Dandruff treatment

Reviews: sulsen shampoo for dandruff


Sulsen Retard:
enhanced action

Mirrolla Sulsen FORTE:

Mirrolla Sulsen MITE:
for dandruff prevention

Mirrolla Sulsen Retard - a directional tool. The enhanced effect of the active ingredients in the composition effectively fights scalp problems.

Forte shampoos are designed to thoroughly cleanse the scalp and hair, eliminate the causes of dandruff and its visible signs. The line is a product containing various active ingredients, such as: selenium disulfide, climbazole, ketoconazole, nettle extract. To shampoo does not cause addiction, it is necessary to combine the use of funds. Thus, you can achieve a visible result. All shampoos of the Mirrolla Sulsen FORTE series: anti-dandruff supplemented with caring substances to strengthen the hair and give it a healthy shine.

Pasta SULSEN FORTE is an effective remedy for eliminating dandruff and itching. It is applied as a mask after using SULSEN FORTE shampoo and fixes its effect. Contains selenium disulfide at a concentration of 2%, this component regulates the growth of skin cells and eliminates microscopic fungi. Promotes hair growth.

Gel soap eliminates the cause of dandruff, as well as its visible manifestations. Regulates the growth of skin cells and eliminates microscopic fungi. The soft, alkaline, handmade soap base does not irritate damaged skin. Gel soap for hair SULSEN FORTE contains in its composition natural extracts of medicinal herbs and vitamins, caring for the hair, giving them shine and healthy appearance.

SULSEN MITE series shampoos are used to prevent the reappearance of dandruff. Fix the effect of the use of line SULSEN FORTE. The SHALPNES SULSEN MITE series contains active compounds that regulate the growth of skin cells and eliminate microscopic fungi. The line is a product containing various active ingredients, such as selenium disulfide, tar. To shampoo does not cause addiction, it is necessary to combine the use of funds. Thus, you can achieve a visible result. The shampoo is enriched with conditioning additives and plant extracts that strengthen and restore the hair structure, as well as giving it shine and healthy appearance.

Additionally, SHAMPUNI SULSEN MITE is enriched with caring additives and herbal extracts. They strengthen and restore the hair structure, and also give shine and healthy look.

Pasta SULSEN MITE is an effective means to prevent the reappearance of dandruff. It is applied as a mask after using the SULSEN MITE shampoo and fixes its effect. Contains selenium disulfide at a concentration of 1%, this component regulates the growth of skin cells and eliminates microscopic fungi. Accelerates hair growth.

Soap "Mite" is used to prevent the reappearance of dandruff. Used to maintain the normal state of the scalp after the elimination of desquamation and itching using the Forte line. It includes selenium disulfide, as well as caring components that positively affect the condition of the hair, strengthen it and give it a healthy shine.

Why dandruff appears

This disease is caused by a fungal infection. Such a harmful microorganism lives on the skin of absolutely every person and is manifested only under the influence of certain factors.

The fungus feeds on fat, which is produced by the sebaceous glands, and multiplies rather quickly. This process disrupts the renewal of skin cells and causes them to peel. Consequently, the not completely dead cells of the epidermis turn into flakes, called dandruff.

Activation of a fungal infection is provoked by the following factors:

  • violation of the functioning of internal organs,
  • strong nervous tension
  • hormonal disruptions
  • poor nutrition,
  • substandard hair care products.

All of these factors contribute to the development of dandruff in both men and women. If you find such a problem, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible and undergo a full examination.

If the internal organs are in order, and the problem lies in the epidermis, then you should purchase a special hair care product that will help you choose true reviews. Sulsen shampoo is now produced under different brands, and they all attract the attention of consumers.

Best tools

Today, there are many manufacturers of hair care products, but not all of them are respected by customers. The most popular shampoos are:

  1. "Sulsena" from "Amalgam Lux".
  2. "Sulsen Forte" from "Mirolla".

Both of these tools are well known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Shampoos quickly and effectively cope with the most difficult tasks, for which they get more and more fans.

Shampoo "Sulsena"

Sulsen shampoo against dandruff reviews has good due to the ideal ratio of quality and cost. In a pharmacy or specialty store, this tool can be purchased for 270-300 rubles.

Its manufacturer is the Ukrainian company "Amalgam Lux". Over 10 years of existence, the brand has proven to consumers that its products are effective and worthy of respect. Many people in different countries were able to get rid of annoying dandruff, hair loss, as well as seborrhea. And one of the significant advantages is the ability to use this shampoo for absolutely all people, regardless of age, gender and hair type.

The main component of the agent is selenium disulfide. This substance is distinguished by its beneficial qualities, which not every modern expensive tool can boast. These beneficial qualities are:

  1. Fungicidal. The tool is able to destroy the colonies of the fungus, as well as to eliminate the environment favorable for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.
  2. Cytostatic. Shampoo normalizes the active work of the sebaceous glands, thanks to which the cells restore the habitual cycle of life and no longer form white flakes on the human hair.
  3. Keratolytic. The component helps exfoliate the skin cells and prevents the formation of dandruff.

All these properties are due to the influence of selenium disulfide on the fungus. When this substance is in contact with a microorganism, it quickly attaches to the walls of the fungus, which creates an obstacle to its reproduction.

Like any drug, shampoo has certain contraindications. It is prohibited to use it:

  • children under 14 years old
  • pregnant and lactating women
  • people with hypersensitivity to the components.

The tool copes with its task. But there are cases when the action of shampoo alone is not enough. Then additional funds will help to enhance the effect:

  1. Paste "Sulsena" (about 100 rubles). The product helps to eliminate itching, dandruff, irritation, as well as cope with excessive sebum secretion.
  2. Shampoo peeling (about 300 rubles). Means with selenium disulfide fights dandruff and deeply cleanses the skin.

Effect on hair

Sulsen dandruff shampoo, of which there are various reviews, differs useful components that positively affect the hair. The tool has gained its popularity due to the following properties:

  1. Curls become more lively and lose their shine.
  2. The protective functions of the epidermis are strengthened, the favorable environment for the reproduction of fungal infections disappears.
  3. The components of the shampoo take part in the work of the sebaceous glands, and also normalize the production of the substance sebum.
  4. The life cycle of skin cells is normalized.

Tool Reviews

Sulsen shampoo receives positive feedback from both women and men. First of all, consumers note the possibility of the means to actively fight dandruff and heal hair. After the first use, the healthy look and shine of the hair is noticeable.

Negative reviews did not receive sulsen shampoo in your address. It has been tried not only by residents of Russia, but also by neighboring states, and they were all satisfied.

In addition, customers claim that this shampoo is not able to replace any of its counterpart. Despite the fact that there are a lot of tools similar to Sulsen in component composition and properties, they only mask the problem, but they do not cure it at all. Therefore, this tool is recommended to get every person suffering from dandruff, because its value is acceptable to all.

Sulsen shampoo from Mirolla

Mirrolla head wash with sulsen shampoo (reviews are given below), the cost of which varies between 200-250 rubles for 250 milliliters. It is intended for people who do not know how to deal with itchy head and hateful dandruff.

Many people have heard of the existence of such a tool, but not everyone knows how the “Sulsen Forte” shampoo can surprise. Reviews of him can not be bad, as it does not cause allergic reactions and adequately cope with the task. Wonderful headwash solves any problems in a fairly short time.

Shampoo is different from other similar means of its packaging. It goes on sale in a low flat bottle made of dark transparent plastic. The front of the label says the name of the product, and the back - all the necessary information about it (composition, method of use, storage conditions, and so on).

Mark "Forte" means that the shampoo is concentrated, and its effect on dandruff and the causes of its occurrence is enhanced.

As a part of the product, plant extracts are present, as well as conditioning additives. These components help restore and strengthen hair.

Shampoo "Sulsen Forte" against dandruff, reviews of which are listed below, is able to perform such tasks:

  1. Improve hair growth.
  2. Elimination of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.
  3. Normalization of the microflora of the scalp.
  4. Active fight with skin peeling.
  5. Reduced itching.


Known to everyone sulsenovy shampoo with ketoconazole has only good reviews. Buyers note the pleasant-looking packaging, color and smell of the product itself. Pale yellow color with a mother-of-pearl shade and small patches attracts both women and men. And the herbal smell with notes of spring flowers, which is felt only when the bottle is opened, lingers on the hair for some time.

There are also no complaints about the main features of the shampoo. He perfectly copes with dandruff and accelerates hair growth. Immediately after the first use, the hair becomes softer and more elastic, without any extra fluffiness.

As a preventive remedy, it is sufficient to apply only once a month. This is quite enough to eliminate dandruff and itching of the scalp.

What is a remedy?

Scientists investigating the causes of dandruff, came to the consensus that she occurs due to a violation of the microflora of the dermis of the scalp, which occurs due to the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands. Yeast-like fungus Pitirosporum, which lives on the scalp, under such favorable conditions begins to actively multiply, creating whole colonies. It is the products of its vital activity that provoke a rapid exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin - the epithelium, which leads to the formation of dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis.

Sulsen Mirol shampoo actively opposes the fungus, preventing its nutrition at the cellular level. Accordingly, the microorganism dies, eliminating the occurrence of white scales in the future.

Sulsen Shampoo Forte contributes to:

  • removal of mycosis due to its fungicidal effects on the skin of the hair,
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands (the optimal amount of sebum is released, so the fungus does not parasitize on your dermis),
  • exfoliation of keratinized skin particles,
  • rapid hair growth, because it improves the access of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles,
  • accelerate the regeneration of the skin,
  • moisturizing curls (after applying the tool they become soft, shiny and crumbly, like after a balm-rinse).

An important point! Unlike other shampoos from the “Anti-dandruff” series presented in our pharmacies, the special formula of Sulsena does not overdry hair at all. That is why it is suitable for oily or dry scalp. The remedy is also indicated for seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and pityriasis.

Anti-dandruff shampoo line from Mirroll

There are such options shampoos against dandruff from the manufacturer Mirolla:

  • Mirra "Sulsen Forte". The 250 ml medicinal suspension is enclosed in a dark bottle. A means of 1 and 2% selenium disulfide is on sale (in the first case, the shampoo is recommended for prophylaxis, in the second - for treatment). Healing cosmetics has a pleasant aroma of herbs. The formula includes individual extracts that help to improve the condition of the hair. It is necessary to apply every 3 days.

  • Dermatological shampoo Mirolla. This product manufacturer recommends alternate with the paste Sulsen. A bottle of 250 ml will be quite enough to undergo a 2-month course of therapy.

  • "Sulsen Mite." On the packaging manufacturer indicates that the product is intended to combat dandruff and hair loss. A special advantage of this product is that it is perfect for bold curls. The orange mass actively removes various kinds of pollution and dandruff, freeing the follicle from the flap formed on the skin, which prevents the penetration of oxygen and other nutrients.

  • Sulsenic shampoo “Forte” with ketoconazole. The active ingredient in 150 and 250 ml vials is ketoconazole, which has a detrimental effect on the fungus.

  • Sulsenic shampoo "Forte" with klimbazol. In this case, the key component of the agent is klimbazol, an analogue of ketoconazole. Available in 150 and 250 ml.

  • Shampoo sulsenovy "Forte" on the basis of tar. As you know, the tar has a light peeling of the epidermis. That is why dandruff quickly leaves the skin of your hair.

  • Sulsenic shampoo “Forte” with nettle. Nettle extract is introduced into the basic composition of the preparation, which provides a pleasant aroma and improves the condition of your curls.

Composition and useful properties

The anti-dandruff hair product contains selenium disulfide. It is embedded in the cell wall of parasitic microorganisms, acting at the molecular level. After such manipulations the fungus cannot divide, therefore it does not multiply in the future.

In addition, it is a substance synthesized by the chemical industry, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and improves the condition of the epithelium. Selenium disulfide can linger on your hair for a long time, exerting a preventive effect in between the approaches of applying the therapeutic suspension.

As known, selenium disulfide is not a universal remedy against fungi (it does not kill all variants of parasitic organisms). Therefore, the manufacturer decided to make his tool more active by introducing into it other important components: climatebazole or ketoconazole, which just contribute to the elimination of mycoses by 100%.

The composition of medical cosmetics also includes salicylic acid and citric acid, glycerin, extracts of plants and herbs, which significantly improve the condition of the hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

Clinical trials of Sulsen shampoo with ketoconazole showed that it not only eliminates dandruff and the main factor of its formation, but also removes the negative consequences of the development of the disease:

  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • irritation on the scalp
  • psoriasis,
  • alopecia (severe hair loss).

It should also be noted that the shampoo pharmaceutical company "Mirolla" has a low cost. It has a complex effect, killing the fungus, improving blood microcirculation near the skin, and most importantly, eliminating the root cause - an imbalance in the sebaceous glands.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • quick spending
  • slightly natural composition,
  • not very pleasant smell
  • mild effects (although Mirrol Forte with ketoconazole or climbazole will surely be able to overcome the fungus).


There are no special restrictions in the use of Sulsen Mirulla shampoo. Contraindications are reduced only to individual intolerance of the individual components of the tool. Do you want to know if you are allergic to the ingredients of the proposed suspension? Take the easy test. Smear a few drops of shampoo on the skin of the inside of the hand and wait for about 10-15 minutes. After you wash the composition, visually evaluate the dermis for changes. If there is swelling, redness, rash and unpleasant itching, this drug should be abandoned.

It is also not recommended to use the tool for women carrying babies and nursing mothers. Although clinical trials in pregnant women have not been carried out, it is possible that aggressive components may leak through the dermis into the bloodstream and lead to intoxication of the body.

An important point! Most pregnant women dandruff occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. As soon as a long-awaited baby appears, it will pass. That is why leading gynecologists recommend not to take risks with the use of aggressive medical cosmetics with fungicidal effects, and wait a bit.

If the shampoo gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed with a copious stream of water, otherwise mucous irritation is possible. Sulsen dandruff shampoo can be used by children.

The price of shampoo from a Russian manufacturer Mirolla depends on:

  • bottle volume
  • the percentage of the base component (1 or 2%),
  • anti-dandruff shampoo
  • a certain pharmacy.

The cost of shampoo varies between 170-330 rubles. For example, the potent Forte shampoo with ketoconazole can be bought for 250-260 rubles.

The drug is released exclusively in pharmacies. RThe recipe for its acquisition is not required.

How to use

A special advantage of using shampoos in the fight against dandruff is that the procedure is practically no different from the usual washing of the head. You need to stock up a few minutes of free time and strictly follow the instructions below.

Guide to action:

  1. Moisten your curls with warm water.
  2. Apply to the scalp healing composition and distribute it over the entire surface of the areas affected by dandruff.
  3. Massage gently rub the suspension into the dermis for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with regular running water.
  5. The course of treatment is 1-3 months depending on the neglect of the disease. You need to apply shampoo every 2-3 days and in no case stop the therapy, otherwise your previous attempts will not succeed and everything will have to start from scratch.

Important! If you have a feeling that the curls are not well rinsed, you can repeat the procedure again. Remember, only double washing of hair in one approach is allowed, because the active components of the product can provoke skin irritation.

The effect of the application

Reviews of Mirol shampoos with ketoconazole and climbazole appear mainly in a positive way. Already after a weekly use of the drug, a decrease in the cornified scales was observed. Those who received therapy at 2 months managed to forget about dandruff for a long time.

An improvement in the condition of the hair has been noticed: the curls become more clean, soft and pliable to be styled. The users are also surprised by the fact that the shampoos of the “Anti-dandruff” line from Mirroll absolutely do not overdry the skin.

For prophylaxis it is best to use 1% remedy with the active ingredient - selenium disulfide. If you have a copious amount of dandruff, use Forte's 2% shampoo containing either ketoconazole or climbazole.

If there is no effect after a month, consult a dermatologist or trichologist for advice. Rest assured, the shampoo killed the ill-starred fungus, but malfunctions in the sebaceous glands still continue due to specific reasons: malfunction of the endocrine system, malnutrition or frequent nervous disorders. Only the exclusion of these factors will help to forget about the illness forever.

Sulsen shampoo of domestic production Forte or Mite is able to quickly eliminate the ill-fated dandruff. Before using it, it is best to consult a specialist., to make sure that dandruff provoked a parasitic fungus. You can also consult with a dermatologist, which version of shampoo will suit you best.

The composition and principle of shampoo

Sulsena to fight dandruff comes in two forms - it is a paste and shampoo. Sulsen shampoo is distinguished by its cleansing functions and does not have such a pronounced smell as paste (often it is the specific smell that scares people from using the product).

The main active component of this shampoo is selenium disulfide. This component is considered to be dermatological, it is a way to influence the yeast fungus, which provokes dandruff in a person. The active substance has an effect in three directions:

  • inhibits the growth of yeast fungi, destructively affects the environment, comfortable for their active reproduction. Selenium disulfide works as follows: the molecule is attached to the cell of the fungus, thereby preventing its division,
  • normalizes the processes of natural exfoliation of dead cells, thereby preventing the occurrence of dandruff,
  • normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and the renewal of the cellular elements of the skin.

Thus, the use of shampoo with sulsena allows you to deal with several factors at once that create a favorable environment for the appearance of dandruff: disruption of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, weakening the protective forces of the skin, premature cell death due to their accelerated growth and their intense exfoliation.

According to studies, it was found that sulsen shampoo not only eliminates dandruff and its causes, but also prevents the development of its effects, namely, seborrheic dermatitis, hair loss in certain areas, psoriasis.

Method of application of sulsenovogo shampoo

Although sulsen shampoo is among the drugs, there are no specific features in its use. Apply the product to wet hair, after light motions, lather and slightly massage the scalp with your fingers. To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to leave the shampoo on the head for a few minutes, and only then proceed to rinse with warm water. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

How often to use anti-dandruff

Shampoo is allowed for frequent use, manufacturers recommend using it for washing your hair instead of regular shampoo 3 times a week. It is possible to use both as an independent means, and in combination with a by-product - sulsen paste.

The duration of one course is one and a half to two months. The first positive changes become noticeable after a week, as a result, in addition to the disappearance of dandruff, the following results are observed: the hair looks healthier, its structure improves, the number of lost hairs decreases and their growth accelerates.

Sulsen shampoo manufacturers review

It should be understood that sulsen shampoo belongs to the category of medical, so its production is not engaged in cosmetic, and pharmacological companies. You can purchase the product in a pharmacy, and it is presented not by one position, but by several from different manufacturers, so there is plenty to choose from.

Mirra "Sulsen Forte"

Available in two versions - 1% and 2% shampoo, the volume of 250 ml per bottle. The first is designed to prevent, the second directly to combat existing dandruff. The texture is thick, has an amber color and a pleasant grassy aroma. It is easily distributed on hair due to good foaming. The composition also includes plant extracts and additives for conditioning, which can significantly improve the condition of the hair after using the product. It is recommended to apply three times a week for two months.

Mirulla Shampoo (Mirrolla SULSEN)

The product is available in a bottle, the volume of 250 ml. To obtain the best effect, the manufacturer recommends using it in combination with a paste, but can also be used as a separate product.

Helps to effectively get rid of dandruff, relieves itching and discomfort on the skin, improves the condition of the hair. The composition includes a conditioning additive, softening the hair and facilitates combing. Among the contraindications only individual intolerance to ingredients.

Sulsen Amalgam Lux Peeling Shampoo

It is sold in bottles of 150 ml, which are placed in individual cardboard boxes, and in 8 ml disposable sachets. This is not just a shampoo, its formula is supplemented with a special ingredient - soft plastic granules. These components gently exfoliate dead cells, eliminating the problem of dandruff more effectively. The main active component is struggling with the cause of the problem, and the granules help to quickly get rid of its manifestations. Given the specificity of the peeling means, it is recommended to use it no more than 2-3 times within one week.

Sulsen mitte for dandruff and hair loss

The effect of this product is similar to all of the above, its main purpose is to combat the cause and manifestations of dandruff. A big plus of the product is that, in addition to the therapeutic effect, it cleans well of impurities, and due to its normalizing properties of the sebaceous glands, it is excellent for eliminating oily hair. The tool has a thick texture and pleasant aroma of meadow herbs. The product foams well and is distributed through the hair, easily washed off with plain clean water.

Operating principle

The effect of peeling shampoo is aimed at suppressing the vital activity of the yeast-like fungus itself. The active components of this product include not only selenium disulfide, but also a set of polyethylene granules, which serve for a gentle but deep cleansing of the skin.

The purpose of the granules is to gently massage the skin, improving its blood supply, as well as strengthening and toning the hair root system. This peeling leads to the fact that the cornified areas of the epidermis are freed from sticky scales, and the skin and hair get rid of dirt and dandruff.

Apply shampoo-peeling should be in combination with shampoo "Sulsena", providing, thus, on the cause of dandruff enhanced effect and thus contributing to its early destruction.

This drug is not only a means of healing from diseases of the skin, accompanied by such a problem as dandruff. Shampoo "Sulsena" is also an active care for curls and giving them a healthy and beautiful look. As a cosmetic effect, Sulsen shampoo is capable of much and is recommended even for children:

  • it will relieve itchy skin
  • the curls will be shiny and will flow over the shoulders like silk,
  • there will be no shine, which means that you will not be able to wash your hair as often as before,
  • hair, which was characterized by excessive dryness, after exposure to Sulsen shampoo will be soft and elastic,
  • accelerate hair growth.

Against psoriasis

Experts call several reasons for the development of this disease in the scalp. As an option, this can occur with improper diet, as well as in case of violation of the metabolic process in the body.

Accompanied by this ailment such unpleasant manifestations on the affected area, as peeling, itching, the formation of plaques and scales of silvery shade. It is very important in the treatment of psoriasis to choose the right shampoo, and "Sulsen", as well as dandruff shampoo Mirrolla "Sulsenovy", is just such a tool in this case. Its use is guaranteed to lead to such positive changes:

  • the skin will become less flaky, itching will be weaker,
  • rashes will appear less and less
  • inflammatory process will take place, there will be no irritation on the skin,
  • skin will become noticeably softer
  • remove excess fat
  • hair will be cleared from the dead layer of the epidermis.

The action of the Sulsen shampoo to eliminate the main cause of the disease occurs in three directions at once:

  • cytostatic, which regulates the renewal of the skin surface and normalizes the work of the sebaceous gland,
  • fungicidal, which suppresses the growth of the fungus, and also destroys the environment in which it multiplied,
  • keratolytic, in which the exfoliation of dead epidermis occurs, and dandruff is thus not formed.

Anti dandruff

To defeat dandruff, you should not only use the shampoo of therapeutic action, because it is not at all necessary that it appeared from a skin disease or from a fungus. In order for the Sulsen shampoo to completely and permanently save you from this scourge, you will have to follow these basic rules:

  • to improve the work of the endocrine glands,
  • switch to proper nutrition, ensuring that the body receives all the necessary vitamins,
  • try not to overwork either physically or mentally,
  • make sure that the skin of the head is not supercooling and not overheating,
  • give up or almost give up on a hair dryer, pleyos and chemical effects on curls,
  • keep your hair clean
  • try not to be nervous.

With hair loss

Baldness is not a rare problem, and people at different ages can suffer from it. As a rule, the main reasons for this phenomenon include the following:

  • weakened immunity
  • lack of blood iron
  • the body's response to the reception of a medication,
  • failure of the hormonal system,
  • seborrhea or dermatitis,
  • poor blood supply to the scalp,
  • poor nutrition,
  • a consequence of stressful situations
  • negative impact of ecology,
  • sudden change in temperature.

The amino acids contained in the hair structure are rich in sulfur, and if this element is not enough, the hair becomes dry, brittle and fragile. Shampoo "Sulsena" from baldness, which contains selenium disulfide - and this is 45% sulfur, it is possible to most effectively cope with this problem.

As a result, the curls acquire strength, elasticity and cease to fall out. If this product is used regularly, then the necessary hair care and a quick process of new hair regrowth will be provided.

How to use

In order to get the result you want to achieve at home, you need to follow certain rules. Use this tool a maximum of three times a week, and if you use it as a means for prevention, then once every ten days will be enough.

If the product accidentally gets into your face or eye area, immediately rinse the area with running water, but in any case, you should follow these instructions:

  • the product is applied in small portions to wet hair,
  • shampoo should be foamed over the entire length of the hair,
  • massage the skin of the head with finger pads so that the horny particles are safely exfoliated,
  • the tool should not be washed off the hair for at least three minutes,
  • rinse the Sulsen shampoo under a good stream of warm water
  • do it all twice.


Watch the video: Dandruff Q&A with a dermatologist (July 2024).