
How to blow dry your hair


To quickly dry the wet strands, make a beautiful styling and keep your hair healthy, remember these important rules.

Rule 1. Do not turn on the hair dryer immediately to the maximum temperature - it is harmful not only to the device, but also to hair. So, one of the most common causes of head itch and dry dandruff is just regular drying of hair with too hot air. The first 5 minutes is better to choose the average mode, and when the main part of the hair dries, go to the maximum. Finish the procedure with an average or minimum temperature.

Rule 2. Be sure to keep a distance between the hair dryer and the head. Optimum performance - 15-20 cm. With a shorter distance there is a big risk of dry hair. If you keep the hair dryer on, the strands will dry out badly.

Rule 3. Do not forget to make a 5-minute pause - at this time the hair is covered with a towel.

Rule 4 Do not rush to apply foam or varnish on warm strands - this leads to their fragility.

Rule 5. If after shampooing you use a therapeutic mask (especially with essential oils or proteins), do not rush to blow-dry. Wait a quarter of an hour, remove excess moisture with a towel, and then use the device.

Rule 6. Divide the hair into several thin zones - this provides good ventilation and allows you to effectively straighten the strands. Start near the forehead, gradually moving to the temples and the central part. Working with a separate strand, clip the rest of the hair with a clip so as not to interfere.

Rule 7. Take care of protecting your hair from overheating. Before drying, apply a good thermal protective agent - lotion, spray or oily serum. They are applied in different ways:

  • The spray is sprayed on the combed hair from top to tip,
  • Serum and lotion is ground in the palms, which are then carried on the head of hair from top to bottom.

Rule 8. Dry your head in the direction of hair growth. Drying in the opposite direction leads to splitting of scales and stratification of the ends.

Rule 9. Pay special attention to the nozzles for the dryer. So, a concentrator (an elongated nozzle in the shape of an arc) is best suited to a round nozzle. It directs the flow of air to the right place. To give the hair a volume and create beautiful curls, use a diffuser. This nozzle is great for dry strands. It distributes the air and prevents the curls from drying out.

Rule 10. Hold the device in the leading hand.

Rule 11. To give the hair extra volume, lift the hair at the roots and stretch it to the tips.

What is the harm of the hair dryer

Even children are probably aware of the fact that it is harmful to use a hair dryer on a permanent basis. Everywhere they say and write about this, without really explaining what the main problem is. But it is not only and even not so much in the dehydration of hair, although this is also important - with excessive loss of moisture, they break down greatly, and the ends are stratified.

In fact, the only advantage of the hair dryer is that with its help you can quickly dry your head after washing and even put your hair on. But often you pay for it with a dull, weakened hair.

The main reason is that during accelerated drying, three factors immediately affect it:

  1. Heat. Hair consists mainly of a protein compound - keratin. And under thermal influence protein changes its structure. The scales that create the surface protective layer open up slightly, and the hair loses its strength, becomes loose, it is difficult to style.
  2. High air velocity. The stronger the wind blows, the faster the laundry dries. The air flow as it blows away moisture from its surface. The same thing happens with the hair - the greater the speed set on the hair dryer regulator, the more dry and less elastic the hair shaft becomes.
  3. Styling products. In order to better fix the hairstyles, the foam and gel are often applied before drying the hair with a hair dryer for volume, for example. When heated, harmful chemical elements from these agents penetrate deep into the hair structure and destroy it. Therefore, you only need to choose products of proven brands and use them as little as possible.

There is another very unpleasant moment for the hair - many people like to pull the hair with a brush-brush. This process allows you to really create a large amount of additional volume and achieve perfect smoothness. But you can repeat it on the strength of once a week.

When the comb pulls wet hair, it makes it thinner and loose. Such hair often breaks at the roots or in the middle of the length.

Dry the head correctly

But really have to completely abandon the dryer? If you have short hair that dries quickly on its own, then this is ideal. Although natural hair drying also has its secrets, it is in any case less harmful than a hair dryer.

For medium hair is very useful nozzle-diffuser, which allows for drying to form a nice slightly disheveled curls. This will save the hair from having to endure heating with a curling or ironing device.

Of course, the ideal shape of curls with a diffuser is not achieved, but you can quickly create additional volume and at the same time do not damage the hair.

With a long head of hair this option does not work. Dry them naturally for a long time. And go to bed with a wet head can not in any case. The fact that it is extremely unpleasant to lie on a wet pillow is small compared to the fact that during the night the head of the hem is crushed and it is not always possible to straighten it in the morning even with an iron. So, all the same it is worth learning how to dry your hair with a hair dryer.


The first and most important stage of proper drying is preparing the hair for this process. First you need to wash them properly. The shampoo remains must be neutralized with a balm or conditioner.

To maintain hair in good condition, they need moisturizing and / or nourishing masks. They are applied before or instead of the conditioner and after 3-5 minutes thoroughly washed with running water.

Now it is very important to remove excess moisture - the less it remains on the hair, the shorter the drying process will be with a hairdryer. But in any case it is impossible to squeeze, let alone twist the hair! Leftovers should be allowed to drain freely for 1-2 minutes and then thoroughly blot the head with a towel.

If the hair is healthy, it will be easy to comb without the use of additional tools. Damaged and overdried badly tangled, and then, in order to brush them, you must use indelible balms. It is necessary to apply them on wet hair and in very small portions, carefully spreading along the length. Now you can comb your head with a comb with wide blunt teeth and start drying.

Drying and / or styling

When drying hair with a hairdryer, small things are very important. They allow you to make this process as convenient and safe as possible.

Here are some tips given by professional hairdressers:

  • It is better to start drying the hair from the back of the head, then the side zones and the last one - the bang. Short and medium hair, you can first dry the entire head at the roots - this will give them extra volume.
  • Long hair is best divided into zones clips. This will avoid re-drying the same strands and will help to smooth the hair with high quality, so that you don’t have to use the iron.
  • The direction of the air is always from the roots to the tips. It sets the nozzle - the hub, which must be used if you do not use a diffuser.
  • No balsams and masks will not replace the means with thermal protection - it should be applied before each use of the hair dryer on slightly damp hair. After this, the strand must be combed to distribute the spray better.
  • Temperature range is selected depending on the thickness of the hair and the desired effect. If you need to lay naughty, thick, thick hair, you can even set a maximum. But for thin and damaged it - under the strictest prohibition. They need to be dried only slightly warm air.
  • When brushing with brushing, immediately dry slightly and warm all the hair, and then pull out the individual strands, dabbing them first with hot and then cold air.
  • Even when laying, the distance from the strand to the dryer should not be less than 10 cm. Only when using a diffuser it is minimal, but at the same time a gentle temperature mode is activated. The hotter the air, the greater the safe distance to the hair.
  • When it is necessary to dry quickly, do it by increasing the speed of the air, and not by a stronger heating of the hair. Short and medium hair dries faster if you remove the hub. Almost the entire head is blown so evenly, but afterwards it will look disheveled.

The rules are not complicated at all, but if you follow them regularly, you will soon find that the condition of the hair has noticeably improved - it has ceased to dry out strongly and become more elastic.

Equally important is the quality of the device you use. If the hair is colored or weakened, and you plan to blow your hair dry every day, then you should think about purchasing a professional appliance.

Although the home appliances of some manufacturers (for example, Philips, Bosch or Roventa) have all the necessary functions for safe hair drying: ionization, cold airflow, several steps for adjusting speed and temperature, and various nozzles.

But drying is not all. Beautiful hairstyle must be fixed. But first, completely dried hair must be doused with a weak stream of cold air. You should not be afraid that it will become frayed - if you follow the same direction as during drying, the installation will not suffer.

Under the influence of cold air lifted keratin scales rise, the hair becomes smooth and elastic.

If you are accustomed to using varnish, please note that it is not applied to hot hair. After drying, it should cool to room temperature and only then the hair can be fixed. Otherwise, the varnish will stick together strongly and the hair will lose mobility, and it will be extremely difficult to comb it in the evening.

When applying wax or foam before drying, varnish is usually no longer needed. These tools provide a stable elastic fixation (if they are of high quality). Therefore, it is enough to let the hair cool and gently comb. Curls arranged with a diffuser can be simply whipped slightly with fingers to give them naturalness.

If you independently made lamination with gelatin at home, you can dry your hair only with slightly warm air, otherwise it will become dull. And additional fixation after drying in this case is not needed.

Natural drying

Nevertheless, even with a very careful, but too frequent use of a hair dryer, the hair becomes more brittle, and the ends begin to split strongly. That is why it is useful at least from time to time to allow the hair to dry naturally.

But this does not mean that you need to walk around the house or street with a wet head and wait for the moisture to completely evaporate. Proper natural drying looks like this:

  • after washing the hair, gently squeeze with your fingers without pulling the hair,
  • excess moisture is smeared out with a towel,
  • a turban from a towel warmed up on a battery or an electric iron, under which all hair is hidden, is wrapped around his head,
  • after 15-20 minutes, the already cooled towel is replaced by a new one,
  • now wet hair can be gently combed and left to dry at room temperature.

Wet hair can not be braided in pigtails or curled on curlers. For such styling, they should be only slightly wet. And to keep the waves better, braided or twisted hair can be warmed again with a hairdryer for 3-5 minutes.

There are also prohibitions. Do not dry wet hair in a strong wind or in direct sunlight. So they quickly lose moisture and as a result will become brittle and lose a beautiful shine.

For drying and straightening at the same time, some try to use a flat iron. But this device is used exclusively on dry hair! The same applies to curling iron and other electrical devices that have direct contact with the hair.

The main rules of working with a hairdryer

To quickly dry the wet strands, make a beautiful styling and keep your hair healthy, remember these important rules.

Rule 1. Do not turn on the hair dryer immediately to the maximum temperature - it is harmful not only to the device, but also to hair. So, one of the most common causes of head itch and dry dandruff is just regular drying of hair with too hot air. The first 5 minutes is better to choose the average mode, and when the main part of the hair dries, go to the maximum. Finish the procedure with an average or minimum temperature.

Rule 2. Be sure to keep a distance between the hair dryer and the head. Optimum performance - 15-20 cm. With a shorter distance there is a big risk of dry hair. If you keep the hair dryer on, the strands will dry out badly.

Rule 3. Do not forget to make a 5-minute pause - at this time the hair is covered with a towel.

Rule 4. Do not rush to apply foam or varnish on warm strands - this leads to their fragility.

Rule 5. If after shampooing you use a healing mask (especially with essential oils or proteins), do not rush to blow-dry. Wait a quarter of an hour, remove excess moisture with a towel, and then use the device.

Rule 6. Divide the hair into several thin zones - this provides good ventilation and allows you to effectively straighten the strands. Start near the forehead, gradually moving to the temples and the central part. Working with a separate strand, clip the rest of the hair with a clip so as not to interfere.

Rule 7. Take care of protecting your hair from overheating. Before drying, apply a good thermal protective agent - lotion, spray or oily serum. They are applied in different ways:

  • The spray is sprayed on the combed hair from top to tip,
  • Serum and lotion is ground in the palms, which are then carried on the head of hair from top to bottom.

Rule 8. Dry the head in the direction of hair growth. Drying in the opposite direction leads to splitting of scales and stratification of the ends.

Rule 9. Pay special attention to the nozzles for the dryer. So, a concentrator (an elongated nozzle in the shape of an arc) is best suited to a round nozzle. It directs the flow of air to the right place. To give the hair a volume and create beautiful curls, use a diffuser. This nozzle is great for dry strands. It distributes the air and prevents the curls from drying out.

Rule 10. Hold the instrument in your leading hand.

Rule 11. To give the hair extra volume, lift the hair at the roots and stretch them to the tips.

How to dry hair to volume?

Can I dry my hair so that it is thick and voluminous? Make it very easy! This will help you our detailed instructions.

Prepare everything you need:

  • Hair dryer
  • Styling fluid,
  • Crab or hairpins,
  • Shampoo, giving volume,
  • Big round brush
  • Varnish

How the process looks like:

Step 1. Wash your hair with shampoo to increase volume. It should also match your hair type.

Step 2. Lubricate the tips with balm or conditioner. Due to this, the hair will not become heavy, and the resulting volume will remain for a long time.

Step 3. Dry the hair with a towel so that there is no moisture left. Otherwise, the styling product will glue the strands together.

Step 4.Begin to dry from the back of the head, and fix the hair on the top of your head with a crab.

Step 5. Take a strand of hair in your hand, sprinkle it with styling liquid and wind it on brushing. Direct the air flow first to the root zone, then to the ends. Drive them back and forth so that the hot air doesn't hurt the hair.

Step 6. Fasten the dried curls with a lacquer of medium fixation - it will keep the styling and will not weigh it down. Gel or foam is better not to use - a dense structure of funds will not keep the volume.

Step 7. Remove the crab from the hair and dry the hair on the back of the head, at the temples and near the forehead.

Step 8. If there is a cold air supply mode, dab them with all the hair. This will close the scales and make the hair smooth and shiny.

Step 9. At the end of the process, tilt your head down and sharply lift up.

Step 10. To keep the volume for a long time, add strands in the temporal, occipital and frontal zones.

Step 11. Spray varnish in the root zone again.

Watch the video: All about the secrets of proper hair drying hair dryer.

How to dry strands so that they are not fluffed?

The problem of fluffy hair is familiar to most women. To not look like a dandelion after washing your hair, use our advice.

  • Hair dryer without attachments
  • Means for thermal protection,
  • Comb with wide teeth
  • Straightening shampoo
  • Hairpin or crab,
  • Straightening oil
  • Wide brush.

To dry strands need so:

  1. Wash your hair with a shampoo.
  2. Blot wet hair with a towel.
  3. Comb them with a wide comb.
  4. Use the means for thermal protection.
  5. Blow dry without attachments. Separate the bottom layer, stabbing the rest of the hair with a crab or barrette. Pull the strands down with a wide brush until completely dry.
  6. Repeat the process with the remaining strands.
  7. At the end of drying, dab your hair with cold air to close the scales and fix the result.
  8. Lubricate the strands with straightening oil - it will make them shiny and smooth.

Important editorial advice

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 96% of popular brands of shampoos are components that poison our body. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, are labeled on the labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products in which this chemistry is located. Recently, the experts of our editorial office analyzed the sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


To quickly dry the wet strands, make a beautiful styling and keep your hair healthy, remember these important rules.

Rule 1. Do not turn on the hair dryer immediately to the maximum temperature - it is harmful not only to the device, but also to hair. So, one of the most common causes of head itch and dry dandruff is just regular drying of hair with too hot air. The first 5 minutes is better to choose the average mode, and when the main part of the hair dries, go to the maximum. Finish the procedure with an average or minimum temperature.

Rule 2. Be sure to keep a distance between the hair dryer and the head. Optimum performance - 15-20 cm. With a shorter distance there is a big risk of dry hair. If you keep the hair dryer on, the strands will dry out badly.

Rule 3. Do not forget to make a 5-minute pause - at this time the hair is covered with a towel.

Rule 4. Do not rush to apply foam or varnish on warm strands - this leads to their fragility.

Rule 5. If after shampooing you use a healing mask (especially with essential oils or proteins), do not rush to blow-dry. Wait a quarter of an hour, remove excess moisture with a towel, and then use the device.

Rule 6. Divide the hair into several thin zones - this provides good ventilation and allows you to effectively straighten the strands. Start near the forehead, gradually moving to the temples and the central part. Working with a separate strand, clip the rest of the hair with a clip so as not to interfere.

Rule 7. Take care of protecting your hair from overheating. Before drying, apply a good thermal protective agent - lotion, spray or oily serum. They are applied in different ways:

  • The spray is sprayed on the combed hair from top to tip,
  • Serum and lotion is ground in the palms, which are then carried on the head of hair from top to bottom.

Rule 8. Dry the head in the direction of hair growth. Drying in the opposite direction leads to splitting of scales and stratification of the ends.

Rule 9. Pay special attention to the nozzles for the dryer. So, a concentrator (an elongated nozzle in the shape of an arc) is best suited to a round nozzle. It directs the flow of air to the right place. To give the hair a volume and create beautiful curls, use a diffuser. This nozzle is great for dry strands. It distributes the air and prevents the curls from drying out.

Rule 10. Hold the instrument in your leading hand.

Rule 11. To give the hair extra volume, lift the hair at the roots and stretch them to the tips.

Can I dry my hair so that it is thick and voluminous? Make it very easy! This will help you our detailed instructions.

Prepare everything you need:

  • Hair dryer
  • Styling fluid,
  • Crab or hairpins,
  • Shampoo, giving volume,
  • Big round brush
  • Varnish

How the process looks like:

Step 1. Wash your hair with shampoo to increase volume. It should also match your hair type.

Step 2. Lubricate the tips with balm or conditioner. Due to this, the hair will not become heavy, and the resulting volume will remain for a long time.

Step 3. Dry the hair with a towel so that there is no moisture left. Otherwise, the styling product will glue the strands together.

Step 4. Begin to dry from the back of the head, and fix the hair on the crown with a crab.

Step 5. Take a strand of hair in your hand, sprinkle it with styling liquid and wind it on brushing. Direct the air flow first to the root zone, then to the ends. Drive them back and forth so that the hot air doesn't hurt the hair.

Step 6. Fasten the dried curls with a lacquer of medium fixation - it will keep the styling and will not weigh it down. Gel or foam is better not to use - a dense structure of funds will not keep the volume.

Step 7. Remove the crab from the hair and dry the hair on the back of the head, at the temples and near the forehead.

Step 8. If there is a cold air supply mode, dab them with all the hair. This will close the scales and make the hair smooth and shiny.

Step 9. At the end of the process, tilt your head down and sharply lift up.

Step 10. To keep the volume for a long time, add strands in the temporal, occipital and frontal zones.

Step 11. Spray varnish in the root zone again.

Watch the video: All about the secrets of proper hair drying hair dryer.

The problem of fluffy hair is familiar to most women. To not look like a dandelion after washing your hair, use our advice.

  • Hair dryer without attachments
  • Means for thermal protection,
  • Comb with wide teeth
  • Straightening shampoo
  • Hairpin or crab,
  • Straightening oil
  • Wide brush.

To dry strands need so:

  1. Wash your hair with a shampoo.
  2. Blot wet hair with a towel.
  3. Comb them with a wide comb.
  4. Use the means for thermal protection.
  5. Blow dry without attachments. Separate the bottom layer, stabbing the rest of the hair with a crab or barrette. Pull the strands down with a wide brush until completely dry.
  6. Repeat the process with the remaining strands.
  7. At the end of drying, dab your hair with cold air to close the scales and fix the result.
  8. Lubricate the strands with straightening oil - it will make them shiny and smooth.


How to dry hair with a hair dryer, if they curl? And with this difficult task you can handle it with a bang.

  • Round brush,
  • Hair dryer
  • Towel,
  • Means for thermal protection,
  • Foam.

Now go to the drying process:

  • Step 1. Wash your head.
  • Step 2. Dry the strands with a warm towel.
  • Step 3. Apply means for thermal protection.
  • Step 4. Shake the bottle with the foam, squeeze the ball on the palm or comb and distribute through the hair. First, apply the foam to the roots and then the entire length. Do not overdo it, otherwise the locks stick together.
  • Step 5. Dry the hair with a hair dryer, lifting them with your fingers near the roots and twisting it with a round brush (wrap the curl on the brush to the tips).
  • Step 6. Secure the styling varnish.

If you have a hair dryer with a diffuser, use this nozzle to create a very beautiful styling.

Prepare everything you need:

  • Hair dryer with diffuser,
  • Comb with rare teeth,
  • Gel,
  • Air conditioning.

Step 1. Well comb the washed head of hair with a comb with wide teeth.

Step 2. Apply a special conditioner to the tips.

Step 3. Divide the strands into several identical parts.

Step 4. Dry each of them with a diffuser. It is desirable to turn on the hair dryer at the lowest air flow rate. Curls in this case come out neat and identical.

Step 5. If you want to increase the amount of hair, dry your head, tilting it down.

Step 6. Individual strands can be treated with a small amount of gel to give them a texture.


Perhaps this question is almost the most important. Most experts insist that the strands dry out only naturally, but the hair dryer works much faster. So is it harmful to blow-dry your hair?

There are several factors that should be avoided in order to reduce the negative impact of this device on strands:

  • High temperatures. The constant use of hot air leads to weakness, breakage, dullness and hair loss,
  • High air flow rate. The large force of air blow on the hairs facilitates its separation. To protect yourself from such problems, buy a hairdryer with an air speed regulator,
  • Excessive fan hobby. Use this device only twice a week,
  • Drying wet strands. This is one of the most common mistakes! Be sure to blot the strands with a towel and remove excess moisture,
  • Using cheap appliances. More expensive models are good because they give not very hot air. Cheap counterparts often give too hot a stream of air, which is fraught with deterioration of the state of hair.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to preserve the health and beauty of your hair for a long time.

See also: Dry your hair with your head properly and without damage to your hair.

7 rules for drying hair with a hair dryer

Soft and silky hair - the dream of any female. One of the secrets of achieving this result is proper hair drying. In the summer, not very long hair, as a rule, is dried naturally, but in winter it is impossible to do without a hair dryer. Both in the first and in the second case, you need to learn how to dry your hair properly, following certain rules. Consider them in more detail.

Natural way to dry hair

He is the most gentle, and therefore the best. The fact is that exposure to high temperatures adversely affects the structure of the hair: brittleness and sensitivity increase, and a section of the ends begins. But do not think that the natural way does not require skill. We will provide a list of mandatory requirements and teach you how to dry your hair:

  1. Carefully and gently squeeze the hair after each wash, do it with your fingers.
  2. Towel - your best assistant. A little secret: stock up with a warm towel, pre-heating it on the battery or stroking with an iron. Cover it with hair on top and carefully wrap. If necessary, change the wet towel to dry before the final absorption of moisture.
  3. In the warm season, it is permissible to dry the hair on the balcony / terrace. Uniform drying will help massage the fingers, slightly lifting each strand.
  4. One of the strict contraindications for drying in direct sunlight.
  5. Do not brush your hair wet, wait until it is completely dry.

Some secrets from professionals: how to dry hair with a hair dryer

After washing, wrap a towel over your head, hold it for a while. Then dry the hair by 80%. Better yet, let your hair dry first naturally, then begin to blow-dry your hair. Direct the air flow from top to bottom: this way you will not break the natural structure of your hair.

Drain strands gently tuck back. Then proceed to the crown. Tilt your head down during this action. Dry from the roots to the ends.

And the last stage - drying the front of the head. The procedure is over. As a finishing touch, use hairspray or gel. After that, do not touch the hair.

How to dry curly hair?

How to dry hair with a hair dryer, if they curl? And with this difficult task you can handle it with a bang.

  • Round brush,
  • Hair dryer
  • Towel,
  • Means for thermal protection,
  • Foam.

Now go to the drying process:

  • Step 1. Wash your head.
  • Step 2. Dry the strands with a warm towel.
  • Step 3. Apply means for thermal protection.
  • Step 4. Shake the bottle with the foam, squeeze the ball on the palm or comb and distribute through the hair. First, apply the foam to the roots and then the entire length. Do not overdo it, otherwise the locks stick together.
  • Step 5. Dry the hair with a hair dryer, lifting them with your fingers near the roots and twisting it with a round brush (wrap the curl on the brush to the tips).
  • Step 6. Secure the styling varnish.

How to use a hairdryer with a diffuser?

If you have a hair dryer with a diffuser, use this nozzle to create a very beautiful styling.

Prepare everything you need:

  • Hair dryer with diffuser,
  • Comb with rare teeth,
  • Gel,
  • Air conditioning.

Step 1. Well comb the washed head of hair with a comb with wide teeth.

Step 2. Apply a special conditioner to the tips.

Step 3. Divide the strands into several identical parts.

Step 4. Dry each of them with a diffuser. It is desirable to turn on the hair dryer at the lowest air flow rate. Curls in this case come out neat and identical.

Step 5. If you want to increase the amount of hair, dry your head, tilting it down.

Step 6. Individual strands can be treated with a small amount of gel to give them a texture.

Is it harmful to blow-dry your hair?

Perhaps this question is almost the most important. Most experts insist that the strands dry out only naturally, but the hair dryer works much faster. So is it harmful to blow-dry your hair?

There are several factors that should be avoided in order to reduce the negative impact of this device on strands:

  • High temperatures. The constant use of hot air leads to weakness, breakage, dullness and hair loss,
  • High air flow rate. The large force of air blow on the hairs facilitates its separation. To protect yourself from such problems, buy a hairdryer with an air speed regulator,
  • Excessive fan hobby. Use this device only twice a week,
  • Drying wet strands. This is one of the most common mistakes! Be sure to blot the strands with a towel and remove excess moisture,
  • Using cheap appliances. More expensive models are good because they give not very hot air.Cheap counterparts often give too hot a stream of air, which is fraught with deterioration of the state of hair.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to preserve the health and beauty of your hair for a long time.

See also: Dry your hair with your head properly and without damage to your hair.

How to blow dry hair

Depending on our hair type, we often or rarely wash our hair. However, sometimes we do not pay enough attention to drying. Blow-drying is harmful to hair, but sometimes it is necessary. If you often wash your hair, then you just need to get a gentle hair dryer with ionization function. Positively charged ions reduce the harmfulness of hot air on the hair, preventing over-drying. But a hairdryer does not solve all the problems, it is important to follow a few recommendations:

  • Immediately after washing, collect excess moisture from your hair. Before drying it is necessary to wrap the hair with a towel so that it absorbs all the moisture. Pay attention to the hair roots - blot hair at the roots. Do not hold hair in a towel for more than 5-9 minutes. Do not rub your hair and do not twist them in a towel - this will lead to their fragility. In the wet they are very weak and sensitive.
  • Turn on the "gentle" mode hair dryer. Usually it is indicated by a snowflake on a hair dryer. If you have damaged hair, dry them with cold air,
  • Protect your hair from the damaging effects of hot air. This will help you a variety of means for thermal protection. The most popular are sprays, balsams and serums. These tools are good because they do not need to be washed off with water. Before using the spray, separate the hair into strands. Each strand must be sprayed along the entire length from the crown to the ends. Serums and balms are used according to another principle: rub the product in the hands and distribute through the hair from the roots to the ends,
  • Prepare in advance. Pre-lay out in front of you a hair dryer and comb, so you do not get distracted during the drying process. This will prevent excessive hair drying while you are looking for a suitable comb,
  • Do not forget the nozzles. The nozzle is an integral part of the dryer. Without it, he would be useless. If you want to make your hair more voluminous, use a nozzle-diffuser. When using a round comb, a hub attachment is usually used. It allows you to impose a stream of air in a certain place
  • Hold the comb in your left hand and the hairdryer in your right. With this technique, you can make your hair perfectly straight,
  • Before drying, separate the hair into strands. In this way, you can speed up the drying process and make it more efficient. To prevent the strands from getting tangled, pin them with a clip (except for the one that will be dried),
  • Dry the roots first and then the tips. The ends dry out faster than the roots, so by the end of the drying they can dry out,
  • Observe the distance. Keep the hair dryer at a distance of 10-20 cm to avoid draining them,
  • After drying, comb your hair. The whole process will take you no more than 15 minutes.

  • Do not brush your wet hair immediately, let it dry. Otherwise you have a lot of excess hair.
  • Do not finish drying with hot air. At the end of the process pour the curls with a stream of cold air. This will reduce the detrimental effect of hot drying and will make the hairstyle more well-groomed,
  • In no case do not go out in cold weather on the street with undressed hair. This can lead to damage to their structure and severe precipitation.

Since frequent drying with electrical appliances is very harmful to the hair, from time to time it is necessary to dry them naturally. But even with natural drying can seriously harm the hair. To keep your hair beautiful and healthy, follow a few simple rules.

  • To dry your hair faster, comb it before washing.
  • After washing, gently squeeze the curls and wrap them tightly with a warm towel (preheat it with an iron). Even better, after bathing a towel (removing the main moisture), you will blot your hair with a paper towel. This will speed up the drying process.
  • After a few minutes, change the wet towel to dry. But you can not wear it for more than 10 minutes, otherwise the structure of the hair will suffer greatly.
  • Periodically comb your hair with your fingers and shake it or whip it at the roots to get more air and your hair will dry out faster.
  • To get air, you can also shake your head from side to side. If you have long hair, it will be harder for you to do it, but for owners of short hair it will be easier.
  • Take the hair by the tips and shake them, so you remove the excess moisture.
  • A cup of coffee or herbal tea in sunny weather on the terrace will also speed up the process of drying hair :). The warm wind will contribute to quick drying.

Hair specialists do not recommend combing hair with a fine comb while it is wet. Coarse combing does not harm wet hair. Intensive combing of hair is possible only after they have completely dried.

Natural drying is drying hair without the aid of electrical appliances. This is the most gentle way to dry curls. But he has his pros and cons.

How to style hair with a hairdryer:

1. Remember strictly It is forbidden to dry very wet hair. Blot your hair with a towel, then let it dry for a while and then you can start using the hair dryer. When you wipe your hair with a towel, remember that wet hair is very fragile, so they should not be rubbed or twisted, just blot gently,

2. Before you blow dry your hair, you need to apply a small amount protective emulsion on hair(thermal protection for hair). This emulsion will help relieve static stress, and the hair will not electrify,

3. Before styling it is recommended to apply special styling products to your hair, it is advisable to use a hair spray. The spray penetrates the hair structure most quickly, but you can also use styling gels or foams,

4. Divide hair into even strands and dry each strand separately. In this case, the hair will not be confused, therefore they will not get out during combing,

5. While drying hair, hair dryer must be on top, while the air stream must be directed from the top down, so you close the hair flakes and the hairstyle will look neat,

6.Dry your hair with cool, as a last resort, warm air, as hot air will make your hair more brittle and dull,

7. If you want to give your hair a bit of volume, then take round brush, wind hair on it and blow-dry,

8. In order to receive perfect straight hair, you need to wind the hair on the brush, then pull it off and blow-dry (the air jet should be on top). This procedure must be done for all the length of the hair, with special attention should be paid to the tips, so that they do not curl,

9. One of the most important rules is can not use a hair dryer every day, at least once a week, the hair should dry naturally. Even if you dry your hair with cold air, you still subject them to friction, as well as damage. Hair dryer should be made no more often than 4 times a week, while laying should be done with cool air,

10. After laying Spray your hair with varnishso that the hairstyle is not disheveled. Thanks to modern styling products, hair is not weighed down, and styling is held throughout the day,

11. Stylists recommend after styling apply shine to hairso that hair shimmers not only in the sun, but also in cloudy weather. But you need to use glitter with small particles, since large sparkles will look vulgar.

10 principles of safe hair drying

Many use a hair dryer to dry hair every day, sometimes we just don’t have enough time to wait for the hair to dry out naturally. Short hair does not need too much time for this procedure, but, unfortunately, the duration of hair drying increases in direct proportion to their length. Long hair dries very long naturally, so in this case, the help of a hair dryer is important.

A hair dryer, like an iron or curling irons, are called "hot" devices that destroy hair. But is it? Do all women who care for their hair should completely abandon their use? I do not think.

The main factor in the damage of the strands by hair dryer or ironing is high temperature. However, if the heat of the rectifier, as a rule, is about 200 degrees C (it is not difficult to guess that this temperature is even deadly for the hair), whereas the temperature of the air flow of the dryer is much lower.

If a hairdryer with three temperature steps is very good, then you can choose from 3 temperature modes: hot air (about 90 grams C), warm (about 60 grams C) and cool (about 30 grams C). It is safe to dry hair in a warm and cool mode, the temperature up to 60 degrees C does not damage them. At a higher temperature, the moisture evaporates from the hair, which leads to the opening of scales and the destruction of keratin. As a result, the hair becomes dry, weak and brittle.

However, daily hair drying will not be so destructive if you follow the rules listed below.

Principles of safe hair drying

1. Hair is most susceptible to damage when it is wet, so you should handle it very carefully - do not rub the wet strands with a towel (slightly squeeze the hair to remove excess water), it is better not to comb them before drying (comb them before washing and after drying ). If you need to comb wet hair, use a comb with widely spaced teeth.

2. Before drying the hair, use a heat protection agent (for example, spray with aloe gel, which helps to maintain the necessary hydration of the hair). To protect the ends of the hair, which are usually the most damaged, first rub some oil (eg coconut oil) between your fingers and apply it on the tips, and then, additionally, some silicone serum (silk).

3. Dry hair only with warm or cold air flow. Forget about high temperatures.

4 Dry hair at medium airspeed. Strong leads to damage to the hair.

5. Keep the hair dryer at a distance of about 20 cm from the hair, do not keep it in one place, but try to direct the flow of air in different directions.

6. Dry the hair in the direction of growth (i.e. closing the hair cuticle and smoothing it). Never direct the flow of air the other way around - it opens the hair cuticle and causes damage to it. Long curls well dry head down (the air flow is directed downwards). It is, of course, more convenient and, by the way, gives your hair extra volume?

7. If you want to style your hair beautifully, start doing it when it is slightly wet (80% dry), but not wet.

8. At the end of drying, use a cold stream of air, your hair will be healthy and smooth.

9. Do not dry your hair to the end, it is better to let it remain slightly wet, dry completely completely (except for the need to quickly leave the house).

10. If you do not burn, try not to dry your hair every day, as it dries them. The best result with the frequency of washing hair and drying them every two days.

Of course, many of you will still have a dilemma after this: dry your hair with a hair dryer or in a natural way.

I will definitely choose a hair dryer, but I will focus on safety, which will make the procedure not destructive for hair. However, the decision on how to dry the hair, each of us must make himself. Remember that it is not desirable to go outside or to the sun with wet hair - the sun and the wind have a strong effect, causing their damage.

5 main mistakes when hairdryer styling

It is difficult to imagine our life without a hair dryer - it helps to save time and create the desired shape of hair. Many have heard that a hair dryer dries and damages hair, but it is extremely difficult to refuse it, and, as we found out from a professional, it is not at all necessary!

After talking with a professional hair stylist and hair artist, we found out that drying with a hair dryer can be not only safe, but even useful! Alas, most girls do not know how to properly dry their hair and even choose a suitable hair dryer - hence the myths about its harmful effects on the hair.

First of all, I want to convey to the girls that, if used properly, the hair dryer will not damage the hair, will not overdry them and will not make them lifeless and dull. Some hairdressers advise their clients to stop drying with a hair dryer, but it is unlikely in terms of the metropolis, and even in our climate, this is possible in practice. It is better to learn how to use a hairdryer correctly, so that the hair not only looks shiny and healthy, but is actually so.

Right choice

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When buying a hair dryer, you need to pay attention to three main points. First, it is the presence of different modes. There must be a button for quick transition from hot to cold air. I also recommend choosing a hairdryer with three fan intensity settings.

Secondly, you need to pay attention to the power of the dryer itself and find a middle ground. Too powerful hair dryer you hardly need (there is a risk of overdrying the hair), and too weak power will significantly complicate the styling process.

Thirdly, the most important thing for a hair dryer is interchangeable blades. Well, when the set includes a nozzle-diffuser (round with protruding "fingers") and always the blade tapering towards the end, the so-called guide.

Wrong hold a hair dryer

The most important thing to remember is that the top layer of the hair has a scaly surface. To make it easier to understand, imagine the trunk of a palm tree - in the same way, each hair is covered with scales. They perform many functions, but the main one is protective. When you blow-dry, we can help the flakes to protect the heart of the hair or, conversely, damage them and thus damage the hair. That is why you need a guide nozzle - it must be positioned at an acute angle to the hair and dried in the direction from the roots to the ends - and only this way. This method of drying helps to “close” the scales.

How to choose a comb for hair?

Care and maintenance of healthy hair requires more than just your favorite shampoo or hair conditioner. Having the right combing tools and combing technique is so important in your daily hair care routine.

How to choose a comb for hair extensions?

The hair extensions boom subsided a bit, but still remains a popular means for imparting volume or length. Hair extensions require special care, and starting from washing and ending with combing you need to follow this process. About the latter and will be discussed.

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Real connoisseurs gum hook —This is professional stylists, and for many girls it remains a secret, why this accessory. Although it would seem that such an effective accessory should know. We will tell you all about this miniature gum, which you need to have on hand!


Watch the video: How to Blow-Dry Your Hair Straight Step-by-Step (June 2024).