
Causes and treatment of herpes on the head


Almost every one of us faces herpes at some point. Characteristic rashes for this condition can appear on the skin's surface, especially with the flu and cold. It is safe to say that not all people know that herpes can hit the head. It is important to know that this is a relatively complex disease that, after detection, requires quick treatment.

Herpes rashes on the lips in about 7 days, while on the hair and head it can last up to a month, and the patient can be tormented by severe pain. On the treatment of herpes on the head, how its manifestations look and how it can threaten the patient, it is advisable to learn to anyone who is not indifferent to their own health.

Varieties and causes

Herpes on the head has an atypical location. It is much less common than the well-known disease on the lips and other skin areas. The most common today are the three main types of this pathology, which appear due to various external and internal factors:

  • herpes of the first type, acquired through infection by the oral route, GT1,
  • the second type, sexually transmitted - GT2,
  • the third type (chicken pox) - GT3.

Herpes on the head in the hair, the treatment of which we will discuss further, is of a viral nature, appearing due to the transfer of chickenpox to the injured. There are rare cases where the common cold version of the GT1 causes inflammation in the nasolabial triangle and is then transferred with an infection to the scalp.

A rash in the hair appears very rarely if the infection remains on the damaged part of the skin. For example, if a patient has herpes vesicles on his lips that are very itchy and scratching them, he touches the scalp. The presence of a minimal injury there is enough for the virus to penetrate inside.


The main location of herpes infections are nerve endings. For some time, it may not manifest itself, however, with a pronounced decrease in immunity, there is a risk of a relapse. When herpes gets into the trigeminal nerve located on the head, the disease will manifest itself there.

Ways of infection

As noted above, herpes on the head — on the back of the head, on the top of the head, or on the temples — can be obtained by self-infection. Yes, this does not happen often, but it still happens. Often, the virus of the first and third types can be quite quickly transmitted through close contact with the patient, as well as when sharing common objects with him.

Infection with herpes virus is quite often observed in children. Agree, rarely one of them did not suffer from chickenpox - chickenpox. And if it was avoided, then, when infected, adult chickenpox is much more difficult.

Other ways

It is possible to get herpes on the head in the following cases:

  • when transferring the virus by touching the damaged skin with an infected hand or fingers (by falling into the skin microcracks),
  • sharing the same objects of hygiene with infected persons, especially towels and bed linen, since in these objects the infection remains viable for 5 hours,
  • with blood transfusions.

It should be wary of using common combs, which can develop harmful viruses and bacteria. If there is even a small scratch on the head, the herpes can quickly begin to develop.

Provoking factors

The virus affecting the scalp is somewhat different from the common herpes on the nose and lips. For its development, it will not be enough just to get a cold, as is often the case with a viral infection of the skin of the face.

The main category of people who are at risk of being infected with the described disease with manifestation in the form of rashes on the head are people of more mature age who have reached 65 years of age. It is noteworthy that in most cases women suffer from this type of virus, and this is attributed to their changing hormonal background.

Young people rarely have herpes of this type. Most often due to severe immunodeficiency: the presence of HIV or AIDS. If the disease appears before the onset of 40 years, the person needs to examine the immune system to identify these pathologies or to refute their presence.

The impetus for the GT1 can be many factors, prerequisites:

  • recent illness
  • unbalanced nutrition
  • short and poor sleep,
  • frequent stressful situations, etc.

In fact, it is not a particularly dangerous condition, so herpes caused by such a virus, is much easier than GT3.

Symptoms of the disease

Externally, signs of herpes on the scalp have little or no difference with the symptoms of this disease on the lips. However, in the hair it is rather difficult to see transparent bubbles that are familiar to herpes. The disease usually begins with relatively elevated temperatures. In the case of the defeat of the trigeminal nerve the whole period of the patient may be in pain.

The inflammatory process develops in stages, and the symptoms of herpes on the head in the hair may be different.

  1. Initially, it can be confused with the symptoms of a common cold. In addition to a high temperature, the patient may have pain in the eyes and muscles, nausea, headache, and worsening of general well-being. In some areas of the body, itching and even burning may occur. The skin can become swollen and hyperemic. Typically, herpes of this type appears in the back of the head and temples.
  2. After about 10 hours, transparent bubbles form on the head, and over time they become more and more. In the absence of proper therapy, inflammation can grow into fairly large areas of skin.
  3. If the rash does not bother, they will burst, forming small wounds. They can develop an infection, which often causes suppuration. It is noteworthy that the temperature may subside, the patient may feel an improvement, but the pain will still be palpable.
  4. Healed wounds over time become crusted. It is highly undesirable to damage them in order not to prolong the process of complete recovery. In a few days the crusts will disappear on their own.

Often, a patient with this disease has an increase in lymph nodes. Treatment of herpes on the head in the hair in this case requires immediate.


Without proper treatment, herpes on the scalp can cause quite serious and dangerous complications. For example, it can be neuralgia, which is accompanied by debilitating pain. If the immunity is significantly reduced, the pain may persist even with the disappearance of external signs.

Since the infection rather actively affects the nervous system, painful sensations may appear in the nerve endings. The localization of pain affects the affected area of ​​the nerve fibers. If they are excessively inflamed, the person may develop paralysis of the facial muscles, as well as a violation of their mobility.

It is also dangerous that herpes of this type is located near the brain, and, penetrating inside, the virus can cause meningoencephalitis. In addition, there is a risk that the infection will spread through the eyes and ears, and once in the nose, the herpes migrates directly into the lungs, causing the appearance of pneumonia.

A virus of this type without urgent and adequate therapy can cause quite a lot of negative consequences, therefore, at the first manifestations of its symptoms on the head, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Treatment of herpes

Only a doctor should choose the scheme for the treatment of herpes on the head in the hair. Self-treatment can cause quite sad complications.

The best drug is Fenistil Pentsivir, the price of which in local pharmacies varies from 300 to 400 rubles. Taking medication should start when the first symptoms appear. This will help speed recovery, as well as help prevent the occurrence of possible complications.

Treatment regimen

Therapy of herpes is carried out according to the scheme of the patient's progressive acceptance of the medications necessary for the treatment of the patient:

  • Antiviral tablets. The dose should be determined by the doctor leading the patient, who will take into account the general condition of the patient. Effective is the drug "Famciclovir", instructions for use of which indicates that it is allowed to use adults from 18 years. In addition, doctors usually prescribe Famvir, Zovirax, Minaker, Valvir, and Valtrex. In the case of infection with a baby virus, the most acceptable for children "Acyclovir" is used. Instructions for use of this tool involves its adoption by children of different age categories.
  • Antiviral ointment. Such means prevent the spread of herpes rash on the rest of the head. These include "Fenistil pentsivir" (its price is also approximately 300-400 rubles).
  • Immunomodulators. They make it possible to maintain the patient’s natural immunity at an optimum level. There are quite a lot of medications that a doctor can prescribe. It is strictly not recommended to apply them yourself, since if the wrong choice of tools means immunomodulators can harm health.
  • Topical antiseptics. This type of therapeutic effect helps to prevent the likelihood of re-infection. Inflamed areas on the head are recommended to be lubricated with "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin" or "Fucorcin". When crusts form, the scalp of the head is recommended to be treated with an ointment containing erythromycin. Additionally, it will accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Soothing and painkillers. When treating herpes on the head in the hair, they help to minimize pain, allowing the patient to sleep normally. With a more severe course of the disease is recommended to use antidepressants.

If a patient has a high fever, antipyretic medication may be prescribed. Physiotherapy has sufficient effectiveness: laser treatment, irradiation with an ultraviolet or quartz lamp, UV radiation.

Herpes Prevention

To prevent future herpes on the head, you need:

  • eliminate all kinds of contact with sick people
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene,
  • if possible, isolate the infected,
  • temper the body
  • regularly walk in clean air
  • avoid excessive physical exertion
  • eat right,
  • observe the regime of rest and work,
  • timely treat chronic diseases, eliminate inflammatory foci.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, at the first suspicion of chickenpox in a child, after consulting with a doctor in advance, you should immediately start using "Acyclovir" for children.

Instructions for use "Famciclovir" also provides an effective effect on the body infected with herpes infection, but only in adults. By the way, these funds can be used as a preventive measure.

Herpes on the head is a rather insidious pathology that can trigger the development of certain complications. It is worthwhile to treat this type of disease very responsibly and when identifying the first symptoms, immediately seek medical help. Only correct and timely treatment will help remove the virus from the body without consequences and various kinds of complications.

Stages and symptoms

Pathology proceeds in 4 stages, each of which corresponds to certain symptoms:

  1. Initially, the scalp begins to itch, pinch, and painful sensations appear. Later, the scalp turns red. The general condition of the patient is similar to the onset of a cold, the temperature may be elevated. Possible headache.
  2. After 12 hours, acute inflammation of the scalp begins. There are bubbles filled with liquid (vesicles), over time the number of lesions increases steadily.
  3. Vesicles burst. Pain subsides.
  4. In place of the bubbles, scabs form, which disappear after a few days. This symptom speaks of recovery.

After a month of the disease, the pathological process subsides. But with a weak immunity of the patient, the pain along the affected nerves can persist for 1-2 months.


Detection of the virus in a medical institution is carried out in the following ways:

  • Evaluation of external signs and patient survey.
  • PCR analysis. The result of this study reveals a specific type of herpetic virus. For the study required the biological material of the patient. For research take the contents of the blisters.
  • Hybridization method. The goal is to identify the herpes genome in the cells.
  • Linked immunosorbent assay. Detects the presence of antibodies to the virus.

Drug treatment

Therapy of herpes head is aimed at reducing the symptoms that accompany the course of the disease, the fight against the virus. For this purpose, most often used:

  • Receive antipyretic drugs. These drugs with paracetamol and ibuprofen, have an analgesic effect.
  • Antiviral drugs - Vatsiklovir, Acyclovir. The drugs are low toxic and have a selective effect. Are taken orally in the form of tablets, are used locally as an ointment.
  • Treatment of affected areas with antiviral ointment - Gerpevir, Zovirax.
  • At the stage when the bubbles with liquid burst, it is required to perform disinfecting treatment of these areas. For this purpose, hydrogen peroxide is used, then dried with brilliant green. For the fastest healing process with Streptocide or Panthenol.
  • With the formation of crusts in place of the bubbles will provide the fastest healing Erythromycin ointment.
  • With strong pain, lidocoin-based anesthetic patches and ointments can be applied. It has a strong anesthetic effect and is able to anesthetize for 12 hours.
  • For the destruction of the virus effective means of physiotherapy - ultraviolet, quartz treatment.
  • For complex therapy, vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators should be taken. This will help restore the body reduced immunity.

Attention! In case of herpes head it is not recommended to wash the hair often in order to avoid infection of healthy areas. For hair hygiene it is better to use shampoos with a natural base, with a normal Ph level.


Among the recipes of traditional medicine there are effective and natural remedies for herpes on the head:

  • smearing the affected areas with almond oil mixed with chopped garlic clove and valocordin,
  • To reduce burning and itching, decoctions from the bark of oak, chamomile, calendula,
  • as lotions are used: lemon balm, peppermint, immortelle,
  • willow bark and ginger enhance immunity.

Virus danger

Due to the similarity of the primary symptoms with a cold, the disease progresses, treatment does not begin. Appeal for qualified help is observed only when there are obvious signs - rashes.

Prompt access to a doctor will get rid of the disease in a period of 5 days to a week. If you delay with treatment in a medical facility, treatment will take up to 2 weeks. For diagnosis and treatment of herpes scalp should refer to a therapist, dermatologist, neurologist. Contact for help is necessary for the following signs:

  • a feeling of itching and burning on the head,
  • headache and fever,
  • weakness, apathy for food, nausea,
  • lymph node inflammation
  • the appearance of even small ulcers on the back of the head and on the temples (can merge into one).

It is not recommended to postpone the visit to the doctor, as the pathology is potentially dangerous for other organs and systems. it can lead to the following complications:

  • Localization of the virus on the scalp is dangerous proximity to the brain. In the case of contact with the brain, it causes meningoencephalitis.
  • The virus can lead to pneumonia.
  • If the virus goes to the ears or eyes, the patient may become blind or deaf.
  • Herpes head can lead to radiculitis, infertility, liver damage, other chronic pathologies.
  • Pathology often leads to complications in the form of severe headaches.
  • The virus is embedded in the nerve endings. With inflammation of the whole nerve, paralysis of the facial muscles or a violation of their physical activity is possible.

Useful videos

Method of getting rid of herpes.

Why does herpes appear on the head?

Herpes on the scalp is caused by a strain of the virus Varicella Zoster, which causes chickenpox in children and shingles in adults.

The specificity of the virus is that it does not disappear from the body forever, despite the fact that it develops immunity after an illness.

Being in a dormant state in the nerve plexuses, he is waiting for an opportunity.

As soon as the immune system is weakened, the virus is activated, causing inflammation of the nearest node of the nervous system. In case of damage of the trigeminal nerve near the ear or eye branch, rash appears on the head.

The causes of the formation of herpes can serve as:

  1. Direct contact with a carrier whose virus is active.
  2. Relapse of chickenpox, which was postponed not so long ago, factors weakening the immune system trigger this mechanism.
  3. Direct infection of the scalp, it occurs if a person uses the personal belongings of the patient in the active stage, for example, a comb. With it, the virus can get into small wounds on the skin and further develop. This path is very rare.

Drug therapy

The main method of treatment is the use of medicines. They are prescribed by the doctor according to the stage of the process and its complexity. First of all, antiviral drugs are prescribed: Acyclovir, Famvir, Zivirax, Geperax, taken orally. They are supplemented with antiviral ointments: Gerpevir, Zovirax, which treat the affected area.

In addition, disinfectants are used: Brilliant green, Fucorcin, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, they do not allow viruses to spread and relieve inflammation. After the vesicles have burst, Erythromycin ointment can be used to accelerate the healing of wounds.

Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic drugs that improve the overall condition of the body are prescribed to relieve symptoms. Be sure to complex therapy includes vitamin complexes and immunomodulators. They activate the body's defenses, helping him to fight the virus himself.

As an effective tool used physiotherapy. So, treatment with quartz or ultraviolet helps to kill the virus in the bubbles.

In the case of timely start of treatment, its duration is about a week, with the started situations it may increase to two weeks.

During treatment, it is important to avoid aggressive shampoos and detergents. You can generally refuse to wash your hair at the time of treatment or use baby shampoo.

Folk remedies

Supplement drug therapy can folk remedies, but before you begin, you should remember that this is an addition, not a substitute for the main treatment.

The first means of dealing with herpes are gadgets:

  1. Based on apple cider vinegar, it relieves itching and pain, is done up to three times a day. To perform it, a wide bandage is folded several times, wetted in 9 percent apple cider vinegar and applied to the affected area for 15 minutes. Longer to hold can not, as it can cause burns to the scalp.
  2. From pumpkin. To make it, pumpkin pulp is ground in a meat grinder or blender to a puree state, then applied to the scalp and a gauze bandage is applied, which is worn for 2-3 hours.

The scalp can be lubricated with homemade ointments:

  1. Half a spoonful of honey and three cloves of garlic are added to one teaspoon of wood ash, all the ingredients are whipped in a blender, the resulting mass is applied to the affected areas.
  2. In a cup they mix in a teaspoon of juice of flowers of calendula and vaseline, this mass is used to lubricate the wounds on the head several times a day.
  3. 100 grams of garlic is poured about 100 milliliters of castor oil and put on a slow fire. The process of languor lasts from 3 to 4 hours, then the product is removed from the heat, cooled and filtered. The resulting mass is used to lubricate the skin 4-5 times a day.

As an effective tool can be used and infusion of lemon balm. It is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Drink three times a day for half a cup. Such a decoction not only relieves inflammation and displays the products of intoxication, it helps to relax and improve the overall condition of the body.

Video about herpes from an expert:

To cure herpes rash on the head, you can with the help of medicines or folk remedies. However, it is much more important to maintain the general condition of the body in order to prevent the next manifestations of the disease.

Symptoms, stages and causes

  • weakness,
  • increase in cervical lymph nodes,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting
  • headache,
  • temperature increase to 39 ° C
  • loss of appetite.

Herpes scalp proceeds in 4 stages. Each is characterized by certain characteristics:

  1. the first is itching, redness of the skin, pain, weakness,
  2. the second - bubbles of different sizes (vesicles) are formed, filled with transparent contents,
  3. the third - liquid elements burst,
  4. the fourth - in place of the vesicle appears a scab.

Within a month after the onset of the disease, the pathological process subsides, however, in immunocompromised patients, discomfort may remain along the nerves affected by the virus (postherpetic neuralgia). Sometimes skin sensitivity is also affected. Postherpetic neuralgia worries more often if the disease is complicated by eye damage.

The cause of herpes on the head is the primary infection due to the penetration of the virus through scratches on the skin or its reactivation while reducing the body's immune defense. Various factors can provoke immunodeficiency:

  • lack of physical activity
  • bad habits,
  • changes in hormonal levels (menopause, menstruation, pregnancy),
  • prolonged stress
  • hypothermia or overheating,
  • operative interventions
  • bad ecology,
  • unbalanced nutrition
  • chronic diseases.

Herpes on the head is most often a problem for people of the older age group (after 65 years). The disease often occurs in women.

Rashes on the head in children and pregnant women

In children, herpetic eruptions most often appear in the autumn-spring period. However, a trip to the sea, an under-treated cold, hypovitaminosis, hypothermia, or overheating can provoke the disease.

Healing of wounds in children is faster than in adults. Treatment is performed with antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs. To improve immunity, children's vitamin complexes are recommended (Complivit, Pikovit). Complications of the disease are rarely diagnosed.

Herpes on the head in the hair of pregnant women, depending on the period at which the process began, implies different options and the likelihood of complications.

Primary infection with the virus in the first trimester is an indication for its interruption, because the risk to the fetus is too great. The recurrence of the disease is treated with topical agents (Acyclovir).

With the activation of the herpes virus on the head in the hair in the second and third trimester, the treatment is supplemented with antiviral drugs, continuous monitoring using the ultrasound procedure of the fetus.

A child who is infected intrauterinely or in the process of birth is born with a neonatal form of chickenpox, which is often complicated by encephalitis, hepatitis, pneumonia.

Herpes in the head

Herpes head - a frequent occurrence. This is an acute or chronic recurrent infectious disease associated with a decrease in immunity. Herpes viruses exist in the body of almost every person. For the first time the pathogen contacts with people in childhood. Herpes on the scalp is simple and shingles. In the first case, the skin of the face is involved in the process. Lips and nose are affected.

One of the signs of herpes on the head is itchy scalp.

Sick adults and children. Herpes infection is dangerous because the virus has tropism for the nervous tissue. There is a possibility of the spread of the pathogen and brain damage. Herpes in the head contributes to the development of meningitis and encephalitis. The cerebral form of the disease develops. It is diagnosed mainly in newborns. People over the age of 50 often develop herpes zoster.

Popular treatment and prevention

Folk remedies can be used alone or in combination with medication.

Applying to the scalp of previously carefully washed plantain leaves, violets or thistle stalks has a good effect. Pounded plants must be applied to problem areas several times a day.

Reducing the activity of the virus rubbing rashes garlic juice, aloea.

Accelerates the healing process of wound lubrication with valokordin, almond, sea buckthorn, fir oil.

Tincture made from rhizomes of ginger, improves immunity. 150 g of a plant must be poured 800 ml of vodka and left in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 2 times a day for 1 tsp.

Improves the body's resistance as tea from viburnum. 20 g of berries poured a glass of boiling water and insist 4 hours. The course of treatment is 1-3 weeks.

Improves immunity and tincture of willow bark. 5 tbsp. l raw materials need to pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 1 hour. Take 50 g before meals 3 times a day.

A decoction of birch buds accelerates the healing of damage. Young buds are poured with milk and kept for about 7 minutes over low heat. Then the broth is filtered and wetted with cotton or gauze, applied to the affected area.

A good healing effect has a mixture of celandine and honey in equal proportions. It imposes on gauze and fixed on the sites of rashes.

Itching and burning help to stop compresses of burdock, immortelle, chamomile, peppermint, oak bark, calendula. Effectively reduces their mixture in a ratio of 1: 2 juice or infusion of lemon balm and apple cider vinegar.

Alcohol tincture of calendula has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. 50 g of flowers pour 500 ml of vodka and insist 12 hours. Apply in the form of compresses for 10 minutes 3-5 times a day.

To reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, the correct distribution of time for work and rest, adequate sleep, physical exertion, rejection of bad habits, balanced nutrition. It is important to avoid overheating and hypothermia, excessive intellectual or physical exertion.

Herpes on the head - the result of a decrease in human immunity. It is important to begin treatment in the early stages. In this case, recovery will come quickly and without consequences. Therapy of the disease in the late stages threatens with serious complications and even death.

The main etiological factors

This pathology has a viral etiology. Pathogens are viruses of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd types. Herpes simplex is known under the name of bubble zoster. People become infected in childhood through the air or through a contact mechanism. The entrance gates are the respiratory tract and skin. By the age of one and a half, almost every child is in contact with the virus.

There is a vertical mechanism of infection. It is implemented during childbirth. Much less often the virus penetrates the placenta and leads to the defeat of the fetus. Over the years, the pathogen may not manifest. Clinical signs occur with a decrease in immunity or on the background of stress. Risk factors for rash are:

  • the presence of leukemia or other blood disorders,
  • cancer pathology,
  • severe somatic diseases
  • autoimmune pathology,
  • tuberculosis,
  • HIV infection,
  • decrease in body resistance against the background of taking immunosuppressants and corticosteroids,
  • radiation exposure
  • lack of vitamins in the body
  • poor nutrition
  • diabetes,
  • thyroid pathology,
  • cachexia
  • lack of training,
  • frequent colds,
  • hypothermia
  • stressful situations.

Herpes head - a frequent occurrence. This is an acute or chronic recurrent infectious disease associated with a decrease in immunity.

Infection easily occurs during contact with a sick person. Transmission factors are towels, toys, dishes, personal items, washcloths, razors and hands. Herpes scalp can develop if a person inadvertently transfers the pathogen from one part of the body to another.

Clinical signs of herpes

Symptoms and treatment of this pathology should be known to every doctor. Simple hair herpes proceeds in several stages. Initially, the following symptoms occur in the head and face:

Then an inflammatory reaction develops. Arises rash (rash). It is represented by small bubbles. Inside of them is a clear serous fluid. If bacteria penetrate the skin, suppuration is possible. The secret becomes muddy. Inside it is a virus. Herpes blisters are painful. They rise above the skin and are arranged in groups. The diameter of the vesicles is 2-4 mm.

The hair itself is not affected. With a primary infection in a child, the general condition may worsen. Sometimes there is low-grade fever. In the third stage of the disease, the bubbles burst on their own. The secret goes out. During this period, sick people are most dangerous to others. In the final stage of herpes blisters disappear. In their place there are crusts, which are then removed.

Sometimes the bubbles merge to form large elements of up to 10-15 mm. With herpes simplex, the rash is localized not only on the scalp, but also on the face. In this case, the lips are affected. Perhaps the involvement in the process of oral mucosa with the development of acute tonsillitis, gingivitis or glossitis. If the virus enters the brain, then the cerebral form of the disease develops. Infants suffer from this disease.

The skin is not affected. Observed neurological symptoms in the form of seizures, impaired consciousness, regurgitation and difficulty breathing.A dangerous consequence is swelling of the brain. Herpes zoster is severely leaking. It develops in people who had chickenpox in childhood. The disease is registered in the form of isolated cases. The rash is located near the nerves.

Laboratory tests of blood are prescribed to distinguish herpes from other diseases of the scalp.

The prodromal period is up to 4 days. It is characterized by itching, fever, headache, dyspepsia, burning sensation and chills. During the height of the temperature rises. There are pains in the muscles and joints. Vesicular rash appears. It may be localized in the forehead or eyes. Sometimes 3 pairs of cranial nerves are affected. Perhaps the development of myelopathy and meningoencephalitis. Pronounced swelling of tissues and hyperemia.

Examination and treatment tactics

Herpes on the head in the hair should be distinguished from pyoderma (pustular diseases) and seborrhea. In the case of the surrounding disease, neuralgia should be excluded. Before you treat herpes on the head, you will need the following studies:

  • blood test for IgM and IgG,
  • general clinical analyzes
  • polymerase chain reaction,
  • cytological analysis of scraping from the scalp or vesicle contents.

When signs of the cerebral form of the disease is required to assess the state of the brain. If the cause of the rash was a cold, then in the general analysis of blood changes are possible. The final diagnosis is made after identification of the virus. For herpes on the head in the hair, treatment includes the use of antiviral medications, ointments and immunostimulants.

From herpes on the head, Gerperax ointment helps

When HSV is detected, Aciclovir Akrikhin, Zovirax, Valvir, Valtrex, Valcikon and Famvir are used. Often appointed recombinant alpha interferon. It allows you to improve the immune status. This contributes to the suppression of the virus. Complete elimination of the pathogen is impossible to achieve. According to the testimony prescribed antiherpetic vaccine. It is not always effective. It all depends on the state of immunity.

Immunostimulants (Neovir) are often prescribed to weakened people. For cerebral congenital herpes, antiviral medications are recommended to be administered intravenously. If necessary, oxygenation, dehydration and taking anticonvulsants are required. To increase the overall strength of the patients are assigned vitamins.

For fever and other symptoms of intoxication, infusion therapy is performed. Of the external remedies for the treatment of herpes head, Gerperax ointment has proven itself well. Patients are advised to eat more fresh, vitamin-rich and protein-rich foods. With herpes zoster, sedatives are often prescribed.

UFO, quartz treatment and laser therapy help. Often, patients are injected with a homologous immunoglobulin. The prognosis for the simple form of the disease is favorable. With cerebral congenital herpes, it worsens significantly. Thus, HSV can cause damage to the skin of the face and head, as well as the central nervous system.

Therapy methods

The faster the diagnosis of the disease is performed, and the sooner its therapy begins, the higher the likelihood that the disease will not become severe.

The treatment of this pathology is mainly engaged in a dermatologist.

How to treat herpes localized on the head? Successful therapy is guaranteed the correct and proactive use of antiviral medications. Currently, the most effective drugs are Famciclovir, Acyclovir and Zovirax. The affected areas of the skin should be smeared with one of the above drugs up to 6 times per day.
If the patient began to be treated promptly, he has the opportunity to remove all manifestations of the disease in the neck and head during the first week. When the disease is established at the third stage of development, then drug treatment can last up to two weeks or more.

It is necessary to treat herpes not only with the help of local preparations, but also exerting an internal effect on the viral infection. In addition to antiviral agents, one of the anti-inflammatory drugs (based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen), as well as immunostimulants that can help in the process of activating the protective functions of the body should be taken.

Do not ignore home treatment methods that help to more effectively deal with herpes head:

  1. A mixture of valocordin, garlic and almond oil smears rashes that appear
  2. As a compress applied sheet of plantain.
  3. In order to increase the protective functions of the body, you can regularly take tincture of willow bark and ginger root.
  4. A rather good result is given by a lotion made from a decoction of such herbs as immortelle, mint and lemon balm. Raw materials are taken in equal shares and mix thoroughly. Then a tablespoon of vegetable ingredients is poured 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes.
  5. To reduce the degree of the inflammatory process, alcoholic tincture of lemon balm and calendula can be applied to the affected areas of the scalp.

With exacerbation of the disease should refrain from washing the head. This will make it possible to eliminate the risk of spreading the infection to healthy parts of the skin.

It should also be aware of preventive measures, which consist primarily in strengthening the immune system. Experts in the field of dermatology advise to normalize the diet, to adhere to the daily regimen, to perform the "hardening" of the body.

The causes and forms of herpetic lesions of the head

The cause of herpes on the head can be two types of herpes viruses:

  • herpes simplex virus,
  • shingles virus.

Also, under the influence of negative factors, the body weakens before the activity of the pathogen. A person undergoes a relapse of a previously penetrated virus into the body with:

  • reduced immunity
  • stressful situations
  • immunodeficiency states
  • unhealthy diet
  • pregnancy
  • hormonal imbalance
  • having bad habits
  • bad ecology,
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body.

Herpes on the head appears as an acute or chronic recurrent disease associated with a decrease in immunity.

Herpes simplex virus. Pathology develops in the hair if the herpes virus of type 1 has become the causative agent of the disease. Infection of the scalp occurs through airborne droplets. The development of herpes in the scalp in this case happens only occasionally and occurs against the background of a strong decline in immunity. The disease is manifested by rashes and microtraumas on the head. Infected people should be tested for HIV infection.

Shingles. The development of shingles on the head can be observed more often in the elderly. The disease manifests itself in the form of exacerbation of chicken pox. Although with shingles, although with chickenpox, after curing, the Varicella-Soter virus is always present in the human body. It is constantly suppressed by the immune system, only with a weakened immune system, the virus can be activated.

The symptoms of the disease are varied depending on what type of virus caused the activation of the disease. Herpes on the head and in the hair does not occur immediately, it is accompanied by certain conditions and uncomfortable sensations. Depending on the etiology of the disease, the symptoms may vary slightly.

Symptoms of the herpes simplex virus

Type 1 virus has distinctive symptoms that cannot be confused. Herpes occurs not only on the scalp, but also on the lips and mucous membranes. The disease is characterized by rashes in the form of small bubbles with a fluid content inside. The disease proceeds in several stages:

  1. The first. At this stage, the infection manifests itself with redness and an itching sensation in places of localization. If you start treatment at the first symptoms, it is quickly eliminated and does not cause any complications.
  2. The second stage is characterized by an increase in bubbles and the appearance of a clear liquid inside them, which eventually becomes cloudy. Rash and itching persist.
  3. In the third stage, the bubbles burst and exudate is released. The fluid from the burst bubble forms an erosive surface on the skin under the hair.
  4. At the fourth stage of the course of the disease, crusts are formed. Their injury leads to bleeding.

Herpes simplex virus on the head

The mild course of the disease does not affect the general condition of the patient, but the severe form is not limited to local manifestations on the scalp. A person has unpleasant feelings in the form of:

  • increase body temperature
  • general weakness
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • severe pain.

Without treatment, the herpes virus on the head will not disappear, to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptoms and start treatment.

Signs of herpes zoster

Shingles can occur anywhere on the body. Symptoms depend on the location of the deprivation. With the development of herpes zoster on the head, the trigeminal and facial nerve are affected. Such symptoms are accompanied by:

  • neuralgic disorders
  • numbness and paralysis of the trigeminal and facial nerve for several months,
  • increased body temperature
  • painful sensations in the eyes and ears,
  • development of ulcers in the mouth,

Shingles on the head

There are cases of defeat virus of nerve cells of the brain. This is a very serious complication that can lead to irreversible consequences.

Herpes simplex treatment

Treatment of herpes on the head must be approached seriously. With timely treatment to the doctor, the disease does not cause any complications. Herpesvirus therapy is based on the use of antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs. Antiviral drugs include - "Acyclovir", "Famciclovir", "Valaciclovir". Anti-inflammatory drugs include - "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen".

Valaciclovir and Famciclovir

Also during treatment may require:

  • subcutaneous injection of antiherpetic vaccine (the doctor determines the scheme and dose)
  • take immunity enhancing drugs
  • several times a day to process the burst bubbles with miramistin or panthenol,
  • apply erythromycin ointment, which heals ulcers at the stage of development of a scab,
  • the use of ointment with analgesic effect,
  • physiotherapy - ultraviolet rays and a quartz lamp can destroy the virus.

It is possible to get rid of herpes on the scalp, if you follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Only a comprehensive treatment will help stop the progression of the disease and prevent further development of complications.

Treatment of herpes zoster

The patient should be hospitalized only in the event of a threat of brain damage. The development of Herpes-Zoster on the head causes an unpleasant feeling in an adult, so therapy is based on reducing pain and preventing secondary infection. As well as with herpes simplex drugs are prescribed:

  • antiviral,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • painkillers
  • boost immunity.

For unbearable pains, doctors prescribe the following additional measures:

  1. Blockade. Manipulation involves the introduction of pain medication into the nearby soft tissues of the diseased nerve. After the procedure, the patient feels relieved for some time.
  2. Electrostimulation of the nerves. The purpose of the procedure is to normalize the functional activity of the nerve endings and eliminate pain.

When the virus infects the nerve branches, signs appear in the form of: constipation or diarrhea, urinary incontinence, paralysis or numbness in different parts of the body. With such complications, the doctor prescribes narcotic analgesics.

For the treatment of herpes on the head, in particular, in the treatment of shingles it is possible to use not only medical means, but also traditional methods. They involve the use of various tinctures that need to be ingested and the application of compresses to the affected area, soaked in a special herbal decoction. All your actions need to be discussed with your doctor. Only the right treatment can get rid of the infection.

Shingles treatment

Can I wash my hair with herpes?

Shampooing for herpes should be limited. Water procedures are prohibited to take at the beginning of the disease. When urgently needed, you can wash your hair with baby shampoo without the use of dyes and flavors. Rubbing the scalp is strictly prohibited. After washing, it is necessary to treat the rash.

Possible complications

Herpes on the head with proper treatment is not dangerous. But when a disease is ignored, it has irreversible consequences:

  1. A rash on the head can go to the ear and eye area, causing hearing and vision loss.
  2. Infection can affect the spinal cord and brain. Against the background of such lesions, meningitis and body paralysis develop. When paralysis of the respiratory muscles of the patient can not be saved.
  3. The occurrence of deep erosion causes the spread of the virus in the central nervous system. This can give rise to encephalitis. Sixty percent of people with meningoencephalitic lichen die, and the rest remains disabled for life.
  4. Inhalation of fluid from the bubbles may cause herpes pneumonia.
  5. Prolonged pain in the affected area causes trigeminal neuralgia.

If you find the first signs of damage to the scalp, you should consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. This is a serious disease that causes severe consequences. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the probability of a successful outcome of the disease. Also, proper nutrition, moderate exercise, avoiding bad habits can strengthen the immune system and prevent the activation of the virus.

The essence of pathology

With the herpes virus, many are familiar from childhood. It is at this age that infection most often occurs. According to statistics, 90% of the world's population is virus carriers. Only in 17% of those infected, the disease manifests itself immediately after infection, in the rest the pathogen “waits” for the right moment (it may take a year for symptoms to appear).

Herpes - a viral disease of infectious etiology, which is accompanied by a specific clinic. A typical course of diseases provoked by the herpes virus is characterized by the appearance of bubbles with fluid at the site of injury (skin, mucous membranes).

Science knows a large number of varieties of the virus, but 8 of them can harm the human body. Each type causes certain pathologies, has a characteristic localization, has a high degree of infectiousness. Once in the body, the virus is inserted into the genetic apparatus of the nerve cells, as a result of which it is impossible to cure it forever.

Ways of transmission: airborne, household, sexual, vertical.

Interesting! Herpes rash on the head often worries women aged 65 years.

Herpes in the head is a manifestation of the activity of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (Herpes simplex, HSV 1) or the herpes virus type 3 (Varicella Zoster). It is possible that other pathogens can provoke this pathology, because each disease can occur atypically.

HSV 1 is the so-called labial herpes, which is mainly manifested by “cold” on the lips, nose wings, nasolabial triangle. In case of violation of the integrity of the skin on the head, the "transfer" of the virus from the main focus is not excluded (the patient himself does this - spreads the infection, promotes the spread of the rash).Infection is also possible by close contact with an infected person (for example, contact sports, or a trip to the hairdresser).

However, the appearance of herpes on the scalp is a manifestation of shingles activity. This disease, like chickenpox in children, provokes varicella zoster. Having been ill with chickenpox in childhood, the human body produces lifelong immunity to it. But the virus remains in the body forever and several decades later (after 50 years), the pathogen can manifest itself as deprived, which provokes the appearance of herpetic eruptions on any part of the body along the path of the nerve endings. One-sided localization is characterized by an abundant grouped rash resembling a belt trace. A rash on the head indicates damage to the trigeminal nerve.

Causes, clinical picture

The causes of herpes on the head are exactly the same as in all other parts of the body. The immune system reacts to the introduction of the virus by producing specific antibodies that are able to keep its activity under control. But in some circumstances, the body is unable to cope with the activity of the pathogen. These circumstances are:

  • reduced immunity
  • stressful situations
  • hard physical labor
  • inferior rest,
  • poor nutrition,
  • pregnancy,
  • immunodeficiency states.

All herpetic diseases have a similar clinic. The average incubation period is 21 days after infection. At the initial stage, a person feels unwell, body temperature rises, nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and an increase in cervical lymph nodes is possible. The scalp reddens, itching appears, but it is possible that the patient will not notice this under the hair. Signs of a herpes infection are like a cold or poisoning.

After 1-2 days, characteristic symptoms begin to appear. The temperature jump is fixed, bubbles with liquid appear on the head. With the defeat of HSV-1, the whole head can be affected, the patient feels itchy, when the 3 types of virus are activated, a rash appears on one side (most often in the neck, temples), the affected place is very sore.

Under the influence of external factors, the bubbles themselves open up, forming small erosion. At this stage, the person is very contagious, in addition, there is a risk of the introduction of bacterial flora in wounds, which may lead to the development of complications. The sores are covered with crusts, which fall off without leaving a trace (with HSV-1). In the event of a lesion of varicella zoster on the skin, scars with a depression may remain.

In a child, a rash occurs on the background of chicken pox, when herpetic lesions appear throughout the body (from head to toe). Children suffer the disease much easier for adults. After two weeks, comes full recovery.

Depending on the level of the body's defenses, the symptoms can last from 2 to 4 weeks. In the case of herpes zoster on the head, painful sensations along the nerve endings may not last for a long period of time (from several months to several years).

Diagnostic and therapeutic interventions

How to treat herpes on the head, only the doctor will answer. When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner, a virologist, a neurologist or a dermatologist. An experienced specialist on the basis of examining the patient, collecting anamnesis will be able to accurately diagnose. However, it is sometimes necessary to analyze the liquid from the bubbles for typing of the virus.

To cure the disease is completely impossible. Therapeutic goals are to stop the spread of the virus, relieve symptoms, reduce the number of exacerbations, minimize the risk of complications.

The main group of drugs used for any herpetic disease is antiviral. The most effective for herpes on the head are pills and capsules. Topical treatment with ointments, creams, gels is complicated by the presence of hair. Valaciclovir and Famciclovir are taken by adults on 500 mg three times a day for 7-10 days. In addition, the second drug can minimize the possibility of development of postherpetic neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve. In complicated cases, intravenous and intramuscular injections are indicated.

Aciclovir 100-200 mg three times a day is prescribed for the treatment of babies from the year on (course of treatment is not more than 5 days).

Acyclovir ointment, Fenistil Penzivir cream, will help increase the effectiveness of the treatment of herpes on the head in the hair. Apply a thin layer of at least 5 times a day on the affected skin. To do this, you need to comb your hair well, separating the part carefully lubricate all the bubbles. Often apply ointments and creams for herpes on the head is very difficult (especially if long thick hair), because of this the pathology is aggravated.

Ibuprofen, Paracetamol will help to anesthetize, eliminate fever, body aches. To relieve itching, burning, swelling drink tablets with antihistamine action Tavegil, Suprastin.

For neurological pains, it is recommended to use the lidocaine patch Versatis, which has no contraindications and lasts for 12 hours.

It is not necessary to wash the head often, using baby shampoo without fragrances, dyes and other harmful components. After the procedure, the wound is treated with local antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin).

At the stage of formation of ulcers, Fukortsin, Brilliant Green is used to prevent the entry of bacterial microflora.

When crusts form, it is effective to lubricate them with Erythromycin ointment - this will speed up the healing process. You can also use Levomekol, Solcoseryl.

Children and pregnant women with herpes are prescribed zinc ointment, which is the safest and no less effective.

Some patients are interested in the question - herpes on the head how to treat with the help of physiotherapy? Viral cells die under the influence of a quartz lamp, ultraviolet rays and a laser. These procedures can be included in the course of herpes therapy.

To increase the body's resistance, multivitamin preparations are taken (Vitrum, Vitaminerl). Useful injections of vitamins of group B, preparations of zinc and calcium.

Fundamental rules

The success of therapy depends on several factors, among which the main place is taken by timely access to a doctor. The sooner the treatment begins, the better for the patient and his health.

To obtain a positive result, you must adhere to some rules:

  • do not self-medicate
  • to eat right - to exclude fried, fatty, salty dishes, to enrich the diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products,
  • prevent the spread of the virus - wash your hands thoroughly after each contact with affected areas,
  • the high level of infectiousness necessitates isolation of the patient - personal household items, bedding and bath accessories,
  • You should comb your hair with a comb with sparse teeth (pre-treat with a local antiseptic), without affecting the skin,
  • Accurately follow all recommendations of the attending physician.

In addition, it is necessary to walk every day in the fresh air, and at home to carry out wet cleaning and airing.

With a typical course of treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is for people with large affected areas, pregnant women, small children, patients with serious pathologies (HIV, AIDS, oncology, hepatitis C, cirrhosis).


Watch the video: WHO: Most People Have Herpes (May 2024).