
9 tricks for beautiful hair, as in advertising


Of course, for thematic advertising rarely choose girls with ugly, unkempt hair. It is important that the strands are healthy and strong. To do this, use special shampoos, masks, conditioners and other balms. Some types of professional cosmetics allow you to quickly and easily improve the condition of the hair and scalp. It is also important that the model is properly fed. A special role is played by omega-3 acids contained in fatty fish varieties and nuts, as well as vitamins C, B2 and E. Of the minerals, calcium is most important in this case.

Proper hair care is only half the battle. Preparing the actress for shooting in advertising, stylists are working to remove all split ends, if necessary, to increase hair, and also smooth them. Hairdressers use special irons, hot scissors cutting, lamination. All this allows an artificial way to improve the condition of the hair.

Before filming, the strands are treated with a special spray gloss. It creates a soft glow and makes the curls shimmer in the light. At the same time, to achieve the desired effect, people who provide lighting on the set, you need to work hard.

Extra tricks of shiny hair effect

In order for the products to produce a stronger and more noticeable effect, stylists can conduct an express course of hair treatment. To do this, use special procedures involving the filling of the injured areas of each hair with silicone. In parallel, you can also use polishing serum, due to which the hair is smoothed and begin to shine brighter. Such procedures can be used on your own, but it is important to understand that they are expensive, and that they need a good specialist to carry out them, as well as to choose the means.

In some cases it is appropriate to use a special tool that allows you to very quickly give your hair a luxurious shine. To do this, stylists mix special professional serum to smooth the strands and normalize the hair structure with golden shadows, which are used to make up the eyelids. Of course, the shadow must first be crushed, although it is also possible to use loose cosmetics. The mixture is applied to clean, wet hair, leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, the strands are dried with a hair dryer, while doing styling and combing. The result is a soft refined shine.

Beautiful hair in advertising: crazy volume

The famous hairdresser of Herbal Essences, Charles Baker Strahan, reveals the secret of mega voluminous styling. In order to make the hair look especially impressive in advertising, it divides it in half with a vertical parting, and then stabs it in such a way that the whole mass of hair concentrates either in front or on one side. After this, the master of volume makes a comb on the lower hair, and then the “extra” strands are blown off from the face with a hairdryer. A couple of strokes with dry shampoo, fixing with varnish, and bulk styling is ready!

Taming the naughty strands

Sometimes abnormal situations during photo or video sessions become an impetus for the discovery of new styling products. So Mara Roszak, the stylist, popular among the Hollywood stars, without having found fudge during shooting, decided to use soap suds. And as a result, she received remarkable volume and fixation.

Smooth bangs

You straightened your bangs for half an hour, and then went outside, and the wind ruined all your labors? Common situation? But in advertising, it seems that the bangs of models all uneasy, how do stylists achieve this? It turns out, with the help of double-sided tape, which securely “attach” bangs to the forehead. This simple way came up with the same resourceful Ken Paves.

Flying hair

How do you get pictures in which model's hair seems to freeze in the air? Extremely easy! So, write down, take a girlfriend - 1pc., A ladder - 1pc., Put the unfortunate woman on the staircase (see not to be confused), and let her pick up and let go of your hair while the photographer clicks the shutter. That is exactly what the aforementioned Ken does to get the perfect frame.

Ruslan Khamitov

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the website

- July 2, 2017, 00:11

all that is on advertising is keratin straightening. no "wonderful masks" and expensive shampoos will help here

- July 2, 2017, 00:26

In advertising, the light of powerful spotlights and filters on the imaging equipment, followed by reverse processing.

- July 2, 2017, 00:30

My girlfriend starred in advertising shampoo. Initially, she herself has very good hair. So, for the sake of a photo, her hair was laid for 2 hours, something was cut there, sprayed with varnish. For the sake of one shot. And how much is there then another photoshop and filters. By the way, I saw a pair of girls really beautiful hair, I think, genetics, otherwise nothing.

- July 2, 2017, 00:48

Blind out of the hair can be something if it is a) not dyed b) by itself of good structure. In other cases, only keratin will give such an effect, Botox staining, etc., gives an effect only for a week.

- July 2, 2017, 01:27

In advertising, everything is exaggerated. Why go with such hair every day? And in life without keratin straightening, it personally gives me a similar effect to staining with ammonia-free vella paint, moisturizing shampoo and some Japanese mega-moisturizing or restoring conditioner. I am often told that my hair is very shiny, especially with artificial office lighting.

- July 2, 2017, 02:51

In advertising, everything is exaggerated. Why go with such hair every day? And in life without keratin straightening, it personally gives me a similar effect to staining with ammonia-free vella paint, moisturizing shampoo and some Japanese mega-moisturizing or restoring conditioner. I am often told that my hair is very shiny, especially with artificial office lighting.

You are not afraid to use Japanese cosmetics? I think that it may be a little bit, but it is a fonit. Simply, this is all by default. The Fukushima reactor has not been stopped.

- July 2, 2017, 10:41

I know one girl, she has gorgeous hair. Says nothing to do with them. She washes once a week, they are not fat in her. Normal shampoo. Even makes masks rarely. No procedures. Just by themselves thick, long, shiny hair. Indeed, as in advertising.

- July 2, 2017, 11:44

I'm working on a photo model. And what God did not award was hair. They are lower than the chest, but thin, so there is no view, when I go somewhere, I catch the hair on the hairpins of the same length just for the volume.
So for photo shoots from my hair make such a mane that any lion would envy. But there is a perm, nachos a lot of varnish and similar nonsense, in the photos the hair just looks gorgeous. Conclusion - do not trust advertisements, advertisements of shampoo in particular))

- July 2, 2017, 5:09 PM

Hair nanoplasty is keratin straightening based on plant amino acids, absolutely harmless, can be pregnant, lactating and children from 6 years.

- July 3, 2017, 09:11

Personally, I am against salon procedures, they only spoil the hair. I recently discovered the Mont Platin hair care products. I ordered a unique shampoo and a mask of natural silk. Already after the first use, the hair became more lively, elastic. The further the more they are restored, I am satisfied. And by the way, I had a 5% discount on the purchase, when I placed an order on my website and inserted special code 42782318, I share it with you. Maybe she still works.

- July 3, 2017, 14:23

I tried a lot of things, but I will tell you that the hair is beautiful when it is healthy and saturated. For this, it is important to eat and take vitamins, fish oil, and a normal drinking regimen. And of the procedures, yes, Botox improves their health, makes them beautiful, healthy, well-groomed. I do not recommend targeting advertising yet. Mezo herself did not, but friends who did, say that she did not give the effect that they waited for.

- July 3, 2017, 16:04

I really value my hair. But to care for them is always so difficult. Most recently, I experienced the unique shampoo for hair without salts from "Mont Platin". The result pleasantly surprised me. The hair became soft and acquired a healthy natural color. By the way, I had a 5% discount on the purchase, when on their website I placed an order and inserted a special code 42782318, I share. Maybe she still works.

- July 3, 2017, 23:09

the hair system, this is when it looks like a wig only from the natures of the hair and instead of a fabric a mesh that looks like skin, and thanks to it you can make partings all over the head, and instead of fixings, glue, which can hold on for a month, and a person can wash their hair, that is, live your life with such hair. After a year, the wig needs to be repaired, and for 2 years the wig’s exploitation period ends. It costs 25-45 tons to grow. depending on thickness, length, etc. And these wigs are made individually for each person, that is, either to cover bald areas, or completely wig. those who have cancer and have the means of this wig salvation. And it can also be removed as a normal wig every day. There is a tool that removes glue. I consider this salvation for someone to fall out and he can no longer psychologically perceive and fight with his three hairs.

- July 4, 2017, 00:06

Surely everyone dreams of hair in advertising. So, with the help of the wonderful hair mask from “Mon Platin” it is quite possible. Within a month of use, the hair stopped falling out and always shimmers beautifully. By the way, when I was shopping I had a 5% discount. To do this, you just need to insert a special code 42782318 at the time of placing an order on their website. Perhaps this promotion is still valid.

- July 4, 2017 12:20

Hi girls I use natural silk hair mask from the company Mon Platin, it is very suitable for my split hair. I am very grateful to the hairdresser that she advised her to me, I purchased it, applied it and my hair became much better, I still had a promo code 42782318 for a 5% discount, then suddenly I’m still working.

- July 4, 2017, 12:24

Mon Platin, your primitive advertising per kilometer see

- July 4, 2017, 12:27

on the topic: the density is given by nature, nothing you do not increase it especially. But shine, hair structure - it can be done. I do keratin straightening once a year. There have never been any horrors like hair loss or drying out. I have been doing for 5 years, just the compositions are good. In my mind, the structure of the hair is porous, and keratin makes the structure dense, the hair reflects light better, does not curl, does not push. You get shiny, well-groomed, beautifully lying hair

Related topics

- July 4, 2017, 18:23

Surely everyone dreams of hair in advertising. So, with the help of the wonderful hair mask from “Mon Platin” it is quite possible. Within a month of use, the hair stopped falling out and always shimmers beautifully. By the way, when I was shopping I had a 5% discount. To do this, you just need to insert a special code 42782318 at the time of placing an order on their website. Perhaps this promotion is still valid.

- July 6, 2017, 09:19

I tried a lot of things, but I will tell you that the hair is beautiful when it is healthy and saturated. For this, it is important to eat and take vitamins, fish oil, and a normal drinking regimen. And of the procedures, yes, Botox improves their health, makes them beautiful, healthy, well-groomed. I do not recommend targeting advertising yet. Mezo herself did not, but friends who did, say that she did not give the effect that they waited for.

1. Scrub for the scalp

Affordable and effective scalp peeling.

The scalp, just like the skin of the face and body, needs peeling from time to time. Scrub helps to get rid of accumulated skin flakes, pleasantly massages the scalp and improves microcirculation. It is easy to make at home by mixing a couple of teaspoons of fine salt with hair balm or oil (even sunflower will do). For a pleasant aroma, you can add a drop of your favorite essential oil. Apply the mixture is better on wet skin before washing your hair. It will be noticeable that you will need less shampoo than usual, because the scrub will do half the work for it, and then feel that the head is literally breathing easier.

2. Shampoo for deep cleaning

Deep cleansing shampoo can be found in the brands of different price categories.

If you often use the foam and varnish or means from split ends, the curls will become some kind of dull and tired. The remains of styling products and silicones accumulate in the hair, making them heavier and depriving them of their natural luster and volume. It is necessary to wash your hair with deep cleansing shampoo once a week (dry - twice a month), so they will look noticeably fresh.

4. Add vinegar

Sour vinegar neutralizes the remaining salt and alkali in the hair.

Those who are not ready to temper their hair with a cold shower will be glad to know that the same mirror shine can be achieved by rinsing it with apple or raspberry vinegar. It smoothes the scales covering our hair.

Argan oil is one of the most valuable in the world.

If there are concerns that the hair will look oily after the oil, it can be applied a couple of hours before washing or at night - so it nourishes your hair and will not let the shampoo dry it too much. You can not even buy something special - look at the kitchen: hair, like you, like sunflower, olive, sesame and coconut (the latter is better not to put on the roots). Classic burdock or castor oil and luxurious argan oil will also suit.

Amla oil strengthens the hair and improves their growth, and broccoli oil can be applied to the tips - it is a natural analogue of silicone "non-washables." Do not forget to cover the pillow with something, so as not to leave greasy marks on the pillowcase, and use silicone hair elastic - it is easy to wash it with the same shampoo.

6. Take turns

Try to apply balm to shampoo.

How do we usually wash my head? First shampoo, then - balm or conditioner. And if the opposite? So the hair will be moisturized, washed and at the same time will not be weighed down with a saturated balm, which means that bulk styling is provided.

A common misconception is to wash your hair with shampoo only once. The first approach removes only surface contamination, and only the second does the work to the end. A little trick - before you lather your hair, you need to moisten it well, so that not too much surfactant gets into it, and shampoo in your palms into foam, adding a little water.

Why can not see the promised effect of the store mask for hair? Perhaps the fact is that the final stage is forgotten? One, two, three: the shampoo opens the hair scales, the mask fills it with nutrients, and the conditioner smoothes the cuticle, sealing all the usefulness inside.

7. Instead of shampoo

Starch is quite capable of replacing dry shampoo.

Curly, dyed or badly damaged hair can not be washed with shampoo at all - enough conditioner for hair or a special cream. This method of shampooing is called covoshing (from the word “conditioner”); it allows you to squeeze porous hair, making it softer and silky.
Do you have to wash your hair every day? Try to extend the freshness of hair with dry shampoo. If you apply it before bedtime, by the morning its remnants will be easier to remove from the hair. Also, dry shampoo will help to urgently bring hair in order if you are overslept. His budget replacement will be baby talc or potato starch.

8. On opening

An option for those who do not want to wrap hair in several layers.

By the way, for a more effective effect, the mask applied to the hair can be heated: put on a shower cap, wrap a towel or a woolen cloth on top, blow the hairdryer gently and wait about an hour. Even damaged by frequent styling curls will change after this procedure.

9. Relieve tension

And still it is easier to clean the comb from the hair.

Experienced hairdressers claim that a natural bristle hair brush causes less hair damage and less electrifying hair. If there is no antistatic spray on hand, let the wet wipe dry, put it on the teeth of the comb and smooth the hair. A glass of clean water will help to check the extent of hair damage. Damaged hair will go to the bottom, and healthy will float on the surface.

10. T-shirt for hair

Wet hair should be gently blot.

Wet hair requires careful handling - do not rub it with a towel and comb it with a regular comb - you can use a special one or disassemble it with your fingers. Stylists who work with stars, and it is at all advised to replace the towel with an old T-shirt - it delicately dries the hair without fluffing it out. For this reason, it is relevant for owners of curly and wavy hair. And it is also important to remember that picking up wet hair in the tail is fraught with wrinkles.

11. Hot time

Drying your head down will also give volume.

Often use a hair dryer, tongs and irons - it means you need to make friends with a thermal spray or oil: in a month it will become noticeable that the hair has become less split.

It is better to style damaged hair not with foams (they often contain a lot of alcohol), but with special creams and brushes. Lay the uppermost front strand at an angle of 45 degrees - so it will turn out to give it a natural volume. Let the folded curls cool on the brush to keep the shape created.

12. Makeup for hair

If before going to the salon a couple of days.

Grown roots can be painted with matte eye shadows, eyebrows or special corrective powder for hair. The same products can paint on the hairline.

14. The secret of Rapunzel

Sleeping on a silk pillowcase is good for hair.

Long hair is often drawn out under its weight and lose volume. You can comb them with a toothbrush if you don’t have a special comb on hand. Hair will be less confused, tear and rub against a pillow, if they are braided in a clean braid for the night - remember, this was what Fiona Cleary did in The Thorn Birds. With the same purpose, hairdressers advise sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase.

Image layout and graphics on the left

When creating an ad, one must take into account the spatial positioning of images and text. These elements should coincide with the anatomical features of your vision:

When you perceive external signals from one field of view, the already opposite hemisphere processes this information:

The stimulus arising in the left visual field is initially projected and processed by the right hemisphere, and the stimulus arising in the right visual field is initially projected and processed by the left hemisphere

Bourne, 2006, p. 374

Thanks to this device of the neuroanatomical structure, the right hemisphere processes the information presented in the left part of the advertisement:

Since the right hemisphere is better suited for the processing of visual information, and the left - for the logical and verbal, the placement of the image to the left of the text improves the processing of the entire message.

When placing images and graphics closer to the left side of the ad, you will increase the fluency of information processing. People will perceive the ad faster, evaluating it more positively.

Product image that encourages mental interaction

This tactic is very effective and easy to implement. Always show off your product in such a way as to achieve the main goal: to stimulate mental interaction.

Here is an example. In 2012, researchers Ryan Elder and Ariadne Krishna demonstrated to the experiment participants an advertisement for a coffee mug. It turned out that the subjects were more likely to buy the product when the handle of the mug was turned to the right (in the direction of the leading hand for most people).

Researchers believe that this is due to the high internal simulation of the action. When the handles were located on the right, the participants in the experiment mentally interacted with the object to a greater degree. However, this effect disappeared when the participants took something in their hand:

. when the dominant hand of the experiment participants is free, the corresponding visual display of the subject leads to an increased purchase intent. However, if the dominant hand is occupied, the effect is reversed.

Elder & Krishna, 2012, p. 9

Now let's see what to do if the product does not have a handle. As part of some experiments, researchers found evidence of other types of modeling. Here are a few ideas:

  • Place cutlery and tableware on the right (for mental interaction with the right hand):

  • Remove goods from packaging:

You can use such images everywhere (for example, in advertising or on ecommerce sites). In most cases, such pictures make the product more attractive because they have the function of strengthening mental interaction.

The model's gaze is directed towards the CTA.

People tend to follow the gazes of others. This trait helped our ancestors to quickly detect threats, and evolution rooted this ability in our tonsils.

You can use this propensity in your advertising campaigns. If your ad contains images of people, orient them to your CTA (call to action button - ed.). So you will draw more attention to this area:

It is necessary to avoid orientation of the person towards the viewer. Frontal images will attract attention to the main character instead of the important parts of the announcement:

Attractive models in advertising (when appropriate)

Attractive people increase the credibility of advertising, and the product gets a higher rating. However, this is not always the case. You should avoid this tactic if your product has nothing to do with attractiveness:

. When studying the conditions for the perception of a model as attractive, one circumstance was found in which an attractive model is not the best choice: when there is a high probability of an association of goods with a model, and the product itself is not very well combined with the notion of attractiveness.

Trampe et al., 2010, p. 1117

What products are related to attractiveness? Here are some examples.

It is appropriate:

  • Luxury (for example, a sports car).
  • Appearance (lotion).
  • Art and beauty (makeup).
  • Health (fitness product).


  • Technologies (for example, software).
  • Food (restaurant).
  • Office supplies (printer).
  • Home decor (furniture).

It also depends on your positioning. Some brands may use the artistic positioning of their home decor products. In this case, an attractive model, of course, may be appropriate in the advertisement. However, for most brands, it will seem irrelevant.

If you use an attractive model, for example, in a toaster ad, people will begin to suspect that you are simply trying to force them to buy. They will experience psychological resistance and will struggle with your attempts at persuasion.

The main conclusion is that attractive models usually increase persuasiveness, but for you, relevance in advertising is more important - to disguise your own motive.

Increase the size of emotion words

The larger the font, the stronger the emotions it causes. This is because, according to the theory of evolution, our ancestors judged a potential threat based on their assumptions about its size.

However, words are symbolic in nature. People need to recognize their meaning in order for the associated emotional reaction to occur. Therefore, increasing the font size, especially with the use of emotional words, will help strengthen the emotional impact.

However, it should be borne in mind that the increased word will catch the attention from other parts of the advertisement:

. Increasing the font of the text draws attention to the words, which reduces the perception of the brand and the visual elements. Advertisers whose goal is to maximize attracting attention to all advertising should seriously consider the possibility of allocating more space for text.

Pieters & Wedel, 2004, p. 48

Mention multi-functionality (but not usage)

People usually prefer multifunctional products because of the higher cost. In addition, long lists of functions are more convincing than short ones.

However, there is a nuance. People often overestimate their ability to use all functions. Therefore, most of them prefer to pay a fixed amount, rather than choose a fee for use.

That is, a long list of functions may have unpleasant consequences if consumers take into account which of the functions they will actually use. Then their preferences are shifted towards products with less functionality.

Use of affirmations for hedonic products

In general, there is a danger of assertive affirmative texts - when readers feel that you are trying to convince them, they can experience psychological resistance. Then they will struggle with an attempt at persuasion.

However, there is an exception. Affirmative phrases can improve advertisements for hedonic products. The reason is the connection between pleasant moods and perseverance:

. contexts of hedonic consumption are more likely to create a positive attitude, which, in turn, encourages consumers to reflect in affirmative terms and then make queries with such wording.

Kronrod et al., 2012, p. 8

When people feel happy, they speak more confidently (and expect to be resolutely addressed to them). And these expectations are key.

As consumers wait for assertiveness, your affirmative language will increase the fluency of information processing. They will be able to perceive your advertising more easily. This will give rise to a pleasant feeling, which in this case will be correlated with your product.

Rhymed slogan or CTA

Previous tactics have shown that affirmative language can increase the fluency of information processing for hedonic products. The same effect occurs with rhymes, only it acts as applied to any product.

In one study, students presented two slogans related to alcohol:

  • With a rhyme: “What hides sobriety, alcohol exposes” (What sobriety conceals, alcohol reveals).
  • Without rhyme: What sobriety hides, alcohol shows (What sobriety conceals, alcohol unmasks).

Both statements carry the same meaning. But the students decided that the rhyming statement seems more accurate and truthful - because rhyme increases perception fluency. Evaluating this statement, the students had a pleasant feeling, which they mistaken for fundamental information.

Consider the power of rhyme and try to correct your CTA:

  • Be a dove, show some love.
  • Whaddya say donate today.
  • Want a tour? Drop by our store.

Such rhymes subtly create a pleasant feeling that people will associate with your CTA. Therefore, they will experience a steady desire to fulfill the call.

Location of brand elements on the right

The first tactic explained why you should post images on the left side of the ad. Here is a related recommendation. If the images take up most of the ad, then you must place the branded elements on the right.

This proposal is due to the hypothesis of the distribution and balance of the activity of the hemispheres of the brain. If the image is large, then people will start processing the ad primarily with the right hemisphere, while the left one will be less activated.

According to the hypothesis, the left hemisphere at this moment begins to work more actively, processing "its" part of the information and trying to "balance" with the right. That is, the less busy hemisphere subconsciously clarifies the information that is “at hand”. This unconscious reaction is favorable for information processing.

When people view an ad filled with images, their left hemisphere unconsciously processes the information to the right. In addition, another study showed that the information on the right side generates higher aesthetic values. Therefore, you should place the logo in this place.

Increasing the size of the area occupied by the logo

Some advertisers are advised to reduce the size of the logo, because so the content looks too "advertising", reducing the persuasiveness of the ad. However, these statements are not entirely accurate.

The study, in which the area of ​​the branded element was measured in 1363 advertisements, showed that increasing the size of the surface does not reduce the amount of attention:

Increasing the size of the surface of the brand element does not have a negative effect on attention to the entire advertisement. Advertisers and agencies should stop worrying that a too prominent branded element will cause consumers to turn the page faster.

Pieters and Wedel, 2004, p. 48

Another study showed the positive effect of enlarging the surface with a logo.

. The brand logo, accompanied by a text element and an illustration, receives the majority of eye fixations per surface unit. Even when consumers freely flip through the pages of the magazine, the corporate element attracts disproportionate attention to itself.

Wedel and Pieters, 2000, pp. 308-309

Bottom line: do not be afraid to increase the size of your logo or other brand item.

The visual characteristics of the fonts can cause certain emotions in the audience, so they play a significant role.

When choosing the right font, you must consider three main characteristics:

  • A line is a structural component of a symbol.
  • Weight is the width of a single character.
  • Orientation - spatial positioning of the symbol.

There are other factors. But these three are the basis.

Ideally, these visual characteristics should correspond to the conceptual features that you want to convey in your product. In other words, the optimal font will be a semantically appropriate product that you are advertising.

Using long, thin lines to convey beauty

Researchers have confirmed that long thin fonts seem more beautiful:

Fonts that are lighter in weight (in width and thickness of the stroke) are perceived as tender, affectionate and feminine, while heavier fonts seem strong, aggressive and manly.

Brumberger, 2003, p. 208

This is because every person has a biased understanding of beauty. In most countries (especially in the USA), beautiful people are tall and slim. This is the "standard" of beauty. Even if you do not believe in it, you still connect these concepts because of the common stamps in society.

These associations are key. Thanks to the associative network, the “beauty” node is associated with the following characteristics (as well as with many others):

Therefore, when you encounter elements with beauty characteristics (for example, tall and thin), you have certain associations:

If you want to choose a beautiful font, then connect the visual characteristics that are associated with the concept of beauty. In other words, choose high (long, extended) and thin fonts.

Such semantic congruence will increase the fluency of the perception of your font. People will be able to process it more easily, which will create a more positive response.

Using obscure fonts to convey uniqueness

Suppose your product is unique, exquisite. Perhaps this is a luxury item. Or maybe you would like to stand out among competitors. Then your font must meet the expected characteristics of uniqueness.

In one study, researchers showed participants in an experiment to advertise a delicious cheese. It turned out that the subjects preferred to buy cheese in the case when the font on the ad was difficult to read:

In the context of everyday products, an increase in the fluency of information perception is a positive signal that the product is familiar and safe - this leads to a higher appreciation of the product.

However, in the context of high-tech products, increased fluency serves as a negative signal, indicating that the market is full and that the product is already known, and this leads to a decrease in price. Thus, the complexity (and not simplicity) of processing information about such products will allow buyers to feel special.

As the participants experienced problems with font processing, they correlated this difficulty with the uniqueness of the product, thereby increasing the perceived value of delicacy cheese.

If you want to position your product as unique and elite, reduce the fluency of advertising perception. Use an unknown (but still legible) font — so that people have some difficulty in processing ads.

In addition, when people put more effort into perceiving advertisements, they encode memory in more detail. So, unknown fonts not only increase the perception of a product as unique, but also create conditions for more stable memorization of a brand.

Use red to form a warning message.

Like fonts, colors have semantic meanings. Over time, we begin to attribute certain qualities to particular shades:

Color theorists believe that shade affects cognition and behavior through association. When people are repeatedly faced with a situation where different colors are accompanied by specific experiences or concepts, they form specific associations with them.

Mehta & Zhu, 2010, p. 8

For example, we usually associate red with danger, threats, and errors:

Because of these associations, red activates the way of thinking associated with the mechanism for avoiding danger. When this type of thinking is activated, it is easier for people to identify problems.

So, if in an ad you describe a problem that your product solves, red color will cause a strong need for your product.

Use blue to make a bargain report

Compared to red, blue is associated with the "approach":

. Since blue is usually associated with openness, peace, and serenity, it is likely that it activates the motivation for rapprochement, because such associations signal a favorable environment.

Mehta & Zhu, 2010, p. 1

Scientists investigated the red and blue color schemes. They showed participants two different designs for a toothpaste ad:

  • Warning: this is good for preventing caries (the red color came up more).
  • Getting the benefits: it is useful for teeth whitening (more blue color came up).

Reducing color levels in messages with a lot of information

Some advertisers claim that color is always better than black and white. But it happens in a different way. If your ad contains a lot of text and bright colors, the audience will feel depressed due to the large number of stimuli. As a result, they will fall motivation to process the contents of advertising.

If your ad requires a lot of mental processing, then the black and white version works better:

When too many resources are needed to process advertisements, and they are not enough to carefully think about and research information, the use of a black and white design option or a variant highlighting individual parts with color is most relevant and convincing.

Therefore, if your ad contains a lot of text, reduce the brightness and saturation of colors in advertising.

Using rational appeals in new markets

If your product is new or innovative, it is recommended to use rational messages in advertisements.

. when consumers do not have enough information about the product, they are more motivated to think about the arguments of advertisements. Advertising should provide convincing arguments that can reduce the risk of buying and distinguish the product from competitors.

If consumers are not familiar with your product, they will study the ad in more detail, so emotional calls will be less effective. They need a rational reason for buying.

The use of emotional messages in already developed markets

The opposite situation occurs in developed markets. If consumers are familiar with your product or brand, they pay less attention to advertising. Therefore, for them, emotional messages can be more effective:

In already established markets, consumers and customers may already have experience in interacting with your product. This reduces their motivation for the massed processing of advertisements. But factors that increase personal interest in advertising, such as the use of emotional messages and positively designed messages, are more likely to create a behavioral response.

Using denial to stimulate spontaneous action

A negative particle in the text indicates a problem that your product can solve. Biologically, people are designed to avoid pain. Therefore, we tend to notice negative stimuli. This explains the fact that in advertisements, words with negative valences attract a higher number of visual fixations.

Since people spend more resources processing negative advertisements, such messages can lead to impulse purchases.

If your main advertising goal is an immediate response (for example, clicking on your banner), consider using negative. In this case, you will more easily attract attention and are more likely to cause an immediate behavioral response.

Use positive design for long memorization

Positive design is used when describing the benefits that your product provides.

Research by scientists has shown that positively designed ads have a stronger impact on long-term memory:

Even though denial advertisements required more resources to process information, positive statements were more memorable. We assume that this contradiction is explained not by the amount of attention paid to advertising, but by the levels of arousal experienced by the participants.

Bolls, Lang, & Potter, 2001, 2001, p. 647

When participants were shown positively designed ads, they experienced a higher level of arousal, which strengthened the anchorage in memory.

So that you can accurately determine the best method of creating your ad, I have put the previous tactics in the chart. Each time you create an advertisement, refer to the table to select the appropriate design (depending on your market and promotional tasks):


Ideally, you should show people a slightly different version of your ad. With repeated exposures, people begin to process advertisements more easily, forming a more lasting affection for the brand.

Subsequent demonstrations encourage people to restore the primary version of the ad from memory. And this simple act of extracting memories strengthens their memory.

However, if you repeat the same ad, then you start to cause irritation, especially in the case of unfamiliar brands. This requires small changes.

Logo offset

When creating a new ad option, try moving the branded item to another location.

In one study, scientists demonstrated to participants in the experiment various types of ads in which the logo changed location. Even if participants did not notice the changes, they evaluated the logo more favorably when its location changed.

. we show in our experiment that a relatively small visual change in the advertisement from the first demonstration to the next one can be discovered by the subjects randomly. Detecting the change probably caused the participants to expend more brain resources needed to process the logo-to-product ratio, which increased the information processing fluency

Shapiro & Nielson, 2013, pp 1211-1212

When you add a slight visual change, people subconsciously notice it. And they develop a preference for such content due to a higher perception fluency.

Change models in accordance with the selected market segment

When selecting a model (hero) for your advertising, you should choose the one that resembles representatives of your market. This accentuated similarity will increase the attractiveness of the ad.

This tactic can help with segmentation. Suppose you are using targeted ads on Facebook. Instead of showing the same ad to everyone, replace the hero with someone who resembles a participant in a particular market segment.

The dispersal of the influence of advertising over time

When preparing for the exam, the person should study the subject step by step, and not try to learn everything overnight before passing. Acting gradually, he will memorize the information and then recover it more effectively. The same thing happens with advertisements. People are more likely to buy the product if the ads are separate from each other, rather than grouped together.

With scattered effects, viewers can remember your ad faster. In addition, a saturated advertising plan can often annoy customers because of the repetition rate.

To avoid customer irritation (and to benefit from the distribution effect), you must distribute advertising exposure gradually over a long time.

Placement of print ads on the left pages

You must place prices on the bottom left of your ad. This is due to the conceptualization of the number spectrum:

  • People associate small numbers with left and bottom.
  • People associate big numbers with right and top.

If you put a price in the lower left part of an ad, you can cause an association with a small amount in people, that is, the price will seem less. This was confirmed by a joint 2012 study by scientists from two universities.

This technique shows the effectiveness in placing ads magazines, flyers and other physical objects.

Selection of space based on semantic match

In one study, people were asked to select items in a questionnaire. Being influenced by the color of the pen issued to them, the subjects made their choice:

  • Orange pens led to the frequent selection of orange products (for example, Fanta).
  • Green pens led to the frequent selection of green products (eg Sprite).

The pen color was the base signal. When people were “under the influence of” the orange handle, their concept of orange intensified. With the enhanced activation of this node, it was easier for their brain to perceive products of a given color. It also improved their rating (and subsequent selection) of orange products.

The same effect occurs in advertising. In another study, participants chose to advertise ketchup, since it was preceded by mayonnaise advertising, which activated its “knot” of spices, and participants could process the subsequent announcement more easily.

When selecting spaces to advertise your product, select those that share the semantic qualities of your product.

If you are promoting a technology product, place an ad through the technology environment:

  • Facebook ads.
  • Affiliate programs on relevant sites.
  • Increase social media presence.

Such spaces will create the basis for your product. This will increase processing fluency, and people will give a more favorable assessment of your product.

Avoid spaces where “advertised” ads are reported.

If viewers notice that you paid for the placement of an ad, then they rate it less favorably - the ratio of clicks to impressions decreases. According to a study by scientists from Harvard University, the posts "Sponsored links" or "Advertising" work a little more efficiently than the heading "Paid advertisement."

The duration of the advertising load also affects perception. In another study, subjects showed a more critical attitude to advertising after a six-second load (compared to a three-second).

Placement of advertisements at the end of the magazine

Content creates a stronger impact when it is located at the beginning (the effect of primacy) or at the end (the effect of recentness) of space - if we are talking about, for example, a magazine. In this case, according to one of the studies, the end of the journal may be the best place:

Due to the high information load, the earlier stimuli are usually pushed out of short-term memory by later ones (in the order they are received), which reduces the likelihood of storage in memory and the later restored earlier stimuli. Advertisers who seek to memorize a brand as much as possible should place their ads at the end of magazines.

Wedel and Pieters, 2000, p. 309

I would treat this recommendation with caution. Theoretically, this makes sense, but in practice, not all people read magazines to the end. In any case, do not place an ad in the center. Such a location has little effect on memory.

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