
Vitamins Perfectil for hair loss - a full review of the means


Unpleasant situation occurs in women and men, regardless of age and time of year - hair loss. This may be due to unfavorable climate, stress, hormonal disruptions, unbalanced diet, and lack of vitamins. The Perfectil vitamin complex against hair loss has proven itself well. Let's take a closer look at these "miracle vitamins."

The effect of the application

The complex of multivitamins Perfectil has a beneficial effect from the inside, therefore, it affects the appearance of a person. The complex is designed perfectly, all the components complement each other. After drinking a course of the drug Perfectil, the hair stops falling out, the structure and root bulb strengthens, and the hair begins to grow more intensively and a new hair appears. Appears gorgeous shine and curls density, due to the formation of new follicles.

Perfectil should be taken by men and women who have the following symptoms:

  • dry and brittle curls,
  • dry skin of the head,
  • alopecia,
  • seborrhea and skin diseases.

The complex includes almost the entire periodic table. The composition of the drug is balanced - each micro and macro elements are interconnected with each other, which enhances their action.

1. Vitamins:

  • C - 31.2 mg,
  • D - 2.6 mcg
  • B6 - 20 mg,
  • E - 40 mg,
  • B2 - 5 mg,
  • B1 - 10 mg,
  • B12 - 9 mcg.

2.Micro and macro elements:

  • zinc - 15 mg,
  • Nicotinamide - 18 mg,
  • calcium pantothenate - 40 mg,
  • folic acid - 500 mcg,
  • iron - 11.9 mg,
  • manganese - 2 mg,
  • cystine - 10 mg,
  • iodine - 200 mcg,
  • copper - 2 mg,
  • silicon - 3 mg,
  • chrome - 49.9 mcg,
  • magnesium - 50 mg,
  • Echinacea extract - 194.9 mg,
  • selenium - 100 mcg
  • beta carotene - 5 mg,
  • para-aminobenzoic acid - 30 mg,
  • Burdock extract - 80 mg.

3. Auxiliary substances.

Manufacturers produce different series of multivitamin complexes Perfectil. Their composition is somewhat different from each other, but the effect of all vitamins is the same, they successfully fight alopecia, and also act as a prophylactic agent.

Perfectil Classic

Universal complex, because not only strengthens the nails, improves the condition of the epidermis and fights with alopecia, but also is a general tonic. The tonic effect is due to the fact that the drug contains an extract of echinacea, which strengthens the immune system. The preparation also includes vitamins C, D, B, iodine, calcium, magnesium, and other trace elements.

Attention! Daily intake of the drug is 1 capsule. It is necessary to drink a small amount of water during or after a meal. Reception course is designed for 1 month.

The price for the multivitamin complex Perfectil Classic will be from 490 rubles for a course calculated for 1 month.

Perfectil Trichodolic

Vitamin complex works purposefully to eliminate the disease such as hair loss. The preparation contains marine collagen (it promotes moisturizing of the hair, making the curls less brittle and more elastic), L-cystine and grape seeds (struggling with the action of free radicals, protecting the skin from premature aging and baldness), L-methionine, inositol, and other important trace elements.

All of the above vitamins actively fight baldness, contribute to the appearance of new follicles of hair follicles, retain the natural color of curls and nourish the body with important micro and macro elements.

Daily intake of the drug - 1 capsule, with food or immediately after a meal. The capsule must be washed down with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is calculated from 1 to 3 months.

The price for Perfectil Tricholic multivitamin complex will be from 1600 rubles for 60 capsules.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having studied the composition of the complex, it becomes obvious that Perfectil has more advantages in use than minuses. Since 1 capsule contains the daily daily rate of essential vitamins, the drug nourishes the entire body with vitamins: struggling with hair loss, strengthens the nails and improves skin condition. Another one of the advantages is that only 1 capsule should be consumed per day, this is very convenient, since the probability of missing a reception is minimal.

Of the minuses can distinguish the cost of the drug and the presence of side effects.

How to fix the result

For the treatment of alopecia it is necessary to approach the complex - the use of vitamins will not be enough, additional measures will be required to consolidate the result. It is necessary to use products rich in beneficial properties for the scalp and hair. In the complex treatment will be useful restorative and nourishing masks for hair and scalp. They can be carried out at home, as with the help of purchased means, and with the help of folk remedies, or in beauty salons with the help of specialists.

Important! In no case should you take other vitamin complexes along with Perfectil - this can lead to a glut of micro and macro elements in the body.

Precautionary measures

The drug is contraindicated in:

  • hypervitaminosis,
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug,
  • renal failure
  • leukemia,
  • pregnancy
  • autoimmune disease and multiple sclerosis.

With improperly selected complex of vitamins or with the wrong scheme of use There are chances of side effects:

  • allergic reactions
  • nausea,
  • dry mouth
  • stomach ache.

Vitamin complex is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of your body. It is competent to choose which vitamins from the Perfectil series are most suitable for your body, only a trichologist will be able to. Do not forget to consult with a specialist.

Useful videos

Health: vitamins for hair, nails and skin.

Growing hair fast is real.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Vitamins Perfectil positively affect the skin and hair, filling the body with essential trace elements from the inside. The tool speeds up processes cell regeneration and blood microcirculation. Also, the drug has the ability to increase the level hemoglobinwounds and cuts on the skin heal faster.

Perfectil contributes to the conclusion toxins from the body, protects against the damaging effects of the skin on the sun and other factors. Vitamins and trace elements are actively involved in the synthesis process essential amino acids.


  • allergic to vitamins, microelements, auxiliary substances in the complex,
  • pregnant and lactating women
  • hypervitaminosis,
  • renal failure, leukemia, multiple sclerosis,
  • tuberculosis and rheumatism,
  • autoimmune diseases, AIDS, neoplasms.

Side effects

As a rule, occur rarely. Are possible nausea, problems with the digestive tract, vomiting, allergic skin reactions, change HELL, nervous excitement orapathy.


May occur when taken concomitantly with other vitamins and dietary supplements or taking large doses of the drug. Symptoms vary, depending on the component of the complex, an overdose of which occurred. Most often thisnausea, vomiting, headache and diarrhea, violation of blood pressure and heart rate.

It should discontinue medication. Therapy - according to symptoms.


It is not recommended to combine with food, which reduces the efficiency of absorption of active ingredients and antacids.

Perfectil is not recommended to be combined with by means of carrying and drugs cholesterol, rifampicin, barbiturates, phenytoin, calcium preparationsas the efficiency of mastering the complex will decrease.

A 3-hour interval should be observed between taking the complex and tetracycline, dicureol, fluoroquinolones, digoxin, cimetidine, diflunisal, methyldopa, indomethacin, aspirin, antacids and penicylamine.

Be wary of combining with estrogen, retinoid and thiazides (available hypervitaminosis), neomycincardiac glycosides carbamazepine, rifampicin, cholestyramine, cholestipol.

Possible reduction of drugs that provide immunosuppressive Effect, hormonal contraceptives.

Analogs of Perfectil

What to choose: Revalid or Perfectil?

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, the original has a wider range of effects, the condition of not only skin and hair, but also nails is improved. But analog has fewer side effects, they occur less frequently.

Which is better: Pantovigar or Perfectil?

Many people note low efficiency and insufficient content of vitamins and trace elements in pantovigar. But it contains keratin. Drink complex need a long time (up to six months), in contrast to Perfectil. Analogue is somewhat more expensive than the original.

Reviews of Perfect

Reviews of vitamins Perfectil good. Women who took the capsules marked improvement in the quality of hair and skin condition, the rapid growth of nails. Some are confused by the side effect - nausea after taking. It is often written on the forums that there will be no harm and nausea if there is really a deficiency of vitamins in the body. With the help of the drug they grow their hair, often girls post photos before and after taking the drug.

Reviews of doctors at Perfectil are positive. The complex is used to treat eczema, skin recovery after burns.

Favorite multivitamins for hair loss PERFECTIL .. Excellent help with seasonal hair loss, improve growth and appearance of hair .. A positive effect on the skin and nails .. (many photos in the growth dynamics)

Dear ladies, welcome ..)))

Feedback on Vitamins Perfectil planned to write for a long time ..

It is deserved to praise for anything - with these vitamins I managed to grow quite a decent kind of hair, increase the thickness, get rid of brittle nails ..

I have been concerned about the problem of restoring and growing hair for a long time .. I have already told my sad story, how I’ve already told something like that on my head ..

It was with such a disgrace that I began my long and fascinating journey.

Vitamins Perfectil - just a drop in the sea of ​​all my songs and dances, but what is a drop ..

I especially felt the positive effect of these vitamins, when I unexpectedly stopped eating meat .. Nothing preceded it, the ethical aspects of me, as a rational person, undoubtedly touch. but .. I grew up in the village and I know very well how meat comes out .. Just one fine moment I realized that I have been completely without meat for several weeks .. I have been following Great Lent quite calmly for a couple of weeks ..

But the hair on the food reacted quite expected .. Spring avitaminosis, proteins in the food only of plant origin - in general, I was again visited by seasonal molting ..

The magical effect of perfectil on the hair-skin-nails, I felt in the first reception last fall ..

Significantly decreased seasonal hairfall.That fall, it acquired a catastrophic scale - the drain of the bathroom was constantly clogged, the vacuum cleaner filters simply could not cope with the load. Afraid that I would be bald - I turned my attention to Biomax’s habitual vitamins (good Russian vitamins, which have already been rescued well), but alas, they were powerless ..

Thickness noticeably thinned, and here I came across a branch of reviews on the Perfectil vitamins ..

KALTSEMIN - for bones, nails, teeth. Helped with calcium deficiency during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Of course, I repeatedly saw ads on TV, but I used to miss all these blah blahs from the screens past the ears .. And the reviews of real girls turned out to be very helpful .. Someone was delighted, some were not ..

You will not try, you will not understand .. Having bought two packages of perfectile (the cost in the autumn in the network of city pharmacies is about 700 rubles), I started treating alopecia from the inside ..

I'll say right away -drinking the capsule is strictly after eating, drinking plenty of water.Once I slept, I quickly gathered up and decided that I would have breakfast at work, swallowed the perfectionil on an empty stomach ..

The composition of multivitamins Perfektil chic ..

In addition to vitamins and minerals, the composition contains an extract of Echinacea, which will significantly improve the psycho-emotional state, especially in the off-season ..

An excellent help for me, as for a person in whose diet is now exclusively vegetable food, was the content of iron in vitamins, which allows me to keep hemoglobin normal .. At the moment my Hb is 133, which is normal for a woman (120-140 is our norm) ..And this is with absolutely vegetarian food over the past month.

Significantly improved skin condition ..

And finally, hair. After a couple of weeks of taking Perfectil, I left the hairfall before I could really begin ..
Now I actively grow hair using all imaginable and inconceivable ways .. I noticed that vitamins have a positive effect on hair growth on parting ..

I was pleased with the undercoat that appeared .. Thank God, with perfect it became possible to restore the former density ..

Hair fall 2015 ..

Hair in the winter 2015-2016

Hair now ..

Perfectil is very pleased with vitamins ..

Of course, I will recommend with pleasure .. I liked Perfectil and came up ..

Of course, I will drink the course if necessary .. If you don’t have any problems with falling out, but in search of good vitamins to maintain the body during the off-season, I recommend paying attention to Vitrum with beta-carotene ..

KALTSEMIN - for bones, nails, teeth. Helped with calcium deficiency during pregnancy and after childbirth.​​​​​​​

Vitamins LANNACHER Neuromultivitis They can do EVERYTHING - neurological problems, psycho-emotional tension, asthenia, hair loss .. I highly recommend


Watch the video: The Benefits & Side Effects of Biotin for Hair Growth, Skin & Nails (July 2024).