
Chamomile for lightening hair (12 recipes)


Chamomile hair lightening is a useful, but not very effective procedure.. Chamomile decoction is more suitable for conditioning and strengthening the hair, giving it a golden shine and smoothness, because of which, in fact, the hair and seems a little lighter - just one tone.

Natural blondes and fair-haired ladies chamomile decoction is perfect. Hair will shine soft golden color. Brunettes can also use this tool to give a shade of sun shade.

Chamomile decoction for lightening hair It is better to use with other equally popular and useful ingredients., such as: lemon juice, honey and hydrogen peroxide.

Recommendations for the use of chamomile decoction

  • Chamomile hair lightening - long processso you should be patient and perform the procedure more often and regularly.
  • Than stronger decoction chamomile, the more effective the remedy.
  • Dark-haired girls should add lemon or honey in a decoction of chamomile for better results.
  • After rinsing the hair with a decoction of chamomile do not need them rinse with water.
  • When using a hair mask with chamomile and glycerin, an effect is created. hair lamination, so that such a tool does not help wash the paint from the hair.

Light brown hair color is universal and rich shades. Every girl will be able to pick up.

Dark ash hair color is one of the most capricious shades, which suggests complete.

Auburn hair color combines noble brown with a fiery shade. The.

Hair color milk chocolate is a delicious and calm shade of brown.

Lightening hair with kefir will help not only to make the hair a couple of shades lighter.

Highlighting on light brown hair involves the partial lightening of some strands to give.

Chamomile hair lightening

Chemical dyes based on ammonia, hydrogen peroxide strongly violate the structure of the hair. When staining occurs loosening the cuticle, leaching of lipids. Pigment chemical dye penetrates very deeply into each hair. If you are already disappointed in such methods of clarification and no longer want to risk experimenting with paints from different manufacturers, then it's time to resort to folk remedies. Chamomile is a good alternative to synthetic dyes - an inexpensive natural remedy that nature gives.

If the camomile method of lightening is approached correctly and applied regularly, then you can achieve and improve the structure of the hair. After all, our great-grandmothers used in hair care, as a rule, only herbal remedies. That is why their braids differed in thickness, elasticity and brilliance. From those times, old recipes of clarification and strengthening of the head of hair with chamomile have reached us.

It should be noted that this plant is the safest and most effective remedy for hair, donated by nature. Small flowers, resembling the sun, will give the curls light shades of summer.

Chamomile bleaching should be applied correctly. For this purpose, you need to prepare a fairly concentrated decoction. That is why this recipe cannot be used too often due to drying of hair. By the way, this property can be successfully used by brown-haired women who have oily hair type. Chamomile will help them cope with the problem of excessive fat content and lighten the strands.

And it should be noted that this medicinal plant successfully treats the problem of dandruff. Lightening in this way is better suited for blondes or women with a light brown tinge of strands. When using chamomile flowers, light curls will get a slightly golden hue, dark after 2-3 procedures will be brightened by one tone. So, the traditional recipe is as follows.

We take 100 g of chamomile and pour 200 g of boiling water. Insist the “potion” for 30 minutes, squeeze and richly wet dry, decoction-washed hair with shampoo. Next, we dress a plastic bag or a special hat, wrap everything up with a towel for warming. Withstand 40 minutes and rinse with warm water.

By the way, you can rinse the hair with chamomile decoction each time after washing your hair. To do this, pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of flowers, insist and strain.

It should be noted that this method will not give a strong clarification. You can get a light golden hue, but this will significantly improve the condition of the hair and scalp. To make the shade more bright, you can increase the amount of chamomile and reduce the amount of water accordingly. Another important thing after such rinsing is not to wipe the strands with a towel, but slightly blot so that the pigment remains on the hair. And of course, do not use after this electric drying. Let the hair dry itself.

Glycerin bleaching with chamomile

Well proven chamomile clarification with the addition of glycerin. To do this, you should take 100 g of flowers, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain and add 50 g of glycerin. This composition should be evenly applied to the strands, put on a plastic cap and wrap the head with a towel for 1 hour. You should know that glycerin has the property to envelop the hair and glue the scales. It strengthens the dye camomile pigment inside the hair and thus prolongs the effect of dyeing.

Chamomile Bleaching with Honey

On the forums, women share their experiences lightening hair. They call effective clarification with chamomile and honey. In this case, note the softness and silkiness of the hair after the application of such procedures. Emphasize and the availability of such clarification. So, you need to take 1 pack of pharmaceutical chamomile, 1 lemon, 3 tablespoons of honey. Prepare the broth as follows: pour 2 cups of water over the grass and bring to the boil. Insist 30 minutes and strain. Add lemon and honey. Stir and apply to washed hair. Soak for 1.5-2 hours and rinse with warm water. Apply once a week.

Good reviews can be found on the use of another recipe. 1 tablespoon of burdock oil is mixed with yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of chamomile oil extract. This mask must be kept with warming for 2 hours. Then rinse everything off with shampoo and rinse chamomile decoction hair. The procedure is desirable to repeat 2 times a week.

Mask with chamomile and honey to lighten hair is recommended to do every week. For its preparation, 25 g of flowers need to pour 100 g of water and boil for 15 minutes on low heat. After cooling and filtering, add 1 teaspoon of honey. This mask should be applied evenly on washed and wet strands. To sustain with warming 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Useful tips

The degree of clarification with chamomile depends not only on the natural color of your hair. It is also important what additional funds for this you apply. So, the yolk or egg must be fresh and bought on the market. Honey is better to take floral, light and, of course, good quality. Pay attention also to the shelf life of pharmacy chamomile. Often herbs are expired, and the effect of their use will not be desirable.

Chamomile hair lightening procedures should be performed regularly. Only in this case the goal will be achieved. In addition, the curls "thank" for the attention to themselves silkiness and shine!

Homemade Hair Lightening

Many paints, although supplemented with healing oils and proteins, are basically hydrogen peroxide or ammonia. These chemical compounds are persistent, but their action is aimed at destroying the structure of the hair shaft: the scales are loosened, the lipids are washed out and the dye penetrates deep into the hair.

Can I use chamomile to lighten hair

The answer is simple: you can. But, it should be immediately mentioned that to turn a brunette into a blonde with a chamomile decoction will not work. This flower has long been used as a coloring dye for light and red hair, it makes them even lighter by 1-2 tones, refreshes and gives a golden glow and soft wheat shade. But dark-haired ladies should still pay attention to this medicinal plant. Its strong broth can even give a copper sheen to chestnut and black hair, but for this you should take 3 times more grass collection than fair-haired ladies.

Advantages and disadvantages of chamomile

This method of changing the color of hairstyles advantages, no doubt more than disadvantages.

Here is a peculiar scale of how chamomile is used and manifested on hair of different colors:

  • Blondes A decoction of chamomile without additives with regular use (2 months) will give the curls a lighter color (a couple of tones),
  • Brown hair. There will be no noticeable lightening, but the hair will get extra shine and volume,
  • Brunettes. To obtain a copper reflux or a soft brightening, chamomile should be combined with vinegar, cinnamon, lemon, honey, and even hydrogen peroxide,
  • Gray hair Very strong broth perfectly cope with gray hair. Colorless age strands will get a pleasant honey shade,
  • Coling With the help of chamomile decoction with the addition of lemon juice, onion peel, turmeric, ginger you can achieve amazing results in the painting of individual strands. At the same time, the transition between colors will be as natural as possible, which is impossible to obtain in a “hydropyrite” way.

The undeniable advantage of using chamomile for lightening and treating hair is the following facts:

  • It is an absolutely safe light dye,
  • Relieves irritation of the skin,
  • Strengthens curls and accelerates their growth,
  • Suitable for all types of hair,
  • It has no contraindications, it can be safely used during pregnancy and lactation,
  • It is a cheap and affordable tool, easy to prepare.

Chemistry or chamomile?

Even on perfectly healthy hair, chemical dyes in most cases have, perhaps, not immediately noticeable, but a negative effect: they dry the ends of the hair, disrupt their structure, spoil the strands, make the hair shaggy and untidy, cause allergies in the form of dermatoses, skin irritations, unpleasant dandruff or seborrhea.

One or two dyeing with factory dyeing products may not create problems, but regular tinting of the roots, experiments with dyeing techniques or hair color will lead to the indicated negative consequences. These same effects will appear much faster if the organism as a whole is not very strong and healthy, and the hair is not well-groomed and is not provided with the right, suitable for this type of hair and their structure. And if a woman also decided to save money on her hair and buy an inexpensive tool instead of brand quality, then the risk of getting damaged hair increases at times.

Among popular methods that represent an alternative to chemical dyes, chamomile has become popular long ago.

In contrast to chemically loosened hair follicles and destroyed hair structure, ordinary chamomile offers gentle care, hair styling healthy shine, natural healing, as well as the very insignificant cost of dye mask components. For the disappointed in synthetic coloring means fair-haired, fair-haired ladies and brown-haired women, chamomile will be a real salvation, but on dark-haired hair due to the durability of the natural pigment, the chamomile presented to humanity by nature will not show such a strong effect, alas, two or three chamomile procedures will give clarification only on one tone.

Literate collection and use of chamomile

Our great-grandmothers and more distant historically female generations possessed chic thick, elastic, shiny and healthy hair, while not having any opportunity to buy branded shampoos and conditioners-conditioners-masks for them. The secret of such hair splendor was that the wise women of that time used natural remedies, including chamomile. For the traditionally Slavic blond type, the effect of chamomile consisted in strengthening the hair and lightening it. In addition to the magnificent effect, chamomile flowers growing everywhere, resembling miniature suns, are absolutely safe for the health of hair and the whole organism.

But even safe and effective folk remedies require competent use. If you decide to harvest chamomile yourself, then this is a whole science:

collecting chamomile is recommended to start in mid-June, in the period of its mass flowering,
most useful are those plants that grow in the field and on the meadows, as well as on the edge of the forest,
chamomile is collected only in dry, warm (but not hot!) weather and early in the morning - it is during this period that the concentration of vitamins and other beneficial substances is maximal in chamomile flowers,
Chamomile drug color is never collected near highways, roads, railway lines, waste dumps, fur farms, oil, gas and other environmentally harmful storage facilities - chamomile has the property like a sponge to absorb toxic substances that groundwater is “famous for” in these areas , the ground, the surrounding air,
when harvesting, you cannot pick up the daisy from the root - it is like a mycelium: destroy the root and next year there will be no daisies at this place;
Collected chamomile is immediately determined for drying: it should be a non-solar place, not located in the wind or draft, with an optimum temperature of 35-40 ° at normal (not high humidity).

If you are embarrassed by such a long and laborious procedure, then a sufficiently packaged pharmacy collection of medical chamomile is sufficient for lightening the hair: such raw materials are carefully selected and quality controlled, and therefore fully suitable for lightening purposes.

For natural hair lightening, chamomile can be collected by hand according to the rules, or you can purchase a ready-made pharmaceutical collection.

For partial or full lightening of the strands requires a concentrated decoction, which due to the high content of active substances dries hair. For fair-haired, fat-prone hair, such a property of chamomile will play a hand - the hair will cease to become dirty quickly, and the strands will be effectively brightened, but the frequent use of chamomile is not recommended for naturally dry hair or damaged after dyeing with factory tools.

In addition to the natural lightening, chamomile copes well with dandruff, itching, combing

How to cook and use a decoction of chamomile?

The classic recipe for making chamomile decoction is simple: 100 g of chamomile raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and, covered with a lid and insulated additionally, infused for half an hour, then filtered. For clarification filtered chamomile decoction is used as follows:

Hair is pre-washed in the usual way with the use of shampoo, the strands are dried.
Romashkovy broth plentifully moistened all strands, or only those that are intended for selective clarification.
A special cap, plastic bag or film is put on the head, which is additionally covered from above for warming with a piece of thick fabric or a towel.
The decoction on the hair lasts 40 minutes (for darker hair a little longer), then washed off with warm water without using detergents.

For the less concentrated, intended only for healing, but not having the lightening property of chamomile broth, pour boiling water over 1 tbsp of boiling water. raw materials, just insist and strain. Such a decoction will not give a contrasting discoloration - on the locks it will only play a light golden hue, but with regular use, the condition of the hair and the skin of the scalp will improve. Young ladies who are not averse to experimenting with the effect of chamomile decoction are advised to try various combinations of chamomile raw materials and the water brewed by it.

The greater the volume of chamomile raw materials and less water, the more concentrated the decoction is obtained, the brighter the effect will become more pronounced under its influence

After the healing rinses with chamomile, it is important not to wipe the strands dry with a towel, but only slightly to get wet, increasing the duration of the lightening pigment. After chamomile procedures, it is not recommended to use electric drying (hairdryer) - let the strands dry naturally.

Chamomile masks for lightening hair

In addition to the “pure” decoction of chamomile color, numerous masks with various additions are used for lightening - any beauty with its own hair type and the expected effect will select the desired mask composition. The ingredients for masks are available, inexpensive, and the effect obtained from the compositions, the recipes of which are given below, will appeal to both the hair and their owners.

Glycerin composition with chamomile

For this coloring composition, a decoction of chamomile is prepared in proportions of 1 cup of boiling water per 100 g of dried chamomile, infused and filtered as usual. After that 50 g of glycerin, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is added to it.

The resulting mixture is evenly distributed to selected or all strands and left on the hair under insulation from polyethylene and a terry towel for one hour. How does this mask work? Glycerin envelops each hair and aligns the outer scaly surface of the hair, it fixes and holds chamomile coloring pigment inside the structure, thereby prolonging the coloring effect.

Chamomile brightening with lemon

The acidification of the composition with lemon gives, in addition to long-lasting lightening, comprehensive care: strengthening the structure of blond hair and giving it a natural healthy glow. Chamomile decoction for such a method is prepared in proportion to a glass of boiling water for 25 g of chamomile color and infused for an hour, then filtered. In the filtered infusion is added squeezed juice of half a lemon, the composition is distributed to the strands and additionally insulated. After a long exposure of the composition on the hair, the head is washed with shampoo and a nourishing balm or nourishing mask is applied.

Chamomile Bleaching with Honey

A popular recipe - adding natural honey and lemon to chamomile broth - will make hair silky, shiny and soft. One package of pharmaceutical chamomile (50 g) is poured with two glasses of water and slowly brought to a boil, then infused for half an hour, cooled and filtered. In the finished broth is added the juice of one lemon and three tbsp. natural light (flower) honey, the mixture is mixed until uniform and applied to clean hair. The composition is aged on the strands and a half to two hours and washed off with warm water. The mask is recommended for use no more than once a week.

In addition to these examples, chamomile-based brightening compositions with the addition of fresh egg yolk or turmeric are popular, in some cases not chamomile decoction of chamomile, but oil chamomile extract is used. The result of lightening depends on the type of hair and on the freshness / quality of the ingredients included in the hair applied to the hair, as well as on the frequency of the procedures performed - only then the hair will thank you with a healthy shine and shiny, radiant color.

The effect of lightening hair chamomile

Chamomile has long been known for its healing properties, thanks to which it is widely used in home cosmetology as a means of skin and hair care. But few people know that a simple field plant can not only improve the structure of the hair, but also save strands from the old paint, lighten them.

How effective is the chamomile hair lightening method? Many women are interested in this issue, because using purchased chemicals for dyeing, it is possible to severely disrupt the structure of the curls, which will lead to their loss, dehydration, dryness and brittleness. Chamomile is a natural safe and effective means for lightening hair, with the help of which it is possible to get beautiful, radiant light shades. To use chamomile as a clarifier, it is necessary to prepare a fairly concentrated solution. After two or three procedures, dark hair becomes lighter by one tone, and as a result of repeated use, becomes copper. Blonde hair gets a golden hue, becoming shining with a noble shade of rum, long-term exposure. In order to get a more durable hair shade, lemon juice, glycerin, honey, brandy, hydrogen peroxide are used with chamomile extract.

IMPORTANT! Do not use chamomile concentrate girls with hair color "blond", as the curls will get a dirty yellowish tint.

Chamomile with glycerin for lightening hair

Excellent recipe for lightening hair with chamomile and glycerin. Glycerin has an enveloping effect, it forms a film on the surface of the hair, inside which chamomile pigment is hardened and the effect of dyeing lasts longer.

To prepare the clarifier with chamomile and glycerin, take 2 tbsp. chamomile flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist for thirty minutes, then strain and add 50 ml of glycerin. Apply the mixture on clean, slightly dried hair from the roots from the tips, then wrap the curls with a plastic cap and a towel. Soak for at least 40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

ATTENTION! Such a recipe is not suitable for brown-haired women or brunettes, as it will not give tangible effect. To brighten blond hair, you must do the mask 2-3 times a week for a month.

Nettle and chamomile for hair

To lighten the hair, you can also use a decoction of chamomile and nettle, but do not use nettle leaves, and rhizomes. To make the broth you will need: 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers and rhizomes of nettle pour 500 ml boiling water, draw for at least 30 minutes. Apply lightly warm broth to clean hair, wrap with a towel. After 60 minutes, rinse the hair with chamomile extract and allow the curls to dry naturally.

Such a tool will help not only slightly lighten the hair, but also strengthen it, prevent hair loss and dandruff.

Honey and chamomile for lightening hair

Lighten the hair on a few tones will help chamomile tea with honey. But you need to remember that such a tool is only suitable if you have blond hair and are not allergic to bee products.
Make a decoction of chamomile (2-3 tablespoons of dried flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes), cool it and add 3 tablespoons of broth for half a glass. liquid honey, juice from half one lemon. Mix the mixture, apply to clean hair and hold under the cap for 1.5-2 hours. Rinse with warm water without shampoo.

Chamomile hair oil

In addition to the infusions and decoctions of chamomile in the home cosmetology often use natural chamomile oil. This tool perfectly fights hair loss, dandruff, improves the condition of curls, gives them shine, shine, restores damaged hair, acts as a natural dye. With regular use of chamomile oil, hair becomes soft, fluffy, thick, radiant and "alive."

Chamomile hair oil can be used in combination with base oils, rubbing them into the hair roots, or with various products. The most popular recipe for strengthening hair is a product with chamomile oil and egg yolk. To make it necessary to: mix one egg yolk, 5 drops of chamomile oil, 1 tbsp. olive oil. Stir the mixture, rub into the roots, and then apply over the entire length. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Chamomile hair rinsing

Chamomile is quite useful as a hair rinse. After applying the decoction from this miracle plant, the hair gets a slightly golden shade, beautifully shine, it becomes very smooth and soft. Regular rinsing chamomile hair strengthens them, prevents hair loss, relieves dandruff and significantly improves the condition.

To prepare the infusion of chamomile for rinsing, you need: 2-3 st.l. chamomile flowers pour 500 ml boiling water. Let it brew for at least 30 minutes, then strain and use. Chamomile infusion is applied to clean wet hair. It is not washed off.

Classic camomile hair mask

Will cope with "excellent" with the problems of hair loss, dandruff and slow growth of curls, will help the classic mask for chamomile hair. To prepare it, take: 50 ml of strong chamomile infusion, add to it a beaten egg yolk, and a little lemon juice. Rub the mixture into the roots, and then spread it over the entire length. Soak the mask for one hour, rinse with warm water.

Regular use of such a mask strengthens the hair, makes them obedient, adds shine and radiance, nourishes and moisturizes, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, activates hair growth, and fights dandruff. The classic mask is suitable for all types of hair.

Hair decoction with chamomile

If your hair is heavily damaged by styling, chemical perm, frequent staining, split, break and fall out, then you need to carry out the procedure of hair restoration using a decoction of chamomile.

To prepare the decoction you need 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath and cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes.

IMPORTANT! Cook broth only in enamelware.

Decoction for hair with chamomile is used as:

  • rinse - for this it is necessary to dilute the broth with water in a 1: 1 ratio,
  • shampoo - add 2 tbsp to your traditional shampoo chamomile decoction
  • masks - in 1 tbsp. decoction add juice from half a lemon and 2 tbsp. any natural oil. Apply to hair, and after 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Regular use of chamomile decoction for hair will make them healthier, shining, soft, relieve dandruff, loss and itching of the scalp.

Marina, 19 years old
“I read that you can use chamomile as a hair clarifier and decided to try it on yourself. I will not say that my hair - and I have blond hair, radically changed color, but the fact that they have become much more beautiful and healthier is a fact. Now they shimmer awesome in the sun and all my friends ask what my secret is. I liked it - simply, quickly and economically. ”

Vera, 30 years old
“I used to think that bleaching hair with chamomile decoction is a myth, but I decided to try it anyway, because the daisy will not have a negative impact. After 3-4 procedures, I noticed that my hair brightened, a beautiful golden hue appeared, they became shiny, smooth and docile. The most important thing is that the infusion not only coughs the hair, but also heals it, restores the structure, eliminates fragility and split ends. ”

Natasha, 23 years old
“I heard that hair can be dyed at home using infusion of chamomile and hydrogen peroxide. I did not try it myself, but I really want it. I am only afraid if it will damage my hair and if I will not have to dye it with purchased paints. ”

Features of the medicinal plant

Since ancient times, it is known that lightening hair with chamomile is very effective. The plant, in addition to the brightening effect, strengthens and nourishes the strands, because it contains many such important components for this:

Pharmaceutical chamomile inflorescences contain a large amount of carotene - a yellow-orange pigment, the presence of which accounts for the lightening properties of this plant.

  • essential oils,
  • various vitamins
  • minerals
  • acids,
  • dyes,
  • flavonoids,
  • polysaccharides,
  • coumarin compounds.

The plant is actively used in the cosmetic industry, because, in addition to lightening the hair, it also has a positive effect on the roots and scalp and improves the general condition of the curls. With it you can:

  • restore the strand structure,
  • increase the thickness of the strands with chamomile and strengthen the roots,
The plant is actively used in the cosmetic industry,
  • make it soft
  • restore elasticity
  • accelerate growth
  • reduce the loss
  • return shine
  • remove dandruff.

You can prepare drugs with additional ingredients and chamomile in fresh and dried form.

Homemade recipes for clarifying curls

Modern women are increasingly choosing time-tested products based on natural ingredients. That is why today, more than ever, the question of how to lighten hair with chamomile, is quite relevant. To see if chamomile brightens the hair, it is recommended to pay attention to the photo before and after the procedure.

In order to lighten the curls with chamomile, you need to start to prepare a decoction of the inflorescences of this plant, which can be used both in pure form and in combination with other components that enhance its action

As a basis for homemade recipes, a decoction of flowers is needed, into which additional ingredients are added to enhance the effect. It is quite simple to make a decoction: 50–100 g of raw materials (depending on length), pour water (1 cup) and bring the solution to a boil in a water bath under the lid, then boil for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Use the solution for wetting clean strands. Keep on head 40-50 minutes, depending on the required degree of clarification. Rinse without shampoo. To do this, you can use ready-made concentrated product diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Chamomile lightening can be made more efficient by using masks made from basic raw materials. Flower broth (1 cup) and lemon juice (1 teaspoon) combine, add 50 g of glycerin to the liquid. For dry strands, you can add a spoonful of olive oil. Apply the mixture to clean wet curls, warm and hold for at least half an hour. It all depends on what result you want to get. This composition with glycerin and lemon will help the strands to acquire a deep golden hue and make them soft. The procedure should be repeated up to two times a week for a month.

Using chamomile as a lightening agent for hair is a simple matter, and the result of such procedures can exceed all your expectations.

The following recipe with lemon is prepared as follows: insist on a glass of boiling water, plant flowers (1 spoon) for 1 hour, strain, pour juice from half a lemon into the liquid. It is necessary to apply such broth on all length, maintaining not less than an hour.

You can add turmeric to the blend with chamomile and lemon to add hair: the main raw material - 3 spoons, turmeric - a teaspoon and zest of one lemon pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for two hours. Strain the solution daily to process curls.

Another recipe with lemon will tell you how to lighten the hair with chamomile.You need to take 4 lemons, squeeze the juice out of them and add it to the decoction from our flowers (for normal hair type) or to the conditioner (for the dry type) and leave for 15 minutes, then spread over the surface of the hair. Combine a glass of healing broth with honey (100 g) and add a spoonful of lemon juice. Moisten wet curls with liquid, warm and leave for an hour. After rinsing, dry naturally. The proposed composition with chamomile and honey will give a shade a golden hue and will additionally strengthen the roots.

Chamomile with lemon can be added to the bleach for bleaching hair with lemon as an additional ingredient.

Burdock oil, honey and oil extract of the plant to take in equal proportions (1 spoon) and mix with the yolk. Use a mask with chamomile and honey as intended. About the effect of this recipe women leave only positive feedback.

The chamomile lightening method with various additional ingredients is more often used for light brown hair in order to obtain a beautiful golden hue, but the chamomile brightening of dark hair will change color after a few treatments by just one tone.

Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide, along with the use of herbal ingredients, remains one of the most popular methods, equally suitable for brunettes and blondes.

The latest technique of bleaching curls is very effective, it provides a change in shade, even dark strands

Recipes with hydrogen peroxide and the main raw materials help to get a wonderful shade and even eliminate gray hair. In addition to chamomile decoction, homemade recipes often use essential oil prepared from it. It is recommended to use it to solve problems:

  • slow growth
  • split ends
  • fine and dry strands
  • dandruff
  • fragility.

If you add it to the masks, the essential oil lightens the hair by 1-2 tones, but to achieve this effect, you will have to use ether regularly:

  • add 2-3 drops to shampoo or mask,
  • carry out procedures every other day,
  • cover the head with polyethylene, additionally using a heated towel,
  • To avoid greasy residue, rinse off the oil very carefully.

The first mention of the wonderful properties of inflorescences goes far back to ancient Egypt. Egyptians consecrated this flower to the sun god Amon-Ra, and it is not surprising, because the flower really looks like a little sun. Healers widely used decoctions and infusions for the healing of women's ailments and used as a means to skin care. The ancient physician Avicennna described in his writings a flower as an antiseptic and diuretic and later proved that its decoction can remove stones from the kidneys.

In Russia, broths and infusions treated children's infections, fever and believed that they have analgesic and choleretic effect. The monks of Tibet, having learned about the incredible composition of the plant, began to make a cream for rejuvenation with the addition of essential oils.

Healing and cosmetic properties

Most often, this unique flower is consumed inside, making a decoction or infusion. Decoction helps reduce intestinal irritation, relieve gastritis symptoms, and is often used for stomach disorders. The decoction has an absorbing effect and well removes toxins from the body.

Chamomile tea helps relieve fatigue, calm the nervous system and improve sleep. Tea and drink in order to relieve sore throat with diseases like SARS, flu and sore throat. Infusion inflorescences are used for inhalation, with inflammation of the respiratory tract. And also infusion is used in conjunctivitis, rubbing the eyelids. Tincture is used for rinsing the head, it soothes the skin, making the hair well-groomed and strong. Infusion is often used in the fight against dandruff.

Infusion can wipe the skin of the face, it will rejuvenate and give the skin a healthy glow. To this day, when bathing babies in water, a decoction of flowers is added so that sleep becomes calmer, and such a bath removes small inflammations and various rashes on delicate, childish skin that needs gentle care and soft care.

Fans of natural folk hair care products have long ago found out whether it is possible to lighten hair with chamomile. A decoction of chamomile to lighten hair can make the shade lighter softly and without damaging them.

Keep in mind, that chamomile hair dyeing will get a maximum of 3-4 tone or less. For stronger bleaching, we recommend using other methods, such as Hydroperit.

Precautionary measures

The flower is so amazing for its properties that it has practically no contraindications. Broth watered even children with diseases of the throat. However, with care it is necessary to apply to pregnant women. Chamomile contains the hormone estrogen, which in large quantities can cause miscarriage.

When applied externally, the only contraindication is individual intolerance. Before use, apply a little decoction on your wrist and wait. If itching or irritation does not appear, the composition can be safely used.

Useful properties of chamomile

Chamomile is a herbaceous perennial plant that has a rich chemical composition. The plant contains organic acids, fortified substances, minerals, essential oils, flavonoids, and many other components that have a beneficial effect on the structure and appearance of the strands.

Folk healers from the most ancient times make up recipes based on chamomile, with which you can not only improve the structure of the strands, but also give the hair a lighter shade. Thanks to the dye pigment, which is part of the medicinal herb, the natural shade of the strands can be lightened by a couple of tones.

Distinctive qualities of the plant can be called:

  • Antioxidant properties - rich chemical composition of plant grass reliably protects strands from external destructive factors.
  • Regenerating properties - regular use of healthy grass helps to normalize the acid-base balance, and, accordingly, normalizes the flow of oxygen to the cells of the skin and hair.
  • Protective qualities - chamomile reliably protects both the scalp and the strands from the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms, destroys the activity of painful fungi.

What else is the virtue of chamomile medicinal?

  1. Restores elasticity as well as the strength of the strands.
  2. It gives strands softness and silkiness.
  3. Reliably protects the scalp and curls from the damaging effects of UV rays.
  4. Gently and effectively restores the destroyed structure of the strands.
  5. Helps accelerate the growth of hair, reliably strengthens the roots of the strands.
  6. Gives visual volume to the hairstyle.
  7. It nourishes curls with radiance, brilliance, health.
  8. Copes with certain diseases of hair: seborrhea, dandruff.

One of the disadvantages of chamomile is to lighten the hair, it will take quite a long time. As a rule, to get the color of the curls per tone lighter, you need to use vegetable raw materials for 10 or more times. It is also important to remember that weed is only a regenerating agent for dark hair, and using it to make a blonde out of a brunette will definitely not work. But this does not mean that the medicinal plant can not be used as a dye. The systematic use of a lightening compound will give a dark curls golden and rich color.

Chamomile Recipes

To achieve positive results of dyeing, herbal remedies must be used systematically - ideally, chamomile strands are processed every day. There are 2 sure ways to lighten strands with the help of a medicinal herb.

  1. Blond ladies after each shampooing are recommended to rinse the strands with a special vegetable composition.
  2. Brunettes, it is desirable to mix the main ingredient with other lightening agents, and the resulting mixture to use as masks.

In addition to lightening the strands, after the use of chamomile, the hair begins to shine, is saturated with health and strength, strengthens, grows faster, and the scalp gets rid of dandruff and irritation.

Chamomile decoction for straightening

Chamomile decoction has excellent brightening qualities. For the preparation of coloring means it is important to choose environmentally-friendly raw materials. You can purchase a medicinal plant at a pharmacy, and you can collect grass inflorescences in the forest or on the field.

Chamomile decoction has a number of positive qualities:

  • natural antiseptic,
  • remedy for irritation of the scalp,
  • remedy to cure dandruff and flaking scalp.

To get a stable and noticeable result, it is necessary to rinse the strands with chamomile decoction every day. The duration of the procedure varies, usually from 1 month or more.

  • 40 gr. chamomile flowers
  • 220 ml. water.

Boil the water, pour boiling water over the prepared flowers of the plant, cover tightly with a lid. Brew the broth until it cools down and acquires a comfortable temperature. Strained broth rinse curls. It is not advisable to dry the strands with a hair dryer after the treatment and coloring procedure, it is important to let them dry out naturally.

Tips to help you lighten your hair with chamomile decoction:

A mixture of chamomile and lemon for brightening dark and chestnut strands

It is known that the lemon is filled with acid, which has bright bleaching qualities. If the lemon is used in combination with chamomile, then you can get a unique blend to lighten even dark strands. To appreciate the result, it is recommended to use the recipe every day for several months.

  • 220 ml. hot water but not boiling water
  • 8 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flower,
  • 1 large lemon,
  • 35 ml. any vegetable oil.

Prepare a decoction based on chamomile (pour boiling water over the flowers of the plant and insist), cool the mixture to a moderate temperature. Separately, thoroughly mix the oil with lemon (squeeze the juice). Mix together the two obtained ingredients, put a mask on the surface of the strands, wrap the head with a plastic bag and squeeze for about half an hour. The lemon mask is washed off with a mild shampoo and warm water.

Chamomile and glycerin to lighten curls of different shades

Best of all, the dye based on glycerin and chamomile should be used by blond ladies, this remedy has regenerating qualities and can become an analogue of shampoo, as it has excellent cleansing properties.

It is recommended to use the agent with glycerin to lighten the strands not every day, but in a day or even less.

  • 160 gr. chamomile flowers
  • 500 ml. water,
  • 1, 5 tbsp. spoons of glycerin highly purified.

Prepare chamomile decoction (pour boiling water over the plants and insist). Completely cool the broth, strain it and mix with glycerin, while the resulting composition must be vigorously shaken for 10 minutes. Prepare the composition thoroughly but gently lubricate the strands, massage the head, and then rinse. You can see a positive result and a shining golden-yellow tint of the strands within 1 month after using a natural dye.

How has chamomile proved itself?

To understand how chamomile acts as a dye, you need to examine the reviews.

By nature I have brown hair, but my dream is to become a blonde. For a long time I used chemical brighteners, but they badly ruined my hair. A friend advised to rinse curls with chamomile decoction as a reducing agent. After the first week of use, I did not notice any positive results at all. But after using the decoction for 2 weeks, my strands became stronger, dandruff disappeared and moreover, the head of hair began to acquire a golden hue, which I had long dreamed of. Now for me a decoction of a plant is an ideal remedy for both treatment and hair dye.

Initially, I used only chamomile decoction to lighten hair, but then decided to add lemon juice to the main mixture. The result amazed me - the strands became not only brighter, but acquired refinement, softness and filled with sun shine.

Chamomile is an excellent medicine. It is inexpensive, it can be purchased at any pharmacy. If you follow the recommendations prescribed in the instructions for use, then in addition to hair restoration can be a couple of tones and lighten the strands.

I am a red-haired representative of the fair half. Until recently, I gave natural color strands saturation with chemical dyes, but recently I read about chamomile on the Internet, which has amazing qualities. To date, I have been using the decoction of the plant for 2 months already - my hair has got stronger, gained health and beauty. Now I no longer use chemical dyes, because after rinsing with medicinal grass on my head I got the perfect shade, which even my friends envy.

I have been using chamomile decoction to lighten the strands for a long time. Recently decided to supplement the usual composition of a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture gave the curls shine and gave them an extraordinary fragrance. In the future I want to try bleaching curls with glycerin and chamomile, this is the natural composition of my dream to replace cosmetic shampoos.

Lightening the hair with medicinal chamomile is a fairly lengthy procedure, but it gives the strands not only an amazing and rich shade, but also takes care of maintaining a healthy and strong hair structure. The use of chamomile as a caring and therapeutic composition is especially recommended for ladies with thin and lifeless hair.

See also: Brightening hair with chamomile for 2-3 tones (video)

Chamomile recipes for lightening hair

To find out how chamomile brightens hair, it is recommended to alternate several recipes. Let us examine several recipes and find out how to lighten or dye hair with chamomile at home:

This recipe, which includes chamomile and lemon to lighten the hair came to us from the Ancient East. Despite the fact that the eastern girls mostly dark-haired, they never forgot about the use of lemon for cosmetic purposes. Lemon juice helps to achieve clarification due to its acid.

  1. 25 g of flowers, pour 1 tbsp. hot water and leave to infuse for 1 hour.
  2. Strain and add lemon juice half.
  3. Apply the composition at full length and wrap in a towel, leaving for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash your head with your favorite shampoo and apply any balsam.

The mask recipe is not limited to chamomile and lemon, you can add turmeric and olive oil. The ingredients can be combined and combined, the result will be excellent, for example, the use of honey and lemon for clarification gives a good result.

Many women note that the use of honey to brighten in combination with a decoction of chamomile brought them noticeable changes in the color of her hair. It would seem that some simple ingredients, but how much good! After all, honey not only brightens the hair, but also returns a natural look and bright shine.

  1. 1 pack of pharmaceutical chamomile Pour 2 tbsp. water.
  2. Bring to a boil, then cover and let stand for 30 minutes, then strain.
  3. Add lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of honey.
  4. Apply to a clean head, leaving for 1.5-2 hours.
  5. Wash off with warm water. Apply 1 time per week.

There is a simplified version of the mask. 25 g of dried flowers pour 100 ml of water, bring to a boil and reduce heat. After 15 minutes, remove from heat, leaving to cool. Strain and add 1 tsp. honeySpread the mixture evenly on clean, wet curls, cover with a cap and wrap in a warm towel. Hold for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

With glycerin

The recipe with the addition of glycerin is not in vain considered one of the most beloved by women. Glycerin has enveloping properties and is able to fix the coloring pigment inside the hair. Due to this clarification will keep its effect longer. To make a mask:

  1. Take 100 grams of chamomile and cover with 1 cup of boiling water.
  2. Insist 30 minutes after straining and add 50 grams of glycerin.
  3. Apply the mixture evenly on the strands and warm with a towel for 1 hour.
  4. Wash off with warm water.

With saffron

Spices are used not only in cooking, but also in hairdressing, in particular, to lighten the shade. Saffron, rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon - all these spices help to get a soft golden or honey tint.

  1. 2 tbsp. l inflorescences mix with a small pinch of saffron and pour 1 glass of hot water.
  2. After 30 minutes, strain and add lemon juice.
  3. Apply to clean, wet curls and after 25 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Homemade shampoo with chamomile

In the cosmetic industry, the use of plant flowers is quite in demand. The flower contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, essential oils. It is often added to shampoos and anti-aging cream. Make shampoo with chamomile for lightening hair can be at home.

  1. 2 tbsp. l inflorescences pour half a glass of boiling water.
  2. The resulting composition wrap in a warm towel and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  3. Then strain and add the same amount of regular baby shampoo.

This shampoo should be stored no more than a week, because the result depends on the period of freshness. With constant use, the effect does not make it difficult to wait for yourself - your curls will become shiny and obedient. Many cosmetic companies are ready to offer their own version of the brightening hair shampoo.

Tip! To strengthen and give shine to hair, you can use just a decoction, rinsing your head with it after each wash.

  • If you decide to lighten up gray hair, before applying the lightening masks, you need to additionally process the strands with a thick cream or butter.
  • Hair can not be lightened at least a week after perm.
  • On the day of the procedure is not allowed to use the pool. Reagents in water may give an unexpected and undesired color.
  • If the hair is damaged, then a week before lightening, treat them with nourishing masks.
  • To use the mask with honey you need to buy floral, light honey, of good quality.
  • You should not wait for full clarification, but it is quite possible to count on 3-4 tones brighter. To achieve the desired effect is easier for fair-haired women, red and dark hair will have to do more procedures.
  • The procedures will be most successful if applied to damp hair.

How to apply chamomile

To obtain a home brightener from the pharmaceutical chamomile flowers, a decoction is prepared. The intensity of the action depends on its strength. Dried inflorescences of this plant can be purchased ready-made in any pharmacy. Or independently collect flowers in the summer and dry them. In this case, it is necessary to store the inflorescences in a box or a bag of thick fabric no more than a year.

Flowers have long been known for their universal healing properties. Chamomile affects not only the hair itself, but also makes its roots as healthy as the scalp. But her dignity does not end there. Not every woman knows how to lighten her hair with chamomile. To make the curl color lighter by several tones, it is recommended to regularly use the decoction of this miraculous plant. Then brown hair gets a light shade of copper, and light brown becomes light and golden. For natural blondes, it is better to refuse such a procedure, otherwise their curls will have a dirty yellowish play. Burning brunettes chamomile for lightening hair also does not bring the desired results.

How to find out if there is an allergy to chamomile?

This will require actions that are advised to perform the day before lightening hair.

  1. Boil chamomile decoction (infusion should be strong).
  2. Apply it on the skin, for example, behind the ear or on the wrist.

After 10-12 hours, you need to consider the area where the test was conducted. If the skin on it is calm, there are no signs of redness, inflammation, peeling and itching, then there are no contraindications to the use of this plant. In the event that there is at least one of the listed symptoms - you should not take the risk.

Useful recipes with chamomile: decoctions with lemon, honey, peroxide, glycerin

Chamomile hair lightening will have a significant effect if mixed with other ingredients: nettle, lemon juice, glycerin or honey. The following are some effective and simple recipes.

  • To prepare a decoction of chamomile and lemon juice will need:
  1. put chopped chamomile (50 g) in a bowl and pour boiling water (one glass), heat the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes,
  2. further it is necessary to strain the broth and squeeze lemon in it (1 pc.),
  3. apply broth to the washed head, wrap it and leave for an hour or one and a half,
  4. rinse hair.

  • To make a healing infusion of chamomile and nettle requires:
  1. chamomile flowers (1 tbsp. spoon) put in a suitable dish and add the nettle rhizome, pour boiling water (half a liter) and leave for 30 minutes,
  2. apply broth to clean curls and cover with a warm cloth for an hour,
  3. wash off and dry your head without a hairdryer.

Choose a suitable recipe and do not forget that natural products are very useful for your hair.

  • A simple way to lighten chamomile hair:

Chamomile for hair is a natural source of their strength, health and beauty of color. Unlike chemical dyes in similar ways you can lighten your curls even during pregnancy, of course, after making sure that there are no allergic reactions.

Folk remedies for lightening hair

Chamomile is used as a natural dye, it is able to lighten dark curls and give a golden radiant shade - light. It consists of the following components:

  • vitamins
  • essential oils,
  • trace elements
  • amino acids
  • dyes,
  • flavonoids,
  • polysaccharides,
  • coumarin compounds
  • resin.

But the action of this plant is directed not only on the strands, but also on the scalp. It perfectly improves the blood circulation process, disinfects and moisturizes the skin.

With it you can:

  • restore the strand structure,
  • increase the thickness of the strands with chamomile and strengthen the roots,
  • make it soft
  • restore elasticity
  • accelerate growth
  • reduce the loss
  • return shine
  • remove dandruff.

There are several basic recipes for traditional medicine to lighten curls.

Chamomile flowers decoction

It helps to get a golden hue, has no lightening effect. For cooking you will need:

  • camomile flowers - 5 tbsp. l.,
  • 0.5 l. clean water.

How to use: Pour the flowers with water, boil for 5 minutes, cool to a pleasant temperature, strain with gauze. Rinse the hair with this decoction after the usual washing of the head, do not rinse. The effect is noticeable after several uses.

Chamomile and glycerin

Suitable for women with light blond hair color, lightening by 1 tone. Glycerin - a more gentle means of mild exposure. For the preparation of this mask are required following ingredients:

  • 50 g of flowers
  • 60 ml. glycerol,
  • 200 ml. water.

Prepare the infusion (pour boiling water over the flowers, wrap a towel and insist 3 hours). After cool and strain the resulting composition, enter the glycerin. Stir gently and apply on hair, spreading over the entire length. Cover the curls with polyethylene, wrap with a towel. Hold for an hour. After rinse with warm water without shampoo. Dry naturally.

Mix is ​​not subject to storage, ingredients are calculated on single use.

In addition to the presented lightening agents, various camomile-based masks and rinses are very successful, which also give the hair a soft shade of gold. Below are some of them.

Mask with honey and lemon

To prepare the mask will need:

  • Chamomile decoction - 1 tbsp. l (25 g flowers per 200 ml of water),
  • liquid honey - 3 tbsp. lt
  • juice of half a lemon.

25 g of dried flowers pour boiling water and let stand for at least 40 minutes. Then strain, add honey and lemon juice, mix, apply over the entire length of the hair. To put on a shower cap, on top of a turban from a towel. To sustain one and a half - two hours. Wash off in the usual way with the help of shampoo.

Mask with olive oil and lemon juice


  • 5 tbsp. l camomile flowers,
  • 250 ml. water,
  • 2 tbsp. l burdock (castor) oil,
  • 1 lemon

Prepare a decoction, cool, strain through a sieve. Add lemon juice and burdock to it. Apply the mixture to the entire head of hair, kept for half an hour, washed off with shampoo water.

Rinse with turmeric, chamomile and lemon


  • Chamomile inflorescences - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • lemon - 1 pc,
  • turmeric - 1 tsp,
  • water - 0.5l.

Cooking method: mix turmeric with dry chamomile flowers and lemon peel, pour hot water. Leave on for 3 hours, wrapped the mixture with a towel. Strain, apply on pre-washed hair, does not require rinsing. Suitable for daily use. Perfectly stored in the refrigerator or dark cool place for a week.


It is not necessary to expect an obvious result from the clarification with chamomile, it may well give shade and freshness to color. In the presented recipes, the lightening effect is achieved more due to lemon and honey, which are able to make the curls healthy and radiant, provided they are regularly used. You should also pay attention to the shelf life of pharmacy chamomile, because using an expired product, you can not get any result.
