
Evening hairstyles step by step execution


When you need to look perfect, but do not have time to visit the hairdresser, you can use step-by-step ideas to create evening hairstyles. Your attention - the TOP-10 options.

There are hairstyles, the creation of which practically does not require additional accessories, but there are also more complex options, in which hairpins, invisibility and decorative hairpins will be needed. It is better to stock up on this in advance. Also do not interfere with styling products: varnish, wax, gel.

Not the most difficult hairstyle, which is well suited for a wedding, and for a party with friends. Depending on the situation, you can use different decorations (for example, the flower will make this evening hairstyle, the step-by-step version of which you see, more relaxed).

Pretty interesting hairstyle with braids. Best for long hair. If there are none, then the tresses will help out, maybe even a couple of shades that are different from the main hair color.

Simple and fast step by step instructions for creating an evening hairstyle. True, there can not do without curling.

This option will be ideal for hair curly by nature, or those on which the perm is performed.

An option that will make you look touching and gentle!

Classics of the genre of evening hairstyles. The step-by-step instruction allows you to see that there is nothing difficult in this arrangement.

Also nothing complicated - the main thing is to be careful. Although loose strands can give hairstyle a charming ease.

Simple, beautiful and, most importantly, very fast!

This hairstyle is ideal for fairly heavy and thick hair.

Spectacular laconic hairstyle with decoration

Inexperienced craftswomen appreciate simplicity in their hairstyles in the first place. Is it possible to make a laconic styling for the holiday? It turns out that yes. Simple, but at the same time amazingly beautiful evening hairstyle will be obtained subject to compliance with all recommendations.

To make it easier to create a hairstyle for a celebration, we suggest using step-by-step instructions. It will be easier for you to perform all the actions if you wash your hair not on the same day, but the day before. If the skin of your head is distinguished by an increased level of fat content, wash your hair immediately before starting to style your hair.

After preparing your hair, follow the instructions:

  1. Divide the hair horizontally, departing from the line of the beginning of hair growth 5-6 cm.
  2. Combing most of the strands back.
  3. Front parting.
  4. Braid a simple braid from the whole mass of strands.
  5. Wrap it in the back of the bundle and secure it with stealth.
  6. Decorate your hair with a beautiful accessory in front.

Hair clips in the form of flowers, butterflies and other natural elements are ideally combined with this hairstyle. Contrast decorations look very nice. For example, if you have black hair, use light or bright accessories: white, pink, purple, green. Brown-haired girls and blondes are more suited to decorating pastel colors: light blue, beige and olive.

Important advice from the publisher.

Stop damaging your hair with harmful shampoos!

A recent study of hair care products revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos spoil our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals penetrate the blood through the pores, and are spread through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommends discarding these shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the company Mulsan Cosmetic. Products meet all standards and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend to visit the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics do not have a shelf life of more than one year of storage.

Ballroom hair styling

In almost every woman's life, a ball happens at least once. He is carefully selected as outfits and hair with makeup. Long fluffy dress, high heels, flawless manicure and make-up require carefully designed styling of strands, no matter how long they are.

In this section, we offer you one of the most popular and versatile hairstyles for a ballroom evening. It can be done both by young graduates at their first prom, and by adult women at a theme party. Instructions for the implementation of hair will contain the following items:

  1. Divide the hair into three approximately equal parts.
  2. Start braiding the braids from the sides towards the middle, gradually grabbing the strands of the middle section.
  3. As a result, you should have two braids, as close as possible to each other from below.
  4. At the level of the neck, start to connect them in one braid.
  5. Secure the pigtail with a rubber band and lift up.
  6. Thread it through your hair several times and hold it invisible.
  7. Treat your hairstyle with fixing agent with glitter and decorate with an accessory if desired.

This variant of styling can be repeated only under the condition of optimal hair length. Of too long, as well as short, strands hairstyle will not work. It looks perfect on hair above the middle of the back. When making a haircut, it is better to remove the bang - it will definitely be superfluous.

A bundle of large curls in combination with harnesses

If you wind the hair into curls, styling will look advantageous in any variation. A few years earlier, a full-fledged evening hairstyle was considered even a simple perm. The loose curls were decorated with hairpins and rims, lent volume and sent to the feast. Now fashion dictates slightly different rules. If you are doing a perm, then be sure to form from her complex hairstyle.

One of the options will be discussed in this section. Everyone likes this hairstyle: girls and aged ladies. You can even make it on relatively short hair. We describe in stages the entire process of creating hairstyles from curls and braids:

  1. Apply lacquer on the hair and twist the strands into large curls.
  2. Leaving one large strand in front, fasten the curls on the back of your head with the help of invisible women.
  3. Each curl lift up and attach to the bulk of the hair.
  4. Form strands from the front strands and attach to the bundle.
  5. Decorate your hair with bright accessories.

In the presence of bangs you have room for creativity. Hair can be combed to the side, put up or slightly twist the tips. Also with a bundle and harnesses, straight bangs are perfectly combined.

The whole process of creating this hairstyle you can see in the plot.

Greek evening styling

Greek style in clothes, make-up, manicure and hairstyles does not cease to amaze with its magnificence. Themed styling allows you to emphasize all the beauty and naturalness of the girl, especially at the celebration. In combination with this hairstyle, it is not necessary to wear a dress of Greek cut. She is suitable for evening dresses in the floor, fluffy skirts and simple short dresses.

The proposed version of the Greek hairstyles can make their own owners of short and medium haircuts. For girls with long hair it is better to use a slightly different design. To make your hair look neat and bright, follow the instructions:

  1. Straighten and smooth strands.
  2. Put on your head a thin circular bezel so that your hair is lying under it.
  3. Twist the front strands into strands and pull back.
  4. Thread them through the bezel and connect with the rest.
  5. Form a harness from all the hairs behind and thread it through the bezel.
  6. Make a cone out of the rope and secure it with stealth.

At the end of the procedure, do not forget to sprinkle hair with fixative composition. The hairstyle does not need additional adornment, because the bandage or headband in the Greek style gives it a special piquancy. Looking at the photo with the image of the styling stages, it will be much easier for you to repeat the described process.

Braided beam

This variation of hairstyle is in high demand among brides and graduates. It allows you to emphasize and increase the freshness and peculiar brightness inherent in young girls. Making such a package without special skills will be difficult. However, you can find a lot of reviews that it is quite possible at home after a few workouts.

A brief description of the process of hairstyle design will consist of the following items:

  1. Separate and temporarily kill part of the hair, retreating 5-7 cm from the forehead line.
  2. Scrape the remaining strands from the inside.
  3. With a roller, form a bundle.
  4. Smooth loose hair - the bundle must be perfectly correct.
  5. From the front strands braid braids on both sides.
  6. Transfer the braids along the beam line to both sides so that they lie parallel to each other.
  7. Secure the ends of the braids and mask them.

If you decorate your hair with pearls, it will look just magical. Rhinestones and other unnecessarily bright elements are not combined with this style. If you have bangs, it is better to remove it sideways or weave in braids. It looks very original side strands released from the hair and curled into curls.

Weaving ribbon in high tail

Ribbons in modern fashion have become less in demand and have already been relegated to the background. Meanwhile, they are a great tool for creating stunning evening hairstyles. For a simple styling, you only need a transparent elastic band, a thin satin ribbon and a fixing composition.

Wash and condition your hair. It is advisable to straighten them with an iron to give perfect smoothness.

Then you can begin to perform the most hairstyles:

  1. Collect the high tail on the back of the head and secure it with a small rubber band.
  2. Wrap a ribbon around the elastic and tie it at the bottom of the tail.
  3. Separate the side strand from the tail and cover it with tape.
  4. Transfer the same strand to the other side of the tail, but just below, and also cover it with tape.
  5. Repeat step 4 several times.
  6. Tie a beautiful bow on the tip of the tail.
  7. Straighten the resulting links to give your hair volume and process the hair with fixative preparation.

Best of all on this hairstyle look ribbons of bright shades. Try to match them to the dress or accessories. The video below shows the step-by-step process for creating the hairstyle described here.

Typical mistakes in the design of evening hairstyles

In their desire to save, girls are not afraid to learn such a complex skill - the art of creating evening hairstyles. However, this is far from all. Hairstyles do not get the same as in photographs and videos, due to the fact that the novice master makes mistakes during styling, which are as follows:

  • Using studs instead of stealth.
  • The use of lacquers medium and easy fixation.
  • The lack of good tools: clips, brushes, combs, rubber bands.
  • Excessive haste.

To prevent your hairstyle from breaking up ahead of time, fasten it with invisible hair as often as possible: preferably, at each of the stages. For evening styling only strong lacquers are suitable. All manipulations on the design of hair should be done with great care and diligence. If you are nervous, beautiful styling just will not work.

Previously, the girls could not even think about doing their own evening hairstyles on their own. Now even non-professionals can learn how to style their hair in an unusual way. Moreover, fashion has become more tolerant to the designs of holiday hairstyles, and it becomes more and more interesting to recreate them each time.

Evening hairstyles do-it-yourself at home

Evening hairstyle should be different ease of execution and at the same time look very elegant and beautiful. It would seem that to achieve such an equilibrium is very difficult. However, you should not make hasty conclusions, obviously condemning yourself to the fact that you will not be able to perform a hair-do yourself, that it will not correspond to the ideas.

A variety of styling can be created for the evening out. This may be romantic curls, showing the beauty of a luxurious head of hair.

All sorts of high hairstyles will also be relevant.

Low beam, decorated from the curls, is very popular at all kinds of holidays.

Below you will see the possible ideological variations of evening hairstyles that you can do with your own hands, based on the photo, which will allow you to perform each action step by step.

Laying with spikelet and beam

To get such an aristocratic, expressive hairstyle for medium hair length, you need to do the following: comb the curls back and start weaving the French braid. When the occipital part is reached, the hair will need to be collected in a ponytail, which is wound by means of a special ironing or curling. Created curls fit into the shape of the free beam. Each strand must be secured with a pin. The completed hairstyle should be fixed with varnish.

Tail on the side

This evening hairstyle with their own hands is very simple on medium hair. With its help, you can create a light, cute and gentle image.

To begin with, you should divide the hair into separate strands, each of which is curled by a curling iron. Curls are combed towards the side parting. In the crown part it is necessary to make light small bouffant. When all the strands are collected in the side tail, a thin strand is left at the forehead to wrap the elastic. The tip is fixed by a pin. For reliability, it is recommended to drizzle styling varnish. It turns out a great option hairstyles for the evening.

Tails can be done by themselves and in other ways that look no less beautiful and stylish.

Charming spikelet

With medium hair, you can work as you please, including creating beautiful weaving, which is often used as an addition to evening styling.

To create the next such elegant and interesting, quite evening hairstyle for medium curls, you need the following: comb the hair back, separate the small strand near the forehead, which needs to be divided into three equal parts, after which the process of weaving a three-row braid begins. As we work on creating hairstyles, the side strands are gradually added, which leads to weaving of the French spikelet, which weaves to the end of the curls. The made spikelet is clamped by a volume barrette that could hold the piling. A luxurious braid fits around this hairpin. To give a hairstyle a delicate, airy look, you can slightly fluff it up, stretch the braid. Spit the tip of the spit down and - last - fix it with a pin or an invisible hairpin.

This evening hairstyle for medium hair is not difficult to do with your own hands. The styling looks very elegant. Perfect for visiting theaters and restaurants, cultural pastime. Babetta noticeably distinguishes the girl from the crowd, will give charm.

The stages of its implementation are simple: the hair is collected in the tail, a second elastic band is tied slightly lower, then the tail rises up. Where the hair is secured with a second rubber band, you need to fasten the tail with a hairpin, placing a special roller under it. Curls located below the elastic should be braided into a braid. She hides under babette.Or you can wrap it around the beam.

Original fishtail

On long hair, braids look especially impressive. You can also create an evening look from them. If the usual fishtail is boring, you can try such an interesting developed version, which will look decent as an evening hairstyle. All that needs to be done to perform the styling: first of all, make a straight parting (it is also possible to have a side part), then from one side a strand is taken that is woven into a standard braid.

After the actions, the braid is placed around the head towards the back of the head. It is fixed by a pin or invisible. Then weaving is carried out repeatedly from the opposite side.

Next, all the braids need to throw on its side and braid them in a fish tail. The tip of the hair is tied with an inconspicuous elastic under the hair color.

This evening version of the hairstyle will look beautiful with large earrings.

Volume side braid

Hairstyle for long hair looks very gently, alluring and attractive. It is done this way: all strands are combed towards the side parting, hair is spread to one side (which one will be more convenient to work with). Three thin strands should be distinguished, from which the French braid will be formed (the movement should go to the ear).

Additional curls are located strictly horizontally.

When the neck level is reached, it is necessary to switch to the weaving of an ordinary three-piece plait.

The tip is tied with a rubber band (it should match the color of the curls).

Next, the strands are made slightly free (at the bottom of the braided braid). The created hairstyle is sprayed with varnish and you can go to the evening.

Restrained secular styling

If a lady comes out into the light, is in a formal setting, and a discreet image is needed, then in this case the hairstyle will suit for the evening in the form of a bun, which is very easy to do with your own hands, even on long hair.

Consider laying a smooth execution of the beam. Having washed her head well, she should dry her hair with a hairdryer and pull it out using a round brush. Curls are smoothed over the entire length (after all, it allows to achieve absolute smoothness). The wide strand of the forehead must be separated from the rest of the hair and temporarily left it. The rest of the curls tied into a pony tail. The loose strand should then be placed around the ear and wrapped around the elastic. The end of the strand is fixed with a pin. The tail is divided into four equal parts, each of which is twisted into a tight bundle, and then wrapped around the base of the tail and secured with a pin. Should get a neat little bit. Hair sprinkled with varnish.

Double basket

Another version of the romantic evening styling for long hair: curls are divided by side parting, the ends are curled with the help of an ironing, then the curls are divided horizontally into two halves. The upper part is fixed with a barrette. The lower part is tied to the tail. Then the gum should be lowered just below the middle of the tail level. The remaining end combing comb. The resulting bouffant rolls into a roller using studs. The curls located in the upper part are bloomed, after which the same procedure is repeated - the tail is tied, the elastic goes down below, the tip is combed and rolled into a roller, then fastened with pins. The resulting hairstyle for the evening is fixed varnish.

Choosing one of the presented evening hairstyles for long and medium hair, the girl will feel like a real queen of the evening, captivating her eyes, making her admire her amazing and gorgeous way.

Spectacular and stylish retro hairstyles can be found here.

Easy hairstyle for short hair

With short hair, you can think of a lot of evening styling. For example, lay out strands with waves and fix with varnish, straighten with a flat iron and, having combed the top of the head, decorate with flowers or a rim. As an option, short hair with a curling iron with a corrugation of the nozzle to twist and effectively stabbed. But such transformations are boring and boring women of fashion.

It is worth a little imagination. For example, the usual small tail to turn into a lush flower.

With short hair, everything is done lightly.

  1. To separate hair from the temporal part, to collect the remaining strands in the tail on the back of the head, wearing elastic (use thin and inconspicuous).
  2. Slightly raise the fastened curls at the top of the head so that the hair looks lush.
  3. To comb a tail, and after, having separated a small strand, to twist it with fingers in a bezel and to fix with a styling. Similarly, put some more curls on top of the tail, trying to hide the gum.
  4. Twist the lower tail strands, putting it under the tail. If desired, they can also be twisted into rims and effectively lay out. Straighten the front strands and, framing the head, bring it under the tail. Chip the invisible.

Evening hairstyle for short hair done. Now it's only a matter of decorating the hair. You can attach a stud with rhinestones or a hairpin with a large flower in the center of the beam. It will be a very solemn and elegant hairstyle.

Hairstyle for shoulder-length hair with a rim

Headbands, wreaths, openwork ribbons, hoops - constant accessories that help make a simple hairstyle special and beautiful. The next hairstyle is light and simple, but it looks amazing in a duet with evening attire. Repeat it simply and, most importantly, quickly.

Hairstyle is done on the hair to the shoulders with a long bang. For laying you need a tight thin hoop and a few invisible hairpins.

  1. The effect depends on the quality of the pile. Separating the strands from the bang itself and moving to the crown, we comb the comb at the roots.
  2. Go through the combed hair comb to gently smooth them and eliminate ugly pomp.
  3. Put on the hoop, pulling the hair from the forehead area.
  4. Now proceed to the styling of hair from behind. First we collect the strands from the temples and we cut them with invisible beings.
  5. Having picked up one more strand from each side, we attach them over the chipped curls, laying them overlapping. We fasten invisible.
  6. The remaining curls should also pin up stealth, laying crosswise upward. Hairstyle is almost ready. Now you need to disguise the place, fastened invisible. For this fit beautiful hairpins, bows or a lot of studs with rhinestones, stones.

Vintage evening hairstyle

Young people, rotating in a bohemian society, love themed and retro parties. Appear on such, dressed in an incredibly elegant modern dress, will not allow any beauty. The image is carefully thought out. With the selection of the costume does not arise. Another thing - how to lay the hair to the shoulders to complete the retro image? It is worth trying on yourself to try on the following styling.

Retro hairstyle for evening reception is ready. It's time to try on outfit.

Hairstyles on shoulder-length hair and long curls

Elegant looks evening hair on the shoulder-length hair with bangs, made in the technique of binding tails. Repeat it easily without help. Only need to get a few thin rubber bands (suitable for those used to fix the African braids).

Step by step evening hairstyle is performed as follows.

  1. Separate the outer strands from the frontal part (do not touch the central part of the hair!) And fasten according to the principle of malvinka.
  2. Twist, taking the tail up, and stretch down. Get an interesting cover. Repeat the twisting to turn the strands into strands.
  3. Collect the next two side strands in the tail and twist it again several times.
  4. Pull up the bottom tail so that the binding is close to the first, and the flagella are at a minimum distance from each other.
  5. We do the same with the third curls.
  6. Collecting the side strands, you should gradually go to the shape of a letter V. The side curls of the hair remain free floating.
  7. After completing the last tail, twist it only once and lay it down so that it does not bulge out.
  8. The final touches - bindings relax a little and give the evening hairstyle volume.
  9. At the very end, lift the top of the head with the tip of the comb and sprinkle the hair with styling.

Bangs can be laid in any way. For example, comb or gel coat, comb to the side.

Similar evening hairstyle can be performed on long hair.

In this case, you will need some decoration or bow-barrette to hide the hair bound by elastic bands.

  1. The creation of the hairstyle begins, as always, with careful combing.
  2. Side strands collect. It is important that there is a gap between them, and the curls from the crown gently fall down.
  3. We fasten with a rubber band.
  4. Twist several times, directing the tips of the tail up into the lumen and stretch it below.
  5. Bound curls with each binder turn into a flagellum.
  6. We tighten the gum.
  7. Separate two more side strands, fasten lower than the first binding.
  8. We twist the tail again.
  9. Between the first and second gum should get a small distance.
  10. We collect the third pair of side curls and weave a regular braid over the last binding of the elastic band.
  11. We fasten the braid, and then with the help of a curl taken from the tip of the host, we veil the elastic.
  12. It's time to decorate the evening hairstyle with a barrette or other beautiful accessory.

Elegant bow

Do not think that graceful bows adorn the head of only little girls. Stylists, offering options for evening hairstyles, advised to try on a gracefully laid on his head bow of hair. This hairstyle is elegant and sophisticated. And how many different versions of this style you can think of! And no matter what the length of the hair (too short strands will not work again, you should not experiment). The main thing is that the curls come to be laid strictly according to the rules.

This evening hairstyle can easily be performed by oneself. Only a little practice is necessary to understand the principle.

  1. Having combed hair, pry off with the handle of the scallop and clearly separate the horizontal parting.
  2. Collect in the tail. It is more convenient to use a rubber band, but thin and durable.
  3. Dragging the strands with a rubber band a second time, do not stretch the hair to the end, but leave the curl about 5 cm.
  4. The tips of the hair should stay down.
  5. The bookmark is separated in half to get a figure eight.
  6. Spread half a boule on each side to form a bow.
  7. Such a form should work out.
  8. Raise the lower loose tail strands and overtighten the bow with them in the middle. Pull through the gum and again take out the tips at the bottom. Hairstyle for the evening meeting is ready.
It is important to perform this type of laying neatly. If the main stitch becomes tattered during the waist, you will have to start the creation of the hairstyle again.

Even the lightest evening hairstyles can sometimes be repeated on your hair. Need practice and time. Something does not work - do not retreat and try again. If someone has managed once to create beauty on the head of hair, then the option of hairstyle can be repeated by another person. It is important, preparing yourself for the evening reception, to perform the perfect styling. After all, the beauty of the most spectacular and elegant hairstyle can be instantly spoiled by a sloppy look and protruding strand.


Watch the video: The Run Braid Combo. Hairstyles for Sports (July 2024).