Eyebrows and eyelashes

Create beautiful eyebrows for chubby


There are different forms of eyebrows into which you can transform your natural ones. But nevertheless it is necessary to approach the choice with full seriousness and responsibility to emphasize elegance or expressiveness of the person. As a rule, eyebrow shapes are also subject to the rules of fashion trends, which change every season. But the difference between these innovations is that it is much easier to change clothes than to change the shape of eyebrows. Moreover, all these changes concern the face and its expression.

The best and worst option

What is not the shape of eyebrows for a round face? Photos of girls with rounded eyebrows are not pleasing to the eye. Because this form emphasizes the width of the face. Therefore, rounded should be avoided. And what is the correct shape of eyebrows for a round face? Her photo is presented below.

If you describe the correct form in a nutshell, then it is broken, raised eyebrows. Must be a descending tail. Such brows visually lengthen the face. They focus attention on the vertical, not on the horizontal.

Some women and girls achieve the desired results with introduced innovations to become the perfect eyebrow shape for a round face (photo). Tattoo has become one of the most common ways. Of course, in order to use such a technique, you must first consult with a specialist who can suggest the correct method and whether it can be applied to the applicant.

What is the ideal eyebrow shape for a round face now? Photos of girls and models allows us to conclude that at present the standard is the natural form. She pulls a little face and gives it a special expressiveness.

Creative option

There are also creative forms of eyebrows (photo) for a round face, which are alternating thickness. What are such species? For example, the base of the brow can be thickened, and the tip is barely visible. But this variety is not all. Here, everything will depend on the shape of the eyes, the size of the cheeks and cheekbones. When choosing the shape of eyebrows (photo) for a round face should also take into account the length of the hair. Selecting the appropriate option, be sure to see that it is combined with your face. Remove hairs one by one, so as not to spoil the image at the moment.

What forms of eyebrows (photo) for a round face fit? For example, more direct make a more severe expression of the face, and smoothed, with soft curves give a kind and gentle look.


  • One of the most optimal options are winged. Elegant, like wings, they draw the shape of the face. But it is necessary to observe vigilance so that the person does not acquire a tragic expression.
  • The second version of the shape of the eyebrows - without corners. Brave step for those who decide on such an experiment. It resembles a crescent shape and is quite specific. Before you decide on it, it is better to consult with a specialist who can choose the right angle.
  • Straight eyebrows are no less risky option. Since before proceeding to the transformation, one must remember to observe the appropriate proportions so as not to widen the already round face.
    At the present time it is fashionable to choose the shape of eyebrows, which are well-known actresses. But before you follow your favorite idol and make the same form, first of all you need to “try on” it on yourself.


As for eyebrow correction, at the present time it has become fashionable to grow them and even leave some areas literally overgrown. This gives the brow a more natural look.Since fashion trends shout about natural beauty, many girls stop making corrections or change shape at all. But everything should be the limit. After all, if you stop watching eyebrows altogether, you can allow negligence in your image, which obviously will not decorate a woman's face. Therefore, those girls who at least once have tried to change the shape of the eyebrows and corrected it, should monitor their growth and what areas they begin to grow in breadth.

Plucking is a must to keep a neat look. After all, many of the female eyebrows grow differently.

What shape is better to give eyebrows

There is one rule that must be followed by absolutely all owners of a round face. It consists in the fact that the line should be bent with a small kink. This form is a bit like a wing. It is important that the kink be smooth, without sudden changes in height.

A round arc, on the contrary, is absolutely not suitable for a round face. She focuses on the rounded shape and deprives the girl of elegance and grace, which can easily be achieved by a curved line.

Eyebrow tail should not be too long

The length and height of the eyebrow line must be selected for each girl individually. It varies depending on what the height of the forehead and what size of the eye. The following guidelines will help determine the correct form:

  • High forehead requires a sloping line that will help to achieve a perfect image.
  • For owners of large eyes and large facial features, an ideal eyebrow should be made with a characteristic hall.
  • The length of the line is best left average. No long tails should be.

For some chubby girls, straight eyebrows are also suitable. She balances facial features well, but you need to be very careful. Too long or very low lines will visually make the forehead wider.

In some cases, straighter eyebrows are suitable for a round face.

Experts recommend to consider the location of the superciliary arch during eyebrow correction. This will help to avoid many mistakes.

It often happens that the right and left eyebrows of the girl are asymmetrical. The differences can be any, but most often a lot of trouble is caused by protruding hair at the bridge of the nose, which cannot be removed and it is very difficult to lay in the necessary direction.

Chubby girls especially not recommended to leave hairs that violate the harmony of the selected curved lines.

Eyebrow correction is a true art. Even specialists sometimes find it difficult to achieve the ideal from the first time, and at home it will take a lot of time, patience and, of course, practice.

3 preferred options for choosing the appropriate eyebrow shape for chubby beauties

Author Oksana Knopa date May 22, 2016

“Lunolika, clear-eyed, black-browed” - the rounder the contour of the face of the eastern women of antiquity was, the more poets sang the beautiful features of the diva.

Today, the shape of a lean oval is considered the world standard for face harmony; this is due to the parameters of thinness imposed by fashion, when a person inevitably takes on angular features.

Chubby girls sometimes with tears gaze into a mirror reflection: cute gentle cheeks, snub nose, plump lips and embark on all sorts of tricks to visually pull the front contour to a stereotype.

Do I need it? The naturalness of nature is the most beautiful thing in the world. But, if you really want to, do not necessarily deplete yourself with diets, a suitable eyebrow shape for a round face will help to create miracles of transformation. How to choose the perfect option?

To any type of person you can pick up beautiful eyebrows

What face should be considered round

If the contour has approximately the same dimensions of the height of the face (from the upper line of the forehead to the lower part of the chin) and its width (along the lines of the cheekbones), then the girl is chubby.The outlines of the face are usually soft, with smooth transitions, rounded cheeks and chin, with a predominance of horizontal lines, in the absence of well-defined reliefs and angles.

Choosing the right size

Most importantly, eyebrows on the type of person should be distinguished by a small kink. To determine the ideal size of the lines, you can use a regular pencil:

stand in front of the mirror, outline and delineate future lines, according to directions.

  1. We put a pencil parallel to the nose to its wide wing, upward. In this case, the point of intersection with the eyebrow will be the beginning of the line correction. This is the initial mark.
  2. The pencil is moved at an angle so that it intersects with the pupil of the eye. This mid-point on the eyebrow will serve as a place for the formation of a beautiful bend on the type of gull-wing.
  3. We mark the last point at the intersection of the eyebrow line, when a pencil is measured from the wing of the nose through the outer edge of the eye. This is the end point.

The length of another arc is also defined. When markings are drawn, draw beautiful lines.

How to choose the perfect eyebrow shape for a round face

Beauticians recommend choosing one of three types:

  • lines, soaring smoothly from 1 point near the inner corner of the eye to point 2, then slightly falling to the temple 3 - a “rising” eyebrow,
  • arcs starting from 2 points, tending upwards to 2 point. There is a kink, and a descending line in the direction of the temple, and the end of the tail is slightly elevated,
  • the lines from 1 to 2 are slightly curved in relation to the eye, on point 2 they fly upwards, and to point 3 they go down - a “arched eyebrow”.

These directions are not a standard at all, draw with a pencil other shapes, but with a visual lengthening for a round face, eyebrows with a high relief are suitable. They perfectly smooth out excessive plump cheeks and narrow the width of the cheekbones. In addition, the required clarity of lines and color design.

Technology correction straight, wide eyebrows at home

Today, on the shelves of cosmetic stores and Internet sites, a variety of stencils are advertised to decorate the shape of arcs. Their sizes are easy to adjust to individual lines.

Alternately attach the detail to the eyebrows, draw the gaps with a silver (other) pencil. All that is not painted, you can pull out. With curved stencils, perfect eyebrows are obtained for a round face. The width of the lines is average.

Threads and broad panicles are not allowed. Color shade is chosen as close as possible to the natural shade of hair.

Stages of removal of excess hairs.

  1. Position yourself in front of the wall mirror, prepare the tweezers, disinfecting lotion on alcohol to lubricate the instrument and eyebrows. Important bright lighting.
  2. When adjusting, it is better to remove the lower region of the eyebrow hairs, the upper one only touches during the fracture.
  3. Tweezers catch each individual hair near the root base, with the other hand you need to slightly stretch the skin, then pull the rod out sharply.
  4. In order for the areas to be pulled out to look symmetrical, you need to adjust both eyebrows in turn, especially for shaping the bends.
  5. Wipe arc with lotion, then cream.

The procedure is tedious, therefore, leads to the appearance of irregularities. After some time, you need to make sure that the design is perfect, with a fresh look to evaluate the work done.

Some tips for making your eyebrows beautifully painlessly.

With constant care, pain decreases as the area of ​​the correction site remains minimal, eyebrows do not grow.

In addition, stylists offer several conditions that contribute to loss of sensitivity when plucking:

  • pre-steam the skin,
  • apply hot spot compresses,
  • make local ice cubes,
  • be sure to tension the skin along the hairline,
  • lubricate eyebrow line with anesthetic antiseptic.

Getting rid of acute pain will help pull out in accordance with the inclination of the growth of the rod, and not against its direction. In addition, it is better not to engage in correction on critical days, at this time the pain increases.

A beautiful face with beautiful eyebrows is the perfect look of a woman.

All owners of a round face are pretty, very feminine and look much younger than their years.

Mother nature gives them a beautiful line of neat eyebrows at birth, but if you are gnawing at the desire to get closer to the standard of fashion - the oval face contour, it is important to know that in no case can you correct the short straight horizontal form, as well as the semicircular arc line of eyebrows. These options will further visually expand the face.

All materials are provided for review. Before using recommendations concerning the health of your hair, we recommend that you consult with a specialist. Use of material is permitted only with the active hyperlink to the site.

What should be the correct contour of eyebrows?

A beautiful face is always in trend. And how can you not mention the beautiful line of eyebrows, giving a special zest to female beauty. Upturned, "house", surprised and elegantly curved, thick and not very - any shape of eyebrows makes a woman unique and emphasizes only her inherent beauty.

The eyebrow contour of American actress Megan Fox is recognized as ideal. Many film stars have beautiful eyebrows from nature. Most of them skillfully find the contour of the eyebrow line under their type and use small secrets, creating unique eyebrow makeup.

We draw perfect eyebrows

  1. Determine the starting point of the brow line. To do this, virtually draw a line from the outer wing of the nose perpendicular upwards, passing by the inner point of the eye. Crossing the line with the brow arc will be the beginning.
  2. Find the top bend. We draw a straight line from the middle of the upper lip and upwards along the pupil.

The point of intersection of the imaginary line and the eyebrow will show the upper bend. We calculate the end of the eyebrow line. Draw an estimated line from the end of the outer nasal wing through the point of the outer corner of the eye and beyond. The point of intersection with the eyebrow will indicate the end of the brow line.

  • The distance from the eyebrow to the eye should match the size of the diameter of the iris
  • Select the shape of eyebrows (photo) for a round face and make tattoo

    For those who still decide to try to do a tattoo for eyebrows, you first need to choose the right shape to capture it on the face. After that, it should be adjusted by plucking out unnecessary areas. This work is quite responsible. Therefore, it is better to thoroughly search for a specialist in whom you can be sure.

    Once the form is ready and in perfect condition, you can proceed to the tattoo. First you need to make sure that the skin is able to transfer this procedure and there will be no allergy. If the skin specifically reacts to any outside influence, it is better to first contact a dermatologist, who will advise how to proceed in this situation.

    If you don’t want to go to the doctor at all, then a specialized cosmetologist will also be able to help with this difficult problem.


    Now you know what forms of eyebrows are (photo). Not all types are suitable for a round face. Because you need to carefully select the form. And before performing any operations related to a person, it is necessary to study various options in the photographs many times, to consult with a doctor, so that no experiment would negatively affect beauty and health.

    What shape of eyebrows suits chubby girls?

    Despite the similarity of the contours of chubby girls, each of them is individual. Therefore, it’s impossible to talk about a single option for everyone. But there are a number of aspects that when determining the structure of the arc, you should certainly take into account:

    • avoid straight lines - they will make the face more visible,
    • to abandon the shape resembling a rainbow, a yoke - such eyebrows only emphasize the disproportionality and add contour even more roundness,
    • do not pull out the hairs before the formation of "threads" - otherwise, the effect of absence, inferiority of arcuate elevations will be created, the imbalance in the appearance will only increase.

    Makeup artists agree: round-shaped faces are eyebrows "stray", that is, located not parallel to the line of the eyes and lips, but at a certain angle to them. Ideally, the lift should be high in order to lengthen the proportions of the upper part, narrow the distance at the widest point and reduce the volume of the cheeks. The bend is preferable not steep, but with a slight crease and a small tail: then the soft features of the face will not lose their attractiveness and femininity.

    Based on the above, we offer a choice of 3 types that suit the “circle”:

    1. ascending - characterized by a low location of the starting point and a high (just above the temporal line) end points,
    2. “Gull wings” - the outline of hairs tends upwards from the base, and then breaks down, forming a small (1/3 of the entire length) straight or slightly descending tail,
    3. arched eyebrows are similar to the previous form, but unlike it, the tip, which is pulled up closer to the outer edge, has a soft transition.

    For girls with a round face, it is better to avoid short arcs: because of the larger space from the end of the hairs to the edge of the contour, all the features will seem much larger. It is desirable to leave ascending lines wide, but the tail, on the contrary, needs to be slightly thinned.

    An important point in the formation of an ideal image is taking into account the distance between the eyes. If it is equal to the capacity of the "third eye", the starting point of the arc must begin from the inner corner. When the distance is much greater, that is, we are talking about a wide landing of the eyes, eyebrows should be reduced closer to the nose. But non-placement of the “third eye” indicates that the hairs should originate from the first eyelash (an approximate indent is 1-3 mm from the edge). Close-set eyes visually move apart, and a round face as a whole will look more harmonious.

    How to correct the correction?

    Making eyebrows in the salon is an inexpensive procedure. Regardless of what method the master suggests (wax, thread, classical tweezers), it will not be expensive in time: 10-20 minutes. If a visit to the aesthetic center is not possible, the appropriate view will have to be determined independently and make corrections at home. What you need for this:

    1. Take care of a comfortable procedure: free up the workplace, equip it with a mirror and the right lighting.
    2. Disinfect the tool for grabbing and pulling out hairs - tweezers - and the skin of the face in order to prevent inflammation.
    3. Comb and define the outline of the arc that goes best with a light outline. As an aid, use stencils sold in beauty markets and online stores. They will allow to draw more accurate lines and to find the ideal form of eyebrows. After doing these manipulations, pull out the hairs that are behind the contour, without affecting the vegetation in the upper part: it is the basic one that determines the direction of growth of the rods.

    How to add expressiveness to the edges?

    The right shape is halfway to achieving the perfect image: chubby girls still need to make them more expressive. Masters are able to help in this matter:

    • microblading - using a special scalpel - maniple, the specialist introduces dye manually, control of movements and detailed drawing of each hair determine the creation of natural eyebrows,
    • permanent make-up (tattoo) - unlike the previous method, this one is performed not manually, but at the expense of a machine that can make moves only in one direction,
    • biotatuazha - in this case, the master uses only natural pigments: henna, antimony, usma, basma,
    • spraying - the dye is embedded in the upper layer of the dermis (to a depth of 0.5 mm) with the help of an apparatus with a certain frequency, the resulting small points create the effect of feathering,
    • staining - a specialist changes or maintains the natural hair color using a professional pigment composition (RefectoCil, Studio, RoColor, Estel) or the same henna, basma and their combination.

    The last option is feasible at home. You can also use cosmetics: shadows (ideally a palette with 2-3 colors), a pencil, a marker. Their shades should be selected on the basis of hair color, that is, in one tone with them or a couple of shades lighter (brunettes) or darker (blondes, redheads). After drawing the rods and easy shading, the final result is better to fix the gel, especially if adverse weather conditions are planned.

    When eyebrows fit a round face in shape and color, all imperfections are instantly transformed into advantages: the accent from puffy cheeks moves to the cheekbones, the narrow forehead expands visually, and in combination with oblique bangs pulls the oval. The contrast of the chin and the upper part is minimized, all features (in particular, closely spaced / distant eyes) acquire harmony and proportionality. It is easy to be convinced of this - it is worth looking at the photos before and after.

    What you need to care?

    Modeling and color correction of arcs in the salon or at home always turns around for the skin and the hairs themselves, albeit unobtrusive, but negative: the dermis is injured, irritated, the structure of the rods undergoes changes. Liquid vitamins (retinol, thiamin, tocopherol), vegetable oils (castor bean, burdock root, peach, olive) and various lotions / masks with their participation will help to quickly recover in this matter.

    If there is a bang, you should not forget about caring for it either: being greasy, dirty, it is able to present the most elegant eyebrows to a round face in an unfavorable light. Therefore, do not have time to wash your hair and put your hair in her hair - that's okay. Separate from other strands, rinse the bang under running water (with a small amount of shampoo), then dry it with a hairdryer, and the whole image will turn out beautiful and fresh.

    How to choose the correct shape of eyebrows by type of face?

    The modern woman, to look well-groomed and beautiful, follows not only fashion trends in the make-up of her face, eyes, lips, but also corrects her eyebrows, giving them a beautiful bend and shape. Different types of faces have their own design and drawing eyebrows.

    A well-chosen form of the eyebrow emphasizes feminine beauty and gives a special expressiveness to the look.

    Not every beauty can boast the correct shape. More often, you can see faces with different shapes: in the form of a square, oval, round or triangular.

    Correct eyebrow shape for a square face, photo

    The square shape of the face is weighed down by a large jaw and a broad forehead. Moreover, the lower and upper parts have almost the same width. The face resembles a square.

    To flush the right angles of the forehead and soften the entire contour of the eyebrow's face, draw a parallel line to the eyes with a slight bend.

    The rounded shape of the eyebrows of medium thickness is harmonious and natural. Such eyebrows give femininity and sensuality.

    A cleverly chosen accent in the form of a graceful curvature of a raised brow arch gives the face extraordinary femininity and smoothes the shape of the face.

    Correct eyebrow shape for oval face, photo

    Having an oval face is the dream of every girl. This type of person is considered ideal.

    Horizontal eyebrows with a small kink emphasize the beautiful proportions of the face.

    Straight or slightly rounded eyebrows, removed from the nose - the perfect design of eyebrows for an oval-type face.

    With an oval face type, wide straight eyebrows are not allowed. This design of the eyebrows makes the look tough and formidable.

    Correct eyebrow shape for a triangular face, photo

    The triangular face type is characterized by a narrow chin, protruding cheekbones and a broad forehead.

    The soft bend of the eyebrows of medium width smooths out the protuberances of the cheekbones.

    The main rule for the design of eyebrows with a triangular face type: not very long line of eyebrows and a uniform slight bend of the eyebrow arch.

    Making out eyebrows, focus on the bending line. This way you can soften the sharpness of the chin. Eyebrows draw smooth curved lines of medium length.

    Correct eyebrow shape for round face type, photo

    The round face has smooth rounded lines around the contour, the face acquires a wide shape. In this type of face, the width and height are almost the same or vary within 2-3 cm. The face appears flat.

    To visually bring a round face to an oval, you should raise a fracture of the eyebrows. Along the edges of the eyebrows should be thin, and the tail part is shortened.

    A slight fracture of the brow arc gives a unique charm and femininity.

    Arched eyebrows are not suitable for a round face, they once again emphasize roundness.

    You should not raise your eyebrows too with a round face type. This can change the facial expression, giving it a surprised look.

    What make eyebrow tattoo

    • tattooing eyebrows makes it possible not to spend a long period on eyebrow care (eyebrow adjustment, plucking, makeup)
    • eyebrow tattooing always looks perfect at any time of day and in any weather
    • The procedure helps to change the appearance of a woman, correct the brow line by face type and correct many cosmetic flaws for several years.

    What gives eyebrow tattoo?

    • owners of rare eyebrows get the opportunity to get the desired thickness of eyebrows
    • Tattooing technique allows you to recreate the eyebrows in their absence
    • the procedure makes it possible to build perfect proportions of the eyebrows: the optimal length, width, thickness, correct and beautiful fracture of the brow ridge
    • correction of the asymmetry of the right and left eyebrows
    • eyebrow scars
    • visual re-creation of natural and perfect eyebrows in women with colorless eyebrows
    • eyebrow plucking fix

    Technique of shading tattoo

    A painless procedure that does not require much time. Usually carried out to emphasize the correct eyebrow arc, while processing small “bald patches” in the body of the eyebrow. After a session of toning and highlighting a clear outline of the eyebrows, the face looks more expressive and impressive. The main thing is that the tattoo is made by a true master.

    Hair tattoo

    The painstaking technique of performing this type of tattoo requires high professional qualifications. Here it is important to take into account the characteristics of each client: the type of face, skin, hair and eyes color.

    After careful study of all individual qualities, the master outlines the eyebrow contour suitable for the client.

    The necessary high-quality pigment for coloring is selected and preparatory procedures are performed.

    The European method of performing a tattoo reproduces the natural growth of hairs, they are drawn with subtle strokes. Eyebrows look natural and flawless: the hair on the head of the eyebrow is directed upwards, gradually bending in an arc towards the end of the eyebrow.

    According to the eastern method of drawing is based on the natural direction of growth of your own eyebrow hairs. This is a difficult and painstaking work with an amazing effect. You have to be a real artist to draw every hair with different directions, length, color. But the result exceeds expectations: eyebrows acquire a perfect contour with a natural visual effect.

    Steps to create flawless eyebrows

    It is necessary that the shape of the eyebrows for a round face balanced the rounded shape, visually lengthened it, adjusted the proportions. The first and rather important thing to do is to chart the distance between the two eyebrows. The average standard value is equal to the width of two fingers, but with some features of appearance, this parameter may vary slightly.

    It is usually required to increase the distance if the eyes of the girl are close-set, and to reduce if the distance is disproportionately large.

    Frown, you can determine whether the distance between the eyebrows is correct

    It is very easy to check the correctness of a given distance, it is enough just to frown. If, at the same time, extra hairs remain behind the natural fold, they must be removed with tweezers, and then proceed to the next steps of the shape correction.

    Work on creating the perfect eyebrows suggests:

    1. Determination of the highest point. It is located at the intersection of the line that runs from the wings of the nose through the outer side of the pupil.
    2. Definition of the end of the eyebrow. This point should be at the intersection of the line laid from the wings of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.
    3. It is very convenient to use the most common pencil for determining control points.

    The definition of the points of the eyebrow line is necessary to give them the desired shape.

  • If there are any controversial hairs and you are not sure whether to remove them or not, a white outline pencil will come to the rescue. Just paint over and evaluate the result. This will help decide on the feasibility of plucking a particular hair.
  • If the length of your own eyebrows is not enough, you can draw a little of them with a pencil. However, this should be done not with a solid line, but with the help of light stroke-like movements. The color of the pencil should be selected in accordance with its color type.
  • Some girls find it difficult to determine the symmetry of the eyebrows and to set the necessary shape correctly. They can use a little trick: you should cover all the eyebrows with foundation, draw a necessary line with a pencil, and then remove excess hair.

    Hair removal is recommended under the eyebrow.

    Removing unwanted hairs, it is better to concentrate on the area under the eyebrow, there they are always blond, they are eliminated without serious consequences, they do not leave a trace. The upper follicles are well developed, and if they are removed, negative consequences may occur in the form of black spots or severe irritation after the procedure. Unnecessarily, the upper hairs should not be touched.

    Beautiful eyebrow shape is a prerequisite, without which it is impossible to achieve the ideal parameters of appearance. Not even one of the brightest and brilliant makeup will cause delight in the presence of sloppy eyebrows on the face.

    Features round face

    It is imperative to correctly determine whether your face is exactly round. To do this, check the compliance with the following features:

    • equal length and width of the face,
    • the apparent width of the parts
    • smoothness and roundness of all features.

    The cheekbones of chubby girls are not very pronounced, they diverge at a fairly wide angle from the chin. In this case, the correct shape of the eyebrows will help bring the round shape to the ideal - oval.

    How to choose the shape of eyebrows

    To make the face too broad, visually a bit narrower, it is necessary to form a mandatory bend and kink on the eyebrow line. You also need to raise the base and tip of the eyebrow. Such manipulations will help visually stretch the features and make the proportions narrower. For a round face type, rounded lines, curved at the outer edge of the eye, as well as ascending eyebrows with the tip turned up above the level of the temple are ideal. A universal option will also be eyebrows, which look like a gull's wing.

    In order not to doubt exactly the result, it is best to contact a beauty salon, where professionals will help you, or use a universal stencil, using which you can create the desired eyebrow line for your face.

    However, these stencils are not suitable for everyone, so you should be careful with them.

    You can also make a correction yourself. To do this, go to the mirror and take a pencil or a thin brush with you. Draw an invisible straight line to the nose and forehead from the outside of the wing of the nose. This is the place where the widest part of the eyebrow should be, otherwise the expression of the face may turn out to be gloomy and tired.

    Next, you need to determine the point at which the bending line will begin. To do this, draw a straight line from the outer corner of the wing of the nose to the outer border of the iris. It is important that the line runs exactly along the border, and not through the middle of the iris, since the latter option will make your eyebrows old-fashioned and irrelevant.

    To choose a point where the end of the eyebrow will be located, it is necessary to once again draw the visual line from the wing of the nose, but to the outer corner of the eye. All points found should be marked on the skin with white or any other cosmetic pencil. Even any eye or lip products from your cosmetic bag will do.

    Pre-planned exact contour will help to avoid mistakes in the process of eyebrow correction, as well as immediately see the approximate result and understand how much you like it.

    Why you should not do a tattoo of eyebrows?

    Despite the huge popularity of eyebrow shaping with the help of tattoo, there are opponents of such adjustments to the eyebrows. And they have a reason.

    1. Fashion 2016 offers natural and natural makeup. This extends to the eyebrows. No matter how skillfully a permanent tattoo is performed, it will not look natural and harmonious. Hollywood stars have long abandoned tattoo eyebrows, just look at the latest photos of film stars. This is no longer fashionable.
    2. Before deciding on such a radical change in eyebrows, it should be remembered: the tattoo cannot be washed off, wiped, cleaned at home. This procedure is done for a long time: from two months up to 2-5 years. Unsuccessful tattoo can not be fixed in a short time.
    3. Only expensive laser procedures will help to remove unsuccessfully drawn eyebrows. Finally, you can remove the eyebrow tattoo only after 5 painful laser operations.
    4. Even the most skillful eyebrow tattoo adds to its owner up to 5 years of age. Simply put, tattooing is old
    5. Salons that produce eyebrow tattoos do not guarantee that the "drawn" eyebrows like the client. The probability of a mistake is big, it is possible to get “not your own” eyebrows for a session of the tattoo,

    So, before you decide to drastically change your eyebrows with the help of tattoo, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

    Professional eyebrow tattoo video

    Beauty salons offer eyebrow plucking with tweezers or wax. Beauticians professionally remove excess hair, given the type of face and skin sensitivity to such procedures for each client.

    Many women pluck eyebrows at home on their own. Share recommendations on the proper eyebrow plucking

    1. Before the procedure, wash hands thoroughly with soap and disinfect tweezers using any antiseptic agent: alcohol, sterillium, chlorhexidine.
    2. Eyebrows should also be treated with antiseptic and a little lubricate with any children's cream.
    3. Eyebrow plucking is recommended in front of a mirror with a magnifying effect.
    4. The procedure for removing excess hair should be done in good light.
    5. Eyebrow combed before tweezing
    6. Unwanted hairs are removed according to the direction of their growth. To reduce pain, hold the hair firmly with tweezers at the base. Then a little pull, the hair pulled out easily and without much pain

    Eyebrow Makeup Instructions

    1. Comb each eyebrow. Remove hairs from brow line.
    2. Circle each eyebrow. Sketch the inner contour
    3. Position the light bar below and outside the contour. Blend without brows
    4. Comb your eyebrows again, lay the hairs in one direction.

    Making perfect eyebrows in 5 minutes, video

    It is no secret that beautifully designed eyebrows give a person a special femininity and well-groomed look. For eyebrow correction, you can use the services of professional specialists, many do this procedure on their own.

    Yuliya: Made eyebrow correction in the salon. Very well chosen form of eyebrows, gently plucked, tint in a good color. Do not find out! Eyes become more expressive and deeper. I will always go here now.

    Lyna: I took a chance and made eyebrows. HORROR. After the tattoo, I had to immediately go to work. I spent the whole day in a closed office, I was afraid to appear to people. Now on sick leave. Waiting for this horrible color to turn pale! The master said that in a month the paint will become lighter and everything will be fine. I will wait.

    Vita: In my case, the eyebrows were initially corrected by herself, which I still regret. Only disfigured myself. You need to trust only professionals, especially if you pluck your eyebrows for the first time.

    Eyebrow Care Money Box

    • For the first eyebrow line design, you should seek help from a specialist. He will make eyebrow adjustments, taking into account the features of the face, remove the extra hairs correctly, teach the simple eyebrow care features. In the future, you can maintain a given shape and independently engage in the design and makeup of eyebrows
    • Do not forget to disinfect tweezers during self-plucking eyebrows, even if you have to remove only a couple of hairs
    • Choose a good sharpening tweezers, it is more convenient and more comfortable to work with. Let the tool be more expensive. It will last a long time and will justify its price in a high-quality and practically painless hair removal.
    • Castor oil nourishes and moisturizes eyebrow hairs. Regular oiling of eyebrows will give them a well-groomed and beautiful look.

    All about eyebrow styling for a round face

    The shape of the eyebrows determines the expressiveness of the face.

    What eyebrows are suitable for a round face? - This question worries many girls. First of all, this part of the face should not emphasize its spherical shape. Eyebrows should be broken and raised with a short downward tip.

    Only in this case you will be able to switch attention to the vertical lines, thus you can visually stretch and narrow the facial contour.

    Further more about what eyebrows are suitable for a round face and how to model them correctly.

    Modeling process

    Pencil modeling

    When modeling perfect eyebrows with your own hands for chubby beauties, it is necessary to adhere to the general principles of form creation. The first thing you need to do with the help of a pencil is to sketch out conditional lines that indicate the point where the villi begin, the highest point and the place where the line ends.

    Everything is very simple:

    1. Take a cosmetic pencil and attach it to the side of the nose so that its core passes through the inner corner of the eye. The intersection of the villi and the pencil is the starting point of the eyebrow line.
    2. Next, you need to send a pencil from the wing of the nose through the middle of the pupil - the resulting point of intersection is the highest point of raising the eyebrow.
    3. To determine the place of the end of the line, you need to attach a pencil to the side of the nose and send the rod through the outer corner of the eye.
    4. Connect the dots with one line and as a result you will get the right eyebrows.

    Correction process

    After you have drawn the outline, you need to get rid of the hairs that go beyond it.

    The width of the eyebrow from its beginning to the highest point should be the same, after lifting the line should gradually narrow.

    Eyebrow shape for a round face depends on how to pull out the hairs.

    The correction instruction is as follows:

    1. Stir the villus well.
    2. Having decided on the line width, start pulling out the hairs with tweezers. Perform the procedure until you reach the desired width and shape.
    3. In the process, control your actions. Make sure your eyebrows are symmetrical, and also have the same size.

    When plucking the villi, use a black and white pencil.
    Black mark the outline, and white paint over the hairs that need to be removed.

    Performing a correction, note the following nuances:

    • Before starting the correction, thoroughly steam the skin. You can make a hot compress. Also reduce the sensitivity and rubbing,
    • Make sure to comb your hair up and down to see the shape clearly. To do this, use a special brush, which can be bought at any cosmetic store, its price is quite acceptable,

    Use a special brush to see which villi to get rid of.

    • Try not to pull out the villi that grow at the top of the line. These hairs have a rich color, and after their removal they become colorless. The overall appearance of the eyebrows in this case significantly deteriorates.
    • watch the tip - having a round face, it should not be too sharp.
    • If the villi are very rare and light, then use a pencil, shadow or a special fudge.

    Shape selection

    So, which eyebrows go round the face the most?

    The following are suitable options:

    Photo: eyebrow shape suitable for chubby girls

    1. Curved. The line should be slightly curved with light kinks and a fairly high lift. This will put emphasis on the vertical line, which visually lengthens the proportions of the upper part of the face.
    2. Winged. The name is because the form is associated with the flexible wings of birds, which are frozen in an elegant break. This option is great chubby, because the "winged" eyebrows perfectly pull the face.

    Observe the measure when forming a fracture.
    Too broken line looks unnatural and gives the appearance of tragedy.

    1. Ascendants. It is important here that the tip is slightly turned up and protrudes beyond the temporal line.
    2. Rounded. It is not necessary that the eyebrows necessarily have a fracture. You can also take the middle variant between the winged and arcuate view. A slight bend should be observed closer to the outer edge - only in this case everything will look harmonious.

    By choosing straight lines, you risk extending your face even more.

    Which shape is best avoided? Do not choose straight lines. Incorrectly chosen ratio of width and length of a line can make a face even more round. It is better to give straight lines a slight bend that will make the face feminine, mysterious and deep.

    You should not stop your choice on the arcuate forms. The arc, repeating the shape of the face, will play a cruel joke, visually rounded the face even more.

    If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to ask for help from specialists who can correctly model the shape, adjust everything and even paint if necessary. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can use special stencils that will help to create elegant eyebrows without much effort.

    Knowing the secrets of modeling, you can dramatically change the appearance

    Beautiful eyebrows for a round face can be formed independently, without making special efforts for this. After reading the above recommendations, you can easily correct this part and bring the face to the ideal oval shape. More information on this topic, you can find information from the video in this article.And if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

    If you want to thank, add a clarification or objection, ask the author a question - add a comment!

    Correctly decorated eyebrows - a pledge of an expressive beautiful look. They are able to stretch or soften the contours of the face, give facial expressions of confidence or femininity. At the same time, incorrectly corrected eyebrows can make the facial expression rude or sad. Of course, an experienced master in the salon can easily determine the shape, but if you decide to do the correction yourself, then you should know that eyebrows for a round face should have a certain shape and bend. Which one? Let's try to figure it out.

    Suitable Forms

    When we speak of eyebrows for a round face, then first of all we must remember that they must visually lengthen it, and in no case underline its globularity. To achieve this goal contours must be broken with a small downward tip. In this case, you switch the attention of looking at the vertical.

    Based on the general rule, you can choose different variations of shapes. More straight lines will make the face serious, stern. This option is great for business - woman. In the case when you want to make facial expressions softer and kinder, create soft curves.

    Ideal eyebrows we identified. Now it is important to say what exactly does not fit. These are rounded shapes, they make the face even more round and full. Otherwise, you can choose a few fashionable directions, as they look, you can see in the photo.

    Creative forms

    In the case when we are talking about suitable contours for a round face, it is worth noting that the basis will almost always be the same shape. But its types may differ:

    • Winged eyebrows. Their lines resemble the bend of a bird's wing, the shape is beautiful and elegant, perfectly pulling the contour of the face. The main thing is to know the measure in a bend, otherwise you risk to surrender your appearance too tragic.

    • Crescent - more specific and unusual shape. It has no corners, and it may seem that it is too rounded for this type, but if the expert correctly selects the angle of the arc, the result will surprise you. This model is better to perform in the cabin.

    • Today, Hollywood stars with round faces are increasingly seen straight eyebrows. This is quite a risky step, because the slightest mistake in the proportions will only expand the horizontal of the face. Similar modeling is also better performed with a professional.

    • New fashionable option - eyebrows with alternate thickness. For example, the base is quite thick, natural, and the tip is barely noticeable. Please note that such a move is not for everyone, contact the master, he will tell you the options based on the shape of the eyes, the width of the cheeks and cheekbones.

    As you can see, chubby girls also have something to choose from. When the desired result is determined, you can proceed to the modeling itself.

    Tips to help you choose the right eyebrow shape for your face type:

    Principles of modeling

    The correct shape of the eyebrows depends largely on the correctness of their modeling. In this case, it is not so important what type of girls you are, there are the main stages and the "golden" rules for their implementation.

    • Defining boundaries. Each face is unique, therefore it is impossible to name the beginning and end of eyebrow growth in millimeters. To determine the ideal boundaries for you, use the following method. Attach the pencil to the wing of the nose so that it passes through the inner corner of the eye. The place where the straight line intersects the brow arc is the point of the beginning of the eyebrow. Next, move the pencil so that the diagonal runs from the wing of the nose to the middle of the pupil, this is the point of maximum break. Finally, draw a straight line from the nose to the outer corner of the eye. The diagonal passes through the end of the brow.
    • We proceed to the correction, that is, pulling out hairs that go beyond the resulting contour.

    Important! Eyebrow thickness should not change to the point of fracture, then it begins to decrease, making the tail thin.

    • In the next step, eyebrows are painted and stacked. These procedures are not always necessary. As for styling, you can choose biomodelling or daily makeup.

    Of all the above stages of modeling, the most voluminous and, perhaps, responsible is the correction. Therefore, we consider in more detail its technique.

    You need to know: what is eyebrow modeling and how to do it correctly

    Correction Rules

    Eyebrow correction is an integral part of personal care. Despite the fact that modern trends dictate lush natural eyebrows, their accuracy must be maintained, and for this it is simply necessary to monitor the growth and shape of hairs.

    Anyone who has plucked his eyebrows at least once in his life knows that there are several ways of this procedure. You can use a thread, wax, laser epilator or other professional procedures. But the most common technique is using tweezers. That is what we will take as a basis, although a greater number of rules can be attributed to other methods.

    1. Cleanse your skin.
    2. It is advisable to apply a disinfectant to the eyebrow growth zone, this will help to avoid infection when the microranium appears.
    3. Brush your eyebrows so that all the hairs look in one direction.
    4. Determine the boundaries.
    5. Start alternately pulling hairs, it is desirable to adjust the eyebrows at the same time to achieve greater symmetry.
    6. To make plucking easier, stretch the skin a little.
    7. After correction, you can apply a soothing cream or a compress on the skin, apply ice.

    Tip! Tweezing with tweezers is a painful procedure in order to reduce discomfort slightly. Before the procedure, spread the skin with baby cream, let it soak.

    Read more about correcting eyebrow correction.

    Eyebrow pencil will help you to bring the contour to the ideal. Also do not forget about the professional procedures. Now the salons offer permanent makeup, eyebrow biotattoo, using natural dyes, biomodelling, coloring. To maintain the image at home, cosmetics are used: eyebrow shadows and gels, pencils, powder, modeling and tinting gels.

    Interesting! To date, many masters offer to take a short course on the architecture of the eyebrows. In a few lessons you will be taught how to choose the right color and shape, make a quality correction. This skill will help not only to create an image.

    Now you know what eyebrows go to the round face. Do not make common mistakes, create lines wisely, then it will be difficult to look away from you. Also remember that in order to save your own time and effort, you can always ask for help from a master. The eyebrow correction procedure is inexpensive, but it is much easier to maintain an already formed form than to create it.

    See also: How to choose the right eyebrow shape for your face and size of the eye (video)

    A beautiful line of eyebrows helps to visually brighten up the flaws of the face, making it as proportional as possible. What forms of eyebrows fit chubby girls? What methods can be used for correction?

    1. What hairstyle to give preference?
    2. Perfect eyebrow shape
    3. Home Correction
    4. What does the eye incision affect?

    Features round face

    The correct proportions of the face, the standard of feminine beauty is considered an oval, but in nature such a form is rare. Chubby girls need to know how to visually hide the flaws in appearance.

    Signs of a round face:

    • all parts are approximately equal in width,
    • there are no corners
    • cheekbones width exceeds length
    • the chin line is soft, the forehead is convex and wide.

    Ideal eyebrow shape, haircut and makeup will help make the image harmonious, as close as possible to the classic proportions.

    How to adjust the round shape of the face?

    Stylists have many different tricks to help visually adjust the round oval.

    What haircuts are suitable chubby girls:

    • elongated bob, strands should end just below the chin line,
    • cascades and ladder length to the cheekbones with oblique bangs,
    • the caret is of medium length, with the front ends should be perfectly straight,
    • long strands with soft waves,
    • short stepped haircuts with oblique bangs, it should cover half of the forehead.

    1. When coloring should give preference to the paint of dark tones that visually narrow the face. Blondes with a round face oval need to make the front strands a few shades darker. Well-fits chubby girls soft bangs with melirovannymi tips.

    2. When creating a hair, hair goes up, you can smoothly comb it back. Ideal for chubby girls a clear parting in the middle, a deep diagonal, zigzag.

    3. Do not make thick bangs. Long straight strands, very voluminous styling expands the face. Chubby girls are not suitable for small curls, very short haircuts, which repeat the shape of the head.

    4. Powder or concealer of dark shades will help to correct the round oval of the face - you need to darken the lower jaw, cheekbones, sides of the nose and external parts of the cheeks. Blush is applied diagonally from the middle of the cheekbone to the temporal region, and on the middle part of the forehead to the hairline.

    5. In make-up chubby girls better to make more expressive eyes. The arrows should be slightly raised upwards, the lower eyelid should be drawn with a pencil and shadows, well shaded.

    6. Lips do not delineate a pencil - straight lines emphasize the width. It is better to add additional volume with the help of a light shine - it should be applied on the middle part of the lower lip.

    What shape of eyebrows is suitable for a round face?

    Eyebrows for a round face should be curved, with a slight bend, high rise. This will help to make a vertical accent, visually stretch the face.

    The perfect eyebrow shape for chubby girls:

    • gull wing or a hut in the form of a house,
    • ascending - while the tip should be located slightly above the temporal zone,
    • crescent - a smooth bend is located close to the outer corner of the eye.

    What eyebrow shape does not fit? Chubby girls should avoid clear straight lines, arcs - they give even greater volume, emphasize width and disproportionality.

    At correction excess hairs are removed, they do it with the help of tweezers. The procedure is unpleasant, to reduce the pain, you must first thoroughly steam the skin. And after plucking, rub the derma with a piece of ice. In order for rare and light brows to look perfect, they are pre-painted with henna, basma, special paint - they must be of the same color, deviations of 1-2 tones are allowed. After that, you need to adjust the line and bend. Should remove hairs that are located on the bottom edge. Upper can only be removed at the bend or those that stick out strongly.

    How to make a clear line of eyebrows at home?

    To achieve the perfect shape, preliminary marking is necessary - correcting errors after an incorrect correction is very difficult. It is enough to fix the 3 main points that need to be oriented during the procedure - the correct eyebrow line should have perfect proportions.

    How to create the perfect line:

    1. The starting point is located on the segment that passes from the wing of the nose to the forehead through the outer corner of the eye. In this place should be the widest segment of eyebrows. If the hairs extend further to the nose, the whole image becomes gloomy and gloomy, the eyes lose their expressiveness.
    2. The bend should be on the line that runs from the wing of the nose through the outer pupil shell. This is the highest point, it is she who creates the perfect shape.
    3. The end point is located on the segment that goes from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye.

    To pick a shape, adjust the eyebrows at home correctly, you need to take a photo before and after - this will help to see changes in appearance, to avoid mistakes in the future. In specialized stores there are ready-made stencils, with which it is much easier to adjust the bend at home.

    It is important to choose not only the line and curvature of the edges, but also their thickness. Wide eyebrows are ideal for a round face, they need only be thinned, smoothed with a special gel - this form has been at the peak of popularity for several seasons. Thin eyebrows are categorically not recommended for girls with a round face - it will look even wider. From a distance, such strings will not be visible, which will make the image puppet and absurd.

    Eyebrow shape and eye shape

    When choosing a line and bending eyebrows, you should consider not only the oval of the face, but also the cut of the eyes. The correct correction will help to make the view open and expressive, to adjust the shape and minor flaws.

    1. Close-set eyes need widely spaced eyebrows, the interval between the nose bridge and the first hairs should be maximal. With wide-set eyes, you can leave a small distance, but the hairs should not converge on the nose.

    2. Highly arched, carefully smoothed eyebrows will help to make deep eyes expressive. Round shape correct wide and thick edge with a thin tip. Almond-shaped incision is considered ideal, it is enough to give the hairs a beautiful line with an angular bend.

    3. Hanging eyelid weights. You can cope with the problem if you add an angular kink to your eyebrows and correctly draw the arrows - the line should rise smoothly upwards from the outer corner to the temple. The inner corner should be covered with matte or pearlescent shades of very light shades, white is ideal.

    The right shape and eyebrow curve is the easiest way to create the perfect look. Chubby girls, appropriate makeup and haircut will help to hide round-faced girls.

    You can, following the fashion, to refusal to fill the makeup tools for eyebrows. But there will be no benefit from them if the shape of the eyebrows is not decided in advance. We tell how to properly "fit" it to your type of person.

    In searching for the perfect shape of eyebrows, it is important to achieve a harmonious balance between what is given by nature (natural bending is a hint to which you should listen) and what you want to get, depending on the type of person. All of them require a different approach to the correction of the shape of the eyebrows, and it is no coincidence: if you do it correctly, you can soften some of the shortcomings that you have long wanted to hide or, conversely, turn them into advantages.

    Eyebrow shapes for different face types

    • The dream of many girls with this face shape is chiseled cheekbones instead of rounded cheeks, no matter how cute and charming they look from the side. Therefore, they abuse contouring, trying at least visually to make the cheeks more sunken. But much more likely to get sculpted facial features, if you give your eyebrows shape with a graceful kink. They must have a corner and a pointed "tail". Since chubby people, as a rule, do not have sharp facial features, such eyebrows in their case look especially expressive, bringing character to the image.
    • If the face is oval, it means that when correcting the shape of the eyebrows, it is best to strive to “straighten” them. At the same time, they can be slightly rounded. But a sharp break is something that, on the contrary, should not be. He will give facial expression extra rigor. And the eyebrows-arches will make the face too elongated - this effect is also hardly desirable.


    • The most characteristic of a square shape is a wide jaw. The task is to visually soften the geometricity that distinguishes this type of face, as well as to “narrow” it a little. So, being defined with a form of eyebrows, choose soft arches, roundish, without points and "corners". Also, attention should be paid to the width of the eyebrows: girls with a square type of face, say beauty gurus, thin eyebrows are contraindicated. The natural average width will be perfect.


    • When the face type is rectangular, the same rules apply as for a square face. The only difference is that the bend should not be made high. But at the same time, eyebrows should be longer than with a square type, otherwise the face will seem narrow.
    • With a triangular face type, the forehead is especially noticeable - it seems “heavy” due to the fact that the upper part of the face is larger than the lower. The correct eyebrow shape should fix this. Direct, it should not be - this time. Two - try either to make them arc-shaped, or with a slight elevation of the "tails" up. If they “look” down, their face will look sad.

    Diamond shaped

    • This face shape is also called "diamond." It is angular, so eyebrow wizards recommend smoothing this feature with a soft, rounded bend. Light geometricality at the highest point of a brow lift is permissible, but there should be no sharp kinks. Again, not the best solution to make eyebrows straight - the arched shape is considered the most suitable for girls with a diamond-shaped face.

    More information about makeup for different types of face

    1. Makeup for a cool face
    2. Contouring oval face
    3. Square face makeup

    How to determine the correct proportions of eyebrows? Step-by-step instruction

    It is possible to start eyebrow makeup and the correction of their shape only after determining the correct proportions. Find out how to do it.

    • First, determine the fit of the eyes. They are considered to be widely planted, if the distance between them is greater than their width, and more - they can be closely planted or have a normal fit.
    • Second, mentally divide the eyebrows into three parts - the beginning, the bend (their upper point) and the tip.

    To correctly determine the proportions of the eyebrows, mentally draw three lines - to the beginning of the eyebrow, to the bend and to the tip. The line to the beginning of the eyebrow should run vertically upwards from the “wing” of the nose. The line to the bend is drawn from the center of the chin through the pupil to the eyebrow. And the line to the tip - from the "wing" of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

    Eyebrow care

    One thing is to determine the correct proportions of the eyebrows and give them the correct shape that suits your type of person, quite another to provide them with care. We tell about it in more detail.

    • In time, pull out the grown hairs with tweezers in order not to lose the created shape, and even if you do not stack your eyebrows with the help of cosmetics, comb them with a special brush.
    • If you want to grow eyebrows, include in the diet products with the content of vitamins A, C and E. Or use care products: natural oils, for example, castor oil strengthen hairs and stimulate their growth. Use, besides castor oil, lemon, rose or lavender oil.

    Apply them in the following way: moisten a cotton pad with an oil, rub it over an eyebrow and leave it for 30 minutes or even overnight. Repeat the procedure every day until you notice the result, and if irritation appears on the skin, try an alternative method of growing.

    Make sure that eyebrows or makeup products that are not intended for them do not fall on the eyebrows - for example, a moisturizer or tonal foundation. If this could not be avoided, immediately clean the hairs - the formulas of other products can slow down their growth.

    • Another way to grow eyebrows is to not make a correction for several months and allow the hairs to grow freely. This method requires patience, but the result is worth it.

    How to draw perfect eyebrows?

    Before you begin to transform the eyebrows, you need to comb them with a special brush that does not differ in appearance from the brush of the mascara. This will help to place all the hairs in places, and then you can easily fill the "gaps" between them.

    As for the drawing itself, it requires accuracy. The most important thing for you is to choose

    , which will look on the eyebrows as natural as possible.

    To fill the "empty" areas girls usually use pencils and felt-tip pens. But if you want to draw an eyebrow from scratch, it is better to take another tool - for example, shadows. The pencil will give a very bright, unnatural shade - it is most convenient for them to draw the contour.

    If in the morning you have every minute counted and you do not want to spend a lot of time to sharpen a pencil, you should use an automatic instead of the classic version of it.

    • Draw the eyebrow outline in the form, first from the top, then from the bottom (to make the lines symmetrical, do makeup in parallel on both eyebrows), and then fill it with light jerky strokes. Detailed photo instructions for eyebrow makeup can be found at the link.
    • The special gel will help to fix the makeup: it can be both colorless and tint - black, gray, brown. Thanks to him, the hairs "fall down" in the right direction and fix on the whole day. If you do not have a gel for eyebrows, for their styling, you can use regular hairspray. But do not spray them all over the face - apply a little on the eyebrow brush and only then apply the hair.

    Do you know your type of face and the shape of the eyebrows, which corresponds to it? Write a comment.

    Today, makeup artists agree that eyebrows play almost the most important role in the general perception of a person. To agree with them, just look at the pictures of celebrities who have changed along with the change in the shape of their own eyebrows. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to this part of the face.

    What eyebrow shape is suitable for a round face?

    How to choose eyebrows by type? First of all, you need to look for an option that will make the proportions more harmonious. In the past few years, the fashion on the eyebrows, plucked out by a thin thread, has receded into the background. Whatever your face - round, oval or rectangular, they must be wide enough and natural.

    The most suitable option for a round face can be called a slightly curved wing shape. Kink should not be unnatural, it will give your face a surprised look. Remember the simple rule: the larger the facial features and the larger the eyes, the steeper the kink can be. If you are the owner of a low forehead, give preference to a more straight line of medium length.

    The straight shape is also suitable for some types of round faces: it allows you to balance facial features. In this case, there is a danger of visually making the cheekbones wider, so experiment with the direct form more carefully.

    Definitely it can be said that the rounded shape is not suitable for chubby girls. It, like the straight, makes the face wider and even visually adds weight.

    3 basic principles of eyebrow care

    1. Find your form. You can do this with the help of a specialist. Even if you plan to care for your eyebrows on your own, the first time you should contact a professional makeup artist who will teach you to apply makeup and correct the shape correctly.
    2. Do not do a tattoo. Examples of a successful tattoo of this part of the face simply do not exist. Most likely, you will be very sorry for what you have done, and your face will look as unnatural as possible.
    3. Choose high-quality cosmetics. A pencil, eye shadow and eyebrow gel - a necessary minimum which will help you to make both a daily, and evening make-up.

    What shape of eyebrows do you prefer for a round face?

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    Ideal eyebrows should be not only beautiful, but also rather thick, have moderate length and densely lying hairs. In addition, it is recommended that they be combined as accurately as possible with the type of your face. Of course, nature itself creates a unique and individual line of eyebrows, but with the help of correction, you can emphasize their beauty. If you are trying to give your eyebrows the right shape, then you first need to pay attention to the oval of your face. Ideal eyebrows for a round face should have a broken line, high lift and short tail.

    What face is considered round?

    What eyebrows fit round face? You must first decide which person can be considered as such. It has long been known that it consists of three different parts: the upper, middle and lower. The upper is the forehead and lower edge of the eyebrows, the middle is the part between the brow line and the tip of the nose, and the lower one is from the end of the nose to the chin. If you are the owner of a round face, then the middle part will be much wider than the girls with oval. In addition, as a rule, such women have more pronounced cheekbones and a fairly soft chin. Sometimes chubby beauties can boast a snub nose.

    Round face and eyebrows

    Of course, every day we are told that beauty is a subjective concept, because all women are good in their own way. But, unfortunately, ladies with a round face always believe that their image is too simple and “rustic”. This form is considered not so elegant and delicate, as, for example, oval, and also too cheerful. But if you take a good look, then around you will see a lot of beauties with round faces, who don’t even think that something interferes with their image. So what is their secret? It's all about the correct adjustment. Of course, they correct not the face itself, but only some of its details. And eyebrows are always in the first place. But in order to turn into a real moon-colored beauty, you need to know exactly what shape of eyebrows for a round face is best suited.

    What form to give?

    Before making a correction, you should find out which eyebrows for a round face are considered classic. There are canons that you should never forget. Eyebrows, first, must necessarily look neat. Secondly, the line they ideally clearly delineated, and the density and color blend harmoniously with the hair.

    To determine the ideal length of eyebrows, you should always remember a fairly simple rule. Make-up artists memorize it by heart: eyebrows for a round face should begin on the line that can be drawn from the wing of the nose (while it passes the outer corner of the eye). The fracture line should conditionally pass over the pupil. Knowing this, you can always adjust your eyebrows. To make it more convenient for you, use a pencil to put points where important lines will pass.

    Perfect option

    Eyebrows for a round face should be ascending. Their tips can be made up and slightly higher than the temple. Also, the “gull wing” shape, which is considered quite popular today, will suit you. To pick the right eyebrows for a round face, it is not necessary to visit a makeup artist. You can view photos of Hollywood moon-faced beauties and look for inspirations from them. The rounded shape of the eyebrows will not be redundant, especially if you move a little away from the rules and make the point of their bending closer to the outer edges of the eyes.

    How to make a correction at home?

    Even in the modern world, plucking remains the most popular and effective method of eyebrow correction. It is not only the maximum available, but also allows you to make all the necessary manipulations at home.Despite its simplicity, if you want your eyebrow shape for a round face to suit you perfectly, you must first have a good practice. What needs to be remembered to make the perfect adjustment at home?

    1. First of all, the room should be light enough. Remember: the better the light, the easier it is for you to see all the errors in shape, length and density. Eyebrows for a round face (photos can be seen in this article) should be created with natural light. If it is artificial, it should be as close to natural as possible.

    2. Prepare the necessary tool. To pluck the eyebrows, you need a large enough mirror, a soothing anti-irritation lotion, which can be purchased at a cosmetic store, a set of tweezers, a disinfecting solution (preferably with alcohol). First wipe the area with a lotion to prevent possible skin irritation. Treat the tweezers thoroughly with a solution to prevent infection.

    2. Carefully prepare a direct correction object for the procedure. Before plucking your eyebrows, wash them well with soap. Then gently comb each hair. This way you can create a perfect bend and do not remove the desired hairs.

    What to do to pluck was not painful? Actual advice

    1. Before starting the procedure, try to hold the frozen piece of ice in the plucking area several times. You can make a decoction of different herbs in advance and freeze it. Thus, you not only anesthetize the integuments, but also improve their appearance.

    2. You can go the other way: instead of a cryotherapeutic procedure, use a warm compress. It will enlarge the pores, soften the skin and make it less sensitive.

    3. Many make-up artists try to pull the skin under the hair a little before pulling out, so the pain will be less.

    4. If you do not think that beauty can be saved, we recommend that you purchase a special cream that helps relieve pain during the correction.

    General rules for creating eyebrows for round face

    Many girls, who for the first time independently try to find out which eyebrows for a round face are perfect, make the mistake when they define their face as round. Stand in front of the mirror and carefully look at its main parts. If they coincide with those that distinguish moon-faced ladies, you can safely proceed to the correction.

    Pluck out only those hairs that are in the bottom row, and do not touch the top one. To remove a hair, you need to firmly grab it with tweezers and sharply pull in the direction of growth.

    Do not hurry. To make eyebrows for a round face look neat, you need to be patient enough.

    It often happens that the natural density is not quite enough to create the perfect image. In this case, you can use a special pencil, with which you visually make eyebrows thicker.

    How to color eyebrows

    Coloring eyebrows will allow them to look much more dense, well-groomed and beautiful. Moreover, pre-coloring before correction helps to perfectly remove all hairs, not even missing the smallest ones. At home, staining can be done with paint or henna. If you use professional materials, you will be delighted with the result, but working with professional paints requires a certain amount of skill and knowledge.

    On average, the result of dyeing stains is maintained for 2 weeks. Hair coloring with henna makes it possible to forget about eyebrow shaping for about 1 month. But it should be understood that both materials differ not only in the duration of the effect. So, the dye stains only the hairs, while the henna also affects the skin, so when working with henna one should be especially careful and cautious.

    It is also advisable to outline the desired contour shape with a cosmetic pencil before the procedure in order to avoid trouble.

    But in any case, you can always fix the unfortunate result with the help of a special tool - remuver.

    Coloring eyebrows with henna or paint can be done not only at home, but also in a professional beauty salon. In this case, the salon experts will select the ideal shape for your face and help you maintain it for a long time.

    Another popular way to design eyebrows for round or any other person is microblading. This is a modern and more successful alternative to tattoo. Tattoo allowed to make a certain line of eyebrows for several years, however, it was strongly visible on the face, looked unnatural and with time could turn black. Microblading is devoid of such shortcomings, since the technique of performing such a procedure involves drawing individual hairs. This allows you to achieve maximum natural results.

    In addition to permanent makeup, you can use the usual. This method requires a daily waste of time, but you can always easily create the eyebrow shape that suits you best. In addition, if you do makeup often, you will have a certain skill, and it will take very little time to color it.

    For a modern and beautiful eyebrow makeup you will need several products: a pencil or a shade, a light-colored concealer, a highlighter, as well as a fixing gel, wax or mascara. If by nature you have rather thick eyebrows, then in your daily make-up you can get by with a transparent or tinted gel. Just comb the hairs with a brush, lifting them up and then gently laying them.

    In the event that your eyebrows are asymmetrical, or in some places there are simply no hairs, you will have to use additional cosmetic products. Consider two makeup options.

    Using shadows

    The shade of the shadow should match your hair color or be about half a ton darker than it. Avoid too dark shades - it will look ugly. To work with shadows, you will need a thin bevelled brush, usually it is sold complete with such decorative cosmetics. To begin with, carefully comb the hairs up to understand exactly where the shadows are missing. Then lightly stroke the lines imitating natural hairs.

    In the process of registration, follow the symmetry of the two eyebrows. Next, take the concealer, the color of which is a little lighter than your foundation. Apply it on the brush and draw a neat line under the eyebrow, highlighting its tip. So it will look as neat as possible.

    The final stage of the makeup will be fixing the result with a special transparent gel or wax. And to give the look of openness, freshness and expressiveness, apply a little highlighter under the eyebrow.

    Important: Avoid a clear eyebrow outline - it looks bad. When drawing shadows, a gradient should be created: the brow head will be slightly lighter than the bottom and the tip.

    The darkest point should be the kink of the eyebrow, if present. This rule is especially relevant for round face shapes.

    Mistakes to avoid

    • Eyebrows in the form, traced comma: with a rounded eyebrow at the beginning and a thin tail at the end, look awkward. This should be avoided.
    • Bald islands of incompetently plucked eyebrows look untidy
    • Eyebrow tattoo today is not in fashion. To resort to such a design eyebrows should be in an extremely necessary case. Eyebrows even with a successful tattoo look artificial and vulgar
    • Thick eyebrows should not be trimmed, as a clear line of eyebrows is lost and hair growth increases

    Perfect eyebrows for a chubby beauty

    Chubby girls sometimes believe that the shape of their face is not elegant enough and rather rustic.However, this problem only concerns those who do not know that the face can be easily corrected using the correct makeup, hairstyle and - attention - eyebrows.

    Eyebrow shape for round face

    Yes, it is precisely plucked eyebrows in the shape of the face that are the accent that turns a rustic round face into the face of a self-confident beauty. So, what eyebrows are suitable for a round face?

    First of all, eyebrows should be in harmony with facial features and balance its proportions. The most appropriate eyebrow shape for a round face is the shape of a wing with a fracture.

    The length of the eyebrow line and the height of the fracture can be varied: for example, a line of medium length with a high bend and a sharp bend will look great on a face with large features and large eyes.

    The inclination of the eyebrow arch directly depends on the height of the forehead - the higher it is, the flatter the eyebrow should be.

    Remember that the round shape of the eyebrows does not fit chubby girls, because it will only further emphasize the roundness of the face and add rustic simplicity to it, rather than mysterious piquancy

    Another good option is a straight eyebrow shape for chubby ladies, as it balances the perfectly round shape of the face. However, be careful when choosing a straight shape - too long or too low straight eyebrows will make your face wider. The ideal eyebrow shape of a round face is a straight, but slightly curved line from the nose to the temples.

    The shape of the eyebrows for chubby women is adjusted as follows: determine the initial distance between the eyebrows - it should be equal to the width of two fingers. If the brows frown beyond this distance, pull out the extra hair from the eyebrows with tweezers. Then remove the hairs that violate the lower border of the eyebrows.

    If it is difficult for you to adjust the eyebrows “by eye”, cover them with foundation, draw a desired shape with a pencil and then pull out all the unwanted hairs. This method can greatly facilitate the process.

    For make-up, the shape of eyebrows of a round face can be corrected with a pencil or eyebrow shadows. So, evening make-up for brunettes with a round face involves the use of black shades, makeup for chubby blondes is light brown or gray, and brown hair is suitable for eyebrow makeup using a dark chocolate pencil.

    Follow the above rules, with which you can correct the small flaws of your own appearance. The irresistibility and attractive appearance can come not only from nature, but also from yourself.

    Read on: age spots acne.

    Makeup artists advice: eyebrow shapes for different face types

    Oval face

    Your choice: horizontal eyebrows with a smooth rounded bend. The oval shape of the face is perfect and harmonious by nature, so your task is to maintain perfect proportions, without pulling them even more. A good example would be Heidi Klum or Eva Mendes eyebrows.

    Major mistakes: Avoid too straight and / or wide eyebrows, as they will make a manly look strict.

    Long face

    Your choice: straight eyebrows with minimal bend or without it at all. It is recommended to increase the inter-brow distance. This option will visually expand the face, give the features the missing softness. You can see the beautiful shape of the eyebrows at Liv Tyler or Sarah Jessica Parker.

    The main mistakes: the arcuate version will stretch and narrow the face even more, make it disproportionate.

    Heart-shaped face

    Your choice: slightly raised smoothly arched eyebrows, the classic version of the form "take-off". This will soften and harmonize sharp corners in the chin and cheekbones. A good example is the face of Reese Witherspoon and Scarlett Johansson.

    The main mistakes: give up straight eyebrows, which will add width to the cheekbones, visually make the chin both narrow and heavy.

    How to grow beautiful eyebrows?

    To brows had a perfect look, they should be adjusted in time, if necessary, cut and take care of the density of hairs. This will avoid the application of a large number of decorative cosmetics. Make eyebrows thick, silky can, using home remedies or specialized caring cosmetics. The last option is most effective because the components, their combination are selected by experts. The finished products undergo a thorough laboratory control, clinical trials.

    The best drug for the growth of eyebrows remains RevitaBrow Advanced. This is a universal hypoallergenic agent with high efficiency. The formula based on plant components does not contain hormones, parabens, alcohols and other components that adversely affect health. Thanks to the Revitalash serum, the hairs will become softer, shinier, and more flexible.

    The drug accelerates the growth of eyebrows, stops pathological loss, provides nourishment to the hair follicles and the awakening of “sleeping” follicles, protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. The use of this tool makes it much easier to solve the problem of how to choose the shape of the eyebrows, since you will be able to experiment without fear.

    General eyebrow care tips

    • Brush your eyebrows twice a day using a special stiff brush or a clean mascara brush. This will help smooth the hairs, prepare them for applying makeup or put in order after washing it.
    • Massage - every day, gently rub the eyebrows and skin around them in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples with soft circular motions. This will help improve blood circulation and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles.
    • Diet - eyebrows are the same hair, so their condition is strongly influenced by your diet. Secure enough fresh fruits and vegetables, animal protein and fish.
    • Correct correction - remove only hairs located outside the main growth line. Otherwise, the brow may begin to grow and monitor its shape will become more difficult.
    • Laying - so that the form remains flawless throughout the day, you can use a special transparent means-fixer. For evening makeup, you can prefer a composition with microscopic reflective inclusions. In extreme cases, for fixing it is permissible to use hair gel.
    • Cosmetics - choose only high-quality decorative cosmetics, do not use dyes intended for hair on the head. Carefully rinse makeup before bedtime.
    • Masks - use olive, almond, castor, burdock, wheat germ oil and pharmacy vitamin complexes together or separately for evening black-haired applications. They can be a substitute for professional tools, although the effectiveness will be somewhat lower. Apply oil for 20-30 minutes before bedtime, after which it is advisable to wipe them off with a cotton pad or rinse with water to avoid swelling in the morning.
    • Peeling - exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin will help to significantly accelerate the growth of eyebrows. To do this, you need to mix a small amount of sugar (it is worth pre-crushing the granules in a coffee grinder) with a base cosmetic and favorite essential oil. Additionally, you can add a drop of vitamins A and E. Gently rub the eyebrows and surrounding skin with a scrub for a couple of minutes, rinse with warm water.

    If you are interested in the shape of eyebrows according to the type of face, the easiest way is to leave the natural outlines, slightly correcting them. Serious changes should be coordinated with the beautician - perhaps this option does not fit the type of appearance. Adhering to the simple rules of care, you can in the short term to make your eyebrows beautiful, natural. This will help to look fashionable, young and elegant.

    Eyebrow shapes for different face types

    • The dream of many girls with this face shape is chiseled cheekbones instead of rounded cheeks, no matter how cute and charming they look from the side. Therefore, they abuse contouring, trying at least visually to make the cheeks more sunken. But much more likely to get sculpted facial features, if you give your eyebrows shape with a graceful kink. They must have a corner and a pointed "tail". Since chubby people, as a rule, do not have sharp facial features, such eyebrows in their case look especially expressive, bringing character to the image.
    • If the face is oval, it means that when correcting the shape of the eyebrows, it is best to strive to “straighten” them. At the same time, they can be slightly rounded. But a sharp break is something that, on the contrary, should not be. He will give facial expression extra rigor. And the eyebrows-arches will make the face too elongated - this effect is also hardly desirable.

    How to determine the correct proportions of eyebrows? Step-by-step instruction

    It is possible to start eyebrow makeup and the correction of their shape only after determining the correct proportions. Find out how to do it.

    • First, determine the fit of the eyes. They are considered to be widely planted, if the distance between them is greater than their width, and more - they can be closely planted or have a normal fit.
    • Second, mentally divide the eyebrows into three parts - the beginning, the bend (their upper point) and the tip.

    To correctly determine the proportions of the eyebrows, mentally draw three lines - to the beginning of the eyebrow, to the bend and to the tip. The line to the beginning of the eyebrow should run vertically upwards from the “wing” of the nose. The line to the bend is drawn from the center of the chin through the pupil to the eyebrow. And the line to the tip - from the "wing" of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

    Eyebrow care

    One thing is to determine the correct proportions of the eyebrows and give them the correct shape that suits your type of person, quite another to provide them with care. We tell about it in more detail.

    • In time, pull out the grown hairs with tweezers in order not to lose the created shape, and even if you do not stack your eyebrows with the help of cosmetics, comb them with a special brush.
    • If you want to grow eyebrows, include in the diet products with the content of vitamins A, C and E. Or use care products: natural oils, for example, castor oil strengthen hairs and stimulate their growth. Use, besides castor oil, lemon, rose or lavender oil.

    Apply them in the following way: moisten a cotton pad with an oil, rub it over an eyebrow and leave it for 30 minutes or even overnight. Repeat the procedure every day until you notice the result, and if irritation appears on the skin, try an alternative method of growing.

    Make sure that eyebrows or makeup products that are not intended for them do not fall on the eyebrows - for example, a moisturizer or tonal foundation. If this could not be avoided, immediately clean the hairs - the formulas of other products can slow down their growth.

    • Another way to grow eyebrows is to not make a correction for several months and allow the hairs to grow freely. This method requires patience, but the result is worth it.

    How to draw perfect eyebrows?

    Before you begin to transform the eyebrows, you need to comb them with a special brush that does not differ in appearance from the brush of the mascara. This will help to place all the hairs in places, and then you can easily fill the "gaps" between them.

    As for the drawing itself, it requires accuracy. The most important thing for you is to choose the right shade that will look as natural as possible on the eyebrows.

    To fill the "empty" areas girls usually use pencils and felt-tip pens. But if you want to draw an eyebrow from scratch, it is better to take another tool - for example, shadows. The pencil will give a very bright, unnatural shade - it is most convenient for them to draw the contour.

    If in the morning you have every minute counted and you do not want to spend a lot of time to sharpen a pencil, you should use an automatic instead of the classic version of it.

    • Draw the eyebrow outline in the form, first from the top, then from the bottom (to make the lines symmetrical, do makeup in parallel on both eyebrows), and then fill it with light jerky strokes. Detailed photo instructions for eyebrow makeup can be found at the link.
    • The special gel will help to fix the makeup: it can be both colorless and tint - black, gray, brown. Thanks to him, the hairs "fall down" in the right direction and fix on the whole day. If you do not have a gel for eyebrows, for their styling, you can use regular hairspray. But do not spray them all over the face - apply a little on the eyebrow brush and only then apply the hair.

    Do you know your type of face and the shape of the eyebrows, which corresponds to it? Write a comment.

    Eyebrows for a round face

    Not every woman has an ideal, in terms of makeup artists, oval face. If the visual assessment of the width and length of the face is almost equal, then it is - a round face.

    The owners of the round face have to apply a lot of tweaks to achieve the perfect proportional face. One of the important details in this case will be eyebrows.

    Correctly selected eyebrows for a round face are a kind of proofreader, give the look expressiveness and attractiveness.

    Girls with a round face should try to give the shape of an oval, which, according to makeup artists, is considered ideal. In no case can not apply eyebrows rounded or straight. This will only once again emphasize the imperfect form. When selecting, preference should be given to ascending lines with bends and a small tip.

    Choosing a form, you need to start with determining the size. Its beginning at the eyebrow should be from the line of intersection of the pencil with the line of eyebrows. To do this, place it vertically on the face, starting from the wing of the nose, upwards. At the junction of the pencil and the bridge of the nose will be the beginning of the eyebrow.

    When a straight line is drawn from the side of the nose to the end of the colored shell of the eye, a second intersection forms, which will be the highest point of the eyebrow. It is up to this line that there may be a kink. And the eyebrow should end at the intersection of the pencil applied in a straight line from the nose to the outer corner of the eye. That way you get the perfect size.

    As for the thickness or width of the eyebrows, the widest part at the beginning and gradually tapers to the tip. Too long ends should not be drawn, so as not to give the face a couple of extra years.

    There are several forms for such a person: curved with a rounded line, in the form of a gull's wing and ascending. It may not be possible to get the perfect shape right away, so you can use special stencils.

    Once the eyebrow of the desired shape is drawn, you can correct it by removing unnecessary hairs. It is important not to overdo it in this matter - you only need to remove the hairs from the bottom and those that stick out. To reduce the pain in this process, you can use a warm compress, or, conversely, treat the area with a gel with a freezing effect.

    If the natural eyebrow is not enough for the desired shape, special paints or gels will help to correct the situation. When choosing the tone you need to take into account the hair color. Black tones are suitable for dark-haired girls, and brown tones may be suitable for girls with light and red hair.

    When dyeing eyebrows should be avoided too thick paint. It is necessary to observe the intensity of staining. So, the beginning of the eyebrow should be less bright in relation to the main part.

    The end of the eyebrow, like the beginning, should be dim. Get natural eyebrows can be using a pencil in the technique of a stroke in the form of hairs.

    To achieve such a technique of application, you can only choose the right pencil, which should be hard and preferably with a brush.

    An even more natural effect can be achieved using pencils of two colors: the main tone and lighter. First, draw an eyebrow in a light tone, and then outline the shape darker. Owners of thick eyebrows, you can use a special gel. This will give a well-groomed and neat look to the eyebrows.

    To tame unruly tough hairs, you can use a simple procedure: apply warm oil to the brush and comb. It is better to perform such a procedure at bedtime. In this way, it will not only tame hard eyebrows, but provide them with care and nourishment.

    Daily draw eyebrows, of course, the process is time consuming and many choose, as an alternative, tattoo, which will remain on the face for a long time. However, not everything is as simple and harmless as it seems. There are many drawbacks that will save you from daring to tattoo eyebrows.

    Well, if this is done by an experienced specialist who has been working for a long time and with good dyes. Otherwise, you will have to walk with an unfortunate creation on your face for quite a long time, because you will not be able to wash the tattoo with ordinary soap. To remove such a masterpiece, you can use a laser in expensive clinics. In addition, this procedure will have to be done more than once, until the pigment is gone.

    Also, this makeup will add you a few years, but this is not necessary for anyone. No matter how hard the master tries, but perfect eyebrows will always be visible. Errors are not excluded. Incorrectly selected pigment that may be too dark.

    Cheap material, which can later change color. The irregularities of the lines of novice or irresponsible masters. In addition, the tattoo is no longer relevant. No wonder that in different photos in magazines there are practically no celebrities with a permanent.

    Therefore, you should not risk your beauty and wallet in pursuit of perfect eyebrows.

    Henna is an excellent tool for coloring eyebrows. This dye is safe and natural. In addition to the coloring properties, it performs care. In addition, due to the low resistance compared to permanent makeup, you can quite often change the shape of the eyebrows, experimenting with the image. And it is inexpensive.

    Before the procedure, remove the oily layer from the skin. Dilute the henna with water and, if necessary, add coffee or spices to help achieve the desired shade. Work necessarily gloves.

    Prepare a sketch of the eyebrow on the face and apply a dye over it. Leave for a while to soak. After the procedure is completed, remove the dye and lubricate the eyebrows with oil.

    For a more lasting effect, you should avoid tanning beds, ponds and cleansing cosmetics in the early days.

    Ideal eyebrows for chubby persons

    The ideal shape of the eyebrows is an integral part in the appearance of any modern girl. Unfortunately, not many of them know how to correctly select this important detail.

    Many make big mistakes by plucking their eyebrows into a terrible thin line with a high angle. Looking at such beauty, the young ladies on the face get the impression that they are somehow surprised.

    All this is because they can not match the shape of the eyebrows on the type of person. Let's find out what should be the correct shape of eyebrows for a round face?

    Determine the shape of the face

    Many ladies are not quite sure what their face type is. Some confuse square and oval face with round. We will carry out several manipulations.

    • remove all existing makeup from your face,
    • go to the large mirror, after collecting hair in a high tail,
    • arm yourself with eyeliner or lipstick and begin to slowly trace your reflection,
    • walk away from the mirror and look around. What reminds you of drawing on the mirror?
    • if the picture on the mirror reminds you of a circle, then you are the owner of a round face type,
    • if you have doubts, take a ruler and measure the top and bottom of the picture,
    • if the width of the forehead, cheekbones and chin are about equal, then you are no doubt a chubby person.

    We select the shape of the eyebrow for a round face

    Chubby girls have a rather wide face and soft and smooth lines. This applies to the chin line and even the hairline. Chubby faces are always trying to make adjustments to their appearance, so that the face resembles an oval. They spend a lot of manipulations with makeup, achieving the desired effect, and the correction of the correct eyebrow line helps a lot in this.

    The correct shape of eyebrows for a round face is this line with small kinks and with a well-marked high lift, as well as a slightly shortened tail.

    This form will help shift the focus towards the vertical and slightly lengthen the upper part of the face. The shape of the eyebrows to be avoided is a round line or arcuate.

    It will add extra roundness and emphasize the width of the face.

    Correct eyebrow shape for a round face

    To make a beautiful eyebrow shape for a round face, first you need to identify 3 main points in their line.

    The first point is the beginning of their growth, located at the nose. The second is the break point, or the highest. Some call it a corner. It is located a little further than the line ending the iris of the eye. The last point is the tip ending behind the line of the eye.

    1. Visually draw a vertical strip that runs from the outer edge of the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. The place of intersection of this strip with your eyebrow is called the beginning,
    2. We carry out the second lane from the wing of the nose and lead through the outer part of the iris. The line will reach the eyebrow and there we will mark the break point
    3. the last strip will also originate from the wing of the nose, pass through the outer corner of the eye and touch the eyebrow again. This is her end.

    This scheme defines the correct contour of eyebrows for owners of a round face.

    The zone from the beginning to the break can be called the eyebrow line. The width of this section remains unchanged. The line originating from the kink and going to the end is the tail, it should gradually taper.

    If you have hairs that are knocked out from abroad, the start and break lines should be pulled out carefully. If, on the contrary, this area is narrow, then the missing part needs to be drawn with eyebrow pencil or shadows.

    Little nuances in the adjustment

    • if you have long sticking hairs that are knocked out of the general line, they can be smoothed with a special gel,
    • the color of your eyebrows should not differ from the main color of your hair,
    • sometimes it happens that the eyebrows have a different shape from nature. For example, one is different. Correction spend cautiously, given this feature. As a result, you must achieve complete symmetry,
    • if you are lost in determining the shape when adjusting, then the hairs that you want to remove paint with white pencil. This will help avoid unpleasant mistakes.

    Correctly adjusted eyebrows in the shape of the face will make your image perfect. We hope that our rules on how to make eyebrows for a round face were as clear as possible to you. Use them and be beautiful!


    Watch the video: 5 Easy Steps to Get Perfect Eyebrows (July 2024).