Moon calendar

11 most favorable days for haircuts in December 2018


Moon in Libra from 1 December. 2018 18:18 on Dec 3 2018 23:00

24 lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - you can lose sight of the most important thing, not to see the coming and leaving opportunities. (mig tshag ong) Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. Hair condition does not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. The hairstyle will add ease and impermeability.

Dec 3 2018 3:17 - 26 lunar day

Moon in Libra from 1 December. 2018 18:18 on Dec 3 2018 23:00

26 lunar day - a beautiful day for a haircut. She will bring you happiness and fate will treat you favorably. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. Hair condition does not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. The hairstyle will add ease and impermeability.

Dec 4 2018 4:36 - 27 lunar day

Moon in Scorpio from Dec 3 2018 23:00 to 6 Dec. 2018 5:58

The 27th lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and a good mood will not leave you for a long time. (dga` ba byung). The moon in Scorpio - haircut unfavorable. You can risk it, if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of how to change your life for the better, and make it even worse.

Dec 5 2018 5:53 - 28 lunar day

Moon in Scorpio from Dec 3 2018 23:00 to 6 Dec. 2018 5:58

Ideal for a haircut day - you will attract benevolent people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (gzugs mdzes) Moon in Scorpio - haircut unfavorable. You can risk it, if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of how to change your life for the better, and make it even worse.

Dec 6 2018 7:09 - 29 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius from 6 dec. 2018 5:58 on December 8 2018 15:12

Haircut on the 29th lunar day is absolutely not recommended - you can go astray and get a lot of trouble. (bla `khyams) The moon in Sagittarius - haircut favorable. Haircut is good in the magical plan, but for your hair, perhaps, not very. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

Dec 7 2018 8:21 - 30 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius from 6 dec. 2018 5:58 on December 8 2018 15:12

On the 30th lunar day it is better not to have a haircut - transfer the haircut to another day, especially since the 30th lunar day is very short. The moon in Sagittarius - a haircut is favorable. Haircut is good in the magical plan, but for your hair, perhaps, not very. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

Dec 7 2018 10:20 - 1 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius from 6 dec. 2018 5:58 on December 8 2018 15:12

1 lunar day is absolutely not suitable for haircuts. Tibetan sages say that a haircut on this day shortens life. The moon in Sagittarius - a haircut is favorable. Haircut is good in the magical plan, but for your hair, perhaps, not very. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

Dec 8 2018 9:26 - 2 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius from 6 dec. 2018 5:58 on December 8 2018 15:12

Haircut on the second lunar day can attract unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid haircuts on this day. The moon in Sagittarius - a haircut is favorable. Haircut is good in the magical plan, but for your hair, perhaps, not very. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

9 dec. 2018 10:22 - 3 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn from Dec 8. 2018 15:12 to 11 Dec. 2018 2:42

A haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can attract diseases into your life due to an imbalance of energy. Also, such a haircut can encourage you to spend a lot of money. The moon in Capricorn - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for a haircut. Hair split less, and faster ratsut.

Dec 10 2018 11:09 - 4 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn from Dec 8. 2018 15:12 to 11 Dec. 2018 2:42

A haircut on the fourth moon day is not recommended, as it can attract various fears into your life, especially about the loss of something or someone else. The moon in Capricorn - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for a haircut. Hair split less, and faster ratsut.

Dec 11 2018 11:46 - 5 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius from 11 dec. 2018 2:42 to Dec 13 2018 15:54

Haircut in the 5th lunar day will give you good luck and wealth. A very good day in order to radically change its appearance. Moon in Aquarius - haircut favorable. Time is good for experimenting with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you, it is better to choose another day.

Dec 12 2018 12:15 - 6 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius from 11 dec. 2018 2:42 to Dec 13 2018 15:54

5 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract diseases into your life or just get depressed, which will affect your appearance as well. Moon in Aquarius - haircut favorable. Time is good for experimenting with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you, it is better to choose another day.

Dec 13 2018 12:38 - 7 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius from 11 dec. 2018 2:42 to Dec 13 2018 15:54

7 lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and detractors into your life. Moon in Aquarius - haircut favorable. Time is good for experimenting with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you, it is better to choose another day.

Dec 15 2018 13:15 - 9 lunar day

Moon in Pisces from Dec 13 2018 15:54 on December 16 2018 3:58

Haircut on the 9th lunar day is not favorable, because it can attract vagueness and complicated situations into your life. Today it is best to cleanse using soft natural ingredients. The moon in Pisces - haircut unfavorable. Dandruff may appear and hair may become brittle and dry.

Dec 16 2018 13:30 - 10 lunar day

Moon in Aries from 16 dec. 2018 3:58 on December 18 2018 12:38

10 lunar day is favorable for haircuts and hair coloring. Your strength, luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthangche). The moon in Aries - haircut unfavorable. May weaken the immune system, there are diseases. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

Dec 17 2018 13:46 - 11 lunar day

Moon in Aries from 16 dec. 2018 3:58 on December 18 2018 12:38

11 lunar day is just perfect for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Leo, this is just a "bomb." Such a haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and the mind insightful. The moon in Aries - haircut unfavorable. May weaken the immune system, there are diseases. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

Dec 18 2018 14:03 - 12 lunar day

Moon in Taurus from 18 dec. 2018 12:38 to Dec 20 2018 17:54

12 lunar day is absolutely not suitable for cutting because of the danger of attracting undesirable events into your life. (srog la ngon). The moon in Taurus - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less split.

Dec 19 2018 14:23 - 13 lunar day

Moon in Taurus from 18 dec. 2018 12:38 to Dec 20 2018 17:54

13 lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzang bskyed) The moon in Taurus - a haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less split.

Dec 20 2018 14:47 - 14 lunar day

Moon in Taurus from 18 dec. 2018 12:38 to Dec 20 2018 17:54

14 lunar day - a wonderful day for a haircut. You will become a more successful person, the results will not keep you waiting. You will attract property, material well-being. (en spyod `phel) The moon in Taurus - a haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less split.

Dec 21 2018 15:18 - 15 lunar day

Moon in Gemini from 20 December. 2018 5:54 pm to Dec 22 2018 19:46

In the 15th lunar day it is better not to get a haircut - there may be problems with pressure. There will be an acute sense of incomprehensible fear. The moon in Gemini - a haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hair will enhance the condition of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

Dec 22 2018 16:01 - 16 lunar day

Moon in Gemini from 20 December. 2018 5:54 pm to Dec 22 2018 19:46

16 lunar day is absolutely not suitable for a haircut, because at this time you can attract misfortunes and detractors into your life. The moon in Gemini - a haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hair will enhance the condition of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

23 Dec 2018 16:57 - 17 lunar day

Moon in Cancer from Dec 22 2018 19:46 to Dec 24 2018 20:30

The 17th lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - attracting illness and unpleasant situations related to outside intervention. (ha rtsi sngo gdan gnod). Moon in Cancer - a haircut is favorable. You can do styling, adjustment hairstyles. Avoid chemical procedures.

24 Dec 2018 18:08 - 18 lunar day

Moon in Cancer from Dec 22 2018 19:46 to Dec 24 2018 20:30

The 18th lunar day is bad for a haircut, as there is a great chance to attract situations related to the theft of property or its damage. Moon in Cancer - a haircut is favorable. You can do styling, adjustment hairstyles. Avoid chemical procedures.

Dec 25 2018 19:30 - 19 lunar day

Moon in Leo from Dec 24 2018 20:30 to 26 Dec. 2018 21:14

19 lunar day is favorable for a haircut (tshe ring), but if the second aspect (the moon in the sign of the zodiac) excludes a haircut, do not cut it. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiac for strykzhi. Haircut will change your life for the better.

Dec 26 2018 20:55 - 20 lunar day

Moon in Leo from Dec 24 2018 20:30 to 26 Dec. 2018 21:14

20 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract poverty in the material and spiritual world. In Tibetan: dbultog Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiac for strykzhi. Haircut will change your life for the better.

Dec 27 2018 22:21 - 21 lunar days

Moon in Virgo from 26 dec. 2018 21:14 to 28 Dec. 2018 23:40

21 lunar days is ideal for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and attractive (gzugs bzang) Moon in Virgo - a haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

Dec 28 2018 23:45 - 22 lunar day

Moon in Libra from 28 dec. 2018 23:40 to 31 December. 2018 4:56

22 lunar day is well suited for a haircut - you can get what you want and get the necessary amount of money. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. Hair condition does not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. The hairstyle will add ease and impermeability.

30 dec. 2018 1:05 - 23 lunar day

Moon in Libra from 28 dec. 2018 23:40 to 31 December. 2018 4:56

23 lunar day is a good day for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid haircuts today if other aspects speak about it. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. Hair condition does not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. The hairstyle will add ease and impermeability.

Dec 31 2018 2:24 - 24 lunar day

Moon in Libra from 28 dec. 2018 23:40 to 31 December. 2018 4:56

Haircut on the 24th lunar day will bring illnesses and misfortunes (nad`ong) to your life. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. Hair condition does not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. The hairstyle will add ease and impermeability.

Thank you for viewing ours. Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2018. We hope that you could easily find lunar days, favorable for a haircut. We take a responsible approach to business, and we understand that the state of the people who use this site depends on the accuracy of the data. Lunar haircut for December 2018 favorable days - find out whether a haircut is favorable today? That is why our haircut calendar for December 2018 is one of the most accurate and detailed calendars on the Internet. Lunar haircut for December 2018 - favorable days for haircuts can be found on this page. We believe in karma, and make the site with love. We wish you a pleasant haircut and a happy life!

Lunar calendar haircuts, hair coloring, manicure, pedicure for December 2018

December 1, 2018 23-24 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo.

  • Haircut - going to the salon will transform you.
  • Hair coloring is a great day to dye in all shades.
  • Manicure, pedicure - an auspicious day for the effects on the nails.
  • Facial care - a bad day for any manipulation.
  • Body care - good results will bring wraps and compresses.

December 2, 2018 24-25 lunar day, waning moon in Libra.

  • Haircut - today you can do anything, the result is unpredictable.
  • Hair coloring - you will not be happy with your image.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a neutral day for these procedures, only the result depends on you.
  • Facial care - today it is better to just take a walk in the fresh air, the benefits will be more than from cosmetics.
  • Body care is a neutral day, today you should pay attention to aromatherapy, it will strengthen the immune system.

December 3, 2018 25-26 lunar day, waning moon in Libra.

  • Haircut - a neutral day for the beauty of hair.
  • Hair coloring - coloring will bring only sadness.
  • Manicure, pedicure is a neutral day, it is better to refuse to cut nails, but to do wellness procedures.
  • Facial care - only you decide what procedures to carry out, what not.
  • Body care is a neutral time for cosmetic procedures; now it is worth developing an individual skin care program.

December 4, 2018 26-27 lunar day, the waning moon in Scorpio.

  • A haircut is an unlucky day, after a haircut, the indisposition will torment you for a long time.
  • Hair coloring is a neutral day, today it is better to tint the hair rather than dye it.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a good day for going to the salon.
  • Facial care - do not want to harm the skin, postpone the procedure for another day.
  • Body care - Moroccan massage will restore muscle tone.

December 5, 2018 27-28 lunar day, waning moon in Scorpio.

  • Haircut - to problems in the family.
  • Hair coloring - today you can dye your hair, but it is better to make a nourishing mask.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting off the nails will get rid of the accumulated problems.
  • Facial care - any care, only exacerbate all the problems.
  • Body care is a great time to visit SPA salons. Any water treatment will benefit you, will bring the maximum positive effects.

December 6, 2018 28-29 lunar day, waning moon in Sagittarius.

  • Haircut - strengthen the immune system.
  • Hair coloring is a neutral time, you can dye your hair, but the color will be completely different from what you would like.
  • Manicure, pedicure - will adversely affect the overall health.
  • Facial care - you can increase eyelashes. If your eyebrows grow too rarely, you can pluck them out.
  • Body care - auspicious day to get rid of bad habits.

December 7, 2018 29.30-1 lunar day, a new moon in Sagittarius.

  • Haircut - great day for voluminous hairstyles.
  • Hair coloring - if there is no urgency, it is better to postpone the procedure.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a bad day for cutting nails, you can attract detractors.
  • Facial care - the day is perfect for removing freckles.
  • Body care - Stone therapy will restore the internal balance of the body.

December 8, 2018 1-2 lunar day, growing moon in Sagittarius.

  • Haircut - will give only a pleasant feeling.
  • Hair coloring - hair coloring is preferred with natural dyes, any other is not desirable.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut nails, wait for the bad news.
  • Facials - going to the dentist will make a smile charming.
  • Body care - you need to visit a bath or pool, will bring income and prosperity.

December 9, 2018 2-3 lunar day, growing moon in Capricorn.

  • Haircut - on this day, shorn hair will grow very quickly.
  • Hair coloring is bad for your energy.
  • Manicure, pedicure - an auspicious day for any procedure.
  • Facial care - all procedures will help to preserve youth and beauty.
  • Body care is one of the best periods for most cosmetic procedures.

December 10, 2018 3-4 lunar day, growing moon in Capricorn.

  • Haircut - add health and strength.
  • Hair coloring - after coloring you will overcome a headache, it is better to move to another day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails, attract good luck.
  • Facial care - any procedure today will bring maximum benefit.
  • Body care - fasting day will help cleanse the body.

December 11, 2018 4-5 lunar day, growing moon in Aquarius.

  • Haircut - if necessary, you can cut your hair, but it is better to massage the head, your hair will thank you.
  • Hair coloring is an auspicious day, and light shades will attract success in work.
  • Manicure, pedicure is a suitable day for the realization of fantasies with the most unusual forms.
  • Facial treatment - today it is better to devote time to breathing exercises, skin will thank you with a beautiful view.
  • Body care - acupressure will significantly slow down aging.

December 12, 2018 5-6 lunar day, growing moon in Aquarius.

  • Haircut - a neutral time to everything happening on earth. To cut your hair or not, decide for yourself.
  • Hair coloring - hair will gain volume.
  • Manicure, pedicure - new nail design, will help you find new friends.
  • Facial care - a neutral day, do what you think is necessary.
  • Body care - is to devote time to relaxing treatments.

December 13, 2018 6-7 lunar day, growing moon in Aquarius.

  • Haircut is an unfavorable day for haircuts, but a good day to trim the hair.
  • Hair coloring is a great day for any experiments.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the perfect day for experiments.
  • Facial care is a neutral day for any procedure.
  • Body care - take the time to correct the shape of your hands.

December 14, 2018 7-8 lunar day, growing moon in Pisces.

  • Haircut is a bad day for all types of haircuts.
  • Hair coloring - coloring the hair, will attract problems with the opposite sex.
  • Manicure, pedicure is an inappropriate day for these procedures.
  • Facial care - all efforts will not succeed.
  • Body care - devote this day to rest in people close to you in spirit.

December 15, 2018 8-9 lunar day, growing moon in Pisces.

  • Haircut - haircut will make your hair heavy and naughty.
  • Hair color - changing the color, degrade the hair structure.
  • Manicure, pedicure - skin of hands and feet will become dry.
  • Facial care is an unfavorable day, especially avoid the area around the eyes, you can damage your eyesight.
  • Body care - all procedures will lead to complications.

December 16, 2018 9-10 lunar day, growing moon in Aries.

  • Haircut is a neutral day for haircuts, but suitable for pyrophoresis - treatment by fire, it will make the hair smooth and shiny.
  • Hair coloring - only you decide whether to paint or not.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a neutral time for any procedure.
  • Facial care is a good day for skin smoothing procedures.
  • Body care - effective treatment and diseases of the liver and kidneys.

December 17, 2018 10-11 lunar day, growing moon in Aries.

  • Haircut - on this day it is better to grow hair, and not cut it.
  • Hair coloring - it is possible to dye your hair, but only if you go to a proven master.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a neutral day for these procedures, only the result depends on you.
  • Facial care - pay attention to cosmetics based on mineral water.
  • Body care - everything that happens depends on you, the day is neutral.

December 18, 2018 11-12 lunar day, growing moon in Aries.

  • Haircut - a neutral day for all procedures with hair.
  • Hair coloring - you can dye your hair, but do not drastically change the color.
  • Manicure, pedicure - procedures can be successful if you go to a proven master.
  • Facial care - today is better to do a facial massage, the skin will shine
  • Body care is a neutral day for physical exertion and cosmetic procedures, but excellent for the selection of perfume.

December 19, 2018 12-13 lunar day, growing moon in Taurus.

  • Haircut - an auspicious day for haircuts, will delight you and loved ones.
  • Hair coloring - hair coloring will bring material well-being.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut nails will slow down their growth, but they will be strong and healthy.
  • Facial care - today you can make nourishing and complexion masks.
  • Body care - any physical activity will have a negative effect on your well-being.

December 20, 2018 13-14 lunar day, growing moon in Taurus.

  • Haircut - invigorate and call for success.
  • Hair coloring - good shades for coloring will be bright and red.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today only all decisions depend on you, the Moon is neutral.
  • Facial care - rejuvenating procedures will bring wonderful effect.
  • Body care - do not use cosmetics, it only hurts.

December 21, 2018 14-15 lunar day, growing moon in Gemini.

  • Haircut - make you younger and brighter.
  • Hair coloring is the best time to try henna or basma.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today you should not do a manicure, the nail plate will deteriorate.
  • Facial care - excellent will be treatment of inflammatory processes on the face.
  • Body care is a neutral day for cosmetic procedures, but classes are shown on a stationary bike.

December 22, 2018 15-16 lunar day, full moon in Gemini.

  • Haircut - haircut, you strengthen the hair roots.
  • Hair coloring - coloring will bring a pleasant novelty to your look.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the probability of unsuccessful choice of color of a varnish is high.
  • Facial care is a good time for therapeutic procedures.
  • Body care - it's better to let the body breathe, the moon is neutral.

December 23, 2018 16-17 lunar day, waning moon in Cancer.

  • Haircut - do not get a haircut, it is better to devote a day to hair care.
  • Hair coloring - after dyeing hair, waiting for trouble at work.
  • Manicure, pedicure - can lead to inflammation.
  • Facial care - will contribute to a qualitative change in all life for the better.
  • Body care - you can remove tattoos.

December 24, 2018 17-18 lunar day, waning moon in Cancer.

  • Haircut - you should not cut off your hair today, and self-confidence will leave with them.
  • Hair coloring - it is better not to dye your hair, it will serve to accumulate negative energy.
  • Manicure, pedicure - all experiments will disappoint.
  • Facial care - try a clay mask, the result will not keep you waiting.
  • Body care - it is better to take a break from the procedures and physical exertion, so as not to injure yourself.

December 25, 2018 18-19 lunar day, waning moon in Leo.

  • Haircut - will attract wealth and prosperity.
  • Hair coloring - coloring with natural dyes will help in career growth.
  • Manicure, pedicure - will help you get rid of loneliness.
  • Facial care - see a good result after a facial massage.
  • Body care is a good day to get used to the contrast soul.

December 26, 2018 19-20 lunar day, waning moon in Leo.

  • Haircut - get rid of the monotony in life.
  • Hair coloring is a suitable day for all hair manipulations.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today if you aspire to occupy a higher position in society and at work.
  • Facial care - today it will turn out, safely get rid of moles.
  • Body care is a great day for algal wraps.

December 27, 2018 20-21 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo.

  • Haircut - will give courage, strength and help to "find yourself."
  • Hair coloring - lightening the hair on this day will heal them.
  • Manicure, pedicure is a good time for making foot and hand baths.
  • Facial care - skin is very vulnerable today, it is better to postpone all the procedures.
  • Body care - dedicate a day to relieving fatigue.

December 28, 2018 21-22 lunar day, the waning moon in Virgo.

  • Haircut - this day will be particularly successful haircuts for long hair.
  • Hair coloring - hair coloring will give you pleasure, and hair strengthen.
  • Manicure, pedicure - light varnishes will attract good luck.
  • Facial care - today skin does not need your care.
  • Body care - very useful bath with therapeutic mud.

December 29, 2018 22 lunar day, waning moon in Libra.

  • Haircut - a neutral day for the beauty of hair.
  • Hair coloring - the paint will not fix well and will quickly wash off.
  • Manicure, pedicure - time neutral manicure is better to replace with hand skin care procedures.
  • Facial - a neutral day for any procedure, but a good day for the selection of lenses.
  • Body Care - The moon is neutral to all procedures, but today you can choose the perfect diet.

December 30, 2018 22-23 lunar day, waning moon in Libra.

  • Haircut - a neutral time, it is better to devote a day to hair care.
  • Hair Coloring - Dyed hair will begin to fall out.
  • Manicure, pedicure - if you decide on any procedure, be extremely careful, you can hurt yourself.
  • Facial care - do not use new cosmetics on this day, neutral time.
  • Body care - decide for yourself what procedures to carry out, the effect is unpredictable.

December 31, 2018 23-24 lunar day, waning moon in Scorpio.

  • A haircut is a bad day for a haircut, the hair will become dull and naughty.
  • Hair coloring - coloring will greatly affect the condition of the hair, but there is a chance that the color will be unsuccessful.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you protect yourself from enemies and ill-wishers in the future.
  • Facial care - do not remove acne, comedones, otherwise you can cause severe inflammation on the skin.
  • Body care is a great day for yoga and meditation, it will contribute to strengthening the whole body.

What does the lunar haircut calendar say for December 2018

Astrologers advise all girls and women not to deny themselves anything, since life is already short. You can safely make an unusual and very relevant hairstyle, while you should not be afraid to change your hair color and image.

Due to the cold weather conditions, it is not always possible to look excellent, so it is important to make moisturizing face masks. During this period of time it is important to drink plenty of fluids and keep your body in good shape.

In the lunar calendar there are both favorable and unfavorable days for carrying out these or other manipulations with your hair. A calendar for December will allow you to plan your trip to the hairdresser.

Favorable days for haircuts in December 2018

In the winter time much attention should be paid to their health and beauty, therefore, the immunity should be strengthened. Snow, wet, damp weather, strong wind and a lack of vitamins in the body - all this has great harm to the hair and skin of a woman. That is why you should not spare your time and energy to restore damaged hair.

It is also important to ensure that the skin breathes and feels comfortable. To do this, in the morning you need to drink one glass of lemon water and tune in to the positive.

In the lunar calendar it is said that women should not be afraid to experiment with their hair. Those who doubt the choice of hairstyles may prefer a universal hairstyle. According to hairdressers this is a ragged haircut. You can also make a hairstyle that will maintain volume.

What days are favorable for haircuts Among the favorable days for haircuts in December, the following can be highlighted: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28 December.

Lunar calendar haircuts for every day

From December 1 to 3, December 6 - going to the salon will change you for the better, the result will be unpredictable. On December 4 and 5 it is not advisable to visit a beauty salon and perform any manipulations with hair. December 7, 8, 9 is a good day for creating voluminous hairstyles, after cutting hair will grow back very quickly. December 10, 11, 12 - days favorable for a hairstyle. December 13, 14, 15 are bad days for a haircut. December 16, 17, 18 are neutral days for hair cutting. Haircut made from 19 to 22, December 25 will help strengthen the hair roots, make you younger and invigorate.

From 23 to 25 it is not desirable to have a haircut, but you can devote time to hair care. From December 26 to December 28, you can easily implement any hair cutting solutions. The days are neutral from December 29 to December 30, but it is best to take care of the hair during this period. December 31 - an unfavorable day for haircuts, hair will become disobedient and dull.

Favorable days for hair coloring in December

Winter colors are all cold shades. But not all women agree with this. Those who prefer to be at their best all the time should get acquainted with the fashionable shades of this winter.

Women can turn their attention to new trends in the well known ombre staining, as well as an irreplaceable platinum blond. There are so many options, but the most important is the right day for hair coloring.

Many probably know that a decreasing and growing moon has an effect on hair growth, so it is extremely important to see what the moon will be. For dyeing hair it is also important to choose the right day and date.

What days are favorable for coloring Favorable days for hair coloring in December will be the following: December 1, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31.

The natural shade will help to give an image of elegance, confidence. Girls who keep up with the times can experiment with metallic shades. Girls with dark hair can dye their chocolate shades.

Best time to cut hair in December

♍♎ 1DECEMBER, Saturday. The 24th lunar day from 00:36.VIRGO , LIBRAfrom 17:49

Moon without course from 17:34 to 17:48

A haircut: resolved, but better until 17:35 if you have problem hair. After 17:35 you can get a haircut for those who have no particular problems with hair. It is better not to do a thermal cut. Allowed male haircuts and haircuts bangs.

Other procedures: today it is good to do any cleansing procedures for hair, home or salon procedures are allowed. Until 17:35, while the Moon is located in the sign of Virgo, you can sign up for more complex procedures, such as a perm, straightening hair or weaving African braids. In the evening allowed to increase the volume of procedures. You can wind the hair on curlers. Refrain from using hot appliances. Dyeing hair is not recommended.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, until 17:35 - strengthening hair, improving their structure and appearance, after 17:35 - there are no special influences.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract difficulties and obstacles to professional goals (especially if you have a haircut before 17:35).

♑♎ 2DECEMBER, Sunday. The 24th, 25th lunar day from 01:57.LIBRA

A haircut: resolved if you have no hair problems. It is better not to do a thermal cut. Allowed male haircuts and haircuts bangs.

Other procedures: today you can curl your hair with curlers and do various styling with them. But it is better not to use hot appliances - it is easy to burn the hair, there are risks of unpleasant consequences. To increase the volume, you can use special tools for laying. They do not glue the hair, and envelop them with a thin layer of a special substance that helps to make the hair more lush. Do not forget later how to clean the hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, may help to visually slightly increase the volume of hair.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract success and success in the right things, especially if you cut your hair from 08:00 to 11:30.

Best time: from 08:00 to 11:30.

Moon without course from 21:16 to 22:54

A haircut: allowed, especially if you do not have any special problems with hair. Thermostats, any men's haircuts, fringe hairstyle are allowed.

Other procedures: Today it is good to make masks for cleansing and volume, as well as any styling using hot devices (hair dryers, irons, curls, etc.). Not bad to make a scalp massage with a comb or just fingers. It helps to strengthen the hair.

By the way, special massage techniques for self-massage of the scalp not only help strengthen the hair, but are also used in gymnastics complexes for facial rejuvenation.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, may help to visually slightly increase the volume of hair.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract unexpected situations in personal life, meeting strange people.

4DECEMBER, Tuesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 04:36.SCORPIO

A haircut: allowed, especially if you have dandruff. Thermostats, any men's haircuts, fringe hairstyle are allowed.

Other procedures: permitted procedures aimed at eliminating dandruff, as well as various masks for cleansing hair. You can make peels for the scalp (exclude contraindications).

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth will help get rid of dandruff.

Psychological effect of haircuts: helps you become more active, strengthen your intuition.

Best time: all day.

A haircut: allowed, especially if you have dandruff. Thermostats, any men's haircuts, fringe hairstyle are allowed.

Other procedures: still a good time to fight dandruff, if you know its cause. If dandruff bothers you for a long time, and home remedies do not help, you should seek help from the trichologist, who will help to identify the true cause of dandruff. In mild cases, special shampoos or masks help.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth will help get rid of dandruff.

Psychological effect of haircuts: will help attract interesting acquaintances or information you need.

Best time: all day.

The moon is off course from 00:53 to 05:48

A haircut: resolved, but if you do not have any problems with hair. It is better not to do a thermal cut. Men's haircuts are allowed.

Other procedures: today allowed the treatment of problematic hair at home. It is better not to sign up for new complex procedures, as this is the very end of the lunar month, when any undertakings will not bring the desired results. You can rinse your head with infusions of medicinal herbs.

The effect of haircuts on hair: no special influences.

Psychological effect of haircuts: will help make your dreams a reality, attract good luck.

Favorable days on the moon for a haircut

YOUNG MOON from 10:20

7DECEMBER, Friday. The 29th, 30th lunar day from 08:21, the 1st lunar day from 10:20.SAGITTARIUS

A haircut: valid if you do not have any problems with hair. It is better not to do a thermal cut.

Other procedures: set aside any complicated procedures, as this is a new moon day.Today it is good to plan things for the next lunar month (after 10:20). You can plan a visit to the hairdresser (see the table at the end of the article), choosing the best days for a particular procedure. You can do care procedures, masks based on vegetable oils.

The effect of haircuts on hair: no special influences.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can make you more anxious and anxious, especially if you cut your hair before 10:30.

Best time: after 10:30.

Moon without course from 13:00 to 15:01

A haircut: allowed, for any problems with hair, trim them after 3:00 pm You can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth. Thermal shears are allowed after 15:00.

Other procedures: The best time for various complicated procedures is after 3:00 pm, when the Moon will be in the Capricorn sign. The harmonious aspect of the Moon and Venus will allow you to get good results. You can dye your hair, make highlighting, coloring, toning, etc.

The effect of haircuts on hair: fast growth: before 15:00 - no effects, after 15:00 will help strengthen the hair, make it more dense, reduce hair loss.

Psychological effect of haircuts: will attract love and a serious relationship to your life, especially if you cut your hair after 15:00.

Best time: from 15:00 to 22:20.

♑ 9DECEMBER, Sunday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 10:22.CAPRICORN

A haircut: a great day for a haircut, one of the most successful in this month, especially for those who have problematic hair, but who want to accelerate their growth. You can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: This is a good day for visiting salons and hairdressing salons, since the Moon is located in the earth sign of Capricorn, which is favorable for working with hair. You can do a variety of types of staining, as well as any procedure for nourishing and restoring damaged hair. If you wish, you can do hair extensions and eyelashes, the result will be above all expectations.

The effect of haircuts on hair: fast growth will help strengthen the hair, make it more dense, reduce hair loss.

Psychological effect of haircuts: will make you more active and active, attract successful opportunities and a set of circumstances for the realization of your professional plans.

Best time: all day.

♑ 10DECEMBER, Monday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 11:09.CAPRICORN

A haircut: a great day for a haircut, one of the most successful in this month, especially for those who have problematic hair, but who want to accelerate their growth. You can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: another very good day for working with hair. But it is better today to use some proven methods of treatment or to dye hair in the usual classic shades and colors. It’s better not to experiment this day, as there may not be very good results. It is best to do with the hair that you are well acquainted.

The effect of haircuts on hair: fast growth will help strengthen the hair, make it more dense, reduce hair loss.

Psychological effect of haircuts: may attract surprises, including unpleasant ones, at work or in connection with professional activities.

Best time: all day.

Moon without a course from 00:27 to 02:39

A haircut: permissible, if you have no special problems with hair, it is good to cut thin hair. You can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: today you can be pulled to experiment, but this is also not a very suitable day for this. If you want to do some procedure for the hair, it is better to enroll to the master after 14:00, when the Moon leaves from the negative aspect with Venus. It is good to do styling with the help of curlers or try to choose a hairstyle for yourself on a computer.

The effect of haircuts on hair: fast growth can help visually increase hair volume.

Psychological effect of haircuts: until 1:00 pm - will attract failures in personal life, as well as unforeseen expenses, after 1:00 pm - will attract luck and happiness.

Best time: from 14:00 to 17:30.

♒ 12DECEMBER, Wednesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 01:48.AQUARIUS

A haircut: permissible, if you have no special problems with hair, it is good to cut thin hair. You can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: a good day to work with thin hair. You can make different masks to increase the volume or sign up for a special procedure that allows you to lift the hair at the roots, increasing the volume. The procedure has an effect only for a certain time (3-6 months). It is still good to choose hairstyles using computer programs or smartphone applications.

The effect of haircuts on hair: fast growth can help visually increase hair volume.

Psychological effect of haircuts: will attract success and good luck in those areas of life in which you want.

Best time: all day.

What day to cut hair in December?

♒♓ 13DECEMBER, Thursday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:38.AQUARIUS , FISHfrom 15:40

Moon without a course from 13:20 to 15:40

A haircut: valid until 3:40 pm, including a thermal haircut, after 3:40 pm - an unfortunate time for a haircut, it is better to postpone. You can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth.

Other procedures: If you would like to sign up for any procedure, it is better to complete it before 15:40, while the Moon will follow the sign of Aquarius. When the moon in Pisces work with hair is extremely undesirable. In the morning, it is still good to do the procedures and masks to increase the volume, wind the hair on the curlers or do the styling with the help of hot devices.

The effect of haircuts on hair: fast growth, after 15:40 - can damage the hair, make it thinner, brittle and weak.

Psychological effect of haircuts: may attract misunderstanding in relationships with friends and relatives.

♓ 14DECEMBER, Friday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:58.FISH

A haircut: bad time for a haircut, it is better to postpone. It is better not to do a thermal cut.

Other procedures: a bad day for working with hair, it's better not to wash your hair at all. Any complex procedure, such as curling or hair extensions, is dangerous. It is undesirable to use hot styling devices: you can easily overdry your hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair: a bad effect on the condition and health of hair, the hair will fall out more and split.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can make you more vulnerable and melancholic, can attract depressive moods.


♓ 15DECEMBER, Saturday, the 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:15.FISH

I quarter, second phase of the moon with 14:49

Moon without course from 14:49

A haircut: bad time for a haircut, it is better to postpone.

Other procedures: This day is also unfavorable for working with hair, moreover, today the Moon is changing the phase, which further enhances the negative effects of complex procedures. There is a big risk of damaging your hair, especially if you use any chemistry!

The effect of haircuts on hair: a bad effect on the condition and health of hair, the hair will fall out more and split.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can make you more anxious and anxious on trifles, especially if you have a haircut before 15:00.

♓♈ 16DECEMBER, Sunday, the 9th, 10th lunar day from 13:30.FISH , ARIESfrom 03:44

Moon without course till 03:43

A haircut: valid if you do not have any problems with hair, you can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth. It is better not to do a thermal cut.

Other procedures: with the transition of the Moon to Aries, you can start working with hair, but it is better that these are not too aggressive methods. It is good to make homemade masks to nourish and strengthen hair, for example, based on natural plant oils. All about the choice of oils for hair and their use can be found in the article: Vegetable oils for hair care: benefits, harm, tips, masks.

The effect of haircuts on hair: fast growth.

Psychological effect of haircuts: it may attract a sharp surge of forces with a subsequent decline, it will be difficult to continue the work begun in the near future: there may be many obstacles.

♈ 17DECEMBER, Monday, the 10th, the 11th lunar day from 13:46.ARIES

A haircut: valid if you do not have any problems with hair, you can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth. It is better not to do a thermal cut.

Other procedures: day is good for everyday hair care. It is good to do massages for the scalp, various masks to strengthen the hair, for softness and shine.

The effect of haircuts on hair: fast growth.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can bring energy vampires into your life.

Best time: after 18:20.

♈♉ 18DECEMBER, Tuesday, the 11th, the 12th lunar day from 14:03.ARIES , TAURUSfrom 12:38

Moon without a course from 10:21 to 12:37

A haircut: until 12:40 - acceptable if you do not have any problems with hair, after 12:40 - there is a risk that you might not like the new hairstyle, as a last resort, you can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth.

Other procedures: any home treatments for hair care, nutrition and strengthening are good. Approaching the negative aspect Moon and Venus may in the afternoon to prevent a good effect from a complex procedure, so it is advisable to do any simple procedures on this day.

The effect of haircuts on hair: rapid growth, until 12:40 - no effects, after 12:40 - strengthening hair, improving their appearance and shine.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can bring to life surprises, make you more restless and nervous, especially if you cut your hair before 10:20. With the moon without a course there is no influence.

♉ 19DECEMBER, Wednesday, the 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:23.TAURUS

A haircut: allowed, especially if you want to grow the length and you have problem hair, one of the most successful days for cutting hair. You can cut the ends of hair to accelerate growth. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: A good day to work with hair, one of the best this month, but remember that it is better to start any procedures after 10:00, when the negative relationship between the Moon and Venus disperses! Today, it is possible to treat hair, do regenerating procedures, rinse hair with infusions of medicinal herbs. It is also good to go shopping for any cosmetic products for hair, you can also dye your hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair: rapid growth, strengthening hair, improving their appearance and shine.

Psychological effect of haircuts: before 10:00 will attract problems to the financial sector, after 10:00 it will be a better time, as it will help to strengthen intuition, which, in turn, may attract opportunities for greater earnings.

Best time: after 10:00.

The best lunar days for haircuts

♉♊ 20DECEMBER, Thursday, the 13th, 14th lunar day from 14:47.TAURUS , TWINSfrom 17:35

Moon without course from 03:42 to 17:34

A haircut: resolved, especially if you have normal hair, without any problems. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: since the moon will be without a course this day, it is better not to start anything new. You can continue hair care, for example, to do any subsequent procedures from the series. Good to do a massage for the scalp to stimulate hair growth. In the evening it is good to do styling with the help of hot appliances or curlers.

The effect of haircuts on hair: no special influences.

Psychological effect of haircuts: there are no influences on the moon without a course, after 17:35 it can attract misunderstandings with relatives, neighbors and colleagues.

Best time: after 17:35.

♊ 21DECEMBER, Friday, the 14th, 15th lunar day from 15:18.TWINS

A haircut: valid, but if you have no problems with your hair. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: for working with hair is a neutral day. The most effective will be a mask to increase the volume of hair. You should not do complex procedures, for example, using chemicals, and also it is better not to use hot styling tools - it is easy to dry the hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair: no special influences.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract difficulties in dealing with people from close surroundings, especially if you have a haircut before 17:00.

Best time: from 5 pm to 8:40 pm


♊♋ 22DECEMBER, Saturday, the 15th, 16th lunar day from 11:17.TWINS , CRAYFISHfrom 19:28

Moon without course from 17:21 to 19:27

A haircut: until 19:30 - haircut is permissible, but if you have no problems with hair, after 19:30 - an unfortunate time for a haircut, it is better to postpone. It is better not to do a thermal cut.

Other procedures: put off any complicated procedures today: a busy day, a high probability of getting the wrong effect you are waiting for. It is better to do home care today. You can make masks for volume based on natural ingredients. After 19:30 it is better not to do hair at all, but you can remove unwanted hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair: until 19:30 - there are no special influences, after 19:30 - it can harm your hair, dandruff will appear, hair will fall out and split.

Psychological effect of haircuts: may attract unnecessary anxiety, stress and failure.

Best time: from 09:00 to 19:30.

23DECEMBER, Sunday, the 16th, 17th lunar day from 16:57.CRAYFISH

A haircut: bad time for a haircut, it is better to postpone.

Other procedures: A bad day for working with hair, especially unfavorable to do a perm. Straightening or hair extensions, because the risks to harm your hair are very high! But removing unwanted hair from any part of the body will be very effective on this day. If you do depilation (that is, do not remove hair follicles with complex methods), they will grow back weaker and thinner. In addition, this time of the waning moon, so the process of hair growth will go slower after removal.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, can damage your hair, dandruff will appear, hair will fall out and split.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract difficulties and obstacles, misunderstandings with close relatives, especially if you cut your hair before 12:20.

♋♌24DECEMBER, Monday, the 17th, 18th lunar day from 18:08.CRAYFISH , A LIONfrom 19:59

Moon without course from 17:50 to 19:58

A haircut: until 20:00 - an unfortunate time for a haircut, it is better to postpone, after 20:00 - allowed. You can make men's haircuts or cut bangs, it is better not to do a haircut.

Other procedures: The whole day the Moon will follow the sign of Cancer, and only after 20:00 there will be a better time for working with hair. If you have a desire to do the care procedures, it is better to postpone them until 20:00. It is still good to fight unwanted hair during the day. Hair removal will be very fast and effective, hair will grow again slower. Until 18:00 you can sign up for the first procedure for hair removal in any part of the body.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, up to 20:00 - can damage your hair, dandruff will appear, hair will fall out and split, after 20:00 - can bring hair to hair - the hair will look healthier, shinier and well-groomed.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract unpleasant surprises in areas related to family and home.

Best time: after 20:00.

Today you can cut your hair on the lunar calendar?

25DECEMBER, Tuesday, the 18th, 19th lunar day from 19:30.A LION

A haircut: acceptable, but this is not the best day, as there is a risk that you will not be happy with your hair. It is better not to do a thermal cut. You can make men's haircuts or cut fringe.

Other procedures: The moon in Leo is very favorable for working with hair, but the picture is spoiled by the negative aspect of the Moon and Venus, which can prevent you from getting good results from any complex procedure. That is why we advise today not to start anything new, but to continue what you have already done before. Allowed any home treatments for hair, especially for cleansing hair, as this is the time of the waning moon.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, strengthening hair, hair will look healthy, shiny and well-groomed.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract new acquaintances and interesting offers, but also make you not quite happy with the results of your actions.

Moon without course until 18:37 to 20:49

A haircut: a great day for haircuts, one of the most successful days of the month, especially if you want to keep your hair in shape as long as possible.Termitezhk better to do after 21:00 or the next day. You can make men's haircuts or cut fringe.

Other procedures: This day is good for different complex hair treatments, except perhaps for different types of coloring, since with a waning moon the paint does not hold for a long time and quickly loses saturation. You can do hair extensions and eyelashes, as well as a small perm. Any hair treatments are allowed.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, until 6:40 pm - strengthening the hair, the hair will look healthy, shiny and well-groomed, with the Moon without a course of influence there is no influence, after 9:00 pm - strengthening the hair, improving their structure and appearance.

Psychological effect of haircuts: will help attract success, good luck and more favorable set of circumstances.

Best time: all day.

27 DECEMBER, Thursday, the 20th, 21st lunar day from 22:21.VIRGO

A haircut: a great day for haircuts, one of the most successful days of the month, especially if you want to keep your hair in shape as long as possible. You can make men's haircuts or cut fringe. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: A good time to work with hair, especially for any classic procedures, with the exception of coloring, warn astronologist It is good to do a hair curling or straightening, but it is better to use more natural means for this. Avoid chemicals to avoid allergies or other adverse reactions.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, strengthening hair, improving their structure and appearance.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract difficulties with setting new goals, if you already have goals for which you aspire, you have nothing to fear.

Best time: after 15:00.

Moon without course from 7:27 pm until 11:23

A haircut: a great day for haircuts, one of the most successful days of the month, especially if you want to keep your hair in shape as long as possible. It is better not to do a thermal cut. You can make men's haircuts or cut fringe.

Other procedures: it is better not to do complex procedures today, since the Moon on this day will be amazed by Mars. Also, do not use hot styling tools, as you can easily overdry your hair. Allowed home or gentle salon treatment procedures aimed at improving the appearance of the hair and their condition.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, until 19:30 - strengthening the hair, improving their structure and appearance, after 19:30 - there are no special influences.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can make you more aggressive, impulsive and impatient, if you cut your hair before 19:30, after 19:30 - there are no influences.

Best time: all day.

OLD MOON 12:34

♎ 29DECEMBER, Saturday, the 22nd lunar day from 00:00.LIBRA

III quarter, fourth phase of the moon 12:34

A haircut: valid if you have no particular hair problems. You can make men's haircuts or cut fringe, as well as thermal haircut (in the afternoon).

Other procedures: still unfavorable time for complex procedures, such as curling and extension, it is also better not to dye your hair, as the paint will quickly lose saturation. Today, you can do various masks to increase the volume, as well as massage and peeling of the scalp.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, may help to visually slightly increase the volume of hair.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract difficulties and failures in personal life, especially if you cut your hair before 18:40.

Best time: after 18:40.

♎ 30DECEMBER, Sunday, the 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 01:05.LIBRA

A haircut: valid if you have no particular hair problems. You can make men's haircuts or cut fringe. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: Still a good day for masks and other procedures that will help to give volume to thin and sparse hair. It is also the last good day for shopping, so today is a great time to buy gifts for yourself and your family, including cosmetics or hair styling devices.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth, may help to visually slightly increase the volume of hair.

Psychological effect of haircuts: can attract surprises in privacy.

Moon without course 01:53 to 04:22

A haircut: valid if you have problems with dandruff. You can make men's haircuts or cut fringe. Thermal shears are allowed.

Other procedures: The last day of the year is not very successful for working with hair, and you will most likely not plan any particularly complicated procedures on this day. You can not do a perm and dye your hair! Today it is good to make masks for dandruff removal. For the purchase of cosmetics this day does not fit.

The effect of haircuts on hair: slow growth will help get rid of dandruff.

Psychological effect of haircuts: will help attract success and good luck.


Watch the video: Haircuts You'll Be Asking For In 2018 (July 2024).