
How to comb lice and nits from the hair


None of the national, professional pediculicidal agent is not able to destroy nits. The only reliable method is combing. To improve the effectiveness of using special combs, combs, and hair pre-treated with certain means. How to comb out nits and lice to get rid of lice as quickly as possible.

Combing procedure

Nothing complicated or unusual. Everyone knows how to use a comb. Combing lice and nits with a comb is done according to the following rules:

  • You must choose a suitable place with good lighting. Spread a white sheet or sheet of paper to better see the result.
  • Long hair is better to collect in the tail with one hand, gradually separate the thin strands for combing. So you can be sure that not a single hair will be left unattended.
  • It is necessary to comb long and carefully. To facilitate the process, long hair is slightly moisturized or treated with air conditioning.

To improve the efficiency of combing, you must first carry out another procedure that will weaken the tenacity of the eggs.

Preparing for combing

Nits are attached to the hair with a special adhesive substance. Under the influence of oxygen, it hardens, ensures reliable fixation of the eggs to the lice.

Nits do not wash off the soap, does not remove the usual comb. Even after the appearance of nymphs, the shell of eggs - dead nits, continue to hold on to the hair. To remove them, you need to make special efforts or take advantage of the trick.

Means against nits:

  • Vinegar. In ancient times, this tool was number 1 to get rid of lice. Later it turned out that vinegar does not kill the lice, but rather effectively destroys the sticky substance of the eggs. As a result, combing is much easier. Dissolve 100 ml of vinegar in 300 ml of water. Liberally moisten your head, put on a plastic bag or a special cap. After 20 minutes, proceed to combing. At the end, rinse with warm water.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. The tool kills lice, destroys the sticky substance of nits. And so effective that they literally showered themselves from the head. Diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Handle hair. Put on a plastic bag. Wash off the composition after 30 minutes. Then spend combing. The product is suitable for girls with blond hair. You need to be prepared for the fact that after removing lice peroxide, the hair will be lighter on tone.
  • Chemerichnaya water. The product is sold in pharmacies. Very effective against lice. Promotes unstuck nits. Hair treatment takes place according to the rules of using hydrogen peroxide. The main difference - hellebore water does not spoil the hair. Even strengthens.
  • Juices. An effective remedy for nits is cranberry juice. Berry destroys the strong adhesive substance of nits faster than chemical compounds. The main difficulty is not always possible to get it. Instead of cranberries, you can use lemon juice or acid. A glass of water consumes 1 teaspoon of acid or juice of 1 fruit. This tool makes the hair soft, smooth, does not spoil the structure.
  • Shampoo. Special shampoo from pediculosis in 10-20 minutes kills nymphs of all generations, imago. Does not affect lice eggs, does not destroy the sticky substance, but makes the hair smooth and soft. The combing procedure is much easier.
  • Olive oil. One of the most favorable folk remedies for lice in relation to the hair. It nourishes, moisturizes, accelerates growth, makes it smooth, silky, restores the structure. Makes combing nits not so painful and unpleasant.

You can get rid of lice for 1 procedure for 15 minutes. The main task - as quickly as possible to get rid of nits.From the thoroughness of the procedure depends on the further development of the situation. There will be a few pieces - you have to repeat everything from the beginning.

Tool for combing

Every day every girl, girl, woman uses a comb. Combs hair several times a day. Nits go nowhere, continue to actively develop. To remove the lice eggs from the hair need a special comb or comb.

On pediculosis is not to talk openly. Everyone pretends that such a problem does not exist, remained in the distant past. Lice is vigorously discussed on Internet forums, special tools for combing nits are actively advertised.

Comb or comb from lice differs from the usual frequency of teeth, their long, shape, material. Hard comb with fine teeth of quality material, with rounded tips. It does not damage the scalp even with repeated touching. Well touches every hair, removes mote with a diameter of less than 1 mm. Combing nits is much easier and faster, the hair is not damaged.

Professional combs

Combing lice and nits with a comb of quality material is much faster, easier, easier. You can buy a professional tool for lice in a pharmacy or order it online. The most popular brands in Moscow are:

  • AntiV,
  • LiceGuard,
  • Nitty Gritty NitFreeComb.

Combs from lice differ in appearance. Comb with small teeth are more suitable for short hair, with oblong - for long.

Among identical products there is a comb from lice, which is somewhat different. RobiComb passes an electric current across the teeth. It is absolutely safe, not felt by man, but paralyzes lice, nits. Getting on the teeth of the comb, the parasites get an electric shock. This prevents lice from crawling on the hair again.

Correctly comb lice and nits - not an easy task. Must be patient and endurance. The procedure after the first treatment should be carried out for at least 30 minutes. Then daily for 1 week. After 7 days, re-process, comb out the dead nits again. The correct procedure involves 2 pests.

If there is no special device

Lice can catch anytime, anywhere. It is necessary to act quickly. How to comb nits if there is no scallop:

  • you need to go to any mall, shop, tent on the market where they sell hairbrushes,
  • choose the most common with small, frequent teeth, it is suitable for hair of any length, can eliminate pediculosis,
  • if the hairs are extremely thin, the comb does not capture nits, you need to thread a thread between the teeth, fasten it to the sides,
  • distribute hair into thin strands, slowly move the comb from root to tip.

In those places where the nits are clearly visible, you can pick up nails, gently stretch to the bottom. But do not overdo it. As the lice eggs come out with the hair.

Combating head lice on long hair

In ancient times, the problem of lice was solved quickly and drastically - shaved his head bald. Now there are many other alternative options, more humane. But the problem of combing remains.

Lice lay nits at a distance of 1 cm from the roots. As hair grows, they end up on different parts of the head. Short hair does not solve the problem. Do not shorten hair. If you apply this method for the treatment of pediculosis, only thoroughly - bald.

Tips on how to comb nits with long hair at home.

  • Pre-use a mixture that separates nits from hairs.
  • Initially, comb your hair with a regular comb to unravel after washing.
  • Use conditioner or oil. The tool will help speed up the process of removing parasites.
  • To collect hair in a tail, to separate gradually a lock for a lock.
  • It is necessary to repeat the combing procedure every day during the week.

Daily prolonged combing with a quality comb will not damage the hair, help to get rid of insects, stimulates the growth of hair.

Get rid of the head lice can only be mechanically, if another method for one reason or another can not be applied. The comb can easily be combed out with lice to the child, adult. May be used this tool for removing lice in pregnant women. On the head with a strong infection of about 20 pieces of parasites. Every day choose nits. If after 2 weeks there are no symptoms of pediculosis, everything is done correctly, with special responsibility.

Nits can be quickly combed using special combs. Be sure to conduct preliminary training. A substance such as vinegar is available in every home. Take the procedure seriously. The effectiveness of combating lice depends on the quality of combing.

Tip 1: Destroy head lice first

Nits are lice eggs covered with a special sheath and securely attached to the hair. If the nits appeared on the head, it means that someone put them here. They themselves can not be transferred from person to person.

And first of all, it is necessary to destroy adult lice, each of which lays 8-10 nits daily. Therefore, even regular combing out nits without producing the producers themselves will give little: adult lice will lay eggs faster than the owner of the head will comb them.

Lice comb using a special comb should be the same as the nits themselves, but special attention should be paid to the scalp. It is at the roots of the hair that the main number of parasites is kept, and therefore, combing the hair from the very base, it is possible to remove a much larger number of them than with surface brushing.

Insecticidal products still have greater efficacy from adult lice. From them, the parasites can not get anywhere, and therefore die within a few minutes. Combing the lice with a comb, even the most effective, requires a minimum of 4-5 procedures. Therefore, in any case, quickly comb the nits out of my head will not work.

And only when the adult lice are removed from the head, you can focus your efforts on combing nits.

Tip 2: Use special combs

Combs from head lice today are produced and sold by several manufacturers. The following ridge marks are best known in Russia:

  • AntiV (aka Nit Free)
  • RobiComb
  • LiceGuard.

Of these, AntiV and LiceGuard are combs for simple mechanical combing of lice and nits, and the anti-RobiComb comb and the more advanced version of RobiComb Pro also have a mechanism for the electrical destruction of vermin on the teeth.

“I do not believe that harmless insecticides exist. All of them somehow health comes around. But with Robi Komb, there are no fears at all - the lice die from him, then he combs them himself, and that’s that. The main thing is absolutely safe. But the most reliable comb from nits is AntiV. Our whole family has been using for two years now, and not a single tooth has fallen out or bent. ”

Simple combs, even if they are very dense, are practically useless against nits - because of the softness of the material, the teeth of the insect eggs slip between them, and the combing procedure does not give a special result.

But even from three brands of crests, you can choose the one that is most suitable for achieving the desired effect.

Tip 3: Choose the right comb

As practice shows, the least effective against nits is an electric comb against lice RobiComb. Due to the small height of the canvas, it is not always possible to properly comb out lice and nits from very thick and long hair. Its main purpose is to treat the root zone for the destruction of adult parasite individuals.

The operation of the electric discharge from RobiComb has not been tested and does not have a clear confirmation of its effectiveness.Perhaps this is just a manufacturer’s gimmick: the description of this comb for lice indicates that after receiving an electric shock, the insect dies within half an hour, which raises certain doubts. After all, the current acts either instantly, or does not act at all ...

From the crests of AntiV and LiceGuard, it is difficult to give preference to any one: they are practically the same, and therefore their effectiveness turns out to be similar. It is important that their teeth are long enough and allow you to comb even thick strands of hair.

A comb for combing LiceGuard nits can be bought for 600 rubles, and the price of AntiV is almost a thousand. Accordingly, it is more rational to take LiceGuard.

“We just combed all the lice in a child with this LiceGuard comb for a week. I was afraid that it would not work, because the hair of the small one is very thick and curly, and the comb is too frequent and dense. But it turned out all right, combed out easily, no one was hurt. It is only important to know how to properly comb lice. "

Tip 4: Thoroughly wash hair with special shampoos

No matter how hard all natural lovers try to avoid pediculicidal shampoos, but with them the comb from nits works anyway more efficiently. At a minimum, because the hair itself becomes softer and cleaner, with the result that the comb slides easier. And as a maximum, because adult lice themselves quickly die from such shampoos, and all that remains to be done after this is to comb their mortal remains out of their hair.

It is important to understand that shampoos on nits practically do not act and do not poison them. Therefore, comb out the dead nits after the procedure of washing the hair in any case will not work.

But after one treatment of the head with shampoo, there will be no parasites that these nits can put off. Therefore, after even a single use of the shampoo, adult lice on the head are unlikely to appear.

Tip 5: additionally loosen nits

No matter how thick and hard the combs from lice are, they often do not provide full (100%) combing of nits - the sizes of the latter are too small. So small that they are comparable to the thickness of the hair, and therefore some of them will slip between the teeth.

However, special means can loosen the attachment of nits to the hair. For this well suited:

  • vinegar
  • chameric water
  • and cranberry juice.

Natural organic acids contained in these products, corrode the secret with which the egg is attached to the hair, and the nit is easier to tear when combing with a comb. These means need to moisten the hair in about half an hour for the procedure of combing.

Tip 6: comb out regularly

And of course, we must not forget that the comb for all the parasites cannot be combed out in one procedure. Separate lice and nits will definitely remain on the head, but the main thing is that after a few days, young lice will emerge from the surviving nits themselves, which can give rise to a new population. Therefore, combing hair with a comb should be at least 4 times, and better - up to 10 times.

“With children, such a lice comb should be necessary. In kindergarten, they will definitely pick up, at school - almost every year someone has lice sick, summer camps, all sorts of hikes. If you buy chemistry, you can go broke. And with such a crest just a little - scratched a few days and there are no parasites. Only it is necessary to comb the nits and lice properly, the child cannot be given a comb - it will break and will not do anything properly. ”

Additional recommendations

When combing lice and nits from the hair is useful to consider the following points:

  • It is necessary to process the comb after lice immediately - both the parasites themselves and the nits remain on it. Comb washed under hot water, and in the ideal case - immersed in boiling water.
  • To ensure that all hair is treated with a large length, you need to collect it in the tail on one side of the head and, separating strand by strand, comb it out from the roots.
  • It is advisable to brush over the bathroom or over the bed sheet so that no louse escapes or accidentally falls on the floor, bed or sofa.

And of course, you need to take care of the security of the handler itself. It is advisable for him to undress to the waist so that combed louses do not fall on his clothes, tie up and hide his hair under the kerchief.

After combing the parasites, be sure to thoroughly wash. If you do everything right, then you can forget for a long time what lice and nits are.


The efficiency of combing directly depends on the tool with which you are going to make manipulations. In this matter, the most popular are:

The specificity of the special comb is in the material of the teeth, their close distance from each other and the rigidity of the structure. This makes it easy to skip hair and comb tightly glued nits. The teeth of high-quality combs are notched with a laser, which ensures thorough processing. The edges have a rounded shape, which prevents injury to the scalp. Metal combs proved to be the best in this business.

Manufacturers of pediculosis products sell a kit and a comb. As a rule, such combs are of low quality, which affects the effectiveness of the procedure.

Attention! In addition to the material, the ridges differ in the length of the teeth. Combs with elongated teeth are designed for combing long hair, with short - for short haircuts.

Electric combs strike the parasites with electric current. The discharge of a small force, it is harmless and practically not felt by man.

The use of an ordinary comb, be it a massage brush (in everyday use - a massage) or a comb, will not give a positive result. These types of brushes are designed primarily to disentangle tangled hair, the bristles are too far apart from each other, which does not contribute to combing enough fine lice and nits.

Pediculosis remedies

In order to achieve the best result, before combing the hair, it is better to treat it with a pediculosis agent. Recipes of some of them:

  • Pomegranate and mint decoction. Infusion can be prepared at home. For this you need a glass of pomegranate juice and a few mint leaves. Boil the mixture for about 10 minutes, then let it brew. Cool to room temperature, rub into scalp and hair.
  • Mask of onions. For its preparation, you need a medium bulb and two egg yolks. Onion finely chopped, mixed with yolks. The mask is applied to the scalp and distributed over the entire length of the hair. Hair is better to cover the package and a towel. Hold the mask for a couple of hours, then rinse thoroughly. Hair wash with ordinary shampoo.
  • Among the recipes of traditional medicine is often mentioned kerosene to fight lice and nits. However, this method can quite easily lead to a chemical burn or cause a strong allergic reaction.
  • Treatment with acetic solution. Given that the solution will be applied directly to the scalp and hair, it is important that the vinegar used is no more than 9% concentration. Vinegar is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water. Then the solution is processed hair. Wrap your head with a towel, leave for 30 minutes. The maximum time with a solution - no more than an hour. Vinegar does not contribute to the death of lice and nits, but is very effective for removing nits from hair.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is able to affect the adhesive substance, with which the nits are attached to the hair and facilitate their separation from the hair. The solution is prepared with the addition of water in the ratio of 3 parts of water and 1 peroxide. Hair cover with a plastic bag. Applied to hair and aged for about half an hour.

An important point! Hydrogen peroxide has a lightening effect, so it is important not to exceed the dosage and processing time.

The pharmaceutical industry has a wide range of head lice products:

Such tools can in 15–20 minutes destroy all living lice, facilitate the process of further combing. However, they are ineffective against nits.

Instructions for use

To effectively remove lice and nits from hair, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. If possible, pre-treat hair with lice agent. To do this, fit both pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine.
  2. Do not dry your hair dry slightly, so that they remain wet. So, the parasites are more noticeable.
  3. Hair should be combed with an ordinary comb and divided into strands. If you comb yourself, it will be convenient to tie your hair into a high tail, and then pull it out of it by a thin strand.
  4. It is better to start combing from temple to temple, then proceed to the back of the head. If there are bangs, it should be handled last.
  5. Combing from the roots to the ends, slowly rubbing the comb through the hair. Pin up the treated hair.
  6. The strand must be taken small so that it can be completely combed through with a comb.
  7. It is necessary to comb a strand from two sides, then wash the comb with the prepared solution and remove insects from the tool.
  8. After processing, all tools and fabrics must also be "neutralized". Fabric should be boiled for a few minutes, shake well on the street and iron.
  9. Comb after each treatment must also be boiled and cleaned.
  10. Be sure to carry out general cleaning of the house, pay close attention to the upholstered furniture. Bed linen, clothes should be washed at high temperatures.
  11. If household items on which insects could remain could not be washed, they should be packed in plastic bags and left in this condition for 14 days. A living individual can not exist without food for more than 6 days, so for 2 weeks without food, both lice and nits die.

Important! Dead parasites can not be thrown into the garbage with normal household waste, flush into the sewer. Lice and nits are extremely viable. In order to destroy the insects, you will need to put them in boiling water and boil for a few minutes. After this procedure, you can be sure that the lice and nits died.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure of combing has both its advantages and disadvantages. Each case is individual, therefore, based on the information received, it will be easier to choose one or another means of dealing with head lice. Combing hair has the following advantages over other means of combating head lice:

  • This method will not cause an allergic reaction of the body, which is quite possible when using special shampoos or other chemical products. It also has no age restrictions, it is harmless to use even for the youngest children.
  • There is no likelihood of a chemical burn.
  • Unlike chemicals from pediculosis, the comb has a shelf life over its entire service life and can be used even after several years.
  • Comb can be used repeatedly.
  • The special design of the comb allows you to comb hair without hurting your scalp, without tearing the hair out.

This method has several disadvantages:

  • Combing is a very time consuming and lengthy process. Even a single procedure takes at least an hour; you need to repeat the procedure for at least seven days every day. When other means against pediculosis require less time and effort.
  • If you have to comb yourself independently, without resorting to the help of outsiders, the procedure is many times more complicated.
  • The cost of a good quality comb is much higher than the cost of ordinary shampoo from the pediculosis.

Important! If your choice is on machining from head lice, namely combing, you should remember that the result of the struggle will depend not only on the quality of the tool, but also on your dedication and diligence.

Combing frequency

Choosing this method of dealing with lice and nits, you should be patient. Parasites will not disappear after the first treatment, for the complete elimination of lice and nits will require repeated daily treatment.

And the number of repetitions later depends on the quality and thoroughness of the very first combing. This approach is primarily due to the fact that even one nit, missed during combing, can very quickly and fruitfully multiply.

Therefore, it is extremely important not to interrupt the process and bring the procedure to the complete destruction of all parasites.

As a preventive measure, it will be useful once a week to carry out treatment. This applies especially to children who are particularly susceptible to infection. After the course of the procedure in a week should be a checkup.

Even if the nit went unnoticed it was after such a period of time that the louse would hatch out of it and it would be seen if errors were made in processing and whether the procedure should be repeated again until the population of parasites increased.

The times when the detection of lice threatened to cut the hair “to zero” were left behind. However, despite the development of modern medicine, the improvement of living conditions, lice is the place to be. And, as before, it is not customary to speak aloud about this trouble. The main thing in the treatment of pediculosis - timeliness, thoroughness, diligence and an integrated approach to treatment.

Useful videos

How to remove the lice and nits on the hair.

How to get rid of nits: treatment of the head, combing, products, shampoos.

How to comb nits - recommendations

Starting the process of combing nits is very important to follow a certain sequence of actions. Only by observing them can you achieve clean hair and not miss a single nits. This process is divided into several stages.

How to comb nits

The first thing you need to do is finding and removing adult lice. In order to eliminate lice, you must use a specialized shampoo, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. After washing your head with this shampoo, dead lice are still on their head and must be found and cleaned.

There is an option to immediately comb the head, find and strangle adults, but it is quite difficult. A more effective way is to use special shampoos against pediculosis.

Once the adults are removed from the head, you can proceed to the direct combing nits. First it is recommended to rinse your hair with vinegar solution. The rinse solution is prepared in a proportional ratio of 1: 1 vinegar with water.

Rinse your hair with vinegar as much as possible. It is better to wear this conditioner on your hair with a comb, gently combing through all the hair. Important: washing the hair with vinegar dissolves the sticky hair covering, which is necessary for a strong holding of nits on the hair.

The best place for the procedure is a bath, with the hair recommended to keep over the sink or bath. Combed nits immediately washed down the drain. The process of combing nits occurs in strands. It begins with a single strand, the width of which does not exceed the width of the ridge.

This is quite convenient and eliminates the possibility of missing an individual. After one strand is processed, it is separated from the total volume of hair with a hairpin. Combing is performed starting from the root part of the hair, applying the comb to the surface of the head and stretching it to the very tips. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the whole strand falls between the teeth of the ridge.

The final stage of the procedure consists of processing all the accessories that were used in the process. Nits that have been combed from the hair can be washed into the sink or into the bathroom, given that during the procedure they were all washed into a soap solution in the tank.

With regard to combs and combs - they must be treated with boiling water, and also leave all the fixtures in liquid ammonia solution for at least 15 minutes. The death of nits occurs when they come into contact with water, the temperature of which is 54 degrees.

Also, the final stage includes washing the head, which is desirable to carry out using a specialized shampoo to remove lice.

Such a procedure is not necessary if there is confidence that all adult lice were destroyed the first time. Best of all, for these purposes, use a metal special comb. It can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The teeth on this device are so close that not even the smallest nit can slip through them. Combing should be done after treating the head with vinegar. Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair, apply a softening balm, for easier combing.

The smaller strands, the better the combing. To comb out all the nits with long hair, it will take at least three hours. To ensure that all nits are destroyed, the procedure should be carried out every day before going to bed, but without vinegar.

The locks are simply moistened with water and combed in both directions. After the treatment of pediculosis, the use of regenerative masks and hair balms is required.

The frequency of the procedure

Lice must be combed out from short or long hair until the hair is perfectly clean. If only one living louse remains, the disease will reappear. With a high-quality combing, about three to four procedures are needed every day.

After that, you need to regularly inspect the scalp and strands for the presence of insects to make sure that there are no new parasites. The incubation period nits lasts an average of 6-9 days. It all depends on the ambient temperature. Therefore, in about a week it will be clear if lice or nits remain, and whether you need to comb them again.

If you see parasites hatched, they need to be urgently removed, until they begin to multiply and attach their eggs to the hair.

The fight against pediculosis is a very complex procedure, during which you can not do without scallops. After all the manipulations, it is necessary to decontaminate the personal belongings of all family members, to do a general cleaning of the room. In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is important to regularly carry out prevention.

Especially if there are children in the family who attend kindergarten or school. If modern precautions are taken, then you will only comb the lice out of your hair in a dream.

The advantages and disadvantages of combing

Lice comb is like a simple comb, which is made of plastic or stainless steel. In order not to injure the skin of the head, the metal teeth of the product are rounded at the ends. Combing lice and nits is carried out through special notches, which are applied along the entire length of the teeth.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that a comb for combing nits has many advantages:

A comb designed for lice can be used by both a child and an elderly person.

Comb lice and nits does not damage the scalp when combed. In addition, the absence of chemical elements during processing favorably affects the structure of the hair.

Long service life.

Unlike shampoos and sprays, the comb for combing lice will have to be acquired only once. After use, it must be disinfected, after which the product can be re-used.

Since children are more susceptible to pediculosis, a comb for combing lice can be bought for the future as a prophylactic agent.

If necessary, comb comb with drugs from the pediculosis. In this case, the solution is applied to the hair, then begin to comb out the lice and nits.

In addition to the undeniable advantages, this comb has drawbacks:

  • it is necessary to treat the affected area often, up to several times a day, which, compared to the chemical method, is rather troublesome,
  • for greater efficiency, the procedure should be carried out by another person, since it is difficult to get rid of parasites on their own, especially if the hair is long,
  • use of scallops is reduced if a whole colony of insects settles on the head. Adaptation helps only at the beginning of the infection,
  • A lot of importance is the knowledge of how to properly comb the parasites.

In addition, treatment with special solutions and shampoos does not eliminate the need to use a comb. After all, in another way quickly comb nits and lice impossible.


After 7–9 days, it will be necessary to check for lice and re-combing. During this time, the remaining nits will turn into larvae, which must be destroyed. Removal is carried out in the same sequence as the primary procedure.

You can not wash your head every day, just rinse your hair with water and vinegar. It is worth noting that vinegar for lice and nits is used both in medical recipes and as an independent means.

Combing tips

For successful struggle with pediculosis, it is important to carry out repeated procedures, since it is impossible to comb all the nits at once. Doctors recommend combing 4 - 10 times. The procedure of combing is best carried out over a spreading white sheet or over a bath.

This will help, firstly, to assess the degree of infection with head lice and, secondly, to prevent accidental contact of surviving nits or lice on the floor, sofa and other furniture, which is fraught with a relapse of the disease. When combing the hair of an infected person, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the person who combed them.

For this, the handler strands are best hidden under a hat, towel, etc. A protective robe of slippery material should be put on top of the clothes.

Since we recommend that you do not carry out this procedure yourself, it is important to protect the person who will be brushing the sick head from getting infected. For these brave people, we have prepared some important tips.

  1. During the procedure, do not touch your head with your hands, otherwise you may become infected. Take the hair in a ponytail, braid or make another haircut. You can tie a scarf on his head.
  2. During the procedure, remove all the jewelry from your hands: bracelets, rings.
  3. Wear short gloves to keep hands from lice.
  4. To protect your clothes, put on a garbage bag so that it does not hinder movement, but covers the front of the body. After-remove it (naturally, through the legs, not the head).
  5. After finishing, fold the gloves, bag into a plastic bag and put in the trash. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

So, nits can be combed out quite easily, if you follow all the recommendations given in the article. We hope that this problem will bypass you, and the information presented will be just a cognitive material for you.

What is a comb

The comb from head lice and nits is made by special technology. The design of the teeth does not allow adults and nits to slip between them. Special notches are applied to the teeth of the comb, narrowing the lumen, but allowing the hair to pass smoothly.

When combing does not occur pain, while the comb collects lice from the hair. Such a device - a comb for combing nits can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered online.For greater effectiveness in the fight against head lice can be applied at the same time chemical means and combs.

Such a special comb for lice can be:

  • wooden or plastic,
  • metal,
  • e.

Plastic and wooden combs

Most often, a plastic comb for lice is placed in boxes with anti-pediculosis drugs. Classical crests were used by our great-grandmothers. Plastic products have a drawback: due to the great flexibility of the plastic, the teeth bend, the gap increases, they cannot catch the lice.

Therefore, such a comb from lice and nits, which you can buy in any store, will not be useful. Wooden comb from lice and nits stronger, not bend. But there are no micro-teeth on the teeth. This comb is also ineffective.

Metal combs

With the help of modern and effective adaptation, the question: how to comb the nits at home will no longer arise. The metal ridge has elongated, rigid teeth and there is a very small distance between the teeth.
This design feature allows you to easily remove from the hair of all parasites and their nits.

Metal scallop from lice has a distance between the teeth of less than 0.09 mm. An adult individual lice has a size of from two to four mm, a nit about 0.4 mm in size. Parasites can not slip between the teeth, which makes the comb for combing nits very effective device.

Also on the teeth of metal combs there are special notches that damage the shell of nits, but do not harm the hair. It is important to consider that after use with a comb, new individuals will not be able to hatch.

Dead larvae gradually comb out of the hair. With the help of notches it is also possible to comb out particularly tenacious individuals. How long and how to properly comb the nits to completely get rid of them? Manufacturers claim that for removing all lice, it is necessary to process the hair for two hours during the week.

It is best not to process the head yourself, but to use the help of relatives, that is, to help each other get rid of pests.

Advantages of metal combs:

  1. Ease of use: you do not need special skills and special knowledge, just read the instructions,
  2. All family members can use one device.
  3. Any metal comb against lice and nits does not have a specific shelf life,
  4. Safety: metal combs do not harm the hair and do not cause injury to the scalp,
  5. There are no contraindications.
  6. Do not contain toxic substances - can be used for children, pregnant women, asthmatics and allergies,
  7. Eliminate not only adults, but nits,
  8. Can be used with any means of pediculosis,
  9. It never breaks, as it is made of medical steel, which provides special strength to the teeth,
  10. Used for the prevention of pediculosis: it is enough to comb the hair once a week.

With so many advantages comb for combing lice and nits buy prevents only the price. In this case, you need to prioritize and make the necessary decision.

How to use the comb

The main task pursued by people: how to get rid of lice and nits without harmful chemicals, while effectively and preferably quickly.

There are certain rules when using combs against lice and nits:

  • Thoroughly wash your hair using an anti-pedicular shampoo.
  • Rinse your hair with vinegar. Nits sticky secret firmly attached to the hair. Vinegar dissolves stickiness and facilitates combing nits.
  • Start combing lice and nits.

To reduce the likelihood of lice spreading throughout the room, the procedure should be performed in a closed bathroom. The process takes, on average, about an hour, and it needs to be repeated every day during the week. At the end of the comb thoroughly washed under running water.

Further, it is disinfected, for which it is placed for 3 hours in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, table vinegar and water, in a 1: 1: 0.5 ratio. Then the comb is washed in hot water, the temperature of which is equal to 70 degrees.

After 20 minutes, the comb is treated with running water, using soap. If the combing is done by another person, then he should take care of his safety: hide the hair under a hat or kerchief and wear a bathrobe over the clothes.

How to choose a comb

When choosing a comb, it is important to consider several basic parameters that a product must possess. First of all, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Security,
  2. Easy to use
  3. Efficiency,
  4. Reliability,
  5. Long service life.

A quality comb against lice must meet all the listed criteria. With regard to cost, there may be different fluctuations, because in the consumer market there are many modifications.

The most famous manufacturers of lice combs

Pediculosis has to be fought; it will not pass by itself. If you decide to use modern means, then you need to find information where to buy a comb for combing lice and which manufacturers can be trusted.

On the Internet, the AntiV lice comb is actively advertised and it is easy to find many options where to buy a comb for lice combing is one of the most popular today.

He really has many advantages:

  • Efficiency. The elongated teeth and the original reliefs of the notches of the AntiV lice comb can painlessly comb through thick strands and easily remove the lice.
  • Convenience. The base of the comb is well executed: it is conveniently located even in the hand of an adult man.

It is worth a comb from lice asset is not cheap, but according to the manufacturer and according to customer reviews, the price justifies the means.

Very effective comb, copes with lice and nits. LiceGuard comb for head lice whose price pleasantly surprises. It is in great demand among buyers. This is not surprising, because where to buy a comb from lice and not one, but two at once, for the price of one?

This is exactly the way many dealers offer to buy a LiceGuard comb. The set includes two combs: with long teeth for long hair, with short teeth for short ones.

Modern development - RobiComb electric lice comb effectively eliminates parasites, killing them with a small current discharge. When the louse hits the teeth, she receives an electric shock and dies, even if she manages to fall off the canvass, she can no longer harm anyone.

At the same time, electronic combs are safe for people, since they do not act on it with current. The teeth do not reach the skin, this is impeded by stoppers located on both sides near the blade of teeth. Electronic comb is also used for the prevention and even for the diagnosis of pediculosis.

The device even detects one louse. But if you do not notice it in time, then only one female can quickly populate the scalp of a human head with a large colony of her relatives.

  1. It has short teeth, so it is more suitable for people with short hair,
  2. High price.

Buying a comb from lice, you must not forget that the rate of removal of parasites does not depend on the price. The effectiveness of getting rid of parasites depends only on the person.

How to comb lice with long hair at home

Combing parasites with long hair at home is quite a laborious process that requires perseverance and patience. The quality of combing depends on how quickly you get rid of parasites. Nits are not amenable to removal either by chemical or by folk methods.

The only way to get rid of them is to dye your hair with hydrogen peroxide paint. Peroxide eats away lice eggs. But, this method is not suitable for men and children. Eggs on the hair stick very tenaciously.The fact is that the insect on the egg squeezes the sticky liquid, which firmly attaches the nits.

On dry and unprocessed hair comb them unrealistic.

The procedure for combing long hair at home is as follows:

    Prepare a workplace.

Combing can be done in the bathroom. Then it will be convenient to immediately wash away the combed parasites and nits. Or in the room. The lighting should be good, it is better to cover the shoulders with a light cloth to see fallen parasites.

  • Hair needs to be treated:
    1. Special anti-pediculosis drug bought in a pharmacy
    2. 9% acetic acid,
    3. Anise oil with alcohol (40: 60%),
    4. Decoction of herbs (tansy, wild rosemary, mint),
    5. Cranberry or lemon juice.

    Substances - kerosene, gasoline is very toxic and dangerous. It is better not to use such radical means.

    Comb the hair with a regular comb,

    4. To collect in a tail, it is better for convenience - on one side.

    5. Separate thin strands and gently, from the root to stretch the comb along the entire length. Scallop can be wetted with an insecticide or vinegar.

    6. Rinse the comb under running water after each combed strand or wipe it with a napkin.

    The procedure must be repeated every day for 7–10 days. This is necessary to avoid relapse.

    The incubation period nits 6-7 days. If you miss even a few eggs, they will hatch and begin to actively reproduce again. Bad, not frequent combing is the main cause of prolonged pediculosis.

    Remove nits

    To properly remove the nits and remove them from the hair forever, you need to treat this disease in a complex. First you need to prepare everything you need:

    1. Towel (preferably white or light colors) or any white cloth,
    2. Lice shampoo or tar soap,
    3. Vinegar in the form of a solution
    4. Comb or comb.

    In this case, the lice will definitely not be able to cling to and get into your hair again.

      Wash your hair thoroughly and long with shampoo or tar soap.

    After this process with a solution of vinegar or cranberry juice, if there is no bite in the house. These substances corrode the secret of lice, on which the nit clings to the hair,

    After washing, squeeze the hair with a towel, make a taut tail, preferably on one side of the head. Stand in front of the mirror and pull the thin strands out of the tail one at a time, combing them out with a comb.

    To remove all the lice, it is recommended to rinse the comb teeth under water after each combing and wipe them with a towel or napkin,

    After combing all the hair, the selected lice rinse into the toilet or sink.

    The main thing is to inspect the bathroom for the presence of the remaining nits and destroy them too. After that, wash your hair again with regular shampoo or just water and vinegar.

    This process is monotonous and difficult, but it cannot be otherwise. It would be better if other methods of treatment were carried out with him, then the chance of complete destruction of lice will increase.

    Additional tips

    In addition to the basic information about the treatment procedure, there are a number of very important tips that will help you deal with nits faster and more efficiently:

    1. It is better to pass the comb or comb after each combing under a stream of very hot water, and ideally it should be dipped in boiling water.
    2. Towels and fabrics that are used to catch escaped lice, it is better to use light or generally white flowers, so that the lice and nits are easier to notice.
    3. During the treatment, it is better to strip to the waist, and if someone combs your hair, then this person is also recommended to tie his own hair with a scarf or a scarf.

    Otherwise, lice may climb back on clothing or hair.

  • After all procedures, you need to thoroughly wash under hot water completely.
  • If you have done everything correctly and strictly according to the recipe, then you can forget about pediculosis for a long time.

    Methods of dealing with pediculosis

    The fight against nits must begin with the destruction of adult lice.Otherwise, they will continue to lay eggs, from which new individuals will hatch, already in two weeks ready to withdraw the next generation of insects.

    As a result, the formation of new nits can continue indefinitely. Therefore, after the extermination of lice to get rid of nits should be as soon as possible.

    Mechanical way

    The safest for health and, in the opinion of many victims, the most reliable way to get rid of nits is a mechanical method using a special thick comb. On combing uninvited guests have to spend a lot of effort and a long time, especially in the case of long hair.

    However, all the work will pay off, because it will help not only to get rid of the unpleasant problem, but also to keep intact the beautiful curls. Special comb can be purchased at the pharmacy. It has a rigid structure and frequent teeth that do not allow the passage of parasites.

    In terms of efficiency, they are not much different from other species, but they are quite expensive. Combing nits with a comb is recommended as follows:

      After washing the hair with shampoo-rinse you need to split wet hair into small strands and carefully comb through each of them, starting from the hair roots.

    It is desirable to fix the combed straps with a hairpin separately from the untreated hair in order to avoid reinfection.

  • After combing each strand, you should wipe the comb on a light towel, and after the procedure, hold the instrument in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • The procedure should be carried out over a bath or over a light cloth, from the surface of which parasites can be easily removed. It is necessary to take care of the safety of an assistant, hiding his hair under a kerchief.
  • Combing hair should be repeated every day, and it is better, for greater efficiency, twice a day for 3-4 weeks.

    This should be done carefully. Tearing the nits from the place of attachment, you need to drag it through the entire hair to its very tip and place the parasite on the fabric prepared in advance. This process is long, will have to be patient.

    It should be said that the mechanical method without the use of chemicals is not always effective, because there is a risk that at least one nit will be noticed and left on the hair.

    In this case, the progeny will appear from it and the problem will arise again. Therefore, during the period of combating parasites with a combing method, it is advisable to wash your hair with a pediculosis shampoo every 10 days. Shampoo can be used no more than 3 times.

    The use of modern drugs

    Most of the anti-pediculosis drugs successfully kill the lice, but cannot destroy the eggs protected by a sturdy shell. However, there are drugs that can affect the sticky substance of the cocoon. One of these is the mousse "NIT FREE".

    Enzymes and surfactants in its composition destroy the shell of nits, which greatly facilitates their combing. Mousse is applied to the hair, and after 5 minutes, without washing off the product, you can begin to comb the nits out of the hair.

    The drug Para-Plus has the same properties, but it is contraindicated in children under 2.5 years old and people suffering from bronchial asthma. Another modern and effective remedy is Neon Nits neon spray for detecting nits.

    It is available in two versions: pink for dark and white for red and blond hair. When applying the spray on the hair, nits are painted in the corresponding luminescent colors, which greatly facilitates the detection of parasites. The drug is safe for both children and adults.

    Using shampoos against lice does not always give a result. The reason for this, at times, is not only the seller’s bad faith, but also the improper use of the product by the buyer.

    The fact is that even similar cosmetics may have a different composition. The same is true for pediculicidal shampoos.Typically, the method of application is as follows: the hair is washed under running water, then shampoo is applied to them, and in this position, wait 10-15 minutes.

    Next, the head should be well washed. Usually this method is effective against lice. However, many shampoos have a significant disadvantage: they kill live parasites, but, at times, have no effect on louse eggs.

    One of the new anti-lice and nits are pediculic sprays. And in fact, they went on sale relatively recently. But many buyers have already noted the high efficiency of the spray. As for brands, they are basically the same shampoo manufacturers.

    Despite the similar effect, all sprays differ in the method of application and price. For example, Pedikulen ultra can be purchased at a pharmacy for about 500 rubles. Given that this tool is very effective against nits, the price is quite acceptable.

    Spray applied to dry hair, and then wait half an hour. Next, the substance is washed off, and proceed to combing parasites comb. However, pediculen ultra has some contraindications and can cause allergies.

    Favorable option is considered Nyuda. Despite the fact that the remedy fights against lice and nits, the effectiveness against the latter is not very significant. However, the manufacturer warns of repeated use of this spray. The average price of Nude reaches 350 rubles. The method of application is the same as in the previous case, but this tool requires waiting from 40 minutes to an hour.

    One of the best sprays is A-pairs. Its cost, like the first one, reaches 500 rubles. The fact is that this tool fights well against those parasites that can live in clothes. These include lice, fleas, and some others.

    Folk remedies

    There are many time-tested folk methods that help in the fight against parasites. They are quite simple and effective. As a rule, folk recipes use ingredients that can be found in any home.

    However, they must be applied correctly, otherwise they may bring harm instead of benefit:

    Before combing, dilute the vinegar with warm water (about 2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water) into the pelvis and dip the hair in it for half a minute.

    This mouthwash contains a large amount of alcohol, with which lice and nits are destroyed. Apply the product for half an hour and then rinse with warm water and vinegar.

    Next, you need to do combing parasites. We need to make sure that the "Listerine" did not get in the eye. It is undesirable to use it if there are wounds and abrasions on the head.

    Recipe using kerosene is quite ancient, but not very safe.

    It kills only adult individuals, and does not affect nits at all. In addition, it is hard to wash off, toxic and can cause allergies, dermatitis and even chemical burns.

    Hair dye.

    Crush fresh cranberries and apply on your head for 3 hours, covering it with a shower cap and then a towel. Next, wash the hair and start combing nits. Cranberry juice softens their skin and the parasites fall off their hair.

    This plant poison is rubbed into the head, and then washed off in an hour and a half. The method is not recommended for people prone to allergies.

    Top folk tips

    If lice appear in children, home treatment can also be of great help. The main thing here is patience and regularity.

    Although this method is quite effective, but not always (and not all) will want to use it. While a baby’s hairstyle is not a problem, cutting the senior children, especially girls “under the boy”, is practically unthinkable.

    But, nevertheless, deciding on the process of cutting, keep in mind that insects hold on relatively short hair. Therefore, it is necessary to cut them to a length of about 1 cm.

    A popular popular method is the use of vodka:

    1. After combing your head with a sponge, apply a little alcoholic drink.
    2. Then wrap your head in a plastic bag and leave the alcohol to act for approximately 1 hour, then wash your hair with shampoo, ideally with a special treatment.
  • Cinnamon Vinegar

    The following popular advice for removing lice in children is the use of cinnamon vinegar:

    1. In 200 vinegar, add 1 tsp. cinnamon and a few drops of lemon juice.
    2. Mix everything and leave to stand for several hours.
    3. Then strain the mixture, pour into a clean dish and let cool.
    4. Spread cold agent over head.

    Yogurt wraps are also alternative methods. To prepare you need:

    1. A cup of white yogurt, tea tree oil (about 10 drops) and some lemon juice.
    2. Mix everything and apply on the scalp.
    3. Leave for half an hour to act, then rinse well.
    4. Perform the procedure daily for 14 days.
  • Sage

    About 2 tbsp. Sage pour alcohol and insist a few days. After that strain, apply the resulting liquid on the head. It is best to leave the medicine to act for several hours, for example, at night.
    Oil + Franzovka

    Mix Frantsovka with regular sunflower in the ratio of 3: 1 (ie, more oil, less Frantsovka). Apply the mixture on the hair, wrap with polyethylene and leave to act for about 1 hour. Rinse with the usual shampoo.

    Hair straightener

    A good helper in the treatment of pediculosis can be such a modern device as a hair straightener. Under the influence of high temperature nits burst.

    Tea Tree Oil can be both a good medicine and effective prevention of lice in children (as well as in adults). Its strong aroma deters parasites.

    Malicious insects can be disposed of without the use of synthetic pesticides. Essential oils for lice - eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree, lemon and rosemary perfectly kill parasites, and also reduce itching.

    For aromatherapy you will need: 4 tbsp. virgin olive oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, eucalyptus and tea tree.

    1. Mix all ingredients together, rub into the scalp.
    2. Wrap cling film and leave to act for 2 hours.
    3. Brush your hair thoroughly before rinsing.
    4. After washing, rinse with water and vinegar (1/2 liter of warm water - 3 tablespoons vinegar).

    Do this treatment every day for 10 days. Tip: This method can be applied using rosemary, thyme and lemon essential oils (2 drops each).

    After completely getting rid of the problem, it is necessary to wash all bedding, clothes and towels in a washing machine at a temperature of 90? С. Combs and brushes should be treated with disinfectant solution. After treatment, control is required for other family members.

    Regular inspection of the head

    Lice in children's groups is quite often a phenomenon. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly examine the hair. Best insects are found just above the forehead, under the bangs or behind the ears.

    When deciding how to get rid of lice and nits forever for 1 day, at home you can also prepare an effective medication.

    What does that require:

    1. Franzovka,
    2. Sunflower oil,
    3. Tea tree oil,
    4. Spoon,
    5. A bowl,
    6. Plastic bags or gloves,
    7. Old towel
    8. Food foil.
  • Preparation and use

    In a bowl, mix all the ingredients in a ratio of:

    1. 3 tbsp. sunflower oil,
    2. 2 tbsp. Franzovka (vodka can be used as an alternative),
    3. 1 tbsp. tea tree oil.
    4. Mix everything.

    Then wrap your head with cling film. Tie an old towel over it so that the mixture does not get into your eyes. Wrap leave for about 90 minutes. The maximum exposure time is 120 minutes.

    After that, wash your hair with regular shampoo. It is good to do this twice so that the fat content does not remain.
    For medium length and long hair, it is recommended to use a double dose, ie:

    1. 6 tbsp. sunflower,
    2. 4 tbsp. Franzovka,
    3. 2 tbsp. tea tree oil.

    Despite the fact that the wrap completely removes the parasites, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after a week.

    Nits - general characteristics

    Nits - this is nothing like the eggs of lice, covered with a protective sheath in the form of a cocoon. It is formed from the mucous secretion secreted by the louse, which quickly solidifies in air. Thanks to this adhesive substance, the nit is so firmly attached to the hair that it is difficult to remove it, even with a sharp object.

    As a rule, nits are located on the hair in 2 or 3 cm from its base. When observed with the naked eye, they look like small white dots stuck to the hair and resemble a piece of dandruff. Upon closer examination, for example, through a microscope, it becomes clear that these are small elongated capsules.

    The period of development of lice eggs is from 8 to 10 days. After the larva hatches from the nits, the empty dry shell hangs on a thread for a very long time, giving the head an untidy look.

    And if it is not removed, it will disappear only with the hair that fell out. It is said that both developing and empty nits look exactly the same. It is easiest to find them on dark hair.

    In addition to the fact that nits are securely attached to their habitat, they are resistant to most chemicals that are used to kill lice. Poisonous substances can not penetrate inside the nits due to the dense shell of the cocoon. Only some acids can reduce its strength.

    Causes of Pediculosis

    Pediculosis (pediculosis, lice) is a parasitic skin and hair disease that every third person on earth suffers (or suffers from) (according to the World Health Organization). Contrary to popular belief, not only people who do not follow personal hygiene rules can become infected with head lice.

    Lice do not care at all, clean hair, or not, they are only interested in blood. It is easiest to pick up parasites in places with large crowds of people, as well as using other people's hairbrushes, towels, bedding, especially hats.

    At risk children who attend kindergartens, schools, camps.

    They are in close contact with each other, and lice, as you know, do not know how to jump, and climb from an infected person to a healthy hair. Adults are also not immune from this disease. If time does not detect the problem in the child, then the mother will also be forced to be treated.

    How to comb lice and nits from the hair

    Surely before combing the nits, everyone infected with lice at least once, but tried to remove them just with your fingers.

    And surely such an attempt was not crowned with particular success - the nits are too small and, moreover, firmly glued to the hair with a special sticky secret.

    An ordinary comb also has no effect: its teeth are too far apart from each other, and not only the nits, but the adults who have drunk blood with lice, slip between them.

    Fortunately, today it is possible to comb nits and lice from the hair with the help of specially designed combs. These products have a rigid structure, their teeth do not diverge and do not let the parasites through. There are even electric combs for lice, which are capable of killing the parasites by electrical discharge.

    It is obvious that each such specialized comb from lice and nits requires a special approach to the use and knowledge of some fundamental points and not quite obvious details that will make it truly effective.

    So, let's consider how to properly comb the nits from the hair and get rid of them forever.

    What are the nits?

    Nits are eggs, from which lice hatch, which, multiplying, colonize the entire head of a person, after which it very much itches, not allowing to relax and fall asleep.

    The shape of the nits is like a drop, and the color is either transparent or light, of a yellowish tint. Nits are fastened, usually at the base of the hair, which makes it quite difficult to get rid of them.

    In length, their size is about 1 millimeter.

    Nits on long hair

    It is much easier to remove lice than nits that parasites occupy the human head with.

    A proven method of getting rid of lice is cemerichnaya water, the application of which on the hair for a certain time gives the best result: the lice die and the nits freeze without hatching.

    It remains the case for small - comb comb out what has accumulated in the hair during the illness. How to comb out the nits with long hair at home?

    Special ridges to help

    How to quickly comb the nits with long hair? The best option for breeding nits - the use of special combs. The difference from the usual comb is that the scallops have a rigid structure, their teeth are so close to each other that it allows you to comb out absolutely all parasites from the hair.

    Antiv is a great company that produces ridges. Also good are the combs of LiceGuard, which are able to rid the head of all annoying insects that spoil the health of a person infected with pediculosis.

    Maximum effect when removing nits

    How to get nits

    What should be done to get rid of insects? How to comb nits with long hair? Choose the best place to get rid of lice and nits. A good option is to conduct the procedure in the bathroom, where the parasites can not go anywhere.

    For the procedure, you should prepare a nine-percent solution of vinegar, scallops, bright towels (white can be used, the main thing is to see lice), head shampoo.

    Then you need to thoroughly wash your head with shampoo, then rinse your hair with vinegar solution. Vinegar has a negative effect on the insects living on the human head and contributes to their rapid extinction.

    After that, you need to wipe your head with a towel and start to comb out the strands, starting from the hair roots. It is very important to often wipe the comb, as lice can be alive.

    If the insect does not leave the instrument, it will simply return to the head.

    Further development of events depends on the thoroughness of the manipulation, and if there are only a few pieces left, you will have to deal with breeding nits again.

    All the parasites that could be combed out in one sitting should be thrown into the toilet. It is important to check the room, examine it for the presence of lice and nits, which could accidentally fall outside the sink or table, behind which they worked.

    What if there is no brand fixture?

    How to quickly comb out the nits with long hair at home, you already know. Now consider how to conduct a longer alternative procedure.

    If there is no possibility to purchase a special comb, then you should use at least a simple comb. It should be with small, frequent teeth. This comb is also suitable for long curls.

    If the structure of the hair is very thin, between the teeth should stretch the thread, fixing it at the edges. Then divide the hair into fine strands and comb the eggs with a comb, moving from root to tip.

    Time for the destruction of parasites using a conventional comb will take much more than using a special comb. But it may well be a way out of this unpleasant situation and will help get rid of the pediculosis. The main thing, do not despair!

    How and how you can quickly and effectively comb lice and nits from human hair

    Combing lice and nits is most often used as an auxiliary method after exposure to the hair of a medical or folk drug.This method allows you to comb not only the parasites themselves, but also mechanically get rid of the lice larvae - nits.

    Removal of nits is more difficult, as the eggs are firmly attached to the hair, at its base. They are covered with a dense shell, which complicates the process of combating parasites. In the fight against pediculosis plays a big role efficiency.

    The average life of the female is 40 days, however, for its life cycle, she is able to leave the offspring, which amounts to hundreds of larvae.

    How to comb out lice and nits at home

    To date, such a common phenomenon as pediculosis is detected not only among young children who attend preschool institutions, but also among adults. Reviews on the means and sprays at home are very diverse and only by testing some of them you can give a definite answer.

    In order to qualitatively and correctly comb pests, it is necessary first of all to have on hand a high-quality comb that will allow to get rid of parasites in a short time.

    Lice spray for children is suitable not only for small patients, but also for adults. Treatment with a variety of drugs and shampoos correctly, as a rule, will not solve the problem, it must be approached comprehensively.

    At home, you can use table vinegar.

    How to properly comb lice and nits comb?

    The comb for combing lice at home looks like a comb for pets - with small and sharp teeth, which are made of high quality materials.

    Recently, the use of thermal combs, which affects the nits high temperature, has become very popular. This is a very convenient way in which the removal of nits and lice is painless and correct for the scalp. The exposure temperature is about 60 degrees.

    Combing the parasites with a comb is very simple, but it takes a little time, since it is important to process each strand. Even one missed nits can cause re-infection with head lice.

    The advantages of using a special comb compared with chemicals:

    • 1. Practical and easy to use.
    • 2. A possibility of use with chemical means, shampoos and sprays from wreckers.
    • 3. The ability to use the comb yourself without any help. Special comb nozzles are designed in such a way as to prevent the nits from slipping through the teeth of the comb.

    How to comb lice without scallop

    In order to get rid and comb the parasites at home properly, such as nits, you must arm yourself with several means. Perfect shampoos that have antiparasitic properties, easily foamed and washed off.

    After thoroughly washing the head, it is worth using a water-based emulsion that is not washed off and distributed through the hair in order to remove the remaining nits and embryos in the fetal membrane, if any.

    Such products, which are distinguished by their effectiveness, include Pedilin, which includes tea tree oil, Shea butter extract, and a mild washing base.

    Use the drug should be clearly according to the requirements of the instructions, namely, apply the mixture diluted with water for 30 -40 minutes in order to remove all possible nits at the roots of your hair.

    How to comb eggs lice

    Can I comb my head lice eggs? The answer is quite simple. In order to get rid of pests once and for all, it is necessary to use only special combs with many teeth without a lumen.

    The usual comb at home has many openings through which nits and larvae easily penetrate. The most effective in all segments are exactly sprays, which are easy to use and have a less pungent odor.

    • 1. Malathion
    • 2. Pair Plus
    • 3Water-based emulsion Pediculicin.

    In order to get rid of lice, according to reviews, it is necessary to brush out the curls before washing, and after washing. This will remove the remaining larvae from the roots of the curls.

    It is worth remembering that any means have contraindications, and preparations for parasites are no exception. Thus, if you have an itch, discomfort after using chemicals and shampoos should immediately abandon them.

    In this case, it is worthwhile to look at folk remedies for the removal of pests - vinegar, kerosene, and dust soap.

    The effect of these drugs at home is somewhat lower, but the effects of use on the scalp and curls are minimal. It is necessary to take a break in washing the head and refrain from frequent bathing. This will allow the effect to last longer at home and cause paralysis of existing and inhibited nits in sleep mode.

    Getting rid of lice

    The minimum time for the development of lice “from egg to egg” is 16 days. The life cycle of adult lice lasts 27 to 30 days.

    During its short period of life, the female has time to lay 140 eggs.

    Mature lice lay eggs in the root zone. In the day the number of pending nits from one insect is 3 - 7 pcs.

    Therefore, after 2-3 weeks from the moment of infection with head lice, a sufficiently large number of nits can be found on the hair. And many of them will be empty.

    It should be noted that on one hair female lice lay only one nits.

    After studying the features of nits and lice, experts advise how to properly and quickly enough to heal from head lice in the home.

    To do this, apply a certain set of measures, one of which is combing nits.

    But if you simply comb the eggs from the hair, the lice will not back down. Therefore, you should figure out where to start and how to act properly.

    As mentioned above, nits are louse eggs.

    Therefore, if the lice are not destroyed, even daily combing will not do any good, because insects lay eggs every day, which can be found in the root zone of the head.

    So, first of all you should get rid of adult lice.

    To combat these parasites, there are many pharmacies in the form of emulsions, shampoos, ointments, aerosols, etc., which will help to cope with the task quite easily.

    Patients give good feedback on permethrin-based products.

    In pharmacies, you can find shampoos that contain permethrin (Veda 2, Hygia), Nitifor, Niks creams, Para Plus aerosol, Permethrin, etc.

    At home often use folk remedies to combat lice. For example, it is proposed to treat the head with ordinary vodka.

    Washed hair should be thoroughly moistened with heated vodka and wrap with a plastic bag for 30 minutes.

    All adult lice will not sustain such an aperitif and will die. Curls will just need to rinse with water.

    For the same purposes, the treatment of the head is carried out with vinegar, kerosene, etc. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that such methods of dealing with head lice in a child should be used very carefully.

    After the complete destruction of adult insects should proceed to the combing nits.

    Combing comb

    To effectively and quickly comb the nits from the hair, you need to choose the right comb, or rather - the comb.

    Conventional single-row comb for these purposes is absolutely not suitable, because the distance between the teeth is too large to "hook" the nits.

    A few hairs will slip through the teeth of the comb, and the nits will safely remain in place.

    These are medical combs Nitty Gritty NitFreeComb, RobiComb, LiceGuard.

    Nitty Gritty NitFreeComb and LiceGuard are similar in appearance and action.

    A distinctive feature of these ridges is that their teeth are quite tight to each other.

    Each notch has laser notches that help to seize the nits and remove them from the hair, and the curls are not injured.

    For thin and short strands, the comb can be used "on dry" (for example, when combing a child's hair).

    As for long or thick strands, they are recommended to apply air conditioning, otherwise it will be impossible to comb through the hair.

    Comb RobiComb differs from previous copies in that its teeth have an electric charge, which destroys lice and nits.

    This charge is absolutely imperceptible by man, but destructive for parasites.

    To obtain the desired result, it is recommended to carry out the combing procedure several times a day.

    After each use of the comb, it must be rinsed with hot water, and even better to be boiled.

    Extra measures for combing nits

    As mentioned above, the nits are very firmly held on the hair, and remove them from the curls is not so simple and easy.

    To facilitate the task, it is necessary to destroy the adhesive substance that connects the nits and hair. To solve this problem at home, it is enough to treat the hair with vinegar.

    It should be noted that vinegar kills lice, but nits are resistant to its effects. But it destroys the gluten nits, and the eggs are easily removed from the hair with a frequent comb.

    The vinegar treatment sequence is as follows. One glass of vinegar is taken, 1 tbsp is added to it. l salt and 1 tsp. alcohol.

    It is recommended to hold a kind of compress on your hair for 30 minutes. After treatment with vinegar curls should be combed immediately.

    You can use a simpler way to use acid. To do this, curls should simply be moistened with vinegar diluted in water to 3%.

    Then wrap the head with a plastic bag and leave for 30 minutes. Next you need to take a frequent comb and well comb out curls.

    Strands can be treated with apple, wine or other vinegar. It is not recommended to take the vinegar essence in its pure form, because you can burn the skin.

    It must be diluted to a gentle concentration. If the hair of a child is treated with vinegar, then you should follow the maximum precautions.

    Chemerichna water perfectly helps in the fight against nits and lice. It not only destroys adult lice and destroys the sticky substance, but also takes care of the curls: provides them with beneficial components, heals and promotes hair growth.

    Before using cobalt water, the strands should be washed, blotted with a towel and with a gauze pad applied to the scalp, hair roots and the entire length of the curls.

    Then you must cover your head for 30 minutes. After the hair should be washed and combed again.

    Chemerichnoy water can not handle the head of a child who has not turned 3 years old.

    Another active remedy for the destruction of gluten nits is cranberry juice, which contains a large amount of citric and quinic acids.

    They literally corrode the shell of the nits and adhesive composition. To obtain the desired result, cranberry gruel should be applied to the curls and left for half an hour.

    Then the gruel needs to be washed off and combed through the strands with a thick comb. Cranberry juice can safely be used to comb the baby’s head.

    How to get rid of nits on long hair quickly and efficiently

    All parents whose children go to kindergarten or school are faced with the question of how to get rid of nits on long hair. A thicket of lice that a child brings home can move to adult parents. And then, how to get lice out becomes the most important issue in the house.

    After all, it is easy to grow long hair at home for yourself or your child, much more troublesome to care for braids.

    What are the nits on the hair

    Nits are the larvae that lay their lice directly.How the nits look is known to many: they are somewhat similar to round formations that are slightly flattened. Their size can be about one millimeter. They have a color from white to yellowish.

    If the air temperature is higher than thirty degrees then the nits will be able to survive separately from the human body from one to several days.

    And if the outside temperature does not rise above twenty degrees (especially in winter), then the larvae are able to hold out for almost a week. Females can already begin to breed two weeks after maturation. They are able to lay more than two hundred eggs for all the time of their parasitism on humans.

    Causes of

    The main reason for the appearance of lice is communication with the person who is their carrier. It has been suggested that lice may appear in a person as a result of improper personal hygiene. But it is a mistake.

    After all, if you wash your head daily, then it loses the ability to release a special protective fluid that covers the entire scalp. Therefore, if in this case you still closely interact with an infected person, then such a problem cannot be avoided at all.

    How to understand that you have got nits and lice

    In a scientific way, this disease, which is caused by this kind of parasites, is called pediculosis. Here are its main symptoms:

    1. If a person has nits or lice, he will constantly feel severe itching of the skin on the head. As a result of the fact that it will itch, small wounds may form on the head, which are at risk of causing a more serious infectious disease.
    2. An infected person may begin to peel off the skin on the head, which at first will resemble dandruff.
    3. Rarely, but there are cases when due to the appearance of lice in a person, the lymph nodes in the neck area, as well as on the back of the head, are enlarged.
    4. If you start the disease strongly, then pus will start to form from the wounds on the head, which will result in an unpleasant smell from the hair.
    5. If you have lice, the person is constantly in a bad mood, he is annoyed and unhappy with everything.
    6. In infected people, small white nits larvae can be seen in the hair, and the scalp will be covered with small specks of bites.

    How to get rid of this kind of problem at home

    The appearance of nits and lice in the hair will not please anyone, because it is rather unpleasant and uncomfortable. To remove them, it is necessary to start treating this disease in time - the sooner the better.

    To date, get rid of nits in the hair in two ways, one of which is chemical, and the other mechanical. Each of them is effective in its own way, but it will require a different amount of time.

    Chemical methods of dealing with nits and lice include the use of drugs, which can be purchased at each pharmacy.

    The only drawback of this method of treatment is that they help to destroy only adults, while the larvae - nits remain whole and intact. It is because of this drug treatment can take a rather long period of time.

    The way that our parents used the most popular. It consisted in the daily combing out of a small comb of hair, along their entire length. It is not uncommon to get rid of nits in the hair, especially long ones, very hard because such a comb is very small, because of this combing can cause pain.

    Even if the nits are already dead, they still remain fastened on their long hair, and this is a very unpleasant sight. Unfortunately, to quickly remove them, will not work. The only way out of this situation is haircut on bald. But she is not suitable for girls.

    Therefore, some people began to resort to the use of popular methods of dealing with lice and nits.They not only help to cope with this problem, but also do not cause any allergic reactions in humans and are absolutely harmless to their health.


    Every person at least once in his life heard the word "pediculosis", and every fifth experienced it on himself. Pediculosis or lice is a parasitic disease of the hair and skin of a person, which is characterized by the appearance of lice on the hairy part of the body.

    There are head, body and pubic lice. This type of parasite feeds on human blood, and then lays eggs for breeding new offspring - nits. Lice are not as difficult to get rid of as nits. They are firmly glued to the hair, and sometimes to tear them off is very problematic.

    Nits eggs are a cocoon with live contents on the hair. Therefore, it is very important to get rid not only of the parasites themselves, but also of their offspring.

    Modern methods of dealing with lice and nits

    If you have itchy skin, scratching the skin, grayish-blue spots in places of hair or nits in the hair, then you will be diagnosed with pediculosis. The danger of lice is not as great as the diseases they can tolerate.

    Read more about how to combat parasites:

    More recently, 20 years ago, the most common remedy for lice and nits was kerosene. Today, modern medicine offers a huge amount of special shampoos, creams, emulsions and sprays that help to quickly get rid of this parasitic disease. Such tools perfectly cope with living lice on the hair.

    However, eggs of nits are difficult to chemical influence. Sometimes only one procedure is required for complete removal. But most often you need to complete a course consisting of several procedures. If a small child is sick, it is better to use a special remedy on a natural basis, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby.

    Use of medical spray to remove nits and lice

    After chemical exposure to lice, nits should be removed by combing the hair with a special comb. They are sold in pharmacies in large quantities and range. The teeth of such a comb have many notches that allow you to easily remove nits from the hairs.

    Usually complete disposal of parasites without the help of additional chemicals takes 10-14 days. The beauty of this procedure is that it is completely harmless, safe and suitable even for small children.

    After the above activities, it is very important to boil and iron at high temperatures all personal clothes of the person under the control. Sheets, pillowcases, hats, wearable clothing, towels and sheets should be properly treated to avoid reinfection.

    Since pediculosis is a disease of large concentrations of people, it is very important to examine all family members, as well as those who have had contact with the infested.

    There is another radical, but effective way to remove the nits - a bare shave. Unfortunately, this method is not for everyone. Adherents of natural ways we recommend using the following folk remedies:

    1. cranberry juice. Apply to the desired area and leave to dry completely,
    2. a solution of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water. Used for rinsing hair
    3. kerosene. It should be used with caution, because you can get burned skin. Maximum holding time - 15 minutes,
    4. nits and lice are well destroyed with hydrogen peroxide. Such a means eats away in the literal sense of the word.

    After the end of treatment, some time should be periodically brushed with a metal comb to remove residual nits, as well as to prevent reinfection. To prevent re-illness, it is very important to follow the rules of personal and public hygiene.

    They consist in taking a shower in time, changing underwear and bed linen, eliminating the use of other people's hygiene products, ironing underwear and clothes with an iron, and also boiling it periodically.

    How to remove nits from long hair: methods and tips

    Head lice are one of the varieties of parasites that live on human skin. The result of infection is the development of a disease called head lice.

    Its characteristic symptoms are: itching, bite marks on the back of the head, crown, behind the ears, and also nits on the hair. In the wounds left after scratching, microbes often fall, after which an infection may appear.

    In ancient times, lice and nits were disposed of using a radical method - shaving off hair on the head and any facial hair. Currently, there are more smoking alternatives that allow you to save hair.

    Long hair for pediculosis

    Lice is always a problem, however, in the presence of long hair, the disease is only aggravated. The main difficulties lie in the fact that lice are able to lay eggs along the entire length of the strands, although, more often, closer to the roots.

    On long hair, lice are harder to detect and kill. Even if a small amount of louse eggs remained on the head after treatment, after a couple of weeks, insects will be hatching from them, and the disease will return again. In this case, combing is much easier.

    Mechanical method

    Today there are drugs on sale that can destroy not only adult parasites, but also their eggs. Means made on the basis of permethrin, lead to the death of nits inside the containment shell.

    The use of repellents can not get rid of empty eggs, but how to remove nits from long hair in this case? Mechanical disposal using a comb with frequent teeth will be most effective. You can buy in the pharmacy a special comb from lice and nits, which can significantly simplify the process.

    The mechanical method is absolutely safe for humans, so sometimes they use it only, without the use of repellents. Such insect excretion is relevant for all.

    To understand how to remove the nits with a comb, you should divide the hair into small strands and carefully rub it along the comb from the roots to the tips. It is recommended to do this procedure over a bath or a piece of white cloth.

    In modern pharmacies presented a large number of varieties of combs. Sometimes these products are sold complete with pediculicides. The comb allows you to remove nits from long hair in combination with a repellent or as an independent means.

    Omnipresent advertising often encourages consumers to purchase an electronic crest. Experts say that its action is no different from traditional models, and a narrower canvas will only complicate the process of combing. For this reason you should not buy these expensive products.

    Chemical method

    Before you get rid of nits on long hair with chemicals, please note that they are not the safest, because of their compositions.

    Pharmacy shampoos, creams and sprays are aimed at effectively fighting against lice, some tools destroy the nits and destroy them. Before use it is necessary to study the instruction and to strictly adhere to the established norms.

    What is more convenient to use?

    Among these methods, treatment with chemicals will be the simplest and fastest. Many pharmaceuticals are completely safe for health, so they are suitable for children and pregnant women. The mechanical option is not the most convenient, but its safety and effectiveness are indisputable.

    The use of folk remedies also helps to clean the parasites, however, it is inconvenient to carry them out. Many recipes have an unpleasant smell, are poorly washed off, and represent a danger to human health.

    Rules and tips nits output

    To quickly comb out the nits, it is necessary to remove the parasites with a special comb daily, and preferably 2 times a day for 10 to 13 days.

    It is advisable to repeat the procedure after a week, because after the first use of nits continue to live. After 7 days, they hatch, and sometimes they develop insecticide resistance.

    The ideal option would be to combine these two methods, as quickly destroying the parasites in another way will not work. After the first use of a shampoo or cream, you need to comb it out on wet hair, thus avoiding repeated treatment with toxic drugs.

    Using a repellent, can remain live, but weakened insects. With daily brushing, for 3 to 4 days, the need to re-treat the head with an insecticide is lost.

    A very interesting question: is it possible to kill a nits with a hair iron? Such devices can heat up to a high temperature, which is detrimental to skin parasites.

    With a prolonged exposure to the ironing, the body of insects can be destroyed, but for this it is necessary to keep the device in one place for about 3 minutes, which will adversely affect the structure of the strands. Unfortunately, pediculosis cannot be removed at once with the help of an ironing device.

    In addition, some individuals will be able to crawl from raw hair to cleaned, and quietly live this stage of the struggle. As a result, the disease may develop again.

    Sometimes the treatment of parasites is carried out with hairspray. Although this tool is designed to fix hair, but with lice, too, fights well. Silicone-based liquid oils that make up the varnish block insects access to oxygen, as a result of which they die.

    For one procedure will require 1 or 2 cans of funds. First you should wash your hair with ordinary shampoo, and then carry out the process on dry strands. Apply hairspray on the street before bedtime, covering your mouth and nose with a damp cloth.

    After that, a polyethylene cap is put on the head. The next morning the hair is washed with shampoo, and you can remove the dead nits with a comb.

    Duration of treatment

    Lice are able to live for 30 days. Sexual maturity comes 2 weeks after hatching nits. The most effective course treatment is calculated for 1 month. The success of the procedures can be judged by the absence of adult parasites and their eggs.

    Well, if someone helps to carry out combing, because the dead nits cling tightly to the strands and carry out the procedure yourself is inconvenient.

    Are lice afraid of hair dye

    Insects that can live on the scalp, really die from the effects of coloring compositions. The effect appears only when applying a bleaching paint on the entire length of the hair, as well as on the skin. At the same time keep the tool will have about 20 minutes. Of course, in this case the paint has a negative effect on the condition of the strands.

    It remains to be seen whether lice live after dyeing. Using this method kills adults, but a number of nits can survive, and this will require the use of additional drugs to destroy them. Hair dye against lice and nits is less effective than pharmaceutical drugs.

    In general, this is all the ways how to remove nits from long hair. It remains for you to choose among the described methods of parasite control the one that is the most suitable.

    What should I do if my daughter has nits on her long hair?

    Good time of day. I never thought that I would have to share such an experience.

    The child’s dark curls looked untidy and looked dandruff. Where leaders and doctors looked is unknown. By phone I immediately appealed to the leadership of the camp. And then she rolled up her sleeves, and proceeded to eliminate lice.

    Simple recipes for lice

    First of all, I studied the literature in search of folk remedies. Liked a few simple recipes.

    Mechanical removal: olive oil is applied to the entire length of the hair, after which the head is carefully combed with a comb with frequent teeth.

    This method is dismissed immediately. It is time consuming, but I wanted to get rid of parasites quickly.

    I did not get the recipe. Not only can kerosene burn the skin of a child, nits also have to be combed out. And the smell is not good. He has a headache, it has a toxic effect.

    Vinegar: this is another simple tool, simple to use and inexpensive. On a glass of three-percent table vinegar add 40 g of salt and 5 ml of pure alcohol. The mixture is shaken until complete mixing of all components, applied to clean, dry hair. The course of treatment is 2-3 days.

    To start, my daughter and I decided to try out this method. But they quickly surrendered: the number of lice decreased slightly, although the itching that occurs when pediculosis, the solution cleaned well.

    The main thing - a professional approach

    I took note of the many options with which it was proposed to permanently get rid of insects - parasites. These are juices of berries and decoctions of herbs (burdock, wormwood, mint, cranberries). And even frankly dangerous, toxic substances.

    Most of all I liked the method that is feasible at home. Coloring of long hair is done with a dye containing ammonia. Both adult individuals and their larvae die instantly.

    To take good advice did not work: the daughter is too small for a similar procedure. And the teachers at school would not understand us.

    In the price list of some beauty salons and hairdressers listed such service as getting rid of pediculosis. It seems that killing insects is easy. This applies more to lice.

    Remove the nits harder. Insects secrete a sticky substance, so white lumps - eggs and larvae - firmly adhere to the hair. The only way to remove them: by strands to sort through curls and combed by hand.

    How to treat pediculosis?

    Cabin services for our family are too expensive. Therefore, I went to the pharmacy with a request to advise the medicine for pediculosis. Available were:

    • Special ridges
    • Shampoos
    • Concentrates
    • Crema,
    • Sprays

    To avoid advertising, I will not voice the name of the means I have chosen. Let me just say that they had a shampoo (because the child has a thick head of hair) with a minimum content of potentially harmful substances.

    Additionally acquired comb. Nits, nevertheless, had to comb. Comprehensive treatment helped, on the second day the head cleared.

    And I will add: urgently rubbed and boiled daughter's clothes, bedding, in which she slept after arriving home. Quarantine measures are necessary when there is a patient with pediculosis.

    So I solved a rather delicate problem. Have you encountered pediculosis? If so, how did you get rid of him? And what means trust more - popular or specialized?

    When I searched the network for information about treatment, I read quite a few stories about neglected cases. I advise you not to bring the situation to extremes. And I am waiting for comments both here and in social networks.

    Disposal at home

    If you decide to get rid of nits and lice yourself, then you should remember that drugs that can help get rid of lice, absolutely will not help in the fight against nits, and vice versa.

    How to get rid of nits on the hair? - The fastest and easiest way to shave your head. However, none of us wants to get rid of our beautiful hair, because especially for girls, girls, women, they are long and grow new, sometimes it takes years.

    Now in pharmacies there are a large number of chemicals and shampoos to get rid of these parasites, without harming the scalp.

    There are two ways to get rid of nits: mechanical and chemical.

    The mechanical type of treatment includes washing the head with a special shampoo, then you need to comb it out with a special small comb that is sold in a pharmacy. You need to comb out for a month every day. Only it is worth considering that with such processing all nits can be overlooked, and they will multiply again.

    The chemical method involves combing the head from the beginning, and then processing it with a special compound purchased at a pharmacy. One time will not be enough, so after the first treatment it is necessary to repeat on the 7th-10th day and on the 16th-20th day. Chemical treatment is contraindicated for pregnant women, children up to one year old and people with allergies.

    After any treatment procedure, it is necessary to wash personal items at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, and if it is not possible to wash them, it is necessary to withstand things for three days so that they do not contact the person. After a month, you need to check the head again, in order to make sure that there are no lice, nits, larvae left.

    Next, we present the methods of how to get rid of nits in the hair using folk remedies:

    1. You can take a cranberry and squeeze the juice out of it, which we rub into the hair roots. Then we shake the head and leave it on for 3 hours until it is completely dry. Juice is very helpful in peeling off the nits.
    2. Try, when you wash your head with shampoo, add tea tree oil with literally 3-4 drops. With this washing in nits, breathing is paralyzed and literally after three procedures there is nothing left of them.
    3. The head can be rinsed with a solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons per glass of water). Lice and nits become less active and easy to remove from the hair. The procedure also must be carried out several times.

    There are also many types of treatments with herbs. Nix cream has a positive effect and is approved for use for children from 6 months. Means "Medifox" is also effective, treated by adding 2 ml. funds for 30 ml. water.

    Lice (pediculosis) occur in both humans and animals, and the species of these blood-sucking insects that parasitize animals (fleas) will never parasitize humans.

    Lice species

    Pubic louses (ploshits) live and lay nits on the hair of the pubis, scrotum, armpits, face. How to get lice such a plan?

    Body lice, sources of typhus, live and lay nits in the seams and folds of clothing, bedding.

    Things in which they were found were washed, boiled or steamed, if possible, dried under the hot rays of the direct sun, treated with special insecticidal powders and sprays, packed in airtight plastic bags, and then carefully ironed.

    Head lice live for about a month, live in a person's hair on the back of the head, crown, crawl behind the ears, at the temples, bite, drink blood, cause itching, insomnia, provoke allergic reactions in the form of red spots, rashes, skin diseases like dermatitis and furunculosis, they infect with infectious diseases, in the same place eggs (nits) are laid on the head, which stick to the hair and do not show themselves before they hatch.

    Parasites love clean skin without excess sebaceous substances; the species listed above can be infected by direct contact with another person, using his hat, comb or barrette, clothing, towel and other personal items and hygiene items, while sharing a selfie.

    Most often children suffer from pediculosis, as their behavior in the collective at school, kindergarten is uncontrolled - in this case, quarantine is introduced.

    Treatment methods that are used to remove lice and kill them 1 time usually do not help to get rid of nits, with the exception of professional medical methods, when specialists remove parasites in any form (adult, nymph, larva) from the hair manually in 1 day, or rather a few hours.

    The treatment of nits is a mechanical and chemical effect on them with the help of special tools in order to damage their skin and tear them off the hair.

    Mechanical impact is combing, a very long time occupation, it is performed several times within a month (38-40 days).

    Getting rid of lice and nits combing (mechanical method)

    The safest thing is to remove lice and nits by combing them with a comb with frequent teeth (0.2-0.3 mm) under a wood lamp - parasites are brushed off onto a newspaper or sheet - a comb with occasional teeth does not fit.

    Specialized steel comb AntiV with a laser notch for effective combing can be purchased at a pharmacy or our store.

    If a medical examination or an independent examination revealed lice in your head, then to get rid of parasites before combing, long head hair is usually cut, washed with a shampoo or conditioner to remove as much as possible natural nits, and then rubbed with sunflower or olive oil, specialized balm to make them slippery for lice and comfortable to comb.

    The shampoo will help remove some of the larvae and adults, and by moisturizing the hair will ease the procedure of combing, but in front of it it is better to resort to chemical treatment.

    If pharmaceutical preparations with chemical composition are used instead of oil, they are applied to dry or dried hair, washed with ordinary shampoo or a weak solution of vinegar 2% - depending on what is said in the instructions.

    Even with the best tool and the most careful combing of the hair, they may go unnoticed a number of nits. In this case, in order to get rid of lice, the final preparations are applied again 1-2 times (no more than 3 times in total due to toxicity) at the end of the week and the brushing procedure is done once again.

    Vegetable oils, fish oil, and petroleum jelly can be applied as often as desired. If relapses of pediculosis do not stop, you may not follow the instructions of the drug used, or it has already ceased to act on the parasites, as they are used to it.

    Drugstores (chemical method)

    Medicinal chemist's chemicals and herbal preparations have an effective effect on blood-sucking parasites, they do not provide removal at once, but with their help you can quickly get rid of lice and nits at home:

    • NitFree is a safe plant-based product that does not have contraindications, does not contain insecticides, is suitable for prophylaxis, and is effective in combination with combing during treatment.
    • Nittifor - cream, lotion, has a neurotoxic chemical effect on lice, kills them before combing.
    • Pair-plus is an aerosol based on natural insecticides, the product kills lice with pesticides, and with the help of the substance malathion damages the skin of the nits, facilitating their removal from the hair.
    • Pedilin - organophosphate toxic solution, destroys the nervous system of the parasites, is applied to the hair at the roots for a few minutes, washed off with a solution of vinegar or citric acid before combing.
    • Pediculen Ultra (pediculin) is an anise-based alcohol in the form of an aerosol, anise essential oil stifles lice, and alcohol damages nits.
    • Knicks - a cream with a low concentration of insecticides, affects the nerve cells of parasites, is rubbed into the hair roots and washed off before combing, it has a long-lasting effect.
    • Rosh Tov - herbal remedy based on essential oils and caustic plant extracts, the combination of smells smothers lice and partially nits with repeated reapplication.
    • Nuda - a drug based on liquid silicone - dimethicone, has a physical effect on parasites by suffocation, is very effective against nits - envelops them with a thin, air-tight film.
    • Reed - insecticidal shampoo, affects the nervous system of parasites, is suitable for the prevention of lice when used every 7-10 days, applied to the hair, washed off with soap or shampoo before combing.

    The use of anti-pediculosis drugs should be strictly according to the instructions, since many of them contain synthetic (Permitrin, Phenotrin) and vegetable (Malathion, Pyrethrin, Sumitrin) pesticides.

    Depending on the effectiveness of the product and the degree of infection, their repeated use may be required, but since they are toxic, this is done in a week (7-8 days - during this time, the lice die without a “host”) or two weeks (14-15 days) .

    Mechanical method

    Quickly get rid of nits on long hair is not easy, so you need to be patient. The most effective is the mechanical method, which involves combing. Our ancestors chose nits with their hands, but today there are many auxiliary tools designed specifically to combat parasites.

    Pharmacies sell scallops with frequent teeth. The distance between them is small, and with a quality combing, no nits can stay in place. You can also use homemade comb, but usually the teeth are not so closely located in them, and some eggs go unnoticed.

    It is important to know how to properly comb your hair, so as not to miss any nits. To do this, divide them into thin strands and hold the scallop on each, going down from the hair roots.

    It is difficult to cope with this on your own, because when combing it is necessary to carefully examine the strands, especially the root area.

    The duration of the procedure depends on the length and thickness of the hair. On average, it takes from two to 5-6 hours. To consolidate the result, combing must be repeated every day throughout the week. Despite the inconvenience and durability, the mechanical method of removing nits from the head has the advantages:

    • is the most effective
    • there are no contraindications
    • no side effects
    • can be used in the fight against parasites in a child.

    Tip! Nits are attached to the hair very tightly, so before the beginning of combing you can handle the entire length with special means. They have a softening effect and eliminate the glue of parasites.

    Chemical hair treatment

    Some decide to get rid of the head lice in a chemical way. After all, not everyone can spend a few hours daily combing. Drugstores offer a wide range of drugs with anti-pedicular action. All of them are intended for external use - treatment of the scalp, hair.

    It is impossible to get rid of lice in 1 day with anti-pedicular medications, regular use is required. Some doctors dispute their effectiveness, because such funds are aimed at the destruction of adult parasites. Under the action of toxic substances, the nervous and respiratory systems of the lice are destroyed, insects die. But, although pediculosis drugs inactivate nits, they do not remove them from the hair. Only combing can handle it.

    Doctors recommend the use of pharmaceutical preparations simultaneously with the mechanical method of removal. This provides a complex action: the destruction of parasites by chemical means and combing nits with a comb.

    Popular antipediculosis drugs are:

    • Pair plus - aerosol,
    • Pedilen - a solution that is applied to the hair roots,
    • Knicks - cream,
    • Reed - shampoo.

    Important! A single use of any means will not bring results! The main condition for effective treatment is that the treatment should be carried out as many times a day as indicated in the instructions.

    Folk way to get rid of nits

    Remove the nits from the hair at home by using folk recipes. As with the use of drugs, their effectiveness must be supplemented by combing. Popular folk remedies are:

    1. Vinegar. It is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1: 2, applied to the hair, the package is put on top. After 15 minutes, the solution is washed off, the hair is washed with clean water.For treatment it is necessary to use only 9% vinegar.
    2. Cranberry juice. Apply to hair before combing. Juice helps to dissolve the adhesive substance, which nits are attached to the hair, facilitates their removal.
    3. Kerosene. Our grandmothers used kerosene to get rid of lice and nits without thinking. Despite the danger of such treatment, the method remains popular. The substance is applied to the head and held for 1 hour, then washed off. In children, the use of kerosene often causes burns due to increased skin sensitivity.

    Traditional methods of dealing with lice and nits are used only in complex treatment. The proposed tools really destroy the parasites, soften the shell of nits, but after they still require combing.

    Important! Choosing how to deal with nits in the hair, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. First of all, it is necessary to exclude a possible allergic reaction!

    Safety of procedures

    The safest method is mechanical. Any misuse of a chemical or folk remedy will cause serious problems:

    • scalp burn
    • hair loss, deterioration of their condition,
    • an unpleasant smell that persists even after washing your head,
    • hair bleaching,
    • allergic reaction.

    To avoid these negative consequences when breeding nits, you need to follow safety measures:

    • wear gloves when handling hair
    • strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions for each drug,
    • Rinse off thoroughly with clean water.
    • before applying a chemical drug or folk remedy to conduct a sensitivity test.

    Tip! For safe treatment, you must first consult with a dermatologist. His recommendations will help you choose the best tool.

    Thus, the most effective measure to combat nits in the hair will be a combination of mechanical and chemical methods. Instead of drugs, you can use folk remedies. When applying them, you need to remember the safety measures and the importance of regular procedures.

    What is nits?

    Nits are eggs, through which lice parasitize on a person’s head. They can be distinguished in the hair in appearance.

    These are white or light yellow dots of a teardrop shape, attached at the base of the hair. They are small in size - about 1 mm in length. Covered with a dense protective layer.

    Unlike lice, nits difficult to withdraw. If after treatment with medicinal or folk remedies carcasses of lice are easily separated from the hair, the dead nits remain attached to the hair.

    therefore It is important to perform mechanical hair cleansing. with a special comb or comb.

    What to comb?

    Combing nits and lice is a mechanical treatment, mandatory in the treatment of pediculosis. It is desirable to carry out combing after washing the hair with a special shampoo.

    For best results, it is important to choose the right tool. The best option - special ridges.

    Their differences conventional combing that the teeth have a rigid structure, are located close to each other and have a laser notch, which allows for careful processing and not skip lice and nits.

    Leaders in this category are firms. AntiV and LiceGuard. There are also electric combs that can infect insects with electric discharge.

    For example, company crests Caremaxx. However, practice shows that electric combs are not much more efficient than ordinary combs, but they are much more expensive.

    If it is not possible to purchase this instrument, then You can replace an ordinary comb or even use your fingers. Note that machining an ordinary comb or fingers will take much more time and effort than working with a comb.

    Is combing necessary?

    Combing nits is an essential part of pediculosis treatment. The best thing apply this method simultaneously with chemical, medicinal, folk remedies against lice and nits, to make the treatment effective.

    Symptoms of infection

    It is easy to find "uninvited guests" by the following features:

    1. Persistent itching
    2. Small wounds (bites) on the scalp,
    3. Nits on the hair.

    Lice are dangerous because they are carriers of Volyn fever, typhus and age-related typhoid. By the way, itching is caused not by the bite itself, but by a substance that is released by parasites during the bite. There are several ways to combat pediculosis: radical, mechanical, folk remedies, pharmaceuticals.

    How to avoid re-infection

    Upon recovery, you must perform the following steps:

    • Inspect the hair of all family members for lice.
    • Vacuum the floor and do a general cleaning of the house, disinfecting furniture and work surfaces.
    • You also need to wash your towels, bedding and clothes in hot water.

    In order not to get infected with lice, you should follow simple rules:

    1. Use only your comb and do not give it to anyone.
    2. Avoid direct contact with other people's hair.
    3. Do not use other people's hats and hair accessories.
    4. After visiting the pool, wash your hair, blow-dry and comb it thoroughly.
    5. Apply the essential oils of rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus - an excellent deterrent lice.

    It is enough to add 1-2 drops of any of them to a portion of shampoo for washing hair. It is useful to improve with a pair of droplets of one of these oils and rinse water.

    With nits on long hair is difficult, but you can fight. You just need to be patient and diligent - and the result will not take long. And preventive measures will help to forget about such a problem as lice and nits.


    Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to Get Rid of Super Lice (July 2024).