
Mask for hair on kefir


In obedience to the trends of the notorious fashion, modern women often subject their hair to experiments - dyeing, bleaching, building ... All this can not but affect the health of the hair. In a hurry, we don’t even let them dry naturally, the hair dryer and electric hair curlers are ready.

Somehow to remedy the situation and return the living shine and natural strength to exhausted hair will be helped by the weekly use of nourishing masks, and one of the most effective and deservedly popular remedies is a mask for kefir hair.

It is believed that kefir, which has a fairly wide range of distribution among the inhabitants of Europe and Asia, takes its origins from the foot of Elbrus. Many well-known local historians and travelers stated with confidence that it is the Karachai people who have kefir fungi, which, when dried, resemble a large fraction. In Karachai, these fungi are referred to as “capyre” (agree that there is something consonant with “kefir”). Prof. Kern E.E. claims that the Turkic “kef” is foam, and “kefley” is cheerful or vigorous and is the beginning of the derivative kefir used since the 18th century.

Why kefir is good for hair

Useful properties of kefir do wonders not only when it is consumed orally, but also when used as a kefir mask for hair. The rich composition of vitamins: A, 8 vitamins of group B, C, H, PP, beta-carotene, the mineral composition - calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, sodium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, copper, iodine, manganese, cobalt, selenium, fluorine, chrome. Not to mention the content of lactic acid, protein, fat, organic and fatty acids.

And the main secret in a special, useful microflora. One gram of high-quality fermented milk product contains more than 100 CFU (colony forming units). Each live bacterium multiplies and creates whole colonies of their own kind.

Therefore, the balancing effect of the mask for hair with kefir has been proved by the example of both dry and oily hair. With increased fat, slows down the work of the sebaceous glands, and otherwise, kefir has a nourishing and moisturizing effect. Normalizing the pH - level, you can solve many problems: get rid of dandruff and brittleness, reduce hair loss and reduce the cross section of the tips.

General rules for the use of kefir masks

Kefir, as the main product for the mask, can be combined with other useful ingredients - it depends on the desired result. It is unlikely that you will be able to harm the kefir mask, but it is quite advisable to adhere to the general recommendations of specialists - cosmetologists:

  • Kefir should be warm
  • put a mask on the roots, and then distribute over the entire length,
  • 1% kefir is recommended for greasy hair, 2.5% for normal hair, 3.2% for dry and splitting, with the addition of vegetable oils,
  • applied to a dry or wet surface does not matter
  • for prophylaxis, the procedure is necessary 1 time per month, for treatment, weekly 1-2 times. Course duration 2-3 months.

The easiest way is to spread, cover with cellophane, heat with a handkerchief or towel and leave from 30 minutes to an hour. After the procedure, wash off the mask with shampoo.

For greasy hair

For fatty structure it is enough to use only kefir or with the addition of egg white. Kefir mask for oily hair will create extra volume and vibrant shine.

For dry hair

Excellent results for dry hair gives a mask with the addition of yolk, olive, burdock or castor oil. In cases of extreme dryness of hair, some women prefer to simply wash their hair with a fermented milk product like shampoo.

Kefir mask for lightening

It has long been observed that when applying a kefir mask on dyed hair, the pigment is quickly washed out. If you have recently painted and do not want to lose color, it is better to postpone this procedure for later. But, this feature has long been adopted by those representatives of the fair sex, who wish to lighten their hair, without resorting to cosmetics.

Kefir hair mask for lightening is unlikely to drastically change color, but lighten it by 2-3 tones is quite realistic. For this you need to add kefir lemon juice and a couple of tablespoons of brandy. This mask is applied for a longer time - from 8 to 10 hours.

Sour milk microflora does not affect hair growth, but if mixed with creamy or with any vegetable oil (1 part oil to 3 parts kefir), the effect will exceed all expectations. Kefir mask for hair growth is rubbed into the roots. For the same purpose, apply a mixture of kefir, honey and yeast 4 tbsp. Yeast diluted in 0.5 cup of yogurt and bring to a state of fermentation, then mixed with a spoonful of honey.

Kefir masks are easy to use and, with a little imagination, you can create your own unique recipe. Kefir gives a good effect with beer yeast, essential oil, dry mustard, herbal extract, onion juice, honey, brandy. One thing is “but”, which confuses many women - it leaves a persistent smell for several days. I must say that it is fixable if you rinse your hair with water and vinegar (2 stems. L of vinegar per liter of water).

Be always young and beautiful, good luck to you!

Mask with kefir for hair

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
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If you look into your fridge, then surely you will find in it one very useful tool for your curls. Kefir has long been used for making delicious masks, for gentle care and natural clarification. Therefore, a mask with kefir for hair can be a real find for you. Stock up on pen and notepad, because now you can not miss a single recipe for these amazing kefir masks!

Kefir Repairing Hair Mask

  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l
  • Chicken yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Honey (floral) - 2 tbsp. l

All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass, and you can apply the mixture on the strands, starting from the roots. If you have rather thick and long hair, then the volume of the mask should be doubled. At the time of application, try not to injure your hair, it is better to make more nutrient mixture than with the effort to rub the mask on the strands.

Keep the mixture for 30 minutes, then wash with shampoo and rinse with cool water to reduce the loss. After the mask, the hair will become moisturized and alive.

Kefir mask with honey

In order to lighten colored curls, get rid of yellowness and give them shine, you need to prepare a nutritious kefir mixture with the addition of honey. Kefir will gently lighten, and honey to nourish and moisturize hair. Kefir is a must to choose from the calculation of the condition of your hair, so if they are badly damaged and dry, buy only fatty kefir.

  • Kefir - 150ml
  • Honey (floral) - 3 tbsp. l

Mix everything, then whisk until the mass is homogeneous. Apply the mixture over the entire length. Keep bleaching mixture need at least 1 hour, otherwise you will not get the expected result.

After the time has elapsed, wash your hair with a natural, high-quality shampoo, dry it with a towel and let it dry on its own without damaging them with a hair dryer and a comb. Your curls become noticeably healthier, they appear natural shine and softness.

Brightening mask with kefir for hair

If you want to lighten the hair faster, you can apply kefir solution in its pure form. In order not to overdry your hair, first make an oil mask that will help protect your hair. Pay attention to the state of your curls, and choose its fat content, respectively.

  • Kefir - 200 ml
  • Filtered water - 5 tsp.

Dissolve kefir with water and apply the mixture. Soak the mask for an hour and wash your hair.

The hair will become soft and shiny, the yellow shade becomes less noticeable, but in order for the hair to completely lose its yellowness, you need to repeat the course masks repeatedly.

Kefir mask against hair loss

If you need not only to lighten your curls, but also to reduce their loss, you need to pay attention to the mask with kefir with the addition of cocoa.

Kefir will gently brighten your hair, giving it shine, and cocoa nourish and fight excessive loss. For the mask you need high-quality cocoa without any impurities and sugar. If you have very dry hair, then the number of yolks is recommended to increase.

  • Kefir - 150 ml
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l
  • Quail yolk - 1 pc.

Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the strands. After 1 hour, you can wash and dry with a towel, a hairdryer is not desirable to dry.

Your hair after the mask becomes lighter and softer, hair loss is noticeably reduced, and with systematic use your hair will become beautiful and healthy, so the mask can be used not only for lightening, but also for restoring hair after dyeing.

Mask to accelerate hair growth with kefir

For those who dream of beautiful and long braids, without yellowness, you can make an excellent lightening mask accelerating growth. It will not only lighten, but also help grow hair much faster. Therefore, to solve this problem, you need to prepare a kefir mask with the addition of yeast and honey, which will promote good growth and strengthen the hair shaft.

  • Kefir - 100 ml
  • Fresh Yeast - Packs
  • Honey (floral) - 2 tbsp. l

Whip all the ingredients thoroughly in a blender, the mixture will have a specific smell, but do not be afraid of it, it will not remain. Then apply a nourishing and brightening mask on the roots, and evenly distribute the remnants of the hair.

You need to hold the mask for at least an hour, then wash and dry your hair, dry them without a hair dryer. After the mask, the hair is transformed, becoming well-groomed and shiny, with a decrease in yellowness.

Kefir in hair care

Sour milk or in our kefir is a storehouse of important nutrients, beneficial effects on the beauty of hair. It consists of lactic acid bacteria, yeast, calcium, protein, vitamin E and almost all the vitamins of group B. All these substances are simply indispensable in the complete nutrition of the hair.

Kefir in hair care is used in the form of masks. is he can be used separately in pure form or as part of mixtures with other natural ingredients.

This valuable product nourishes and strengthens the hair and restores their damaged structure. It also moisturizes dry hair, successfully preventing their fragility and eliminating hair loss.

Kefir is also a staunch hair protector. After the use of kefir masks, a thin protective film is formed on the hair, protecting them from various harmful effects of the environment.

It is impossible to harm the hair using a mask with kefir, but some rules should be followed:

  • For the preparation of the nutrient mixture it is undesirable to use cold kefir. It is recommended to warm it up a little, making sure that it does not curl.
  • Apply kefir mask should be rubbing into the roots and scalp, and then spreading the hair.
  • The more oily hair, the less oily it is recommended to take kefir. For dry and damaged hair - 3.2%, and for oily hair - 1%.
  • Masks with kefir applied on dry or slightly wet hair.
  • During the procedure, the head is covered with a shower cap and is insulated with a towel.
  • If you add a couple of droplets of any essential oil to the kefir mask, the peculiar smell of the acidic milk product will disappear.
  • If there are doubts about the quality of kefir, you can cook it yourself with the help of pharmaceutical yeast or natural yogurt.
  • For prophylactic purposes, it is enough to use the kefir mask once a month, and for the treatment of curls, it is desirable to carry out healing procedures weekly with a course of up to 3 months.

Indications for use of kefir masks

  • dry, very thin and brittle hair,
  • damaged by dyeing, curling and styling curls,
  • dandruff and severe hair loss
  • slow hair growth
  • the need to protect against UV rays,
  • desire to slightly lighten the curls.

A simple version of kefir mask

Slightly warm kefir to rub into the roots of the hair, then into the scalp and then distribute through the hair. Cover the head with a plastic cap and after an hour or one and a half wash off the mask with shampoo. If you do this procedure regularly, dandruff will disappear and your hair will become soft, silky and shiny.

Kefir can be successfully used as a shampoo.. However, in this form it is used only for dry hair, as fermented milk products without the use of shampoo make hair heavier and more fat.

Burning and effective: mustard masks for beauty and health of your hair.

Find out how olive oil can make your hair shiny here.

Kefir mask for lightening hair

Thoroughly mix 50 ml of kefir, 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka or brandy, juice, squeezed from half a lemon, one egg, an hour spoon of shampoo. Spread the mixture evenly through the hair without rubbing it into the skin. To warm the head with a towel or scarf and keep the mask for at least 8 hours. Next, wash your hair with shampoo, rinse with chamomile decoction and be sure to use balm. In addition to lightening mask well helps with emergency leaching of paint from the hair.

Nourishing mask with kefir for hair tips

Very often, colored strands become dry, and especially the tips of the hair are affected, so it is advisable to make nourishing masks for them once a week. Therefore, you can make a good gentle kefir mask with oils. Which will restore the split and dry hair ends.

  • Kefir - 50 ml
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l

Beat everything up and apply on the ends of the hair, after 30 minutes wash your hair. The mask perfectly helps to fight the section and the dryness of the tips, making them soft and elastic.

Regardless of the length and type of bleached hair, you need to carefully care for them. If you are not completely satisfied with the color of the bleached strands, do not rush to re-paint them. This way you do a lot of damage to their health, and to return their health fairly work. Therefore, try to care for your hair with kefir masks, they are completely natural and have no contraindications, so they will not harm you.

In order to achieve the maximum effect, a single use of kefir masks will be small, therefore a course brightening is recommended, at least 2 times a week, until the desired result is achieved. Always take care of your hair in a timely manner, and they will become your real pride.

The use of kefir mask for the beauty and growth of your hair

In pursuit of beauty, we paint our curls, we do the styling and use not always useful devices. Hair dryer - is indispensable when time is short, and the hair should be in proper form, this also applies to curling iron with irons. But! Our precious curls lose their beauty from such an external influence, and not every woman allows herself frequent professional procedures in beauty salons. It remains to feed our strands at home: kefir hair mask is perfect for this.

Useful properties of kefir

Kefir is the most affordable and common tool in the care of hair in the home. This tool contains a large amount of vitamins of groups B and E, yeast, calcium, protein, which gently care for and restore the hair structure.

The most common kefir hair masks in Asia. Local women are distinguished by thick and healthy curls.Fermented milk is also useful because of the content of lactic acid sticks and vinegar bacteria, which add shine to the hair. Our ancestors used yogurt and kvass to feed their hair, however, over time, kefir was tightly integrated into the ranks of an effective remedy.

Kefir hair mask: a simple option

The most popular option is a kefir hair mask consisting directly of one kefir. It is applied with massaging movements on the scalp and along the entire length of the strands. From above the polyethylene hat which is warmed by a kerchief is put on. In this form, you need to keep the mixture about 20 minutes. After that, the residues are washed with warm running water. Conducting the strengthening of hair folk remedies using fermented milk, you can please any type of hair.

Here are some recipes for popular kefir-based hair masks:

For dry. Quite simple and easy to perform kefir hair mask with natural dryness. It helps to get rid of excess fragility and dandruff, restoring strength to curls. Half a cup of yogurt or yogurt is rubbed into the curls and insulated, as in the previous recipe. However, now the mixture needs to be kept for an hour and a half, so that the hair will thoroughly absorb all the useful substances. Apply this kefir hair mask should be once a week for a month.

For fatty. For the care of fat curls you will need 150 ml of fermented milk, 1 spoon of almond oil, 1 spoon of mustard powder, 1 spoon of honey and a few drops of essential oil. All the ingredients should be mixed and a mask for kefir hair is ready. It is applied to the hair, insulated with a cap and washed off with shampoo after 30 minutes.

For split ends. If your hair is split, a nourishing hair mask will correct this ailment. It is enough to mix three tablespoons of very fat yogurt and yolk, beat them, then add a tablespoon of honey. After application, the head is wrapped with a warm towel and washed off in an hour with regular shampoo. The composition of kefir hair masks may vary depending on the thickness and length of your strands.

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
Read more here ...

For growth. If the intensity of hair growth does not suit you, you can make a special blend that not only accelerates their growth, but also gives silkiness. This is one of the recipes for strengthening hair folk remedies popular until now. A small piece of yeast is poured with a quarter cup of sour milk, stirred and put in a warm place. After the mixture is fermented, apply it on the head and wrap up with a towel. Thirty minutes later, rinse with shampoo.

Nutritious. Recipe nutritional mask for hair with kefir and burdock known for many years. Burdock leaves are crushed, and then poured boiling water and infused. On a glass of this broth accounted for half a cup of fresh kefir. The mixture must be applied to the head, and then wash off after an hour. This mixture is incredibly effective, and the reviews about it are only positive.

To avoid a peculiar smell after the procedure, your kefir hair mask should contain a few drops of a pleasant essential oil. Even if it is not in the recipe, the essential oil just does not hurt, especially in such a small amount. And after applying the masks you will not have discomfort due to the aroma.


Watch the video: Kefir Hair Mask for Itchy Scalp and Curly Hair (July 2024).