
Homemade masks for oily hair


How can you have chic curls and not be proud of them? After all, beautifully styled hair is such a beauty. But any good mood can dispel the look of your own hairstyle, which under the weight of oily hair turned into the features that. At least it's untidy, but in most cases is a problem. If you have oily hair, you will learn what to do with them in this article.

It has long been known that masks for oily hair is an effective way of dealing with abnormal salivation. They can be purchased in stores, and you can cook yourself. Of course, homemade masks are more recommended, as they will consist of natural ingredients, rather than chemical compounds of unknown origin.

This does not mean that professional masks against oily hair do not work. Simply, many do not always choose products suitable for their own hair type. From here and there are various rumors and distrust. But when making masks at home, you will surely be confident in the result.

Not every representative of the fair sex has time to prepare even useful, but long and complex masks. It is to help such girls further recipes.

  1. The procedure is to apply kefir or yogurt to the strands half an hour before washing your head. After 20-30 minutes, the curls should be thoroughly washed in water at room temperature.
  2. Tired of fatty strands, what to do in this situation? The mask with mustard takes the second place and is prepared relatively quickly. To do this, you need: 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of mustard powder (dry mustard). The components are mixed and applied to the hair. It is necessary to wash off such a solution in half an hour without using any detergents.
  3. Closes our top mask with yolk and honey. For its preparation, you must rub 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 egg yolks. The mixture is applied first to the hair roots, then as far as possible distributed over the rest of the length. After half an hour, the mask for oily hair should be washed off.

If you are hanging around looking for a recipe for how to get rid of oily hair, pay attention to the natural support of fruits and vegetables. Perhaps some options will attract your attention and become a favorite procedure to help cope with the problem.

  • To prepare an apple mask, you need to grate an apple on a fine grater, after peeling it off. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, and then insulate with polyethylene or a special cap. After 30 minutes, the mask should be washed off without shampoo.
  • Lemon-carrot complex knows how to deal with greasy hair. To make it, you need to mix 4 tablespoons of lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of carrot. The resulting juice must be rubbed into the hair roots, kept for an hour and rinse.
  • An onion mask for oily hair is also widely known: 2 tablespoons of castor oil should be mixed with the same amount of onion juice. The resulting liquid is rubbed into the hair roots. Be sure to warm the hair after applying the mixture. Wash curls worth half an hour using a shampoo.
  • The "astringent" fruits of Quince are unexpected, but worthwhile allies in how to get rid of greasy hair. To prepare the mask, the heart of the fruit, along with the seeds, is poured 200 ml of water, brought to a boil, and then boiled for another 10 minutes. The resulting decoction should be applied to the scalp with massage movements 30 minutes before washing the head.
  • The most real store of nutrients for hair is aloe. As a mask, you can use both juice and pulp. Some actively use alcohol tincture to clean up oily hair at the roots and along the entire length.

Oily hair brings a lot of inconvenience, but what if conventional products do not help? We'll have to try to remove this flaw. However, no one said it was impossible. Just before you deal with greasy hair, you need to familiarize yourself with various recipes and choose a more convenient one for yourself.

  1. It is necessary to mix 1 clove of garlic, 2 spoons of agave juice, 0.5 tablespoon of honey, 1 yolk and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the strands, paying attention to the roots. This mask is not necessary to warm. Wash off gruel after forty minutes.
  2. A very nice mask for oily hair is obtained with mint and rowan. Chop the mint leaves thoroughly, then grind them with rowan berries. The resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp and along the entire length of the strands, as it not only normalizes the release of fat, but also strengthens the curls.
  3. A great recipe for how to get rid of oily hair is a mixture of herbal infusions. In a deep bowl mixes 2 tablespoons of calendula flowers, the same nettle, 1 tablespoon of oak bark. Next, herbs are poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water and infused for half an hour under the lid. Before use, the infusion must be drained and then rinsed with curls. Wash your hair after this procedure is not necessary.
  4. An effective mask against oily hair is obtained if you rub fresh leaves of mountain ash, mint and dandelion. Gruel is applied to the roots, and after 40 minutes, washed off without detergent.
  5. In the cold season too greasy hair can be disturbed, what to do in such a situation? It is necessary to dilute a small slice of yeast with 1 teaspoon of water, and then combine it with protein, previously knocked into foam. This yeast mask for oily hair is applied to the hair and is not washed off until it is completely dry.
  6. To greasy hair at the roots regained its normal appearance, you can use the following mask. Mix 1 yolk, a teaspoon of water and the same amount of alcohol. The resulting gruel is applied to clean strands and aged for about 10 minutes. Then the mask for oily hair should be washed off with warm water.

How to wash oily hair, and what role do masks play in it?

  • Wash your hair as it gets dirty - at least every day.
  • Hot water especially activates the sebaceous glands, so try to use warm water, even cool (within reason, so as not to get cold).
  • Immediately before washing, carefully comb - so you can remove dirt, dust particles, dandruff (do not forget to wash the comb afterwards!).
  • It is better not to apply shampoo directly on the head - so it will not be distributed evenly. Squeeze a small amount into the palm of your hand, add water, and wash the head with the resulting foam. Lather oily hair must be at least 2 times, each time carefully washing.
  • After shampoo, you must use a suitable balsam conditioner. It is important that both products are suitable for your hair type. For example, in the ALERANA ® line-up, cosmetics for washing oily hair are presented, which normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and soothes oily scalp.
  • It is important to rinse your head thoroughly - the remnants of shampoo or balm will lead to rapid contamination of the hair.
  • After washing, do not brush your hair immediately and do not dry it with a hair dryer - air drops also activate the sebaceous glands. Wait until the head dries itself, and after combing the hair lengthwise, trying not to touch the head.

“And what about the masks?” - you ask. Masks made from natural ingredients - one of the best and effective "winners" of oily hair. Used regularly, they can not only produce a temporary aesthetic effect, but also cope with the problem of excessive greasiness of the scalp.

Clay masks

Clay not only effectively copes with dirt and grease, but also cleans the hair along the entire length, fights dandruff and nourishes well. It is recommended to apply a mask with clay several times a week, apply for half an hour before washing your head.

  • Dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of green clay in 2 tbsp. spoons of water or herbal decoction (St. John's wort, nettle, oak bark), add 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar. The resulting mixture rub into the scalp, distribute the remnants of the hair.
  • Blue clay (2 tablespoons) is diluted with a decoction of herbs or water to the thickness, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice and a few cloves of minced garlic. The mixture is applied to the roots and distributed along the length.

Henna masks

Henna is very useful for oily hair - if you are impressed with the copper shade that it imparts, feel free to dye your hair. Or perform homemade anti-fat masks with colorless henna.

In addition to the fight with excess greasiness, henna strengthens the hair, promotes their growth, even gives volume and density!

  • Make a bag of henna with boiling water or a decoction of herbs (St. John's wort, oak bark, chamomile, nettle, you can even green tea), add a little kefir. Put lemon juice in the prepared mixture, then apply it on your head and hair, put on a plastic cap and roll it over with a towel. After half an hour you can wash your head.
  • In the same mixture, you can add the soaked bread flesh and tomatoes, and if you like essential oils, then drop 4-5 drops of eucalyptus, lemon balm, pine, cedar, sage oils. Then everything is the same: to warm a towel and forget for half an hour. Wash your hair as usual.

Masks for oily hair with fermented milk products

Kefir, sour milk, sour milk perfectly regulate the sebaceous glands.

  • Apply slightly warmed kefir or yogurt on hair and scalp for 30-60 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Mix half a glass of slightly soured milk with egg yolk and a small amount of lemon juice. Soak on the head for half an hour and wash it off.

Bread - around the head: bread mask for greasy hair

  • Bread pulp perfectly absorbs fat, gives hair volume. Pour boiling water over a piece of black bread (rye) without a crust, let it soak for 20 minutes and knead. The slurry must be applied to the scalp and along the length of the hair, warmed with a towel and allowed to stand for half an hour / hour. Rinse and rinse hair thoroughly.
  • Oatmeal (you can pre-grind) pour water or herbal decoction 1: 1, add half a teaspoon of soda. Soak the mask on the head for 15-20 minutes and wash the hair.

Mustard mask against fat

Mustard perfectly dries the scalp and enhances hair growth. In addition to masks mustard, you can just wash your hair.

  • Stir 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard powder with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, add egg yolk and 1 tsp of sugar. Apply the mixture to the roots and hold for 30-60 minutes.
  • In a glass of hot water, dilute 2 tbsp. spoon mustard, pour it into a bowl filled with 1 liter of warm water, and wash your hair without shampoo. Rinse your hair with a little cool water and lemon juice.

Exotic treat for oily hair: masks with vegetables and fruits

Mask with quince. Take the cores of several quince fruits with bones, cover with a glass of water and boil. Broth should be regularly rubbed into the scalp: in addition to reducing fat, you solve the problem of dandruff.

Juicing. It is very effective to rub lemon, carrot or apple juice into the scalp (fresh, not store-packed packages!). Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar can be added to water when rinsing hair.

Mask of tomatoes. Separate several tomatoes from the skin and knead, rub the flesh in the hair roots. Put on a plastic cap and roll up with a towel, hold for half an hour and rinse with water.

Banana mask. Mash half a banana, mix with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your hair, put a hat on and cover with a towel. After half an hour, rinse with shampoo.

Mask of potatoes. Grate a few small potatoes, squeeze through cheesecloth. The resulting juice is added to a glass of kefir and mix. Mass spread over the roots and length, cover with a towel and hold for 30 minutes, rinse with water. Potatoes can be replaced with pumpkin and cucumber - they also do an excellent job with fat.

"Oily" hair - masks with oils

It is a mistaken opinion that essential and vegetable oils solve the problem well only when the hair is dry. Some of them do an excellent job with increased greasiness.

Effective mask for oily hair is a mixture of base oil with the addition of a few drops of essential. As a base oil, jojoba and grape, almond, burdock and sesame oils are perfect. From ethereal it is better to choose eucalyptus oil, mint, cedar, pine, lemon balm, cypress oil - which ones do you like and smell.

Rub the mixture into the scalp, distributed by length. After half an hour, you need to wash the hair very thoroughly, soaping your head many times so that there is no oil left on the hair.

And remember that Exterior care for oily hair with the use of home masks is only part of the overall care in general.

It is important to eat right, avoid stress, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not injure your hair with aggressive styling. And then soon you will enjoy healthy hair and be proud that you have solved the problem of their fat content.

Why is hair constantly greasy?

The problem of oily hair is increased sebaceous glands of the scalp. Already after a few hours, clean hair becomes shiny and stick together in untidy strands. The reason for this may be a violation of the endocrine and nervous systems, not proper hair care, as well as eating too much fatty foods, sweets and canned goods. Instead, try to eat more protein foods, as well as foods with rich mineral composition. A frequent companion of oily hair is oily seborrhea or dandruff, as well as increased hair loss.

How to reduce oily hair

The main task is to permanently remove sebum from the head and lower the secretion of the sebaceous glands. To achieve this, you can use masks for hair applied before shampooing. In addition, there is an alternative such as dry shampoo. Coarse flour, bran or ground oat grains serves as a dry shampoo. For dry washing of the head should be, dividing the hair into strands, cotton wool to wipe the scalp with the selected tool. Then sprinkle an additional amount on the hair, and whisk with your hands, as if washing your head. Leave the product for 15-20 minutes to absorb excess fat, then carefully comb it. Excess fat and flour will remain on the comb, and the hair will gain fluffiness and a clean healthy shine. Coarse flour and oatmeal not only cleanse the head of fat, but also take care of the hair, strengthening them. No wonder in the old days the millers had strong and healthy hair.

To maintain oily hair there are herbal fees. It should be remembered that most herbs dry their skin, so even for oily hair, masks from herbal teas should be used in courses for a month, then take a break for 2-3 weeks.

  • In equal parts are taken dried hop cones, calendula flowers, birch leaves and burdock root. 50 g of the mixture insist on a glass of heated natural light beer. Then filter. Infusion is applied to the hair roots with a cotton swab. When your hair has dried out a little, wash your hair with your usual brush or just rinse with vinegar and water.
  • Alcohol tincture of calendula should be rubbed with the scalp several times a week. After that, the hair is washed at will.
  • Infusion of tansy should be rubbed into the hair roots every other day for a month. To prepare the infusion pour a glass of boiling water with one tablespoon of flowers and stalks of tansy.

An additional tool for the normalization of the sebaceous glands may be some fruits and vegetables.

  • Bow. 2 tablespoons of onion juice mixed with the same amount of castor oil. The mixture is applied to the scalp with massaging movements, then wrap the head with a plastic cap and a towel for half an hour. Then rinse hair with shampoo.
  • Alcohol tincture of onion. One onion is drawn in half a glass of vodka for 2 weeks in a dark place. Infusion rubbed into the hair roots. To destroy the smell of onions, wash your hair with lemon juice or mustard.
  • Quince. The seed kernel with seeds is poured with a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Broth rubbed into the scalp half an hour before washing hair.
  • Lemon and carrot juice. Mix lemon and carrot juices in a 2: 1 ratio. Then rub the mixture of juices into the scalp. Wash your hair in an hour.
  • Cucumber. Mix 3 tablespoons, mashed cucumber pulp with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of water. Apply to scalp and hair. Wrap your head in plastic and a towel for 40 minutes. Then wash your hair. It is worth making a mask once or twice a week, depending on the fat content of the hair.
  • An Apple. Grate the apple on a fine grater, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of vinegar. Carefully apply gruel to the hair roots. Close the shower cap and towel. After half an hour you can wash off the mask without shampoo.

Masks based on eggs help reduce the shine of hair, and, in addition, nourish hair, making it healthy and strong:

  • Protein mask. Beat up to two cool proteins and rub them into the roots of the hair. Leave to dry completely and then wash your hair.
  • Yolk Mask. Take one egg yolk and mix it thoroughly with a teaspoon of water and the same amount of alcohol. Apply the mask on the scalp for 15 minutes and then rinse. Yolk inhibits sebum production.
  • Yolk with mustard. To two tablespoons of mustard, add a little water, until a homogeneous slurry. Then add the egg yolk to the pulp, mix thoroughly and add a little more warm water. Apply the mixture on the scalp and hair. Wrap a hat and a towel. Rinse off after 40 minutes.
  • Take a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice, one yolk and two tablespoons of decoction of agave leaves. Mix lemon juice with honey and yolk, add broth agave. Rub the mixture into the hair roots half an hour before washing your hair. Cover the hair with plastic and a towel.

Some of the best recommendations deserve masks withaloe. This plant nourishes and strengthens the hair roots, causing blood flow to the scalp and normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands. This may be aloe spirit tincture, juice or pulp. Before making a mask, keep the sheets of aloe in the refrigerator for at least a week.

  • In 100 g of vodka, cut a medium sized sheet of aloe and leave to infuse for a week in a dark place. Rub the tincture into the scalp daily for two weeks.
  • Mix equal shares of aloe pulp, lemon juice and honey. Apply the mixture to the hair roots and hide the hair under plastic and a towel. After 40 minutes, the mask can be washed off without shampoo.

In addition to the above masks for oily scalp is useful kefir or sour milk. They are applied to the scalp 20 minutes before washing your hair.

Well proved bread and yeast masks:

  • Bread. Soak the dry crusts of rye bread in water to obtain a slurry, add to them a tablespoon, diluted in water mustard. Apply the mixture on the scalp and spread it over the hair. Hide hair under a shower cap and towel for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse the hair with water with a small amount of lemon juice.
  • Yeast. Dissolve the yeast in warm water and add one whipped protein to it. Apply gruel to the hair roots. Wrap your head with a package and a towel for half an hour. Then rinse hair with cool water.

To consolidate the effect of the masks, follow the diet: do not eat excessively fat, sweet and flour. Limit coffee and alcohol intake. Do not get carried away smoked. Eat foods rich in vitamins of groups B and C, as well as proteins, iron and sulfur.

To make your hair look clean longer during the day, do not brush your hair from the roots, so as not to smudge your hair with excess fat. Get a horny or wooden comb, these materials absorb fat well. Do styling with magnificently raised hair, like a light fleece.

Where does the shine come from?

Hair quickly loses its first freshness after bathing and does not hold volume for many reasons, but the key to all of them lies in the work of the sebaceous glands. Under normal conditions, there should be some small percentage of fat on the scalp that protects it from drying out, due to environmental influences. However, when such a lubricant becomes more acceptable, it goes to the hair, making it untidy, untidy and shiny. The only plus is that such a head of hair never looks like a pile of straw, for which a restoring hair mask is needed without fail. But the beautiful curvaceous fat curls do not boast.

Dry shampoo allows you to quickly correct the situation with oily hair

The trouble does not come alone: ​​after the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands is dandruff, itching and hair loss. The best hair masks are means that not only remove excess blubber, but also eradicate the very cause of all ills.

How to deal with oily hair?

  1. Specialized shampoos. Hair cosmetics can mask and prolong the freshness of hair, but such pleasure and comfort can be costly.
  2. Dry shampoo. This tool allows you to quickly correct the situation with oily hair. The advantage is that you do not need to spend time on drying the hair, it is enough to apply cosmetics, distribute a thick comb, comb and everything is ready. Instead of synthetic, expensive shampoos, you can use regular bran, wholemeal flour, ground cereals. The disadvantage of a natural replacement is the lack of a pleasant aroma and additional amenities of cosmetics.
  3. Hair washing herbs. It is suitable for everyone without exception, but folk methods can dry out the scalp, which leads to dandruff and hair follicles. For example, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, nettle, linden and many other medicinal plants will help restore the scalp, but they are not recommended to be used more than once a week.
  4. Hair masks for scalp. This procedure allows you to comprehensively deal with too active secretion of fat, namely to influence the glands and remove fat on the hair itself, restoring the microflora of the scalp. You can make masks for oily hair in a special beauty salon, as well as at home.

An effective hair mask for the scalp is made from natural ingredients, that is why many people prefer to do it themselves. Mask for oily hair at home does not take much time and does not require large financial herbs, and a wide variety of recipes will help to make a miracle therapy from what is in the refrigerator.

The potato makes an excellent mask for oily hair at home

Masks for hair at home (recipes)

  1. Homemade hair masks from fruits and vegetables. These tools allow you to nourish, restore and improve the condition of the hair along the entire length. An excellent example would be masochka from hard, hard fruits of kiwi. To do this, you need to take 3 medium-sized things, rub them on an average grater and add a few small drops of 9% apple cider vinegar. It is more convenient to apply using a comb (preferably wooden), leave for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. The effect can be noticed immediately - the hair becomes lighter, softer and does not have the smell of fat, but a pleasant, fruity aroma.
  2. The most popular vegetable in the kitchen is potatoes, which make an excellent mask for oily hair at home. To do this, take 2 large potatoes, peel and rub. Squeeze the juice from the obtained gruel, mix with kefir and apply on the hair along the entire length. Shake your head with a towel or something else and leave for half an hour. After the procedure, the effect of cleanliness lasts much longer.
  3. To get rid of oily dandruff, you can rub the quince pulp into the scalp. You can also boil the fruit and decoction will be an excellent tool - a mask for oily hair at the roots.
  4. Kefir hair mask, reviews from this tool are very positive - women note high efficiency and impact on the hair structure. In addition to kefir, you can use whey, yogurt and other acidic dairy products that remove fat and make hair more attractive. The recipe is simple: before taking a shower or bath, you need to completely wash the hair in the product, wrap it in cellophane and leave it for 20-30 minutes. If washed in hot water, it may remain a sour smell, because it is better to use a cool one.
  5. Mustard for hair. This biologically active substance promotes the growth of hair follicles, and also has a good effect on oily scalp, making it drier. However, it is often forbidden to make such masks - from oily skin turns into dry. The simplest recipe is washing the hair with a liter of warm water, in which 2-3 tablespoons of mustard powder are diluted, for an enhanced effect, you must also take the amount of mustard, 3 tablespoons of cosmetic clay (white, blue, etc.) and pour 4 tablespoons of warm water . Spread on the skin, wrap in cellophane, towel and wash off after 20-30 minutes.
  6. Oatmeal for hair. If there is cereal at home, then you can turn an ordinary oatmeal into a mask. To do this, grind them to a state of flour and pour broth of the same amount as the finished oat flour. Then you need to mix and add half a teaspoon of baking soda and can be applied. After uniform application, leave for 20 minutes and rinse. This tool helps to remove excess fat and suspend its production, reduce the number of secretions.
  7. If the hair is extremely oily, then a camomile-based mask will help. First you need to prepare a decoction: 2-3 tablespoons of dry extract pour boiling water, cover and leave for 4-5 hours. Strain the obtained vegetable base, add the whipped protein into it and apply on the hair. Wait until the mask and hair dry completely and rinse with cool, barely warm water.

Special attention is given to the legendary hair mask with cognac, about which wonderful properties are spoken of. Adding this pleasant alcoholic drink to the mask helps to improve hair growth and skin nutrition. Healing substances of cognac regulate the amount of fat produced, bringing it back to normal.

In what cases is it useful to use cognac for hair?

  1. Hair grows too slowly or it is necessary to speed up the normal growth process.
  2. Brittleness, dryness and brittleness of the hair over the entire length. That is why brandy is used for such a tool as a mask for the tips of hair at home.
  3. Too oily scalp and hair.
  4. Scaling of the scalp, unpleasant itching and other forms of dandruff.
  5. Hair does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals subsequently avitaminosis.
  6. The hair does not have the desired natural shine, volume and silkiness.

Kefir mask removes fat and makes hair more attractive.

When is cognac bad for hair and scalp?

  1. Pediculosis. After the bite of lice and other parasites wounds remain, and if you even comb them, then there may be cuts from the nails. Cognac is contraindicated if the head has any damage to the integrity of the skin.
  2. Too frequent, intensive use of masks for hair, decoctions, lotions and other owners of dry, depleted curls.
  3. If the scalp is too sensitive, it is better to abandon the use of the alcohol component.
  4. Allergy sufferers should not use a cognac mask, this can lead to a deterioration of health.

Any mask using brandy should be warm. At the same time, hair must be clean and slightly moisturized, and after applying the mask it is not necessary to rinse off the mask (in extreme cases, rinse with mineral water to consolidate the effect). To completely get rid of the problems of the scalp, you need to make at least 10 masks that can be repeated with frequent no more than 2 times for 7 days.

If the hair is extremely oily, then a camomile-based mask will help.

The easiest and cheapest recipe masks with brandy

Take 2-3 tablespoons of alcoholic beverage and heat to warm temperature. After it is necessary to rub the cognac into the scalp with your hands, if the tips split or appear dull and lifeless, then you can apply them. Next, you need to wrap your head in cellophane, a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes. It is not necessary to wash off with shampoo, it is better to use herbal decoction from chamomile, calendula, nettle and others. The smell of cognac does not remain on the hair and disappears immediately after complete drying.

How to make masks for hair?

  1. Oily hair is not suitable simple application of masks, as required to impart softness and shine. Here you need a deep action, which is achieved with the help of heat. Because the hair after any mask to hide under a towel, scarf or cellophane.
  2. If the scalp is oily, then no oil should be added to the mask. The exception to the rule - applying cosmetic oils on the tips.
  3. Owners of greasy hair should never be washed with hot water. The same applies to the bath - hot water stimulates the glands, negating the efforts of any mask.
  4. For effective treatment of oily hair, you need to do 2 procedures per week with a course of 1-1.5 months, and to strengthen the result you need to do masks 1-2 times a month.

Any mask using cognac should be warm

Mask for oily hair, reviews from this procedure are inspiring and it seems to everyone that life will turn into a fairy tale from one application, but no. In order to eradicate the problem, you need to balance nutrition, personal hygiene, lifestyle and regularly, properly care for your hair. The only way to forget about the otherwise fat gloss hair.

Mask Features

There are simple truths about how to care for oily hair. The basic rule, which is universal for all masks against greasiness, is that you need to rub the product into the skin for 5 to 7 minutes. The next step is to cover your head with a film. This may be plastic film or cellophane. This is the bottom layer. But from above it would be necessary to cover up with a towel to save heat. This will create the so-called steam effect.

A common nuisance is when the hair is greasy at the roots, and dry at the ends. In this case, the mask against greasy hair is applied exclusively on the root of the head. For the tips are perfect oil. It is advisable to preheat the oil.

You need to rinse the mask under warm water. The most optimal temperature varies at 37 degrees, and here's why: the water warmer provokes the activation of the process of sebaceous glands and everything returns to its place. Do not waste products and waste your time.

The success of the masks in their regularity.

Make it a rule for the first month to carry out the procedure twice a week. And after the prophylactic purposes twice a fortnight. Single application will give short-term result. Oily hair care involves a systematic process.

Mustard effect

Dry mustard is actively involved in getting rid of oily hair. This is the basic component of one of the most successful anti-fat masks. Mustard itself is a stimulating element of hair growth. Coupled with clay and other ingredients, it does an excellent job with fat content.

You will need:

  • Mustard dry 2 tbsp.
  • Black or green clay 3 tbsp.
  • Warm water 4 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp.
  • Honey 1 tbsp.

Fill the dry mustard with warm water and combine with the remaining ingredients in the above values. Apply the resulting mass on the scalp and distribute along the length. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo, which is marked "for fatty type." After washing, dry hair.

This is just one of the options for the mustard mask. In fact, many of them, so you can choose to your taste, starting from the available ingredients. Making a mask at home using dry mustard is very effective. It adds volume, lowers fat, provides additional shine. Mustard mask for oily hair and skin activates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Effective Tomato Effect

Mask for oily hair, which is based on tomato juice, is ideal for use at home. Only 0.5 cups of juice can affect your image. Tomatoes contain in large quantities vegetable acids, responsible for the production of sebum. The mask does not require other components. In the course will go both purchased and actually cooked at home tomato juice.

Spread it along the hair, massaging the skin and at the roots. Rinse no sooner than half an hour. After washing, allow hair to dry. As you remember, it is necessary to do it regularly, then the effect will not take long to wait.

Vitamin to help

Kiwi - a wonderful fruit, which is obtained from a nutritious vitamin-rich mask for oily hair and scalp. The greatest amount of useful acids is hidden in solid fruits, so when buying give them your preference. Peel the three things and chop. Combine gruel with a couple drops of apple cider vinegar (9%).

Spread the mass evenly along the length, slightly massaging the skin and at the roots. You can resort to using a comb with small sparse teeth. After half an hour, rinse under cool water.

Jelly business

Make a mask at home simply and quickly. We advise you to cook in a water bath: 2 tablespoons of gelatin pour half a glass of water. After that, cool and supplement the mixture with one teaspoon of lemon juice and the pulp of rye bread (one piece is enough).

The consistency of the resulting mass should be like a thick cream. Spread over your hair by slightly massaging the scalp and at the roots. Leave the mask for about an hour. Gently rinse. After washing, dry your hair, preferably without a hair dryer.

Mask for greasy hair with a content of gelatin - a quick and effective way to prevent hair loss, increase the volume and reduce the fat content of the hair. You need to do it a couple of times a week. Thus, care of oily hair, as you can see, does not require large expenditures and does not take much time. The mentioned masks are not focused. In addition to reducing the fat content, they also help to avoid hair loss, and improve the health of the hair in general. You can make masks yourself in the kitchen, the main thing is not to lose the proportions.

Causes oily hair

The main cause of oily hair is excessive sebum production by the glands. In most cases, the process develops during puberty, which is explained by an increase in testosterone production.

If a person often consumes spicy and pickled food, this can lead to a pathological condition. Oily hair is often observed in people who abuse alcohol.

With improper care of the scalp, pathology can also develop. The causes of excessive oily hair are many. That is why a person is recommended to monitor their health and lead a correct lifestyle.

What should be applied

With excessive oily hair, patients are allowed to use transparent shampoos.

Means that contain cream are not recommended.

To remove excess fat is recommended to use therapeutic clay, which is sold in a pharmacy. It is used to adsorb and remove excess fat.

Mask recipes for oily hair are presented in this video:

Terms of use

In order that hair products have a beneficial effect on the skin, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of their use:

  • To ensure the highest possible impact of the funds, they are recommended to be thoroughly rubbed into the skin for 5 minutes.
  • In case of excessively dry tips, it is strictly prohibited to apply the preparations on them.
  • It is recommended to use only warm water, the average temperature of which is 37 degrees, to flush the skin off the skin. During the use of excessively hot water, a situation may worsen as it stimulates the sebaceous glands.
  • The use of funds should be carried out on a regular basis - from 1 to 3 times a week.

Top of the most simple masks

Not every representative of the fair sex has time to prepare even useful, but long and complex masks. It is to help such girls further recipes.

  1. The procedure is to apply kefir or yogurt to the strands half an hour before washing your head. After 20-30 minutes, the curls should be thoroughly washed in water at room temperature.
  2. Tired of fatty strands, what to do in this situation? The mask with mustard takes the second place and is prepared relatively quickly. To do this, you need: 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of mustard powder (dry mustard). The components are mixed and applied to the hair. It is necessary to wash off such a solution in half an hour without using any detergents.
  3. Closes our top mask with yolk and honey. For its preparation, you must rub 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 egg yolks. The mixture is applied first to the hair roots, then as far as possible distributed over the rest of the length. After half an hour, the mask for oily hair should be washed off.

Fruits and vegetables to help

If you are hanging around looking for a recipe for how to get rid of oily hair, pay attention to the natural support of fruits and vegetables. Perhaps some options will attract your attention and become a favorite procedure to help cope with the problem.

  • To prepare an apple mask, you need to grate an apple on a fine grater, after peeling it off. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, and then insulate with polyethylene or a special cap. After 30 minutes, the mask should be washed off without shampoo.
  • Lemon-carrot complex knows how to deal with greasy hair. To make it, you need to mix 4 tablespoons of lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of carrot. The resulting juice must be rubbed into the hair roots, kept for an hour and rinse.
  • An onion mask for oily hair is also widely known: 2 tablespoons of castor oil should be mixed with the same amount of onion juice. The resulting liquid is rubbed into the hair roots. Be sure to warm the hair after applying the mixture. Wash curls worth half an hour using a shampoo.
  • The "astringent" fruits of Quince are unexpected, but worthwhile allies in how to get rid of greasy hair. To prepare the mask, the heart of the fruit, along with the seeds, is poured 200 ml of water, brought to a boil, and then boiled for another 10 minutes. The resulting decoction should be applied to the scalp with massage movements 30 minutes before washing the head.
  • The most real store of nutrients for hair is aloe. As a mask, you can use both juice and pulp. Some actively use alcohol tincture to clean up oily hair at the roots and along the entire length.

More time consuming masks for greasy hair

Oily hair brings a lot of inconvenience, but what if conventional products do not help? We'll have to try to remove this flaw. However, no one said it was impossible. Just before you deal with greasy hair, you need to familiarize yourself with various recipes and choose a more convenient one for yourself.

  1. It is necessary to mix 1 clove of garlic, 2 spoons of agave juice, 0.5 tablespoon of honey, 1 yolk and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the strands, paying attention to the roots. This mask is not necessary to warm. Wash off gruel after forty minutes.
  2. A very nice mask for oily hair is obtained with mint and rowan. Chop the mint leaves thoroughly, then grind them with rowan berries. The resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp and along the entire length of the strands, as it not only normalizes the release of fat, but also strengthens the curls.
  3. A great recipe for how to get rid of oily hair is a mixture of herbal infusions. In a deep bowl mixes 2 tablespoons of calendula flowers, the same nettle, 1 tablespoon of oak bark. Next, herbs are poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water and infused for half an hour under the lid. Before use, the infusion must be drained and then rinsed with curls. Wash your hair after this procedure is not necessary.
  4. An effective mask against oily hair is obtained if you rub fresh leaves of mountain ash, mint and dandelion. Gruel is applied to the roots, and after 40 minutes, washed off without detergent.
  5. In the cold season too greasy hair can be disturbed, what to do in such a situation? It is necessary to dilute a small slice of yeast with 1 teaspoon of water, and then combine it with protein, previously knocked into foam. This yeast mask for oily hair is applied to the hair and is not washed off until it is completely dry.
  6. To greasy hair at the roots regained its normal appearance, you can use the following mask. Mix 1 yolk, a teaspoon of water and the same amount of alcohol. The resulting gruel is applied to clean strands and aged for about 10 minutes. Then the mask for oily hair should be washed off with warm water.


Watch the video: DIY HAIR MASK for Growth, DIY Hair Mask for Damaged Hair, Oily, Dry (July 2024).