not precisely defined. For the treatment of the initial stage of the disease, an ointment (salicylic or zinc ointment) is used; for more complex cases, corticosteroids are prescribed.

    Important! Slow down with the treatment of psoriasis is impossible, the disease progresses very quickly and may affect the work of the internal organs.

    The disease of the scalp is caused by the activity of Demodex subcutaneous mite. The parasite can not manifest itself for a long time, but weakening of the immune system contributes to the development of the disease.

    Acne, acne, purulent rashes and local skin redness that itches unbearably are the main signs of infection. Additional symptoms of the disease are the tuberosity of the integument, head soreness and the appearance of a greasy shine on the hair.

    For treatment using drugs containing metronidazole. Completely get rid of the pathogen does not work, but you can stop its activity.

    Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea) is caused by increased activity of Malassezia mushrooms (Malasseziya). They contribute to the accelerated cell division of the surface layer of the skin. Patients with seborrhea note abundant dandruff on the back of the head, in the area of ​​the bangs, the head itches and quickly grows fat. In more complex forms of the disease, patients begin to go bald.

    There are many reasons for the development of the scalp disease:

    • genetic predisposition
    • poor, poor nutrition,
    • disease of the gastrointestinal tract,
    • reduced immunity
    • nervousness and frequent stress.

    For the treatment of disease using special shampoos with the addition of salicylic acid, zinc, and coal tar. An equally important step in eliminating skin problems is the settlement of metabolic processes through a strict diet.

    Allergic dermatitis

    The name of the disease itself speaks about the reason for its development - is allergic to the drug, product, hair dye, or cosmetic used. Symptoms of sores appear immediately or some time after contact with the allergen: edema, redness, papules, turning into ulcers and weeping sores appear.

    Attention! To eliminate the problem, it is enough not to contact with the allergen, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, ointments with corticosteroids.

    The causative agent of the disease is head louse, which can move freely. The cause of lice can be regular stress, lack of personal hygiene and sanitation, as well as contact with a carrier of infection. Frequent patients are children who attend kindergarten or school.

    Symptoms of the sore:

    • ulcerative foci accompanied by itching
    • irritability of the patient,
    • maybe a little sickness.

    For the treatment of pediculosis using special ointments, shampoos. For the prevention, prevention of recurrence of the disease in the future it is recommended to avoid potentially dangerous individuals, use a personal comb, monitor hygiene and sanitation. 2 days after recovery, change the bedding, do a general cleaning, treat with steam the places where the lice could be removed.

    Scabs on the scalp are contagious diseases, contact with the patient is dangerous for a healthy person. The causative agent of the disease is itch itch. In 12 hours, fertilized parasite females can lay out up to 4 eggs, in 2 weeks new individuals will appear from them. Saliva of a scabies mite destroys keratin and facilitates the process of skin lesion, forming “intradermal scabies” for laying the parasite eggs. Linger with the treatment of the disease is not worth it.

    Scabs on the head, in addition to the unpleasant itching in the evening and night hours, are accompanied by various rashes. The resulting papules may simply rise on the scalp or contain a liquid component. It is forbidden to comb their sores, so as not to infect the infection and not to provoke suppuration.

    The cause of the disease remains contact with a sick person or animal, possibly infection through household objects, personal belongings of the patient.

    If scabs appear on the head, immediately contact a specialist. During treatment, it is first and foremost important to get rid of the cause of the illness, not to contact the patient. Then prescribed acaricidal preparations for external use.


    This type of sore on the head, inherent in children more than adults. The appearance of crusts, scales, varied in form and size of acne. Causes of sores:

    • failure of the sebaceous glands,
    • contact with the patient,
    • weakened immunity
    • lack of trace elements, vitamins in the body.

    For the treatment of the disease, the doctor will recommend drugs Terbinafin, Clotrimazole, and their analogues. It will be useful to rub in the skin of vegetable oils in combination with salicylic acid.

    Drug treatment

    Most of the sores on the head are accompanied by severe itching and excessive dandruff. For the treatment of ailment, experts turn mainly to ointments, among them the following drugs deserve positive feedback:

    • Clotrimazole Ointment - used against many fungal infections of the skin. The drug is applied to a clean and dry surface with a thin layer, you can rub a little tool. The procedure is repeated up to 3 times a day. Medicinal ointment is used for 1-4 weeks, depending on the diagnosis. To consolidate success, it is recommended to apply the drug within 2 weeks after the end of treatment. Not suitable for the treatment of pregnant and lactating, as well as those who are planning a pregnancy. The cost of ointment from 77 rubles.

    • Crotamiton in the form of a cream or lotion - used to combat scabies mites, with demodicosis and to reduce itching. Means are perfectly absorbed into the skin, as well as into parasites, contributing to their destruction. The drug relieves itching for 6 hours. Apply Crotamiton to clean and dry skin, rubbing until completely absorbed into the skin. The course of treatment is 3 days for adults. If necessary, the doctor may extend the drug or prescribe another. Price - 1400 rubles. The drug is not recommended for future and lactating mothers, as well as children under 12 years old.

    • Wilkinson Ointment - possesses high anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic and antifungal properties, an excellent antiseptic. The composition includes the following active ingredients: tar, refined sulfur and naphthalene ointment. The drug is highly toxic, so the course of application should not last more than 6 days.

    • Substance-powder Pyrithione zinc - the drug is intended for the treatment of psoriasis, seborrhea, dandruff, various dermatitis, reduces inflammation and reduces peeling of the skin. For use, it is enough to dilute the powder and treat the affected areas with it up to 3 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 14 days, psoriasis - 30 days. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the use of the drug continues for another 7 days.

    • Cream Zinocap - an alternative variant of Pyrioin zinc, applied with a thin layer to the site of injury several times a day.It is used to treat psoriasis, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, helps to eliminate dryness of the integument. The course of drug therapy lasts 2-6 weeks, depending on the complexity of the disease. May be administered to children older than a year, the drug was not tested for pregnant and lactating drugs. The cost of the drug is about 400 rubles per 20 g.

    To improve the patient's immunity and speed up the healing process, the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins and trace elements. It is especially important to pay attention to vitamins of group B, retinol (vitamin A), nicotinic and ascorbic acid, calcium supplementation will be useful.

    Alternative methods

    No less effective in dealing with sores are modern alternative treatments:

    • Laser therapy - aimed at launching regeneration processes inside the skin, contributes to the normalization of blood circulation and metabolism in the cells in the affected areas. In addition, the laser is a powerful antiseptic.
    • Mesotherapy - through injections into the skin enter a complex of vitamins, mineral supplements or drugs. They will strengthen the immune system, normalize intracellular processes.
    • Hirudotherapy - The essence of the method in the impact on special acupuncture points, for which leeches are used. They help cleanse the body of toxins, secrete a secret filled with various types of enzymes. It speeds up the metabolism in the skin cells, has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, normalizes blood circulation.
    • Biocomplex procedure - includes a massage with the use of a steam capsule. Natural oils are used to fill the affected areas with nutrients. The treatment course lasts at least 5 days, each session will be delayed up to half an hour.

    Korostochki, sores on the head under the hair phenomenon is quite common. They will not give you a lot of trouble if you respond in time with appropriate treatment. What and how to treat the disease is determined by a specialist after a detailed examination of the scalp and diagnosis.

    Do not try to cure the sores and scabs under the hair by folk methods, only in combination with drugs and modern alternative methods the illness will be quickly and completely defeated. Be attentive to the condition of your skin, it is often the first signal of a failure in the body.

    Useful videos

    Dermatitis of the scalp.

    What a scabies mite looks like.

    Diseases of the scalp - causes and methods of treatment

    The development of diseases of the scalp that can manifest itself in the form of sores on the head depends on many factors:

    • Disruption of the immune system - after a serious illness or due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body,
    • Improper nutrition - for beautiful and lush hair, you must follow a balanced diet. Introduction to the menu of vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals, fresh juices,
    • Non-compliance with hygiene - you can not take in the use of other people's combs, other items of personal hygiene. There is a risk of infection of various origins. Wash your hair with a shampoo that fits the type of hair and does not cause allergies. You should always have your own comb and gum when you
    • Hereditary factor - diseases can occur at any time, especially if the immune system is weakened. The problem of heredity can not be solved, it remains only to maintain the scalp in a normal state,
    • Infection in the human body can be of a different type (virus, bacterium, fungus) and, depending on this, appropriate treatment is prescribed,
    • Frequent use of a hair dryer, ironing hair, lacquer, scum and other means that can cause an allergic reaction,
    • Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, very often the cause of diseases of the scalp.

    Skin diseases on the surface of the head (sores on the head):

    1. Dandruff - depending on the type of dandruff prescribe the appropriate treatment. With dry dandruff, the scalp begins to flake off strongly, the scales are easily separated when combed and have a white color. For oily dandruff, the scales are greasy and yellow. Movements comb remove not work. Causes of dandruff: disrupted sebaceous glands, problems with the psychological state, constant stress, fungus. The treatment is carried out with special shampoos and means, herbal decoctions are effective. Doctors usually prescribe to patients with this problem Perhodal, Keto-plus, Sulsen paste, salicylic acid, sulfur, tea tree oil.

    2. Scaly type lichen or psoriasis - characterized by spots on the surface of a red shade of various sizes. Then the spots go to the skin all over the body. Most cases end easily and favorably, but a certain percentage has complications in the form of pustular type of psoriasis. Scientists still can not explain the cause of psoriasis. For the treatment prescribed salicylic acid, tar soap. An important condition is the elimination of toxins from the body, with the use of antihistamines.

    3. Microsporia - Most common in children. It is detected in the form of places on the scalp, which are scales, crusts and papules of various shapes and sizes. Causes - close communication with pets, weak immunity, lack of vitamins, disruption of the sebaceous glands. Treatment - Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, oils with salicylic acid, also used vegetable and olive oils.

    4. Trichophytosis or ringworm - it is characterized by hair loss in a certain place of the head, after the loss there appear points of dark color (surface type of trichophytia). Or hair loss is accompanied by the appearance of mounds of reddish hues (sores on the head). The causes may be disorders of the endocrine or nervous system, but more often this disease is transmitted from animals to humans as a fungal infection. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor - mostly antifungal agents and washing the scalp with a solution of iodine.

    5. Favus - the disease caused by active reproduction of the fungus. Scales appear in certain places of the head, causing itching, unpleasant smell. The extended recovery period includes antibiotic and antifungal drugs. Doctors rarely prescribe vitamins and minerals in capsules.

    6. Furunculosis - caused by microorganisms, most often Staphylococcus aureus, characterized by the presence of pus in the follicles of the hair and surrounding tissue. Since it is necessary to open such areas of skin and treatment, without qualified doctors in this case go nowhere. Add antibiotics and fortifying drugs for a speedy recovery.

    7. Impetigo - A common disease among children. Blisters and wounds appear. This disease is also caused by staphylococci. The reasons - not respecting the rules of personal hygiene. In the absence of proper treatment, the blisters turn into abscesses. The treatment begins with the treatment of the scalp with salicylic acid, possibly further opening of the blisters and treatment with fucorcin and other means. Antibiotics are also used.

    8. Pediculosis - This disease is caused by parasites - lice. Most often, children are ill. Symptoms are painful ulcers on the scalp (sores on the head), which itch badly, irritability, general malaise. Lice treatment is carried out with the help of ointments and shampoos.

    Functions of the skin

    First you need to remember what skin is and why it is a person. It is an organ of sensory perception, as well as part of the immune system, which does not allow foreign substances and infections to enter the body. When a person's immunity is lowered, the skin begins to peel off, covered with acne, black dots, quickly grows fat.

    Wounds and suppurations

    They are the entrance gate of the infection in the affected area. If the pathogenic bacteria enter an open wound, infection occurs. The body isolates the infection, as if blocking it with a protective sheath, after which immunity cells are straightened with it. But if the infection turns out to be strong, the immunity will be slower to fight it, which can eventually turn into an abscess and suppuration.

    1. Thermal damage (as a result of hairdryer, perm).
    2. Trichotillomania, a mental disorder in which a person independently pulls out his hair.
    3. As a result of chemotherapy.
    4. Lack of vitamins.
    5. Violation of water-salt balance.
    6. Central nervous system diseases.
    7. Frequent stress.

    Peeling and peel

    These phenomena may be harbingers of:

    • The development of seborrhea, which manifests itself in the form of a greasy, yellow peel on the scalp. This is a common phenomenon that can be a reaction to a violation of the fat metabolism of the head, allergies to shampoos or soap, the answer to certain types of drugs.
    • A fungal infection, the colonies of which peel when dried with a hair dryer or in the sun and fall off on the shoulders and back.
    • The presence of lice or other parasites.
    • Ringworm. An infection whose bacteria feed on the epithelium, so that the hair remains without a foundation.
    • Eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea.
    • Another skin disease of infectious nature, as well as cancer.

    The appearance of wounds, blisters or tumors on the scalp may be due to the following reasons:

    1. Folliculitis (infection of the hair shaft).
    2. Allergic skin reaction (contact dermatitis).
    3. A viral infection, for example, chickenpox or shingles.
    4. Skin disease, for example, acne.
    5. Cyst epidermal or sebaceous gland.

    On the scalp, especially in the area where there is no hair, cancer tumors can develop. Cancer destroys skin cells, in addition, in some cases it can metastasize to other parts of the body. Externally, skin cancer looks like a tumor, a mole, a permanent wound, a stain. The most common types are:

    • basal cell carcinoma of the skin,
    • squamous cell carcinoma of the skin,
    • melanoma.

    Acne or rashes indicate a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. or water-salt balance. When the skin is too dry, an increased amount of sebum is secreted to protect the scalp from infections and heat loss.

    When there are any disorders in the body, sebum is secreted uncontrollably and sebaceous glands clogs. They become inflamed and turn into those same acne. Also, the cause of acne can be hormonal disruptions (in particular, an imbalance of sex hormones) that causes hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands.

    If you find yourself a scalp disease that is not mentioned above, then click here https://vsemugolova.com/bolezni/kozhi/prichiny-i-vidy-zabolevanij.html and you will learn about other types of ailments.

    First aid

    How to cure diseases of the scalp and where to start treatment? The first step is to avoid contact of alcohol and acid with the affected surface, treat the wound with chlorhexidine, or natural antiseptics (aloe juice, burdock oil or avocado).

    • If there is an open wound on the head, apply an antiseptic cream and seal it with a plaster.
    • In the case when the skin is peeling, treat with a moisturizer or ointment.
    • Acne, acne, acne categorically can not push. An open wound is very vulnerable to infections. You can wipe with alcohol or salicylic acid.
    • Itching is a sign of allergies or parasites. To eliminate it you can take an antihistamine. If you scratch the itching site, there is a scratch that can miss the infection. You can learn about other precautionary measures in case of itching of the scalp, which will help prevent the occurrence of complications in the form of various rashes and sores, by clicking here.
    • A crust on the head may be due to a healing wound. Do not peel off and do not comb.You must either not do anything, or apply a nourishing balm for the skin.
    • In case you have a growth on your head, you cannot disrupt it or handle it. It can be either a normal mole or a cancer.

    It is recommended to contact a specialist as soon as possible. as some diseases may worsen over time.

    What if red spots appear?

    This is a clear sign of an inflammatory process or an allergic reaction.

    1. Can be treated with an antiseptic ointment or cream.
    2. Can be treated with the drug "Benzylbenzonat".
    3. It is necessary to contact a mycologist for further diagnosis and treatment, because fungal infections and lichen are usually itchy.

    What to do with wounds after staining

    The reason is the intolerance of the components of the composition, poor-quality paint or chemical burn. If at touch the scalp bakes and the sensitivity to temperature is increased - you have a burn. You need to contact a dermatologist or therapist who will prescribe an anti-inflammatory agent.

    It is not necessary to self-medicate, because the toxin dye can react with certain medications that will aggravate the situation.

    What is the most effective remedy?

    For harmless drugs include veterinary ointment YM-11, which costs a penny, but shows high efficiency. It does not contain harmful components and has a mild effect. Eliminates lichen and other skin infections. With allergies and other diseases will not help, but will not worsen the situation.


    To prevent problems with the scalp, you need:

    1. observe the diet,
    2. monitor the content of vitamins and microelements in the composition,
    3. Do not eat fast food and trans fats (margarine and artificial fat).

    Now you know why there are sores on the head and how to eliminate them. And finally, some important rules: use proven cosmetics and hygiene products and do not abuse it, and after contact with stray animals you need to disinfect the body and hair.

    Why you should not ignore the sores at the first appearance?

    Do not think that the sore under the hair - it's just a cosmetic problem. In fact, such education in more than 80 percent means serious problems in the body. Painful foci can be the result of abnormalities in the body systems or be provoked by infections and fungi. All of the above reasons will not go away just like that, and, therefore, the sores will not disappear themselves. Therefore, you should carefully treat problems with the scalp.

    It is not necessary in this matter to rely on the advice of friends, because often the causes of completely identical sores can be different. It is better to consult a doctor who will make an individual diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

    What kinds are

    It may be not very pronounced foci of inflammation, wounds, covered with a crust and scaly, bloody wounds, ulcers. A very common problem is moist head wounds. The scalp is scratched and itchy. Inflammations from this become even more. Due to the fact that the painful spots are scratched, they can be combed very strongly, which increases the risk of infection. It can reach significant damage to the upper epithelium balloon and massive hair loss.

    See photos here: 03 Online

    How to deal with this disease

    How to treat sores on the head? First you need to identify the causes of this disease. Treatment can be adequate only after establishing the prerequisites for the appearance of the disease. Therefore, the first step should be to visit a qualified doctor. He will prescribe several tests that will determine the nature of the sores: infectious, fungal or hormonal. After that, it will be possible to start therapy. It usually consists of prescribing special antifungal and antibacterial ointments, applied externally.If the case is serious, then they can also prescribe a drinking antibiotic that will help to cope with the infection that is walking around the body. In modern clinics also used:

    1. Subcutaneous injections requiring strong care. They are made only in a hospital. Medicines killing the infection are injected into the skin. Also injected vitamins and nutrients that allow the scalp to recover from the disease.
    2. Laser treatment. With the help of a laser, the sores on the head are instantly disinfected and healed. Blood circulation in the scalp is restored. This method is very effective and works quickly.
    3. Biocomplex therapy. It combines the effects of a steam capsule, massage and therapeutic procedures.

    As a rule, weeks of comprehensive treatment are enough. But sometimes it takes several weeks of therapy to eliminate, for example, ulcers in the hair in the head.

    Photo from here: doktorvolos.ru

    Hypericum Ointment

    Pour into the pan of Hypericum branches. Melt separately pork fat and fill them with grass. Let it stand and harden the mixture. When it turns into an ointment, you can begin to use. Smear such ointment foci of inflammation several times a day. Use a thin comb with teeth. With it, you divide the hair into strands, open sores and be able to process them well.

    Washing with decoction

    Wash your head with broths of herbs that have antimicrobial properties. These include: bark of oak, chamomile, celandine, series, calendula, sage. All these herbs can be purchased in dried form at the pharmacy. You can also buy there special fees, consisting of several types of herbs. Washing the hair with decoctions should be done after each shampooing. You can also do this every day, if the sores itch.

    Photo found on the site: JustLady.ru


    Can be used at home and medicines. Well can help wound healing ointment type Levomikol. You can try to apply brilliant green, salicylic acid. You can also use tar soap and shampoo with zinc, which has drying properties.

    In no case does not use iodine for the treatment of such wounds, as it leads to skin burns!

    It is worth noting that during the treatment of head wounds, attention should be paid to the diet. After all, poor nutrition can aggravate the condition of ulcers. Avoid fast food, smoked and too salty foods. It is also advisable not to drink alcohol and not to smoke. This will increase the body's defenses to combat the disease.

    When self-healing wounds try not to harm the skin. It is better to discuss all measures with your doctor. After all, the usual wound on the head under the hair can lead to oncology. The photo clearly shows what can happen in advanced cases.

    Other ways and tips

    The circle of "tools" used by medicine in the fight against various diseases of the scalp is constantly expanding. Today, in addition to drug treatment, experts can prescribe:

    • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches),
    • mesotherapy (treatment with minerals and vitamins),
    • laser treatment
    • various biocomplex treatment sessions,
    • physiotherapy (vacuum treatment, freezing, ultraviolet irradiation).

    What is not recommended?

    While the disease is not overcome, massage is not recommended, and in some cases even washing the head.

    If you have a predisposition to such a disease, you can not artificially provoke the formation of wounds, cuts on the head with various decorative things - sharp hairpins, taut rubber bands, metal accessories.

    Preventive measures

    Prevention can save a person from many serious problems, so do not neglect it. Here are some helpful tips:

    • do not use other people's hairbrushes and barrettes,
    • having washed your hair, rinse the hair with a decoction of medicinal plants each time (chamomile, train, nettle and others),
    • discard fungus-provoking, unsafe pleyok, irons, forceps,
    • avoid stress, they inhibit the entire body, and first of all - the skin,
    • eat a balanced diet, not forgetting about vegetable (very important for hair) fats,
    • Be careful in contact with animals, do not press them to the face and head.

    In order to successfully deal with the sores that appear on the head, wounds, inflammations, in no case should one be like an ostrich, which in the case of danger hides its head in the sand. Problems, unfortunately, will not disappear anywhere if you build a beautiful hairstyle, use a wig or try to cover up the problematic areas of the skin with a tone cream.

    Do not be lazy to seek help from a doctor and remember: the disease captured in the early stages is not such a terrible enemy as it becomes “in the prime of life”.


    Watch the video: For a sore that will not heal, what could it be? And what should be done about it? (July 2024).