Useful tips

How to do eyebrow piercing step by step


Eyebrow piercing is a piercing of soft tissues in the face area at the level of the superciliary arch with the subsequent installation of a decorative ornament. A couple of decades ago, such bodimification was considered the prerogative of adolescents - non-formals and fans of hard rock. But at one point, the stars of show business turned views and turned the eyebrow fashion for ordinary guys and girls who want to express their individuality and enhance the beauty of their faces.

Eyebrow Piercing Features

Eyebrow piercing refers to several types of soft tissue puncturing. Each of them has distinctive characteristics and its own technique of forming a hole.

  • Diagonally. The needle passes under the chosen master and the client angle, the ends of the earrings are located above and below the contour of the eyebrow. There is a high risk of touching with clothes and hair, which can cause long-term healing, the development of complications and pain.
  • Vertical. The puncture is carried out in the area of ​​the tip, the edges of the earrings are located on the same line above and below.
  • Bridge. Has a tangent relationship to brow techniques. Holes are located in the nose, at the eye level or slightly higher. A vertical or horizontal channel formation technique is used. For decoration used microdermal, rod, rarely rings.
  • Horizontal piercing on eyebrows. Parallel holes are made on one line above or below the outer edge. The decoration is as tight as possible under the skin, which reduces the risk of injury due to accidental touching by hands or clothing. The technique of execution is more complicated than with vertical and horizontal puncture.
  • Anti-eyebrow. The holes are made under the eye with a slight tilt, creating the effect of the second brow brow.

If the listed types do not hit the customer, the master offers the original version - a combination of the available options.

It looks interesting horizontal puncture and diagonal. Imagine, change the direction of the earrings and create your own composition that best demonstrates the character around you and will be combined with the style.

How to pierce the house and in the cabin

When performing piercing on the eyebrows, you should consider the dangers and select the salon in which experienced specialists work. It is dangerous for health to carry out the procedure independently or in an office where sanitary norms are not observed. The master is obliged to handle the tools, monitor the sterility of the hands and use only disposable needles.

How to make a pierced eyebrow in the salon:

  1. Before the beginning of the working process, the specialist conducts an interview to identify contraindications and individual reactions to pain.
  2. Work tools and earrings are placed in an autoclave and disinfected.
  3. The puncture area is treated with an anti-septum.
  4. Marked.
  5. Processed forceps clamp skin.
  6. A needle with a catheter passes through the holes in the forceps in a fast and steady motion.
  7. Without removing the needle, an earring is inserted into the cavity of the catheter and is passed into the channel, the locks are fixed.
  8. The wounds are lubricated with an antiseptic, if necessary closed with adhesive tape.

Piercing the superciliary arch is carried out with a needle, the gun is not used, because it is not able to penetrate the dense tissue and form the correct channel.

We recommend to read:

How to pierce an eyebrow at home:

  1. Boil and use alcohol with forceps and decoration.
  2. Antiseptic grease the place of the future hole.
  3. Put the markup.
  4. Place the marked points in the holes in the forceps (surgical punch). They are necessary to adjust the depth of puncture and the correct passage of the needle.
  5. Insert the needle from top to bottom, remove the clips.
  6. Slowly replace the needle with an earring. Secure the locks.
  7. With a cotton swab with a disinfectant solution, remove the protruding blood.

For wound disinfection, use only Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

Eyebrow piercing and home conditions are a bad combination, especially for a vertical bridge.

How many heals and care

If the channel formation technique was strictly observed, and the healing took place without complications, then tissue regeneration will take 2-3 months.

A new hole can be made only after full recovery of the skin.

  • Several times a day to carry out the treatment with antiseptic neat threading earrings.
  • Do not sleep on the side where the piercing is inserted.
  • Remove the remains of lymph and blood with a cotton pad with a disinfector or sterile cloth.
  • Daily change pillow case to a pillow to prevent the development of an infectious process.

How painful it is to make a puncture and possible consequences

Does it hurt to pierce the eyebrow? Customer reviews of piercers say that the procedure is painful, does not require treatment with painkillers. Girls and men easily endure a few minutes, but if you have concerns, the master can apply anesthetic ointment or Lidocaine to the puncture site.

Consequences and complications of eyebrow piercing:

  • hematomas in the eye area and the risk of damaging the optic nerve when the bridge is punctured,
  • redness, bleeding, swelling, inflammation of the mucous membrane,
  • blood poisoning due to non-compliance with the asepsis rules,
  • infection due to a violation of care recommendations,
  • rejection earrings as a result of a weakened immune system or an allergic reaction to the metal.

Choice of decoration

Depending on the type of piercing, I have the following eyebrow piercing jewelry:

  • barbell It has a straight pin and tips in the form of balls at the ends,
  • barbella Curved bar with tips on the edges,
  • ring. Universal product for all types of holes,

Precious metals accelerate healing, but if you are allergic to their alloys, it is better to use Teflon or plastic.

The extravagant and original look of the earring in the area of ​​the eyebrow in the photo and in real life attracts and forces to draw the attention of others. The guy or girl who decided to puncture is extraordinary and interesting personalities. Eyebrow piercing does not hurt. How many heals, and will bother so much, so it is suitable only for persistent and patient people.

Eyebrow Piercing

As in many other types of punctures, eyebrow piercings are classified according to the location of the jewelry. In most cases, it does not mean anything, just everyone chooses a site at their own discretion.

Eyebrow Piercing

The most common types of piercing are:

  • Vertical. It is done across the eyebrow, and the bar is inserted into the hole, which is decorated with spikes or beads. This puncture is very convenient to do on their own, but in the process of healing various troubles can happen. The main disadvantages are that the earring will always cling to clothes while dressing, which significantly slows down the regeneration process. Its advantages in originality and extravagance, Vertical piercing
  • Horizontal. Very similar to plane piercing. Here the surface of the eyebrow is pierced along the hairline, then a suitable bar or microdermal is inserted into the hole. Making it yourself is quite difficult, although probably Horizontal piercing
  • Anti-eyebrow. Another plane piercing that is done in the eyebrow area. In this type of body art, the decoration is inserted into the area under the eye. Traditionally, it is a pair of piercings - on both sides of the face are identical holes. Because of the dangerous location, this body art is done only in salons, the cost of a session varies from 30 to 70 dollars, Anti-eyebrow
  • Bridge or nasal bridge piercing is often also referred to as brow techniques. The technology replicates horizontal eyebrow piercings. Most often, microdermals or double rods are inserted into the procedure. Much less often rings, as for a lip or in a septum. It happens horizontal and vertical depending on the location of the earring. Bridge

How to do an eyebrow piercing step by step

In order to make eyebrow piercing, you need to prepare a round clamp, a needle for piercing, decoration and antiseptics. The most convenient clips are professional tools, such as production, Sponge Forceps (USA) or other brands. The main difference of professional clips is the material from which they are made. For their manufacture is used only high-grade steel.

Piercing Kit

Eyebrow piercing technology at home with video:

  1. The location of the procedure is carefully sterilized. Unlike many types of body art, eyebrow piercing does not require removal of hair from the treated area, Removing excess hair
  2. In the place of the future hole you need to put a markup. To do this, put a dot with a spirit marker or other available tool, Clamping principle
  3. The skin around the point is placed in the clamp, which also controls the depth of penetration of the needle and the future location of the hole. In order for the puncture not to be located too close to the surface of the eyebrow, you need to capture a rather dense area of ​​the epidermis Piercing Clip
  4. The needle pierces the skin exactly at the markup and remains in it. After this, the clamp is removed. To quickly get the jewelry, you need to start pulling the needle out of the skin and its place to promote the barbell. It is important to do this slowly so as not to lose direction. Otherwise, perhaps, the secondary punching holes, Body piercing process
  5. After replacing the needle on the jewelry on the skin will make blood. This is normal, it is important to immediately remove it with cotton swabs treated with a special antiseptic. In no case do not use perfume or other improvised means. It is better to immediately prepare alcohol, "chlorhexidine" peroxide (only at the time of piercing).

The technique depends on the choice of the location of the piercing in the eyebrows. For example, for a horizontal puncture, the clamp will have to be placed as the hair grows, which can cause some inconvenience. The most difficult thing to work with vertical bridge, so at home it is not recommended to perform.

Original Eyebrow Piercing

Brow piercing is quite painful, but this is a subjective opinion that depends on the pain threshold of a particular person. If you are afraid of discomfort, then before the procedure, treat your skin with Lidocaine, Analgin, analogues or ointments based on them (Emla and others). Anesthetics are suitable for tattoos.

Eyebrow Piercing

Since there are different eyebrow piercingFirst you need to decide which one is right for you. Each of them is characterized by its own characteristics. Technique and puncture site can always be changed - just express your wishes to the master.

Despite all the danger he presents, vertical eyebrow piercing very popular and in demand because of its originality. Punctures are made closer to the outer corner - above and below, one under the other. It looks very beautiful, but it must be understood that the decoration will be strong enough to stick out. Accordingly, it can cling to clothes or hair, which will create a certain discomfort. If you are ready to endure such inconvenience - you can choose a vertical eyebrow piercing.

  • Diagonal / angled

Sometimes an eyebrow piercing at an angle is attributed to a species of vertical. But if the classic involves punctures directly under each other, then here they are made under a certain inclination. It also looks very original, but all the dangers of the previous type of piercing remain.

  • Horizontal

Not so dangerous, horizontal eyebrow piercings are punctures in one line. Most often they are made over the outer corner of the eyebrow. It does not look as defiant as vertical. In addition, the decoration does not bulge out so much - accordingly, it will never cling to anything. However, the wizard will have difficulties with it, since such punctures are somewhat more difficult to do than with vertical piercings. Yes, and jewelry will need to pick more competently.

An interesting piercing technique refers to the eyebrow, although in fact it is only reflected in the title - “anti-eyebrow” means “anti-brow”. Punctures are made under the eye, as if creating the illusion of a second, lower brow arc. They are made in the top of the cheek at a slight angle - the upper part of the piercing is closer to the ear.

The English word “bridge” translates as “bridge”, and it reflects the whole essence of this piercing. Punctures are made from two sides of the nose bridge - just below the eyes or directly between the eyebrows.

  • Combined

If you want something really quite original, you can find other places of puncture along with the master by combining these types of eyebrow piercings.

Any piercing, including eyebrows, is the work of a master that meets the needs of a client. Before the procedure, they should together discuss all the nuances of what happens at the exit. This will allow everyone to enjoy the results, and not be disappointed in them. You can initially find a photo of jokes that you want to make - this will allow you to simulate something similar on your face. And don't forget to find out what is the danger of eyebrow piercing.

Why is it called that?The word “piercing” has a very long etymological path of development. It comes from the English "piercing" ("puncture") ← French "percer" ("pierce, pierce") ← Latin "pertusiare" ("leaky") ← Proto-Indo-European * (s) tud- ("beat").

Eyebrow Piercing Disadvantages

Everything cons of eyebrow piercing you should be aware before going to the salon, and then discuss them with the master. How big is the risk of dangerous health effects and side effects? How often did the person who will perform this procedure do it? Be sure to consider all these nuances, so that it is a real decoration, and not turned into a nightmare for you. The disadvantages include:

  • too high a risk to touch the optic nerve, which will adversely affect vision,
  • eyebrow piercing is easily and often touched when making up or combing, which constantly injures the tissues and interferes with their healing,
  • infection is fraught with inflammation,
  • eyebrow piercing can not be hidden from prying eyes, which does not always have a positive impact on the attitude of others to you: even if you remove the jewelry, the mark will remain on the face for life,
  • soreness
  • a large number of contraindications for the procedure.

More specifically, eyebrow piercing is harmful or not, experts will answer this question positively. Such drastic measures in the face area are too undesirable, the risks of infection and eye injury are very high. But this does not mean that it will touch you. If you competently select the salon and the master, who has enough experience in this business, all these troubles can be easily avoided. It is very important not to ignore the contraindications.

Be careful!There have been cases when teenagers did piercings at home, got infected and died. Perform the procedure exclusively in the cabin in order to avoid complications!


Given all the disadvantages of eyebrow piercing, for this procedure there is a number of contraindications:

Even if the disease seems to have nothing to do with the eyebrow, you need to take care, because piercing is almost always stressful for the body - increased hormone production - an effect on the immune system. Accordingly, for any failure of an organ, this procedure can cause serious complications.If your health is all right, you can pick up jewelry.

With the world - on a thread.The body of the Scottish nurse, Alaine Davidson, is punctured in 700 places, 30 of them in the tongue.

How to choose a jewelry for piercing

Choose yourself eyebrow piercing jewelery Not recommended. You can buy the ones that you really like, but they will be rejected by the master. These products must meet certain criteria, and it will be useful for you to learn about them in advance.

To date, for eyebrow piercing, you can choose a lot of a variety of jewelry, but you need to treat the purchase wisely, wisely, coordinating it with the master. Then the procedure itself will not cause any problems.

From the history.Piercing appeared 10,000 years ago in the Polynesian Islands. Body decorations testified to the status, age, and marital status of a person. They were assigned protective and protective functions.

Procedure progress

Better know in advance how do eyebrow piercingsin order not to be frightened of scary tools and not constantly pulling the master with silly questions about what is happening now. The procedure is about the same in all salons.

  1. Sterilization of jewelry, hands, needles, skin around the eyes.
  2. The skin at the site of the alleged puncture is delayed.
  3. A catheter is inserted upward (or angled). The catheter is selected so that its size matches the size of the rod.
  4. An ornament is immediately inserted into the hole.
  5. The puncture site is once again disinfected.

A professional wizard seeks to get an eyebrow piercing as quickly as possible. Ideally, the procedure should take no more than 1 minute. This will bring a minimum of discomfort and pain. Instant puncture without tightening time will reduce the likelihood of bleeding. After everything is finished, you should be given detailed advice on how to care for the injured part of the face to avoid side effects.

Keep in mind.Despite the odes in honor of the piercing pistol, many experts oppose its use for the following reasons: it is impossible to sterilize its plastic case + it does not form a puncture, but a gap, the torn edges of which heal much longer.

Eyebrow care after piercing

Having decided to diversify your appearance with such an extraordinary decoration, you should know how to care for piercing eyebrowsso that it does not harm your health. Compliance with several rules will protect you from all sorts of complications and undesirable consequences.

  1. Formed in places punctures crusts need to be wetted with a weak salt solution (a small pinch on the glass).
  2. Blot blood and blood can only with the help of a cotton napkin.
  3. Drip daily lavender oil into the puncture site, which accelerates healing.
  4. Scroll through the inserted bar can not, because such movements will interfere with healing.
  5. Keep your face and hair perfectly clean.
  6. The decoration can be changed only after complete healing of the wound.
  7. Within 2 months you do not need to use eyebrow cosmetics.
  8. Drink vitamins from group B.
  9. Avoid for 2 months saunas, baths, swimming pools.
  10. There is conflicting information that how much eyebrow piercing heals: call the terms from 3 weeks to 2 months.
  11. Exclude injury to this place: especially be careful when changing clothes so that you do not accidentally touch the decoration.

If you carelessly treat the care of punctures in this part of the face, effects of eyebrow piercing can be the saddest. The master should warn you about this in advance.

Opinion specialist.You can find tips to wash the piercing piercing with hydrogen peroxide, but it can play the role of an aggressive factor in this case, constantly irritating the skin receptors and interfering with the rapid healing of the wound.

Complications and side effects

To eyebrows after piercing healed as quickly as possible, appropriate care is required. If the above rules are not observed, or if the master is not professional (a wrong puncture was made), or while ignoring contraindications, complications cannot be avoided:

  • deterioration and even loss of vision due to injury of the optic nerve,
  • suppuration, which can lead to conjunctivitis, blepharitis and hair loss from the eyebrows,
  • if you don’t wear jewelry for a long time, the punctures will become overgrown, but the scar after piercing the eyebrow will last for a lifetime,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • sepsis.

However, complications should be distinguished from side effects that are considered normal and should not cause you to panic:

  • minor bleeding - 2 days,
  • hyperemia - 4 days,
  • hypersensitivity - 2 weeks,
  • suckling secretion - 2 weeks.

Undoubtedly, eyebrow piercing is a great way to stand out from the crowd, to express their individuality, to become different from others. But at the same time it is necessary to understand the responsibility of such a step. This, of course, is not a tattoo, and you can always remove the earring from the puncture, but the mark will remain anyway. Do you need in the future such a witness to your bright youth? Think about it. If this is, of course, a matter of principle, and you really want it - an unobtrusive, modest decoration can actually make you more attractive. The main thing is to do everything correctly so as not to harm your own health.

The consequences of eyebrow puncture in girls and men - a scar

Despite the increased popularity, piercing often causes rejection of people of conservative views, and they are not so few.

Eyebrow piercing

This should be mentally prepared, because the earring in the eyebrow area is always in sight and it will be difficult to hide it.

This problem is particularly acute in the workplace, when the appearance of employees is strictly stipulated and must be restrained and concise or the employer is categorically against such “liberties” in the guise of subordinates. The way out of the situation can be the removal of the decoration for the required period and the masking of the holes with the help of decorative cosmetics. But this can be done only after complete healing of the puncture.

Eyebrow piercing from piercing the ear lobes is distinguished by the complexity of the procedure, more pronounced bleeding and duration of healing. But compared with punching holes in mucous membranes, such as the nose, tongue or lip, the eyebrow version is more gentle and safe.

Pierced lips

Piercing types: horizontal, vertical

Eyebrow piercing is of the following types:

  1. vertical,
  2. at an angle
  3. horizontal,
  4. anti-eyebrow,
  5. bridge.
  • Vertical piercing - piercing the outer edge of the eyebrow of two holes, located strictly above each other. This method is not particularly popular, as it involves the inconvenient location of the earring, which tends to cling to hair or clothing.

Vertical piercing

  • Technique "at an angle" contributes to a more comfortable wearing jewelry. The degree of inclination of the line piercing is determined individually.
  • Horizontal piercing is a puncture in the eyebrow, done in such a way that the bar is located parallel to the eyebrow line and, as a rule, above it.
  • Anti-eyebrow─ this type of body modification to eyebrow piercing can be attributed conditionally, because the puncture is performed in the area of ​​the cheekbones, at the external angle of the eye


  • Bridge ─ punching two holes on the inner sides of the eyebrows.

Selection of jewelry: trompe l'oeil, earrings, gold, bar

A pierced eyebrow needs a properly selected earring. These can be small ringlets in the spirit of minimalism or decorated with balls, carvings or even rhinestones. Their closest analogue is the circular horseshoe bar. Its design is most often performed without frills, and the showiness adds bright colors with modulations.

But the most appropriate decorations from the physiology and comfort are rod and bananas. They are less affected by surrounding objects and are also more inert in the wound, which reduces the risk of trauma and speeds up healing. The range of these earrings allows you to choose a thing that is suitable for the parameters and appearance.

Piercing Earrings

This may be a small monochromatic bar with neat balls at the ends, a colored banana with tips in the form of cones and others featured with original fasteners inlaid with sparkling stones.

How to make a brow at home

The piercer pierces the eyebrow using the following technology:

  1. Treatment of the skin area with an antiseptic and immersion of the earring in a container with a disinfectant liquid.
  2. Marking future holes based on the length of the rod.
  3. The skin fold is fixed with a special clip according to the marks.
  4. Using a needle-catheter creates a puncture.
  5. The needle goes, and instead of it, an earring is inserted into the catheter.

It is important to choose an experienced master who will competently perform the entire procedure, will pay due attention to the disinfection of instruments and will not touch the optic nerve. Therefore, it is not recommended to do piercing in handicraft conditions with questionable specialists or independently. Otherwise, there may be negative effects of eyebrow piercing, including:

  • blood poisoning,
  • dirt or infection in a wound
  • damage to the major vessels and the optic nerve.

Keep in mind! Eyebrow puncture is strictly contraindicated for people with low immunity and hypersensitivity to the decoration material.

Eyebrow pierced

The price for which you can pierce an eyebrow starts from 1000 rubles.

Eyebrow care after piercing

In the process of healing piercing an important role is played by proper care of the puncture site, namely:

  • timely remove crusts from the wound with saline,
  • regular cleaning of the earring with a toothbrush, given that it is not recommended to remove it for 3-6 weeks,
  • process holes with purified water and lavender oil several times a day,
  • Take B vitamins that speed healing

Horizontal puncture Edit

The piercing is done in parallel under or above the main brow ridge, depending on the preferences of the piercing master. This type of piercing is considered more difficult than a puncture at an angle and a vertical puncture, so it is desirable for him to use the rod, bent under the plane piercing.

Anti-eyebrow Edit

A kind of plane piercing where a puncture is made in the upper part of the cheek, under the eye. As a decoration, as a rule, a curved bar or a bar bent under plane piercing is used. Decoration, as a rule, is set at an angle so that the bottom ball is closer to the ear than the top one. Other arrangements are possible.

In addition to the main varieties, it is also possible to create different combinations of punctures on one or both eyebrows.

Straight rods, banana rods, originally developed for navel piercings, rotated under a plane puncture, and ball-buckle rings are used as eyebrow piercing jewelry. Often, balls of various colors and materials, as well as clasps-decorations of other shapes, are wound onto the bar as jewelry. To increase the chances of successful healing of piercings, weights are used of the most compatible materials with body tissues - titanium and Teflon.

Eyebrow puncture refers to modern types of piercing. Eyebrow piercing gained popularity in the 1980s. Faith No More singer Chuck Mosley was one of the first public people to get an eyebrow piercing, which increased the popularity of this type of piercing in the West.

Currently, eyebrow punctures continue to gain popularity. Among famous people pierced eyebrows are worn by the singer Melanie Brown, Fergie, vocalist of the band Rammstein Till Lindemann and Jozh.

Choosing a puncture site

The classic puncture site is on the outer third (or quarter) of the eyebrow, although there are many other options. Although this piercing is called vertical, as a rule, it looks most aesthetically pleasing when placed perpendicular to the eyebrow - or with a slope that mirrors the goal formed by the outer corner of the eye and the outer edge of the eyebrow. Too vertical puncture may look ugly, and if you insert a ring into it, it will stick out (if the puncture is done correctly, the ring should lie on the eyebrow).

Most piercing lovers have a hairy part of the eyebrow than the puncture canal, therefore, in order for the piercing to look aesthetically pleasing, the entrance and exit of the canal should be located at equal distance from the eyebrow hairs, above and below their line. For vertical punctures and punctures in the center of the eyebrows, microbanans are best suited. Horizontal punctures are less common than standard variations, but are rapidly gaining popularity. Horizontal eyebrow piercing is located slightly above or below the eyebrow hairs (or directly in them), and can be tilted depending on the anatomy of the client. (The two main types of eyebrow piercing are still called “vertical” and “horizontal” - despite the fact that the slope sometimes completely erases the difference between them.) A horizontal puncture can be done anywhere: both closer to the center of the eyebrow, and near the outer part, if there is enough fabric and it is sufficiently malleable.

Piercing on the inner edge of the eyebrow (both strictly vertical and tilted) is also possible, but rarely occurs: the problem is that the fabric in this place is hard, therefore it is difficult to fix and, therefore, difficult to pierce. You can do multi-piercing, it all depends on your imagination and the experience of your master.

Piercing procedure should occur approximately as follows:

1. The client chooses the favorite decoration from the proposed master.

2. The master advises the client that it will not be possible to do some time after the puncture (eat very spicy or very salty foods, drink too hot tea or coffee, drink alcohol, smoke). And also learns about the nuances of the client's health, which can affect the piercing or its healing.

3. The master takes the jewelry sterilized in an autoclave with wipes, disposable piercing needle and gloves.

4. While sterilization is underway, the client fills out a questionnaire in which he specifies detailed information about his health and studies the care instructions that he takes with him.

5. Sterilization is complete. The client goes to the office.

6. The wizard takes out the sterilized instruments, processes the puncture site with a disinfectant surgical scrub, puts on sterile gloves and puts the markings on the puncture site.

7. Sterile disposable needle is punctured exactly on the markup, the decoration is inserted immediately after the needle.

Healing and problem solving

Eyebrow punctures often cause swelling and hematomas, and there are frequent residual bleeding, which can bother you for the first few days after the puncture. A small percentage of punctures swells significantly immediately after the procedure. When using a ring in a fresh puncture, it can stick out, even if the dyeing is inserted at an angle. This is a temporary phenomenon: if the size of the ring is chosen correctly, then it will tilt to the surface of the skin when the fabric around the dyeing is relaxed. The ring will stick out even after the end of healing, if it is too small in diameter or stands in a puncture that is made too vertically. There is nothing terrible in the fact that sweat falls into the brow of the eyebrow - if you regularly wash it, there will be no problems. Do not wipe the brow with your hands: instead, gently blot it with a clean disposable paper towel.

Eyebrow piercing features and varieties

There are several ways to pierce eyebrows, each of which has its own distinctive features and a special technique for forming a hole. So, there are some types of eyebrow piercing that differ directly in the piercing technique:

  • Punched eyebrows diagonally. In this case, a special needle passes under the angle chosen by the master and the client himself - the holes are formed above and below the eyebrow line. In this case, it is quite problematic to care for the piercing - there is a big risk of permanent touching the jewelry with clothes or hands. A punctured hole heals for a long time, and the constant clinging of the earring significantly prolongs the process of wound healing.
  • Punctures on a vertical. In this case, the needle is inserted into the eyebrow strictly along one line. Care for eyebrow piercing is not difficult - just unscrew the ball, treat the puncture site with a disinfectant solution and put the barbell in place. Healing occurs fairly quickly, if you observe the condition of proper care.
  • Horizontal puncture. A fairly common procedure, both among girls and men. In this case, punctures are performed in parallel on the same line: under the eyebrow or above it. With a horizontal puncture care for eyebrows becomes much easier, and also reduces the risk of possible consequences. The fact that the earring is located as close as possible to the skin, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of injury to the tissue and the occurrence of pain.
  • Anti-eyebrow. This is a special technique of introducing the rod, in which holes are made under the eye. In this case, the impression of the second superciliary arch.

In the event that a potential client is not satisfied with any of the above options, the master can offer a combination of all types of piercing. Before you do the eyebrow piercing, you should get acquainted with the technique, which will tell you how to care for your face and holes.

Piercing technique in the cabin

Eyebrow puncture is a technique that requires basic knowledge of human physiology and specialized tools. The place above the eyebrow is characterized by the presence of a large number of nerve endings. This means that the tissue punctured by the barbell can cause pain.

You should also think about the possible consequences that may develop after puncturing over or under the eyebrows. What matters is the classification and experience of the master, as well as the material from which the earring. It is also important how you care for the ring or barbell in the eyebrows.

For eyebrow piercing it is important to correctly select the jewelry that should be made of high quality materials. Also important is the selection of the salon, which will have to do the piercing. By the way, about body art studios - many salons practice combining services.

This means that in one place, girls and men can get a tattoo and insert an earring. In some salons there are a sufficient number of experienced craftsmen who will help to create a unique image, emphasizing the personality and beauty of the body.

Some girls and even men think about Does it hurt to pierce the eyebrow? It also concerns the cost of this procedure. There is no single answer to any question.

Some masters are ready to make a puncture for a ridiculous price, while others pay special attention to the piercer. In any case, each master must observe a special technique for performing this procedure. Otherwise, the client is unlikely to be happy with the consequences.

Technique of piercing at eyebrow piercing

Judging by the number of video views on how to pierce an eyebrow at home, we can conclude that some comrades practice this thing in reality. It should be recalled that this procedure is fraught with consequences.

There are a lot of stories about how the girl herself pierced her eyebrow, and then did not know how to grow a place of shame. That is why the best option would be to contact a professional masterwho pierced his eyebrows more than once and certainly knows the features of the earrings and the technique of their correct introduction.

Does piercing hurt? It all depends on the sensitivity of each client and his patience. There are customers who pierced their eyebrows, but they did not even notice. And there are those who could not stand the pain even a few days after the procedure. Therefore, the question “Piercing - does it hurt?” There is no definite answer.

Regardless of whether it’s home or salon conditions, eyebrow piercing should be performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Firstly, the master tells the client about the possible consequences and tries to identify the level of pain threshold. At this stage, it would not hurt the client to tell how much the hole heals and how to care for the puncture.
  • After that it is necessary thoroughly sanitized piercing tools. Before piercing the eyebrow, you should treat the puncture site directly with an antiseptic.
  • After that, a marker is made.
  • Special forceps fixed skin.
  • Next, a quick and steady movement of the needle is introduced along the intended line.
  • Without removing the needle, the master inserts the earring, fixes it and treats the wound with a disinfectant solution.

Thereafter it only remains to wait for the wound to fully heal. It is important to properly care for the piercing and not to get the earring for a long time.

How to choose the right jewelry?

In fact, jewelry has its own classification. There are men's earrings, there are women's. There are products made from a special medical alloy, steel, silver and even gold. It is important to choose the right male or female accessory, which not only emphasizes individuality, but also allows you to avoid possible complications.

First of all, it is necessary to consult a master who can suggest the type of jewelry intended for male or female piercing. There are several types of earrings designed for appropriate piercing.

At first, after the procedure, only those decorations made of special medical steel should be worn. This will reduce the likelihood of complications of puncture and healing.

Piercing the eyebrow, the master will say that ordinary jewelry can be worn only after complete healing of wounds. This may be a typical bar with the most unusual tips that will allow to form different images.

How to grow piercing? It is enough just to remove the earring - in a short time the holes will overgrow themselves. Otherwise, you can ask for help in a beauty salon.

Eyebrow Piercing: Possible Effects:

  • The development of the inflammatory process with improper care of the puncture site.
  • Visual impairment during the tarring of the optic nerve.
  • A scar at the puncture site.

Before you go to the salon, you should weigh the pros and cons, and also think about what the failure of all recommendations may lead to. Otherwise, the question “How to remove the piercing?” Will arise in thoughts more and more often.

Body piercing dignity

Piercing allows you to attract attention without much effort, this is one of the goals of a pierced eyebrow. Being located on the most open place (on the face), it often becomes the main highlight of the exterior. Contrary to controversial opinions, piercing is now being done not only by informal people, but also by quite ordinary young people who want to bring freshness and brightness to their image. Among the advantages of this procedure are the following points.

  1. Versatility. Unlike the navel or the ears, both girls and boys can pierce an eyebrow.
  2. No discomfort. The pain can be felt only at the time of puncture. In the future, uncomfortable sensations do not arise.
  3. Short recovery period. The average healing time is about three weeks. Puncture care can be done independently.
  4. Bright effect. Owners of piercing attract attention to themselves to a much greater extent than those who do not have jewelry on the eyebrows.

Eyebrow pierced within a minute. There is no preliminary preparation. Having done the piercing once, you will be able to wear jewelry throughout life.

Lack of body piercing

Piercing the eyebrow, you must use only high-quality materials and carry out their complete sterilization. Otherwise, the decoration may harm the body. It also happens that, while respecting all hygiene measures, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided. What other cons can be noted?

  1. Attitude of close and familiar people. Often, parents, teachers or leadership strongly oppose this type of decoration. The consequence of eyebrow piercing can often be articles of family quarrels or even dismissal at work. Unfortunately, not all people are ready to understand and accept this way of self-expression.
  2. Nerve damage. A master can touch a nerve during skin piercing, which leads to a deterioration of vision. Even qualified specialists are not insured against such a mistake, therefore this risk should be borne in mind by all who wish to change their appearance by means of piercing.
  3. Injury risk Being located on the eyebrow, the earring is constantly exposed to mechanical stress. It can be pulled out with a comb, a towel or clothes, making the usual daily procedures. With careless handling, an eyebrow piercing can make you very painful.
  4. Rejection of jewelry. Under the puncture a new skin is formed, because of which the surface becomes thinner. If the distance between the earring and the epidermis is shallow, it is likely that the decoration will be rejected soon.

If you remove the decoration, then disguise the trace of it (for example, using makeup) will be difficult. This makes it necessary to carefully weigh all the nuances before deciding on the procedure.

Eyebrow Puncture Technology

How to do an eyebrow piercing and whether it will hurt to pierce the eyebrow is one of the key issues that concern people who are seriously interested in doing a piercing. Let's consider the classic version of events.

  1. Tools and decoration are thoroughly sterilized.
  2. Choose the location of the future piercing on the simulated photo. It is usually done in the last quarter of the eyebrow, almost at the very edge.
  3. The puncture site also needs to be disinfected. The skin is treated with alcohol or another bactericidal solution.
  4. At the same time you can pierce only one eyebrow and only in a certain place. You can do the next piercing after the wound from the first one has healed completely.
  5. Immediately after piercing, you must wear a piece of jewelry. Usually choose earrings made of precious metals, since they almost never cause allergic reactions.

During healing, it is forbidden to touch the wound and change the jewelry. It is necessary to treat the puncture site with a disinfectant twice a day for at least 2-3 weeks. If irritation, pain or pus develops, it is better to consult a doctor immediately, since the piercing will be located in close proximity to the eye.

How much does an eyebrow piercing cost is another important question, since we are talking mainly about young people. If we talk about the puncture procedure itself in adequate conditions in compliance with all safety rules, then the issue price will be in the range of 1-2 thousand rubles. The cost of the decoration itself will depend on your choice.

Photo Gallery

Many young people really want to get pierced, but they doubt it. Outweighs the number of pros existing cons? So that you can answer this question for yourself, we offer you a few photos of the lucky owners of eyebrow piercings. Is it worth it? You decide.

Personalization with the help of piercing in the modern world is not considered to be something surprising. Even many technologies and types of décor have been developed, not to mention the huge number of piercing areas. To get a visual overview of the whole procedure, be sure to watch the final video.


Watch the video: Eyebrows piercing at home Tutorial - DIY (July 2024).