Tools and facilities

Botox for hair


Well-groomed, healthy, with beautiful color and luster hair, of course, attract attention. Owners of this hairstyle is easy to emphasize their own style, express individuality. But nature is not everyone rewarded with a similar gift. According to studies and social surveys, every second person in the world has any problems related to the health of curls. Most often complain of abundant loss, brittleness, dry scalp. Modern cosmetology and dermatology offers a large selection of different treatments for hair. In particular, beauty clinics began to offer a procedure such as Botox hair. What is it, what is the effect of this manipulation, what are its advantages and disadvantages - about this and not only in our material.

What is botox for hair?

Immediately, we note that the name of the procedure is exclusively a marketing ploy. It turns out that it has practically nothing to do with "beauty shots". Botox hair - what is it really? Let's try to figure it out. The fact is that the main active component of Botox injections for the skin is botulin, whereas in the serum for hair there is no such component at all. The procedure itself is completely different. But the principle of action of such tools is similar: the essence of the Botox procedure for both skin and hair is the targeted supply of beneficial substances.

Operating principle

If in “youth injections” useful substances are delivered to their destination thanks to botulin molecules, then in Botox for hair this function is performed by such a component as intrasil. This molecule, penetrating into keratin, changes its structure from linear to branched. Due to this ability, the serum components easily get into the tissue and stay there for a long period. As a result of a change in the structure of the molecule, straightening of the strands occurs, the puffing and electrifying effect is eliminated. Hair becomes smooth and shiny.

The composition of Botox includes components such as elastin, valuable amino acids, vitamin complex, hyaluronic acid, vegetable oils. All these substances contribute to the restoration of damaged hair structure.

Indications for use of Botox

Is this procedure suitable for everyone? In principle, anyone can do it, regardless of the type of hair. But in some conditions Botox is recommended by cosmetologists and trichologists, namely:

  • with split ends,
  • fragility,
  • frequent dyeing and chemical perm
  • with dull, weak hair,
  • to eliminate the disobedience of curls and alignment of curls.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each procedure has positive and negative properties that you need to know about before sitting in the barber chair.

What is the use of Botox hair?

  1. It nourishes the follicles.
  2. Reconstructs damaged areas of the medula.
  3. Eliminates porosity.
  4. Condenses.
  5. Seals split ends.
  6. Tightly closes the cuticle.
  7. Gives a glossy shine.
  8. Can be combined with staining.
  9. Neutralizes the yellowness of blond hair.
  10. Eliminates fluffiness.

Despite all the advantages, Botox has the following disadvantages:

  • the fragility of the effect, which lasts only 1-2 months,
  • need additional supportive care,
  • high cost of the procedure
  • possible individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

To avoid acute allergic reactions during the procedure, it is necessary to mix the compounds in the right proportion and rub their skin on the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow. After half an hour, carefully examine the processing site. If it turns red, itchy or other signs of irritation, then it is better to refuse to use it.

Indications and Contraindications

Each hair care procedure affects their structure in different ways. After all, there are no recreational techniques that are equally recommended for everyone. Let's find out in what cases it is possible to do this caring procedure, and when it is better to refuse or transfer it.

What hair botox is suitable for? - with a thinned, damaged structure. The procedure has no restrictions on length, thickness and shape of hair - it is performed on short, medium, long, curly, as well as on the square.

botox on curly hair

Should I do Botox on thin hair? If their structure is thinned by repeated staining, chemical perm, exposure to hot stylers, then this type of care will thicken the medula, improve the condition of the structure and be useful. However, with natural thin hair type, without damage, it is better not to do Botox, because the effect will not be noticeable. The internal structure cannot take on extra nutrients, so if there are no voids in the medulla, then keratin or amino acids have no place to build in. The drug will not be able to get inside and the first time you wash your hair with shampoo will simply wash off the surface.

Can I do botox hair extensions? During the factory pre-sale preparation, they are polished and steamed, and therefore have a thin cuticle layer. Therefore, with hair extensions all care products are washed off faster than with natural ones. You can make botox accrued strands, but without affecting their attachment.

Should I make Botox for hair in front of the sea? Salt water and bright sunshine overdry them, which leads to fragility. Botox eliminates damage by protecting the surface layer from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the procedure will help to preserve the health of the hair during the sea holiday.

Is it possible to make botox for blonde hair? Yes, since the preparation contains pigmenting components that neutralize the yellowness, fill the porosity, reconstruct the damage resulting from the blonding process.

botox hair blonde

But sometimes the procedure is not recommended. It is better to refuse Botox for hair during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding. During these periods, altered hormones will affect the effect of the drug, which will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure or lead to a complete lack of results. The composition of Botox is not toxic compounds, it does not harm the health of the future mother or child, but the specific smell can cause an attack of toxicosis.

Is it possible to make botox on bleached hair? The drug will restore the empty areas of the medoula, but will not be able to neutralize yellowness. Bleached is hair that is not filled with cosmetic or natural pigment. And the molecules used drug can interact only with coloring substances.

How old can you make botox for hair? Children under 18 years old are not recommended to perform the procedure, because the structure of their hair is not yet fully formed, and the drug affects the internal structure.

Hair Botox Products

The botox market of professional perfumery presents botox kits for hair from different manufacturers. Experience allowed us to isolate from the whole variety the most effective preparations for Botox, which contain only natural ingredients, without formaldehyde and other toxic substances.

The main ingredients of all manufacturers are the same.

  1. Intra-Cylane molecule, which creates a frame inside the hair, to hold the building substances.
  2. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and retains moisture, renews the cells of the scalp, improves elasticity.
  3. Keratin is the building material of human hair.
  4. Cysteine ​​is a natural preservative, which was replaced by formaldehyde and botulinum toxin C in many preparations.
  5. The complex of vitamins and oils - for shine.

Different cosmetic brands add their additional components to the basic composition, as well as perfumery composition. What usually comes with a hair botox kit? What ingredients did different manufacturers add to their products?

  1. Honma Tokyo - set for hot hair botox method. It includes two products - preparing shampoo and a mask-remover for the thermal activation of beneficial substances. Available in two versions - for blond - with a pigment to neutralize the yellowness, and also colorless - for the rest of the palette of dyes. Green tea and aloe vera extracts are added to the mask, which enhance the moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid.
  2. Felps Botox for Hair is a set for cold damage reconstruction that includes deep cleaning shampoo and an active mask with volcanic clay.
  3. Complex Inoar - a set for the hot way to botox hair. It includes 3 products - shampoo, a mask with the main composition of the components, as well as liquid collagen. Before applying the mask is mixed with collagen in a ratio of 1: 2.
  4. Constant Delight - set for a hot way to botox hair. Includes shampoo and a mask with Brazil nut oil.
  5. The Estel hair botox kit is unlike any other in terms of its composition and stages. The correct name for the procedure is Beautex (butex). The set includes an elixir, shampoo, lipid mask. Heat treatment is used to activate the healing elixir.
  6. L’Oreal hair botox kit is used for cold repair of damage. It includes a reconstructing serum and a sealing agent - a fixative. Shampoo to prepare the hair for the procedure is missing, it must be purchased separately.

What remedy for botox is better depends on the missing substances in the medulla of the hair. If moistening is necessary, then it is better to apply Honma Tokyo or Felps. When the goal is reconstruction - L’Oreal, Constant Delight, Inoar. Estel is a complex operating in three directions - maintaining hydrobalance, recovery, and also thermal protection.

Materials and tools

Cold and hot methods require different materials. The list of instruments depends on how the procedure is made with the preparation - with or without thermo-activation.

For holding Botox hair at home, you need the same materials as in the beauty salon. Place of execution does not affect the used devices.

Materials for hot botox

The method with thermoactive drugs is more complicated, so the list of equipment used is longer:

  • hair dryer
  • towels
  • hairdressing clips,
  • waterproof gloves and peignoir,
  • iron,
  • a bowl,
  • brush for applying the drug,
  • comb with frequent teeth.

What iron is needed for Botox? A mandatory requirement is the presence of a thermostat, because for each type of hair a different degree of heating is needed:

  • 190–200 ° C - for weak and severely damaged,
  • 210–220 ° C - for normal and colored,
  • 230 ° C - for hard and with vitreous type of gray hair.

Coating plates styler can be ceramic or tourmaline.

For the procedure, only materials from the kit are used or any additional agent is purchased separately, such as, for example, deep cleaning shampoo, which is not included in the L’Oreal complex.

When buying a Botox kit by yourself, you need to check with the seller what funds are included there so that during the procedure the shortage of any component is not revealed.


The overall stage for both methods is preparing the hair for botox. For her, you need shampoo from the set. It will reveal a scaly layer, as well as deeply cleanse the scalp and hair of surface contaminants and natural fatty film.

Intense massaging movements need to process the head with this detergent 2-3 times. After washing, the hair is brought to complete drying using a hair dryer or a dryer, but without pulling them with brushing.

After the preparatory stage, you can proceed to the main procedure.

Instructions for the cold way

Cold - the easiest method of performing Botox for hair, even suitable for independent use. The procedure takes no more than 40 minutes, regardless of length and thickness.

  1. After preparing the hair, you need to apply a reconstructing mask on them for 15–20 minutes. If the composition is two-phase, then, without washing it off, apply the second preparation, and then wait another 10 minutes.
  2. Dry your head with a cool air blow dryer.
  3. Wash off with plenty of warm water without using shampoo.

Apply the mask to the hair and scalp, but not rubbed. Hyaluronic acid in its composition rejuvenates and renews the cells, stimulates the nutrition of the bulbs.

Do hair grow faster after botox? The procedure does not accelerate, but normalizes their slow growth, which occurs due to insufficient nutrients in the follicles.

Instructions for hot mode

How is hot botox done for hair? The method with thermal activation is more difficult than the cold one, so it is not recommended to perform it yourself. But if the procedure is carried out at home, then you need to call someone to help.

How long hot botox will be made depends on the length and thickness of the hair being treated. The duration of the procedure on medium haircuts is about two hours.

  1. After the preparatory stage, apply a thermoactive reconstructing mask. With slow growth, treat the scalp. If there is no malfunction of the bulbs, then the mask should be applied by stepping back from the roots by 1–2 centimeters. Leave for half an hour. If the set is two-phase, then mix the funds in the right proportion.
  2. Dry the mask with cool air of the hair dryer so that there are no wet areas left.
  3. Heat the iron to the required temperature for the type of hair being treated.
  4. Straighten with a hot styler all strands, the thickness of which should not exceed 1 centimeter. Ironing should be done quickly 5-6 times.
  5. Allow the hair to cool naturally, and then rinse with plenty of warm water without using detergents.

When can I wash my hair with shampoo after botox? Another day after the completion of the procedure, an active reconstructive mask is built into the structure and takes on the final shape. Do not use detergents to stop this chemical reaction.

The consequences of breaking the technology

Is botox harmful, can they ruin your hair? In case of violation of technology, small side effects are possible. The composition of the drug is designed so that it does not damage the structure. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, only cosmetic surface problems can arise that are easily solved.

  1. Some argue that after Botox, they have become more active hair fall out. But the drug used can not provoke their loss or the formation of new follicles. If the fallout was before the Botox, then it will continue, because the bulbs that have lost contact with the nipple die, and die.
  2. After Botox hair as if dirty. This can happen when applying a reconstructing mask too heavily. Its surplus is not completely washed off with water, so the hair looks stale. This is eliminated after the first shampooing.
  3. Hair after Botox became as if greasy. The drug does not affect the work of sebaceous glands, so the effect of fatness can appear only if you badly wash your hair with a deep cleaning shampoo.
  4. After Botox hair became dry. This means that the procedure was not taken due to insufficiently heated ironing or a small number of active masks.
  5. Why after botox hair does not shine? The lack of gloss indicates that preparations were poorly washed away.

botox for short hair

If you don’t like the effect of the procedure, you can use the techniques how to quickly remove Botox from the hair. Full length staining using oxide of 6% or more will wash away the entire reconstruction at a time. A deep cleaning shampoo will eliminate Botox in a few washes.

Botox Hair Care

There are several recommendations for hair care after the procedure, using which you can maintain their beauty and health at home.

How to prolong the effect?

  1. It is necessary to replace the usual shampoo for sulfate-free detergent. It delicately cleans, without washing away the reconstructive preparations from the medula.
  2. What balms and masks to use after Botox hair? It is recommended to apply regularly intensive moisturizing products.

To the effect of accumulating make the course of 5-6 procedures. After what time can botox be given again for hair? In case of severe damage to the structure, the interval between procedures should not be longer than six weeks.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Botox is a hair restoration service that is popular in beauty salons, so there is a consistently high interest in it. Before making any cosmetic procedure, people want to learn everything about it. In this section, we selected the most frequently asked questions about what can and cannot be done for hair before or after Botox and how it differs from other similar procedures, trying to give a detailed answer.

  1. Can I dye my hair after botox? Oxide will wash the drug out of their structure, therefore it is allowed to dye only regrown roots.
  2. After how much after dyeing hair can you make botox? Anytime. These procedures are allowed to combine even in one day. First, it is recommended to paint the entire length, and then immediately begin the reconstruction.
  3. Can I curl my hair after botox? It is impossible to do "chemistry", as it will wash away the effect of the medical procedure.
  4. Is it possible to make botox for hair after a perm? Only in a cold way. The hot method, as well as other grooming procedures where the strands are processed by the iron, can be done no earlier than 2 weeks after the permanent. Mechanical stretching of recently curled curls deforms the curl and reduces the resistance of "chemistry".
  5. Is it possible to lighten hair after botox? No, because the bleaching powder will push nutrient molecules out of the medula. We must first clarify, and then do the reconstruction.
  6. Is it possible to increase hair after botox? If the restoration is performed before building, then you need to skip the attachment areas of the strands when applying the active mask.
  7. How to make botox for hair at home? The execution technology does not depend on where the procedure is performed. The cold method is more suitable for independent use, because it is easier to make, it does not take much time, does not require professional equipment.

Let's sum up. Botox is a method of long-term restoration of the hair structure without changing its shape. The procedure is done in a cold and hot way. Technology implementation of the cold method is very simple and takes little time, so it can be done at home. In addition to hair restoration, Botox also normalizes the work of the bulbs and renews the cells of the scalp. The procedure can be combined with staining. The products used consist of natural ingredients without the addition of chemical preservatives and other harmful substances. Botox is an effective procedure for long-term hair restoration and giving it a glossy shine.

Botox for hair: consequences of application

We hasten to reassure: in contrast to the "injection of youth", the procedure of strengthening the curls is carried out exclusively by the external method, and therefore is quite safe. Regardless of the brand of manufacturer of Botox, such a tool is not injected subcutaneously. Nevertheless, there have been cases of local allergic reactions. Usually such a complication occurs with individual intolerance to the constituent components. The difficulty of treating such a condition lies in the fact that even before the appearance of external symptoms of allergy, substances have time to get deep into the tissue. Therefore, in such situations, a course of treatment is prescribed to eliminate the external manifestations of the disease.

It should also be noted that no clinical trials of the described agent have been carried out. Therefore, the use of Botox for pregnant and lactating women is not recommended.

How is the Botox procedure for curls?

Thinking of doing a botox hair treatment? What is it, how is it done, what are the risks? First of all, we emphasize that such a procedure is exclusively cosmetic and not medical. The effect of such a manipulation can be compared, for example, with lamination of hair. The result will be noticeable no longer than two months, after which a second procedure will be required.

How is such a cosmetic manipulation for the care of curls? The procedure consists of several stages:

  • The hair is thoroughly washed using a professional shampoo, and then slightly dried.
  • Along the entire length of the strand, without touching the roots, put the first layer of serum with the help of the syringe included in the kit.
  • The hair is treated with a fixative composition and dried according to the instructions.
  • Beautiful, well-groomed, shiny curls are ready!

Depending on the brand-manufacturer of Botox, there may be some changes in the technique of such a procedure. For example, with the use of L'Oreal agent, the final stage of manipulation will be hot air drying. And drugs of other brands need to fix substances in the hair tissues using a special balm.

What effect can botox for hair achieve? The photo below clearly shows the result of applying such a tool.

Botox manufacturers for curls

Consider the products of individual brands of manufacturers of the drug:

  • Botox for hair Honma Tokyo is popular in the global cosmetology market. The advantage of this product is the absence of formaldehyde in its composition. In addition, the instructions for the drug indicated that it can be used at home, thereby saving material resources for the procedure in the cosmetology office.
  • The preparation of the Hungarian manufacturer Callos is sold in retail chains only in a set consisting of 6 ampoules. Therefore, such a tool is more convenient to purchase for professional use. The disadvantage of the drug of this company is the presence in the composition of the chemical components and silicone filler.
  • The most popular brand of Botox for hair in the domestic market is a remedy for "L'Oreal". But despite the widespread use of such a product, consumers note the inconvenience of bundling the product - Botox of this brand is implemented in a set consisting of 15 ampoules Nevertheless, it is this tool that is able to completely straighten out disobedient curls, while others are not able to do such a task.

The price of the product depends on the size and brand of the manufacturer. So, Honma Tokyo (Botox for hair) costs from 1,500 rubles per bottle (50 ml). The drug brand "L'Oreal" will cost 2000 rubles. One of the cheapest such remedies is Botox for “Callos” curls. So, a set of 6 bottles of this drug costs only 300-400 rubles.

Effect and customer feedback

The effect of the described means becomes noticeable immediately after the first procedure. Therefore, most often consumers are satisfied with the result. In particular, reviews of this drug, such as Tokyo Honma botox hair, state that right after the session the condition of the locks is significantly improved: elasticity, smoothness, healthy shine are noted. In addition, this tool is most convenient to use at home. Consumers indicate that L'real will be best suited for straightening curly strands. And the most economical is Botox for hair brand "Callos".

Planning a cosmetic procedure for botox hair? What it is and what are the indications for manipulation, we told in this material. However, you should first consult with a professional about the feasibility of such a procedure in each case.

What it is

Before you run to a beauty salon, learning about a new technology, it is advisable to understand in advance what Botox is for hair. This is a care product that helps to completely restore damaged curls, get rid of the section at their ends, and also improves the structure of each hair. The drug has an effect on the scalp at the cell level, prevents the formation of neural connections.

Hair not only gains an attractive silky and shine. They are healed from the inside thanks to the composition of Botox, which is enriched in:

  • a complex of vitamins (A, B, C, E),
  • green tea leaf extract and aloe vera,
  • amino acids
  • keratin

For the restoration of curls in Botox meets a special substance - intra-silane. Thanks to him, the hair get a reliable frame that supports them from the inside.

Popular tools and firms

In the beauty salon, as a rule, they offer several variants of Botox preparations. You can choose the professional complex you like from them, which will be used for processing your strands.

Let us dwell on the most popular brands. These tools have been successfully tested on themselves by many women.

The benefits and harms of technology

Most of the reviews indicate that the hair after Botox is smooth, docile and looks very neat. The number of split ends is also significantly reduced. In general, the benefits are obvious.

  • One of the components of the drug is keratin, which is used to increase elasticity and straighten curly hair.
  • The duration of the effect is up to 6 months. For comparison: the classic keratin straightening lasts only 3 months.
  • The procedure can be done at home.

However, Botox is a dangerous remedy. Among the disadvantages of technology are most often called the following:

  • If you practice regular dyeing, this tool can not be used. It can damage skin irritated by the frequent use of chemical dyes.
  • Prolonged use will lead to thinning and brittle curls.

At home

Not all women can regularly visit beauty salon. Fortunately, Botox can also be treated at home. The best option for independent use is the Fiberceutic complex from L'Oreal Professionnel.

The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. To wash and slightly dry hair. Need to keep them a bit wet.
  2. Pick up the serum and apply to the selected strand - to its entire length.
  3. Knead curls in the fingers, so that the tool fell on every hair. Hold for 3 minutes.
  4. Similarly, distribute a special compound over the entire length of the curls for sealing useful substances. Hold for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  5. Do not thoroughly wash hair. It is desirable that about half of the applied funds remain.

The procedure, carried out the day before an important event, will make it possible to look excellent, saving time and money.

Features of use

When you decide to process botox, you need to remember that this is not a magic elixir that gives everyone the same perfect result. Its action depends on such nuances as the individual condition of the hair, the peculiarities of their structure, the technique of the procedure itself, and so on.

Regardless of which remedy you used, the effect will remain, as already mentioned, from 2 to 6 months. Or - up to the 10th shampooing, as bona fide manufacturers specify. Repeat treatment with Botox can only be after 2 weeks.

Do not forget that the duration of the preservation of the result depends on the season. If you did the procedure in the summer, exposure to ultraviolet radiation will quickly “eat” all the induced beauty. But in winter curls will delight you longer.

On hair extensions

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to do Botox on hair extensions. Sure you may. But only a professional. The keratin contained in the preparation perfectly conditions accumulated strands - they become soft and smooth. The master must show the utmost care in the process of transition between them and the native strands, so as not to damage the bonding.

If you want to increase hair and plan to continue to make Botox, it is advisable to go through this procedure immediately. So you can fix the effect and align the strands.

The best result can be obtained if the master applies the tool first to your own curls, and then to the extended ones.

Curly and wavy

It is possible to restore the structure and appearance of hair with Botox, regardless of their type. Wavy and curly respond to the drug as well as direct. After the procedure, they also become neat, obedient and shiny. But if your main goal is to straighten the curls, of course, it is better to do keratin straightening.

Botox does not align natural curls. The preparation will only bring the curls in order, will relieve from the ends that have been hit. Thus, this tool is ideal for those women who like their own wavy hair, but with brittleness and dullness something needs to be done.

On thin hair

For thin and rare hair, Botox is a real find. Due to the presence in its composition of a particular molecule intra-silane curls get an invisible frame. When the master applies botox serum to the strands by means of a syringe, this molecule penetrates into the deeper layers of the hair shaft. Once inside, it increases in volume, so that the hair becomes susceptible to nutrients.

After the specialist has applied a fortified remedy to the curls, intra-silane begins to “suck in” the trace elements into the hair. As a result, the strands get larger and look heavier. Also visually increases their thickness.

The composition and principle of action of drugs

Caring cosmetics used in the procedure are biphasic. The components are mixed immediately before application or directly on the head.

First phase This is a specially developed chemical composition that promotes the effective penetration of nutrients into the hair structure. He also "locks" the nutrients inside, preventing them from leaching.

Second phase - active substances that represent a concentrate of natural ingredients. They have a lasting cosmetic effect, nourish, restore, give shine.

Composition of drugs used during the procedures depends on the manufacturer, but there is no significant difference between them. Most often in such funds include:

Natural plant and essential oils - have a rejuvenating, softening, regenerating effect, provide shine,
Natural collagen and hyaluronic acid - return the curls health, maintain an optimal level of moisture,
Keratin - strengthens the follicles, thickens the structure, prolongs the effect of the procedure.

This recipe made popular tool "Magic Efecto Botox" from Tahe (Spain).

Product offered by an Israeli cosmetics company Kashmir Keratin Hair System, fully justifies the name of the procedure “botox for hair”, since one of the active ingredients here is botulinum toxin C. Unlike botulinum toxin A, used by cosmetologists, it does not cause muscle paralysis.The toxin molecule is ultra-small in size, which allows it to transport nutrients to the deep layers of the cortex. It is also the “lock”, which allows you to save the achieved effect.

Who is suitable Botox hair

Indications for the procedure are: dry hair, brittleness and lack of shine. The drug is optimal for owners fine porous hair with split ends. It aligns the hair structure, smoothing the "scales". Botox is indispensable for those who often dye or lighten hair.

Using the drug will allow you to get color blond without unpleasant yellowness. In addition, Botox is often recommended for slow growth and prolapse, since all formulations contain a large amount of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.

The technique of the procedure and the end result

According to experts, Botox is designed to rejuvenate our hair, make it healthier and stronger. The procedure is very comfortable and pleasant, takes a little over an hour. The sequence of manipulations is as follows:

1. The strands are thoroughly washed with a special shampoo to remove residual styling products and prepare them for the effects of the preparation, dried with a towel or cold air of a hair dryer,

2. A reconstructing serum is applied to the hair along the entire length, which ensures the penetration of nutrients into the hair. The exposure time is 30-40 minutes

3. Next, a sealing agent is applied, due to which the active substances are washed out gradually. After 5 minutes, the hair is rinsed with water,

4. The treatment ends with the application of an indelible restoring mask, which is used to prolong the action of the serum.

After the procedure, the hair becomes glossy, soft and silky to the touch. Curls gain volume, resilience and elasticity. After the procedure, the styling lasts longer, the hair becomes obedient, the electrification disappears. The color of the colored strands is quickened, and the paint is less washed off.

It should be noted that the effect of drugs not limited to visual effect only, such as for keratin straightening. Deep impact allows you to restore the damaged structure of porous hair, make them stronger, provide protection from adverse factors.

How to make the procedure at home

Unfortunately, not every woman has the opportunity to visit a beauty salon. But you can perform the procedure at home. Best suited for this purpose products L'Oreal Professionnel Fiberceutic series. The procedure uses serum filler and sealing care.

The first is available in sealed ampoules and comes with a dispenser that looks like a syringe. Sealing composition is of two types. In the jars produced a mask of thick consistency, designed for hard, curly hair. Light cream in a polymer bottle with pump is recommended for European-type hair. In addition, the series includes shampoo Pure Resource and a mask with a supportive effect.

Fiberceutic products contain an innovative component of the Intra-Cylan molecule, a feature of which is its ability to change structure under the influence of water. When dried from linear, it becomes branched. This creates a frame that supports the hair from the inside. Also included in the preparation:

Hyaluronic acid,
Vitamins A, B, C and D,
Lactic acid,
Natural oils, including essential,
Keratin amino acids,
Perfume Fragrance.

The method of hair restoration using this technology involves the use of active serum and a sealing compound in the following sequence:

1. Wash and dry your hair, leaving it slightly damp,
2. Type the serum into the dispenser and apply to the whole length of the strand,
3. Mash curls with your fingers so that each hair envelops the composition,
4. After 3 minutes in the same way, distribute the sealing compound over the entire mass of hair
5. Leave the agent for 10 minutes, then gently rinse.
6. Do not try to remove the tool completely, on the contrary, from 30 to 50% of the composition should remain. The procedure can be resorted on the eve of an important event, it will allow you to look great with minimal financial costs.

The effect of Botox - how much holds

Often in reviews you can hear that Botox for hair procedure is quite expensive and useless. Unfortunately, the composition is really washed off with water. But the duration of action depends on which cosmetic product was used. The longest effect is different Israeli drug. According to the manufacturer, the effect can be saved up to five months.

Spanish and French The complexes contain keratin and hyaluronic acid, which do not penetrate deep into the hair structure. Therefore, the result remains a little more than a month. The cost of the procedure depends on the length of the curls. In various salons price ranges from 1500 to 5300 rubles. To make the result more stable, it is recommended to complete a course of 4 procedures, with an interval of 2 to 4 weeks.

How does it affect the hair

Penetrating into each bulb, serum restores its structure. So it is possible to resist brittleness and strand sections.

It consists of vitamins and trace elements aimed at improving, enriching and renewing all the necessary components inside the hair:

  • Vitamin C will make them shiny, soft, silky,
  • Vitamin A promotes the growth of curls,
  • Vitamin E nourishes the head with oxygen
  • Oils, extracts of plants that relieve tresses from increased fluffiness,
  • Elastin, whose function is to provide easy hair styling, safe combing and straightening,
  • Lactic, hyaluronic acid saturates strands with moisture, helps it to stay inside them,
  • Keratin, which helps to restore damaged hair structure.

How much is

The service of this procedure in the beauty salon costs from 70 to 100 dollars.

Depending on the technology of execution, there are several types of Botox for strands:

  1. Cold - is carried out in case of problems with the scalp, split ends, and also if you need to stimulate the growth of curls. The duration of this procedure does not exceed 40 minutes, but after 3 weeks it needs to be repeated, this will prolong the effect obtained,
  2. Hot is used when the master is faced with the task of not only improving the strands, but also straightening them. It is performed by the iron, which is used to iron the hair after applying vitamin serum on them (the temperature varies from 180 to 230 degrees). As a result of the absence of formaldehyde in the product, high temperatures are not capable of causing harm.
Honma tokyo

Choosing a suitable Botox, you need to pay attention to the type and length of hair. Distinguish means for the short, increased and strongly curling, disobedient locks. In each case, the procedure will have its own characteristics, as well as the duration of action.

Botox for hair pros and cons

The main advantages of using Botox, which make strands:

  • Sturdy
  • Obedient
  • Brilliant
  • Healthy
  • Smooth,
  • More voluminous,
  • Get rid of split ends,
  • Will remove increased electrification.

As with any procedure, this is also not without some minuses:

  1. The high cost of the service, which periodically needs to be repeated to keep the hair in the best possible condition,
  2. Short life
  3. The need to constantly repeat the procedure
  4. Serum is not able to completely compensate for the lack of vitamins and trace elements that are needed for full, proper development and growth of hair,
  5. Frequent execution of the procedure eventually leads to thinning, brittleness and hair loss,
  6. Immediately after Botox you can not do biowave, because the hair will be like straw.

Important! To Botox could not harm the strands, you need to give them the opportunity to rest from the procedure for at least 8 weeks.

Botox for hair: composition

Botox is a special drug whose composition is based on complex proteins. The remedy is mainly used as a rejuvenating agent for the face, which is able to smooth out wrinkles of varying depths.

The main feature of Botox is its ability to block neuromuscular communication. This, in turn, increases the elasticity of the skin and heals it. Such universal properties of the tool prompted a number of cosmetology researchers to create Botox, which would be used exclusively for hair.

So, Botox for hair is an innovative tool that includes botulinum toxin, amino acids, proteins, rich vitamins and minerals. Due to this complex is achieved global hair recovery. Used products for Botox hair helps make them silky, docile and more durable.

Botox is of several types and varieties. Thanks to the development of modern technologies, manufacturers were able to ensure that the tool not only struggled with the most common problems, such as dryness and weakness of the hair shaft, but also helped to get rid of baldness.


Botox for hair was developed on the basis of a special substance Intra Silan. The specific features of this component help to create a special frame around the hair shaft, which allows it to be supported from the inside and prevents destruction. The classic composition of Botox is as follows:

  • keratin - the strongest hair conditioner, restores the structure, filling the void of protein.
  • amino acids - balance the water and protein balance, strengthen hair follicles.
  • vitamin complex - saturates and nourishes,
  • extract and extract of aloe vera - a natural source of trace elements and essential nutrients that allow for the obedience of hair, their lightness,
  • green tea leaf extract - has a positive effect on the metabolism process, accelerating the natural growth of new bulbs.

Manufacturers of different brands of Botox may not always use absolutely identical components. We are talking about additional substances - vitamin supplements, herbal extracts. The rest of the formula remains classic.

How does the hair work?

Botox involves several phases. Each of them is responsible for its own stage and must be used necessarily correctly, based on the manual in the instructions. Violation of the technology of application can spoil the whole procedure and in the final result harm the already damaged hair.

  • First phase - A bottle that contains a special chemical composition. It is he who “cleans” the hair, contributing to the opening of passages for the entry of nutrients.
  • Second phase - a bottle containing a complex of nutrients that are additionally enriched with botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin acts on the hair structure itself, rehabilitating and restoring it from the inside.

Application scheme The remedies are so simple that it allows you to apply Botox to your hair at home. A similar procedure is also available in beauty salons and hairdressing salons, but, as a rule, at a cost, such a restoration is somewhat more expensive.


Treatment and straightening hair with Botox allows you to achieve effective results after the first application. Also the use of this tool has the following advantages:

  • intensive recovery - no fragility, dryness, split ends,
  • the effect is kept in the order of 4-5 months,
  • security,
  • painlessness
  • hair is light and docile, amenable to styling,
  • additional volume appears,
  • activates metabolic processes, improves hair growth,
  • reduces the loss
  • makes hair shine,
  • restores badly damaged hair,
  • can be applied on dyed hair.
Photo: Before and after applying Botox to hair

The molecules of this cosmetic-drug penetrate directly into the depth of the hair, firmly sealed inside. This principle of action helps to preserve up to 70% of the nutrients with which we managed to saturate the roots and bases of the hair.


Like any cosmetic, Botox has some drawbacks. Most often they are associated with improper use of bottles with liquid, as well as disregard for safety measures. In most cases, the procedure has a positive effect and fully satisfies with its result. However, some user reviews talk about the following shortcomings:

  • hair grows fat fast
  • the high cost of the procedure with long hair,
  • hair requires increased care
  • the remedy strongly plucks the eyes,
  • performing the procedure at home is time consuming.

Very often, customers of beauty salons and those who used Botox for home hair complained of an overly short effect. Most often, this problem occurs when the temperature conditions for hair treatment are incorrectly selected or the procedure itself is poorly performed.


  1. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure if there are scratches on the head, open wounds and other damages, because the serum can provoke their irritation,
  2. Due to the penetration of serum into the blood, it cannot be applied to the hair of pregnant women and lactating mothers,
  3. Elderly age,
  4. Critical days,
  5. Problems with the nervous system, increased irritability.

Reference! Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to consult with your doctor. This will avoid negative consequences for your health.

Description of the procedure

If you prefer holding Botox for hair in a beauty salon, then it will consist of the following steps:

  1. Careful shampooing with professional shampoo, which additionally strengthens and protects the strands, as well as thoroughly removes all impurities from the scalp,
  2. After drying hair curls, proceed to the procedure,
  3. Dividing the hair with a comb, apply repair serum to the strands. Do it with brushes, brushes, ampoules. At the same time you need to retreat from the roots of at least 2 cm
  4. Artificially created greenhouse effect will help ensure the deepest penetration of the substance into the hair. It is achieved through a plastic cap, which is worn on the head immediately after the completion of the application, as well as by heating the hair with a hair dryer,
  5. After the allotted time, the cap is removed and carefully washed with strands of shampoo and warm water
  6. After this procedure is repeated again, putting the serum now on the scalp. It is due to this that the blood flow to the hair follicles is enhanced, and the strands are better saturated with the means,
  7. The final stage - styling a hair dryer or ironing, to consolidate the result.

Attention! In order to warm up the curls with a hair dryer as much as possible, you need to hold it over the strands for at least 20 minutes. In this case, it is strictly prohibited to exceed the time of 25-30 minutes, as this may harm the hair.

Botox for hair at home

If you want to perform the Botox procedure at home, you need to carefully study all the recommendations indicated by the manufacturer on the package. For a good result and experience, contact a specialist for the first time. He will select the appropriate serum for you, which can not harm you.

What funds are needed

For home use used professional tools of famous brands. This will avoid negative consequences and achieve the desired result.

Do not spend a lot of money, but get a similar effect from industrial Botox will be possible if you use some of the means of traditional medicine:

  • Dilute 2 tbsp in water. gelatin, add to it 20 g of honey heated to 50 degrees. After mixing all the ingredients, pour 20-40 g of castor or linseed oil to them and heat the whole mass to 50 degrees. Apply a mask over the entire length of hair, leave for 20 minutes and wash off with water and shampoo. Repeat regularly once a week for 2 months,
  • In 100 ml of boiling water brew 1 tbsp. green tea for 5 hours. Strain. In a liquid, dilute 40 g of gelatin, mix 10 g of olive or burdock oil to it. Apply on hair, leave for 15 minutes, covered with polyethylene and a towel, wash off with warm water. Repeat once a week for 3-4 months
  • Grind half an avocado, add one egg white to it, as well as 10 drops of essential oil. Mix to a smooth mass, put a brush on the curls. Cover the head with polyethylene, heated with a hairdryer for about 10 minutes, then leave for another 20 minutes. Wash off with shampoo water. Repeat the procedure 1 time in 10 days. Their total number should not exceed 5 times.

Reference! Traditional methods of treating hair with the effect of Botox will give a result only if you perform all the actions regularly, following all the tips and recommendations.

How to do the procedure correctly

The sequence of the procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Wash the head thoroughly twice with the shampoo from the treatment kit or use another shampoo that you use daily,
  2. Wipe hair dry, blow-dry to a wet state,
  3. Wear gloves to protect your hands,
  4. If necessary, prepare a serum solution, following the instructions,
  5. Using a brush, gently apply the composition to the strands, retreating a few centimeters from the roots,
  6. Comb your hair with a comb to evenly distribute the substance over the entire surface of the head,
  7. Put on a plastic cap and hold the composition indicated on the package the amount of time
  8. If there are no formaldehydes in the composition, and this is indicated in the instructions, warm the head with a hairdryer
  9. Remove the product with warm water immediately after the procedure, or first fix it with an iron when the curls are completely dry (this will be indicated by the manufacturer of each particular brand).
Botox application process

Botox hair or keratin straightening

Both of these procedures improve the condition of the locks. However, between them there is a big difference. It lies in the fact that keratin straightening puts in order the external structure of the strands. And Botox penetrates deep into the hair structure and action from the inside. Such a procedure makes the curls really strong and obedient.

Honma tokyo

This is a Japanese serum, popular among hairdressers. The most safe for hair and scalp, because it has no formaldehyde in its composition.

This serum is used for natural and colored strands. After application, it is aged on the head for 40 minutes, then it is heated by a hair dryer at a low temperature. There is a special fixing tool in the set that will keep the hair smooth and shiny for a long time.

The procedure of this tool takes at least two hours. According to reviews, it is better to hold it at the hairdresser, because in some cases, bring the curls in proper condition will not work.

Perfectly smoothes the curls, makes them obedient, provides a mirror shine. The manufacturer emphasizes that at the end of the procedure, each strand should be ironed at least 5 times, then wash off the serum. Only in this case, the effect of the procedure will last from 3 to 5 months.

French brand offering serum to improve the condition of hair, deeply penetrating into them. To fix the result of the procedure, you need to warm up the hair for a long time with a hair dryer, and also apply a special fixative composition (taken from the instructions). Shiny and soft strands will be within 3-4 weeks.

Care for curls after the procedure

After treating the hair with Botox, no special care is required. However, it should be borne in mind that the substance intra-silane behaves quite actively. Frequent drying makes changes to its structure. The molecule turns from linear to branched. As a result, the curls acquire additional volume.

An important point: if you made Botox, forget about shampoos that contain lauryl sodium sulfate. Otherwise, the effect will disappear very quickly. Therefore, carefully read what is written on the back of the bottle.

You should also be prepared to wash your head less often. Drying hair with a hair dryer is also undesirable. Styling tools are not prohibited, but their use will reduce the duration of the pronounced effect of the procedure.

Possible consequences

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is not recommended to resort to “injections of youth” for hair too often. After all, curls need a rest from any (even the most useful) cosmetic procedure. The duration of the break should be at least 2 months.

Consider that after the treatment of the strands with the preparation, complications may arise. They appear:

  • itchy scalp,
  • dandruff
  • rash on the scalp and on the face,
  • aggravation of alopecia.

If at least one of these symptoms appears, you should abandon this method of restoring the curls and visit a dermatologist, or better, a trichologist. The specialist will prescribe adequate treatment.

Botox on hair - what is it?

Well, let's start, perhaps, with the biggest marketing hype - there is no Botox in the Botox for hair, a botulinum toxin preparation, which is injected under the skin to smooth wrinkles, no. The composition was developed by Arab cosmetologists, and the popular name was given thanks to an amazing rejuvenating effect and the ability to literally restore the hair structure. No beauty shots for a head of hair, only superficial masks and serums.

The main component is the molecules of intrasilane - they enter the hair shaft, strengthen it and facilitate the penetration of other nutrients, including:

  1. Vitamins of groups A, B, E, C
  2. Aloe Vera Extract - moisturizes, gives volume, nourishes
  3. Keratin - closes protein voids, restores them and makes splitting parts less pronounced
  4. Green tea - stimulates growth
  5. Amino acids - strengthen hair follicles and rods
Every girl dreams of luxurious hair

All this helps to revive damaged hair, makes them more elastic, resilient and shiny - literally what every woman dreams of. In addition to a purely visual effect, during the procedure, the onions themselves are restored and regenerated, the metabolic processes in them are activated, and the curls grow faster.

All, as one, manufacturers insist on the exceptional naturalness of their cosmetics, but it is worth knowing that Botox for hair is not a panacea for pure water, and it also has contraindications.

These include:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation (the components penetrate the skin, and from there they enter the blood and can harm the baby, change the composition of milk)
  2. Epidermis diseases
  3. Active hair loss
  4. Allergies

In addition, Botox has an exceptionally strengthening and healing effect - the result before and after is visible in the photo. But if you have naturally curling tresses, which you aim to straighten, Botox will not work for you, and you will need keratin straightening. The master will apply a special composition to the strands, and then straighten them with an iron heated to 230 degrees.

Botox does not straighten curly hair

Such cosmetics, as a rule, contain formaldehydes as part of them - they accumulate in the body, and are able to provoke a number of diseases, including oncological nature. That is why during the keratin straightening specialists always put on a mask so as not to breathe harmful fumes.

What does the Botox hair treatment procedure consist of?

The whole process takes from an hour to one and a half time. Apply Botox to hair, not knowing what it is as good as a professional hairdresser, at home is not recommended. It is important not to disrupt the sequence of actions, not to exceed the time allotted for each stage.

  1. First, the hair is washed with a deep cleansing shampoo so that useful trace elements in the form of serums penetrate deeper into the structure of the curl.
  2. The hair is dried under cold air currents.
  3. The master applies the serum that fills the voids and distributes it evenly across the strands. On hair means aged 40 minutes.
  4. Next is the revitalizing serum, which seals the beneficial ingredients. After five minutes, the composition is washed off.
  5. Lastly, a restoring mask is applied without flushing.
The effect is evident

After the procedure, the curls look soft, silky and voluminous, their electrification becomes less pronounced, and the color of the colored strands appears more vibrant and saturated. For a full recovery, you may need several procedures with a monthly interval. Alas, the magic effect is short-lived - the more often you wash your hair, the faster Botox will wash off: the brightness can last for a month or three.

By the way, Botox for hair is especially useful for blondes - they are well aware of what it is - an unpleasant yellow tint after a failed coloring. So he will help him to win. The price of the procedure ranges from 30 to 100 dollars, depending on the length of the curls.

For girls with blond hair, there is a line of tools

3+ main drug manufacturers

Having decided on the procedure, it is important to find cosmetics that are completely suitable and will not cause allergies. Four whales in the fashion industry are leading the hair botox market today: L’Oreal, Tahe, Honma Tokyo, Kashmir Keratin Hair System.

Alas, Botox is also short-lived

L’Oreal, France

Of course, such a well-known brand could not ignore the novelty in hair care. Manufacturers promise that after the procedure, the hairstyle will become voluminous, and the curls will be shiny and silky. In the composition you will find 15 vials of means, a syringe and jars with special masks designed for each type of hair. You can carry out the procedure on a regular basis yourself, but it is better to surrender into the hands of a professional - so that the effect is certain. Issue price - plus or minus 30 dollars.

L'Oreal Brand Means

Honma Tokyo, Japan

The system is designed for the care and restoration of hair, even in the severe stage of damage. It consists of two components:

  1. Shampoo Prep
  2. Intensive reenactor

Manufacturers promise that, unlike keratin care, their Botox does not straighten curls, but makes them more structured and smooth. Tea tree and prakakxi oils (a tree growing in the Amazon rainforest), amino acids, elastin fill the structure from the inside, being a kind of cellular renovator. In the line of products there is also a “white Botox” for blondes. Honma Tokyo formaldehyde does not contain, but it costs accordingly - cosmetics will cost $ 150-200. Hold up to two months.

Honma Tokyo brand products

"Tahe", Spain

This line combines Botox and a regenerating effect for damaged hair. In addition to collagen and keratin, in the composition you will find hyaluronic acid and argan oil. After the application, the hair will be shiny for quite a long time, besides, the nutrients in the composition of cosmetics have accumulative properties, which means that the condition of the strands will improve from session to session. The price of a question varies around 100 dollars.

Spanish brand "Tahe"

Kashmir Keratin Hair System, Israel

In the midst of professional stylists, this makeup cosmetics has long been firmly established due to its affordable pricing policy and excellent healing properties. Kashmir botox is biphasic - one bottle contains a chemical substance, the second contains vitamins, minerals, and even a botulinum toxin molecule, according to manufacturers. The components are mixed and applied to the hair - each strand is subjected to careful processing. Kashmir does not contain sulfates, parabens and formaldehydes: it is suitable for allergy sufferers and pregnant women. Worth leaving is commensurate with the “L’Oreal” brand.

Democratic "Kashmir Keratin Hair System"

Tip: the most cost-effective option is the cosmetics of the Hungarian Kallos brand - the product will cost about $ 10, but of course you shouldn’t hope for a magical transformation. Quite tolerable for home experiments.

Budget cosmetics "Kallos"

Botox for hair - what is it - feedback on the procedure

As you already understood, reviews of Botox are mostly positive - most of the girls on the network write that they literally “re-fell in love with their curls”, they look so silky and thick. There are also fewer problems with combing and styling, and growth has accelerated. The disadvantages include the short-term effect of the procedure and its price - not every woman can afford to repeat it every month. In any case, a couple of months of curls will look great, but gradually the effect will begin to go "no."

About the procedure a lot of positive feedback

We should also say that manufacturers do not aspire to fully disclose the compositions of their miracle products and, of course, in addition to all sorts of good and important mineral vitamins, there you can find bad and unhealthy chemistry, which, if used regularly, will make strands brittle and fragile. Therefore, to conduct sessions infinitely impossible. Yes, and fight the poor quality of the hair alone with salon products is useless. A greater effect will be given by the course of vitamins A, E, C, the correct mode of the day and nutrition, because in our body everything is interconnected.

The effect of Botox for hair, what it is, how the curls are processed, and how they look after its completion can be seen in the video below:

What consequences can occur?

Speaking about the consequences of the use of Botox, it is worth considering that this procedure very rarely leads to any adverse outcome. This procedure, even after repeated use, is rarely harmful. You can verify this after reading the comments on the Internet. Feedback from those who use Botox, in 90% of cases, is especially positive.

Perhaps the only consequence of the use of Botox may be its lack of action. It's easy to explain. Botox cannot be used during menstruation. This rule applies not only to the process of applying the medicine to the hair, but also to the coloring of the curls. During this period, the woman's body is set to reject all kinds of chemical elements, and therefore treatment with Botox may not give a complete result.

In general, Botox cannot cause any harm to the hair itself. The structure, color or density of the hair will not suffer even if you apply the substance during menstruation.

Botox in the cabin or at home? Price

You can apply Botox on your hair in almost any modern beauty salon. This procedure is quite expensive and this is its main disadvantage. But there are many advantages of hair recovery professional master. So, when self-applying to Botox hair, a person risks harming himself:

  • You can not take into account the peculiarities of the hair coat and apply Botox for hair at home is wrong.
  • You can not calculate the dose that is required for application to the hair.
  • Apply any drugs, which are based on botulinum toxin, can only be specialists who have undergone special training.

But it should be understood that applying Botox in a beauty salon can be a pleasure not cheap. On average, the price is:

  • Restoration and straightening of hair with botox for a small length (no more than 5 cm) will be about 1500 rubles.
  • For lengths from 5 to 15 cm. The cost will be about 2500 rubles.
  • For hair length of 20 cm and more, the cost of recovery will be more than 3500 rubles.

But you can carry out the procedure at home, if you approach this issue seriously enough. In order to carry out this treatment procedure yourself, you should choose the best Botox for hair, which is optimal for this purpose. Also, the most important condition for the application is to know the rules of applying Botox in steps.

Important: Today you can buy special types of Botox, which are suitable for home application. Such tools are safe for hair, scalp and can not harm the owner of the hair.

Instructions for the step-by-step use of Botox at home

Getting the procedure involves careful preparation:

  • Hair should be thoroughly washed with a product that optimally cleans the curls from dirt and grease that appears on the hair during the active work of the sebaceous glands.
  • After washing, you need to dry your hair with a clean, soft towel.

After the preparatory stage, you can start applying Botox. So, how do botox for hair:

  1. Hair should be divided into separate strands. Each strand will be treated with medicine separately.
  2. After dividing the hair into strands, you can proceed to applying the mask, which contains the substance.
  3. After the product has been applied to each curl, you need to put a hat on your head and warm the head with a small towel.
  4. The mixture should be kept on the hair for the amount of time indicated in the instructions for the product. It usually takes about 20 minutes.
  5. At the end, you want to wash off the mask from the hair with gentle massage movements.

Watch the video: Instructions on keratin botox for hair Honma Tokyo H-Brush

Botox hair honma created by Japanese manufacturers. Serum Honma Tokyo of this company contains a significant amount of substances useful to the hair. Among them are vitamins A, D, C, green tea extract and many other components, which include tokyo hair botox. It is believed that the effect of Botox from this company is able to persist on the hair for 1.5-2 months.

Kallos Hair Botox

This Hungarian brand produces very good products, the effect of which is so high that this Botox is often used in beauty salons. This Botox contains a rather rich composition of components, including collagen, hyaluronic acid and keratin. Botox from this company is very popular due to its hypoallergenic. It is used even by the most selective representatives of the female half of the population.

Botox from L'Oreal

L'Oreal is one of the world's best cosmetics companies. Botox from L'Oreal can be used at home. It is not capable of causing harm to hair and does not contain formaldehydes that are dangerous to humans.

Photo: Botox or keratin for hair - which is better?

Thus, thanks to the variety of tools available for self-restoring the state of curls, the answer to the question of what is better than Botox hair or keratin straightening becomes obvious.

Review number 1:

Botox is a very good thing. I managed to try it for the first time a year ago. Did the procedure in the cabin. It turned out very well! Hair became very smooth, neat, no longer confused. The effect lasted for more than a month and this is despite the fact that I usually wash my hair every day. But there are also disadvantages. I did Botox 2 weeks ago, and he did not take it. The effect, albeit was, but not so pronounced. Then only the master explained to me that it was impossible to do the procedure during the menstruation. So be careful before going to your master and watch the cycle!

Review number 2:

Botox is a cool thing! I have so far done only the first time. But the result is just super! I did not even think that the hair would be so silky even after washing. The procedure, of course, dear, cost me 2,000 rubles, but it smoothes the hair is amazing! It even seems to me that after Botox the hair became thicker and thicker. It is very pleasant to hold your hand over them and it does not hurt to comb at all. Here I think next time try to make a mask with Botox at home. The Internet especially recommends keratin botox for hair, but I'm still in thought.

Review number 3:

I do Botox by myself. The cabin has never been and do not think that the effect will be any special. Moreover, the price of applying it in the cabin is simply stunning. I buy a mask from L'Oreal. Very good product and cost, albeit not the smallest, but still more affordable than in hairdressing salons. There is nothing to be afraid of, do it calmly at home and the effect will be practically indistinguishable.

What is the difference between Botox hair treatment and keratin?

Looking at the photographs of the effect of numerous procedures for hair, the question arises, what is the difference. Most often, Botox is compared with keratin hair straightening. To understand the differences, it is necessary to consider the features of each method of hair transformation.

Keratin straightening, as the name implies, should first straighten and smooth hair. The effect of the procedure is cumulative, lasts about 5 months. After the application of keratin, the hair is perfectly smooth, it does not push, glistens and lies hair to hair. But due to the smoothing effect, hair loses its volume, looks heavy. The composition does not nourish the hair, the curls look healthy only visually.

Botox for hair contains in its composition amino acids and vitamins, sometimes there is a botulinum toxin. In the complex, these substances give a powerful recovery and healing of the strands, they become less fluffy, the hair scales are sealed, making the curls more shiny and smooth. The smoothing effect appears because of the improvement in the hair structure, the hairstyle becomes more well-groomed and docile, the volume is added. Botox has a side effect that blondes will like - it neutralizes yellowness. The duration of the effect after the procedure is 1-3 months.

Similarities to hair treatments:

  • Suitable for all hair types,
  • For hair care after the procedure, you must use special care products.
  • Hair is smoothed and delight with its healthy shine and radiance,
  • Cumulative effect.

Indications for use

Botox for hair helps solve problems familiar to almost any girl:

  • Dry, split ends,
  • Thin and brittle curls,
  • Lack of volume
  • Naughty, furrowing strands,
  • Hair loss.

These are the main indications for the use of Botox for hair. It helps to solve the problem caused by improper care of the hair. If the cause is a disease, you must first cure it.

Ideally, Botox is recommended for dry porous hair with split ends, on such a head of hair the effect of the procedure will be most noticeable: mirror-smooth, shiny curls that are easy to style and look like from a magazine cover.

With hair loss and to activate growth, serum is prescribed because of its rich composition: vitamins, microelements and amino acids.

The most famous and popular brands

Many well-known brands produce remedies for the botox for hair repairing procedure. All of them are used for hair reconstruction, but each of them has its own characteristics.

Magic Efecto Botox Tahe (Spain) contains an increased number of moisturizing ingredients, it is recommended for any type and condition of hair, including curly and bleached. The structure includes:

  • Argan oil - nourishes and strengthens the strands, prevents early aging,
  • Hyaluronic acid - moisturizes the curls and scalp, fights dryness and brittleness,
  • Keratin - restores hair structure, restores water balance,
  • Collagen - adds volume, thickens hairs, seals damaged scales.

Kashmir Keratin Hair System (Israel) helps not only to restore the structure of the curls, but also eliminates hair loss, activates their growth. The main active components of the tool:

  • botulinum toxin C - transports the nutrients into the hair shaft, locks them there for a long-term effect,
  • Keratin - heals hair, restores water balance,
  • Hydrolyzed Silk Protein - gives curls elasticity and firmness,
  • Linseed oil - nourishes and strengthens the hair,
  • 16 amino acids in composition funds have a positive effect on the state of the hair.

Botox L‘Oreal Professionnel (Fiberceutic) (France) possible to use at home. In the network a lot of reviews on Botox for hair, released by French experts to solve problems with hair. The composition of the funds include:

  • Hyaluronic acid - moisturizes, eliminates overdrying strands,
  • Vitamin complex - nourishes, strengthens hair, activating their growth,
  • Intra-Cylan Innovative Molecule - changes the structure under the influence of moisture and is transformed into a frame that helps the hair to maintain a well-groomed appearance for a long time.

Kallos (Hungary) helps to restore hair, cares for them, makes it softer and more attractive by:

  • hydrolyzed keratin. It strengthens the hair structure, makes them smoother and softer,
  • hyaluronic acid. Moisturizing component that returns curls their natural elasticity and firmness,
  • collagen. It fills the hair from the inside, seals the hair cuticle so that it looks shiny and healthy.

Honma Tokyo (Brazil) use in its composition of natural ingredients that allow you to maintain the beauty of the hair for at least 1.5 months:

  • Vitamin complex - strengthens and nourishes the hair, activates their growth,
  • Amino Acids - eliminate damage to the hair, embedding in areas where the scales loosely adjoin each other,
  • Green tea extract - protects from the harmful effects of the environment, is used as an antioxidant.


Watch the video: Hair Botox a new trend in hair treatment (July 2024).