Work with hair

Highlights on black hair


Girls are non-permanent creatures. Today they want to be a fatal brunette with blue-black hair, and tomorrow is a sweet and tender blonde.

But hair, unfortunately, is not always able to survive such a radical transformation.

Highlighting is the perfect solution to refresh the image and make the hair a little lighter.

At the same time, the hair suffers much less than with full lightening.

What is the difficulty of highlighting black dyed hair?

Black hair, a long time to resist, very difficult to lighten or repaint a different color. It is rather difficult to highlight this type of hair, because the result can be unpredictable. In addition, the exposure time of the bleaching agent has to be greatly increased. This adversely affects the structure of the hair, destroying it from the inside.

To achieve the maximum light color strands need several sessions. After the first discoloration of black color, the curls often become reddish or reddish. Besides, just lightening individual strands is not enough.

At the final stage, it is desirable to tint the hair in the desired color in order to achieve maximum naturalness and fill the voids in the bleached hair.

It is better to trust an experienced master. In beauty salons, as a rule, use high-quality professional tools that are most gentle to the hair. At home, to get such materials is very difficult.

What technique to choose?

There is a huge variety of techniques of highlighting, each girl can easily find the right one for her. Most often dark-haired women of the weaker sex choose the following types of highlighting:

  • classic highlighting - lightening strands for the entire length and for a certain width,
  • veil - treatment of hair tips only with wax,
  • california highlighting - applying up to 5 shades of paint on curls without the use of foil and thermal paper,
  • ombre - lightening hair without affecting the roots (these can be exclusively tips or hair from the middle of the length),
  • mazhish - the gentle highlighting by cream paint on the basis of wax. It is impossible to achieve very light shades with such a technique; a soft golden hue is the maximum that this type of dye is capable of,
  • Venetian highlighting - smooth color transition - from dark roots to very light tips,
  • feathers - highlighting, in which a special cap with holes is used, clear strands are obtained at the exit,
  • major contrast - processing of strands in contrasting colors over the entire surface of the head.

Determined with a touch

In order not to be disappointed in the new image, should determine in advance the color of the strands. Hue must be chosen based not only on their own preferences, but also on the type of appearance.

The resulting color of the curls should be combined with the main head of hair, eye and skin color, in harmony with the whole appearance. Of course, it is better to trust a professional in this matter. The master will first help you choose the right color and bring it to life.

Light strands

Dark-haired representatives of the fair sex most often prefer all sorts of bright shades of highlights. This is not surprising. Light shades of a pryadok on black dyed hair look advantageous.

They give a contrast of appearance and make some kind of zest.. In addition, melirovanny hair visually looks thicker and bulkier. However, before you decide on such changes, need to figure out some details:

  1. it is not worth bleaching white hair, too light strands in contrast with the main canvas of black hair sometimes look vulgar,
  2. strands of cool brown, blond and nutty shades look especially impressive with dark hair,
  3. lightening the strands into several colors will help to change the image without much harm to the hair. This highlighting looks the most natural and suitable for any type of appearance.

Photos of good options

How to make at home?

  1. Carefully comb dry hair and divide into 7-10 parts. Secure them with rubber bands or crabs.
  2. Decide on the thickness of the strands that need to be brightened. Starting from the back of the head, separate each strand of hair and apply a brightening compound on them.
  3. Wrap each strand in foil by placing it under your hair. Repeat the procedure with the remaining hair.
  4. Soak the composition on the head for 30 to 45 minutes depending on the desired effect. The longer the medium is aged, the brighter the strands are.
  5. After completing the allotted time, remove the foil, wash off the composition with water and apply a moisturizing mask on the hair.

The longer the hair, the harder it will be for you to handle on your own.. It will be better if you find an assistant.

Recommendations for haircuts of different lengths

When performing highlighting on short hair it is best to use a special cap with holes. This technique turns feathers that look the best on a short haircut. Also, the process of applying the clarifying solution is easier if you apply a special comb or stripper.

Hairdressers argue that medium-length hair is easiest to highlight. To simplify this procedure at home during the application of the composition, a stripper or a comb is used. Medium hair can be brushed without using special tools, but only with the help of hands.

Long hair alone rather difficult to highlightbetter to ask for help from loved ones. Tools for the procedure, you can choose any. Only the cap does not fit, it is good only for short hair.

What problems may arise and how to avoid them?

One of the most common problems when conducting highlighting on black dyed hair - the resulting color pryadok not as expected. Highlighting on dark hair is one of the most difficult, because often the color is unpredictable. In order to avoid such a problem, it is recommended to first conduct a test on one of the strands.

Another common problem is damaged hair after bleaching. In some cases, when using low-quality tools or too long exposure of the composition, the strands break off not only at the ends, but also from the middle of the canvas, and sometimes from the hair roots.

To avoid deterioration of hair quality or at least minimize harm, it’s better use professional clarification tools, in any case, do not leave the composition on the hair for more than an hour! After highlighting, hair needs careful care, so masks and regenerating ampoules are your best helpers!

Fix bugs

If the result obtained from the procedure at home did not suit you, and the desire to acquire contrasting highlights on the hair is still left, it is better not to risk it and contact the beauty salon. However, it should be remembered that between procedures should take at least 2 weeksand a month is better.

Result and care

Highlighting helps to refresh the face, gives the image a highlight. In contrast with black hair, blond hair looks very advantageous, helping to hide the first gray hair.

The frequency of the subsequent painting depends only on your preference. Highlighting, in contrast to the usual coloring, does not require monthly tinting of the roots. Slightly regrown hair does not catch the eye. Optimal frequency of repetitions of highlighting - once in 3-4 months.

Hair care after the procedure should be aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the hair. Masks, ampoules, indelible hair products in the form of oils will become excellent assistants in this matter. With proper care, harm can be minimized.

Highlighting for many years in fashion. It helps women be the center of attention and stand out from the crowd.

Features of dark hair coloring

Highlighting brunettes - one of the most problematic occupations. This is due to the rigid structure of such hair, especially when it comes to dyed hair.

However, highlighting black curls will not cause problems if you familiarize yourself with its features:

  • Before proceeding to staining, you need to choose a shading highlighting. It should look harmoniously with the base shades of strands and fit the rest of the image,
  • there are many methods and types of highlighting, with the help of which you can transform not only long hair, but also create a good accent on the head with a short haircut,
  • If the main task of highlighting black hair is to add a unique effect to the image, then it is recommended to choose a shade that will be lighter than a natural shade. Thus, you can get a color that will look beneficial from the outside and shimmer beautifully in the sun.

Who is not recommended staining

Highlighting on black hair (photo shows different cases of undesirable procedure) is completely safe procedure, but in some cases it is worth refraining from carrying it out.

It is forbidden to carry out staining if:

  • no more than a month has passed since the last dyeing
  • there was a perm on the head,
  • hair is not healthy, quickly break,
  • hair often fall out
  • natural dyes were used for painting,
  • There is an allergy to the components of the paint.

Ignoring these rules can lead to undesirable results. For example, instead of the desired silk and bulk styling, you can get a dry and ugly hairstyle.

Basic principles of highlighting dyed hair

There are several main principles of highlighting:

  • wide range of dyeing techniques,
  • the ability to dye hair of any length,
  • no age restrictions
  • good masking of gray hair,
  • opportunity to dye liquid and thin hair.

The frequency of highlighting dyed strands

To maintain a beautiful color, staining should be done 1 time in 10-12 weeks. It is during this time that full hair restoration takes place. Many types of highlighting do not imply permanent coloring, as hair coloring can begin with a significant indentation from the roots or at the very tips. In this case, the growth of the roots will be invisible.

How to avoid negative consequences

  • highlighting should be after 4-5 weeks after full staining,
  • It is not recommended to perform after hair dyeing with natural products. In this case, the result may be unpredictable,
  • after chemistry, carving or keratin straightening it also should not be performed. There is a risk of damaging the hair,
  • if the hair is unhealthy. It is strongly recommended to first cure them, and then proceed to highlighting,
  • if after dyeing your hair you plan to cut it, it is better to do it before highlighting,
  • for the care of melirovanny hair recommended to use professional tools
  • Dyed hair should not be washed with thermosetting agents.

Choosing a color for highlighting on black hair

In order not to be disappointed in the future result, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of shade. In the process of his choice should be repelled not only from personal preferences, but also take into account the fact that it should be combined with the type of appearance. This is not difficult to do. But if in doubt, you can consult with a professional.

As a rule, girls with dark hair prefer light shades of highlighting, because curls that are lighter than the base color look spectacular, the hairstyle looks more voluminous. However, here it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. For example, you can not lighten strands until white. Completely white curls do not fit black hair. It looks defiant.

The best colors for painting black hair are:

You can often notice that in different places hair of different shades. This is due to the fact that they fade in the sun. It is this effect that can be achieved with dark tones.

For highlighting black hair, you can use different shades.

For those who are young, ready to experiment and not afraid of change, a list of so-called “creative” shades will do:

Varieties of coloring on short curls

Owners of dark short haircut best fit feathers of bright colors. As a rule, coloring of such hair is carried out with the help of a hat with cuts for curls. Especially gorgeous short melirovanny hair combined with graduation and light ruffled.

In addition, for this type of hair suitable contrast highlighting, which involves the use as a coloring two almost identical in tone, color and strands of different thickness.

Another technique that today is in particular demand for girls with a short haircut is called glazing or a veil. It involves painting the tips with wax products. This method of coloring is considered the most ideal for black short hair.

On medium black hair

Practically any dyeing technique, feathers or partial dyeing, Venetian dyeing or coloring is suitable for medium-length dark hair. In this case, shades can also be any.

Ombre remains one of the most popular methods of highlighting among hair of any length. It involves staining the lower part of the curls while maintaining the base shade at the roots. The main feature of this technique is the lack of need for frequent highlighting of regrown roots and the ability to quickly regain the natural color.

Long hair

Highlighting by the Venetian technology is an ideal variant of dyeing on long black hair, which is confirmed by numerous photos of happy girls. Thanks to this technique and length of hair, it is possible to achieve an easy transition of one tone to another along the entire length. You can also choose partial staining over the entire length. Hairstyle will look volume and expressive.

Californian or American techniques look on long black hair no less spectacular than Venetian. Boldly and unusually on long hair will look ombre. Best suited for this straight hair.

The classic mode of highlighting

In traditional highlighting, the strands are dyed completely, over the entire length, and then lightened. The width and thickness of the curls, are selected depending on the thickness and the desired result.

The main tools in this version of highlighting are foil and wax paint. Their use allows you to protect areas that are not required to paint.


One of the most difficult types of highlighting. During bleaching hair can be badly damaged. Therefore, it is better to entrust this work to a specialist.

The main thing in this variant of highlighting is to achieve a gradual transition from dark to light tone. The desired result can be obtained only after long procedures of lightening and toning.

Highlighting on black hair (photo before and after dyeing shows the result) on the technique of ombra became fashionable last season. It is quite diverse in terms of techniques. It is a coloring only the upper strands. Unlike traditional coloring, with which it is similar, the ombra does not require constant updating.

In addition to the usual ombre, there is also a dual tone, which is an easy transition from one hue to another. For coloring in this style choose colors similar to the base shade of hair. A two-tone ombre will make your hairstyle livelier. Dark color lovers who like to experiment can try shades of red and eggplant.

How to choose color for highlighting

About the wide yellow stripes with which the beginning hairdressers about fifteen years ago “decorated” their clients all were forgotten long ago. Now highlighting is done with giving the strands of different shades, due to which a harmonious result is achieved.

The following solutions are popular:

  • lightening strands by 1-2 tones,
  • dyeing in beige and light blond tones,
  • toning in shades of chocolate, bronze, coffee and others.

Lightening by 1-2 tones gives the effect of naturalness, since the strands do not look contrast. One gets the feeling that in a heap of black hair one can see slightly curled sun curls.

It gives a sense of volume, playfulness and lightness. And this option is suitable for hair that is at least slightly curled.

This course is also good in that it allows for a gentle highlighting, after which the hair remains healthy and does not require serious restoration procedures. It is also relevant for those women who fear sudden changes.

A bolder option is full highlighting with strong straightening. It is used in combination with the coloring of these areas in blond colors to avoid the effect of "yellow hair".

Ideally, cold tones — ashen, beige, and wheat — fall on black hair.

Tinting in shades of medium depth, such as chocolate, bronze, copper and others, looks natural and vibrant. It is used most often, as it gives a lot of room to create a new image.

Rarely used to highlight black color for blond hair, it looks bright and suits women artistic, bold.

Creative colors are rarely used when highlighting: pink, blue, purple, red, fiery.

They are used for unusual types of procedure - cover only the tips of the hair, or cover only certain areas. This is a demanding decision, but a good master is able to transform a woman with his help.

What types of highlighting are applied by masters

There are several basic techniques that are used by masters around the world.

These include:

  1. Classic feathering.
  2. California highlights.
  3. Coloring.
  4. Ombre.

The final effect depends on the chosen method. The specialist must know exactly the differences of one method from another, so that the result of the work is expected.

Feather dyeing: black and white, red and other highlighting options for short strands

This type of coloring is the most cardinal and bright. For him, the strands are painted along the entire length from the roots, evenly. Although most often curls have a width of 2-5 mm, there are exceptions. Sometimes masters take wider bands in order to achieve a brighter and even catchy effect.

With its help, it does not achieve a natural look of hair, but it visually refreshes the face, rejuvenates and makes the image interesting. The main difficulty lies in the subsequent hair care. When re-staining, it is necessary to carefully select the strands to avoid their expansion.

In addition, such highlighting quite seriously damages the hair and in the future they require enhanced nutrition. And re-staining should be timely, as regrown roots are perfectly visible in comparison with the melirovanny part.

California dye on black dyed hair

It is also called shatush. This popular variant of hair coloring suggests that the master paints the strands only from the middle of the length, and the length of the curls may be different.

Experts choose several shades for dyeing at once, and due to the combination of these techniques, the effect of the hair that has burnt in the sun is achieved.

They seem more voluminous, hairstyle acquires an attractive complexity. The dyeing procedure requires real skill from a hairdresser.

However, such highlighting is much less likely to need adjusting than other types of coloring, because growing roots are not so noticeable.


This coloring using different shades, natural or color. Coloring can be very bright, it is ideal for short hair and asymmetrical, complex haircuts. This also includes black highlighting.

For this coloring paint is applied to individual strands, and you can take several shades. Curls can not be painted over the entire length:

  • only tips
  • the middle of the strand
  • strand at the roots.

From the painted fragments make up very beautiful compositions that emphasize the complexity of the haircut and create a unique image of a woman.

However, it is rather difficult to correct such staining.

Ombre on long curls

This is a stylish and unusual highlighting on dark straight hair, in which the strands are covered with dye from the middle, enhancing the color to the tips.

As a result, all the tips have a uniform shade, radically different from the tone of the roots. It is also used for bangs, as well as other types of highlighting.

Foil staining

Each strand is laid out on a piece of foil, painted with a brush and wrapped for the required time. This approach allows you to safely paint over individual strands, without touching the rest.

In addition, you can use different colors without mixing them. By coloring black hair in this way, you can get a result with a high level of contrast.

Coloring comb

Special comb drug is applied from the roots to the ends of the hair in one motion.

This gives the effect of a uniform application of paint on the strands, and the composition falls not only on the center of the curl, but also on its edges, making each strip less contrast.

Due to this hairstyle looks more natural.

The basic principles of highlighting the black and dark hair

  • Suitable for any hair length. Looks good on short haircuts and medium length haircuts.
  • Wide selection of palettes for highlighting.
  • The most relevant shades for highlighting on dark hair: mocha, cinnamon, beige, chocolate, caramel, coffee.
  • For a natural effect, the shade for highlighting should be three shades lighter than the base and two shades lighter than the skin of the face.
  • A well-chosen shade of strands for dark hair will make the hair look voluminous and your face younger.
  • For thin dark hair it is better to make a bright highlights - this will give extra volume and pomp to the hairstyle.
  • You can make highlights based on natural dark hair color.
  • It is not necessary for the base to dye all hair.
  • When choosing a type of highlighting, consider your individual characteristics (age, eye color and skin tone, hair structure and length).
  • Highlighting on dark hair hides gray hair well.
  • Does not require monthly correction.
  • In case of unsuccessful highlighting, you can easily hide it with toning.
  • The procedure takes up to five hours.

How to choose paint for highlighting

Highlighting black hair makes any mistake in coloring well visible, and therefore it is important not only to carefully choose the master, but also to choose the right paint. Powder formulations are not suitable for this, as they severely injure hair.

If the dyeing is carried out with a clarification of 1-2 tones, then cream paint is preferable. It has a thick texture, does not flow and is evenly applied.

But for a strong clarification and bright coloring it is better to use oil formulations that give a very rich color.

After highlighting black hair, colored strands will require serious care, especially with strong lightening. Therefore, select not only coloring compositions, but also care products in advance.

After dyeing hair, do not forget to use care products for them.

Nourishing masks, balms are better to choose in the store of professional cosmetics.

What is the essence of the procedure of highlighting on black hair?

Women who have blond hair, repaint them in a blue-black tone, because it is stylish. As for natural brunettes, they are dissatisfied with the way their hair looks, as a result of which they try to at least somehow brighten their own image, preferring bright highlights to black hair. Painting the locks completely, they are damaged, burned, and sometimes even so provoked by their rapid loss. In this regard, women choose sparing methods for lightening, namely - bright highlights on black hair.

Hair color change by dyeing method always has its own specific features that women necessarily take into account. This is quite a difficult event, with which a professional master achieves the necessary effects that can make the image of a woman unique. Just repainting the strands in a light color is not enough, because at first it will take a little to lighten the hair, and only then create highlighting. In this regard, in this case, it will be necessary to take care of the curls and caution, because in a different situation the hair is harmed.

Tinting a black tone with a light color, the image of a woman becomes spectacular. It is important to remember that black hair is not easily lightened, and therefore you may need more than one session of dyeing to achieve the desired effect. In order for the curls to remain healthy and for a long time to maintain the result, it is important to use only high-quality materials when highlighting.

Features and methods

Owners of blond hair can easily go to the salon and lighten some curls a little. It creates the effect of sun-bleached hair. Strands will naturally shimmer, playing colors. With black hair, the situation is different. Just coloring the curls will not be enough. You must first carry out the clarification, then the procedure of toning - staining in the desired shade. It can damage the hair.

There are several methods of highlighting black hair:

  • Classic - coloring of curls at the same distance from each other with alternating black and light shades. This type of highlighting requires frequent renewal of the color of regrown hair in the root zone.
  • Blonding - maximum straightening.
  • Coloring - coloring at once in several shades. There is a cross coloring (ombre), in which only the tips are highlighted in contrast to the primary color. During the procedure, hair deteriorates greatly, so this technique is not suitable for thin and weakened curls.
  • Balayazh (coloring in two tones) - clarification of curls from tips to roots. There is a smooth transition from the natural color in the root zone to a lighter shade at the ends.
  • California highlighting - highlighting of strands in different shades, the natural color remains at the roots.

In order to minimally expose the hair to damage with strong clarification, the master can do the coloring in several stages.

Learn all about the properties and application of sesame oil for hair.

Matrix without ammonia hair color shades are described on this page.

Advantages and disadvantages

This procedure has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages of technology can be identified:

  • gray hair coloring
  • with the right choice of shade, you can correct defects in appearance,
  • due to partial dyeing, no more than half of hair is exposed to the dye,
  • there is no need to adjust the hairstyle often, it is enough to do a color update every 3 months,
  • visual increase in hair volume
  • smooth transition from shade to shade that looks natural.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • you can not immediately do highlighting on dyed hair,
  • it takes a lot of time to paint - about 4 hours,
  • to get the expected result, you need to resort to the help of a good master.

Popular combinations of colors and shades

Today, they are increasingly doing highlight, shades of which are close to natural. It always looks spectacular and natural. The natural color of the hair can be expressionless and dull. Therefore, we use highlighting, which gives the hair freshness and grooming. The result will be dynamically iridescent curls.

Popular shades for highlighting black hair:

  • copper,
  • dark chocolate,
  • black currant,
  • bronze,
  • light brown,
  • cognac.

To choose the right palette, you should consider the type of person. Cold tones are not all. To make it easier to make a choice of paint, you can tie a head with a cold-colored kerchief (blue, blue, purple), look in the mirror. Then wear a warm shawl (yellow, red, orange). In what way the face will look better, such a palette of colors to choose.

Technique performance in the cabin

It is very important to choose the master who will conduct the procedure on black hair. With a lack of experience, a specialist can burn hair, which will have to be restored for a very long time.

High-quality highlighting is carried out in several stages. First of all, bleaching of the necessary strands is carried out. Then toning is done to achieve the desired shade. The master must evaluate the hair - take into account their length, thickness, condition. Sometimes it does not work to discolor the first time. Then you need to do it again.

Ways of highlighting black strands:

  • Using rubber hats - there are special holes in it, through which strands are drawn that are exposed to highlighting. It is better to use this method for short hair.
  • Using foil - individual strands are painted and wrapped in foil. Suitable for long curls.
  • Using a toothed comb - the composition is distributed by strands comb with rare teeth.
  • Highlighting with the help of hands - the master puts paint by hand on the dried strands with his head tilted forward. The procedure is good for wavy hair.

Highlighting on black hair is quite an expensive procedure, but you should not save on it. Otherwise, the result may be unpredictable. On average, the price of the procedure starts from 2500 rubles. It all depends on the method of highlighting, the length of the hair, as well as the location of the salon and its class.

Rules for the care of dyed hair

No matter how gentle the highlights, it affects the structure of the hair. Especially exposed to the destruction of black hair. Therefore, after the procedure, they require careful maintenance.

Hair needs:

  • recovery,
  • treatment
  • color preservation.

First you need to buy a special shampoo for highlights hair. It has a more acidic environment, unlike the usual shampoo. It neutralizes the alkaline effect of the paint, gently cleanses the hair. And protein components in the composition of the shampoo restore the broken structure of the curls. Use this tool should be within 2-3 weeks after the procedure. Then you can switch to regular shampoo.

To fix the result of the action of the shampoo can be special gels, fluids for melirovannyh hair. They are applied after washing the head and do not wash off. They emphasize the contrast of shades, give a natural shine.

It is necessary to regularly use nutritional masks 2-3 times a week. Keep them on the head should be at least 40 minutes, so that all the active ingredients could penetrate into the hair.

Every day, 10 minutes to do a head massage, stimulating blood circulation and enhancing hair growth. You only need to comb the dry strands using a comb with smooth teeth.It is advisable to abandon the use of curling, ironing and hair dryer. If you dry your hair with a hairdryer, then only with cold or warm air, but not hot. The air flow should be directed along the growth of hair. Thus, the hair scales will close and the surface will be smooth and glossy.

The procedure of highlighting black hair in the salon:

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Types of highlighting

Partial discoloration of dark hair is carried out in several versions. What type to apply to the woman, the master selects, taking into account the type, structure and length of the curls. Of course, it is impossible to carry out the procedure without the consent of the client and her personal wishes. Highlighting can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Classic - selected strands are lightened for their entire length and for the required width. The disadvantage of this type of highlighting is the need to correct the hairstyle with hair growth.
  2. Venetian highlights on dark hair. It is carried out according to the following technology: clarification starts from the tips and smoothly transitions to the natural color at the roots. Highlighting on hair looks like spectacular carelessness of faded curls.
  3. California bleaching on dark hair is similar to a Venetian look. Differs in the procedure of clarification of the ends. Refined look gives the processing of strands in a gentle way. Highlighting is performed using foil.

There are other types of highlighting dark hair. To understand what is right for you, will help an experienced stylist. It is unacceptable to engage in the process of dyeing the house yourself, because you can not only harm the curls, but also spoil the appearance of the hairstyle.

Pros and cons of highlighting

Before you make highlights on black hair, you should learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure. The advantages of the presented type of staining are:

  • small correction of external flaws, disguise of the beginning gray hair,
  • exposure to chemical agents only on part of the hair,
  • the need for correction decreases,
  • a visual increase in the splendor of the hairstyle
  • healthy and tidy appearance,
  • the possibility of toning for women of any age
  • quick correction of spoiled staining.

But highlighting there are some shortcomings that can not be ignored:

  • The procedure of highlighting is permissible only for healthy hair - the sick curls should first be treated, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation as a whole.
  • The duration of the work is more than 4 hours - not every woman can allocate so much free time to herself.
  • The procedure is carried out only by a specialist - it is not recommended to do it yourself, since mistakes will lead to damage to the strands.
  • Good care for melirovanny hair is necessary - it is important to use only special means for washing, considering temporary weakness of ringlets after the procedure.

It is impossible to perform highlighting on black dyed hair, if this is just done - for the implementation of the procedure will have to withstand a few weeks. Also come with frequent preliminary staining of curls with henna.

Long hair

Highlighting on long black hair allows you to smoothly change one color to another. For this ideal Venetian highlighting. Coloring the curls along the entire length will give the image a more expressive look, make the hair more lush and emphasize the hair structure.

For long hair, you can make the California melirovanie or ombre. Reddish highlights on dark hair - the brightest and most popular combination. For long curly hair suitable technique dyeing feathers. To carry out the procedure of partial staining, strand the hair as much as possible.

Highlighting on dyed hair

Highlighting on dyed black hair is acceptable, but with some of the recommendations. You can highlight only a month after a complete color change. It is impossible to carry out this procedure with them if the hair is thin, brittle and damaged. First, they should be treated so that the hairstyle is not completely spoiled. If the natural hair color requires more than one session of lightening, then it will be even more difficult to achieve a good result on colored curls. Frequent highlighting of black hair is forbidden by specialists, since it doesn’t have the best effect on them. In most cases, clients have to persuade to cut the curls to an extremely short length.

To make highlighting on dyed hair is better in the American style, that is, with the use of foil, in the pieces of which strands are placed, and the paint does not fall on the adjacent curls. Ombre is also suitable for such hair. Black dyed hair can be tinted in warm and bright colors: fiery red, red, yellow.

If you intend to use the ashy combination, it should be alternated with yellow. Applying only ashen color, you can get just a gray head. Highlighting dyed hair looks great on long strands and medium hair length - this can be noted in the photo before and after the procedure.

Other color combinations

Slavic girls have mostly blond hair. Here the field of activity of the stylist has many options for highlighting with a different combination of shades. The following shades can be applied to blonde hair:

  • lactic,
  • platinum,
  • creamy,
  • for lovers of naturalness, you can simply use the color a couple of tones lighter.

It should be noted how it looks in this case, the use of shades of coffee with milk and caramel. Extravagant will also look like a combination of light brown with a platinum and silvery ashen shade. Highlighting on light brown hair is suitable because of their thinness, which usually accompanies blond-haired beauties.

Black highlighting is suitable for all ladies with blond hair, who are sure that this color of their hair is not for them. It is enough to make a few dark strands of coffee or dark blond color, and the girl changes her image drastically. Stylists talk about the benefits of a lighter shade of curls - this gives you the opportunity to "open" the face, make it more sweet and friendly.

Original hairstyle looks, if you make highlighting at the tips of strands with bangs. If you want to stand out from the crowd, then highlighting with black strands will do. Naturally, blond hair is not recommended to touch - one should not use the methods of cardinal transformation, one can only “age” the image. In this case, you can only paint the strands a few tones darker. Thus, the bulk of the hair will not suffer - the dark curls will only emphasize the beauty of the natural shade, and the image will be more expressive.

In order to achieve the expected result when highlighting, you should involve an experienced master for this, without relying on the taste of girlfriends and relatives. So, highlighting on black dyed hair in this way almost always ended with the tears of the former beauty - quite often, colored strands simply disappear as the used paint is washed away. I will give feedback, those who received the presented service in the salons, speak for themselves - only positive opinions about the work of professionals. The consultation of an experienced stylist helped them to get a beautiful and original image, as well as to keep the curls in pristine healthy condition.


Originally created for a combination of the three main shades - red, brown, red using colored foil. Today this look uses more shades and is suitable for any types of hair. When using this method in dark hair, hairdressers choose natural or color shades.

It gives the strands greater naturalness and visually gives them volume.

This method is a chaotic painting of curls. Each strand is dyed so that there is a gradual transition from the roots to the tips. As a rule, staining is carried out in the open air.

Coloring techniques: foil

Highlighting on black hair (photo shows the procedure using small pieces of foil) Americans invented in this way. Most of all, it will suit the owners of long braids.

It is conducted as follows:

  • each colored curl is wrapped in foil,
  • after a while the foil is removed,
  • head wash shampoo.

Highlighting at home

Home highlighting, despite the complexity of the procedure, every day is becoming more popular.

To perform the procedure it is necessary to prepare the following tools and instruments:

  • 12% oxidizing solution
  • any foil
  • brush for the distribution of funds
  • cellophane gloves
  • pigment mixing container.

Foil width should be at least 10 cm, and the length of more than the length of the hair. For beginners in this matter, it is recommended to use a cap with holes for the strands. In order not to stain clothes in paint, you can throw a towel over your shoulders. After preparing all the necessary tools and paint, you can proceed to highlighting.

The procedure is performed in several stages:

  • one thin curl is taken and a piece of foil is laid under it. This way every hair is stained
  • the foil is folded in half or covered with another piece,
  • 2 cm is put up and everything is done in a new way.

It is best to produce staining from the bottom of the head, slowly going up. It is necessary to wash off the paint from each piece of foil separately, so as not to color the strands that are nearby.

If you are not sure that you can make a high-quality highlighting on black hair yourself, as in the photo, it is recommended to contact the salon. The specialist will not only make the hair beautiful, but will also be able to choose the most suitable color for the type of hair.

Article design: Olga Pankevich

Specificity of highlighting on black and dark hair

  • For short hair, better use the technique of highlighting with a silicone cap.
  • For long hair, use a technique with foil.
  • Before dyeing the strands must be discolored. Usually this process is delayed in several stages.
  • If the base tone needs to be made brighter and richer, then perform the toning procedure.
  • Do not wash your hair for a few days before dyeing.
  • For a more effective result when highlighting, the color of the strands is made saturated at the roots and light at the ends, with a smooth transition.
  • Use quality dyes.
  • For a good result, highlighting on black and dark hair is recommended to be done in the salon by an experienced specialist.

How to make highlights on black and dark hair at home

It is rather difficult to perform the highlighting technique on black or dark hair. First, it is necessary to determine the thickness, intensity and location of the strands. Secondly, pre-discolor strands.

If necessary, make toning the main tone of the hair in the selected color. Determine a suitable shade of paint for highlighting.

Now that the basic preparation is completed, we choose the method of dyeing, based on how long your hair is. For beginners and owners of medium hair length suitable option highlighting with elastic bands.

For highlighting short and medium hair convenient to use a special silicone cap. Highlighting long hair is best done with foil. Let us dwell on each of the techniques.

Highlighting with elastic bands for hair

  1. Select strands for dyeing and secure them with hair ties.
  2. Apply paint along the entire length of the strands to the elastic.
  3. The ends can be wrapped in foil to enhance the coloring effect.
  4. Maintain the time indicated in the paint instructions.
  5. Wash the strands with shampoo in warm water without removing the gum.
  6. In order not to damage the hair, carefully cut the gum.
  7. Wash your hair again and use the balm.

Highlighting with silicone cap

  1. Put on the silicone cap.
  2. With a special hook, remove the strands with the necessary frequency.
  3. Apply paint to the strands.
  4. Soak time according to the dye instructions.
  5. Without removing the cap, wash the colored strands with shampoo.
  6. Remove the cap and wash your head again with a soft shampoo.

Highlighting with foil

  1. Comb your hair in the middle.
  2. Divide the hair into three parts and secure them with clips.
  3. Start highlighting from the front.
  4. Highlight a thin horizontal strip at the bottom of the head.
  5. From this strip, select the strands of the desired thickness and frequency.
  6. Put the selected strands on the foil smeared with dye.
  7. On top, apply another layer of dye.
  8. Wrap the strands gently in foil and secure them with a clip.
  9. With an interval of 2 cm up, select the horizontal strip and repeat the procedure.
  10. In this way, move upward and work through the other two parts.
  11. Having sustained time specified in the instruction, remove a foil.
  12. Wash your hair with shampoo in warm water.

Highlighting dark hair with toning

Highlighting on dark hair with toning will look bright and juicy, especially when using deep and saturated shades that you see in the photo. It will look equally good on hair of different lengths.

Precautionary measures

  • Highlighting can be carried out only a month after full staining.
  • You should not do highlighting after dyeing with basma or henna - the color of the colored strands can change significantly.
  • It is not recommended to perform highlighting after chemistry, carving or keratin leveling - this can severely damage the hair.
  • Damaged and prone to hair loss before highlighting must be restored, having undergone treatment.
  • Do the haircut before highlighting, and you can refresh the hair ends after the procedure.
  • Use special styling products and shampoos for colored hair.
  • Minimize the use of thermosetting agents.

Reviews of women about highlighting black and dark hair

In order to demonstrate how the highlighting looks on black and dark hair and how it changes appearance, we invited Olga, Kira, Katerina and Veronika to share the experience of such coloring and provide photos before and after. Comments of our expert will help you take into account all the nuances of this technique and avoid mistakes in the future.

Olga, 23 years old:

After consulting with the master in the salon, they decided to make frequent highlighting with thin strands of cocoa color. In this way, I managed to achieve volume for my long, even hair and lighten my hair a few tones. It turned out a very natural clarification and without harm to hair. Happy with the result!

Kira, 31:

I take care of my long hair very carefully and do not color it. But for a long time, their color at the ends burned out, and the regrown part of the hair has a brighter and more juicy color.
In order to even out the color, I made a subtle highlighting in the salon three shades lighter than my natural hair. The problem is solved, and I am very pleased!

Katerina, 37 years old:

I wanted a cardinal change of image, and therefore I turned for help to the best salon of our city. The result exceeded all my wildest expectations!

With the help of highlighting in four shades on dark long hair, as in the photo, it was possible to achieve smooth tints from light to brown tones. And in laying such highlighting looks great.

Veronica, 33 years:

I have thin long hair with ombre remnants on the tips.I always dreamed of having a light shade of hair, which is very much to my face, but I was afraid to do one-color staining.

My hairdresser suggested highlighting in two tones with an emphasis on the ends of the hair. I am very glad to my new image!

Video on how to highlight black hair with toning

Most women are extremely rarely satisfied with their natural hair color, especially when it comes to age-related changes. We invite you to watch a video where you will learn how to highlight black or dark hair with toning.

Now that you have become familiar with all the subtleties of highlighting on black and dark hair, you can apply this technique yourself at home.

Popular methods for highlighting black hair

  • Classic. This hair coloring at the same distance from each other with the alternation of light and black colors. Such highlighting on black hair will require regular renewal of the tone on the grown hairs in the root zone.
  • Blondirovanie. This is the maximum clarification pryadok.
  • Coloring. This hair coloring in several colors. There is a transverse coloring in which only the tips of the hair are lightened with a contrasting shade in relation to the main color. At the time of such a procedure, the hair deteriorates greatly, and therefore this technique is not suitable for weak and thin curls.
  • Balayazh. This lightens the hair from the tips to the roots. When creating such a highlight, a smooth transition from a natural hue in the root zone to a lighter tone near the tips is carried out.
  • California highlights. This clarification is done in different shades. In this case, the roots will remain a natural color.

Which highlighting is better to choose for black hair: frequent or rare?

Many supporters of experiments sooner or later begin to ask themselves how often highlighting black hair is useful. First, it should be noted that shallow and rare highlighting on dark hair is considered to be an ideal option for coloring in contrasting colors. Frequent highlighting in blue, red and other shades can look ridiculous. Rare application is suitable for both dyed and natural dark curls.

If we talk about highlighting in neutral tones, then in such a situation, a rare application is hardly noticeable. On the other hand, the hair looks more natural.

Stylists recommend to avoid partial highlighting on black strands, especially when the rare arrangement of the colored curls was achieved by applying the coloring composition only on the upper part of the head. When a hairstyle is divided into separate curls in sight, such highlighting will look like a solid color, which is not attractive.

Rules that are important when creating highlighting on black curls

Choosing the means for coloring hair by type of highlighting, you should look at the photos and videos, and also ask about the presence of reviews. Most often they are left by girls who have already “experienced” similar staining. Best of all, if these reviews are backed up with photos of the results of staining.

Weighted need to approach and the choice of color. The most appropriate and harmonious option are natural tones. Best of all, as a result of highlighting on black hair, a color is obtained that is lighter than the main one by a maximum of three tones. At the same time, it should not be lighter than the eye by more than two tones.

Many video and photo highlights of dark hair eloquently prove that such a procedure is possible only on healthy strands. You should not do frequent highlighting on black hair after a perm or on damaged curls.

The paint that is used when creating highlights should be very thick. It should not spread over the adjacent strands.

When dyeing black hair, it is important to break into strands of the same width, which are located at equal intervals from each other. Frequent highlighting on dark hair should not be done when using dye for eyelashes and eyebrows.

If the result obtained from frequent highlighting turns out to be strongly contrasted with the main tone, then it can be smoothed with a tint balm that is applied after applying the shampoo. Reviews, video and photo highlights of dark hair confirm another important rule - you do not need to use metal objects when highlighting.


Watch the video: DIY HIGHLIGHTS USING CAP Revlon Frost & Glow Highlighting Kit (July 2024).