
Effective lightening of dyed hair - the secrets of transformation


Not everyone is happy with his appearance. Basically, the statement is true for girls. So, girls with curly hair want to have straight and vice versa, blondes dream to be brunettes, etc. But if a blonde can easily become a brunette or a brown-haired woman, then it is impossible to lighten dark hair so that it becomes completely white. In spite of this, women are ready to spend a substantial amount in order to at least a couple of tones to become lighter. You can not spend a lot of time and money on visiting expensive salons, if you use one of the ways that will help you properly lighten dark hair.

Folk method of clarification

To do this you will need:

  • dried chamomile flowers - 200 gr.,
  • henna - 100 gr.,
  • water - 300 ml.,
  • Vodka - 400 ml.

The cooking process is long, but not complicated, consists of three steps:

  • Chamomile flowers are poured with vodka and infused for a week,
  • After that, henna with water is steamed and infused for three hours,
  • The resulting mixture is mixed and infused for two weeks,
  • Separated from the liquid thick.

Apply the thick on the hair and wash it off after 40 minutes using soap.

Hydrogen peroxide

Before using this method, I would like to warn about its negative effects: using a concentrate of hydrogen peroxide, be prepared for the fact that your hair can become loose and thin.
Everyone knows how to lighten dark hair with hydrogen peroxide, but not everyone knows how to do it right.

1. First you need to make a solution. Preparations are made immediately before dyeing. The following proportions should be observed:

  • water - 30 gr.,
  • hydrogen peroxide - 40 gr.,
  • liquid soap - 20 gr.,
  • ammonium bicarbonate - 1 tsp.

The longer and thicker the hair, the more solution is required.

2. Apply the solution on the hair, starting from the neck. The roots are painted last.

3. Wash off with water mixed with citric or acetic acid.

Recommendations for clarification using hydrogen peroxide

  • Before coloring the forehead must be lubricated with petroleum jelly,
  • apply the solution only with gloves
  • if the hair is of medium length, then 50 grams is enough. peroxide,
  • for very thick hair, you need to use 8-12% peroxide solution, for medium density - 6-12%, for thin - 4-8%,
  • the lightening effect will be noticeable faster if you do not wash your hair before the procedure,
  • after staining do not wear a bag, hat and other things, because you can get burned,
  • If you received a light color not enough, it is better to repeat the procedure in a couple of weeks.

Lightening dark dyed hair

When the result of coloring is sad, I want to get rid of it quickly. Is it possible to lighten the unfortunate shade? Fight with dark tones process is complicated, ambiguous. May need repeated cleansing of the acquired pigment. Bright color goes away gradually, the color becomes redder, lighter. The main thing is to be patient, strictly follow the recommendations.

What you need to know before the procedure

Dark-colored hair with great difficulty gives in to the procedure of expelling alien pigment. Artificial coloring does not go away at the same time. The use of chemicals at the same time causes significant damage to the hair. Each subsequent color removal manipulation should be done with caution. Careful monitoring of the state of curls is inevitable. Weakened by the numerous actions of aggressive substances, curls require special treatment. Therapeutic measures for nutrition, hydration, restoration will make a complex of care.

Note! It is more effective to conduct lightening of dark-colored hair with special chemical means. Folk recipes can help, but the process is delayed. The result of such actions may vary depending on the structure, the state of the curls.

In order for the clarification procedure to take place more efficiently, and the curls to suffer less, it is necessary to create the following conditions for them:

  • apply sulfate-free cosmetics,
  • minimize the use of styling products (varnish, gel, foam),
  • refuse to install high-temperature appliances (hair dryer, iron),
  • exclude cosmetics designed to maintain color
  • make care with the use of substances of natural origin (masks, oils).

The use of chemical clarifiers

Lightening dyed hair even with the help of potent agents is carried out in several approaches. In this case, the curls will lose less health, and the effect of the impact will be maximum. There are several options for lightening dyed hair with chemicals:

  • wash,
  • peroxide,
  • shampoo,
  • paint.

The wash is applied to dry curls according to the instructions. The exposure time will depend on the color available. Completing the process of clarification washing, neutralization, designed for this type of substance. This method disrupts the hair structure by oxidizing the pigment. The remover in combination with an oxidizing agent, shampoo, blonddoran, water is intended to get rid of the intense color obtained with the help of persistent dyes. Each stage is accompanied by mandatory thorough washing and drying of the hair. It is best to do a week break between stages. The procedure is extremely detrimental to the hair, so subsequent comprehensive care is required.

Peroxide also has a detrimental effect on curls. Properly chosen concentration, exposure time can protect against burns. With this procedure, it is desirable to pre-test on a small strand, and then carry out a full lightening of dyed hair.

Deep cleansing shampoo will provide an opportunity to quickly remove the intensity of the acquired shade. The impact immediately after dyeing will greatly facilitate the task. Using this method of lightening is harmless to the condition of the hair. The shade is lighter, but it is impossible to get rid of the pigment completely.

Council The darkness of the color can not be completely removed, and partially diluted with a small number of light strands. For this carry out highlighting. This option will help keep most of the curls healthy, refresh the image.

Folk remedies for flushing dark color

Natural color flushing agents act gently, without much harm to hair. Many natural ingredients will have an additional therapeutic effect.

Gradual bleaching of hair at home can be done by rinsing in slightly acidified water (1 tbsp of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to 1 liter of water). The color will become lighter each time, and the curls will get additional shine.

Wrapping with hot oil will remove the excess color, significantly backing the weakened strands. A sufficient amount of the basic base (burdock, olive, castor) is heated in a water bath to a temperature that the skin will perceive without compromising health. Spread on the hair carefully massaging. Warm film, cap. For oily scalp, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or 1 drop of ether of this fruit to the oil. For 15-30 minutes, the effect will be insignificant, and the night impact will provide a good result of clarification, nutrition.

Soda gruel can destroy the extra darkness of color (2 tablespoons of the substance is mixed with a small amount of water to form a mass similar to sour cream). Apply on strands, excluding skin contact. After a quarter of an hour, the curls are washed, neutralizing the action of soda with acidified water. This composition makes the hair stiff, dull. It is possible to use other, no less effective recipes for lightening hair with soda.

Council The use of a balm or nutritional mask in the end will have a positive effect on the curls.

Lightening Dyed Blondes

Knowing how to lighten dyed hair is also useful for blondes. It happens that a shade obtained during artificial pigmentation is not planned. Quickly get rid of excessive coloring blond too want.

Owners of natural light brown color are usually endowed with a thin type of curls, and natural brunettes' hair is weakened by constant bleaching, so before deciding to lower the tone you need to think carefully, to really evaluate the state of hair.

It is much easier to give a lighter shade to owners of artificial coloring in the light brown range. The problem that often arises with this is the appearance of yellowness. It depends on the natural color, the shade in which the curls are colored.

If, after all, the blonde decided to further clarify, you should first prepare for the procedure. 1-2 weeks to abandon styling, feed strands (general recommendations have been indicated earlier).

Chemicals to give a lighter shade

Blondes fit the same clarifiers as brunettes, only resort to drastic measures is in exceptional cases. Available light-colored hair, allows you to use for this purpose less aggressive formulations. These include clarifying:

Such compositions contain less aggressive components, take care of the hair, give a lighter shade to the curls. Finished products are much easier to use, there is no fear of being wrong in proportions.

A great way to lighten up a blonde is to make highlights. This option is especially suitable for owners of thin hair - will give a visual volume. There are various techniques of lightening strands, giving a completely different type of hair. If desired, highlighting can always be turned into a uniform lighter color.

Folk remedies to lighten blondes

It is much easier for blondes to get lightening of colored curls with the help of folk remedies. You can use drugs softer action, time to get the desired effect will take less.

The same means are used that brunettes (except cinnamon - it will give red).The result is not long in coming. Rinsing with the addition of lemon juice or chamomile infusion (500 ml of water, 150 g of dried flowers to brew, insist to cool, drain) promotes gentle "removal" of color. Chamomile can insist on vodka for 2 weeks, add 50 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. To moisten strands with solution, to sustain 15 minutes, to wash off in the usual way.

Note! The effect of clarification from such exposure will be noticeable immediately, but the hair may become noticeably drier.

For blondes, natural honey (better lime, acacia) will be an effective method of careful clarification. The product is applied to the curls, insulated. Mask can be left on all night. Honey creates the effect of "pickling".

Effectively lighten dyed hair can be if properly approach this issue. Curls can deprive the intensity of color gradually. In this case, it will be possible to maintain their health, gradually achieve the desired result.

Decided on a radical change in color? Take advantage of expert advice:

  • How to choose a good dye to lighten hair
  • The effectiveness of clarification tinting
  • Professional hair clarification at home with Estel products
  • Why tint the hair after lightening
  • How to deal with yellow hair after lightening
  • Hair bleeding is a worthy alternative to coloring

Hair lightening

Hair color can not change immediately, it will have to go through several steps. If the hair was previously painted, this artificial pigment dyes can not be removed. It is necessary to begin the process of clarification from the area where the hair requires greater exposure to the drug. Next, the hairs of the frontal and temporal parts are processed, since there are thin hairs that do not require a strong effect of the dye.

Separating thin strands, the brightener is applied smoothly, quickly, so that each hair is soaked in paint. The whole process should be no more than 15 minutes, so after the last treated strand, note the time. According to the instructions, the dye is kept on the hair for about 40 minutes, less or more, depending on the desired shade. After the preparation, rinse thoroughly, but do not forget to check the uniformity of dye over the entire length of the hair.

For maximum removal of paint, the process of emulsification is carried out: a little warm water is applied to the hair, foamed and distributed over the entire length with massaging movements. This procedure will make the hair more shiny. More needed rinse hair first with water, then with shampoo. For protection, treat your hair with a neutralizing balm.

Hair discoloration

The number of bleaching procedures depends on the color and thickness of natural hair and the desired shade. To completely discolor the hair will require at least 4 treatments. But do not hold them one by one, otherwise the hair will become brittle and dry. The interval between treatments should be 4-6 days.

There are several ways to bleach hair. The easiest and most reliable is to buy special paint in the store. When choosing, it should be noted that paints on an oil or cream base cause less damage to the hair. Also make sure that you are not allergic to the ingredients of the chosen agent. Just as with lightening , paint on small strands as quickly as possible so that the paint evenly lay down.

Another way to bleach hair is powdered dyes. These paints are more often used for dark hair, but they also spoil them more. When using them, you must follow the instructions written by the manufacturer. Especially attentive need to be to time the dye on the hair.

Hydrogen peroxide and glycerin are also used for bleaching. But this method is quite dangerous, as it can turn your hair into lifeless, dry. And fix it will not be so easy. Ordinary regenerating masks may not help, and you have to spend money on expensive means to restore the hair to its former appearance.

Root discoloration

Of course, it is necessary to repeat this procedure for regrown horses hair. Use at the same time is the same paint as in the previous treatment. Means is applied only on the grown part of the hair. The process is repeated exactly as the main discoloration.

Is it possible to lighten hair without harm at home?

If you still do not want to risk the health of your hair, then there is another effective and safe way to become a blonde at home - folk recipes. The desired result will be achieved, and the hair will remain alive and shiny. In addition, if you have naturally blond hair, it will be easier and faster.

Here are some popular recipes:

  • Rinsing with chamomile. For half a liter of water will require 2 tbsp. chamomile spoons. Add chamomile to boiling water and keep on low heat for 5 minutes, then let it brew for about an hour. Rinse after shampooing, before this strain. Spend a few such procedures, and the hair will become lighter and acquire a noticeable shine.
  • Lemon rinse. It is also used after shampooing, adding lemon juice to water. This method is suitable and for greasy hairas a lemon dries hair.
  • Mask kefir and lemon. Mask recipe: juice of half a lemon, one egg, two tablespoons. kefir, a teaspoon of shampoo. You can add vodka (2 tablespoons). Mix everything and apply on hair, then cover the head with a plastic bag and wrap up with a towel. Keep 2-3 hours, the longer, the more effective. After rinse thoroughly.
  • The next way - onion peel. The recipe is simple: boil 50 g of onion peel in 200 ml of water for 15-20 minutes.This husk to rub the hair, as many times as the hair will not get the desired shade. But you should know that the onion peel is not so strong a means, so for people with dark hair it will be difficult to lighten the hair with peel. Another disadvantage is the smell of onions. Although it can be quickly weathered, the procedure should be carried out in advance, for example, a few hours before going outside.
  • Honey is also an effective, effective way. hair lightening. At the same time, they will provide them with nutrition, make them silky, and relieve them of scales on their hair. Apply honey on wet hair after washing. No need to be afraid, honey is washed off well enough with warm water. Spread evenly along the length, from root to tip, then wrap with plastic wrap and towel. This mask requires more time than all the others, it will take at least eight hours.
  • It is no secret that dark hair is more difficult to lighten, but for them there are effective ways. One of them is a mask with apple cider vinegar. You need to do it: heat 0.5 l of apple cider vinegar in a water bath. Then do the same with a decoction of chamomile in the same quantity and mix. At the end add lemon juice, 3-4 pieces, half a glass of vodka, honey. All mix again. Can be applied to hair. To sustain such a mask is not worth it for a long time, from 30 to 40 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. The result will be noticeable after several such procedures.

Important points

Before starting the procedure of lightening hair at home, pay attention to the following facts:

  • Painted curls when brightening can give an unexpected shade.
  • Lightening hair with chemicals requires long-term recovery.
  • Folk methods of lightening hair using natural ingredients do not harm curls.
  • You should not expect quick results, clarification without harm occurs slowly. As a rule, changes are noticeable only after 10–12 procedures.
  • Red and too dark hair is very slow to lighten.
  • Brighten the strands of more than 2 tones is unlikely to folk remedies.

If the decision to change the hair color has already been made finally, remember that the degree of clarification depends on:

  • the current color of the curls,
  • exposure time of the selected agent
  • quantities applied
  • and its temperature.

And finally, we will give a few recommendations:

  • use only quality ingredients,
  • follow the recipe exactly
  • Remember that chlorinated water affects the final shade of the strands,
  • for growing hair roots the same brightener should be used, otherwise you can get a different shade,
  • Avoid dyeing your hair with paint two weeks before home brightening.

Natural Brightening Products

You have already seen that lightening hair at home is best done using natural products. Let us once again emphasize the merits of this method of clarification:

  • Security. Homemade hair lightening suggests the absence of harmful ammonia in the media, which destroys the hair structure.
  • The ability to carry out the procedure repeatedly, controlling the resulting color after each session.
  • Availability of ingredients for the preparation of funds. Products for them are inexpensive, which allows you to save finances, and any girl will be able to cook them.
  • Lighten your hair at home, you can not just without harm to the hair, but also with benefit to it. Natural ingredients will have a healing effect on your curls.

So, we turn to the tools that will help you lighten the curls.

Lemon juice (250 ml) should be mixed with hair conditioner (60 ml) and mixed. (If the hair is oily, the conditioner can be replaced with plain water). Wait 15 minutes and apply the mixture with a brush. Leave the composition for 2 hours. In the summer, you can enhance the effect by exposing the curls and exposure to sunlight. Wash your hair with shampoo. The procedure can be performed daily, but the strands will become noticeably lightened only after 2 weeks, and on dark-brown hair the effect of lightening will be noticeable only after a month.

pharmaceutical camomile

Pharmacy chamomile - a popular and proven means for lightening by 1-2 tones. How does it work?

  • Chamomile flowers (30 g) mixed with the juice of half a lemon and a glass of boiling water. Cool and strain. You can use this infusion as a conditioner after shampooing. Flush it does not require.
  • For dry hair, chamomile infusion is suitable with the addition of glycerin. It is simple to prepare it: insist two teaspoons of flowers in a glass of boiling water and add 60 g of glycerin. Apply to the head, cover the head with a film and leave for 45 minutes. Then you need to rinse the strands with water without shampoo.
  • Another option means for lightening hair with chamomile - infusion with saffron and lavender ester. Two tablespoons of chamomile mix with a pinch of saffron, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drain and add 3 drops of essential oil. The exposure time of the composition is 20 minutes. It is washed off with ordinary water.
  • You can lighten the hair with chamomile turmeric. To do this, mix the herbs (a teaspoon of turmeric and 3 tablespoons of chamomile), add the finely chopped peel of one lemon, pour boiling water (1 liter) and infuse for 2 hours, drain the infusion and apply daily, applying on clean curls. Store the infusion can be in the refrigerator.

Fragrant brightening product - cinnamon. With prolonged use, it can, without harm, make it lighter even in locks of dark shades.

  • Mask of cinnamon and olive oil. Mix 3 tablespoons of cinnamon powder, 2 tablespoons of honey and one - pure water. Add 3 tablespoons of conditioner and the same amount of olive oil. Mask apply for 3 hours. Wash off using shampoo.
  • According to the classic recipe, this mask is easier to prepare: honey, cinnamon and water are mixed in equal parts, the mass is heated to 37º and applied for 2 hours.

Rhubarb has become known as a hair-bleaching product relatively recently. Infusion of rhubarb (1 tablespoon per 50 ml of boiling water) should be applied to the hair and wait for it to dry completely. Rinse with shampoo.

To lighten hair without dye will allow colorless henna, which is prepared from plant stalks. You can buy such henna today in almost all stores. Carefully read the instructions for the preparation of the composition and the time of its impact. As a rule, these data are always printed on the package.

Our great-grandmothers knew how to make hair lighter with kefir. This dairy product is good both in single use and in combination with other ingredients. The mask of it is not easy to wash off, but the effect of it is very good!

  • Mask with kefir, olive oil and yolk. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with kefir in a ratio of 1: 5, add the yolk. Apply to dry unwashed curls. Keep the mask for an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo. It is enough to use it every 7 days.
  • Fruit and kefir mask with vitamin E and wheat. Grind the banana and half of the avocado using a blender, add kefir (2 tbsp. L.), Wheat germinated grains (1.5 tbsp.) And 1 ml of vitamin E. Mix everything and apply on dry curls for 20 minutes.

At home, you can lighten the strands using baking soda. The effect will have to wait about two months. Significant lightening of dark hair with soda is unlikely to work, but the preparation and use of funds will not bring trouble. To prepare 8 tablespoons of soda to dissolve in a glass of water and add 100 g of shampoo. The resulting tool is used to wash your hair like a regular shampoo.

Apple vinegar

Rinsing with apple cider vinegar will lighten your hair and give it shine and healthy look. To a liter of cool water you need to add 2 tbsp. l vinegar. The water should be cool, not cold, otherwise the skin as a defensive reaction will begin to strengthen the production of sebum, and the hair on the head will look dirty and untidy.

We remove the yellowness

Since it is very problematic to lighten the hair without the effect of yellowness, many beauties are looking for a means with which you can bleach without damaging either the root or the tip of the hair.

  • Cope with yellow without paint help lime honey. It should be applied and kept on the strands for 10 hours, after which you can wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Give curls a golden shade can decoction of onion peel, if you regularly use it as a conditioner. Particularly advantageous to stand out in the crowd after using such a tool will be the owners of blond hair, in the sun, their curls will play in a new way.

We lighten colored hair

Slightly discolored painted curls will help the composition of olive oil, soda and lemon juice. You can do without oil, then the effect will be achieved faster, but it does not benefit the hair, as you can simply overdry them. For the preparation of all the ingredients should be mixed (in the same amount) and apply to damp hair for 30 minutes. The procedure must be repeated several times.

Of course, today there are a variety of ways to clarify. You can turn to professionals when you want to drastically change the image. And if suddenly you wanted to play a little with shades, for example, to turn a dark blond color into a bright light brown with a golden sheen, then natural remedies will come to the rescue. Be unique and remember that natural beauty is valued at all times.

Why do women choose the cinnamon for lightening their hair?

Today, most women argue their choice of procedures for lightening hair with cinnamon powder with the possibility of the most gentle way to change the image at home, without resorting to chemical exposure.

As additional arguments, there are also studies by cosmetologists who prove the beneficial effect of spice oils on blood circulation (and as a result, on the acceleration of hair growth), on improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands and on the overall strengthening of the strands.

In addition, it is necessary to note the positive effect of vitamins A, E, B1, B6, ascorbic and folic acids contained in the powder of the bark of cinnamon trees on the condition of the hair.

Secrets of technology to effectively conduct the procedure at home

Getting the maximum effect of the manipulations on lightening is possible only with the indispensable execution of all prescriptions.

Appliances clarification at home includes the following mandatory steps:

  • before you begin to lighten the strands, you must carefully comb your hair,
  • the next step is washing the head and drying the strands under natural conditions (without using a hair dryer) to a slightly wet state,
  • until the hair dries, you need to combine the components of the future mask according to the recipe (all components should be thoroughly rubbed), and also test for an allergic reaction (put a drop of the mixture on the skin from the inside of the elbow or behind the ear and wait about 30 minutes),
  • If the test did not show a predisposition of the body to allergies to the components of the mixture (there was no rash, redness, itching), then you can start applying the mask on the hair,
  • The mixture should be applied by hand to the entire length of the curls, leaning over the sink,
  • at the end of the procedure, you need to evenly distribute the mask on the hair, lightly massaging them,
  • for better lightening, the strands are fastened in a bun, wrapped around the head with a piece of food film and wrapped with a thick towel.

To the effect of using the mask was more resistant, keep it on the hair should be at least three to four hours. In practice, after the procedure, the ladies go to bed, planning to remove the mask only in the morning. With such a long exposure, the color of the strands changes significantly after a couple of manipulations.

To add shine to the curls, you can fix the result with chamomile rinsing (in 200 grams of boiling water, brew 2 tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant, leave for half an hour and then bring it to the desired volume with warm water), then apply a conditioner balsam. You can dry the strands either naturally or with a hair dryer.

Recipes of the best cinnamon masks for lightening and nourishing hair

When mixing the components of the mask should consider three factors:

  • length and thickness of strands (lightening of lush hair up to the length of the shoulder blades will require at least 5-6 tbsp of spoons),
  • hair type (greasy, weak, split).

Cinnamon, acacia honey and additional ingredients of the masks, the composition of which is described below, will help not only lighten, but also relieve the curls from a number of problems.

With olive oil and lemon

It is considered a classic composition for lightening and making hair shine. To prepare the mixture is mixed:

  • three art. spoons of spice
  • three art. tablespoons of honey, previously diluted in water, purified from impurities by distillation (liquid volume - 6 tablespoons),
  • olive oil in the amount of 100 milliliters,
  • two art. spoons of lemon juice,
  • 100 milliliters of hair conditioner.

The mass is applied to the hair for 3-8 hours, then washed off with regular shampoo.

With honey and balm

Great for dark colored strands.

The mask is prepared as follows: one hundred grams of acacia honey (diluted by the method indicated in the previous recipe) is heated to a liquid state using a water bath, after which 4 tablespoons are added to the container. spoons of spices and 3 tbsp. spoon balm for hair. The components are mixed until uniform and applied to the strands for up to 5 hours.

Brightening nourishing mask with kefir

The mixture perfectly tones and restores strands, strengthens the roots.

In a non-metallic container pounded:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of warm kefir,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of bark powder branches cinnamon trees.

The applied composition is aged on the curls for no more than 8 hours, after which it is washed off using shampoo.

Brightening and healing mask with chicken egg

Mass reduces the cross section of the tips of the curls, heals the hair.

Three Art. spoons of fragrant spice mixed with the same amount of honey diluted with water (purified from impurities), add one yolk and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice and olive oil. The composition lighten the strands for 4-6 hours, then washed off.

Mask for normal hair using soda

The method is used only for normal, not brittle hair.

Components of the mask is cinnamon and soda in a proportion of 0.5: 1. The applied mixture removes the pigment well, but is difficult to wash out with water after the procedure is completed.

Brighten the curls by 1-2 tones by using the above ingredients in different compositions is quite possible. For a more lasting effect, a minimum of 5 treatments is required.

Detailed conclusions about the effect of cinnamon masks on hair color can be drawn from the table below:

Folk remedies for clarification

Lightening hair with folk remedies is an effective option for giving hair a light shade without spoiling it. Similar methods transform hair, making it softer and more obedient.

In order to achieve lightening of hair, folk recipes should be applied regularly, since their effect, unlike purchased products, is not so pronounced.

Chamomile decoction

This method is very effective for lightening and giving a golden hue to hair. It has good results. Using a decoction regularly you can lighten your hair by 2-3 tones.

Two applications per week will suffice. This method is suitable for all hair types, but be careful when using blondes, as the color may be with a greenish tint.

Lemon Lightening

Lemon has long been famous for its brightening effect, which is noticeable after the first applications.Use lemon in its pure form is impossible, it is necessary to prepare a rinse based on lemon juice.

In addition to lightening up to 4 tones, hair will become silky and shiny. In a week, two to three applications will suffice. This method is suitable for all types of hair.

Mask of cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon is a tree whose bark is also used to lighten hair.

Regular use of such a mask will provide good clarification of 2-4 tones, moisturizing and nourishing the hair from the inside. You can apply the mask 2 times a week.

This mask does not suit you, if you are allergic to honey or cinnamon, also with caution to use for badly damaged hair.

This sour-milk product is able to lighten hair in a natural way for 4 tones. Applying 2 times a week, you will achieve a persistent lightening without damaging your hair.

You can apply all types of hair.

Rhubarb shows good results, it is able to lighten hair to a golden, blond and even ashy shade. Tincture of rhubarb used in different proportions to achieve a particular result.

Applying 2 times a week, the hair will get the desired shade. Also rhubarb must be used to maintain the resulting color. Rhubarb is suitable for all shades and hair types.

If as a result of clarification the ends of the hair begin to split, use peach oil - everything is about its beneficial properties.

Recommendations when clarifying popular recipes

  • Most importantly, the application should be regular. If you want to achieve a long-term effect, then try not to miss the use of the mask / rinse / tincture.
  • If you have damaged hair, do not be afraid to use such hair products.
  • If you have dyed hair, then prepare for the fact that lightening will take a lot of time.
  • If you used henna, then you should not use these tools. When mixed, they can give a green tint.

Ammonia paint

Very aggressive. In addition to ammonia, it contains hydrogen peroxide, which discolors and literally dries hair. Such paints act simply - they are embedded in the hair structure and remove the natural pigment of the hair.

This version of clarification is more suitable for those who decided to radically change the color of the hair. For example, from black to ashy blond. Ammonia paint can lighten hair up to 8 tones in one application.

Ammonia paint

Less aggressive. You can buy such paint only in specialized stores at a fairly high price.

Those paints that are sold in the mass market, as a rule, if they do not contain ammonia, then there is a peroxide in the composition that causes no less harm than ammonia.

They act without destroying the hair structure, and during painting there is no burning / itching. This paint, though safer, has its drawbacks. For example, on the hair it lasts no more than 2 months.

Ammonia-free paint can lighten hair up to 3-5 tones. For example, from dark blond to blond. Will suit those who wish to achieve easy clarification for a short time.

Brightening tint shampoos

Lightening tint means today quite popular. Tint shampoos do not spoil the hair and do not penetrate under the hair scales inside, do not contain aggressive components, such as ammonia, oxidizers or peroxide.

Even on the contrary, tint agents can heal hair, as the agent falls on the hair with a thin film that contains, in addition to the coloring matter, nutritional components. They nourish the hair outside, preventing the hair from becoming dull or brittle.

To choose the right shampoo tint, match it with your hair color.

Know that even tint means are rather pigmented, but you will not be able to repaint from black to ash-white with tinted shampoos. Such a procedure is simply meaningless.

It is also important to look at the composition of the facility. Those tint shampoos / balms that are replete with aggressive ingredients, it is better to immediately put aside. It is much better when there are nutritional and regenerating ingredients in your chosen remedy.

Such components are, as a rule, herbal extracts or tinctures.

For gray hair

On graying hair, apply such shampoos only in the temples and forehead. There the hair turns gray much faster. But care is needed, because such a tool can lie on the hair is not the desired color.

Tint shampoos / balms will not paint over 30% of gray hair.

Lightened hair requires shine masks. This article has their recipes.

And to grow your hair actively, try the Golden Silk series: The manufacturer has released special tools that activate the activity of hair follicles.

For blondes

Blondes looking for a remedy to neutralize the yellow pigment can try a tinted shampoo containing purple pigment. It suppresses yellowness and allows you to achieve a beautiful white shade.

It is very important not to overdo the product on the hair, otherwise they will get an ugly violet-gray tint. It is advisable to use a tool with the addition of cornflower extract.

For brunettes

For brunettes who want to experiment with color, but do not change it completely, tinted shampoos will be a godsend. So, the brunette, using the tool, can get iridescent copper, red or reddish shades.

Redheads can also use gold or copper shades, giving a lighter or darker shade, as well as make the hair more shiny.

Video: the secrets of home hair lightening

Lightening hair is a process that requires care and accuracy, because damaged and damaged hair is very difficult to restore.

Choosing the best option for yourself, consider the original color, the approximate result and the time that the lightening will last.

Camomile Brightening

This is a classic way to brighten up at home, which by default is suitable for light brown hair. Thanks to a camomile they get a beautiful light golden shade. To lighten, pour two tablespoons of chamomile with 1 cup of boiling water, boil them for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. Then cool and strain the solution.

Use the decoction every time after washing the hair: moisten with a decoction clean, slightly wet strands. Rinse or rub the hair is not required.

Remember: chamomile decoction can not be stored for more than 24 hours, so use only freshly brewed infusion for coloring.

Do not wait for the first results after the first application. The effect of chamomile use will be after 5-6 rinsing procedures: the strands will be 2-3 tones lighter than the original color.

By right, chamomile is the best solution for straightening, it not only brightens, but also strengthens them and prevents them from falling out.

By the way, if you have soft and thin strands (straight or curly) - chamomile decoction will act as a fixer, as if you used hairspray.

Natural Lemon Brightening

The tradition of lightening hair with lemon originated in the East. Local women with exceptionally dark hair used lemon juice to lighten their hair. Lemon Lightening Technique is successfully practiced today.

Important: before lightening the strands with lemon, remember - citric acid significantly dries the hair, so this method of clarification is only suitable for fatty strands, with a dense structure.

To clarify squeeze the juice from one lemon, add to it the same amount of water. Apply the resulting mixture to pre-washed wet hair - from root to tip. As a result, the strands will noticeably brighten, and the lemon will give them a unique flowing brilliance.

Caution! Do not practice lightening hair with lemon, if they are thin, prone to dryness, brittleness. Discard this type of clarification in favor of clarification with kefir, which we will describe below.

Natural clarification kefir

This is a useful and safe way to brighten. Kefir perfectly nourishes, restores, strengthens the hair and at the same time is able to lighten them significantly. For nutrition and strengthening, it is enough to make ordinary kefir masks, but for clarification, practice the following recipe.

Take 50 gr. yogurt or natural (non-reconstituted) kefir, 1 yolk, half lemon juice, 1-2 tablespoons of brandy, 1 teaspoon of hair balm. Mix components, apply to the strands along the entire length. Cover the hair with a plastic cap, additionally insulate.

Please note: the mixture should be kept on the hair for at least 8 hours, so apply it all night or all day. After the allotted time has expired - wash the mask off with a balm or hair conditioner.

Already after the first application, the hair will become docile, soft, silky, shiny, getting a lighter shade.

Homemade honey brightening

We have already written that honey is useful in the form of masks for the face and hair. Also, we warned that honey can only be used if you are not allergic to honey or bee products.

Honey for clarification is used as an independent tool, and in combination with lemon, about the capabilities of which was written a little higher. Below we offer your choice of one of three possible options for brightening honey.

As usual, wash your hair, and before applying a balm - add half a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply a balm with baking soda on the strands, then rinse (as always). After that, apply the natural honey to the slightly wet strands. If the honey has thickened (crystallized) - heat it in a water bath to a liquid state. Apply honey from root to tip, hold it on strands for at least 8 hours (that is, honey must be kept all night or all day).

Important: when warming up the honey, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius, otherwise the honey will lose some useful properties.

In general, the procedure will not only lighten the hair, but also improve their structure, ensure vital energy and health.

It is more complicated than the previous one, but definitely more effective. You will need: 4 lemons, half a liter of 5% apple cider vinegar, 20 grams of dry chamomile and calendula, 30 gr. rhubarb root, 50 gr. cognac and honey.

Pour rhubarb with vinegar, place in water bath for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, add calendula, chamomile, juice of 2 lemons to boiling broth and boil for another 5 minutes. Next, remove the decoction, cool, pass, add to it honey, brandy and juice 2 of the remaining lemons.

Use the mixture based on the result of clarification you want to achieve. If you are trying to lighten the strands slightly (by 1-2 tones), then use 1 tablespoon of the mixture per liter of water. In such water, it is enough to rinse the hair periodically.

If you go to lighten your hair at home for 3-5 tones, then pump the mixture (without diluting it with water) on the wet washed strands, and after 30 minutes - wash it off. Do not overdo the mixture - alcohol and acid dry hair.

In this recipe, mix the two brightening ingredients: honey and kefir. Mix them in the same proportion, apply over the entire length of the strands, leave for at least 8 hours (that is, for the whole day or all night).

The result after such a procedure is amazing. Hair slightly brightened after the first application. But this is not the most important thing! Kefir-honey mixture noticeably strengthens and heals them, making them shiny, lively, silky and very obedient.

Lightening dark hair with cinnamon

Cinnamon, like lemon, is best for brightening dark hair. Cinnamon gives a stunning effect, and hair magically smell!

To brighten, mix 3 tablespoons of cinnamon with 6 tablespoons of conditioner or hair balm and 2 tablespoons of honey (if you have short hair, reduce the proportion). The finished mixture is applied to clean, almost dry strands from root to tip. After the mixture is evenly applied - cover the head with a hat and a cloth, hold it for 3-4 hours, then wash it off.

Already from the first time the strands will become brighter by 1-2 shades, repeated use will lead to greater clarification. The hair itself will be soft, silky, shiny and very fragrant.

Please note that cinnamon has a distinct smell, so it is desirable that the balm used be a neutral odor.

In addition to the above means, the hair can be lightened with hydrogen peroxide, glycerin or ordinary paint. If you decide to use hydrogen peroxide or glycerin - obviously harmful components, it is better to replace them with professional paint.

However, we strongly recommend using only natural means of lightening, which not only changes the color of the hair, but also nourishes and restores them.


Watch the video: DIY - How to Remove Artificial Color from your hair, Including Reds and Intense Dark Colors (July 2024).