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Seborin (shampoo): reviews, composition, types


Of course, everyone wants to look attractive and catch admiring glances. External perception is largely dependent on healthy and beautiful hair. A pledge of beautiful hair is not only regular hygiene, but also proper care. In addition, the use of unsuitable for you shampoo can lead to serious problems as the skin of the head, and the structure of the curls. To avoid such situations will help a professional tool from the company Schwarzkopf - Seborin.

History reference

For the first time, a specially designed complex of Seborin, containing a component called Octopirox, appeared in the 70s of the last century. At that time, this tool was used in beauty salons and hairdressing salons.

For the consumer to buy Seborin was almost impossible. Today seborin shampoo from seborrhea is available for sale.

Should I buy Seborin dandruff shampoo

Schwarzkopf has developed a carefully selected chemical composition that can effectively deal with dandruff with a careful attitude to the structure of the hair. Regularly using dandruff shampoo seborin, you can notice many positive effects:

  1. Long-term protection against dandruff,
  2. The likelihood of itching and irritation of the scalp is minimized,
  3. Soft impact combined with gentle care.
  4. The appearance of luster and volume of curls.

The range and composition of products Seborin (Seborin) of the company Schwarzkopf

The German company Schwarzkopf has developed several professional anti-dandruff products for all hair types. Included in the shampoo elements restore the structure of the hair, making them beautiful and healthy, as well as prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

  • Seborin anti-dandruff and greasy hair. This anti-dandruff shampoo is a new formula of double action seborin. A carefully designed complex successfully copes with the high fat content of curls and dandruff. Increased production of subcutaneous fat is the result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. In this case, the frequent use of conventional shampoos can aggravate the situation even more, so you should use specially designed tools such as Seborin

Types of shampoos "Seborin"

The manufacturer of the product “Seborin” is the well-known brand “Schwarzkopf”, which has been pleasing women of the whole world with various professional shampoos for many years. Shampoo "Seborin" is presented in three versions. Each of them is designed for a specific type of hair. Namely: against dandruff, for washing of fat locks and for restoration of the weakened thin ringlets.

"Seborin" - shampoo to fight dandruff

The tool has a double effect. This shampoo helps to prevent the formation of dandruff. Thanks to the non-aggressive ingredients, the shampoo can be considered a category of products with a gentle action, which means that it is suitable for everyday use. The drug "Seborin" gently cleanses the scalp and hair, eliminates the itching and discomfort caused by its appearance, gives the head of hair volume and shine.

Shampoo "Seborin" for oily hair

Means "Seborin" as well as the previous version, is characterized by a double action. The product copes with dandruff and normalizes the sebaceous glands of the skin of the head. With such problems, frequent washing can worsen the situation - after washing the sebum from the hairy part, the glands work with double strength, as a result of which the hair will be contaminated faster. To curls longer look tidy, you need to provide them with the right care. For this it is recommended to use "Seborin" - a shampoo that is suitable for washing hair prone to rapid contamination. The tool prevents the formation of dandruff, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and gently cleanses the skin of the head.

Shampoo "Seborin" for thin and weak hair

As part of the product for hair care contains a component in the form of caffeine, thereby providing complete care for curls. Other active ingredients of the shampoo promote active hair growth and strengthen the follicles. Shampoo not only prevents the appearance of dandruff, but also returns a healthy look to the damaged locks.

The composition and instructions for using the tool "Seborin"

As mentioned above, dandruff shampoo "Seborin" is presented in several versions, which have different purpose and composition.

The basis of the tool "Seborin" are the following components:

  • Salicylic acid. This substance neutralizes the harmful effects of various microorganisms.
  • Allantoin. Regulates hair moisture balance and scalp. It has a wound-healing effect, promotes the regeneration of the tissues of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Climbazole. Ingredient eliminates fungus that causes dandruff.

In addition to the main ingredients, “Seborin” includes caffeine and vitamins, thanks to which the structure of the hair is restored, and they become healthy and radiant.

For many consumers who are faced with dandruff, the question remains: how to use the drug "Seborin". The shampoo is applied to wet hair with massaging movements, then rinsed with warm water. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure.

Consumer opinion

Such a problem as the presence of dandruff today, many can be solved using the tool "Seborin". Shampoo, reviews of which in most cases are positive, helps to eliminate unpleasant itching and irritation after the first application. In addition, users note that hair gain shine and strength.

Types of dandruff shampoos

There are several of them:

  • antifungal: contain ketoconazole,
  • exfoliating: they contain salicylic acid and sulfur,
  • antibacterial: contain zinc and octoprorox,
  • with herbal ingredients: they contain tar and herbal extracts.

Most therapeutic agents contain active substances that affect the causes of dandruff and help normalize the activity of the cells of the scalp. These are ichthyol, selenium, pyrite, zinc, tar, ketoconazole, clotrimazole, climbazole, salicylic acid.

When choosing a tool should be considered hair type and dandruff. Some shampoos are used to treat dry dandruff, others - oily, and others - to relieve irritation from the scalp. To do this, you should consult with a specialist and carefully read the composition of the tool. Dry dandruff shampoos contain climbazole and zinc pyrithione.

Pharmaceutical industry offers a lot of anti-dandruff. The most effective way to get rid of this fungal infection is an antimycotic agent - Seborin medical shampoo.

Using Seborin has several advantages:

  • the drug is effective for the treatment of advanced stages of the disease,
  • the drug has a systemic effect
  • effective for the destruction of several types of fungus,
  • prevents the spread of infectious lesions,
  • has a lasting effect.

The active ingredient ketoconazole, which has the active action of fungi that make up the normal flora of the human body, is used in the preparation. In the event of adverse factors, their number increases, causing the formation of dandruff. The product cleanses the scalp and eliminates irritation.

Healing Shampoo is one of the effective remedies for the treatment of diseases of the skin of the head and the rapid elimination of dandruff. It is used to treat diseases such as dandruff, seborrhea, pityriasis versicolor, psoriasis.

Instructions for use

If the product is used regularly, the recurrence of dandruff is excluded.

Seborin applied to wet clean hair and skin of the head and leave for 5-7 minutes, then wash off. Seborin is used twice a week to remove dandruff. The course of treatment is up to four weeks. Then the tool is used for prophylactic purposes 1 time in one to two weeks.

For treatment of scaly depriving shampoo applied to the affected areas of the body and wash off. The procedure is repeated for 10−14 days.

For psoriasis and seborrhea, shampoo should be used every day for three days, then every other day for 6 weeks.

One bottle of the drug lasts for 2−3 months of use. Seborin restores the normal activity of the skin.


Seborin should not be used with increased sensitivity to its constituent components.

Side effects from prolonged use are not observed. In rare cases, patients may experience a burning sensation at the site of application and mild redness, which pass on their own.

Analogs of Seborin

Currently, a wide selection of pharmacy tools of similar effect is presented. Not less effective drug for the treatment of skin disease is shampooNizoral. It is an effective medicine for the treatment of fungal diseases. It is used to treat mycoses, seborrheic dermatitis, candidiasis, multi-colored lichen, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis.

Nizoral is often used by dermatologists as part of a comprehensive treatment. The drug is convenient to a large selection of dosage forms, which can significantly expand the range of its application, as well as apply for the treatment of advanced forms of the disease, requiring a long period of use.

Other analogues:

  • Sebozol is a shampoo for oily dandruff. It consists of climbazol. The drug not only helps get rid of the disease, but also restores and moisturizes the scalp.
  • Sulsen Forte is made using sulsen and herbal extracts. The product eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair, restores skin cells.
  • Fetoval contains decoctions of medicinal plants: nettle, sorrel, white willow bark, wheat proteins. Shampoo helps and get rid of the fungus. Due to its exfoliating properties, removes dead skin cells of the scalp, eliminates inflammation, increases the protective function of the skin.
  • Dermazole is an antifungal agent that contains ketoconazole. Shampoo is used to treat and prevent seborrheic dermatitis and herpes.

To eliminate dandruff and restore normal skin activity, women are considered to be Seborina analogues: Tar shampoo, Fitoval, Nizoral, Vichy Dercos, Cebulex, Sebasol. For men, the recommended use of Nizoral, Sulsen Forte, Keto Plus, Climbazol, Ketoconazole.

The choice of treatment for dandruff should be carried out after careful examination by a doctor.

Preventing dandruff

In order to after long treatment the disease did not happen again, you should listen to the recommendations of experts:

  • strictly follow the rules of hygiene,
  • use shampoos appropriate to the type of hair,
  • Do not wear tight hats,
  • keep combs clean and other hair care items
  • several times a month as a preventive measure to apply medicated shampoos.

Features of the tool

Prophylactic or therapeutic shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis on the head are an opportunity to improve the appearance of your hair and get rid of painful symptoms in just a few hair washing procedures. For a complete solution of the problem, you will need to complete a full course, which usually lasts about a month.

The principle of action of drugs is the impact on the pathogenic microflora. Antiseborrheic shampoos block the development of harmful microbes, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands (reducing or increasing the amount of secreted secretion, depending on the type of seborrhea), eliminate the effects of fungal reproduction: desquamation, white flakes on the hair, the desire to constantly scratch the head. Additional components in the composition of such funds take care of the hair, strengthen the strands and prevent their loss.

By the way. The heads of newborns are often littered with so-called milk or infant crusts. These scales are not considered manifestations of seborrhea in the direct sense of the disease. However, to save the baby from these crusts is extremely important.

How to choose

A large assortment of therapeutic shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis makes it possible to choose the best drug for you. You can do this if you carefully examine the products and compare them according to certain criteria. Buy funds that:

  • match your hair style
  • designed to solve exactly your problem - dry or oily forms of seborrhea. There are universal shampoos,
  • contain antifungal, antiseptic components, as well as natural extracts, essential oils and vitamins,
  • do not contain parabens, preservatives, dyes, fragrances (if you are allergic to smells or buy a product for children). You can look for sulphate-free antiseborrhoeic shampoos, but many manufacturers include these compounds in their hair products,
  • do not have contraindications that are relevant to you (pregnancy, lactation, age restrictions and others),
  • Do not tweet eyes and have a hypoallergenic composition, if we are talking about buying a drug for kids.

The price is important only for your wallet, not for product quality. Expensive seborrheic dermatitis shampoos on the head also sometimes get bad reviews., as well as relatively cheap hair products are admired by users.

Usually, Antiseborrheic shampoos have a rich composition that allows them to cope with harmful microbes. The abundance of chemicals on the label can confound any user, especially if he does not know what he is looking for.

Choosing the right product for problematic hair, notice if it contains the following components:

  • ketoconazole (or clotrimazole, bifonazole),
  • zinc pyrithione,
  • selenium sulfide,
  • tar,
  • salicylic acid
  • Ichthyol
  • ciclopirox and others.

All of these substances have a complex effect on hair. At the same time, some of them limit the growth of the fungus to a greater extent, others act as effective antiseptics, eliminate itching and peeling, and others dry the skin or moisturize it. Not superfluous is the presence of natural oils, glycerin, vitamin complexes, herbal extracts in the antiseboric shampoo.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such products is that it:

  • relieves itching
  • reduces flaking
  • normalizes sebum secretion,
  • removes dandruff on the hair,
  • inhibits the development of fungal infection,
  • fights in plaques on the skin,
  • in some cases suitable for the treatment of problem areas on the body (used as a shower gel),
  • cares for hair, making it more healthy, obedient, shiny,
  • applied metered, and therefore economically,
  • sold in a different price range. If you are limited in finances, there is always the opportunity to purchase an inexpensive but high-quality drug.

The disadvantages are the following features of anti-seborrheic shampoos:

  • sometimes cause allergic reactions, increase the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms,
  • do not eliminate the cause of seborrheic dermatitis,
  • often have conflicting reviews related to the individual characteristics of the perception of a particular medical product. To understand whether a particular anti-seborrheic shampoo is suitable for your hair can only be experienced.

Ducre Kelyual DS

You can use this shampoo to eliminate the flaking of the scalp and seborrheic dermatitis, which is characterized by redness and itching. Thanks to the incoming components can protect and eliminate the reproduction of fungi, which serve as a common cause of dandruff.

In addition, the action of the shampoo is aimed at cleansing the epidermis, so that all peeling will disappear very quickly. Apply the product to wet hair, hold for 3 minutes, and then rinse with plenty of water. Apply 2 times a week. The course of therapy will be 2 months. You can buy shampoo for 800 rubles.

With confidence we can say that this is the best shampoo for hair. This cosmetic product actively fights dandruff, itching and irritation of the skin of the head. Since all the components were carefully selected, after the first application you can feel a noticeable result.

You can even use Vichy shampoo for owners of sensitive skin and not worry about allergies. It is necessary to use means on wet locks, to rub into integuments, to wait 3 minutes, to wash away a large amount of water. The cost of the product is 560 rubles.

On the video - anti-dandruff shampoo in the pharmacy:

How it looks and how much Bübchen baby shampoo costs are detailed here.

But what reviews about bathing products and Sanosan shampoo are currently available, it is detailed here.

How much vichy shampoo for hair growth is good is detailed in the article.

What is the best shampoo for hair loss, you can understand if you read the content of the article.

What reviews about shampoos for hair loss Vichy exist. indicated in this article.

  • Milan, 32 years: “Not so long ago, I began to notice that the child was constantly scratching his head, and old flakes were pouring from the hair of the waist. After visiting the pediatrician, he told us that it was dandruff. At first, we experienced a lot of popular recipes, but the guaranteed result never came. After that we were advised shampoo Seborin. And after the 3rd application, I noticed an improvement. They used shampoo for 3 weeks, after which the problem was completely eliminated. ”
  • Elena, 23 years old: “I have oily hair and from time to time I encounter such a problem as dandruff. To eliminate it, I already have an attorney, Dermazole. With its use it is possible to very quickly stop itching and desquamation. But it is not suitable for permanent use. Otherwise, you can only increase the fat content or dryness. This will lead to hair loss. Therefore, as soon as you managed to eliminate dandruff, immediately switch to another tool. ”
  • Sofia, 43 years old: “After a lot of stress, my girlfriend started to get dandruff, although she hadn’t had such a problem before. For six months, she actively used various folk remedies, but no effect occurred. After that, the hairdresser advised her to Nizoral. Already after the first application, it was possible to see that the hair began to look much better, and the itchy dandruff disappeared after 2 weeks of use. ”

Dandruff shampoo is a potent remedy that should not only eliminate the symptoms of the pathological process, but also the cause of its formation. Since the scalp is very irritated at this time, you should use cosmetics, which include a minimum of harmful and aggressive components. Otherwise, you can not avoid allergies.

We also recommend you read the information about Paranit shampoo in more detail.

Brands Overview

Contains ketoconazole and zinc. These 2 components actively prevent the reproduction of fungal infections, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminate itching and peeling. Available in bottles of 60 and 150 milliliters, which cost about 580 and 870 rubles, respectively. To many consumers, this price seems very high, but reviews show that the anti-seboric shampoo

Keto plus justifies such serious financial expenses, and this is why:

  • reduces the number of crusts and diathesis rashes on the head,
  • effectively and permanently removes dandruff,
  • makes hair less greasy
  • saves from falling out
  • relieves unpleasant symptoms after the first use,
  • suitable for treating children.

However, there are dissatisfied with this detergent. Not everyone has helped to cope with the problem of seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, after several applications, the hair becomes stiff, so that a balm is indispensable. In general, this drug is called one of the best in its category.

There are 1 and 2% antiseborrheic shampoos. To eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis is suitable remedy with a concentration of 2%. It is considered a powerful antifungal drug due to its ketoconazole content. Perhotal has earned a lot of positive feedback, because he:

  • It has a thick consistency, is economical,
  • eliminates itching and dandruff for a long time,
  • effectively exfoliates the skin,
  • is a quality equivalent of more expensive products.

However, some users note that this antiseborrheic shampoo does not foam well, contains fragrances and dyes, requires the use of a balm (to prevent tangling and hair stiffness), and the result of treatment does not always last long.

Perhodal is available in bottles of 25 and 100 milliliters. The cost is about 380 and 640 rubles, respectively.

Products under this brand from the company Schwarzkopf has several varieties: with caffeine, with the effect of double or triple action. Each of these antiseborrheic shampoos helps to eliminate dandruff on a certain type of hair: weak, thin, greasy.

In the composition of drugs is Climbazol (antifungal component), salicylic acid (disinfects, disinfects, peels), allantoin (softens the skin, accelerates healing, tightens pores) and other substances.

Consumers note such features of anti-seboric shampoo:

  • copes with white flakes on hair
  • reduces itching
  • does not foam well,
  • can make hair hard, make it harder to style,
  • not in all cases has a lasting effect
  • It is relatively inexpensive - about 190 rubles per 0.25 liters.

The products manufactured by different manufacturers include selenium disulfide, which acts in several directions at once: it normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and controls the process of renewal of the dermis, prevents dandruff in the hair, destroys pathogenic microflora and destroys the environment favorable for its development.

Many users praise Sulsen for:

  • feeling of freshness and comfort
  • pleasant aroma,
  • efficacy against dandruff
  • strengthening, softening hair,
  • getting rid of fat
  • fast result
  • the ability to eliminate itching and peeling for a long time,
  • good quality at low cost.

Among the minuses of this anti-seboric shampoo is not very economical consumption, the absence of a prolonged effect (after a while dandruff can return again). Besides, the tool is not very well washed off and discolor the paint.

Depending on the form of release (detergent for hair, paste or peeling) price differs. It ranges from 80–300 rubles per bottle or tube in volume from 40 to 150 milliliters. Especially a lot of positive reviews deserve anti-seboric shampoo Sulsen in the form of paste produced by Amalgam.

This Shampoo-foam is designed to exfoliate milk crusts from the delicate skin of babies and care for children's hair. The composition contains a cleansing antifungal component, Climbazol, avocado and coconut oils, salicylic acid, which disinfects the skin and exfoliates crusts, as well as other substances. Many mothers rated the effectiveness of Mustela.

If you believe their reviews, then This antiseborrheic shamupun:

  • does not cause irritation even when hit in the eyes,
  • tolerated without allergic reactions in most cases
  • prevents tangling of hair
  • does not contain harmful chemical compounds,
  • well removes seborrheic crusts,
  • sparingly.

Among the most significant drawbacks is a very high price, about 900–1000 rubles per 150 milliliters. In addition, sometimes the tool is rated as a good product for the care of children's hair, but ineffective drug to eliminate dead skin scales.

There are several varieties of antiseborrheic shampoos that are produced under this brand: with zinc, tar, and pH balance. The first two drugs are aimed at solving problems with the scalp and hair. They eliminate dandruff and itching, improve the condition of the strands. This is also indicated by positive consumer reviews. In their opinion, Products Friederm with zinc and tar:

  • heals the dermis,
  • make hair stronger, give them extra volume,
  • can be used to treat seborrheic dermatitis in children (including as a means for bathing),
  • do not contain artificial colors and flavors.

Antiseborrheic shampoo Friderm pH balance also deserves good response, because it is optimal for problematic scalp, hair loss, suitable for frequent use, soothes itching. The disadvantages of all three drugs include the high cost (560–680 rubles per 150-ml bottle), small volume and inefficiency in some cases.

Rules of application

  1. It is necessary to moisten hair plentifully or even pre-wash them (with anti-seboric shampoo or any other). The nuances are indicated in the instructions for use for each specific product.
  2. Water for washing the head should not be hot, but warm.
  3. The amount of funds for one procedure is 5-10 milliliters. If you take more, overdose is not excluded, and as a result - problems with curls. Remember that anti-seboric shampoo is a cure for hair.
  4. The drug must be gently rubbed into the scalp for a couple of minutes with massaging movements. This will improve blood circulation and increase the effectiveness of the product. You can not touch the strands themselves, they will be cleaned during the washing off of the foam.
  5. After that, leave the treated hair for 3–5 minutes, and then rinse it thoroughly under running water.
  6. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure.
  7. If liquid gets into eyes, rinse well with plenty of water.

Council To enhance the shine of the hair, make them more silky, smooth and soft, you can use vinegar or herbal rinse.

For therapeutic purposes, anti-seborrheic shampoo is used on average twice a week for 1–1.5 months. Then they can wash their hair no more than 1 time every 7 days, and in between use ordinary cosmetic products.

In this mode, it is permissible to use the medicinal preparation for about 4 weeks. Then be sure to take a break (at least 1-2 months).

For prophylactic purposes, anti-seboric hair remedies are used once a week. The course is about a month.

To improve the effectiveness of drugs for problem skin and hair will help additional care products: balms, masks, lotions, sprays, tonics.

If you are going remove milk crusts on the head of the baby, adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • lubricate the scaly areas with heated oil (castor, olive sludge or any other),
  • After 1–1.5 hours, wet the baby’s hair,
  • Take a few drops of a child or a universal anti-seboric shampoo marked 0+ and lather the baby’s head,
  • perform a light massage, gently spreading the foam on the skin,
  • After 1-2 minutes, rinse with plenty of warm water. Make sure that the soapy solution does not hit the baby in the eyes, nose, ears.

In this mode, you can wash the hair of the newborn every 3 days, until seborrheic crusts disappear completely. After that, it is permissible to switch to the prophylactic use of shampoo once a week for 1–1.5 months. To eliminate the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis on the body, you can bathe the baby in the bath with the addition of a drug.

Indicative recommendations - half or a full cap of an anti-seboric shampoo for 10 liters of water. The frequency of water treatments - daily or every other day, as needed.

Usually for bathing newborns are used drugs Friederm with tar, zinc and pH balance.


Many antiseborrheic shampoos show a good result even after 1-3 applications. Itching and peeling are reduced, the amount of dandruff is noticeably reduced. Irritated, reddened areas of the dermis become healthy.

The sebaceous glands begin to function normally, which affects the general condition of the hair. Hair becomes obedient, silky, they get enough nutrients, do not dry out and do not get fat too quickly.

When using the drug for children, the milk crusts will peel off painlessly. Infant skin will begin to breathe fully, and the sebaceous glands will work properly. If you bathe a child in a bath with an aniseborrheic shampoo, he will no longer be disturbed by the manifestations of dermatitis: redness, dryness, peeling.

Therapeutic shampoos for seborrhea of ​​the scalp are good because suitable for the whole family, from newborns to adults. Properly selected means to improve the condition of the skin and hair will only benefit if it is applied correctly, according to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

Antiseborrheic shampoos are universal drugs for the treatment and prevention of dermatitis, but you should not rely solely on them. In most cases, you have to treat the disease with special ointments or pills, as well as monitor your diet, the daily regimen. The effectiveness of any means for skin and hair depends in many respects on lifestyle.

Useful videos

The best dandruff shampoo.

Therapeutic shampoos for seborrhea.

Shampoo Seborin intended for frequent use

The famous cosmetic brand Schwarzkopf has developed a double action shampoo designed to eliminate dandruff. Due to the sparing chemical composition, seborin hair product can be used quite often, while not being afraid that the shampoo will break the structure and surface of the hair. From the use of detergent for seborin curls, you can expect such an effect as:

  • soft impact and gentle care for weakened hair,
  • eliminating dandruff and long-term protection against it,
  • hair gain shine, volume, silkiness,
  • delicate scalp care
  • reducing the likelihood of itching and irritation on the skin of the head.

Cosmetic Seborin for oily hair

People who have increased sebaceous glands, do not avoid the appearance of such problems as excessive fat content of curls. Owners of oily hair is very difficult to find an effective means to eliminate their problems. And frequent shampooing with poor-quality shampoo with an excessive concentration of chemical composition may be unsafe for the hair. In this case, you need a good professional shampoo, originally intended for fatty curls. Dandruff shampoo and excessive oily seborin - exactly the tool that you need "greasy" hair.

The use of such a shampoo will help not only get rid of dandruff, but also helps cleanse the skin of the head and strands from excessive fat. Subsequently, the skin will become cleaner, well-groomed, and the hair will get a fresh look.

Seborin remedy for weak and thin hair

The Schwarzkopf brand created a shampoo designed for thin as well as weak curls. However, the detergent for hair seborin has a double effect, therefore, in addition to the function of caring for brittle weakened strands, the shampoo also prevents the appearance of dandruff and eliminates its recurrence. Moreover, after the use of seborin cosmetic products, thin strands become thicker, more voluminous, stronger.

The composition and action of the shampoo from the company Schwarzkopf

The line of unique professional seborin shampoos has a diverse composition, due to which the main effect of cosmetics is provided. The component component of hair for seborin includes such ingredients:

  • salicylic acid - eliminates infections and skin inflammations,
  • Allantoin - moisturizes the hair, the skin of the head, and heals wounds and renews the cells of the outer layer of the skin,
  • Climbazol - muffles the active growth of fungi, which cause the appearance of dandruff, thereby preventing its occurrence.

In addition to the above ingredients, the shampoo contains caffeine and a whole range of different vitamins that help revitalize curls, as well as their immediate renewal.

Reviews seborin means

Shampoo famous brand Schwarzkopf is not just one of the most popular products in the cosmetic market, not only among ordinary buyers, but also among professionals. Double-acting seborin products were originally created by dermatologists. Therefore, it is safe to use and can not cause irritation of the scalp.

However, negative reviews about the means of seborin can still be found on the Internet. For some users, the shampoo did not help to eliminate dandruff or stopped helping after prolonged use. It all depends on the type of hair and their individual characteristics. Of course, the tool may not suit everyone. To avoid unsuccessful purchases, immediately before choosing a shampoo, examine its composition, carefully read the indications, instructions for use, and do not forget to take into account the problematic nature and type of your curls.

The price of dandruff products seborin is quite acceptable, as for professional shampoo.

Despite the fact that in the reviews of many users, the price of this tool is rather a disadvantage than an advantage, yet the popularity of the cosmetic product of a famous brand does not fall.

Choosing this or that cosmetic products for hair, remember that you choose beauty and health for your curls!

Reviews about the drug, the average price in pharmacies

Schwarzkopf shampoo has gained popularity not only among ordinary consumers, but also among professionals. The latter, in turn, highly appreciated the developed composition, which effectively fights with any manifestations of seborrhea.

But still, this tool can not be suitable for each person. Some users note that the shampoo stopped helping after prolonged use or was unable to eliminate dandruff. In this case, it all depends on the individual characteristics and the structure of the organism.

Seborin. Dandruff Shampoo

Seborrhea is called a violation of the sebaceous glands, with the result that a person suffers from a lack of normal discharge of subcutaneous fat: either it is too much or it is not enough. In the latter case, the scalp is often covered with dry whitish scales - dandruff. And bring it quite problematic.

Typical dandruff treatment errors

Many independently come to the conclusion that the appearance of dry scales is associated with dry scalp. Therefore, they try to moisten it as much as possible. As a result, this often leads to the fact that the hair becomes greasy, becomes dirty more quickly, and dandruff does not disappear. In some cases, the condition only worsens, the scales become larger, itching and irritation are added to them, sometimes even parasites infect from excessive moisture and fat. That is why it is necessary to approach the dandruff treatment process wisely, using proven and high-quality products.

Dandruff Shampoo

In pharmacies and on store shelves, you can meet and buy a huge amount of headwash with a mark "anti-dandruff". However, most often this is just a publicity stunt designed to boost sales. Although among the existing dandruff shampoos can be found, and those that really help to normalize the sebaceous glands.

So, "Seborin" Schwarzkopf company produced by the manufacturer, taking into account the existing types of hair: for oily, for dry, for normal. It is worth remembering that universal dandruff shampoos do not exist, because the normalization of the sebaceous glands affects the type of hair, too. Oily hair remedy cannot help those who are naturally dry or normal. That is why “Seborin” and is focused on the health and demands of people.

Remedy for normal hair

It would seem that a normal type of hair - it is good that subcutaneous fat is produced normally. However, this is not quite true. Owners of normal hair type also suffer from dandruff, because it appears on the background of nervous stress, and poor diet, and excessive physical exertion. And the type of hair here does not play any role. Dry skin scales may be found, both over the entire area of ​​the head, and in some of its parts. And in combination with itching and irritation, this causes a lot of discomfort.

It is normal hair that is most susceptible to breakage and weakening from negative external factors. Therefore, especially for the owners of this type of hair, the company released a separate shampoo "Seborin". It contains salicylic acid, which successfully fights fungal diseases, allantoyl, which normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, climbazole - the “killer” of fungal infections.

In addition, the complex contains vitamins and minerals that help to significantly improve the condition of weak and thin hair, make them healthier and stronger. The cost of this shampoo "Seborin" also varies in the region of 100-150 rubles for 250 ml. To distinguish the means of the series, just look at the appropriate labeling on the bottle, which will indicate what type of hair it is suitable. The composition of shampoos is somewhat different, otherwise they would be absolutely identical.

Instruction and warning

The use of shampoo will not cause difficulties, and special instructions are not needed here. The product is applied to wet hair, it foams, and is thoroughly washed with running water. You do not need to hold it like a mask or balm, but you can wash your head twice in a row if you wish.

It is worth noting reviews that the manufacturer does not position its tool as a medicine or therapeutic agent. The package states that it is a cosmetic product that only cares for the scalp and cleans it. As soon as you stop using shampoo, there is a risk that dandruff will come back again. Therefore, it is necessary first to find out the cause of its appearance, eliminate it, and then remove the dry scales so that they do not reappear. For the treatment of dandruff, you need to contact a trichologist, who will not only help with the determination of its appearance, but also tell you exactly how to get rid of it.

Cosmetic dandruff shampoo "Seborin" only helps to eliminate the effects, visually make the scalp healthier. And the hair, by virtue of its direct purpose, it is simply obliged to wash, otherwise it would not be called shampoo.


Watch the video: My Review on Nioxin Shampoo, treatment to stop thinning hair & hair loss. (June 2024).