Hair Growth

Mumie for density and beauty of hair


Many people lose their hair, but only a few know that the reason for this is a lack of vitamins and minerals. Will help cope with the problem mummy for hair growth, all reviews say that after the start of the application a noticeable effect appeared within four weeks.

Mountain balm for hair growth

Mumiyo is a frozen mountain resin filled with the energy of nature. It has amazing properties that allow it to be used in folk medicine as well as in traditional medicine. It has long been called the mountain balm.

Natural mummy is created in natural conditions with the help of soil, mountains, flora and fauna. Today it can be seen in many cosmetics. Especially mummy for hair growth, reviews of which speak of its undoubted positive results, is effective in the event of hair loss.

Does mummy accelerate hair growth? Yes, it will quickly help grow locks, make them thicker. Mountain balm will turn lifeless, dull strands into thick, radiant health, give them shine and elasticity.

The composition and benefits of mountain balm

The use of mummy for hair growth due to its beneficial properties and excellent composition, which includes almost all trace elements and vitamins. In addition, it contains fatty acids, essential oils, bee venom, and the resins necessary for the human body.

Mountain hair balm has the following actions:

  • nourishes the bulbs,
  • removes all inflammations
  • regenerates new follicles,
  • removes toxins
  • disinfects the skin
  • strengthens, heals and rejuvenates the body.

It also has a positive effect on the following functions:

  • increases blood circulation in the scalp,
  • restores metabolism
  • nourishes the bulbs with nutrients
  • strengthens hair, gives them volume and elasticity,
  • treats dandruff
  • prevents excessive secretion of fat
  • removes heavy metals
  • increases vitality.

Mumie, what is the use of hair growth? The application has shown that it is huge: the curls are getting thicker, gaining a magnificent shine and vital energy. Also, this tool prevents the appearance of baldness in men.

How to use mummy for hair growth?

Mountain Balsam is added to shampoos and masks. Use it in other forms. Healers recommend taking mummy tablets for hair growth on an empty stomach daily and before dinner, one at a time.

To add to the shampoo will need five to ten grams of mountain balm. After complete dissolution, the resulting product should be applied to dampened hair and leave for two minutes. More time is not required, because instead of a powerful effect, you can get a strong loss of strands due to the harmful substances contained in the shampoo.

Mask for hair growth with mummy will help to quickly recover the curls, make them lush and beautiful. Put it on your head once a week to get the desired result. For a mask, you need to take a real mountain balm, not pills. Those who used the mummy for hair growth, reviews from photos left in the network. Below is a good example.

Shampoo with mummy

It enjoys customer demand Active mummy shampoo to enhance hair growth. The line of such funds from the Russian manufacturer Skimed includes three products:

  • to enhance growth,
  • for damaged hair,
  • from falling out.

The design of the bottle is rather strict and elegant: on a black bottle there is a clear inscription with the name and composition. Shampoo active mummy for hair growth consistency liquid, with a good smell and practical dispenser. The ingredients are mostly natural, help to better blood circulation. On shampoo active mummy for hair growth, reviews are mostly positive. Users talk about excellent foam properties and noticeable effect after a week of use.

Mummy for hair growth in shampoo can be added independently. To do this, take a 200 ml vial and dissolve 5 g of mountain balm in it. Cooked means you can wash your hair as it gets dirty, before each use vigorously shaking the container. It is better to leave the foam mass on the head for two minutes, so the curls will receive nutrients and vitamins, they will grow better and look better groomed.

Shampoo with mummy for hair growth: reviews say that it is important to use this tool, because it contains all the necessary substances to strengthen the follicles. When washing with warm water pores expand, and the hair gets everything you need for your growth. Masks and shampoos with mountain balm proved effective in the treatment of dandruff, alopecia.

They restore damaged split ends, help the growth of thick hair. Although they say that only heredity affects the thickness and it is impossible to make the bulbs more than what nature has laid, but it is possible to awaken the sleeping follicles with the help of a mountain balm. And besides, it guarantees brilliance, energy and grooming.

Mumiyo in tablets - use for hair: how to use mummy against hair loss

Today we will talk about how to use a mummy for hair, so that they become thick, docile, long and shiny. And also we will talk about what to do if hair falls out. Folk remedies for hair growth give us many valuable recommendations, following which we can forget about hair problems forever.

It is no secret that hair is the main indicator of the health of any organism. If all the systems work smoothly and the body has enough of all the necessary trace elements - you will have thick, silky beautiful hair. With a shortage of microelements and failures in the work of organs and systems, the first to tell you about problems are your hair and nails. So wisely our organism is arranged.

In healthy hair contains a supply of trace elements. As soon as we start to hurt, the hair gives up its reserves to ensure the smooth operation of vital organs and body systems. Remember the proverb about the braid? Yes, indeed the people are very wise. He noticed this important pattern, and long before the start of scientific discoveries.

Mumiyo is a mountain gum, which since ancient times has been used to treat bones and joints

Use mumie for hair

The application has shown that it is huge: the curls are getting thicker, gaining a magnificent shine and vital energy. Also, this tool prevents the appearance of baldness in men.

You can enrich it with shampoo

For this 5 gr. the powder is stirred in 250 ml. shampoo Shampoo is left on the head for 3 minutes, then rinse. It is not necessary to keep long, just a few minutes. If the shampoo is prepared at home, it can be kept on the head for 10 minutes. Shampoo is suitable even for daily use.

If you don’t have time to mix the ingredients, you can add the mummy to a regular purchase mask. 1-2 grams is enough. Use the mask as usual.

Containing a huge amount of essential oils and enzyme complexes, this tool perfectly stimulates hair follicles and improves their nutrition.

The easiest way to prepare a mask is to dilute the powder with ordinary water. It can also be diluted with heated milk, hot green or black tea, coffee, herbal decoction and even yogurt. Frequency of use 2-3 times a week.

Reviews of a mask with a mummy are very inspirational

Altai mummy is a 100% natural effective remedy that heals, strengthens hair and accelerates their growth.

With constant use, it can turn sparse hair into a thick shock of beautiful healthy hair.

It consists of about thirty chemical elements, thirty micro and macro elements, six amino acids, a complex of vitamins, bee venom, tar-like substances and essential oils.

As we have already found out, hair loses its appearance due to the lack of necessary substances. Therefore, the mummy is a real natural source of hair. No hair mask you can not find such a rich composition. Applying mummy, after a month you will see obvious results. Add it to the constant care of your hair, and you will forget about the problems with them.

How to accelerate hair growth and make them shiny and thick

There are several ways to use mumie for hair.

  • The first way is to add it to the shampoo. Use 5-10 grams of mummy on a bottle of shampoo, let it dissolve well and wash your hair, as usual, hold the shampoo on your hair for just a minute or two. Many make such a mistake: enriched shampoo hold on the hair for 7-10 minutes, ostensibly for better effect. As a result, the hair begins to fall out just shreds. The point here is not a mummy, but a shampoo. Any modern shampoo, if it is just not homemade, contains a lot of aggressive chemicals. Therefore, you should not keep it on your head for so long, even if it is enriched with mummy. Just wash your head as usual. The result will be with regular use. To enhance the effect, you can further dilute the mummy with water, rub into the hair roots. Leave overnight. Use mumiyo tablets.
  • The second way is to prepare a hair mask. Dissolve 1 gram of mummy in 50 milliliters of warm water, apply it to the hair roots with a spray bottle and rub it all in for an hour, massaging your head. You can leave for the night. You can apply to a clean face at the same time - it is a very good remedy for skin. In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo. This method very well activates the hair follicles. Use this mask twice a week. Literally in three or four weeks a young fluff will appear on the head. This woke up sleeping onions, grow your healthy beautiful hair.
  • You can dilute the mummy with honey (2 tsp, 2 g mummy, half a cup of warm water). Spray on the roots, you can. Keep at least 30-40 minutes (you can a couple of hours), wash your head. Half a cup of solution is enough for several times. Do this regularly, before each wash for at least one to two months. And you will see a stunning effect.
  • If you burned hair with hair dyes, the hair does not grow, the roots are greasy, and the ends are dry - dissolve 1 gram of mummy in 30 ml of water and rub it abundantly in the hair roots. Apply castor or burdock oil to hair ends. Perform the procedure every three days. Hair will go to growth, the roots will become less fat.

Mask for hair density and shine

Dilute 1 g of mummy in a small amount of boiled water. Add burdock oil 1 tbsp, five drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil, three drops of lemon oil and two ampoules of nicotinic acid. Shake well, apply to the hair roots, comb and leave for an hour. Wash your head. This mask gives a stunning effect, the hair will look like after an expensive salon.

But keep in mind that a mummy for hair, like any other remedy, is not a panacea.

It is not suitable for all types of hair, because can dry the skin.

Therefore, if you have dry hair, you'd better use burdock and castor oil (mix 1/1, apply on hair, leave for at least an hour, rinse, repeat twice a week).

If the roots are greasy and the hair is dry, spray the mummy only on the hair roots. If you do not suffer from dry skin - this method will be very effective for you.

How to use mummy to treat hair

  • Make a one-percent solution of mumie (per 100 milliliters of water 1 g) on ​​the infusion of mint and burdock. To prepare the infusion for one cup of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of a mixture of herbs (burdock root and mint 1/1). Brew like tea. Pour the infusion mummy and rub into the scalp once a day.
  • In case of burn alopecia, dissolve 3 grams of mummy in 300 ml of distilled water. Rub the solution into the center of balding once a day.
  • For dry hair: dissolve 3 g of mummy in one glass of water. Add 1 tbsp of burdock juice and 1 tbsp of burdock oil. Rub into the scalp as a mask, regardless of washing.
  • For oily hair, prepare cranberry solution. 100 g of crushed cranberries pour three cups of boiling water and let it brew for 4 hours. Dissolve 3 g mumie in cranberry solution. Rub your hair every day as a mask, regardless of washing.

Mask with mumiyo

You can buy a finished mask with mumiyo

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 3 grams of natural mumiyo

Mix two whole eggs with a spoon of honey. Then add the natural Mumiye and mix to a uniform consistency. Apply the resulting mask from the roots to the ends of the hair, completely covering them. Cover the hair with plastic wrap or shower cap and leave for one hour. Then rinse hair with warm water and shampoo. Use air conditioning if necessary.

Getting healthy, shiny hair is easy!

Mumiyo is used in the composition of various masks, balms, lotions. All these tools have proven to be effective in treating seborrhea, hair loss, restoring split ends, improving hair growth.

It has long been proven that the density of hair laid at the genetic level, but the appearance, shine, health depends on the proper care and use of cosmetics, paints and other things.

We advise you to use natural mummy to maintain health, because it contains many vitamins, macro-and micronutrients, essential oils and other useful components.

When applied to steamed scalp, its pores open and quickly absorb all the components of the mummy. The resin optimizes blood circulation, increases the amount of copper and zinc in the cells.

All this enhances the metabolic processes in the scalp, stimulates hair growth.

For the treatment of hair and scalp mumie applied externally.

  • Linda 08/08/2016 at 16:41

I use the mask with eggs))) really colossi better after it!

Mumie for density and beauty of hair

It is difficult to say where the mummy comes from - science has not yet given a definite answer. One thing is clear: this mysterious substance has a truly wonderful effect on the human body.

This mysterious substance is a real gift of nature to people, healing heavy ailments, preserving youth and beauty.

It is especially widely used in cosmetology, helping, among other things, to strengthen hair and accelerate their growth.

What is a mummy

Stony formations of black or brown color, dull or transparent, with a specific resinous smell with notes of juniper, wormwood, chocolate and bitumen, are found in mountainous areas.

If you clear them from extraneous inclusions, you get a homogeneous mass, consisting of 30 trace elements, oxides of a dozen metals, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins (especially a lot of group B), bee venom, resins and other active elements.

This is a true healing cocktail, which has a beneficial effect on the human body both by ingestion and for external use.

Mumiye has regenerating, healing, rejuvenating properties, protects against heavy metal salts and free radicals, activates various functions of the body. For these qualities, it is often called mountain balm. Other names mumie are mountain tears, mountain pitch.

This substance is highly soluble in water, which not only facilitates its use, but also indicates a high bioavailability.

What effect does the hair have?

  • Thanks to its trace elements and vitamins, mummy activates blood circulation in the epidermis. Useful substances and oxygen in larger quantities enter the hair follicles, improving their viability. As a result, the strands become stronger, denser, cease to fall, their growth is accelerated. Dormant follicles awaken, and curls begin to grow where they never seemed to appear.People who regularly use the tears of the mountains for hair care, noted that after a month of use, a spiny hedgehog formed on the head from young people who had just started to grow hair. As a result, the hair became noticeably thicker after a few months. Thus, mummy can be recommended as a means for curl growth, prevention and treatment of alopecia. In addition, regular use of the product prevents the appearance of early gray hair.
  • The second is the ability to use hair balm mountain - regulation of the sebaceous glands. It is shown to people suffering from oily seborrhea, in which the strands are salted too quickly at the roots. It heals combs, relieves dandruff, will allow less frequent washing of hair, and this is useful in that it can be not so often exposed to the negative effects of substances contained in many shampoos. However, owners of dry hair must observe a sense of proportion when using mountain resin: with frequent use, the mummy dries the hair. However, this property can be neutralized by adding vegetable oils to the compositions of cosmetics with mummy.
  • Another important feature of mountain balm - ability to strengthen curls themselves, improving their structure over the entire length. Its constituent elements contribute to the production of collagen and elastin, so that the curls become silky and elastic. Pitches stick together the scales of each hair, making them smooth and shiny. In addition, on the surface of the curls an invisible film is created that protects against the negative effects of the environment.

Read more Mumiyo from stretch marks

Where to get the mummy

In cosmetology and medicine, an already purified mountain balsam is used, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets of 0.2 g. Packaging of such tablets from 10–20 pieces is inexpensive, within 100 rubles. It is convenient to apply them, there is no difficulty with a dosage.

Special connoisseurs of mountain balm argue that whole mummy is even more useful. To get it is somewhat more difficult, and there is no particular need for it. Moreover, it will be a little more difficult to use it.

However, both options are good. The main thing - to know the appropriate recipes.

Recipes for Homemade Hair Products with Mountain Balsam

A good effect can be obtained if you add moumeo to shampoo. On a bottle with a capacity of half a liter is enough 10 tablets., per portion of shampoo, designed for one shampooing - a pair of tablets, provided that you have a long thick mane. For owners of a short haircut one tablet is enough.

If you have enriched your shampoo with mountain balm, then, after washing your head with it, wait for a couple of minutes and then wash off the shampoo. So the mummy will have time to act. It is not necessary to increase the time of exposure, because at the same time with the mountain balm on the skin and curls affects and shampoo, which can give the opposite effect.

Shampoo enriched with mummy-enriched shampoo makes sense to supplement the use of rinse aid, spray and masks based on mountain resin.

Hair conditioner

  • burdock root - 50 g,
  • water - liter,
  • apple vinegar - a teaspoon,
  • Mummy - 5 tablets.

  • Grind a 50-gram pack of rhizomes of burdock in a coffee grinder or blender.
  • Put the chopped burdock in an enamel saucepan, cover with three glasses of water.
  • Heat over low heat for 20 minutes, trying not to let the mixture boil.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes to infuse the decoction, then strain it through a sieve or gauze folded in several layers.
  • Dilute two cups of boiled water, add vinegar and dissolve the mummy in the resulting liquid. Rinse ready.

Read more Shampoos for hair loss at home

Apply the product to shine hair after each shampooing, completing the procedure. You can replace the rinse spray.

Hair spray

  • burdock root - one 50-gram pack,
  • water - half a liter,
  • Mumiyo - 5 tablets,
  • lemon essential oil - 5 drops.

  • Make a decoction of burdock.
  • Dissolve the mummy in it.
  • Add ether.
  • Pour into spray bottle.

It is recommended to apply the spray after washing the hair and every day in the morning, spraying the product onto the hair. Each time you need to shake the bottle well. Spray is used to protect and gradually restore damaged curls.

Mask to restore damaged curls

  • mountain balsam - 5 tablets,
  • honey - tablespoon,
  • chicken egg - one.

  • Melt the honey in a water bath.
  • Separate the white from the yolk.
  • Pound the yolk with honey.
  • Dissolve the mummy in a spoonful of boiled water and combine with the mixture.

Apply a mask on the roots of the strands, then spread over their entire length. Put on a bath hat, on top of it, tie a terry towel. After an hour, rinse with shampoo, rinse hair and let it dry naturally. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Mask, accelerating hair growth

  • water - 100 ml
  • mountain balsam - 5 tablets,
  • honey - dessert spoon,
  • Sea buckthorn oil - a teaspoon.

  • Melt the honey, grind it with sea buckthorn oil.
  • Dissolve the mummy in water, pour the honey-oil mixture with it, mix well.

Rub the remedy into the scalp, as well as into the strands at the very roots, warm with a towel tied over the bathing cap. Wash off the mask after 50 minutes. After a head of hair, it is recommended to rinse with a decoction of burdock with mummy and vinegar, allow to dry naturally.

The mask will heal the scalp, eliminate peeling, activates the growth of strands. The conditioner will add shine to the curls, making them soft and silky. The frequency of use of the mask - once in 7 days. For the prevention of alopecia enough 6-8 sessions.

If the hair is already falling out, then the course should be extended for another half to two months.

Mask from alopecia

  • mountain balsam - 5 tablets,
  • chicken egg - one
  • glycerin - a teaspoon,
  • castor oil - two big spoons,
  • wine vinegar - a small spoon.

  • Separate the yolk from the protein.
  • Add oil to yolk, grind.
  • Mix with glycerin.
  • Pour in some wine vinegar, stir.
  • Dip mumie tablets into the resulting mixture, stir until they are completely dissolved.

Rub the composition into the hair roots for 10 minutes, then spread over the entire length of the strands. Keep the mask warm and hold it for 50 minutes. After rinse with warm water using shampoo.

Complete the rinsing procedure with curls. Dry your hair without using a hair dryer. The mask for hair loss is used with regularity once a week in courses of 8–16 sessions.

Repeat the course advised not earlier than two months.

Read more "Dimexide" for hair growth

Mask for the care of curls, dry at the tips, but oily at the roots

  • oak bark - a tablespoon,
  • water - half a cup,
  • burdock oil - a tablespoon,
  • Mummy - 5 tablets.

  • Boil half a glass of water.
  • Pour boiled water over crushed bark, let it brew in a thermos for an hour, strain.
  • Dissolve mumie in the infusion of oak bark.

Apply the mixture with a sponge to the hair roots. Grease the tips of the hair with burdock oil. After an hour, rinse with warm water. Shampoo is not necessary to use.

Mask for greasy hair

  • skimmed milk - half a cup,
  • chicken egg - two
  • Mountain Balsam - 10 tablets.

  • Dissolve mummy in milk.
  • Separate the whites from the yolks, whip the whites.
  • Gently inject the proteins into the milk, mix.

Coat the curls with the mixture, rub into them. Heat your head with a towel, wearing a plastic cap under it. Wash off in an hour. Use a mask once a week.

Mask for dry hair

  • cream - 100 ml,
  • chicken egg - two,
  • mountain balsam - 5 tablets,
  • honey - dessert spoon.

  • Melt the honey and grind it with the yolks, after separating them from the proteins.
  • Dissolve mummy in cream.
  • Combine all the components, carefully mixing.

The mask is applied to the strands along their entire length, warmed and left for half an hour, then washed off with running water and shampoo. Apply to moisturize dry curls once a week.

Nourishing mask

  • mountain balsam - 5 tablets,
  • water - tablespoon,
  • burdock oil - a tablespoon,
  • nicotinic acid - two ampoules,
  • tea tree oil - 5 drops,
  • lemon oil - 5 drops,
  • lavender oil - 5 drops.

  • Dissolve the mummy in water.
  • Connect the solution with burdock oil, mix well.
  • Add essential oils and nicotinic acid, mix again.

Apply the mask on the scalp, gently rubbing, and on the roots. Distribute the rest of the entire head of hair. Warm up Take a mask for 40 minutes, then rinse with a shampoo.

After such an energetic cocktail, the hair grows faster, the curls become lively shine, become more elastic and resilient.

The procedure itself is a delight due to the magical aroma of essential oils.

Contraindications and features of use

The use of masks with mountain balm is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Do not recommend them to those who suffer from hypertension.

Owners of dry curls should use such masks with caution, adding olive oil to each teaspoon or shortening the mask exposure time by half.

It should be remembered that the tears of the mountains themselves, as well as other products (honey, oils) that make up the masks can cause allergies. Therefore, each tool before use must be tested, putting on the wrist for 15 minutes.


Depending on the composition and place of extraction, the miraculous balm is:

  • lichen. It is formed as a result of the vital activity of lower lichen plants,
  • mineral. It is extracted from rock cavities in the mountains,
  • excretive. As part of - petrified excrement of various small animals (mice, bats, etc.),
  • bitumen. Formed as a result of anaerobic decomposition of plants,
  • wax honey. The result of the vital activity of wild bees,
  • juniper The basis is resin of various conifers,
  • cadaver. It turns out as a result of mummification and / or decomposition of the corpses of various animals, insects.

That mummy is completely a creation of naturegives him a clear advantage. After all, the naturalness of the product can be a decisive factor when choosing a drug that accelerates hair growth.

What is the use of rocky tar?

  • protection from the harmful effects of the environment,
  • removal of salts of heavy metals and other toxic substances,
  • removal of inflammation, tightening of skin microcracks,
  • obedient curls, ease of installation, gloss and smoothness of the order,
  • treatment of brittle hairs and split ends,
  • collagen synthesis - elasticity and elasticity of the strands as a result,
  • control of the sebaceous glands and reducing the formation of subcutaneous fat - reducing oily hair,
  • treatment of seborrhea, as well as getting rid of dandruff,
  • growth acceleration due to the receipt of the required amount of zinc and copper,
  • supply of the necessary substances, vitamins,
  • acceleration of skin circulation on the head,
  • strengthening strands and preventing their loss,
  • awakening a sleeping follicle.

We recommend to read: composition and benefits of shampoo for hair growth "Active Mummy".

Attention! Mumiyo is a natural antiseptic with the manifestation of antibacterial, regenerating, restorative, cleansing, regenerating and rejuvenating properties.

Miraculous balm from the rocky mountains - of mineral-biological origin.

Consists of:

  • fatty acids
  • resinous substances
  • 30 minerals
  • enzymes
  • vitamins
  • bee venom,
  • essential oils
  • 6 amino acids.

For the consumer, mummy for hair growth is available in the following forms:

  • natural. So it comes from the mountains. In cosmetology, it is preferable to use a pure product, as in this form the mummy is more effective. The cost of this drug is about 370 rubles per 100 grams,
  • tablets, capsules. Often used for oral administration, but can be used to accelerate the growth of hair. The price is about 150 rubles for 30 tablets.

The richest in mummy are places in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Altai. Altai resin is considered the most useful and popular. You can buy this tool in pharmacies, as well as in online stores.

Council When buying a product, it is worth being vigilant: the medical balm is often falsified, therefore, it is better to check for authenticity before using it.

Ways to check

You can check the authenticity of the drug in different ways. The most simple are:

  • mash the product in your hand. High-quality, natural, mummy softens quickly. A fake, or with impurities, will remain solid,
  • the true remedy is also well dissolved in water, alcohol, and cream.

When applied

The range of use of the mummy is quite extensive. It is used in the treatment of many diseases. Effectively and in cosmetology.

If we talk about the benefits of the substance for the hair, then it is effective in such cases:

  • with alopecia (heavy loss),
  • to recover from damage,
  • for prevention,
  • dandruff
  • also useful mummy for hair growth.

Council To make your hair grow well, review your diet. About foods that stimulate hair growth, read our website.

Rules of application

As a rule, you need to drink the mummy on an empty stomach, dissolving 0.2 grams in 2 tablespoons of warm water. You can use tablets. The course is at least 28 days. Such doses are advisory in nature. And the correct dosage in each individual case, as well as the expediency of use, it is better to discuss with the doctor.

Express Recipes

A bold, simple way to use mumie: apply a solution (two grams per 1.5 cups of water) to the roots a few hours before washing.

Effective hair mask:

  • tablespoon of burdock oil,
  • 1 gram of rocky resin,
  • five drops of essential oils of lavender and tea tree,
  • 3 drops of essential lemon oil,
  • 2 ampoules of pharmaceutical nicotinic acid.

How to apply: withstir, distribute on the roots and comb the strands. Leave for an hour and wash your hair.

Such a tool is effective not only for growth, but also helps with loss.


The use of mountain resin with shampoo will help restore strength and volume, eliminate brittleness and loss, as well as accelerate the growth of curls.

How to breed:

  • 10 tablets are added to each 5 ml of homemade shampoo. To improve the result, it is worth rubbing the product into the skin during washing and keeping it for about 10 minutes. Apply for a month.
  • 2 tablets are added to the bottle with shampoo. Shake the bottle before each use.

Important! Before adding a pill is better to crush. Do not use professional shampoo. It is better to take on the basis of natural ingredients.

Use masks

The use of mummies in various masks is widespread. But, before using their action on themselves, you should read some basic rules:

  • wash your hair before applying optional. Means is applied both on dry, and on wet locks,
  • to enhance the effect, it is worthwhile to warm the applied mask with a towel or a bathing cap,
  • in order to prevent the remedy is used once a week. Course - 8 masks.
  • For treatment, it is necessary to apply the formulations twice a week. Course - 16 application. Then you should give the hair a 2-month break and repeat the course.

According to reviews, in a month the dormant hair bulbs are waking up, and a noticeable fluff appears on the surface of the head, which later turns into thick luxuriant strands.

Honey Mask

It will take:

  • 8 tablets of prepared mummy,
  • 2 teaspoons fresh honey,
  • half a glass of ordinary warm water.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Moisten with the composition of the entire surface of the scalp. Wait half an hour and rinse.

Honey and sea buckthorn mask

It will take:

  • 1.5 table. spoons of fresh honey
  • ¾ cup of water (warm)
  • 4 drops of sea buckthorn oil,
  • 7 grams of pure mummy.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Dilute natural resin in warm water. Add oil and honey to the liquid. To mix everything.
  2. Massage light movements rub hands into the scalp. Then distribute on all strands. Curls before applying do not wash.
  3. Warm the applied agent and rinse off after 25 minutes.

How I use mummy to strengthen and grow hair.

For about three months, I began to take care of my damaged, frequent chemical dyeing hair. I wanted to grow a long head of hair and increase the thickness of the hair. My temples began to shine, it was especially noticeable when I was making a high tail. With each combing and washing my head, I lost big tufts of hair. At some point, I decided to take up my head. I revised my care, smoothly switched to prof, began to make oil and ayurvedic masks to increase the density.

This is the way I came to experiment with mummy, I read here a lot of positive reviews. And then in the department of dietary supplements in Auchan I turned up "Golden Mummyo" Altai cleared from Evalar. The price is 111 rubles. I read a lot that girls add mummy directly to shampoo and get good results. I did not try this method. Since I am completely satisfied with my professional shampoo and I would not like to add anything to its composition. Therefore, I decided to use the mummy in a different way, but also not for its intended purpose, not inwards, although I plan to take a course of ingestion, but outward in the form of rubbing into the scalp.

I take one pill and pour it with warm water, about two tablespoons. The mummy dissolves well, but not very quickly, to speed up the process, I stir it with a brush, after the same brush I apply the resulting solution over the partings and rub it with my fingers into the hair roots. I warn you, the smell is not pleasant. On the hair, the smell remains before bathing. Therefore, it is better to do this a couple of hours before washing.

Lemon mask

It will take:

  • 100 grams of fresh lemon juice,
  • spray gun
  • 2 grams of mummy.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Mix all ingredients and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  2. Spray on all strands. Wait 1 to 2 hours. Then you should wash your hair.

Herbal mask

The use of such a mask not only contributes to the growth of hair, but also helps to get rid of prolapse, dandruff and split ends.

It will take:

  • 0.5 table. tablespoons chopped dried herbs burdock and mint,
  • a glass of water (hot)
  • 2 milligrams of mummy.

How to cook and apply:

  1. From the water and herbs to make an infusion. For this, burdock and mint are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for about an hour.
  2. Add mummy to herbs and stir.
  3. Rub into the scalp.

Note, Tmask should be used daily, once a day, for 2-3 weeks.

Cranberry Mask

This tool enhances growth, strengthens, and also eliminates the shine.

It will take:

  • 100 grams of fresh cranberries,
  • 3 cups warm water
  • 15 tablets mumie.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Mash cranberries and add water. Insist about 4 hours.
  2. Add mountain balm and mix well.
  3. Spread over all the curls and wait half an hour.
  4. Use 3 times a week.

Compositions on essential oils

Due to the presence in the composition of essential oils, the mask is effective for loss (action of chamomile), dandruff (bergamot), and for growth (basil).

It will take:

  • a few drops of chamomile, bergamot, basil essential oils.
  • base oil (about 20 grams). The tool is selected depending on the type of hair and can be any: coconut, almond, jojoba, cocoa, avocado, etc.
  • 1 gram of healing mummy,
  • 60 grams of plain warm water.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Mix all the oils.
  2. Mountain pitch to dissolve in water.
  3. Combine components and mix well.
  4. To distribute on hair, and in an hour to wash off.

Glycerin Mask

It will take:

  • 1 gram mummy,
  • egg yolk,
  • half a teaspoon of vinegar,
  • 2 table. castor spoon,
  • 1 teaspoon glycerin (pharmacy).

How to cook and apply:

  1. Mix the components and rub into the skin.
  2. To warm and sustain 50 minutes. Wash off.

Judging by the reviews, all of these masks are very effective. Those who have tried the effect of mountain balm on themselves, note the achievement of impressive results. Besides the fact that strands grow faster, the hair itself becomes thicker and healthier.

In some cases, the result in the form of shiny and smooth hair is noticeable after the first application. But, like any tool that affects our body, care with the use of mountain resin can have the opposite effect. Therefore, starting the struggle for beauty and the acceleration of the growth of their curls, is to enlist the recommendations of a specialist.

To grow long hair will help natural oils:

Useful videos

The recipe for a restorative shampoo with mummy.

The use of mummy for hair and medicine. Benefit, harm and properties of the tool.

What affects hair health?

The natural decoration and pride of any woman, the finest and greatest gift of Mother Nature are beautiful elastic hair. A luxurious head of shiny hair is the subject of admiration for men and undisguised envy of your girlfriends. After all, well-groomed hair attracts attention and uplifting, like any fashionable outfit.

But what to do in the event that the hair has lost not only its natural shine, but also silkiness and look so lifeless, and their color has faded? And there is only one answer to this - they need proper care.

The sequence of cooking mask with mummy

On the hair is reflected not only our poor health, mood, but also the state of our health in general. There are many reasons that lead to hair diseases. These are hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body, heredity, an excess or deficiency of vitamins, nervous experiences, and infectious and catarrhal diseases. External factors also have a significant effect: incorrectly selected cosmetics, exposure to high temperatures and direct sunlight.

How does hair damage occur?

Kohl you think that your hair does not need careful special care, and they will always be lush and beautiful, then you are mistaken. Everyone knows that the skin of the face, hands and neck requires special care. You also need to take care of your hair. Indeed, unlike the skin, they are exposed to mechanical, chemical and various physical effects. In the summer, they dry up in the sun, and after a long stay on the street without a headdress, they burn out.

Mechanical damage occurs when using various electrical devices that are used to form curls or straighten hair. As a result of frequent chemical perm and regular dyeing, the hair becomes brittle, dull and somehow lifeless. Therefore, it is necessary to properly and systematically care for your hair in order to preserve their density, as well as luster and fluffiness for a long time.

To care for brittle hair, a special mask is used, a balm that promotes the full restoration of weakened, tough, split, tarnished and damaged hair. Excellent results are achieved when using mummy to restore and grow hair. Various recipes for the use of mountain resin, whether it be a mask or tablets, have a beneficial effect on the entire human body, rejuvenating and strengthening it.

How to care for your hair?

Everyone knows that hair is dry, greasy and normal. As a result of systematic dyeing, our hair becomes dry.

Throughout the year, there is a physical change of hair - about forty of them can fall out in a day.

But often, what is most offensive, hair is lost through the wrong care for them. Of great importance is the shampoo, which must be properly selected. Normal hair is advised to wash once every five days, greasy more often - about once every two or three days, but in no case daily, and dry ones can be once a week or 9 days.

You need to pay attention to the temperature of the water, which wash your head in the bath or at home. It should be pleasant, not too hot and not cold. Wash your hair with shampoo twice: first apply and quickly wash off the shampoo, and the second time, massage the scalp a little longer. Warm water and light massage and increase blood circulation in the scalp, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the effects of shampoo.

The mask of the mummy for the face helps get rid of acne, wrinkles. A mask of this drug for hair has a powerful regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. Resin tablets come in high demand from the mountain tops. Regular use makes hair elastic and very elastic.

Care and recovery: mummy for hair growth

Under the influence of not entirely favorable, both external and internal factors, hair can become dull, brittle, lose its natural natural shine and eventually begin to fall more than the norm. In order to prevent and prevent this, according to the recommendations of traditional healers, mumie is used for hair care.

This is a unique product of nature, which includes a certain balanced amount of not only mineral but also biologically active substances. Mumiyo is able to restore the hair structure and regulate the work of all the systems of our body just at home, at home.

Under the influence of this mountain resin, the inflammatory processes that provoke hair loss and brittleness are eliminated.

Mummy is used to restore and strengthen hair, as well as to accelerate their growth by rubbing an aqueous solution of this drug into the hair roots. To obtain such a solution is diluted with 3 grams of mummy in about 100 milliliters of plain water. This procedure is recommended only once a week.

A positive effect is the addition to this aqueous solution of art. l warm honey or sea buckthorn juice. It is advisable to add the prepared aqueous solution of the drug to a bottle of shampoo and use it constantly during shampooing. Thanks to this systematic makeup, your hair will be strengthened fairly quickly, they will get a wonderful healthy look.

To obtain a more stable and lasting effect, it is necessary to use mountain pitch from three months to six months.

Various recipes for using mummy along with shampoo, as well as mummy pills and especially the mask from this drug help keep hair healthy and thick for many years.

The use of mummy is contraindicated in children up to one year old, with various oncopathologies, adrenal gland diseases, Addison's disease and with individual intolerance to the drug.

But this is extremely rare. Various recipes for using mummy, whether it is a mask, pills, spray or shampoo, prepared at home, will be for you an invaluable help in hair care. Golden Mummy is a natural pantry of biologically active substances and trace elements. Spray of mummy is very easy to use and has a beneficial effect on the structure, appearance and growth of hair.

Application mumie for hair

Various recipes using mumie have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. A very useful mask for the care of brittle dry hair, consisting of egg yolk, a spoon (tea) honey and a few grams of mummy. This nourishing mask is applied to the head and rubbed into the hair roots, and then distributed along their length. Maintain it for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water using shampoo.

An interesting recipe for a lotion of mummy, which helps strengthen the hair follicles themselves. A little mummy diluted with a glass of water and this solution for several hours before washing the head, spray hair. This procedure helps to significantly increase hair growth.

Using regularly mummy to accelerate hair growth, you can achieve not only a significant improvement in the condition of your hair, but even a visual increase in their volume.

Hair care, using tablets mummy. They pound and prepare a variety of masks. Not everyone knows that these pills can cure various diseases. They have an antitumor effect, strengthen the immune system and have bactericidal properties. Before taking this drug, you should consult with your doctor.

It is safe to say that the use of mummy for hair growth is simply a wand wand and a storehouse of benefits and health.

How to use mummy for hair

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
Read more here ...

Mumiye is an organ-mineral product. It is formed from the crust in the cracks of high-mountain rocks, in conditions of low oxygen content and minimal humidity, in places where the temperature changes frequently and the sun shines. Mumie appears where bats, squirrels, pigeons live in the wild, and medicinal plants grow (rosehip, rhubarb, valerian, mint, wormwood), which feeds the whole animal world. Mumiyo is a mountain balsam, the best deposits of which are the mountains of Siberia, the Caucasus, the Far East, India, Burma, Australia and South America.

In the composition of the mummy found more than 80 components, among which are essential and essential amino acids, mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, organic acids, essential oils, enzymes, carotenoids and much more. But vitamins, which are also part of the mummy (P, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C and E) and more than 60 micro and macronutrients, speak about the administration and use of the drug in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. More than 70% in the composition - it is humic acid.

What treats the mummy?

  • Immunomodulatory
  • Wound healing and antiseptic
  • Antibacterial and antiviral
  • Soothing and antispasmodic
  • Choleretic and diuretic

In addition, mummy is widely used in cosmetology to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. Not left without attention and hair. This is evidenced by the reviews, which describe recipes with mummy for hair loss, treatment of section of the tips and scalp.

Where to buy and how to prepare a mummy for hair treatment

Given such a rich composition, we are unlikely to be able to quickly and briefly list all the diseases that are treated with a mummy. The main therapeutic actions include:

Mumiye is sold in pharmacies, in the points of sale of dietary supplements and cosmetic stores. Mummy is in tablets, plates and as resin in briquettes. When buying it in pharmacies and other points of sale, pay attention to the composition. It is best for us to use pure natural resin that is mined in the mountainous regions of Altai, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

To turn the resin into a homogeneous mass, it is pre-filled with water. The best proportion for external use is 3 gr. Mummy 50 ml. water. When complete dissolution occurs, you can safely add it to other components of your recipes.

We treat mummy our hair

Before proceeding to the description of the procedures and recipes for masks, it should be noted that this product has a drying effect, therefore, using it in the treatment of hair, you should pay special attention to this. Among the hundreds of descriptions of the use of mummy from hair loss, we drew attention to the reviews, which were left by experts in the field of trichology.

Vladimir, a trichologist at the cosmetology center

If the hair does not receive nutrition, it becomes ugly, losing vitality. If time does not take up the diagnosis and do not begin treatment, the patient may lose their hair. Among the many procedures and appointments, I want to draw attention to the mummy.Given its rich chemical composition, it is possible to improve the nutrition of the hair, strengthen the root and restore a healthy environment for the growth of new hair.

The easiest recipe number 1, which we recommend to our customers is as follows:

1. Preparing an infusion of herbs:

  • Mint leaves - 1 tablespoon,
  • Burdock leaves - 1 tablespoon,
  • Boiling water - 1 cup.

The grass is poured boiling water, covered and infused up to 40 degrees. After that it is filtered.

2. In a cooked herbal infusion put 5 gr. mummy and wait for the resin to dissolve completely. Tincture is ready.

3. Every day you rub the tincture into the scalp without rinsing. After the end of the first course you will notice an improvement in the condition of the hair. The procedure can be repeated to prevent hair loss 2 times a year during seasonal hair loss.

Mumie can be added to the base shampoo after dissolving it. For one bottle of shampoo, use 2 grams. mummy. This will help improve the blood circulation of the scalp, feed the roots and give a healthy shine and elasticity to the curls, directly protecting them from falling out.

  • Mumiyo - 5 gr.
  • Liquid honey - 50 gr.
  • Sea buckthorn juice - 1 tablespoon.
  • Warm water - 200 ml.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and mixed. The mask is applied for half an hour before each wash of the head. The composition is enough for several sessions. Blondes should not be afraid of losing their hair color. Mumiye does not have a coloring effect.

After dyeing hair sometimes itchy head. Against it, as well as other damage to the scalp, we recommend washing the hair with the following solution:

  • Burdock dry roots - 20 pcs.
  • Boiling water - 1 cup.
  • Mumiyo - 1 gr.

Insist burdock in a water bath for 15 minutes and filter. Then dissolve in the infusion mummy in the proportion of 100 ml per 1 g. resin. You can use mummy in home cosmetology when caring for your face and body. The resin fights against stretch marks, makes the skin elastic and taut. And this is a source of youth and beauty. Mumiyo is the purest natural product. Using it and enriching your body with it, you get a gift from the sun, air, water, mountains. Be as beautiful as the world around us.

Mumiyo - the power of nature for the beauty and health of hair

Healthy and shiny hair is a sign of a person watching one another. A variety of care products are on the market for cosmetic products, but not always such products help to achieve the desired results.

To keep hair in good condition, it is useful to use mumiyo for their recovery - a unique and proven substance for centuries to get rid of such common problems as loss, high fat content or dryness, dandruff.

The composition and benefits of mumiyo

Since ancient times, mummy is used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases, providing a tonic effect. However, the mystery of the emergence of this miraculous substance is currently not fully understood.

For example, it is believed that a unique substance is a fermented product of vital activity of bats living in mountain caves, which is concentrated in the form of leaks on the rocks and resembles in texture a frozen resin that is easily dissolved in water.

The nature of the origin of the mountain mummy has not yet been solved.

The composition of "mountain tears" includes more than 60 chemical elements and useful components, including:

  • amino acids
  • essential oils,
  • balsamic substances
  • polyphenols,
  • vitamins A, C, P, group B,
  • trace elements: calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, zirconium, and so on.

The ingredients of the product are a complex of substances, non-toxic for the human body, which is absolutely safe for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In trichology, mumiyo is actively used because of the ability to penetrate deeply into the structure of the hair shaft and follicles.

In Russia, the most common Altai mummy. The centuries-old mountains and the purest virgin nature of “little Switzerland” are a unique well of this healing product. In Altai there are factories and enterprises for the production of mummy tablets and produced in the form of paste.

The use of mumiyo for hair involves taking it orally in the form of tablets, as well as adding to home and commercial cosmetics. The substance has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect.

The pronounced effects of using the "tears of the mountains" include the following:

  • acceleration of metabolism and blood circulation in the skin of the head,
  • Lotion saturation with oxygen, vitamins and nutrients
  • control of the production of subcutaneous fat and secretion of sebaceous glands,
  • the awakening of "sleeping" hair follicles, increasing the density of hair,
  • getting rid of dandruff and various types of seborrhea,
  • cleansing curls from heavy metal salts, normalization of copper and zinc in the hair shaft,
  • prevention of hair loss.

The appearance of a substance may frighten by its specificity. Dark brown color, thick consistency of resin and a strong odor are the result of a natural mystery that gave humanity this “panacea”, the use of which, however, does not affect the color of even very fair hair.

Taking the product inside for beauty and health of hair

For hair growth and prevent their loss, it is recommended to take from 2 to 7 tablets (100 mg each) daily. A higher dosage can cause addiction of the body, which will require an increasing amount of the drug. Ideal reception for 2 tablets before breakfast and lunch for 1 month.

The combined use of mumiyo (outwardly and internally) is able to significantly reduce gray hair.

How to add product to shampoo and wash it with head

When choosing a shampoo for the enrichment of "mountain balm", preference should be given to the most natural, containing a minimum of fragrances and dyes.

On a bottle of 250 ml of a bottle, it is enough to add 20 tablets of 100 mg each, which can be crushed beforehand (or leave them as a whole, since the drug dissolves well in most liquids).

It is necessary to wash your hair with this shampoo as usual, slightly increasing its action time (up to 5 minutes). Duration of use - 1 month, after the expiration of this period, a two-month break should be taken.

Adding honey to the shampoo with mummy will give your hair a luxurious look

An excellent tool to tone the hair is honey shampoo with mummy.

You will need to take a small amount of a cosmetic product, add 20 tablets (100 mg each) mumiyo and a tablespoon of honey. After that, it is necessary to apply the substance to the scalp and leave for half an hour, covered with plastic film and a towel.

Then wash the hair and blow dry it. You can perform the procedure once a week for a month.

Keep the enriched shampoo on the hair for more than 30 minutes should not be, as this may lead to their loss. This side effect is not associated with the action of mumiyo, but with the "rich" chemical composition of modern cosmetics.

Solutions on water and lemon juice (for growth and against loss)

  • With intensive hair loss helps this spray: 2 g of resin (20 tablets of 100 mg) are diluted in 100 ml of water and applied to dry curls with a spray, then the hair is covered with polyethylene and a towel. After an hour of exposure, the product is washed off. This recipe is suitable for use 2-3 times a week for a month.

The result is the restoration of the hair shaft structure and its thickening. For hair growth, 20 tablets (2 g) of mumiyo, dissolved in 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, are sprayed onto the head, left for 1-2 hours, covered with polyethylene and a towel, and then washed off.

To speed up hair growth will help procedures with a solution of mumiyo on lemon juice

Wellness masks

Masks with the addition of mountain resin are applied to dry or slightly moistened strands, which need not be washed before the procedure. For prophylactic purposes, this or that remedy is applied 1 time in 7 days for 2 months, and in treatment it is applied twice a week and at least 15 times in total. The break between courses should be 2 months.

All masks containing mumiyo should be rubbed into the skin with massage movements and applied to the roots or tips (depending on the recipe), after which it is necessary to put on a bathing cap and cover the head with a towel.

With honey (for shine, strengthening and against dryness)

  • Dissolve 10 tablets of mumiyo (100 mg each) in 1/2 cup of warm water, add 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply the composition to the roots and tips of the strands and warm the head. Flush recommended in half an hour. The result is shiny hair and strong roots.
  • A variation of the previous recipe involves adding 1 tbsp. l aloe juice and garlic, as well as 1 chicken yolk.

You can keep this mixture for an hour. Creamy honey remedy is suitable for dry hair: in 150 ml of heavy cream add 20 tablets of “mountain balm”, 20 g of honey and 3 egg yolks. Warm up the composition slightly (up to 40 degrees), apply to hair, warm the head and hold for one and a half hours, then rinse.

It is useful to add egg yolk to honey masks with mummy

Based on glycerin and oils (dryness, dullness and alopecia)

  • 1 g mummy add to a teaspoon of glycerin, mix everything with wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons of castor oil and 1 egg yolk. This mixture is applied to the hair from the roots and keeps on the head for an hour. After that, the agent must be washed off with warm water.

For dry strands that have been adversely affected by dyes, a tool that consists of mumiyo dissolved in water (1 g per 30 ml) and burdock or castor oil is suitable. An aqueous solution of the resin is rubbed into the roots, and the oil is applied to the tips. Keep everything on the hair for an hour and then rinse with warm water.

Carry out the procedure should be 2 times a week. Another kind of mask for dry hair: a solution of mumiyo (3 g per 250 ml of water) is mixed with burdock oil and burdock juice (20 g each), rubbed into the scalp, left for 2 hours, and then thoroughly washed hair.

  • In order to prevent alopecia, 5 g of jojoba oil are added to an aqueous solution of mumiyo (2 g per 200 ml), applied to the roots and kept on the head for up to 3 hours.
  • To impart color saturation and restore tone using a tool with several oils.

    In the solution of mummy (1 g per 30 ml of water) you need to add 20 g of burdock oil, 5 drops of tea tree, lavender and lemon oils, as well as 2 medical ampoules of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3). All mix and apply mainly on the hair roots, which before the procedure is better not to wash. Rinse off after one hour.

    With infusions of herbs, plants and berries (against dandruff, oiliness and other problems)

    Cranberry mask effectively fights hair oily

    In combination with infusions of medicinal plants, mumiyo can provide irreplaceable help, especially for inflammation, dermatitis and seborrhea.

    • When hair is oily, a cranberry mask is used: 100 g of berries are crushed, poured over with a liter of boiling water and left for an hour, then 30 tablets (100 mg each) of mummy are added and the mixture is rubbed into the hair roots in the evening, left overnight, and washed off in the morning.
    • For the treatment of inflammation and disinfection, 100 ml of warm chamomile or calendula decoction (2 tablespoons of crushed flowers per 1 cup of boiling water) and 20 mummy tablets (100 mg each) are mixed and rubbed into the scalp. It is possible to wash away means in several hours.
    • For split ends it is recommended to use mumiyo with infusion of burdock root and mint. Dry crushed herbs are mixed in equal proportions (10 g each), pour a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. Then filter the broth and add 10 tablets mumiyo. Apply this tool should be daily for the entire length of the hair (after washing) for 2 weeks. Flush composition is not necessary.

    Contraindications and possible harm

    Like any substance that has a therapeutic effect, mumiyo for hair has a number of contraindications for oral ingestion, including:

    • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
    • children's age (up to 12 years),
    • individual intolerance to the components
    • hypertension,
    • malignant neoplasms and oncological diseases.

    Reception means in the presence of inflammatory processes or chronic diseases should be accompanied by a mandatory consultation with the attending physician.

    Drinking alcohol during the reception period will not allow the mumiyo to achieve the desired effect, because the "mountain balm" does not dissolve poorly in ethanol.

    If the hair is very dry, then masks should be used with caution (itchy or irritated scalp may appear). In this case, it is better to mix the agent only with vegetable oils - olive, burdock, castor oil.

    Reviews on use (with photo)

    This is a fairy tale for my hair. I drank a mummy to improve their condition, and also added 4 tablets per 200 ml to the shampoo (it acquired a darker color, but did not change the smell). The result - appeared undercoat, hair grew by 2 cm per month.

    Responding to the benefits of mumiyo, many girls note the undercoat that appears after applying the product.

    Olga Sweetheart

    You will not believe the result is noticeable from the first application. Hair gets a good basal volume, to the touch they become very soft and smooth. In the photo, hair is washed only with mumiyo shampoo, without the use of masks and conditioners. In short, I am very pleased. Therefore, I will recommend to anyone who loves to care for their hair.

    After applying products with mummy hair becomes smooth and docile.


    As a professional hairdresser, I highly recommend dissolving the mummy in water (1 g per 50 ml) and using a spray bottle to apply on the hair roots, rub. All this is done for an hour, you can leave for the night, then rinse with shampoo. After 5–6 procedures, fluffs will appear, that is, dormant hair bulbs will give. Use twice a week.


    At all times, natural substances donated by nature were very popular in medicine and cosmetology. Mumiyo is an unsurpassed product, the value of which for the health of hair is without exaggeration high. A competent approach to its use will allow for a long time to preserve the beauty and health of the curls.

    • Anastasia Bykovskaya
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